nedjelja, 11. listopada 2020.

The invisible crossroad signs

 Thanks to twitter community I got inspiration for this absolutely amazing physical showcase how Paul Watzlawick "Insight may cause blindness" works in our mind. It might as well be the next to The Allegory of Cave by Plato.

First off, Austrian-American psychologist Paul Watzlawick (1921-2007) worked on "Brief Therapy" approach to psychology. He said:
"Anybody can be happy, but to make oneself happy needs to be learned". 


"Watzlawick famously stated he could not think of a single case in which someone changed as a result of a deepening understanding of self.
He was drawn to the idea of circular causality of human behaviour, which shows people tend to return to the same actions again and again. Insight, Watzlawick suggested may even cause blindness, both to the real problem and its potential solution. He supported the brief therapy approach, which targets and tackles specific problems more directly in order to achieve quicker results. But he also felt that for any therapy to succeed, it must offer the patient a supportive relationship."

Look at this:

This is crossroad where occasionally crashes happen due to low bridge overpass, and it looks like this:


The link to this screen videos is here. (the link works on 11-Oct-2020)

If you look at it, you might ask yourself 'Well, what might be wrong here?' - the crossroad is full of signs. All signs have bright colour, seen from afar. There is traffic light before the overpass with display and sensor - if high truck comes along, traffic lights turn to red, display says very, clear instruction - something like "You are too high, turn right".

And yet, accidents happen here. What could be wrong?
The problem is, although there are signs - for those drivers who make mistake, for the exact type of drivers all this high tech equipment is installed for, these plethora of signs are actually invisible!

 First, there are no signs on the road itself:

If the driver is looking down during brief moment before the crossing, he will not notice all other signs.
There are no speed bumps to give a signal to driver to slow down and actually observe / look / learn at this somewhat complex (forbidden quick way straight ahead) & dangerous crossroad (possible injuries to vehicle behind and walkers from shooting debris).

The driver of course is making mistake of not paying attention, but if the officials painted the signs on the road itself, it may help to curb some crash statistics? Problem is not the driver himself - the problems are official authorities who are not considering the fact that the driver may not pay attention to look above - that the driver might actually have the entire focus only on the ground level and thus not pay attention to plethora of other important signs around.

everybody noticed this phenomenon as children - in cartoons, if the colour of many objects is the same - you might overlook it. The animals are using this in the nature. Chameleons are doing it, they blend into the nature with consistent colours.

the traffic lights are put at the overpass itself, so they are not close enough to the road stop line. This makes them invisible, because they are too far away to notice.
Not only this, the traffic sign too far position is making (provoking) already speedy driver to speed up even more and crash onto low bridge in order to "catch" the green light (which actually turns red due to sensor, this traffic system is to prevent the crash, ironically it makes them to happen & consequently the destruction is worse due to unintentionally instigated speed).

And finally,
the important Right turn sign for truck... is too small - this makes the sign to be also invisible.

Problem are not the lack of signs distribution, their size and their colour - the problem is that the officials (superego) thinks only in terms of one-sided view - that all truck drivers are driving according to cartoonish image of a driver - straight back and eyes on the signs in front of them. Not down below. They think someone who is coming to this crossroad will stop there for 4, 5 hours and study it and then make a slow entrance and the right turn. They don't take into account outside external environmentals, they don't take into consideration that the purpose of alarm signs are to take into consideration quick making decision for the driver - which might entail different colours for critical places. Yet they see it one-sided, just exactely like the same one colour of all signs - and this one-sided thinking mentality - is making all the precautions (the alarm, the help, the signs for you) obsolete and render them useless.

We must incorporate different views, look at issues from the different perspective. Sometimes we cannot see the woods for the trees and we need someone other to pin-point where to look and what to change.

Each person has inside their mind a task to balance ID - EGO - SUPEREGO:
In order to see how this function it is best to compare it to outer world - that operates with the same system (since the whole world is Feng Shui - Microcosmos repeats itself on Macrocosmos).
In this above-mentioned incredible case of Invisible signs we have this unhealthy dynamics:
ID - careless drivers, driven on instinct - zoom around (cannot be changed, can be punished/curbed but never extinct since it is primal and needed for survival-transporting foods to our tables)
EGO - that would be me and you, the reader, the observers (mostly doesn't need to be changed, already careful and responsible)
SUPEREGO - the official authorities, the law, HSE (health security environment) authorities, signs&alarms. (thinks it doesn't need change, and it is generating given external results through domino effect - healthy or unhealthy)

Superego and some parts of ego would blame Id for being careless and draw conclusion that there is nothing more to be done (pessimists, one sided, crab mentality). So we come to conclusion the Superego is also to blame as much as Id (the carefree drivers not paying attention) - because Superego as law creating, law enforcing, sign engineering force above all and everyone denies to realize other views of reality - as much as would a carefree driver - they are both blinded by their own limited tunnel vision insight. Superego has the power to punish, to nag, to complain, to yack and create one-sided non helpful alarm system, self sabotaging signs - that are actually unintentionally are driving the drivers into to accident the authorities try to avoid. Paradox is - the more of new high tech signs - the more likelihood that the accident will be worse, more damaging and more serious - not because the signs are not necessary but because they are designed from a limited mindset - "all drivers should/must be perfect robots". So the additional signs will have the same motive - not helpful to Id. Superego is creating alarm system based on mentality of Superego (perfectionism), and in the same time Superego in this case refuses to put itself in shoes of Id and think like Id - so it is unable to find solutions for Id. We see lack of empathy in Superego. So the superego is not that super, it is not god-like - it is more satanist and this creates satanist results. 

The inability to accept other people suggestion make things worse, just as any delusional, patient psychosis. Therefore, just like in a real life - the reality is fake. The people in charge are fake. They pretend to be in charge, while they are the ones creating the disorder, damage and consequent chaos - without even realizing it.

Id has the power to Id's natural animal instinct abilities - to destroy, to self destruct, to kill. Superego should know better, expect all the aspects of animal and help the poorer one to guide them along - not to judge - that helps no one. Nagging does not help. Giving up does not help. Crab mentality does not help. One-sided thinking does not help. Refusing others suggestions does not help to anyone.

It is not only Superego wrong. All elements must play their part in this. Ego is important too. Ego (us) need to voice our opinions. If we shut up, if we give in into crab mentality, if we give into people rudeness and we never talk and communicate - we do not share our important insight - we are in an advantage point of view from above - and we see the whole picture - we see both ID and SUPEREGO. ID can't see superego, and SUPEREGO can't see id.


In finding solutions, we applied psychological approach here to find out what is wrong - invisible signs. But in any problem you might have, don't limit yourself, don't put labels - always seek more. This psychological approach actually entails all approaches - that is put yourself in a mind of a problem. If the authorities had time and money, they would conduct extensive research into mental reasons why drivers disobeyed the signs and they would probably find out these 4 reasons why they didn't see signs, but the undertone would be something like this: 60% of them was in hurry and they saw yellow light so they sped up to catch the time. (Yellow! They saw Yellow sign! What is the colour or all signes there? Is is yellow? This is what makes the signs invisible to most drivers who hurry to catch yellow colour - this is an example of perfect hypnosis in action). 30% of them was tired and overlooked, 10% was under influence. This research would show us there is no way that future accidents could be prevented by drivers being "careful" and "reasonable" - since there are driver's drive in their mind conducting the driving for them - their reason is put aside. In reality, there might also be some other external reasons, outside driver himself - poor visibility, slippery road, fog, other people or things taking away driver's attention on purpose (someone yelling at driver due to some event nearby)... This would tell us that we cannnot hope for the best, we cannot give up and tell we can't do anything since there will always be accidents. This tell us - it is up to us, Ego and superego to think up of new and innovative solutions.
Depressive people tell (crab mentality) there are no more solutions out there - "everything was tried out". Don't listen to that - because any sign and alarm newly invented (or even suggested and then eventually turned into reality) will curb some accident, if it saves only one life, it will be worth it. We have brains, let's us them. Solutions and ideas are created everyday in any field. Great example - In 1900 they said there is nothing more to be discovered in physics...that everything is discovered and there is nothing left. Then they looked inside and discovered a whole new world. Inside. Look inside after you looked everywhere outside. This applies for any problem for anyone.
Look from different (undiscovered, forgotten, ignored) dimension, just like in this Euclid's puzzling parallel postulate example.



Turns out Euclid did not tell us the entire story in "Elements", merely described one possible way to look at the universe. It all depends on the context of what you're looking at. Flat surfaces behave one way, while positively and negatively curved surfaces display differently.
We, too, must be willing at times to put aside our preconceived notions and physical experiences and look at the larger picture. Or we risk not seeing the rest of the story.
Euclid's puzzling parallel postulate - Jeff Dekofsky

 If you believe that there are no other solutions out there - it means you are thinking in 2D. (and probably you have non-diagnosed maniac-depressive undertone in your limited mind).
Shut your mouth, and listen to people who are making new suggestions, they are explaining you new dimensions that appear plain & 2D to you if you do not listen to them.
You can also think in other dimensions, once you realize you are Ego, and there are Id and Superego along beside you - in your mind and in your environment. Listen to them and communicate with them. You learn, you know better. You come up to new solutions in the process.

Drivers (some of them as careless drivers=ID, others are EGO), should along with politicians go through severe psychological test, much more detailed and strict than todays. Test for road rage receptivity and narcissist personality disorder. They might be eligible for low speed cars - 60km max (perhaps low speed electric cars for special people?). In the end it doesn't matter since AI is going to be driver "soon", anyways. In the future, it will be strange that people were allowed to operate fast vehicles, deadly machines in their own hands, without much of control of vehicle tracking.
Therefore we can see room for improvement in all areas:
ID = filter the psychopaths out so the less pollution as side-effect with less accidents and aggressive driving, tailgating.
EGO = talk and react, create a place where you can voice your ideas, not holding in your insight and experience
SUPEREGO = learn empathy, throw away Aristotle one-side label mentality and accept to learn ID instincts and EGO suggestions to repair your own laws, is there a place for open suggestions from ID and EGO?


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