What behavior is unacceptable with social anxiety?
What is disorder part in social anxiety?
CBT tell us to simply expose ourselves to fears - but CBT does not understand social anxiety mindset based on ACoA and ACE experiences - where we never learned to have hope and feeling of expectation and anticipation that things will be great for us in the future.
So when we expose and get into contact with vague or abusive people whom we cannot escape or run away from - in the exposure we will not have structure, we won't have scaffolding to support ourselves at all. We won't have structure to help us cross bridges - we won't have plan to better future at all - when we expose. Instead we will have fears and panic because this is what we learned in ACE ACoA. And then we will end up being shy, afraid, anxious - and CBT and neurotypical people will pathologize our traits and fears and order us to be confident. Which will make anxiety worse. But all we need is structure - that we see our future is safe, great, wealthy and abundant and happy. Like - having a lot of money, not depending on toxic people anymore, not being stuck in abuse and oppression - that are structures which we never learned to have in our mind due to abuse.
The point of structure is not that we delude ourselves, the point is not that we build a fantasy - it is the hope that make us create safe place in our mind where we are allowing our cortex brain to build decisions which will help us to handle difficult problems, difficult people and traps we are stuck inside. That is why I would not pathologize social anxiety symptoms - these are helping us to survive difficult people and difficult situations which we cannot overcome at the moment due to lack of money and support and lack of helping structures.
Kevin from Sensitive Stability made me realize something I was not aware before:
that when I expose, when I expand my comfort zone - I will usually put myself down and minimize any achievement. But the reason why I do this - apart from obvious internalized toxic shame and operant conditioning - is actually my outlook - I see any experiment or action as meaningless and I seek approval from other people around me - who will in 99 percent of cases put it down and minimize it. I do not see any of my trials as accountability and responsibility at all. I do not label it as such. I label it as my caprice and consequently something that is crazy, abnormal, anxious, not valid. I invalidate myself without being aware of it and I use labels unconsciously to stay immobile and avoidant and to be ashamed for trying anything in life. I do not see any achievement and any action and any exposure - as accountability and responsibility. I ashamed it instead as irrelevant and shameful - on top of other people's unfair and unjust criticism.
If I labeled my trials and facing fears as accountability and responsibility - I would not put myself down and dismiss it as insignificant...
Fawning is an attempt of healthy mind to get healthy. To throw off cluster b mentality of being trapped in own mind and to serve other people and to connect with the others.
What I come to understand is - that social anxiety is not problem at all.
That is why we cannot feel comfortable - we are attacking wrong things as wrong. We are convinced that we have social anxiety problem - but it is not social anxiety issue at all.
We end up fixing and nitpicking and feeling shame about what we perceive as social anxiety - without realizing that problem is something else.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Having rigid mindset (due to ACE and ACoA).
By working on our rigid beliefs and making them more flexible.
In real life - it means accepting ourselves as we are. Accepting our soft voice and not hiding it. Idea and urge to feel embarrassed about it is - is causing social anxiety symptoms of panic and shame. The soft voice is not problem. Our urge to hide it and feel shame about it - is the actual problem and disorder.
We believe that our fawning is disorder and soft voice - that this is our disorder and we focus on this exclusively. And then we are stuck in social anxiety believing now that social anxiety is the problem. And try to cure and fix it and hate it and hide it.
It appears as if social anxiety is related to narcissist and toxic people. They are only triggers - they are symptoms. Like social anxiety itself. Removing the symptoms won't remove the trauma, the cause, the core of problem - which is OCD disorder in personality. It is not OCD, it is personality disorder - which means it affects our thinking and decisions without us being aware of it, it makes decisions for us automatically and we are convinced that it is helpful good and productive and functional - but it is not in reality. We are not aware of it due to disorder itself - since disorder has the power to mask it and to set rules and to direct our focus.
Accountability is great test to detect toxic people.
And it is great clue in realization that we are not narcissists when we are open to admit mistakes. Toxic people will blame. That will trigger our trauma - we will shut up and self censor even when we know better, when we know truth, when we know errors and what will happen in the future. When we are silenced and abused into silence - toxic people will harm and hurt us for mistakes and errors - as if it is all our fault. But we never had chance to speak it out due to their abuse, hysteria, yelling, threats, mocking, put downs.
The truth must come out.
CBT tell us to expose - and exposure clears up the fears. When we expose - toxic people will abuse us. We must not interpret their abuse as the truth. We must see their abuse as not taking accountability issue.
CBT is forcing us to see abuse as reaction to our truth as our brain disorder. Which leads to toxic shame and silence and avoidance.
No one explains us the accountability status and its importance. We are highly accountable - but this is ashamed and abused and silenced by toxic people. The toxic people hate accountability - since this is at the core of their disorder and abnormality. This is where the snapshot of what appears as reality to them gets reality tested and it leads to them feeling narcissistic collapse which is painful to them, and which they learned to abuse others as reaction to the pain.
We must be clear and educated enough - to see abuse as their illness, their abnormality, them not taking accountability.
When a person does not take accountability - this will end in destruction and catastrophe because it is not based on reality. Then they will blame once again. Blaming is escape from accountability.
Toxic people force us to develop hyper responsibility. Responsibility OCD. We get groomed to feel responsible for anything that moves while in the same time not receive any rewards - which only go to the predator, the parasite.
What happens in social anxiety is that we take responsibility and accountability - for everything and toxic people add more of it and then abuse and trigger us into fear and shutting up and being quiet slave.
We have obsessive compulsive beliefs which we were trained to have since ACE and ACoA.
This means - when we experience criticism and mistakes - in reality it happens only because we do not have enough experience and knowledge, not by our fault. But in our mind and in toxic people's criticism - there is explanation that we are wrong, inept and abnormal, sick and worthless and we believe in it, even that we are lazy and choosing not to contribute. While we are super workaholics and we contribute 150%. More than enough - and we believe we are not contributing at all - due to toxic people and toxic inner critic voice.
Social anxiety is being stuck in a belief: it has to be that way. Due to abuse, trauma, mostly narcissistic abuse - someone who is mentally ill is forcing snapshot of reality, someone with lack of empathy.
Rigidity and stubbornness stems from the fear of punishment, contempt and abuse. It is not self choice that is self pleasing. It is to escape being harmed, hurt by abnormal sick people usually in power positions.
The motive for the obsessive-compulsive behavior stems from the need to be perfect - due to abusive people holding power and threats over. There is some kind of punishment for not being perfect and operant conditioning where there is learned behavior, learned beliefs, learned convictions which are scaffolding the perfectionism to be solidified.
When dealing with toxic people - there is insight that we should have philosophy how to handle toxic people. It means creating environment where the potential power hungry psychopath would not find narcissistic supply. It means ambient where money and influence is not primary. It would mean not working in corporations. It also means that we do not place ourselves in the place of narcissistic supply - and this means not worshiping others.
CPTSD Foundation
Dec 31, 2024
Our recovery as survivors is aided tremendously by forming healthy relationships with safe people in an environment where we can find the words where words were absent before.
It is one of the most profound experiences we can have as survivors.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
#Narcissist parents will withhold teaching their kids life skills or lessons because they don’t want to make life any easier on their kids, they want their kids dependent on them for help or answers.
Their objective is to always feel “better than” or “smarter than”, or to remain “dominant” over their kids. But they’ll act like they “did so much” “paid for food and clothing” while they taught their kids nothing. It’s a way to cover up intentionally malicious psychological neglect. Incredibly abusive, not to mention disgusting, deranged, illogical, and tragically emotionally immature
When you ask them questions or for help with something, you’ll notice they will tell you the bare minimum so they can look like they answered your question but you’ll notice that they really try to give you as little information or experience as possible. It’s as if their experience is money, and why would they give anything for free… like it actually offends them
I think it’s an important point to be aware of, they may offer assistance in ways that keep you dependent on them. In those situations it might actually seem like they’re giving you their time or money, but in my experience they don’t share helpful experience that allows you to do things for yourself.
Justin Garson
Dec 31, 2024
Going to New Zealand next week to give a talk. My thesis is that what we call “symptoms” of “mental disorders” are, in reality, inner prompts designed to help us begin a new life chapter. If that’s right, then psychiatry’s disease model actually moves us away from mental health.
Dec 31, 2024
Stop wasting time on people who only love you when the conditions are right for them.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Dec 31, 2024
Cruelty stems from weak character.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Dec 30, 2024
You deserve to be surrounded by people who bring out your soft side – rather than those who trigger your survival side.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
A person who finds peace instead of revenge can never be bothered.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Unless you’ve been the victim of a narcissist/psychopath, it’s unlikely you have any idea what they’re capable of, nor could comprehend it.
Plus, no current ‘expert’ has a comprehensive understanding of ‘dark personality’ attributes & tactics due to extensive research anomalies.
Tell me no Lies 💔❤️🩹➡️❤️🥰🌹💪🏻🚫Narcissists🚫
Dec 30, 2024
Narcissists create chaos yet demand peace in return.
Parmenides argued that, for something to exist or be born, it must come from a substance that existed before it, as something cannot come from nothing. All trees come from seeds, all children come from parents, et cetera. If you can speak of something, or think of it, it must have some truth, and be part of the larger, unified truth of the universe.
Justin Garson
What we call “mental illness” is largely an attempt to grapple with the problems of life: pain, boredom, insignificance. They are prompts to push us to a better way of living. We don’t need drugs, but the space and support to heed their call.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Jan 1
Why does being authentic bother so many people?
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Your soul knows... it will literally tell you when it's time to move on and start a new chapter of your life. Trust it.
I am no longer available for things or people that make me feel like crap.
Worked in Paris. French did work hard. Vehemently told me why what I asked for was unreasonable, not their role, unrealistic etc. I sympathized and said I needed it anyway. Then they delivered early with astonishing creativity and blew my socks off every time. Just like drama.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Jan 2
Unhealed trauma makes you hold onto people longer than you should and tolerate sh*t you don't deserve because you lack self-worth and don't want to feel alone. Healing makes you realize some people don't deserve to be in your life — no matter how much you love them.
ban psychiatry burn the dsm
Jan 1
The DSM says that a normal response to life’s challenges does not constitute an MI. So people rightly try and explain the sources of their “symptoms” to the psychiatrist. Then, in an act of betrayal, the psychiatrist calls you MI anyway, your experiences “contributing factors.”
The Process in BPD.
31:59 Society has created this world where you're just such an evil person that we desperately don't want to be associated with it.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
What we have to understand is this: Dishonesty doesn’t come second nature to the malignant #narcissist…
Dishonesty is the malignant narcissist’s FIRST and foremost nature.
It’s honesty that feels unnatural to them .
Jacklena Bentley
The silent treatment is used to manipulate someone and make them feel bad about themselves. No contact is just that. You are done with wanting any further contact.
Nate Postlethwait
Please don't spend your time trying to make sense to people who keep hurting you. Their behavior doesn't make sense. Their lack of remorse doesn't make sense. Their assumption that they can treat you poorly & still have a permanent place in your life, does not make sense.
One of the most dangerous types of people to have around you is people who don’t like you but act like they do.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Victim mentality is a phrase often weaponized by toxic individuals in order to shame survivors for using their voices to create change.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Malignant #narcissist parents will abuse their scapegoat child into PTSD or depression or other signs of psychological abuse trauma,
Then they will use that trauma to make it look like the child had inherent mental problems. (Bipolar has been a popular choice among abusive parents)
This only compounds the effects of the abuse and traumatizes the victim further.
The people that do this to their children are literally monsters, but they will play the victim or the “hero parent“ who is doing “everything they can” to help their “troubled child“.
This abuse tactic needs to be shut down and the only way we can even begin is if it becomes common knowledge that people learn not to fall for.
We need to start holding these abusers accountable.
𐕣𖤐Mistress_Death𖤐𐕣 @midnightpyredeath.bsky.social
"We all have our personal demons...But don't think that they are your enemy...They are always willing to help when no one else can." -me
Consider: maybe it's not social anxiety. Maybe you're just with wrong people. Maybe you don't like small talk? Not interested in shallow conversation? Your BS meter is super accurate. Instead of making yourself wrong just recognize you're not around right people
🔻Mel Robbins
Jacklena Bentley
Have you noticed how much you learn from someone when you tell them NO?
Nate Postlethwait
cPTSD is a result of not having the freedom (or access) to acknowledge and process trauma. The complex part is because the trauma was ongoing. PTSD represents specific traumatic memories. Complex PTSD presents those memories and experiences having no end.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 5
Growth is realizing they didn't misunderstand you. They feel power by you feeling misunderstood.
Jan 5
If you really want to see a person's true character, watch how they treat someone that they can't benefit off of.
#socialanxiety #socialanxietydisorder #socialanxietytips #sociallyawkward #shyness
Plans, predicting – when it goes off the rails you start to scramble and you don't know what to say because it wasn't in your original version. It also prevents you from making mistakes. You are allowed to make a mistake. Silence is golden. There is nothing wrong with moments of silence.
- the fear of other people's opinions. It is not just about being afraid of being judged but also the fear of being criticized, disliked or rejected. May find themselves constantly worrying about what others think even if their opinions are completely unfounded.
Jan 5
Don’t stay in a bad situation for too long because you’ll forget it’s bad and get comfortable.
Alan Richard @alanrichard.bsky.social
Everything I know at the top I learned at the bottom 🏆
The speed bumps and hiccups are in FAVOR of you 😎
The test is MEANT to be a testimony 😤
So thank God for them be grateful 🙏🏻
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Never judge someone by the opinions of others.
People will always notice the change in your attitude towards them, but they will never notice it's their behavior that made you change.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
The problem with dark personalities is that they frame gossip or negative nuance about another person in a way that seems supportive.
Nate Postlethwait
There are people you haven’t met yet that will love you without you having to earn it. They'll see you & appreciate you because of who you are. They'll be gentle because of what you've overcome. They'll be consistent because they know what vulnerability has cost you in the past.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Jan 6
I love people who can put their pride aside, apologize, and actually correct their behaviour. That awareness, accountability, and emotional intelligence is so attractive.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Dark personalities (narcissists, psychopaths) know they’re different from a young age. They know they must disguise their true nature to fit in. If you try & expose one, they will destroy your reputation & actively turn people against you with lies, manipulation, provocation….
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Dark personalities genuinely believe they are superior to others in particular because they do not emote, so they do not experience fear or shame. They view people who experience emotions as weak and inferior.
They are also extremely entitled. Often dark personalities try and hide their powerful sense of superiority and entitlement. The giveaway though is the very, very subtle smirk. There are other signs too.
Lying to someone who doesn’t believe you anyway is pointless.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
The whole issue with narcissism is very confusing.
Over time several terms have been developed to distinguish between 2 groups of people exhibiting similar behaviours with a different motivation…
Psychopath v sociopath (ASPD), malignant narcissist v vulnerable narcissist, type A psychopath v type B psychopath and so on.
The first group have brain anomalies. The second group exhibit these behaviours based on substantial abuse.
Research indicates the first group cannot be ‘cured’ nor do they want to change because they see themselves as superior.
The second group, unlike the first group, does experience shame, and will voluntarily see a therapist in some cases. With some hard work, the second group can change.
The reasons this is not widely understood includes research methodologies have been substandard, academics have been keen to make a name for themselves and so have often created new names where they’ve not been necessary, there are many fields of study examining these behaviours yet none of them really talk to each other so information can be consolidated, some academics are themselves dark personalities and are invested in creating confusion and so on.
To remove confusion, I call the first group Persistent Predatory Personality.
Jan 6
Energy is very expensive, stop giving it out for free.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 6
Stop telling people in survival mode they need to just “let go.” They’ll let go when they have something they can hang onto. If the memories come on strong, they need to know they’ll never hurt like they did when their life changed without their permission.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
I’ve spent decades working with executives & have encountered a high number of dark personalities.
I’m stunned at the amount of time very senior dark personalities invest in destroying just one person who might try & expose them, either in their personal or professional life.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
In terms of understanding narcissists, it is not a matter of picking someone that you like. 🙂 What is important is that what the expert is saying is based on the voices of thousands of victims and practitioners who have actually worked with narcissists and their victims.
Interestingly, Dr Ramani has interviewed a very powerful narcissist masquerading as a domestic violence victim.
I have considerable data to back this and it will be contained in my second book. The world of narcissists and psychopaths and dark personalities is full of narcissists and psychopaths and dark personalities actively masquerading and misleading.
As a human race, we need to be absolutely crystal clear about the attributes and tactics of those harm by choice or we will continue to be deceived.
That is why I spent five years full-time reviewing all the academic literature from across the world in many different fields that study these people as well as conducting my own research with experts working with dark personalities (and their victims) in both forensic and non-forensic contexts for an average of 22 years each. I am passionately committed to reducing the harm these people impose.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Take Hare’s work with a grain of salt. His books have some interesting and very useful information however his model which informs the PCL – R, the most highly utilised assessment tool in the world for diagnosing psychopaths, does not contain the attribute of control, which my data indicates is their most powerful driver. It also does not contain the attribute of sadism, which my data indicates is another powerful driver of their behaviour. He argues impulsivity is a core attribute of them all which of course can’t possibly be true and many academics have challenged. Much of Hare’s data has been drawn from forensic populations and rather than adapt his model to more current research, Hare has litigated against and character assassinated people who have challenged his work.
I have participated in a program run by Hare in the Bahamas on how to administer to the PCL-R and have had a number of meetings and meals with him.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Highly sensitive people feel everything on a much deeper level. We aren't fooled by words or external appearances. We don't just experience your surface level emotions... we feel your energy shifts, intentions, judgments, lies, and truths.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
There are in fact two types of anger experienced by dark personalities.
One type of anger is pathological, hot and reactive. It occurs when they are thwarted from getting what they want, when their sense of superiority is challenged, or when someone is trying to expose them. The other type of anger is strategic, cold and just an act. It is used to intimidate and control others.
Nate Postlethwait
The thing about complex trauma is it removes you from being the main character in your own life. When you suffer for a prolonged amount of time, survival mode shifts focus on everything external to get by, rather than living peacefully from the center of who you are.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Jan 6
If you are trying to help someone heal, shaming them won’t likely work.
They already carry enough shame & more will send them deeper into the cycle of recreating it.
Dr. Jessica Taylor
One thing I’ve noticed is that the same groups of people shouting about bystander intervention, being an upstander, and calling out violence, misogyny, and oppression rarely say anything until the mainstream narrative flows in their favour, and THEN they comfortably stand up, add their voice or write their article or social media post.
If nothing else, this should demonstrate how hard it is to be the first person to stand up and say something when it’s not popular, when no one likes you for it; and when it puts you at some risk.
It looks easy enough, but it takes self-confidence, conviction and resolve - which clearly, many people do not feel they have.
We cannot continue in a society in which 99% of people just wait for someone else to say the thing we are all thinking.
Sometimes, you’re gonna have to be that person who goes first. And it’s not easy, and it’s not very fun. And you might get shot down, or laughed at, or ignored totally.
But we cannot spend our lives waiting for someone else to speak up.
Jan 6
Remember to choose yourself first, then choose who chooses you.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Many abusive or narcissistic individuals engage in a kind of "preemptive rebranding" of their harmful traits. By owning their negative behaviors and presenting them with humor, pride, or as a form of righteousness, they disarm others who might otherwise question or challenge their actions. It can create a false narrative that their abusive behavior is intentional, controlled, or even justified—almost like saying, "I know I’m bad, and I’m owning it, so you can't call me out."
This strategy often relies on manipulating people's perceptions. By framing their abuse as a quirky personality trait or a badge of honor, they encourage others to dismiss it as harmless or even admirable.
Stop selling yourself short and walk into that room like God sent you.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Very true. A narcissist will also not enter a relationship with someone they cannot control or manipulate easily. There are ways that narcissists or dark personalities can identify people who are more vulnerable and more able to be controlled. According to research this includes walking gait, facial openness and other features. They then test early on in a relationship to gauge whether someone can be manipulated by setting up situations that require accommodation, by using intimidation etc.
Everyone always loves how real you are, until you say something they don’t like.
Why is it that people with good hearts get screwed over the most!
Miss Jo
Because people with good hearts generally look for the good in people, sometimes unfortunately at their own peril.
Shadows of Control
Jan 6
An abuser doesn’t have to forbid, order, or demand their partner do or not do something in order to be controlling. Often, they harass, criticize, insult, belittle, and lecture you so much that you go along with what they want just to avoid the psychological torment! 🚩
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Jan 7
Don’t forget intimidate. Intimidation is one of the greatest behavioural modifiers and controllers.
Linda Beveridge @beachlady1955.bsky.social
You can't buy class. You're either an asshole or you have class.
Kate Rowswell 🇬🇧🇨🇦
Jan 7
Abusers excel in behavioural modification of their victims
Shadows of Control
Jun 26, 2024
My abusive husband never told me what I should wear, but I ended up avoiding the clothes he didn’t like anyway 😣This is how coercive control works…
Shadows of Control
Love is meant to be a sanctuary of safety, respect, and support not a battlefield of control, fear and manipulation.
Shadows of Control
Surround yourself with love that makes you feel alive. Life is too short to spend being disrespected, unloved, and undervalued.
Never apologize for not being what they want you to be.
Julia Pappas • Psychologist 🇺🇸
Very true! That is the reason why highly sensitive people need really good boundaries, paired with discernment.
"The light of the Creator is infinite, and from it flows all creation, concealed within layers of veils."
-the Zohar
Lisa A. Romano
Recognizing that a narcissist’s control is rooted in their fears, not your flaws, is the first step to breaking free.
Hank Green @hankgreen.bsky.social
It’s ok to feel sick over the state of things.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Authenticity has a way of unsettling all the pretenders.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Maturity is when you stop wasting time convincing people to treat you correctly. You just start to observe their choices, understand their character, and decide what you’re going to allow in your life.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
When a #narcissist does something insensitive or abusive or disruptive and you call them on it, they will immediately go on the defensive, play a victim role, and make you look like the bad guy for being “mean” or “insensitive“, or “overly critical”, and they will draw other people into this to feel sorry for them.
They react this way because they cannot tolerate being held accountable.
This behavior, often called victim-playing or DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender), allows them to deflect responsibility and manipulate others into seeing you as the aggressor. The goal is to shift focus away from their actions and make you question yourself or appear unreasonable to others.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Stay calm. Don’t defend yourself because that’s playing into their narrative, instead, keep the focus on their actions. Don’t defend your actions, focus on their actions. And remain calm. At this point they’re doing everything they can to make you look like the aggressor so don’t give them anything that they can use. And don’t let it escalate because they will likely try to make it escalate. If that fails, disengage.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
#Narcissists are like black holes in society—takers at their core, draining energy, resources, and emotions from everyone around them while giving back as little as possible. Their approach to life is transactional: "What can I get? How much can I take? And how little can I give in return?"
Recognizing this pattern is crucial—not just for protecting yourself but for understanding the long-term damage they inflict. They don't just take from individuals; they take from society as a whole, eroding trust, goodwill, and collaboration wherever they go.
Nate Postlethwait
When you demand an explanation from someone who has experienced emotional abuse, you will not getting an explanation but an innocent person triggered beyond their capacity, trying to prove their worth.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Jan 8
Narcissists/psychopaths use intimidation to get what they want & to stop people holding them to account.
Intimidation may involve aggressive tone, implicit threat, encroaching into body space, standing over, holding eye contact too long, thumping table, designed to create fear.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Don't listen to toxic individuals. You are not crazy or anything else they try to label you with. Standing up for yourself is "not a crime." Boundaries are natural and healthy, don't let them convince you otherwise.
Boundaries are a form of self-respect, not rebellion. Toxic people often label others to deflect from their own behavior—don’t buy into it. Standing up for yourself is a powerful act of self-care and courage.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Jan 9
As a society I don’t think we disapprove of dishonesty as much as we should.
Shadows of Control
An abuser's criticism, anger, or control is not a reflection of you—it’s a reflection of their own insecurities and need for dominance.
Their behavior is about them, not you!
Justin Garson
Jan 9
Someone told me to read ‘Positive Disintegration’ and it is blowing my mind. His view is that what we call “mental illness” happens when your life circumstances are no longer adequate to the demands of self development. An incredibly empowering framework. Thanks
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Normalize not forcing connections with people. If someone does not see the value in having you by their side, it's not your job to convince them.
Dr. Jessica Taylor
Actually, I’d go further than this. Many systems were designed to crush our spirit - they are not ‘broken’, they are working as designed. Remember that.
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
Trauma survivors NEED to take our nervous system's insistence on not feeling trapped seriously.
If we don't leave ourselves an "escape hatch" in situations, our nervous system will create that "escape hatch" for us-- often w/ self-sabotage or suicidal ideation.
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
Abuse & neglect dupe us into believing we don't have the right or ability to create a life we like, do work we find meaningful, or choose relationships that are safe & enhance our growth.
But we do.
It's just our "parts" & nervous system we need to convince.
Justin Garson
Jan 10
90% of dealing with what we call “mental illness” is developing a positive and empowering narrative that makes sense of what’s happening in your life. It’s not a science but a mode of storytelling. Psychiatry lies to us when it presents its “medical” story as the sole truth.
Shadows of Control
Toxic people believe their needs are more important than yours. 🚩
Shadows of Control
Victims don’t ‘tolerate’, ‘allow’, or ‘put up with’ abuse – they endure it to survive.
Shadows of Control
Abusers feel entitled to your attention and disregard your needs. Prioritize your well-being.
Narcissist that is a pillar of community, that is essentially moral and ethical and altruistic and charitable and helpful and compassionate and caring and so on. Or at least pretends to be. Because this is the way this kind of narcissist obtains narcissistic supply.
Can Narcissists Be Constructive, Positive, Productive?
Sam Vaknin
To understand people, to work with people, to accomplish things you need to be attuned to their emotions. You need to be empathic. And if you are not, your inability to decipher emotions, to read emotions creates impaired reality testing. Because people are part of reality. If you unable to gauge people your reality testing sucks.
And to compensate for that narcissist distort their cognitions. They have cognitive distortions.
So narcissist exactly like someone with autism keeps failing with people. And to compensate for this narcissist distorts his reality and his cognition to convince himself that he is actually good.
Can Narcissists Be Constructive, Positive, Productive?
Sam Vaknin
Narcissists are fools that can only learn only from their own experience and mistakes. And majority of them never learn at all.
Because they consider themselves omniscient or endowed somehow. Or above other people whom they hold in complete contempt. The opposite of stupidity is not intelligence. The opposite of stupidity is wisdom.
Narcissist can be intelligent and accomplish but never wise. Often extremely intelligent people are also inordinately dumb.
Can Narcissists Be Constructive, Positive, Productive?
Sam Vaknin
Dr Robert Bohan @robertbohan.bsky.social
You may notice troll accounts jumping in to say offensive things about Zuckerberg. This is a common strategy of the far right, where they seek to antagonise us into response, which they can then use to say ‘all LGBTQ are violent/abusive etc’ - don’t get sucked into it. I’m blocking them.
Dr Robert Bohan @robertbohan.bsky.social
I think there may be a small one. I suggest reading about how ordinary people react to authoritarian regimes. They cross the street & keep their heads down. In the US just 4% of voters were most concerned about foreign affairs despite being in 2 wars. Apathy & self-interest are big drivers.
Defend Survivors
Toxic message “I will forever be grateful for the lessons the abuser taught me. Without them I would never found myself” NOOO! The abuser gave you trauma you should’ve never had - not ‘lessons’. You’re amazing because you’re amazing not because of an abuser!
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
When you're a good person with genuine intentions and a gorgeous heart, you don't lose anyone – they lose you.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Many trauma survivors appear to have a high pain tolerance.
Usually it’s that we’ve learned to dissociate so well that the pain isn’t connecting to our felt sense.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Jan 13
Survivors listen because they know exactly how it feels to be unheard.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Interesting fact: Psychopaths/narcissists LOVE to copy other people. This includes stealing others’ ideas, taking credit for others’ work, copying other people’s clothing, adopting other people’s accents, mimicking other people‘s mannerisms.
They do this for several reasons. They have a very limited emotional world and so they observe and copy others’ reactions to blend in or seem ‘normal’.
They have no moral code and winning is very important to them so theft of ideas comes naturally.
Their limited emotional world means they often do not have much creativity and must take ideas from others.
They sometimes copy to provoke or hurt others, so dressing like someone who is deceased, for example, or dressing for an important relationship occasion, such as an anniversary, in an outfit worn during a fight.
There are other motivations.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Most relationships taught me the more chances you give ppl, the less they value you. They aren't afraid to lose you bcoz they know no matter what, you won't walk away. Never let anybody get too comfortable with disrespecting you. Love yourself and choose distance over disrespect.
Dr. Jessica Taylor
By far one of the dumbest psychiatric disorders to diagnose someone with is ‘adjustment disorder’.
Oh you’re struggling to ‘adjust’ to being abused? You have adjustment disorder.
Oh you’re struggling to ‘adjust’ to your mum being dead? Adjustment disorder.
What’s that? You’ve been made homeless and you’re struggling to adjust? I have just the thing!
Like goddamn it, isn’t this just trolling at this point? How is struggling to process massive traumas in our lives ‘adjustment disorder’? A mental disorder. To be medicated and diagnosed. What!?
Honestly, they just make this shit up as they go along.
Adjustment disorder is literally just trauma and distress due to a stressful or impactful life event.
I’m so tired of millions of people being gaslit and lied to like this. No wonder people feel so detached from themselves and don’t understand their own emotions or experiences.
ban psychiatry burn the dsm
I remind myself that there’s no one to blame. No one invented the laws of physics and the way elements interact with each other. It’s just the way it is.
Hyper-empathy can also be a symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD), which is why it's important to talk about it with a professional and find a healthy way of regulating your emotionsž
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Dark personalities (including narcissists & psychopaths) never go to therapy by choice. If compelled to go, they use the process of therapy as a weapon to manipulate others & to learn how to be more effective in harming & exploiting people while avoiding transparency.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Can narcissists be cured?
No & yes.
There are 2 types of narcissists - malignant/covert & vulnerable.
‘Malignant narcissists’ have brain anomalies. Substantial evidence indicates they cannot be cured. ‘Vulnerable narcissists’ are a result of abuse & with work, may improve.
Never forget:
They weren’t sorry when you didn’t know.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
You'll find peace when you realize people are at war with themselves, not you.
Jan 17
You’re absolutely allowed to change the price of what it costs to access you.
They can talk about you, dislike you, not speak to you and hate you.
But they cannot stop you.
Shadows of Control
Somehow, everything becomes your fault - they yelled because you provoked them. They cheated because you were distant. They insulted you because you were “asking for it.”
And so you try harder. You take the blame, thinking if you can just fix yourself, they’ll change. But the harder you try, the more they shift the blame, keeping you trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and shame.
But their actions are their responsibility. You are not to blame for their choices.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Victims of abusive narcissistic parents often develop perfectionism as a trauma response as a result of their narcissistic family members constantly looking for anything they could possibly criticize to make them doubt or feel bad about themselves; Another form of sadism.
These children learn to perform every act they make in such a way that it couldn’t be criticized according to their abuser’s irrational standards.
Over time, this hypervigilance becomes internalized. Even when the narcissistic parent is no longer present, the inner critic—a remnant of the abuser's voice—takes over, causing anxiety and a fear of “doing something wrong.”
In adulthood, this trauma response often manifests as chronic anxiety, burnout, and difficulty with self-compassion.
Breaking free from this cycle requires recognizing that perfectionism served a purpose of self defense in the past but is no longer necessary. Therapy, mindfulness, and self-compassion exercises can help us reframe our inner dialogue and prioritize growth over perfection. 🙏🏼💛
To be content with a life of basic needs and simple desires, we must dive into our own psyches and discover the unnecessary desires that rule our minds and actions.
Once these unnecessary desires are rooted out, we must actively seek to control them and reject them.
📜Kinnu, Epicurus
One of the greatest discoveries from Epicurus is the realization that humans aren't very good at making themselves happy. Too often, people chase after the wrong things - relationships, wealth, and luxury - to find happiness. Never find true pleasure or fulfillment.
📜Kinnu, Epicurus
If we simply took time to reflect on pleasure as a state without pain, fear, or anxiety and reflected on all the things we spend our time chasing that are empty and unfulfilling, we could then turn our minds to simpler pleasures and goods.
📜Kinnu, Epicurus
Do you have an anxious attachment style? This video is for you. #anxiety #therapist
You see this orange ball, right? If I were to put it up here or over here outside of the screen – you still know that the ball exists even though you cannot see physical proof of it. That's something called object permanence.
If you are someone with anxious attachment style, ADHD, BPD, or even fear of abandonment you may struggle with similar concept called emotional permanence.
Somebody who lacks emotional permanence may feel like someone else emotions towards them may not exist if they do not have direct proof right in front of their face. Ball represents: loved one telling us how much they love us today.
Somebody who lacks social permanence may not feel that love tomorrow when that proof is not directly in front of their face anymore. This becomes exhausting cycle and the second it is out of sight – it is out of mind, and the person really struggles with believing that the love or those emotions are still there.
Inability to tell inside from outside is a hallmark of psychosis. And it is known clinically as hyper-reflexivity. What happens is the narcissists induces in you the same inability, the narcissist disables your capacity to tell apart external from internal
🔻Sam Vaknin
So you have nothing to do what is going on in the narcissist mind. You have no impact or effect or involvement in the narcissist interactions with his internal objects. The narcissist is having relationship with your avatar.
🔻Sam Vaknin
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle @drdoylesays.bsky.social
People who abused us growing up, while calling it "tough love" & telling us we invited the abuse w/ our behavior or attitude, did a specific kind of damage to our ability to trust & relate to ourselves w/ care. We're not born hating ourselves-- we learn it. We have to unlearn it.
Always stop and think whether your fun may be the cause of another's unhappiness.
Imploders may turn around inward on themselves. And this is something that is typical in a child who would have identified with the aggressor. So for example they have a parent who is an exploder and loses their temper and shout and attacks and stuff. That child still loves their parent and try to get that parent to love them. For their survival they can over-identify with aggressor and actually start to believe them.
Them being shouted at or criticized a lot – they would start to internalize that. And they learn to do it themselves. When we are horrible to ourselves, the way we speak to ourselves – if we are using critical harsh voice that is anger.
People don't feel safe when they don't know where they are with you. Expressing yourself. And sometimes even when somebody explodes – okay it is scary and horrible but at least you know where you are, it is not being hidden.
BBC Radio 4, Anger and Us
The presence of another person (known as object in psychology) triggers you and then actualizes your potentials interactively. You have potentital to emote, to feel emotions, to think something, to express your emotions
How we emote, how we think cognition, all these are determined by outsiders.
In absence of other people you will never become, you will never finalize, you are work in progress.
If the child is not allowed to practice othering, if the child is not allowed to regard other people as external, child fails to develop othering skills and capacities. He is incapable of other people, he is incapable of regarding other people as other people. He converts them in internal objects as a defensive mechanism. Shared fantasy.
When you other people effectively, when you are able to perceive other people as separate from you, distinct from you, not you – this is the process of othering. When there is you and not you. In this case you are not reliant on other people to be you.
Sam Vaknin
4 Surprising Views of Homosexuality (Compilation)
Super Thinking
Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.
The craziest part about being an over thinker is that you’re usually right.
Nate Postlethwait
One of the hardest parts of childhood neglect is spending your life trying to be picked as a priority. It’s realizing you become close to people with the intent to prove your worth rather than be met where you are. The healing is not in new people, but rescuing that child.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Jan 21
The goodness in you threatens toxic individuals.
It’s crazy how people will dislike you for being confident about the things they are insecure about.
“Make good trouble.”
~ John Lewis
The ancient Stoics were people who attempted to rid themselves of all negative emotion and cultivate an inner strength and joy that radiated from them.
This intentional mentality has seen a resurgence in modern times and actually forms the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy.
📱Kinnu, Stoicism
Dr. Jessica Taylor
“Arguing about whether a murderer is mentally ill or evil, simplifies the reality of human actions in a way that allows society to avoid taking responsibility for its own role in creating violence.
Not just creating violence - but loving violence. Enjoying violence. Playing video games of mass murder. Glorifying wars and genocide. Celebrating murderers. Sexualising predators. Commissioning glossy films and Netflix specials about rapists and murders for everyone to enjoy the gory details.
We totally ignore this blatant normalisation of murder on a day to day basis.”
CPTSD Foundation
Jan 23
Years of repeated exposure to physical and emotional abuse inevitably taught many survivors to develop a heightened defense mechanism that walls them in and makes them feel unsafe in a relationship.
Jacy, LPC
As soon as someone shows you they don’t mind hurting you —- you need to believe them.
We live in a world where wrong people get treated right and the right people get treated wrong.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Jan 24
To avoid disappointment, take people exactly as they are, instead of idealizing about what you wish they would be.
Shadows of Control
Abusers are masters at making you feel responsible for their behavior, but the truth is, you were never the problem. Sharing your experience can help others break free from the same toxic cycle.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Jan 23
Your greatest test will be how you handle people who have mishandled you.
Perhaps there was no more detrimental consequence of our childhood abandonment than being forced to habitually hide our authentic selves.
Pete Walker
Shadows of Control
Jan 24
It is beyond tragic that when you experience domestic abuse, you may eventually come to see 'love' as simply the absence of punishment. 💔
Jan 24
You will never regret asking questions to get more clarity.
You will always regret making a decision based on a story you have created in your head.
ban psychiatry burn the dsm
What mental illness do you think they have? Or are you just casually lumping together violent people with those diagnosed with a mental illness, and thus increasing the stigmatization and devaluation of those pathologized?
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Abusive people and abuse enablers believe abusive behavior is strength.
It is, in fact, just the opposite
Dr. Jessica Taylor
This is such an interesting conversation for so many reasons. Here are my thoughts:
1. When unpicking a large problem that has become embedded in societal narrative - the first step is to describe the problem and break it down properly. Rushing to offer an alternative is only repeating the same mistake - so sometimes we have to have a very strong and long conversation about breaking the initial beliefs down first - which takes time, and takes a lot of effort. This occurs in all social issues.
2. The ‘alternative’ isn’t a magic bullet solution such as ‘take this pill’ - so it’s a huge answer with a lot of detail. Ultimately, the argument being made is that the chemical imbalance narrative is a myth, and so we now need to tell the truth to the public who have been missold, misled and gaslit - and then they will need individually tailored responses to their own suffering and distress. There is no alternative we can just pop in its place, as that would be another broad brush, generalised response that will fail too.
3. Professionals often feel lost and a bit helpless when they’ve had their beliefs or ideologies removed from them - and they expect people to give them a new belief or a new answer. This, I think, is due to the way we are all trained so badly - to lack initiative and invention - but to follow guidelines and stock answers in order to cover our arse. The same thing happened when I successfully campaigned against the use of CSE films being shown to children. Professionals often said, ‘right but what’s the answer then? What do we do instead if we can’t show them the films of children being raped? How will we ever work with them without the films?’
I was often receiving demands from professionals saying that because I was the one who explained why CSE films were wrong, unethical, lacked evidence and traumatic - I should be the one that developed an alternative and gave it to everyone otherwise I was basically just criticising without any solutions. However - what this highlighted to me was that professionals had become too reliant on the films - and had lost all their other skills and confidence in engaging with children who had been raped and we’re very distressed - which is interestingly transferable to this issue about SSRIs.
4. The alternatives are myriad. There are literally thousands of alternatives to giving someone a pill and telling them they have a chemical imbalance - but it involves actually addressing their distress and their mood - by looking at what is truly causing their suffering in their lives. Poverty. Housing. Abuse. Loss. Envy. Hatred. Discrimination. Oppression. Bullying. Fear. Trauma. Neglect. Hundreds of possibilities - many of which will be complex. The ‘here, take this pill, it’s a serotonin imbalance in ya brain’ response is easy, quick, cheap, and requires zero effort. The alternative is slow, more complex, more expensive, and requires lots of compassion, time, effort and love from the practitioner. It doesn’t always mean therapy at all - and it could mean many many different approaches that work for the person as an individual. Maybe it’s leaving their horrible job. Maybe it’s moving area. Maybe it’s acknowledging that they hate their partner. Maybe it’s realising they have become abusive. Maybe it’s recognising that they’ve lived in poverty for so long that they’ve started to feel totally helpless. Maybe it’s reporting that neighbour who harasses them. Maybe it’s writing that letter to their mother.
Our problems are human, so the solutions are human.
Kyblueblood @kyblueblood.bsky.social
Ernest Hemingway once said,
“In our darkest moments, we don’t need advice.”
What we truly need is the power of human connection: a quiet presence, a gentle touch, or the smallest gesture that reminds us we’re not alone.
Muhammad Sakib @poetofspring.bsky.social
The world is full of magic, if you know where to look.
Nate Postlethwait
Trauma says “You must fix yourself in order for people to love you.”
Healing says “Meet me in the parts you think are hard to love.”
Defend Survivors
Jan 26
We don’t have an epidemic of mental illness. We have an epidemic of trauma and not protecting people.
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
I refer to it as ‘reverse attribution’ because it is done strategically and knowingly.
Narcissists/psychopaths reversely attribute all their nefarious characteristics and deeds to their victim. No one can tell who’s telling the truth between the dark personality and the victim and so the dark personality gets away with it.
Projection is a defense mechanism, where someone attributes, their own thoughts and feelings to someone else. Narcissists/psychopaths know exactly what they’re doing when they do this.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 25
Stop telling people how to address pain they carry but didn't cause.
Defend Survivors
Jan 26
Don’t ‘should’ve’ how a survivor survived.
Don’t ‘should’ve’ how a survivor healed.
Shadows of Control
You are not responsible for “fixing” your abusive partner.
Trying to fix an abuser often leads to losing yourself in the process.
Nate Postlethwait
When you earn trust from someone who has (or is) recovering from abuse, please be aware, them trusting you comes with intense fear. It's tied to moments where they experienced their worst pain. They stopped trusting in an attempt to stop that pain. To trust is to let go again.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Too many people mistake narcissism and psychopathy for strength…
Dr Karen Mitchell PhD
Narcissists/psychopaths that are higher functioning seek platforms that provide them with pre-existing populations they can leverage from. Many are ‘experts’ in areas where we find passionate &/or vulnerable people such as domestic violence, child welfare, mental health, law…
Nate Postlethwait
This is your gentle reminder to stop sharing stuff that is important to you with people who do not show an interest in your wellbeing.
Jim Acosta @jimacosta.bsky.social
Today’s show was my last at CNN. My closing message: It’s never a good time to bow down to a tyrant… don’t give in to the lies. Don’t give in to fear. Hold on to the truth… and hope.
Jeff Tiedrich @jefftiedrich.bsky.social
all you people who told us to calm down can go fuck yourselves
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Jan 28
Normalize not feeling bad for removing anyone from your life that didn't feel bad for hurting you.
Good men never speak the truth for the spirit thus to be good is a malady.
📖Thus Spake Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche (1883)
Jeez, what a jerk. Never realized it before. I guess a lot of people I know are jerks. Maybe you think I'm one too. That's why you keep avoiding me.
🎞️Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
Lisa A. Romano
A codependent person and a narcissist are two sides of the same coin—both struggle with a lack of a stable sense of self.
The narcissist copes by demanding validation, control, and admiration from others to feel worthy.
The codependent copes by giving validation, rescuing, and over-accommodating to feel worthy.
That’s why healing from codependency isn’t just about leaving the narcissist—it’s about reclaiming your true self and no longer needing someone else to complete you. 💛
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Yes! We adopt a lot of behaviours and strategies to keep ourselves safe.
So often the things we did to keep us alive, stop us from truly living.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 29
People talk about high sensitivity as if it’s a negative thing or something that needs to be changed. Being highly sensitive doesn’t mean someone’s fragile. It means they feel and experience things deeply and quickly. This includes other peoples bullshit.
John Po
Jan 30
High sensitivity just means you have better radar to detect whether something's good or bad for you
Shannon Bussnick
Jan 29
We, the sensitive, will always remind humanity of their insensitivity 👋
Nate Postlethwait
You’re not a bad person because bad things happened to you.
Jan 29
No one will ever know how hard it's been for you and how much you have endured. So never allow anyone to bring you down, because you are stronger than they will ever realize.
Jan 29
Never try to defend yourself against a Narcissist. They already know you're right, they just want you to stress and drain you trying to prove it.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Jan 29
Never disrespect yourself by begging anybody for bare minimum. You'll never have to ask the right person for affection, attention, respect, loyalty, or love— because they'll naturally want to show it. If someone doesn't see the value in giving you that, don't try to convince them
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
The older you get, the more you choose detachment over drama and distance over disrespect. Conflict becomes intolerable to you and your peace becomes your absolute priority. You start surrounding yourself with people who are good for your mental health, heart, and soul.
Don't let others ruin your peace and guilt-trip you for moving on from their BS.
Be careful, sometimes the person who screams they are a victim the loudest is actually the villain.
When the smoke detectors of the brain malfunction, people no longer run when they should be trying to escape or fight back when they should be defending themselves. – Bessel van der Kolk
Lightborn Wisdom
Social bullying is a sneaky way to hurt someone's reputation and make them feel bad about themselves.
Always be careful with your words, because you never know how many times it's repeating in someone's head.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 30
It’s tragic how often we judge someone’s behavior but don’t name their pain.
Nate Postlethwait
Jan 30
Many fixers or helpers come from homes where they often had harsh realities denied. Their attempt to fix and/or help comes from a genuine place, but their deepest desire is to be given permission to fix and help themselves.
What does it mean to objectify someone?
/əbˈdʒek.tɪ.faɪ/ to treat a person like a tool or toy, as if they had no feelings, opinions, or rights of their own: She denied that the magazine objectified women. Synonym. depersonalize.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @aoc.bsky.social
I honestly believe our most powerful position in a toxic time that feeds on cynicism, apathy,& despair is to genuinely care and act for a better world.
Cynicism is our enemy. We should check it, incl. on the left. It’s not intellectually superior. It’s the virus they’re trying to infect us with. NO
I must be defective.
That was the only explanation I could think of for his behavior. Why did
he act so loving one moment and then rip me to shreds the next?
"stop walking on eggshells"
Walking on eggshells is a CLASSIC AND CLEAR sign of some type of abuse. Any relationship that you are in that feel like you have to sacrifice yourself to cater to another person and their feelings is not healthy. This is how you lose who you are. If you're not ready to leave, that's alright. But get help.
reddit "Sometimes I feel like I have to walk on eggshells : r/relationship_advice"
majordopolis @majordopolis.bsky.social
Also don't give your balance and emotional state over to anyone.
Especially a malignant
They love your fatigue + shock
and use it to invade more, claim more of your interior territory.
Hold steady, stay connected + rest when you need to.
Because BPD affects six million people in North America, I figured that at least eighteen million family members, partners, and friends—like me—were blaming themselves for behavior that had little to do with them.
"stop walking on eggshells"
Defend Survivors
Jan 31
Abusers say outrageous things because they can and there are no repercussions.
Although BPD by definition negatively affects those in relationships with borderlines (BPs), most mental health professionals I spoke with—with a few notable exceptions—were so overwhelmed by the needs of their borderline patients that their advice for non-BPs was quite limited.
"stop walking on eggshells"
Nate Postlethwait
People will criticize your healing when they fear the healed version of you will no longer tolerate their behavior.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Malignant #narcissists are obsessed with control, and they often exert this obsession in irrational, passive-aggressive, or outright destructive ways.
Their need for control isn’t just about dominance; it’s about proving that no one has power over them. Their ego cannot tolerate the idea of being "forced" to do anything, even if it's something normal or reasonable like picking their kids up from school or bringing back a requested item from the store. They might intentionally and consistently be late to “prove” they aren’t a chauffeur or they may intentionally bring back the wrong items to prove they don’t have to do anything anyone asks them to do. Possibly the most malignant expression of this is when a malignant narcissist parent fears losing control over their child, they will often work to destroy their child’s life to “remain in control.”
Here are some more ways they irrationally exert control: 🧵
Weaponizing Incompetence – If asked to do something, they will intentionally do it wrong (or half-done) so they won’t be asked again. This isn't just laziness; it's a power move to show they won't be controlled.
Withholding and Sabotaging – They may withhold information, money, affection, or resources to keep others dependent on them. For example, a malignant narcissistic parent might "forget" to submit their child’s college applications or financial aid forms, ensuring the child doesn’t gain independence.
Intentional Chaos – They create unpredictable environments where they control the narrative. A malignant narcissist might start unnecessary arguments before an important event, making sure their target is too upset or distracted to perform well.
Moving the Goalposts – They demand something, and once you comply, they change the requirements so that you're never "good enough." This keeps people scrambling and under their thumb.
Triangulation – They manipulate relationships by pitting people against each other, ensuring that no one trusts anyone except them. This keeps them in control of all communication and alliances.
Public Humiliation – To assert dominance, they may undermine someone in front of others, whether by making "jokes" at their expense, correcting them unnecessarily, or sharing private information to shame them.
Deliberate Forgetfulness – They "forget" promises, birthdays, deadlines, or important commitments, forcing their target into a position of having to constantly remind them or beg for basic respect. This reinforces their control by making the other person feel powerless.
Gaslighting – They will deny reality, rewrite history, and convince their target they are imagining things. This erodes confidence and makes their victim more dependent on them for "truth."
Sabotaging Success – If their target shows independence or improvement, they will subtly or overtly sabotage it. This could be as simple as making them late to an important event, or as extreme as convincing them that their dreams are unrealistic or selfish.
Silent Treatment & Stonewalling – They cut off communication as punishment, refusing to acknowledge their target until they "submit" or beg for their attention. This reinforces their power by making others feel small and desperate.
When it comes to malignant narcissistic parents, their control is particularly insidious. If a child begins to assert independence—by questioning them, setting boundaries, or even succeeding in ways the narcissist cannot take credit for—they see it as an attack on their authority. That’s when they shift from controlling to outright destroying, often through emotional abuse, guilt-tripping, or even financial and social sabotage.
Many of these tactics allow the narcissist plausible deniability. Impossible to prove that it was intentional and narcissist love committing abuse where they can simply play dumb
Shadows of Control
If your partner consistently mocks, makes sarcastic comments, or 'jokingly' criticizes your appearance, intelligence, or personality, it’s not a joke—it’s emotional abuse.
Shadows of Control
Abusers will impose a decision on you and later blame you for the result, even though it was never truly your choice to begin with it.
They might pressure you into making life-altering decisions, like quitting your job to become a homemaker, only to later criticize you for it, calling you lazy or incompetent for ‘abandoning’ your career.
The victim is constantly placed in a lose-lose situation, where no matter what they do, they face judgment, criticism, or condemnation.
Shadows of Control
Coercive control attacks a person’s sense of self and identity by manipulating and distorting their beliefs, values, and individuality, leaving them feeling like a shadow of their former selves.
Remember, most people cope by projecting, so stop taking things so personally.
The Narcissist Box
Feb 2
Your abusers trauma does not justify them abusing you.
Nate Postlethwait
If the way they love you puts you in survival mode, it’s not love.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Your nervous system will naturally feel at peace in the presence of people with pure intentions and authentic energy – trust it.
Kit ✨ (they/them) $19/$80 @cometkitten.bsky.social
How you feel and your diagnosis do not justify hurting others. Period.
And you cannot rob someone of their feelings or invalidate reactions to harm you caused by waving a diagnosis like a white flag.
❄️Snow Poff❄️ @snowpoff.bsky.social
Church is where narcissists go to abuse co-dependants
Queer spaces are where people with BPD go to abuse co-dependants
Because of a specific type of attention this post got:
Both Narcissists and people with BPD are humans deserving of love and respect. These conditions can be managed in a healthy fashion.
Additionally abuse can stem from any unhealthy coping mechanism including trying to cope with codependency
Defend Survivors
If you think the abuser will follow the rules - you're wrong.
If you think people will make the abuser follow the rules - you're wrong.
Soren 🌱they/them @sorenable.bsky.social
I do not need to apologize for:
Having needs
Asserting myself
Asking for something
Being hurt
Getting confused
Hoping for better
Misunderstanding someone
Experiencing “uncomfy” emotions
Being more sensitive than others
Crying (again)
Needing space
Being in the process of healing
Being human
Nate Postlethwait
Feb 4
The beginning signs of a toxic relationship is when you start to believe if you can navigate their mood swings, manipulation, or disrespect better, then it won’t hurt as much. The ending of those relationships is you being a shell of a human & having to rebuild from the ground up
Nate Postlethwait
Kids who grow up in toxic homes often lack understanding that they’re allowed to take up space, & don’t have to give more than they have in order to be respected. It makes sense for these beliefs to carry into adulthood but it doesn’t make sense to still believe they’re true.
People start hating or lose interest in you when they cannot control you.
I don't think a lot of people are becoming heartless and selfish. I think they are becoming more aware of what they deserve and how they want to be treated.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
It’s not a person’s response to abuse that’s the problem, it’s THE ABUSE THEYRE RESPONDING TO
Dr. Jessica Taylor
How can therapy ever be effective if there are certain topics you cannot discuss safely?
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Sociopathic or malignant narcissists have a strong pathological need to vilify others, especially moral, honest people, as a way to protect their fragile egos and maintain a sense of control. They project their own guilt and shame onto others, deflecting attention away from their own flaws.
By tearing people down, they elevate themselves and manipulate those around them to follow their version of reality. They fear exposure, so vilifying others creates a distraction.
There can also be a sadistic element. The act of vilifying others allows them to inflict harm, feed their ego, and enjoy the control they have over how others perceive and treat the target of their abuse. This sadistic tendency reflects their deep need to feel superior, even if it comes at the expense of another’s well-being.
Malignant and covert narcissists are particularly likely to vilify individuals who possess qualities or attributes that threaten their fragile self-esteem, sense of control, or desire for superiority. Here are the types of people they are most likely to target:
People Malignant Narcissists are most likely to vilify
1. Competent and Successful Individuals: Malignant narcissists often feel threatened by those who are successful or competent, as these individuals highlight their own inadequacies. They may vilify such people to undermine their achievements and reduce the threat to their own self-image.
2. Moral and Ethical Individuals: People with strong moral and ethical standards can be targets because their integrity and goodness contrast sharply with the narcissist’s own lack of morality. Malignant narcissists may attempt to smear their reputations to diminish their influence and elevate their own status.
3. Authority Figures: Those in positions of authority, such as bosses, teachers, or community leaders, can be vilified if the narcissist perceives them as obstacles to their own power and control. By discrediting authority figures, malignant narcissists attempt to assert dominance.
4. Close Relationships: Friends, family members, or romantic partners who see through the narcissist's facade or challenge their behavior are often vilified. This serves to isolate these individuals and prevent them from exposing the narcissist’s true nature.
People Covert Narcissists are most likely to vilify
1. Empathetic and Caring Individuals: Covert narcissists may feel envious of people who are genuinely empathetic and caring, as these qualities starkly contrast with their own lack of empathy. They might vilify these individuals to feel superior and to manipulate others into seeing them as victims.
2. Confident and Assertive Individuals: Those who are confident and assertive can make covert narcissists feel insecure and inadequate. By vilifying these individuals, covert narcissists try to bring them down to feel better about themselves.
3. Popular or Well-Liked Individuals: People who are popular and well-liked are often targets because they receive the admiration and validation that covert narcissists crave. By attacking their character, covert narcissists aim to undermine their social standing and shift attention to themselves.
4. Challengers to Their Victim Narrative: Individuals who do not buy into the covert narcissist’s victim narrative or who challenge their manipulative behaviors are likely to be vilified. This allows the narcissist to maintain their perceived victim status and avoid accountability.
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
Feb 5
Your nervous system won't know what to make of you talking to yourself in realistic, supportive terms, rather than that bullsh*t "tough love" you learned growing up. It's going to disbelieve & distrust your recovery self-talk at first.
Stick w/ it. Build that self trust.
Feb 4
why does simply speaking up for myself always feel like im having a psychotic break and mental crash out
"If you have no evidence, reserve judgment"
You cannot force someone to want to change their behavior. After all, they are not just “behaviors” to the person suffering from the disorder—they are coping mechanisms they have used all their life.
— John M. Grohol, Psy.D
Defend Survivors
People need to stop telling survivors how they should feel and start listening to how survivors feel.
Prof. Feynman
Feb 5
Embrace curiosity over certainty; questions often teach more than answers.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Sometimes we don’t realize the impact of our words until they are echoed back to us.
Elizabeth Shaw - Overcoming Narcissist Abuse.
You weren't crazy; they gaslit you.
You weren't stupid; they deceived you.
You weren't weak; they took advantage of your kindness.
You weren't bitter; you finally saw the truth.
You weren't overreacting; they crossed the line.
You weren't jealous; they provoked it.
You weren't hard to love; they don't know how to love.
You weren't the problem; they just needed someone to blame.
You didn't lose them; they lost you.
You're not broken; you're rebuilding.
You're not what they said you were; you're so much stronger.
The Wily Survivor
Being with a narcissist is one of the loneliest experiences imaginable. You’re with someone, yet unseen. You share space, yet feel invisible. Real connection is not possible when your emotions are ignored, your needs are dismissed, and your reality is denied.
Everything Bagel 🪬🟦
You don’t exist in the mind of a narcissist. The “you” that does exist is a figment of their imagination. It’s their creation of you perfected. When the fake perfected you doesn’t match the real flawed you (it never does) there’s dissonance, and they hate you because of it.
Shadows of Control
Future faking is a subtle yet powerful form of emotional abuse where abusers make false promises to keep their partners trapped.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Feb 8
Trauma isn’t just what happened. It’s also what didn’t happen, what could have happened and what should have happened.
Many of us should have had support & safety.
Punishment renders autonomy of conscience impossible.” — Quote by Jean Piaget.
It's like expecting to be good at swimming after spending years avoiding water.
YT Social Anxiety Is the Key to Genius (Here’s Why!)
Nate Postlethwait
Feb 10
You don’t owe anyone an explanation about who you choose to protect yourself from.
Tell me no Lies 💔❤️🩹➡️❤️🥰🌹💪🏻🚫Narcissists🚫
🚩 Manipulation is when they are more focused on your reaction vs the shit they did to cause your reaction.
Lisa A. Romano
Our ideas about love are formed in childhood. If mom was codependent and put her needs aside for the sake of her partner, she may have believed that by pleasing him, he might stop drinking, validate her, or offer her affection.
If dad was a narcissist, you may have learned to criticize your partner for not being who you want them to be, thinking relationships are about dominance and control.
If one of your parents was a rescuer, you might confuse loyalty with healthy love, bypassing logic and reason while focusing on what’s best for everyone else, but not you.
You may have idealized partners, believing that one day they’ll become the person you know they can be, all while ignoring what’s right in front of you and denying how you truly feel.
If you’re trying to change someone you love, you’re wearing the wrong glasses. Codependency distorts our ability to see clearly. When we try to change someone, we’re in denial about what love really is.
codependency is essentially a subconscious distortion of the self, rooted in the faulty paradigm that has us believing we are not enough--which distorts all of our understandings about love and relationships. It's up to us to come out of denial, to break the chains of the past and shift our mindsets from faulty self perceptions to whole and autonomous self perceptions.
Love is seeing things as they are, not as you want them to be. Love is embracing your true feelings, not denying what your gut is telling you. Love is about making conscious decisions, not escaping into fantasy thinking.
If you’re in a relationship where you’re trying to change someone and they’re trying to change you, it’s time to pause long enough to see the dynamic for what it truly is. Only then can you regain a healthier starting point and begin making conscious, not subconscious, choices about love.
Nate Postlethwait
Perpetrators spot vulnerability miles away. To be clear, you didn’t experience trauma from them because you were vulnerable. You experienced trauma because they made choices to hurt you. We need to stop telling vulnerable people they attracted the person who hurt them.
A bad feeling is a commotion of the mind repugnant to reason and against nature.
Zeno of Citium
Well-being is attained by little and little and nevertheless is no little thing itself.
Zeno of Citium
External things are not the problem. It's your assessment of them. Which you can erase now.
Marcus Aurelius
Lisa A. Romano
Toxic families act like malignant cells. They’re rooted in covert envy, lack empathy, and are often disguised by public facades. Below the surface, ugliness is breeding and one individual thought expressed makes you a target for narcissistic abuse. #narcissisticabuse
Follow where reason leads.
Zeno of Citium
Nothing is more hostile to a firm grasp on knowledge than self-deception.
Zeno of Citium
Feb 11
Sometimes you learn the hard way that it’s not safe to be everyone’s friend.
Stephanie (King Ari Press)
I fall into this trap. People like that often mistake your kindness for permission and access.
When you’re a threat, you’re always a target.
The Wily Survivor
Feb 11
A narcissist will ruin your life, play the victim, and tell everyone you were the problem. Then they'll resurface months later with a "Hi, I hope you're doing well!' like they didn’t set your entire existence on fire. Eyes open 👀 this is a hoovering attempt in the making.
Many BPs fluctuate between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
This is called “splitting. When you seem to be meeting their needs, they cast you in the role of superhero. But when they perceive that you've failed them, you become the villain.
stop walking on eggshells
Toxic Personality Exposer
I always tell people the ones you have to worry about will seem perfect. They aren’t going to have red flags until they have you hooked.
Toxic Personality Exposer
There is no reason to show disrespect to anyone. If a person disrespects you, and you haven't done anything to them, realize they have a serious problem.
Narcissists and toxic people often feel “entitled" to be disrespectful just because they are angry, insecure, or dislike you. Disrespect is a sign of emotional immaturity and is abusive and should never be excused or tolerated.
Toxic Personality Exposer
Regardless of how you present yourself, those driven by envy, jealousy, resentment, or wounded egos will find fault. This phenomenon is rooted in the human psyche, where individuals often feel compelled to criticize others to elevate themselves. By doing so, they create a false sense of superiority, which temporarily alleviates their own feelings of inadequacy. However, this behavior is not only detrimental to the person being criticized but also perpetuates a toxic cycle of negativity. When you're aware of this paradox, you'll begin to recognize the patterns of criticism and negativity that surround successful individuals, groups or families and those who try to better themselves
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
When you learn to recognize that someone is a malignant narcissist, all the underlying dangers become visible. You don’t see the superficial charm that other people see, you see a severely deranged and dangerous individual. And that’s the reality of what you’re looking at. You need to stop looking at the surface once you know someone is a malignant narcissist and recognize all the unseen issues that are hiding underneath; the very dangerous issues that are underneath.
Malignant narcissism is often described as a severe and toxic form of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) that includes overlapping traits from all 4 Cluster B personality disorders:
1- Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – Grandiosity, entitlement, lack of empathy, and a need for admiration.
2- Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) – Deception, manipulation, lack of remorse, and sometimes criminal behavior.
3- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – Extreme emotional instability, fear of abandonment, and impulsivity.
4- Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) – Attention-seeking behavior, dramatic emotional expression, and superficial charm.
Malignant narcissists also exhibit traits of psychopathy, such as sadism, paranoia, and a pleasure in causing harm or dominating others. Unlike typical narcissists, who may still care about social standing and external validation, malignant narcissists are often more ruthless, vindictive, and destructive, enjoying the suffering of others as a power play.
Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.
Eric Berne
Everybody knows a certain thing is unrealizable until somebody unaware of this comes and invents it.
Albert Einstein
Nate Postlethwait
Feb 13
It’s concerning how often someone who has endured the most complex of trauma is expected to show up in life and just react less and not be so sensitive. A person who has spent years experiencing pain and discomfort realistically cannot be responsible for other peoples comfort.
Nate Postlethwait
It is disrespectful to suggest an abuser did the best they could, but especially when they show no remorse. This is an example of people defending those who perpetuate harmful behavior on innocent people, while the innocent people are forced to heal what their abuser chose not to
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Trying to warn someone or expose a malignant or covert narcissist feels like attempting to break someone out of a cult. A person has to be willing to accept they’ve been deeply lied to and living in a false reality for so long, it can be very difficult.
The narcissist’s enablers and flying monkeys are deeply invested in the illusion, often because they benefit from it or simply can't fathom the reality.
Victims are left in a gaslit nightmare where speaking the truth makes them look crazy or bitter.
The narcissist has spent years (or decades) crafting a narrative where they are “doing their best” or the victim, and anyone who contradicts that is immediately cast as the villain for “attacking them”.
It’s an uphill battle, which is why many survivors eventually stop trying to convince others and focus instead on healing and moving forward. The sad truth is, most people won’t see the narcissist’s mask slip until they experience the abuse firsthand.
There's a difference between being kind and being taken advantage of.
Shadows of Control
A person's success, 'kindness', or good reputation doesn’t mean they can't be abusive —it just makes it easier for them to get away with it! ⚠️
Toxic Personality Exposer
You just forgive others for your own well being but some have to be kept out of your life permanently for your mental health and safety.
Toxic Personality Exposer
Feb 13
Many people today prefer fake interactions, truthful and real people are offensive to them.
Justin Grome
Feb 14
Work on how you react when you feel disrespected.
Feb 14
Your reaction says more about you than the disrespect ever could.
Toxic Personality Exposer
If you upgrade your life and make it loud, you will attract envy, resentment, and insecure people attacking and sabotaging you
Elizabeth Shaw - Overcoming Narcissist Abuse.
When dealing with a narcissist, never defend, argue, rationalise, or explain. Silence and distance are your strongest tools.
Defend Survivors
Feb 13
People are more disturbed by a survivor’s anger than they are a perpetrator’s crimes.
People with BPD are fully convinced their skewed feelings and beliefs— be they positive or negative—are unquestionably true. Therefore, your mission is to maintain a consistent, balanced view of yourself despite their ups, downs, and sideways.
stop walking on eggshells
I want to be me, is that not allowed?
Lola Young - Messy
Toxic Personality Exposer
In my experience almost every person worried about looking like a good person has something to hide. The people who do everything they can to be seen as good people to the public are almost always the worst people you will ever meet in private. It’s a distraction from their true nature.
Nate Postlethwait
It’s hard to detect a red flag at any age when you grow up being taught to normalize stuff that never should’ve happened to you.
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
"Their" inability or unwillingness to have your back when you were vulnerable wasn't about you.
Toxic Personality Exposer
People who overly curate their public image, especially when accompanied by a cult-like following, can be particularly concerning. This behavior indicates a desire for control and manipulation, often done to hide their true nature. A significant red flag is when they aggressively present themselves as altruistic and community-focused, constantly seeking validation for their "good deeds." It's essential to look beyond the facade and examine their actions, behavior, and how they treat others, especially those within their inner circle.
Critical thinking and discernment are crucial in such situations, helping you distinguish genuine kindness from calculated image-building.
Calculated image-building is a manipulative tactic often employed by individuals with Dark Triad personalities, including narcissists, psychopaths, and Machiavellians. These individuals exploit the trust and admiration of others by presenting a false, polished image, which serves several sinister purposes. By portraying themselves as virtuous and benevolent, they discredit and silence their victims, making it harder for them to be believed. This strategy also helps Dark Triad individuals gain influence, loyalty, and admiration from others, allowing them to manipulate and exploit those around them.
Their polished image distracts from their true nature and actions, making it more challenging for others to recognize and address their toxic behavior. Recognizing calculated image-building as a manipulative tactic is crucial for protecting yourself and others from the harm inflicted by Dark Triad individuals.
Toxic Personality Exposer
One of the biggest flex’s in life is facing and enduring all this and not reciprocating the negativity you’ve experienced.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Feb 16
When you tell someone what your abusers did to you and they don’t seem to have a problem with it, pay attention. They’re telling you something about themselves
Toxic Personality Exposer
Some people aren't willing to listen or grow, and that's not on you. You can't force people to be receptive or open-minded. Prioritizing your own emotional well-being is essential.
Recognizing when to let go and focus on your own path is a sign of growth. Keep moving forward!
Toxic Personality Exposer
Once you start seeing people as competition in life you have work to do, your in a fixed mindset and that mindset isn’t conducive to growth.
Toxic Personality Exposer
Distance yourself from anyone who harms your mental health!
Toxic Personality Exposer
These people driven by jealousy, envy, resentment, insecurity, and wounded egos teach you the importance of self-awareness, boundaries, and resilience. They provide a mirror for you to reflect on your own values, goals, and motivations. By witnessing their negative behavior, you're reminded to cultivate empathy, compassion, and kindness. Their opposition can indeed become an asset, fueling your growth, and illuminating your path forward.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
Negative energy is draining and many don’t realize that this energy pushes others away.
Burly Monk
The most challenging person to be around is someone who constantly complains about everything and shows no appreciation for anything.
Justin Grome
Feb 16
They’re gonna judge you anyway, do what you gotta do.
Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
Aug 19, 2024
Complex trauma symptoms and reactions are not due to a "personality disorder."
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
The things we don’t like in others sometimes reflect our inner wounds or worries. Get curious about what that dislike is communicating.
Normally, we experience ourselves consistently through time in different settings
and with different people. This continuity of self is not experienced
by the person with BPD.
Instead, borderline patients are filled with contradictory images of themselves that they cannot integrate. Patients commonly report:
• feeling empty inside
• feeling there is “nothing to me”
• feeling that they are different people depending on whom they
are with
• being dependent on others for cues about how to behave, what
to think, and how to be
• feeling that being alone leaves them without a sense of who they
are or with the feeling that they do not exist
• feeling panicked and bored when alone
Never Good Enough. While a BP may have difficulty with self-definition, he may also feel that, no matter what his identity, he’s never good enough.
stop walking on eggshells
ban psychiatry burn the dsm
Psychiatry is teaching people who suffer from trauma, stress, and abuse that there’s something inherently wrong with them and then telling them to “fix themselves” by taking drugs.
It’s oppression, pure and simple.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Most times people who don't socialize much aren't actually antisocial. They just have zero tolerance for bad energy, drama, disrespect, and bullsh*t.
Marjut Ollitervo ∞
What SSRIs do is a chemical lobotomy. I guess lobotomy might help you with your depression, but is that really what you want?
For the record, ”chemical imbalance” is a myth.
Wisdom Quotient
While kindness and friendliness are valuable traits, they should be complemented with self-respect and clear boundaries to ensure that others treat you with the respect you deserve.
To have real friendship, never use the temple of friendship as a rest house
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
A classic manipulation tactic often referred to as "thought-terminating clichés”, uses oversimplified labels or catchphrases to shut down critical thinking and dismiss dissenting opinions without addressing the substance of the argument.
By labeling critics as having something wrong with THEM for questioning the manipulators, propagandists aim to invalidate legitimate concerns about harmful behavior, character, and actions. It’s a form of gaslighting, discouraging followers from considering opposing viewpoints. This kind of labeling creates an "us vs. them" mentality, where any criticism is automatically discredited, reinforcing loyalty and silencing debate—hallmarks of cult-like manipulation and authoritarian influence.
Maybe one of the simplest expressions of this would be when an abusive manipulator accuses someone of being “boring“ when someone addresses valid concerns about something.
It’s a quick, lazy insult meant to make the person raising concerns seem dull, irrelevant, or overly serious.
This tactic works especially well in front of an audience of low-intelligent followers—once the manipulator throws out the label, their followers often join in, reinforcing the dismissal and silencing the original critique. It shifts the focus from the concern raised to mocking the person who raised it, effectively derailing any meaningful discussion.
Ad hominem attacks (“snowflake, you’re too sensitive”, are often used in this way as thought terminating clichés but there are also thought terminating cliché’s like, “fake news“, “you’re either with us or against us“, “this is a witch hunt”, which are not directed at the person making the statement but rather at the statement itself.
We might also see mild use of thought terminating clichés that are less aggressively manipulative like, “whatever”, “agree to disagree”, “it is what it is”, “that’s just the way things are”, etc.
Shadows of Control
As a result of gradual conditioning and emotional manipulation, it often takes domestic abuse victims years to realize they are being abused. Survivors share why it was so hard for them to see the abuse.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Psychological Invalidation is a very serious form of gaslighting.
Nate Postlethwait
The fear of confrontation and/or setting boundaries hits hard for those who've had to earn love, or lost support when they tried to speak up.
Aim True (Amy Pagett)
If you speak your truth & it’s meant with judgment and shame it doesn’t mean your truth isn’t valid.
It just means it was shared with the wrong person.
Shadows of Control
"Maybe if you just tried harder, things would’ve been different."
Wrong! Abuse is not something that can be ‘fixed’ by loving harder or changing behavior. The reality is, nothing the victim did caused the abuse, and nothing they could do would stop it. The problem and the cause lies within the abuser.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Malignant narcissists will use their subjective interpretation to get away with their abuses in the open.
Malignant narcissist parents for instance will abuse their child and call it “tough love” “punishment”, or “discipline”.
This is very typical of pathological narcissism. They feel justified to do whatever they feel like doing and either you see it their way or you’re a problem.
To be clear, they do this consciously and maliciously. They are consciously aware of both sides of how anything can be interpreted and they’re careful to ride that line close enough that they can bend or persuade or convince others to acquiesce to their abusive interpretation of reality
Their goal is to push the limits of their abuse as much as they can get away with
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Instead of judging someone who’s showing severe trauma responses to abuse, think to yourself, “damn, that’s what I might look like if I had been abused that badly.”
Nate Postlethwait
“I can’t let it go, when I’m responsible to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
-Your nervous system.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
You don't attract toxic environments. You were trained to tolerate them.
Shadows of Control
“You should’ve seen the red flags.”
Abusers are often experts at manipulation. Blaming survivors for not recognizing warning signs ignores the complexity of abusive dynamics.
Instead, focus on supporting their recovery, not on dissecting their past.
Wade Sikorski
Yes, I think you are right. Being the victim of narcissistic abuse warps your soul. You become allergic to narcissists.
Shadows of Control
Abusers often apply double standards, forcing their partner to endlessly adhere to unreasonable rules while they disregard them without consequence.
The Role of Victim. For example, during group therapy, a borderline man
complained that his landlord had evicted him and he had no place to live.
After twenty minutes of commiseration, group members began asking him
why this had happened. It turned out that the man had violated many apartment rules, including parking in the landlord’s space. Another borderline
woman repeatedly battered her husband, had numerous affairs, and had her
husband falsely arrested for possession of drugs after she planted them in
his suitcase. Eventually, she filed for divorce. Her ex-husband began dating a
woman he worked with. Yet, when the woman described the breakup to her
friends, she told them that her husband deserted her for a coworker. These two
BPs refused to recognize their role in the situations.
"stop walking on eggshells"
Lisa A. Romano
Healing from childhood trauma like emotional abuse has taught me to worry about one thing; harmonizing my mind and feelings. I am codependent no more, and rather than be obsessed with others, I am obsessed with emotional recovery. #codependency #healingandrecovery
Nate Postlethwait
There is profound healing in believing the good things people say about you. But, those comments often provoke memories where you learned to hide to avoid constant criticism. Trust the good people see. Trust the value in being seen. Don't trust the shame that tells you to hide.
Lisa A. Romano
I knew when I was entering into an empowered state of codependency recovery when he said, “You’re crazy,” and I said, “You’re entitled to your faulty perception of me!” BOOM #breakthroughwithlisa
Defend Survivors
The problem isn’t that people don’t understand survivors - it’s that they don’t understand perpetrators.
Keir Harding
There's a lot of misdiagnosis in Borderline Personality Disorder.
Even if they hit 9/9 criteria, telling a survivor of abuse that their personality is disordered is a misdiagnosis.
People will hurt you and then act like you hurt them.
Some of us did,nt learn any of the right skills growing up.
Because we were to busy just trying to fucking survive.
𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒂 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏
Narcissists always believe people are being influenced and aren't capable of formulating their thoughts because all a narcissist does is mimic and copy
Nate Postlethwait
Survivors would heal quicker if they had the kind of support their abusers do.
Lisa A. Romano
Narcissistic abuse causes you to feel anxious, doubtful, and stuck because overtime, your limbic system becomes conditioned to fear the next attack. You walk on eggshells hoping to avoid painful outcomes but that makes you a nervous wreck. #narcissisticabuse #toxic #STUCK
Echoism vs. codependency
This trait is often confused with codependency, enabling behaviors, or a passive personality, but echoism is more complex.
People with echoism are often far from passive, especially when singled out for attention they’d rather avoid. They may put plenty of effort into encouraging others to open up and share their struggles.
Yet while they tend to be skilled at listening, they won’t necessarily attempt to guide or take control of someone’s actions, as seen with codependency.
from Better Help website.
Adam Grant @adamgrant.bsky.social
Downplaying your achievements is not the antidote to appearing arrogant.
Humility is acknowledging your weaknesses, not denying your strengths. Generosity is elevating others, not diminishing yourself.
Owning your success doesn't make you a narcissist—it makes you a role model.
Lisa A. Romano
I’m the type of healing codependent empath that welcomes the sort of pain that gets my inner child’s head out of my wounded ego’s ass. How about you? #codependency #breathroughwithlisa #ego #empath
Louisa Jones
💯 BPD is a diagnostic label disproportionately applied to female victims of CSA, DV and SA. Their ‘symptoms’ are normal, human responses to inhuman treatment.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Distance is my new answer to disrespect. I no longer react, I no longer retun energy, I no longer dive into the drama. I simply remove myself.
Defend Survivors
Please know if someone is shaming you with “you’re responsible for your happiness” - they just want to tell you what to do, but not actually help you deal with what you’re facing right now.
Defend Survivors
If people were only half as good at supporting survivors as they are at judging them…
Defend Survivors
Just so you know, an influencer telling you you’re nasty for being depressed is no different than your abuser saying that.
#itsabuse #respectsurvivors
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Sometimes, the best way to deal with a toxic situation is to let it starve.
No response.
No action.
No reaction.
No altercations.
Don't feed something that only knows destruction.
That's where your true power is.
John Bradshaw’s book Healing the Shame That Binds You (1998) is not about borderline personality disorder, yet his explanation of toxic shame and the resulting feelings and behaviors epitomizes BPD.
stop walking on eggshells
Nate Postlethwait
If you’re a person who has spent a lot of their life in survival mode, it’s likely you need the reminder: You don’t owe people near what you think you do.
Elizabeth Shaw - Overcoming Narcissist Abuse.
A narcissist wants to convince you that your reactions to their actions are the problem when, without their actions, there would be no reactions.
Gary Goodridge
Feb 20
Toxic people only change their victims, never themselves. Remember that.
Lynette Ntuli
Feb 20
Your mental health will never thrive in a place where your silence is the price for being loved…”
"Remember: we can be the bands we wanna hear."
--C.M. Punk
Moral Philosophy
Confident people don’t crave attention.
Laurence Kuek
This is to keep the unimaginative minds/masses occupied.
One borderline woman says, “We know deep within that we are defective. So we try so hard to act normal because we want so much to please everybody and keep the people in our lives from abandoning us.” But this competence is a doubleedged sword. Because they can appear so normal, high-functioning borderlines often don’t get the help they need.
stop walking on eggshells
Nate Postlethwait
Often times life feels like it’s too much because it is. We dismiss the value of not always needing to find deeper meaning or get stronger to deal with things that are coming on too strong. May we all amplify hope and peace (for ourselves and others) when life feels unruly.
your whole life can be altered just by associating with someone. so yes, be selective… be very selective!🩶
Sinèad Watson
I'm just going to say it: half of you calling yourselves autistic aren't autistic, you're just socially awkward. I've met real autistics and you're not the same. Being weird doesnt mean you have a fucking condition.
Nate Postlethwait
Before you tell someone what they need to let go of, ask them what it cost them.
Justin Grome
Y’all ruin the calmest people, then call them crazy when they react.
You can’t trust anyone who can’t admit they wrong
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
If you have to change who you are to be accepted, you’re in the wrong crowd.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
When you no longer let people manipulate you, be prepared to see a version of them you've never seen before.
I accept flaws .. I don’t accept lies & disloyal shit
Jacy, LPC
Society has made it normal for others success to be determined by tests and other people’s opinions and wonder why people care about other people’s opinions so much.
Nate Postlethwait
“You’re so sensitive” is often the only words someone can come up with to deflect how clearly you’re describing their harmful behavior.
Elizabeth Shaw - Overcoming Narcissist Abuse.
Cheaters often claim you have
"trust issues."
Manipulators often accuse you of
People who provoke claim you're
Liars often accuse you of being "crazy." People who hurt you call you "sensitive." Pay attention to what people accuse you of feeling, as they're often trying to hide how they're behaving.
Defend Survivors
One of the worst things we’ve done is to convince people that if perpetrators just had love and compassion they wouldn’t abuse - but many perpetrators use love and compassion to abuse.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Workplace bullies don't see the wrong in their actions because they surround themselves around people who normalize it.
normalize seeing someone's lack of effort as their lack of interest in you regardless of what they tell you. giving you all of the right words, but none of the right actions is called manipulation. when a person wants to be with you, they prove it.
Nate Postlethwait
If you are someone who is prone to always make sure everyone else is ok, you may need the reminder that there is growth in accepting you don’t owe what you don’t have.
A therapist said that sometimes being a loner is a trauma response. You’re so use to people you love not showing up for you or walking away or you may have grown up in a toxic environment. That the only one you could depend on was YOU! So you naturally feel safe when you’re alone
stop being so available to ppl who only fuck with u on their time
Tejada22 🤎
Feb 24
detach. let it end. accept the situation. move on.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Feb 21
To avoid disappointment, stop seeing only the good in people, and start seeing the reality of what they’re really showing you.
Nate Postlethwait
Work less to be understood by people who have never shown curiosity or compassion towards your healing.
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Unhealed trauma makes you tolerate a lot of sh*t you don't deserve because you don't want to lose people. Healing helps you establish boundaries so you don’t lose yourself.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
Ignore the opinions.
Half the people doubting you wouldn't last a day in your shoes.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
You can disagree with someone’s point of view without being rude.
Being rude is a choice. The same as bullying.
Can't be out here losing your mind over somebody who doesn't even mind losing you.
don’t force love. don’t force bonds. don’t force connections. don’t force convos.
stay genuine and everything will naturally reciprocate, or remove itself.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Malignant narcissists feel most threatened by those people who have genuine moral integrity so they will attack their reputation and do their best to make the genuinely moral people who threaten them look like the bad guys.
Count Jackula @countjackula.bsky.social
We often make evil people into monsters, because being a monster makes evil interesting.
Evil on it's own is petty and boring.
Ever lost interest in someone you really liked because of bad communication and unmatched energy?
𝙋𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙮 ✨
Normalize not oversharing and keeping your personal life private. Not everyone wants what's best for you.
Nate Postlethwait
When you begin to heal, you’ll judge yourself in all the ways your abuser has. You’ll dismiss your reality the way your abuser has. This isn’t a result of you not healing correctly, but a response to how much damage abuse does to good people. Keep going. Those voices will stop.
Nate Postlethwait
We need to accept there are people that will exist in this world and never once reflect on how their actions impact others. Then we need to consider what it’s like to be the child of this type of person. So many parents did not do the best they could, and didn’t attempt to.
Nate Postlethwait
If they did the best they could and their actions left others with cPTSD, you should reconsider what best means.
The people you sacrifice everything for, will one day tell you they never forced you to do anything for them.
Feats of Strength & Trauma Recovery
Doing "one's best" can still mean "complete & total failure."
Parents can either own their failures or just straight f*ck off.
Inner Practitioner
It's a red flag when someone wants you to prove your worth before treating you right. You are always worthy. You don't need to audition to get what you deserve. Anyone who wants you to prove your worth before treating you right isn't worth your attention, time, and energy.
Ryan Daigler - Exposing Narcissistic Abuse 🚩🚩
Narcissists—especially those on the more extreme end of the spectrum, such as malignant narcissists or sociopathic narcissists—are deeply driven by an “us versus them” mentality.
For narcissists, the “us versus them” mindset stems from their need to establish dominance, superiority, and control. They divide the world into allies (those who validate their ego) and enemies (those who challenge or threaten them).
This black-and-white thinking is particularly extreme in malignant and sociopathic narcissists because they not only crave power but also derive pleasure from deception, manipulation, and inflicting harm.
They thrive on conflict because it keeps them at the center of attention and allows them to consolidate control over their followers or victims.
However, this tendency is not exclusive to malignant narcissists; it’s also a core feature of authoritarian psychology and propaganda tactics.
If, however, we assume that malignant narcissism CREATES the authoritarian leader rather than just being a parallel of it, then authoritarianism itself is fundamentally a psychological phenomenon of malignant narcissism before it becomes a political one. In this view, the authoritarian state is simply a larger manifestation of the malignant narcissist’s psyche—a system designed to serve their pathological needs on a grand scale.
How Malignant Narcissism Evolves Into Authoritarianism
1.The Narcissist’s Deep Insecurity Fuels Their Need for Absolute Control
•Malignant narcissists, beneath their grandiosity, are deeply insecure and fragile. To protect their ego, they seek total control over their environment, eliminating threats before they can challenge their dominance.
•When such a person rises to power, this personal need for control transforms into authoritarian governance—censorship, suppression of opposition, loyalty tests, and absolute obedience.
2.Their Manipulation Skills Enable Mass Control
•Their mastery of gaslighting, projection, and emotional manipulation allows them to create a cult-like following where people internalize their worldview, just as victims of narcissistic abuse do in personal relationships.
3.The “Us vs. Them” Mentality Becomes a Tool for Power Consolidation
•Malignant narcissists need enemies to blame and attack in order to maintain their own superiority.
•As leaders, they institutionalize this mindset, turning nations, political parties, or demographic groups into enemies, keeping their followers in a constant state of fear and dependency.
4.Paranoia and Delusions Drive Authoritarian Behavior
•Many malignant narcissists become paranoid over time, convinced that their power is always under threat.
•This paranoia leads to purges, crackdowns, and extreme authoritarian policies—because in their mind, every critic is a traitor, and every challenge to their rule is a direct attack on their identity.
5.They Lack Empathy, Justifying Any Means Necessary
•Since malignant narcissists lack empathy, they have no moral restraint.
•If silencing, imprisoning, or even killing opponents is necessary to maintain their power, they will rationalize it as justified.
Hardest pill to swallow is realizing people do not care. They’ll hurt you & really go on about their lives. Not even slightly affected about what they did to you & how you feel. Regardless if it’s friendships, relationships, or family.
Inspirational Quotes
Stop serving good vibes to people who deserve goodbyes.
The longer you go without something,the more comfortable you become with it's absence. That especially goes for people too.
Workplace Mental Health Safety & Prevention
A lot of people aren't fighting demons - they're fighting accountability
Blog posts:
Do Movies Cause Social Anxiety? ✌ Strong reaction to someone rude ✌ The Agreeableness Theory ✌Managing Social Anxiety and Toxic Shame ✌ Complex Trauma induce Social Anxiety and Avoidance ✌Navigating through social anxiety ✌ Accepting social anxiety ✌ Social anxiety is Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) ✌ Quiet BPD is social anxiety ✌ Hating social anxiety is an act of self abuse
Reddit posts:
- Why not Social Anxiety "Solutions" or "Fixes" or "Overcoming"?
- Concepts that helped me understand Social anxiety, Panic Triggers and Avoidance
- Toxic shame
- Intrusive Thoughts (PureOCD)
- Self Worth
- Being stuck
- Resentment
- Doubt and Descartes 'Evil genius argument'
- External reference locus of control and External validation
- Amygdala hijacking
- Egocentrism
- Classical CBT based Social Anxiety on faulty premises
- Fawning
- Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve
- Long-Term Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause Brain Damage
- 20 ideas and conclusions about social anxiety I learned without external help
- Philosophical zombie (NPC Wojak)
- Comment on YT video "Marcus Aurelius - Stop Caring What People Think"
- Interdependence
- Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and Social anxiety
- Perfectionism is hidden factor of disorder in Social Anxiety
- Toxic people
- Three stages
- There is no absolute truth
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Dualism and Double bind
- Alternative explanations of Social anxiety
- Anti-psychiatry
- Anti-psychiatry (2)
- Social Anxiety Map (I)
- Social Anxiety Map (II)
- Social Anxiety Map (III)
- All people have social anxiety. All.
- Humanistic therapies
- False self (I)
- False self (II)
- Catcher in the Rye (I)
- Catcher in the Rye (II)
- Catcher in the Rye (III)
- Complex Trauma (c-PTSD)
- Social Anxiety tips (I)
- Social Anxiety tips (II)
- Social stigma
- Trickster (by Jung)
- How Narcissists hijacked Social Anxiety
- Charcot hysteria
- Time machine - my views about social anxiety from 1996
- Trauma splitting
- Social anxiety in the presence of well-meaning people
- Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
- Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development (II)
- Sam Vaknin and Richard Grannon (I)
- Sam Vaknin and Richard Grannon (II)
- Agreeableness
- Negative politeness
- Why smashing social anxiety approach will never work
- Seesaw effect
- Initiation into evil
- Invalidation
- Validation (I)
- Validation (II)
- Validation (III)
- Solution must be simple (Occam's Razor)
- Power Dynamics (I)
- Power Dynamics (II)
- Interpersonal sensitivity
- Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)
- Scapegoating people-pleasing is wrong
- Scapegoating people-pleasing is wrong (II)
- Social anxiety and Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)
- Neurodiversity
- Social anxiety: journal entry from 1990
- Masking
- Paradox of vulnerability
- Fear of being hated
- Fear of criticism and negative evaluation
- Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACoA) - part 1
- Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACoA) - part 2
- Processing emotions and stimuli
- Processing emotions and stimuli (II)
- Processing emotions and stimuli (III)
- Processing emotions and stimuli (IV)
- Processing emotions and stimuli (V)
- All people have social anxiety. All. (II)
- Polarized thinking
- Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
- High-functioning social anxiety
- Quiet BPD as social anxiety
- Internal Family Systems Model (IFS)
- Boundaries
- Boundaries (II)
- Extinction
- Self-referential thinking
- Social anxiety described in 19th century
- Quick fusion
- Four pillars of Social Anxiety (I)
- Four pillars of Social Anxiety (II)
- Toxic shame and Social anxiety are intertwined
- Toxic shame and Social anxiety are intertwined (II)
- Toxic shame and Social anxiety are intertwined (III)
- CBT DSM medical terms are misleading
- CBT myth about Exposure
- Stoicism and social anxiety
- Regulation and Dysregulation
- Regulation and Dysregulation (II)
- Survivorship bias
- Survivorship bias (II)
- How to handle difficult people (I)
- How to handle difficult people (II)
- Toxic empathy (I)
- Toxic empathy (II)
- Toxic empathy (III)
- Spotlight effect and other (neuro)-typical nonsense advice for Social Anxiety
- Spotlight effect and other (neuro)-typical nonsense advice for Social Anxiety (II)
- Psychedelics and social anxiety
- Tendency to perceive (interpersonal) victimhood - TIV
- All people have social anxiety. All. (III)
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety (II)
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety (III)
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety (IV)
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety (V)
- Nothingness as anti-dote for social anxiety (VI)
- Synaptic pruning
- BBC The Century of the Self
- Othering
- Barnum effect
- Social anxiety coaches
- High-Functioning Autism and Social anxiety
- High-Functioning Autism and Social anxiety (II)
- High-Functioning Autism and Social anxiety (III)
- High-Functioning Autism and Social anxiety (IV)
- Unwritten struggles of social anxiety
- Unwritten struggles of social anxiety (II)
- Unwritten struggles of social anxiety (III)
- Secure attachment
- Secure attachment (II)
- Secure attachment (III)
- Worrying About What Other People Think of You (FOPO)
- Looking-glass self
- Looking-glass self (II)
- Looking-glass self (III)
- Healthy coping mechanisms
- Devil on our shoulder
- Broken Looking-Glass Self is Social anxiety
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (II) - tracks
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (III) - wagons
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (IV) - wagons
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (VI) - loops
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (VII) - fog
- Social anxiety as rollercoaster (VIII) - constructs
- Shyness versus Social anxiety
- Shyness versus Social anxiety (II)
- Shyness versus Social anxiety (III)
- Shyness versus Social anxiety (IV)
- Shyness versus Social anxiety (V)
- Coerced-compliant false confessions
- Detachment
- Detachment and Social anxiety
- Detachment and suppressed anger
- Detachment, anger and CPTSD
- Detachment and anger as tools of healing Social anxiety
- Cowardice vs. Social anxiety
- Entanglement
- Observation
- Healing social anxiety
- What is Social Anxiety?
- Cognitive distortions
- Cognitive distortions versus Social anxiety
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Situational anxiety
- Self-made prison
- Inattentional blindness
- Social anxiety deciphered as the Rosetta Stone
- Social anxiety translated as the unfelt anger
- Coercive control
- Weaponized anger
- Toxic people and social anxiety
- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
- Operant conditioning
- Conditioning and Social anxiety
- Fear of punishment is Social anxiety
- Conditioned triggers in Social anxiety
- Self-Forgiveness
- RAIN method
- Social anxiety spectrum
- Social anxiety scale
- Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
- Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving - quotes
- Borderline disorder and social anxiety
- AvPD, Borderline and Social anxiety
- Borderline masking itself as social anxiety
- Borderline and social anxiety as dual system
- Social anxiety is borderline reaction to oppression and abuse
- Social anxiety is normal reaction to abnormal people and events
- Social anxiety investigation
- CSI Social Anxiety
- Social anxiety is not your fault
- Cork
- Faustian bargain
- Homunculus
- Good side of social anxiety
- Social anxiety is an adaptation to evil
- Social anxiety is adaptation to narcissistic abuse
- Social anxiety is a survival mode
- Hating social anxiety is an act of self abuse
- The pain and Social anxiety
- Convictions, beliefs and explanations about social anxiety
- Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)
- Narrative therapy
- Egosyntonic
- Hyper-attunement
- Hyper-responsibility
- Repetition compulsion
- Over-identification with aggressor is social anxiety
- Examination of social anxiety reactions
- Fear of criticism as a by-product of indoctrination
- Goodness is something to be chosen
- Ambiguity
- Echoism
- Objectification
- Problem of the criterion
- Reality testing
- Social anxiety is trauma
- There is no winning strategy
- The pain is not the punishment
- Stoicism is unhealthy for social anxiety
- The Local Rationality Principle
- Be friendly - not friends
- Social anxiety is a Psychological injury