Nov 1, 2022
There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion.
Daniel Dennett
If you Google shortness of breath, chest pain - it's gonna always tell you: heart attack, heart problem, seek medical attention. But if you could fine-tune that search: shortness of breath for 3 straight years, it's panic attack.
YT Panic Attack Symptoms
The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.
Daniel Dennett
The problem is that no ethical system has ever achieved consensus. Ethical systems are completely unlike mathematics or science. This is a source of concern.
Daniel Dennett
We are all zombies.
Daniel Dennett
Nov 1
Why didn't you tell us all this in the boardroom that day?
- No one was gonna listen, sir. Not to me. You can bend the rules upstairs, but not while you're trying to get there. And someone like me can't get there without bending the rules.
Working Girl (1988)
Nov 2
Once you impact or actually infect the way someone thinks they are easy to manipulate. Someone highly narcissistic would want to infect someone in mental field. Get to the point where you question everything.
Lisa Romano
Nov 2
This is someone who is withholding information. You are left you have nowhere to go with this. To get me feel afraid of confronting him. I was being conditioned to be afraid of holding him accountable and stirring the pot.
Lisa Romano
Nov 2
Living in fear of displeasing them, walking around on eggshells. If you are not fulfilling yourself, if you are not moving in direction that fulfills your soul - you are being drained by this experience.
Lisa Romano
Nov 2
"It's so heartbreaking that we recreate the very horrific circumstances from which we came. It's as if we think that we'll "get it right" this time."
Nov 2
If enough people call you something, you start to believe it. That's how gaslighting works. And that any behaviour good or bad, is distorted into what people want it to be. Being in relationship where that happens, still breaks us
Taylor Swift
Nov 2
Themes she sings about rumination, social comparison, feeling that your identity is being dictated by other people and self blame, self-shame, it's me, I am the problem -these are wounds people carry around.
YT DoctorRamani
Taylor Swift's Anti-Hero
Nov 2
"I get older but not wiser" Making mistakes over and over again. She talks about isolation – "All people I ghosted stand in room". Helplessness – I should not be left to my own devices, I end up in crisis.
YT DoctorRamani
Taylor Swift's Anti-Hero
Nov 2
Did you hear my covert narcissism
I might disguise as altruism
Like some kind of congressman
Tale as old as time
Taylor Swift - Anti-Hero
Nov 2
If you look around at your family and friends, you will see that the happiest people are the ones who don't pretend to know what's right for others and don't try to control anyone but themselves.
William Glasser
Nov 2
Good or bad, everything we do it our best choice at that moment.
William Glasser
Nov 2
If we don't discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.
William Feather
Nov 2
Beware of the person who can't be bothered by details.
William Feather
Nov 2
To do a great right, do a little wrong.
William Shakespeare
Nov 2
Your reality is sacred. Don't pawn it off on a narcissist.
Nov 2
A system that places value on people's bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, intelligence, excellence and productivity.
Determining who is valuable and worthy based on a person's appearance and/or ability to "behave".

Nov 2
You know, there are two kinds of evil. There's the evil that exists as an external force that threatens the well-being of the tribe. Survival depends on understanding and awareness and fear of physical threat to our daily lives.
Halloween Ends (2022)
Nov 2
The other kind of evil lives inside us. Like a sickness or an infection. It's more dangerous because we may not know we're infected.
Halloween Ends (2022)
Nov 3
Art comedy "Ténor" (2022).
During a sushi delivery at the Paris Opera, rapper Antoine accidentally meets Madame Loyseau, who immediately recognizes his talent as an opera singer.
Forces him to find his own voice...

Nov 3
“and the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance. Your view of life is a regrettable delusion.”
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
Nov 3
“No one can attain to truth by himself. Only by laying stone on stone with the cooperation of all, by the millions of generations from our forefather Adam to our own times, is that temple reared which is to be a worthy dwelling place of the Great God,”
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

Nov 3
To receive that science it is necessary to purify and renew one’s inner self, and so before one can know, it is necessary to believe and to perfect one’s self. And to attain this end,we have the light called conscience that God has implanted in our souls
War and Peace
Leo Tolstoy
Nov 3
"My gut is that most conspiracy theorists have never been project managers.
Their optimism is adorable."
Nov 3
Dad, we did something very bad.
- Did you wreck the car?
- No.
- Did you raise the dead?
- Yes!
- But the car is OK?
- Aha.
- Alright then.
Nov 3
All I'm trying to do here is help you.
- No! All you're trying to do is make it so you don't have to deal with it. You're fine as long as everything is easy and agreeable, but God Forbid anything become real, or even a tiny bit difficult. How it's gonna f*ck up your perfect plan.
Nov 3
A 14 karat gold item, also known as 583/585 gold, means that over half of the mixture, or 58.3 percent and 58.5 percent, respectively, is pure gold.
14/24 = . 583333
Pure gold is 24 karats and . 999 fine.
Nov 4
Always lived my life alone,
Been searching for a place called home.
I know that I've been cold as ice,
Ignored the dreams, too many lies.
Somewhere deep inside me,
I found ... the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
To late...
Nov 4
Narcissists don't see you on par with them. They have dehumanizing tendency to rationalize why it is ok not treat you in fair and reasonable way. Fundamentally committed to criticism anything I do, to be wrong.
YT Surviving Narcissism
Nov 4
Narcissists see you as narcissistic supply. They were grooming you, as long as you go along with their program and gave what they thought is appropriate then that is ok, you are being used. Dehumanize, you are a prop.
YT Surviving Narcissism
Nov 4
Narcissists want to draw you into their confidence, look at me, I'm someone you can trust. Only for you to realize that they do so for the purpose of exploiting you. Trust is not two way street, all about them. You're nil.
YT Surviving Narcissism
Nov 4
Narcissists take delight in making you look inadequate. That's part of dehumanizing you. Rather than saying let me lift you up. Actually when we find out what's bad about you that makes me look better. Elevate themselves at your expense.
YT Surviving Narc.
Nov 4
SCREAMING into Gibraltar | S07E18
YT Sailing Project Atticus

Nov 4
You will understand there is no reason to be triggered. Understand what narcissism is. Less scared , less anxiety. You will understand this is personality disorder, you will take it less personally.
They use your reaction against you.
YT Rebecca Zung
Nov 4
In the conscious half people construct an ideal image of themselves: formed by bits they deem as good and acceptable. In the unconscious half, they repress parts of themselves that they view as bad and unacceptable.
YT Become Who You're Afraid To Be
Nov 4
“For the last time I say to you—turn all your attention upon yourself, put a bridle on your senses, and seek blessedness, not in passion but in your own heart. The source of blessedness is not without (outside) us but within....”
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
Nov 4
"It's a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research & study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other."
• Aldous Huxley

Nov 4
One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.
Aldous Huxley
Nov 4
Pull Willie, pull!
- I'm doing all the pulling you blouse wearing poodle walker.
The Simpsons Season 5-episode-5
Treehouse of Horror IV
Nov 5
Do you feel like there is something intrinsically wrong with who you are and that makes you unworthy? Do you believe there is something you need to change about yourself in order to become lovable?
YT Heal Your Codependency with Marshall Burtcher
Nov 5
Do you wrestle with idea that there is something about you that is causes the results you get in your life that makes other people do certain things that cause pain in your world. Do you think your value depends on output?
YT Marshall Burtcher
Nov 5
That your value depend on what you produce? And because you don't get the results you want that there is something wrong with who you are. Those are common signals of the fixing loop, fixing trap.
YT M. Burtcher
Are you trying to be worthy by fixing ys?
Nov 5
We have assumed that we are the problem that creates the outcome we are living with. We haven't be able to grapple with the effect of powerlessness in our world yet. Usually child encountering big complex experiences.
YT Marshall Burtcher
Nov 5
They believe they have responsibility to outcomes that other people are creating with their choices and behaviours. Because they don't have anywhere else to go. “If I change me, they'll stop doing that”
YT Heal Your Codependency with Marshall Burtcher
Nov 5
“If I fix me they will stop being angry at me, doing these things, they will see me, maybe they'll connect with me”. This gets us into fantasy of fixing where we think we can change the world by fixing it.
YT Are you trying to be worthy by fixing yourself?
Nov 5
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.
Nov 5
If you fail to plan out your life you will live according to someone else's plan. Legalistic Christianity we want to avoid: doing just enough to stay in and not being outsider. It's not sin but is it helping you to become person you want 2 be
Nov 5
The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Because their voice has been silences so early in their lives. Normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society.
Aldous Huxley
Nov 5
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Aldous Huxley
Nov 5
Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn't become king. He gets lynched.
Aldous Huxley
Nov 6
Windows Movie Maker has been discontinued.
Free alternative is CyberLink PowerDirector 365
He could not now understand how he could ever even have doubted the necessity of taking an active share in life. It now seemed clear to him that all his experience of life must be senselessly wasted unless he applied it to some kind of work and again played an active part in life
Peterhof Palace, Saint Petersburg

Nov 6
Some people are more sensitive to these mysterious electronic impulses than others. These unfortunate, sensitive people will at times feel a strange, tingling sensation. Others will feel it less strongly.
The Tingler (1959)

At any time you are conscious of a tingling sensation you may obtain immediate relief by screaming. Don't be embarrassed about opening your mouth and letting rip with all you got.
And remember this: A scream at the right time may save your life.
The Tingler (1959)
There's a force in us that science knows nothing about. The force of fear. That it's strong enough to shatter the spinal column, we know. But what it is... what causes it to appear and disappear, we don't know. Never had a name for it until now. Now I think I'll call it "Tingler"
You cannot not communicate. Every behavior is a kind of communication. Because behavior does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behavior), it is not possible not to communicate.
Paul Watzlawick
To create the footage of the bright red blood flowing in a black and white film, they simply build a set in shades of black and white so that it would photograph on color film as if were being shot on black and white stock.
IMDb trivia
The Tingler (1959)

Nov 6
Maturity is having the courage to use one's own intelligence.
Immanuel Kant
Nov 6
We are the slaves of that, what does not make us happy.
Hans Arndt
Nov 6
Four sides of message.
Except for "Factual information", these sides are open to interpretation. There can be a huge gap between what is said and what is perceived. It depends on who is speaking and who is listening.
Nov 6
During its initial theatrical release, attendees were given small white cards with luminous thumbs with which to vote thumbs-up or thumbs-down.
IMDb trivia
Sardonicus (1961)
Nov 6
His affliction came not from God above nor fiend below but from within his heart, his brain, his soul. His cure came from within him too. All he needs is to know that he was his own healer. Without that, he is doomed.
Sardonicus (1961)
Nov 6
At first, my superstitious peasant mind believed Heaven had cursed me to punish me. But I began to believe it was the massive shock that caused it. That my guilt also helped shape it. Shock and guilt. Strong powers not from God above but from within my own heart, my brain, soul.
Nov 7
Lunar sunset.
Nov 7
To favor revolutions, overthrow everything, repel force by force?... No! We are very far from that. Every violent reform deserves censure, for it quite fails to remedy evil while men remain what they are, and also because wisdom needs no violence.
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
Nov 7
The movie was filmed in "Illusion-O" and a special viewer was needed to see the ghosts. The red filter would cause the ghostly images to intensify while the blue filter caused the images to fade.
IMDb trivia
13 Ghosts (1960)
Nov 7
Holding people accountable for their crimes has high precedence over errors and misjudgments.
Nov 7
A réveillon is a long dinner held in the evening preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. Its name descends from the word réveil, because participation involves staying awake until morning, as the meal finishes. Wikipedia

Nov 7
All of my experiments are directed towards freeing of the creature imprisoned within. In every human personality two forces struggle for supremacy.
The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960)
Nov 7
Man has always known that his personality is an uneasy and and unsatisfactory combination of conflicting elements. We must accept this conflict and support the good in us. Good. Evil. This moral quibbling is useless. Man, as he is, comprises two beings
The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll
Nov 7
In his perfection, this inner man is beyond good and evil. Man as he would be. Free of all the restrictions society imposes upon us. Subject only to his own will. For what civilises us, other than these moral restrictions of which you make so little?
The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll
Nov 7
It is for us to release and understand every force in nature.
- This higher man you speak of is the weaker element in us. Our lust and our violence feed the weaker man. That is why there are so few saints and so many sinners. Will you cut evil out of man with a scalpel, Henry?
Nov 8
Do you know, that when one goes on and on recalling memories, one at last begins to remember what happened before one was in the world. I am certain that we were angels somewhere there, and have been here, and that is why we remember.
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy (1867)
Nov 8
Metempsychosis, in philosophy, is the transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death. The term is derived from ancient Greek philosophy.
Re-context by modern philosophers such as Arthur Schopenhauer; the term transmigration is more appropriate. Wikipedia
Nov 8
The Nebra Sky Disc is widely believed to be 3,600 years old, dating from the Bronze Age. The bronze disc was unearthed in Germany in 1999 and is considered one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th Century. (BBC)
Nov 9
As oppose to America, today is 9/11 in Europe, South America, Africa and Australia.
Nov 9
Every sphere of work was connected, in his eyes, with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he engaged in, the evil and falsehood of it repulsed him and blocked every path of activity. Yet he had to live and to find occupation.
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
Nov 9
Be bad, but at least don't be a liar, a deceiver!
Leo Tolstoy
Nov 9
They are not conscious. They just to it to get some reaction from you. By doing it they feel better about themselves. It is just attention this person is seeking, prove to be right; you are beneath me, winning means I am better, important.
YT Stephanie Lyn
Nov 9
So desire to win just really stems from such a deep sense of inner shame and insecurity that they need that win, boost, win over you, look themselves higher than you, that feeds ego. This person needs significance over another human being.
YT Stephanie Lyn
Nov 9
“I don't know how to build that within myself so I need it from outside of me.” And that's where narcissistic supply comes into. Picking the fights is Acknowledge me, Give me attention. Me being better than you.
YT Stephanie Lyn Coaching
Nov 9
Anatole is one of Prince Vassily’s sons, known as an amoral good-for-nothing. He looks at life as entertainment, nothing more, and he doesn’t worry about the consequences of his actions for himself or others.
War and Peace (1867)

Nov 9
Brain in a vat used as a tool which pumps out secrets in the movie Project X (1968).
Nov 10
Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Thomas Hobbes
Nov 10
Hobbes believed that humans were born cruel, greedy, and selfish which required a strong centralized government to prevent chaos.
Government should embody this "Leviathan" monster by having absolute power and strength over all facets of society.
Nov 11
Instead of CBT I would see Humanistic therapies as the correct approach.
CBT and DSM ought to be banned or changed radically - in its current state it is nothing else but a form of narcissistic abuse.
Nov 11
Give him a moment. A man is always embarrassed after anger.
The Full Treatment (1960)
Nov 11
...the essential intention is the real sin. A man who cannot choose ceases to be a man.
Anthony Burgess
Nov 12
You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them.. but still move on without them.
Letting go
Nov 12
Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.
Alan Watts
Nov 12
When you start seeing your worth, you'll find it harder to stay around people who don't.
Nov 12
Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like.
Nov 12
Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.
Gautama Buddha
Nov 12
Empress Catherine the Great:
What do we need with the Crimea? We have enough territory. It would be nice to have a little peninsula on the Black Sea. I don't want to be pushed into any war. I don't want war! I hate war, do you understand me?
A Royal Scandal (1945)
Nov 12
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style;
You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya' decide to smile!
Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,
Slap on a happy grin!
"Put On A Happy Face"
Nov 13
When fully alert the conscious mind tends to be very critical and often inclined to over-analyse when problem-solving. This can often lead to unproductive results such as avoidance and indecision, refusal to take action and excessive anxiety.
"Self-hypnosis", Elaine Sheehan
Nov 13
In the hypnotic state the frequently unhelpful conscious mind is less likely to interfere, thus partially freeing the subject from normal logic. This enables the subconscious mind to become more attentive and receptive to therapy in the form of suggestion, imagery
"Self hypnosis"
Nov 13
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was one of the first to utilize hypnosis to investigate the subconscious mind for possible causes of anxiety. Prior to this the main emphasis had been on removal of direct symptoms rather than elimination of apparent causes.
"Self-Hypnosis", E. Sheehan

Nov 13
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) devised his famous 'baquets'. These were large tubs filled with water and iron filings from which protruded iron rods. These rods were clasped by patients to they could receive the 'magnetic flow'.
"Self-Hypnosis", Elaine Sheehan

Nov 13
Time travel to my room in 1990:
Alf, Madonna, Vanilla Ice

Nov 14
If there is a community of computers living in my head, there had also better be somebody who is in charge: and by God, it had better be me.
Jerry Fodor
Nov 14
The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.
Carl Rogers
Nov 15
It worked beautifully. Another success.
- It's an odd thing, Steve. The more you succeed, the more you fear the failures.
Corruption (1968)
Nov 15
The Garmin quatix 7 Sapphire
"display several types of Garmin® map data, including topographical contours, nearby points of interest, ski resort maps, and golf courses."
Nov 15
You have something very special inside you, young lady, the seed that contains your unique self. You must learn to nurture that seed. You may have to jump off into the darkness. How desperate they feel, those moments before you jump. You gotta jump.
Times Square (1980)
Nov 15
They tell me I'm crazy. But the truth is I just know bullshit when I see it!
Times Square (1980)
Nov 16
- She can't stand anybody being mean to her. That's the only time she'll cry.
- I wasn't being mean to her.
- Well maybe you didn't think so. It's not about what you said exactly. It's how you said it. Sounded like a general.
The Mad Room (1969)
Nov 16
When you feel trapped, you search for a way out. And if you stop running long enough and sit down with yourself, you find out the truth. And most of the time, you find you have no one to blame but yourself.
- What is you have to blame yourself for?
The Mad Room (1969)
Nov 16
I used to get into a lot of trouble. People resented me, hated me. I finally figured out way. I used to ask too many personal questions. I didn't know how to mind my own business.
- Well, when you get older, you'll probably settle for a good massage.
The Mad Room (1969)
Nov 16
Beautiful logo for Iceland public TV RÚV designed by Gísli B. Björnsson.
Nov 16
Yacht Crew Wanted
Amateur and professional yacht crewing positions available worldwide - from day-sailing to trans-ocean for all experience levels.
Nov 17
Laundry list for adult children of alcoholics:
we became isolated and afraid of many people and authority figures.
We became approval seekers and lost our identity in the process=codependency
Frightened by angry people & any personal criticism.
Lisa Romano
If you are the adult child of alcoholic you feel abandoned. You end up replaying the abandonment issue in future relationships. So you always end up chasing after someone else's love, their time, and their approval. Viewpoint of victim.
Lisa Romano
We get guilt feelings when we stand up for ourselves instead of giving in to others. It's so unnatural to put ourselves first. We have so much shame, fear saying I, we don't have healthy ego boundaries. Chaotic becomes norm, our resonance.
Lisa Romano
I didn't know what I had a right to ask for, what I had a right to need, what I had a right to express, or what I had a right to feel. I grown up like many of you feeling I had no right to look, that my emotions were irrelevant.
Lisa Romano
I had grown up feeling I had no right to say I was in pain. I was conditioned to think that if I complained that I was weak. If I complained that I was selfish. I was making big deal out of nothing. Criticized and humiliated,wrong to talk about
Lisa Romano
Echo is the nymph, cursed by queen goddesses. She can never speak. She has no voice of her own. She can only repeat what other have given her. The narcissist is toxically yang. Echo is response to that, toxic yin, empty, no self, no substance.
Narcissistic abuse carves out the self. People raised in highly narcissistic environments, they carve out their own self. Come back to themselves, to not be empty, to re-find a voice, re-find a will, an intention/samangat to live life fully
Black sheep can't do right for doing wrong. Bad object. Whatever you do, no matter how good it is, or how perfect it is, or how you excel, it is wrong. That is your function, you are blame carrier, no matter what you do.
Trauma can also be when something is not given to the person that is something they really need. If you are in pain, that would be torture if I can give you medical assistance but I am not - that is classed as war crime.
Nov 18
You forever want to experience anger, fear. All emotions. Why? Because that is what guides you through life. If you didn't experience anger, how would you know that something isn't okay? Indicator.
YT JulienHimself
If you never told someone “Hey, here's the limit. This is what I am ok with, this is too much”. And you never tell them, they can't figure that out on their own. With every boundary you have to express it in healthy way. Win-win.
YT Saying No
We're condition to think that disagreements and arguments are bad. No, they're normal, they're healthy – and they are part of life 'cause we're all different. There is toxic way of arguing – when you are triggered.
YT JulienHimself
Nov 19
Dark Horse:
"a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds."
"a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising ability or skill"

Social Anxiety Map is like the Star Trek 3D chess. It has multi-dimensional levels.
Nov 19
The Eisenhower administration decided to bet on a cultural singularity specific to the United States: jazz. The trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie is sent to Croatia and Greece which threaten to fall into the hands of the Communists.
"America's secret weapon"
Ça M'intéresse Histoire
Nov 19
Oakley Court, the exterior castle, is the same one used in "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
IMDb trivia "The Old Dark House" (1963)
Nov 19
LEVEL 42 "Heaven In My Hands" was released in 1988. The start of this song was used as a jingle for something - but can't remember what was it used for.
Nov 20
If you invent enough details, you can convince anybody.
Who Was That Lady? (1960)
Nov 20
You had me for a minute. It was coming so thick and fast, I didn't have a chance to think.
Who Was That Lady? (1960)
Nov 20
When it bombed, he was forced to start selling off assets to stay afloat. His friend Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Computer, offered to help by buying Lucasfilm's newly-launched CGI animation division - eventually became Pixar Animation Studios.
IMDb trivia, Howard the Duck (1986)
Nov 21
It's only embarrassing if you get embarrassed.
YT claireashley
Nov 21
Anterior cingulate cortex – its job is to constantly scan for social information, really good at detecting errors and inconsistencies. Get activated like a social alarm there's a problem, they are excluding you.
YT Your brain on peer pressure
Nov 21
Our anterior cingulate cortex lets us know if we are “in” or we're “out”. When we are excluded from a group we experience that rejection as emotional, physical pain. Pressure to do what everybody else is doing is peer pressure.
YT Mission Unstoppable
Nov 21
Sometimes we make decisions that aren't good for us personally just so we can avoid the pain of rejection. Sometimes we're motivated to tease, exclude or bully others to prove we are part of most powerful social group.
YT Mission Unstoppable
Nov 21
Altruistic narcissist:
Narcissists only give gifts, information or affection as a way of creating a sense of obligation in their victims.
Nov 21
As heard on HarmonyFM news:
"Big chocolate theft"
Eight tons of chocolate worth around € 80,000 were stolen from warehouse in Germany.
This happened before: 6 tons of chocolate were stolen from the same company premises 2 weeks ago.
Nov 21
How patients began to understand that their own bodies are in some part their own responsibility. That many of these symptoms were not visitations from beyond. But directly due to their own experiences, memories, attitudes. Doctor was there to hold up mirror for them
Nov 21
It's unhealthy to be so obsessed with sickness.
- We're the only animal that knows its going to die. We are the only species who have sense of perfection. Hence our inner rage and sickness. We could hear the music from heavenly spheres if we were only strained to listen.
Nov 21
- You think that was rude of me?
- Not at all. I'm used to it.
Aggressive role manipulation is a common avoidance technique used by borderline personalities during therapy. I have to watch out for your exploitative pathological tendencies.
Shelter/6 Souls (2010)
Nov 21
You've developed this fixed system of beliefs which you refuse to submit to any kind of introspection. So what that means is that you will never have a new thought in your professional life. You have got to learn to take those ideas, set them to one side and try to move ahead...
Nov 22
Trust the Law of large numbers. When you do a lot of something you should start looking at the patterns. Every time actually everything goes okay. It always ends, I always do fine. I kept speaking, presenting.
YT Ultraspeaking
Nov 22
The law of large numbers says if you have enough panic attacks, and it always ends and it always goes fine – they why wouldn't this one? Even though it feels I'm going to die, trust the law of large numbers.
YT Ultraspeaking
Nov 22
I didn't tell my friends about panic attack because idea if you stay in character then you start to act more confidently. Nobody noticed my panic attack. Internally it is chaotic, externally I know nobody can tell.
YT Ultraspeaking
Nov 22
What you feel isn't what people see. What's happening on the inside so uncomfortable doesn't mean it is real on the outside. I didn't want to draw attention to it, I just kept driving, focusing on the road. Actual danger wasn't real.
YT Ultraspeaking

Nov 22
Only when we have admitted the conception of the infinitely small, and the resulting geometrical progression with a common ratio of one tenth, and have found the sum of this progression to infinity, do we reach a solution of the problem.
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
Nov 22
Sometimes you have to accept you can't win all the time.
Lionel Messi
Nov 22
No more dark. No more hiding. No more caves.
What's the point of all this? To follow the light. I can't change. I don't have ideas. But I have my strength. And right now that's all you need.
The Croods (2013)
Nov 23
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Nov 23
Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them.
François VI, Duc de La Rochefoucauld
Nov 23
Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reached beyond their own understanding.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Nov 23
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
Seal - Crazy (1991)
![François VI, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Prince de Marcillac (French: [fʁɑ̃swa d(ə) la ʁɔʃfuko]; 15 September 1613 – 17 March 1680) was an accomplished French moralist of the era of French Classical literature and author of Maximes and Memoirs, the only two works of his dense literary oeuvre published. His Maximes portray the callous nature of human conduct, with a cynical attitude towards putative virtue and avowals of affection, friendship, love, and loyalty. Leonard Tancock regards Maximes as "one of the most deeply felt, most intensely lived texts in French literature", with his "experience, his likes and dislikes, sufferings and petty spites ... crystallized into absolute truths."[1]
Born in Paris in 1613, at a time when the royal court was vacillating between aiding the nobility and threatening it, he was considered an exemplar of the accomplished seventeenth-century nobleman. Until 1650, he bore the title of Prince de Marcillac. His great-grandfather François III, count de La Roch](
Nov 23
Those who are themselves incapable of great crimes are ever backward to suspect others.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Nov 23
As heard on Klassik Radio
Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg - Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling

Nov 23
After the split between Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, Stalin instigated a wave of "purges" of the respective Communist Party leaderships, to prevent more splits between the Central European "satellite" countries.
R Slánský
Nov 23
I should have known there is no easy way to do good.
I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
Nov 23
Beautiful glittery dress from the movie Daughters of Darkness/Les lèvres rouges (1972).
Nov 24
If I didn't feel guilty, what would I do?
If I didn't feel guilty what answers I would give to them if I didn't feel guilty?
You feel guilty not because you have anything to feel guilty about but so you will not oppose the narcissistic parent.
YT jerrywise
Nov 24
The truth is that anything in life can be labeled as wrong and error.
Any type of action, anything we speak, anything we do - literally everything - can be labeled as wrong, mistake - to feel guilty.
Guilt is a tool to manipulate and control other people.
Nov 24
[From the opening credits] "Even as fog continues to lie in the valleys, so does ancient sin cling to the low places, the depression sin the world consciousness." - "The Anatomy of Atavism" - Dr. Louis Judd
"Cat People" (1942)
Nov 24
Perhaps we will find this trouble stems from some early experience. These childhood tragedies are inclined to corrode the soul, to leave a canker in the mind. But we'll try to repair the damage.
Cat People (1942)
Nov 24
I don't feel you can help me. You're very wise. Yet when you speak of the soul, you mean the mind. And it is not my mind that is troubled.
- Clever girl. All the psychologists have tried for years to find that subtle difference between mind and soul. And you found it.
Cat People
Nov 24
You've got to be her friend so that she won't need other friends. You've got to believe what she says. Her friend will vanish the moment her hunger for friendship is satisfied by a real person.
The Curse of the Cat People (1944)
Nov 25
If you know narcissist love to fight and you suck at it, the goal is to get you mad to get there and defend yourself, that is how they get you to lose. Observe, don't absorb technique. Tell yourself “Of course”, helps you not get activated.
Ross Rosenberg
Nov 25
To ask the right question is harder than to answer it.
Georg Cantor
Nov 25
Great innovation only happens when people aren't afraid to do things differently.
Georg Cantor
Nov 25
Buy Nothing Day
Buy Nothing Day was founded in Vancouver, Canada by artist Ted Dave in September of 1992. It is celebrated on the Friday after American Thanksgiving.
It is essentially a global day of protest against consumerism.
Nov 25
London is so full of fog that it has penetrated our minds, set boundaries for our vision. As men of science, we should be curious and bold enough to peer beyond it into the many wonders it conceals.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
Nov 25
My analysis of this soul, the human psyche leads me to believe that man is not truly one, but truly two. One of him strives for the nobilities of life. This we call his good self. The other seeks an expression of impulses that bind him to some dim animal relation with the earth.
Nov 25
These two carry out an eternal struggle in the nature of man yet they are chained together. And that chain spells repression to the evil. Remorse to the good.
And the so-called evil, once liberated would fulfill itself and trouble us no more.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
Nov 25
We may control our actions, but not our impulses. Why aren't you frank enough to admit that other indecent self in you? No. You prefer to hide it, pretend it isn't there. You have to accept certain things.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
Nov 25
Bugs Bunny - Hyde And Hare
Nov 26
The Left Arm Of Buddha · Les Baxter (1956)
Nov 26
In the end it is the action that proves whether or not you really believe. Show me. It is not about emotions and feelings, all of us are emotional people, it's about what you do. In the end that defines faith.
Nov 26
Stop hoping like a noob and start acting like a believer. Get out there and do something in direction that God's called you to do. Nobody is coming to get your destiny for you. Nobody is coming to make you live a healthy life. Start acting.
Nov 26
Where is Your Heart (From "Moulin Rouge") · Felicia Sanders · Percy Faith & His Orchestra (1953)
Nov 27
We don't want to be complainers fault finders. It's easy to see what could be done better. It feels good to complain, venting. I think if I complain I can change situation. You don't change situation by finding fault, usually make it worse.
Nov 27
By complaining, by finding faults- you usually make it worst. We create more negative environment. We pollute other people, we cause them to think negative thoughts, it can spread if not careful. No one wants to be around complainer, fault finder.
Nov 27
Effects on brain when we complain, we literally rewire our brain to complain. We all have opportunity to complain because life is imperfect. Be smarter than complainer, figure to be solution to problem, find way to act properly when you feel negative.

Nov 27
Quit talking what you're lacking. You have enough people against you, don't be against yourself. The enemy would love for you to go around feeling wrong on the inside. Like you are not up to par, at disadvantage.
Nov 27
Extensive radio stations list, + handy for Wi-fi radio
Nov 27
Exotica is a musical genre, named after the 1957 Martin Denny album of the same name that was popular during the 1950s to mid-1960s.

Nov 27
I always say it'd be a dull world if we'd all agree.
Rose-Marie (1936)
Nov 27
"The Wave-Particle Duality theory states that waves can exhibit particle-like properties while particles can exhibit wave-like properties. This definition opposes classical mechanics or Newtonian Physics."
Wave–particle duality
Nov 27
Canadian Mountie | Vintage poster art

Nov 27
Space age pop is a subgenre of pop and easy listening music associated with Mexican and American composers and songwriters in the Space Age of the 1950s and 1960s.
Other names: Space pop; Bachelor pad music; Lounge music

Nov 27
Sovietwave is a subgenre of synthwave music and an online aesthetic from Russia. It is characterized by themes associated with the Soviet Union (such as Soviet-style space age technology, military parades, apartment blocks etc.)

Nov 27
Both Shelley Long and Bette Midler were promised top billing when they signed to do the film. Neither one wanted to give up top billing to the other. So west of the Mississippi River, Long got top billing and Midler got top billing east of the Mississippi.
IMDB Trivia

Nov 28
It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way.
Rollo May
Nov 28
Anxiety is essential to the human condition. The confrontation with anxiety can relieve us from boredom, sharpen the sensitivity and assure the presence of tension that is necessary to preserve human existence.
Rollo May
Nov 28
News from 1935
"Hunger, despair, death in Ukraine agony"
Nov 29
These are victimized, vulnerable, anxious, socially less skilled sullen and resentful narcissist. Lack the charm, charisma, in fact they often present depressed, victimized and needy. Irritability, hostility, anxiety and sadness.
Nov 29
Very judgmental arises from the place of their own entitlement and chronic feeling they never get their share of life. Nothing is off limit from their judgment. Attempt to induce guilt from you and to insult you.
Nov 29
You can feel like you can sweep in there and be that rescuer for them. It is big part of manipulation how they evoke that, and feel empowering that you can rescue them. Soon enough they will find examples how world left them down.
YT Dr Ramani
Nov 29
"What's wrong with you, I'm the one who's hurt," he said.
I said, "It's empathy. I feel your pain."
YT Alaska U
Nov 29
Social anxiety is also major part of covert narcissism. Social anxiety is manifested in any kind of contemptuous disregard for other people so they write off social gatherings, defensive reaction easier to criticize.
Nov 29
How to manage narcissist without getting lost in guilt? Radical acceptance, realistic expectations, gray rock, not engaging, not explaining, and not personalizing. Do not get pulled into their past being excuse for their current behaviour.
YT Dr Ramani
Nov 29
Insensitivity to abuse is a disaster for humanity.
YT R Walsh
Any error is reasonable and every error can be justified and explained as valid. This means I can always be in the wrong - since someone might explain my reaction as wrong and their own wrongdoing as correct conduct.
Nov 30
Do vulnerable narcissists have empathy?
Dealing with the vulnerable narcissist involves something the narcissist lacks – empathy. The vulnerable narcissist has emotional wounds that led them to become defensive.
Psychology Today
The Narcissist's Prayer:
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that wasn't a big deal.
And it it was, that's not my fault.
And it it was, I didn't mean it.
And it I did, you deserved it.
We have to expose the pain from our past. We can't keep secrets. Secrets are the death to us. And if you're keeping secrets about your pain, you are stuck in toxic shame and robbing yourself, everyone of your light.
YT kennyweiss
Shame sits in the realm of our shadow which is all the parts of ourselves that we can't bare to look at. That we don't want to accept. It means the consequences of our reactions from this place can reside outside of our awareness.
YT Embrace Everything
Kybalion is book on the Hermetic wisdom from ancient Egypt. One of its seven core principles is that of polarity. It says that everything is dual and it has its pair of opposites. These are actually one and the same.
YT Embrace Everything
The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before.
That's the deal.
C. S. Lewis
If you try and deny and limit the negative emotions or bury them and don't express them, you're pushing them into your shadow. And they will still come out in a less desirable ways. You also limit reaching higher ecstasy levels.
YT Embrace Everything
This is not excuse to let our emotions went riot. Everything is contextual. Sometimes we need to keep them on a leash and do what needs to be done. Also we need to process and release stuck emotions fully.
YT Why we should embrace negative experiences
Cheer up, Niles. You know there are people out there with real problems that don't even have a reason to live.
YT Tattoo | Season 4 Ep. 9 | The Nanny