Sep 1
"In Zoroastrianism, Asha (truth, cosmic order), the life force that originates from Ahura Mazda, stands in opposition to Druj (falsehood, deceit)".
It's about in discussion, you don't self-censor ys, speak free what you feel inside. It's not about being rude, obnoxious, annoying
Why Croatia has no News Talk radio station? Thinking face
Not just to yak and complain 24/7, a way to talk problems out. Problems as topics will never run out in this country.
Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd".
Tomorrow will come and you'll find some distractions. You'll get rid of this place. You'll work. You'll fall in love. And maybe it'll work out and maybe it won't. But you'll find a million petty things to keep you going...
film SEPTEMBER (1987)
Japan's pressurized Toyota "rover is expected to launch in the late 2020s."
But, will it visit NASA Apollo remnant sites? Face with monocle
Sep 2
-The instinctive reaction of all frightened creatures is to retreat to a place of safety.
-Why should they be afraid of us?
-It is quite possible that they find us grotesque and ugly. And many people fear beings different from themselves.
STAR TREK: the animated series S1 E13
-Strange that such highly developed race would be violent.
-Apparently, they were exposed to frightened geological disaster. Such hardship induces savagery and violence.
-We've feared they would contaminate us with their violence.
STAR TREK: the animated series S1 E13
Worrying is worst than what reality could be. Let's see if we could turn some anxiety into confidence.
We have tendency to live in space of survival mode. We're not living or enjoying life, we are constantly surviving, trying to stay alive. It's important to name our feelings. You have the right to be heard. We feel we need always to edit, or tone down.
Nightswimming deserves a quiet night
I'm not sure all these people understand
It's not like years ago
The fear of getting caught
Of recklessness and water
They cannot see me naked
Less pain, more glory
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists; all is a dream. God-man- the world--the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars--a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space--and you- you are but a thought!
Whenever anyone criticizes or wrongs you, remember that they are only doing or saying what they think is right. They cannot be guided by your views, only their own; so if their views are wrong, they are the ones who suffer insofar as they are misguided.
Star Trek: The Animated Series S1 E15
The Eye Of The Beholder
When you are born on this planet you're born a sort of amnesia at birth. When people are born with the call they are imprinted with that outer garment that the soul passes through.
All of life is learning experience.Everything is part of big master plan. But sometimes it's hard to read.If you get to close to screen all you can see is bunch of little dots. You don't see the big picture until you step back. When you do, everything comes into focus.
Sep 4
Work hard & be nice to people.
- I should yell at people and take my pills.
PEYTON PLACE episode 383
For the next 6 days, we are actually living in the year 2012 (according to Etiopian Solar Calendar).
Corona is actually the year 2012 event, so many shocking prophecies about 2012 were correct after all.Face with monocle
Sep 5
We been talkin' 'bout Jackson ever since the fire went ou-ou-out
Go to Jackson and that's a natural fact
We're goin' to Jackson, ain't never comin' back
Nancy Sinatra · Lee Hazlewood - Jackson
Before time began, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu were separated by an infinite void. Then Ahura Mazda created the physical, world. Angra Mainyu crawled into this new world and polluted it. We now live in a time Gumezishn, the Mixture. Good and Evil, Truth and Lie.
YT Cogito
Zoroastrians see the physical world as a trap that Ahura Mazda lured Angra Mainyu into. Now trapped in the physical world Angra Mainyu can be defeated slowly by the good thoughts, good words, and good deeds of humans working with Ahura Mazda.
YT Cogito, What Is Zoroastrianism?
Good Deeds such as taking part in your community, supporting others during tough times, standing up against justice, fighting poverty, nursing the sick.
YT Cogito, What Is Zoroastrianism?
Capitalism at its most ruthless rewards psychopathic behavior-the lack of empathy, the glibness (being confident, but too simple and lacking in careful thought-used car salesman), cunning, manipulative.
Not necessarily all contact with alien and foreign culture resulted in nasty outcome in human history:
"The Jesuits gained access to the imperial court as scholars and were entrusted with a calendar reform in 1613."
China 1368-1800
If you put your attention to training it will become powerful even if you suck at it, eventually you become powerful in that.Anything you put your attention on regularly, consistently, you will become powerful at that thing. Reduce bad habits in your life.
If you are really in a good state of mind, spread that love. We're all in this together. We're all a team, we're all part of the same team. As time goes we start to understand that. Spread positivity, be aware of things in the moment.
Energy is Contagious
I've lived in the city all my life. Today I felt everything has changed. People were different. Not just Geoffrey but everybody. Yesterday they all seemed normal. Today everything seemed the same but it wasn't. It was like the whole city changed..overnight.
Sep 6
Thoughts will try to convince you are not strong enough, don't believe those lies. God sees you being your best. Remember when you are weak, he is strong. God is re-energizing you with fresh passion, fresh vision.
It's amazing where good hair gets you.
(2010 ad)
Christopher Columbus on his 3rd voyage encountered Orinoco River and realized he had encountered a new continent. Thinking face
How many voyages we need to take and find our own Orinoco flow to realize we had wrong assumptions about the world? Face with monocle
There is difference between saying no to someone and purposely being a douche to someone.
YT Natasha Hynes
If you base your life choices based on what people will think or say, then you will always playing safe hoping to catch a break.
Rewire brain to think about failure different, it is part of success.
YT Minority Mindset
The paper that has instructions is way easier to start on. Yes, you'll have less options, less freedom to create whatever you want but you kick into action the way faster. The more constrains you give yourself the truer this gets.
People are consciously and unconsciously making decisions from this core idea of they need approval. We're not here for others. We're here to follow our purpose, specific direction in our life, be obedient to higher self inside ourselves.
YT David Neagle
But he knew well enough that any man, in the right circumstances, could be dehumanized by panic. If it could happen to a man, then it could happen to Hal; and with that knowledge the bitterness and the sense of betrayal he felt toward the computer began to fade.
Arthur C. Clarke
Sep 7
It's time my Puritan friend. It's time to be adult, to be mature, to be sophisticated, to enjoy life. In short, it's time to live.
PEYTON PLACE: episode 386
If your enemy is easily enraged, irritate him.
Being people pleaser indicates that you have feelings that somehow you live under someone else's grasp. AKA feel other people are better than you. You'll be living in mental prison if you keep this habit.
YT Empaths Refuge
Good person would spare your feelings. If they have different ideas or opinions, they would present those opinions in a way that doesn't hurt or attack you. Evil person use you as punching bad cause they think you are weaker or less intelligent
YT TopThink
The people in your life should be building you up, not tearing you down. - Lauren Lovani
...the authority the Lord gave me for building up and not for tearing down.
2 Corinthians 13:10
The less you respond to drama, the more peaceful your life will become.
My army sketches from 1998.
And believe...
and believe...
And believe in what you want
Is where your soul must be
A group can use their intolerance to ridicule unpopular opinions to silent people. For the sole person to hurt people and claim you did morally right thing is form of ethical rudeness. Tough love: some people need slap in the face for their own good.
What you're suppose to do if you find socializing difficult, find out what is it it brings up in you. I feel inferior, i feel inadequate, I feel like I should be doing more, saying more, being more in general. Dealing with challenges outside of socializing
How we think we need to be in order to please other person. It is not authentic. I had to do as they wanted. I had to be artificial person in order to be accepted or even to get privileges. You don't feel worthy already.
YT Aaron Doughty
Start asking what will make me happy, what I want to do? Let go of story in your mind you have to be a certain way in order to receive love. People pleasing- seeing it as safety mechanism from keeping people knowing the real you, that's what people pleasing is.
YT Aaron Doughty
The WORST thing to do when you have social anxiety:
You staying inside causes further social anxiety, causes social anxiety as keeping in existing.
YT Teroy Self Help Journey
Classic NL plays right now:
Arvo Pärt- Spiegel im Spiegel
You don't want to put your worth into hands of other people. Your perspective does count in life. Introverts are not worse than extroverts. Don't try to be somebody else you're not 'cause you'll think they will approve you.
YT Igal Ben Yair
Nobody really notices what we do and we exaggerate the disapproval and rejection that we expect.
YT martin burridge, Why Shame Attacking Experiments help Social Anxiety
Sep 8
Dismissed by official science as hoax, the Bosnian Pyramids at Visoko have concrete plates, tunnels and a sphere unearthed in 2016.
I always wondered why Yugoslavia had not declare the neutrality in WWII like Portugal or Spain have done. It was the "Economic difficulties" that gave birth to German influence and later communist regime.
You've never been married, have you, Lisa?
When you love someone very much, the toughest thing is not to rub their face in their horrible screw-ups.
2012 is not about death - It is about a major transformation that may entail a great number of deaths.
Those who pass their tests will move on to enjoy an enlightened new era.
Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End by. Lawrence E. Joseph
While we await for Trump's departure, let's reminiscent Obama win in 2008.
The first Facebook protest in Croatia, back in December 2008.
At the time Sky News had UNODC anti-corruption commercial, so I've incorporated their message into my video:
"Corruption harms society,
undermines democracy
and weakens the rule of law."
Some things I missed in my history classes:
Due to its collaboration with the Fascist dictator Mussolini, the monarchy was discredited and abolished through a narrow margin in a plebiscite in 1946. King Umberto II went into exile.
Croatia should learn from the European past; authoritarian s & their impact on economy:
António de Oliveira Salazar extensive rule lasted until 1968 set Portugal within the social-economic backwardness that affects the country to this day.
The welfare states finance their health and education systems through high taxes. Through this the state guarantees its people a high standard of living and a great amount of personal freedom to live alternative lifestyles.
National Geographic, Essential... page 459
July 2020 at Jokkmokk Sweden, 3:21 am.
(Thank God for the worldwide webcams. I find the midnight Sun phenomena fascinating.)
Sep 9
You cannot change something if you don't acknowledge it exists.
What Do We Mean When We Say “Toxic Masculinity?”
by Luke Humphris
Putting up a tough exterior is a great way to make people not worry about you, but that is all it does.
Luke Humphris
The economic boom of the 1950s stimulated the Americans' manner of consumption. Advertising campaigns with the slogan "Look at your neighbor!" created a feeling of belonging through earnings and possessions.
It is a good principle in science not to believe any fact however well attested until it fits into some accepted frame of reference. Not to believe it until he could explain it.
2061: Odyssey Three
It is surprising how quickly the most bizarre situation can become routine.
2061: Odyssey Three
Arthur C. Clarke
When dealing with angry people we need them to feel responsible for their actions.
Realize Anger Can Become a Habit
You train your mind to respond with anger in certain situations, so it reproduces the anger feelings when that situation happens again.
If you have positive perspective to the same event flip it in your head, opportunity, you release dha hormone, you have higher frequency, make you feel better, basis of law of attraction. If you are at lower level you're attract similar.
YT Pinnacle Of Man
Your brain is ultimate objective is to keep you alive,it does not care if you are happy,it will keep you at mediocre job as long as it keeps you survive. Beliefs that are given to you you had no choice. Brain thinks this is the only way.
YT Pinnacle Of Man
Sep 10
To a good scientist, and I think I'm a good one, no fact is really respectable until there's a theory to account for it. The theory may turn out to be wrong, it usually is in some details at least, but it must provide a working hypothesis.
"2061: Odyssey Three"
Arthur C. Clarke
Today is the last day of the year 2012 in Ethiopian Solar Calendar.
Therefore Corona virus is prophesied 2012 event. Face with monocle
What you cannot see it that each of them mentally is in its own natural environment. They eat, breathe, and live in worlds created by my machinery. Worlds only they can see. They do not know they are in cages.
Star Trek: The Animated Series S2 E5
- You still are children to me, to be led and shown how to live.
- But if children are made to be totally dependent on teachers, they wouldn't be anything but children.
Star Trek: The Animated Series S2 E5
- Violence of your kind surpasses even those of power cat.
- We've trying to learn to live in peace.
- Because we have minds, we can't be what you wanted us to be. If we fail or succeed it has to be our own doing. Intelligent life is too precious of thing to be lead by the nose.
I've passed into Universe where everything operates in reverse to my Universe.
Star Trek: The Animated Series S2 E6
Noon bells are "attributed to the international commemoration of the victory at Belgrade, Serbia (1456) and to the order of Pope Callixtus III.
The Pope didn't withdraw the order, and Catholic and the older Protestant churches still ring the noon bell to this day."
The meaning of yin and yang is that the universe is governed by a cosmic duality, sets of two opposing and complementing principles or cosmic energies that can be observed in nature.
When yang (yin) is strongest it contains yin (yang)
Let people love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be.
YT Philosophies for Life
Show facts, not opinion. Avoid self blame, you may feel inadequate or even blame yourself for not satisfying manipulator. Remember you are not problem, you are manipulated to feel bad about yourself.
YT Philosophies for Life
Sep 11
What history is this? wiki:
"According to Robert Davis, from the 16th to 19th century, the Barbary pirates captured 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans as slaves." Face with open mouth "enslaved the entire population of the Maltese island of Gozo" "sailed as far as Iceland"
Doing what is best for us at the given moment.
What happens around us is not important, it is to develop healthy indeference. Better way to deal with unavoidable is to embrace it.
STOICISM | How Epictetus Keeps Calm
YT Einzelgänger
Purpose in life is to communicate, we have to communicate deep abstract in our mind for the good of everybody else.
The 3 INFJ Subtypes
YT Frank James
Back in 2001, Croatia had no reliable news resource online working 24/7 with breaking news. Due to my intuition, I've been unconsciously browsing domestic news pages on September 11 at 2:45pm CET (until 3:00pm, that is 8:45 ET) and there were absolutely no news at all about NY.
A beautiful ending scene of Season 6.
YT Dr Erwin Kwun
Silencing this inner critic is one of the best things you can do for your well-being. It won’t necessarily be easy but you can encourage your mind to engage in positive self-talk!
6 Tips for Silencing Your Inner Critic
YT The Uma Show
Većina reklamnih poruka vas nagovara na uspjeh. Da je tako lagano postići sve te ciljeve svi bi bili uspješni. I tko jednom pobijedi mora stalno pobjeđivati, pri najmanjem neispjehu je "otpisan".
dr. Peter Tyrer
Kako živjeti sa stresom, 1980
Don't Let The Feeling Of Loneliness Make You Wanna Reconnect With Toxic People
They f*d up in the first place.
Don't feel bad with those people, they had chance.
YT Nino Brown
Možemo riješiti problem ili izbjegavati.
Uspješna prilagodba je daleko najbolji lijek za stres.
Razlog zbog kojeg nam štetni stres često izmiče kontroli leži u slijepim pjegama naše duševnosti koje nas sprečavaju da vidimo očita rješenja.
dr. Peter Tyrer
Kako živjeti sa stresom
Sep 12
I believe sarcastic people, the critics, they are often right about a lot of things they say but it's the optimists who change the world. Those who have big visions, those who are positive.
Faith is accepting brutal reality, not lose belief.
Working on my Agreeableness Theory, but first step is spellchecking how it is written in English.
Growing up in environment extremely dysfunctional, being yourself, being authentic was met with rejection. Having different perspective was met with anger, rage or silent treatment.
Start revealing authentic, showing myself.
YT Michele Lee Nieves Coaching
Find out what you can do for them to fix the issue. Always be polite and nice.
How To Deal With An Angry Customer
YT Satish Gaire
Google: "do a barrel roll" and it rotates the page.
They can cursing you out. All you have to do is tell them what it is,in a respectful way. You don't have to respond any more. That's the thing about it. You don't have to take it. You can stop responding after you gave them all information.
YT TheRealDomoB
Successful people don't waste their time being hateful and negative.Being above average, people see you are greater than they are, surely they will take you down to their level. To do that,they will have to cause you harm.Prepare good show for those haters
Skidanje lažnih slojeva ličnosti što ih svi povremeno navlačimo na sebe i otkrivanje srži vlastite ličnosti. Svi se štitimo u određenoj mjeri nanošenjem slojeva na fasadu, trudeći se da postanemo ono što nismo, vlastite karikature.
dr Peter Tyrer
The Time Travelers (1964)
Face masks in Robot Jox (1989).
Sep 13
Duality/unity in everything:
"Young's experiment demonstrates the wave nature of light, the photoelectric effect sees light as a stream of particles. Therefore, electromagnetic radiation is dual in nature. It has both wave and particle nature."
Quantum app
Constantly seeking attention, nagging. You don't need that extra stress.
Manipulative people – will present themselves as very friendly.
You cannot build long lasting relationship with those people.
How To Deal With Toxic People
YT Make Them Love You
Be careful what you put out there.
That's what you need to do as empath as loving being, help them remember their own. They wont take it in, they'll diminish it.
Help them remember that is there, they'll have to find it.
YT Angel Souls
If we don't teach how to treat us, then basically we are giving people permission to walk all over us. To find clues about boundaries, when you feel resentful
Underappreciated – that is another clue. Ask ys what am I doing that I need to stop doing.
Enemy comes against us with thoughts, thoughts of doubt, fear, worry. His goal is to keep your mind so filled with all the negative so you're preoccupied what will not work out. Take control of thought line. Stay on offensive.
It is not useful to react to stuff brain is throwing up. Certainty and control is chasing hive – less you feel in control. You need more to feel in control, lead more controlling and checking, bad downward spiral.
YT Mark Freeman
Treat brain like toddler, that gets scared, like toddler it just reacts, doesn't know what to do, cannot control anything. It whines, complains about things, it is up to me to be adult, take care of brain, see bigger picture, to do things that are healthy to us.
YT Mark Freeman
Focusing on what you can control. What you are doing this day the best day, what are you doing to master this day today, forget tomorrow, next summer. Ability to focus on today and making today amazing.
YT Mel Robbins
It will not last forever. Learn how to let go of control. You don't need to do anything, just accept you have no control over those thoughts, it will make huge difference, you'll feel calmer. Practice not to engage with those thoughts.
YT Vivi Mark
Rebuild the world.
Regardless how i feel about situation I am always in control of steering wheel break pedal and gas pedal. And how I come out on the other side is up to me.
How you come out on other side is in your control.
YT 5 Rings Barbell
There are no disposables gloves in Croatia stores. Except in interspar, 34,99 HRK (4.64 EUR)
Sep 14
"Brian Moore couldn't make it, so I'm your new hooker."
Hooker is one of the positions in a rugby league team.
There must be a middle path between opulence (luxuriousness) and decadence.
THE SIMPSONS S30 E3 "My Way or the Highway to Heaven"
All the love in the world won't take me away from you
My love is stronger I forever lay down here with you
Dionne Warwick
Sky Arts channel is now Free-To-Air, Astra at 28.2°E
Make sure you've done your part of being a friend. Lead with kindness.
Their response will tell you everything you need to know.
Before you call someone toxic, watch this.
It's important to understand your opinions matter. And that you are allowed to speak up for yourself. It doesn't have to be mean, you can communicate your opinions and feelings in a kind and polite way.
YT Siggi Hellarich
Express yourself. By you not sharing it, it's not going to impact somebody in potentially positive way. Who are you hurting by not sharing your message, by not talking to somebody new, by not meeting other people and expressing yourself?
YT Geek Psychology
Strange chemical in clouds of Venus defies explanation. Could it be a sign of life?
We think fundamentally we are flawed. Shame consume identity like black hole. This is something we are thought into, it is completely programmed.
Shame is arrow to what needs love.
SHAME: The Truth About Healing It
YT Happiness After Codependency
I feel you over the airwave.
Rank 1 - Airwave
Curb your enthusiasm.
All is full of love
You just ain't receiving
All is full of love
Your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
Your doors are all shut
All is full of love
All habits are stored in subconscious, panic attacks. When you think what to do you use conspicuous part of brain. This is why you are stuck. We try to change with conscious part but it is our nervous system that is in control.
Sep 15
Unless you have a clear knowledge of physics, you have some idea or impression of special relativity, but it is vague, rudimentary and obviously not as complete as the idea of special relativity in the mind of a person with a Ph.D. in Astrophysics.
Robert Arp
Archaeologist Steven Mithen has put forward the theory that, around 30,000 years ago, our hominin ancestor's mental modules opened up, and ideas and information began to flow freely between them - a process he termed "cognitive fluidity".
Robert's Arp book "1001 ideas that changed the way we think" tells us that fashion was first invented,while projectiles & religion came much later:
c. 650,000 BCE - Clothing
c. 400,000 BCE - Using Sharp Projectiles, Flint
c. 135,000 BCE - Trade & Jewelry
c. 40,000 BCE - Shamanism
If you put too much pressure, will go to escapist behaviour. Be gentle as you move forward. You got to work with yourself. You can't just command yourself like tyrant.
YT Spartan Ownership
You have innate feeling of shame and guilt whenever you celebrate your own success. Because deep down inside, you feel like you don't deserve to be happy.
9 Signs You Have Unhealed Trauma
YT Psych2Go
Being rude to you determines what you invite in your life. Nobody will do or say anything to you, that is not direct reflection how they feel in that moment. Then you can decide-You'll feel sorry for that person, rather than ego kick in
YT Simon Stanley TV
We all have our own specific triggers or tender points that produce feelings of shame. Unlike ordinary shame, “internalized shame” hangs around and alters our self-image.
It generates low self-esteem, anxiety, irrational guilt,...
Recognize that the shame you feel was imposed on you by others and was about them, not you.
The toxic shame we feel inevitably comes from having been told all our lives that something about us is shameful and wrong and makes us bad.
Lin Kaatz Chary
There’s nothing wrong with us. Recognize it and name it as something alien and unnatural to your true self; something imposed on you when you were unable to defend yourself.
Toxic shame magnifies the things we are ashamed of out proportion
Lin Kaatz Chary
Toxic shame distorts our view of the world.
If we haven’t done anything wrong or there’s nothing wrong with us, who cares what people think?
Lin Kaatz Chary
Ease off gas pedal slowly, not abruptly. Tailgater will become frustrated and they're going to pass you. Stop looking at the mirror, you'll get frustrated.
How To Stop A Tailgater In Less Than 1 Minute-Driving Tip
YT Helpful DIY
They've experienced things that their young psyche not ready to be experienced, become traumatic events. Solution is radical humility. Accept who they are. Toxic want them be more than they are, more than human. Shame drive perfectionism.
YT Kyle Medeiros
Our bodies are not meant to consume the food at the grocery store at ease and amount that they say we can and that we do. You are consuming 2 or 3 times calories that you need to, your body cannot consume food you're feeding it.
Stay Healthy
YT Marty Glenn
Rank 1 - Awakening
Sep 16
In the late 20th century there emerged a new form of slavery known as debt bondage, in which employers charge workers so much for food and shelter that the exploited people can never fulfill their obligations.
Slavery 10000 BCE
Robert Arp
Feng shui is the Chinese art of arranging and moving the external built environment-anything from buildings and gardens to the furnishings and objects within them-to maximize that environment's harmony and balance and optimize the flow of energy.
According to "1001 IDEAS THAT CHANGED THE WAY WE THINK", Judgement Day and Perfume were invented around the same time, c. 3000 BCE.
Being nice does not come out of goodness or high morals. It comes out of a fear of displeasing others and receiving their disapproval.
Gazipura, Aziz.
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty...
there’s probably many things you would say and do when you are fully confident, authentic, expressive and free, that the inhibited part of you would judge as being “a jerk” or “bad.”
Gazipura, Aziz.
"Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... "
Free your wild side.
Life is better lived together.
I guess these days it's okay for everyone to be everything.
I've been hurt before. I don't want to mess you up by getting close to you.
Utopia- if you had all stuff you wanted, what would you be? What would you do? Watching tv, eating ice cream? We are not adapted for security and utopia, we're adapted for certain amount. With one foot at unknown.
Jordan Peterson
Egocentric is inability to put in other person place. Most guys successful in business are not ego-centric, they can't be. You rely on customer feedback, taking that in account, how you rank on value, expand.
How To Understand People Egotism Vs Egocentrism
Look for your own interest, ok to be selfish, get the things you want by adding values to other people, creating win-win scenario. Making your clients happy. Solve problems, making ys more attractive, adding value to your friends, business opportunity to busines in your network.
Giving value to get value. It's ok to be selfish about it but put yourself first. Have empathy, add value. That's long term mentality. Short term mentality is just cheat someone. Long term is how i make this person client for life. Or how do i make this really good relationship.
Theremin, electronic musical instrument invented in 1920 in the Soviet Union by Leon Theremin, wave eerie music is made without physical contact with instrument.
Used in si-fi movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (1951).
Happiness does not feel like anything. You think there must be a feeling for happiness.
Happiness is content, just being.feels like nothing.
YT Marty Glenn
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development is about 4 stages to intelligence by the age 12.
4th stage: A new sense of identity creates egocentric thoughts and some start to see an imaginary audience watching them all the time.
When you get hijacked by your emotions I call it being a passenger to your emotions. You can literally make a decision and grab the wheel. It's called A-B planing when you set intention how you gonna respond (fun) before stressful situation.
Only those learning with assistance of a capable mentor can reach full potential of their ability. By giving students practice in talking with others, we give them frames for thinking on their own.
Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development
Kindertransport - organised rescue effort that took place during the nine months prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. The United Kingdom took in nearly 10,000 predominantly Jewish children from Nazi Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia Poland, and Danzig. wiki
This may entail a script — internal guidelines that support highly unrealistic expectations which may include the need for perfection and to always be right. In an effort to escape feeling shame, they’re intent on proving others wrong.
Sep 18
Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to.
The Stoic APP
So there is new twist in Venus life discovery. It was made possible because researchers decided to count chemicals that were not necessary, it would be waste of time. That tells us - if we are not creative, if we censor ourselves, we'd miss life. Having crude boss is unproductive
Been listening to Radio Norge right now, they leave English without their over-translation to Norwegian;
Trump said: "maybe covid is good thing. I don't like to shake hands with people, with this disgusting people."
Good moral character my Aunt. I'm sick and tired of you making snap judgements.
PEYTON PLACE, episode 404
Kad mislimo da smo potpuno u pravu prestajemo tražiti nove informacije. Prestajemo biti znatiželjni. Prestanemo tragati i učiti.
Egocentrično razmišljanje znači da će dijete sve doživljavati osobno. Personalizirati. Djeca nemaju vremena razviti granice ega tj unutrašnju snagu s pomoću koje pojedinac brani svoj unutrašnji prostor. Dječji ego je poput kuće bez vrata. Nemaju iskustvo.
NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) - By the time I reran the experience, it no longer had the voltage it had the first time. In fact, I hardly felt anything of the initial intensity.
John Bradshaw
Healing the Shame that Binds You
Egocentric thinking means that a child will take everything personally. Their egocentricity is like a temporary door or doorknob, in use until strong boundaries can be built.
John Bradshaw
what are you focusing on? Are you in the moment, speaking freely, spontaneously asking what you’re most curious about, and being fully engaged? Or are you observing yourself and others’ reactions?
Gazipura, Aziz. Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty..
Papa Chico move your eyes,
Your discover is eating the ice.
Papa Chico sing this song
All the people feeling they're gone.
You can't control an independent heart
Can't tear the one you love apart
Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live
We can't live here and be happy with less
Incarnation plays a central role in Buddhist belief system, where it is considered a feature on the continued cycle of birth and rebirth, which can only be broken by the attainment of enlightenment. For Buddhists,incarnation is an indication of failure of enlightenment
1001 IDEAS
I got some troubles but they wont last
I'm gonna lay right down here in the grass
And pretty soon all my troubles will pass
I never had a friend or wanted one
So I just lay back and laugh at the sun
'Cause I'm in
Shu shu shu shuSugar Town.
The mystical experience is unusual in that it takes the subject away from normal perceptions for a limited period of time. When that person returns from the event, he or she has difficulty explaining what has happened, since transcendent reality does not lend itself to language.
Mystical experiences indicate that human reality is not the only reality, and so they confront those who experience them or believe in them with the fundamental limits of human knowledge. Mystical experiences offer proof and firsthand knowledge of human transcendence.
1001 IDEAS
"Mystical Experience" was invented in Ancient Greece c. 1600 BCE, the Eleusinian Mysteries. 'The mystical experience persisted for 2,000 years, to the end of Roman Empire in 476.'
Robert Arp
It is Balkan invention.
Never too late to find out what your true self is. A paper at Cornell University has showed that no one is 100% straight or gay.
Good for you, soldier. You learned that army men come in all orientations, but we're all molded from the same crappy plastic.
This is what being nice is. It’s monitoring yourself to make sure you come across in a pleasing manner and don’t offend anyone. It’s making sure others like you and don’t have any negative feelings. No upset, irritation. No discomfort. Just happy, positive, approving thoughts
Look for the rules that are crushing you. The ones that keep you feeling confined, inadequate, guilty, and stuck.
Gazipura, Aziz. Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being ys
I don't want you to be somebody you aren't. I also don't want you to be who you are. So just stick to these.
Exorcism (practice to expel evil spirits, demons or the devil) was invented in Babylonia c. 1500 BCE. 'In the West, the idea of exorcism is most strongly associated with the Roman Catholic Church'.
1001 IDEAS by Robert Arp
This gives a new light on movie The Exorcist (1973).
Epimenides paradox:
Epimenides was a Cretan who made one immortal statement: "All Cretans are liars."
The Epimenides paradox in this form, however, can be solved. There are two options: it is either true or false.
Gee, early Christian church was such a drama queen:
The use of zero aroused controversy in the early Christian church, which questioned whether it was right to attribute a value to something that does not exist, and preferred to retain Roman system (I, V, X, D)
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Once you figure out what is affecting you, you have more control of situation. You need to become aware what is controlling you before you can control it and control yourself.
How to Overcome Driving Anxiety - Positive Feedback Loop
YT Conquer Driving
Sep 19
we connect two dots: we receive two different information and through reasoning we find similarities and we join them together into hybrid new idea. Many people have trouble with this concept. to see bigger picture, to take a step back and see grand scheme in world around us.
At age 12:
We now have ability to think more rational and hypothetical.
Deductive – we compare two statements and reach logical observation.
It changed how I saw people, too. When you've had your eyes washed a second time, you see people not as shapes or 'here's a scripture for you', you see them as real people who need a real God.
We don't know people story. We don't know what they are going through. So many people come across rude and unkind. That is because everybody has been rude and unkind to them their whole life, usually parents. They usually have no friend. You come a little kind it goes a long way.
If someone close to me is doing something that annoys me, I can bring it up and talk about it. When I really want something and the first response I get is a no, I ask questions and see if the other person is open to changing their mind.
Gazipura, Aziz. Not Nice: Stop People Ple.
Atheism invented in ancient India. "The Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, produced in India between c.1500 and c.500 BCE, make the first known references to the rejection of an idea of gods."
..become public until after the French Revolution (1787-99).
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Sep 19
The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave.
Stop saying questions to women. Start shifting that into statements. "Would you like to have coffee sometimes?" Change it into statement – "I would like to have coffee with you sometime."
Something changes into leadership role and she can feel it.
YT 21S
The size of your problems is size of your life. If your problem is how do I get this girl to text me back (or) If your problem is how I get clean water to this village in Africa, your life is much bigger. Texting does not matter, that takes care of itself.
YT Zan Perrion
And did you think this fool could never win?
Well look at me, I'm a-coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
Sep 20
Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, whose time of life is disputed, taught a form of cosmic dualism, that there are two supreme, morally opposed gods - Ahura Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (bad). Humankind should choose to ally with Ahura Mazda, ultimately victorious.
1001 IDEAS
An avatar is probably best described as the incarnation of a deity, but the term also conveys the wider notion that the gods have the ability to take any form and will descend to Earth to counteract a particular evil in the world.
c. 1500 BCE, India
1001 IDEAS; Robert Arp
If you can determine the interrelationship of yin (negative or dark) and yang (positive or bright) at a given time, you can understand how to best harmonize your actions with the Dao (the way of nature).
China c. 1000 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
In 1517 Halloween was primarily celebrated by Catholics and Anglicans (Episcopalians) and ignored or banned by Protestants.
Martin Luther questioned the legitimacy of saints, he negated All Saints Day.
c. 1000 BCE
Britain and Ireland
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Anaximander suggested all originated from an unlimited primitive substance: the infinite.
Aristotle refers to quantities of parts: "the not that of which no part is outside, but that of which some part is always outside."
c. 580 BCE
1001 IDEA, Robert Arp
I don't have to answer. I don't have to answer anything you ask.
S6 E29
If there is an overabundance of yin or yang, the Dao (natural world) has a tendency to balance itself by reverting to the opposite extreme. Daoists therefore practice wu wei, or "non-interference": rather than acting against, person should follow the natural flow.
R. Arp
Person should follow the natural flow of events and turn them to their own advantage (like surfer moving in harmony with a wave). Politically, a good ruler should educate the people so that harsh laws are unnecessary.
c. 550 BCE
1001 IDEAS THAT CHANGED...; Robert Arp
Ju (suppleness, gentleness) refers to the ability to adapt dynamically to pressure so as to overcome it.
The more flexible bamboo survive by bending under the pressure and then springing back.
Laozi, c. 550 BCE
In martial arts judo and jujutsu, the practitioner does not shove back, but instead pulls their opponent forward, redirecting the opponent's force and throwing the opponent to the ground.
It is only by yielding to their opponent's force that the practitioner is able to triumph.
Wu Wei is letting things take their natural course with minimal intervention. It does not mean total inaction; rather it is a way of maximizing efficiency by minimizing interference. To harmonize actions with the workings of the natural world.
c. 550 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Because the de (the particular way that the negative and positive forces of yin and yang are focused in a given context) is constantly shifting, the Daoist must learn to ride the flow in the same way a kayaker avoids collisions by navigating the smoothest path through turbulent.
Martial artists strive to fit in with the movements of their opponents, using each attacker's energy against him rather than opposing it directly.
c. 550 BCE
I'm not a dream. Let's just say I'm manifestation of complex algorithms that know everything about you.
Before the word "vegetarian" was coined in the 1840s, non meat-eaters were often called "Pythagoreans".
Vegetarianism - invented c. 530 BCE by Pythagoras.
Robert Arp
c. 530 BCE
1001 IDEAS
Sep 21
Zapravo je važnije ponašati se ljubazno i pravedno negoli biti ljubazan i pravedan. Osjećaj pravednosti i svetačkog ponašanja. Često su to sredstva interpersonalnog prijenosa vlastita stida na drugoga.
John Bradshaw
Nepovjerenje u naše temeljne sposobnosti izaziva osjećaj bespomoćnosti. Postajemo objekt samima sebi. Nemam granica, a stoga ni zaštite. Moram bježati i skrivati se.
Pojedinac osjeća da više nema izbora i često se prilijepi za onoga tko ga zlostavlja.
John Bradshaw
Don't be afraid to speak up – that's where miscommunication happens, assumptions, distancing. Patience - yes, pushover - no.
YT Susan Winter
There's a light that shines from star to star, from soul to soul, connecting everyone in the universe.
I don't want you to think this is the way you get ahead in life. Do not take advantage of someone else's mistakes.
René Descartes (1596-1650) used wax to show that our senses relay only ideas of properties, and not ideas of objects. After holding wax to a flame, no longer the same shape, size, yet it is same wax.
c.500BCE Ancient Greece
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Leonardo da Vinci referred to the golden ratio as the "divine proportion," and applied its principle in some of his paintings (Last Supper 1495-98). There seems to be no end to its applications.
The Golden Ratio
c. 500 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Philosopher G. W. Leibnitz (1646-1716) posed the question, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" and answered by invoking God.
invention by Greek philosopher Parmenides
c. 480 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
A series of questions were designed to elicit a reflective and mostly skeptical perspective on various ideas.
We do not acquire new information, instead education reminds us of what we already know.
The Socratic Method
c. 450 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Existential nihilism posits that life has no intrinsic value or meaning. Life is simply one phenomenon of many in a universe governed by laws. Sartre argued each individual is free to assert and affirm their own meaning through their actions
1001 IDEAS,R. Arp
All outer reality is reflection of inside.
In order to change reality, you must first change yourself.
You must change. Make new choice who you are. That's it.
Comments showing me I had low sense of self worth, stories being reflected back
YT Aaron Doughty
“People always laugh if you make a mistake” - while reality is some people will laugh at some mistakes.
“I could never be a great at conversation” -but why would you need to be great? Most people are an average
Social Anxiety - Countering Negative Thoughts
Putting your thoughts on trial, just like in court of law. In court, the judge looks at evidence for and evidence against in order to reach a fair judgment. People with SA are not so good in finding evidence against it.
Social Anxiety - Countering Negative Th.
YT martin burridge
Classic NL radio, Movies Monday is playing Michael Giacchino, Up - Married Life.
Sep 22
I don't directly tell your mother anything bad. I secretly make her a part of everything she's against. That's why I spent your winnings on her.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) says it is in our own best interests to believe in God, and therefore in the morality that comes from faith,because to try and live with the weight of morality's complexities would be too much for anyone to bear alone.
Divine Command
Socrates c450BCE
Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) wrote in possession of a likeness of His own inner nature, and that by listening to our inner natures we are able to seek that Narrow Path which helps subdue the immoral "devil on our shoulder".
Divine Command
Socrates c. 450 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
So this is the reason why people mock, I thought it was personal hatred:
Satire often has the social purpose of changing it's target behavior. Juvenalian:more aggressive form, less humor and more outrage over perceived injustice.
Aristophanes C. 425 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Imagine anxiety as pure energy. Watch it start spiraling. Pay attention which way moving, stop spiral and reverse the direction. Watch it spiral up and away from you, dissipate in a thin air.
Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks Fast!
YT Charles Xavier
We have tendency to let house wide open, let them in, to our hear, before we know it they are not what they were when we first met, genuine. Spend time to know them more.
Who are you letting into your house??
YT Jenn Turnham
Moraliziranje – Optužujući druge da su loši i grešni, možemo se osjećati pravednima i nadmoćnima.
Dok kritizira i kudi, majka se oslobađa svojega stida. Ali dijete je to koje biva duboko postiđeno.
John Bradshaw
Kriticizam – osnovno je načelo NIKADA se ne braniti. Ako se branite, izlažete se toksičnom stidu.
Traženje objašnjenja – što god vam kritičar rekao, tražite objašnjenje.
Odrastao čovjek nije kontaminiran potisnutim osjećajima. Odrastao čovjek je orijentiran prema objektivnosti.
Intuitives have issue where they have to understand the meaning first.
It is not on surface, it is what is going on underneath.
YT Frank James
There will always be people who dislike you, hate you and you don't have to do anything bad. You cannot do nothing about it. Working hard, many sacrifices – all they see is you are more successful, they will criticize so they feel better.
YT Patrick Cogen
Do you really want people in your life that you can't say NO to? They will get mad because they start losing access to you.When you tell no, watch their reaction. And see how they react. It's not rude to set a boundary without belittle person
YT Breeny Lee
Whatever it is we are worrying about – in reality it has happened before, try to keep your calm. We are adaptable creatures.
Worrying about it won't change its outcome.
How can I make most of my day - today?
YT Philosophies for Life
one objection – primary goal, focal point of everything you do, sculp your life in image, what you inspire to be.
Social networking – community of likeminded people, who inspire you.
Share spotlight with everyone they meet.
Rich People Habits
YT TopThink
things that happened had nothing to do with me. It was not fun to deal with but in the same time I didn't take it personally. Really listen. There's two sides of every story. Approach it more so as conversation, not confrontation.
YT Nisreen Slim
Simpsons comics
The X-Files tune was based on The Smiths.
20 Mind-Blowing X-Files Facts You Didn't Know
if this free man were to return to the cave to explain his findings to the other prisoners, he no longer would be accustomed to the darkness that they share, and to those ignorant people he would sound like a fool or worse.
Allegory of the Cave
Plato c. 360 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
The liberated prisoner's descent back into the cave represents the ethical duty of the philosopher, who, having discovered the truth, tries to help others seek enlightenment.
Allegory of the Cave
Jim Carrey making faces in his early comedy, Once Bitten (1985).
And so, I began to sculpt my personality to avoid disapproval. If someone who I thought was cool or popular said something funny, I laughed.
If people made fun of me for doing something, I stopped doing it.
Gazipura, Aziz.
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent...
Happy Equinox!
Day & night are nearly equal today.
I discovered I could challenge the negative voice in my head and do the opposite of what it said.
Gazipura, Aziz.
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself (p. 23)
Sep 23
Good information to know when socializing with people:
"There are now more than 200 named fallacies, commonly divided between formal and informal.
red herring - when an arguer changes the subject"
Aristotle c. 350 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
I'm proud that you're starting to hate things, but take it slow. If you use up all your hate when you're young, one day you'll be an old man who like things that suck.
We prejudged something without giving it a chance.
Ego is part of yourself that need supply, to live up to some standard, fulfill some ideal you created in yourself. You try to be certain person. You are attached to it, your identity is ego.
True self doesn't have attachment.
YT Andrew Rice
..what ego is!
Start using conflict in your life to discover what is it that you want. (Being) not open to hear other person's opinion, that is destructive.
I don't know it all, if you can enlighten me, please do.
YT Dylan James
Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Conflict
Zeno of Citium (c334-c263BCE) was first to propose the idea that the universe goes through regular cycles of creation and destruction, and that fate determines infinite repeat the same course within cycles.
Eternal Return
Zeno of Citium
c. 300 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Eternal Return
Zeno of Citium
c. 300 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.
When you start expressing yourself, you become more aware of your reality, what you want,your preferences. You demand others adapt to you.
You'll see it is fun,you get creating reality where you are hero, star and others are part of that movie.
YT Wenzes
That's why I kept him in the cupboard for three years. That may be why he's a bit odd... with all these books and reading and stuff like that.
At its core it is warning of how illusory our concept of the world really is, that we are in a "dream", and how achieving enlightenment depends on waking from that dream
Yoga Vasistha
Valmiki c. 300 BCE
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
We, too, must be willing at times to put aside our preconceived notions and physical experiences and look at the larger picture. Or we risk not seeing the rest of the story.
Euclid's puzzling parallel postulate - Jeff Dekofsky
Turns out Euclid did not tell us the entire story in "Elements", merely described one possible way to look at the universe. It all depends on the context of what you're looking at. Flat surfaces behave one way, while positively and negatively curved surfaces display differently.
Bodhicitta, a universal sense of compassion for all beings that is awakened when one realizes enlightenment.
Bodhisattvas practice an ethic - they place the welfare of other sentient beings above their own.
Mahayana Buddhism c. 100 BCE
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Sep 24
Copernicus, Newton, Darwin and Einstein have so changed our mode of thinking and our outlook on the universe that we might seem almost a new species to the most brilliant of our predecessors.
3001: The Final Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke
Minor imperfections actually make an object more beautiful than a flawless specimen.
Fujiwara no Shunzei
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
The true nature of reality is engi, in which everything is part of a dynamic, interrelated web of being. All things are impermanent (temporary) and nothing exists apart from the natural and social context in which it is embedded.
Myōan Eisai, 1191
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
motion cannot begin on its own and so there must have been a first mover
Five Proofs of God's Existence
St. Thomas Aquinas, 1274
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
What things do you avoid, so others won’t be upset?
The more self-aware you can become, the more power you have to transform yourself and your results.
Gazipura, Aziz.
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No
Sep 25
low self-esteem can be like a fun house mirror. It reflects back a warped and ugly image of ourselves. What do you think Cindy Crawford would look like in a fun house mirror?
The X-Files: Season 7, Episode 3 "Hungry"
Criticism is acceptable to some extent but not all the time. You need to be with someone who lifts you up not put you down all the time.
· Sep 25
If these alarm bells start ringing, it might be time to leave him...
Upon returning to Germany from Middle East, Rosenkreuz discovers that he is unable to disclose any of his secrets (universal reformation of mankind) to European leaders so he founds the order.
Christian Rosenkreuz, 1607
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Humankind was born with the tools and abilities to solve the mysteries of the universe. With or without God, the world was humankind's to know.
René Descartes, 1637
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Fermat thought he had a proof. Because he was working on his own and because he didn't show this proof to anybody else, nobody could tell him: "Ow, there is a mistake".So what we're looking for isn't Fermat's proof, probably flawed, but some kind of proof.
Suppose, posited René Descartes (1596-1650) that everything you have ever perceived, all your knowledge, memories, observations, and sensory experiences, were false. Your entire existence the result of the "evil genius".
Evil Genius
René Descartes, 1641
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
This evil genius has created everything you know just to deceive you and convince you of something that is not true.
The idea of the evil genius prompted René Descartes to doubt everything he knew & everything he had ever known. Thus, he attempted to rid himself of all prejudices
This universal doubt laid the foundation for modern philosophy, with its focus on using logic and reason independently of the influence of the material world.
Evil Genius
René Descartes, 1641
If we assume that all our sensory perceptions - and the beliefs based upon them - are flawed and potentially erroneous, how can we come to any conclusion about the world? We can still be assured of our existence because we are able to ask question.
René Descartes,1641
1001 IDEAS
The idea that knowledge is power implies that, armed with information, an individual is likely to have greater influence on others, and therefore power. Some would argue that all power derives from knowledge.
Knowledge Is Power
Thomas Hobbes, 1651
1001 IDEAS
Look for the rules that are crushing you. The ones that keep you feeling confined, inadequate, guilty, and stuck.
Discover dozens of new rules that will liberate you and help you create healthy, satisfying relationships.
Gazipura, Aziz.
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing
Sep 26
Life is like this constant learning of a foreign language and customs. You observe and listen and then you try to put words yourself with time, waiting for response, if it makes sense to the foreigners & yourself. If no one corrects you, you might mislearn it.
29 June 2020
The Carnival of the Animals - Aquarium, just played on Classic FM (UK)
Book The Art of Japanese Gardens, Herb Gustafson
A Log Bench
Benches offer a convenient resting place for a moment of meditation and/or given an opportunity to view a special place in a prolonged fashion.
Newton goes on to establish that humans are ill-equipped to recognize any object truly at rest,as they are subject to inertia.Humans possess an unchanging frame of reference allowing them to see they are moving.
Motion as the Natural State of Things
Sir Isaac Newton, 1687
R. Arp
Only an individual can know their own consciousness, others cannot judge that person because they can never know the person's consciousness. Locke's theory was revolutionary at the time.
Nature of Personal Identity
John Locke, 1689
Newton's Color Wheel - invented in 1704,
demonstrate that light is composed of seven colors.
YT IncredibleScience
Berkley is regarded as the father of idealism because he saw reality as a mental construction. The concept that something exists only if it can be perceived by a perceiver. The mind knows ideas, not objects.
George Berkeley, 1710
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Although humans are imperfect and predisposed to evil, they are still able to identify true good and so correct their errors. Evil is thus necessary to bring out the goodness in humanity.
Universe is improving.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1710
1001 IDEAS by Robert Arp
The idea is that human history passes through connected stages, together identified by a pattern of growth and decay.
Stages of History
Giambattista Vico, 1725
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Voltaire suggests that, instead of finding solace in abstract hopes, people ought to "cultivate their gardens", or embrace a pragmatic worldview built on intentional work and bolstered by strong human relationships.
Cultivate Your Garden
Voltaire, 1759
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
If there were no cats, one could never express another how social anxiety panic attack looks and feels like.
This will come really handy when they redecorate hell.
Sep 27
Rational beings view themselves as beings with intrinsic value, which is to say that a person has moral worth value, independent of whether or not other people find them instrumentally useful.
Second Categorical Imperative
Immanuel Kant, 1785
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Objective judgement, now, at this very moment. Unselfish action, now, at this very moment. Willing acceptance-now, at this very moment-of all external events. That's all you need.
The Stoic App
Allow thoughts to be there and enjoy them. Try no to put any meaning to those thoughts.
Does "Pure O" Exist? | Pure OCD
We are more likely to make the most of an opportunity if we have thought about or studied the issue beforehand.
Chance Favors the Prepared Mind
Louis Pasteur, 1854
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
For Thoreau, the simple life meant a retreat from the consumerism and materialism of the modern world. Simplicity promises a reduction of worry and stress, a more eco-friendly lifestyle and better work-leisure balance.
The Simple Life
Henry David Thoreau, 1854
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
The origin of all Earth organisms is LUCA - Last Universal Common Ancestor,
idea by Charles Darwin from 1859.
Sep 28
So WWII was actually triggered from UK?
"The concept of Aryanism was first developed by British historian George William Cox (1827-1902) in his book, The Mythology of the Aryan Nations, published in London in 1870."
George William Cox, 1870
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Anyone who seeks happiness for their own sake will always be denied it, not to be found in the selfish pursuit but only truly comes as a by-product of helping others.
The Hedonistic Paradox
Henry Sidgwick, 1874
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
"Retrospective determinism" - historians falling prey to fallacy, using information unavailable to historic individuals to judge their decisions, often unfairly. (if the designers of the Titanic had known hull damage).
Historian's Fallacy
Matthew Arnold, 1880
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
People cannot manage the "gift" of free will, a burden they are ill-equipped to carry. People want security, not freedom; trying to follow Christ will only give them a lifetime of angst.
Examination whether the church has an infantilizing effect on believers.
The Grand Inquisitor
The binding problem concerns the mechanisms by which human minds are capable of experiencing various sensory stimuli as being part of a single, unified "consciousness".
The Binding Problem
William James, 1890
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Fascism emphasizes the supremacy of the state and the subordination of individuals to a national identity and purpose. Often, this occurs alongside a sense of victimization, grievance or a perceived cultural decline.
Gaetano Mosca and Maurice Barrès, 1896
1001 IDEAS,R.Arp
People who are not happy with themselves cannot possibly be happy with you.
YT 7 Good Minutes
Firmly loving the oppressor while requiring that the oppressor acknowledge and stop the violence and evil. Conversion of the oppressor to the truth (harm that they doing is wrong).
Mahatma Gandhi, 1906
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
The term "jazz" was possibly a derivative of "jass", a reference to jasmine perfume, popular among the prostitutes of New Orleans.
Jazz Music, invented in
United States c. 1910
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Man must first think for himself before he can believe.
film ON WINGS OF FIRE (2001)
Classic NL Movies Monday:
James Newton
A Close Friend
Sep 29
Surrealism helps to reveal society's multitude of destructive contradictions.
André Breton, 1919
1001 IDEAS
Overcoming can be relatively simple. If a person feels inferior because they do not fit into a particular group, studies indicate that changing groups and finding acceptance elsewhere are often all that is necessary.
Inferiority Complex
Alfred Adler, 1920
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
He believed a change in our unconscious thoughts actually had the potential to heal physical ailments. Any idea implanted into the conscious mind, as long as it was within the realms of possibility, could become person's reality.
Émile Coué, 1920
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
A human who acts solely on instincts derived from their Id (hunger, anger, thirst, sex, insatiable needs) would be akin to a sociopath. The Id gives us what we need to survive, but it is also the "devil on our shoulder".
Id, Ego, and Superego
Sigmund Freud, 1920
1001 IDEAS,R. Arp
Our conscience, our ability to moralize and criticize the rampant desires of the Id, is the realm of the Superego. It provides us with our sense of right and wrong. It encourages us to remain within the boundaries of social expectations and cultural norms.
Id, Ego, and Superego
Freud himself saw the Ego as more of a mediator in a strictly hierarchical structure,driven by the demands of the Id while at the same time confined within the boundaries of the Superego.
Id, Ego,and Superego
Sigmund Freud, 1920
Robert Arp
Believing that established capitalist societies were too entrenched to be taken over by force, Gramsci instead proposed a process of incremental change, by influencing the leaders to alter, over time, their thinking.
Cultural Hegemony
Antonio Gramsci, c. 1926
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
The geometry that we built all of mathematics on, in the end it wasn't in any way real. It is simply a useful tool created by humankind. It only mimicked the real world. Allows us to find reason in the unreasonable.
Non-Euclidean Geometry
YT Extra Credits
Totalitarian principle – everything that is not forbidden - it has opportunity of happening.
Once your remove your Achilles' heel (compulsive behavior), you build amazing confidence.
YT Benjamin Hardy, PhD
The idea forces us to ask questions about how we affect one another, and about what, if anything, we can do to find happiness.
Hell Is Other People
Jean-Paul Sartre, 1944
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
The passive person allows their rights to be violated and does not speak out for fear of what might follow, while the aggressive person allows speaks out with no regard for the consequences or effect on others.
Passive-aggressive Behavior
William Menninger, 1945
1001 IDEAS,R. Arp
Believing something strongly enough will make it come true because you are consciously and subconsciously acting in ways that will encourage it to happen.
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Robert K. Merton, 1948
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Stop hypnotizing yourself with the story that you don’t know enough about the subject, or that other people are smarter and you should just agree with them and keep silent.
Gazipura, Aziz
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up
Sep 30
"Groupthink" is what occurs when a group of people makes a bad decision because its individual members give in to group pressures. This desire for harmony means they fail to examine alternative ideas, solutions, or controversial viewpoints.
William H. Whyte, 1952
1001 IDEAS,R.Arp
Huxley argued that mescaline should replace alcohol because it provides the same sense of escapism and altered state of consciousness without negative side effects. "The Doors of Perception" paved the way for psychedelic counterculture of the '60s.
Aldous Huxley, 1954
1001 IDEAS
"I hate to raise my voice, but why should I be different than two of you."
Chris Wallace
People generally choose not to learn about important issues because there is little chance that their efforts will lead to a practical, personal benefit.
Rational Ignorance
Anthony Downs, 1957
1001 IDEAS
Political leaders are corrupt, and your roof has sprung a leak over your bed. Which problem will you devote hours of precious free time to investigating and trying to solve?
No matter how important something may seem, even the smallest problem is magnified when it affects you.
As civilization grew more complex, bureaucratic, and scientific, more types of behavior were considered unreasonable. Even psychiatrists professed to aid, they were imposing an insidious kind of social control.
Madness and Civilization
Michel Foucault, 1961
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Milgram Experiments showed how willingly Nazi officers had committed atrocities and attempted to avoid any moral responsibility on the grounds that they were dutifully following the orders of their superiors.
Milgram Experiments
Stanley Milgram, 1961
1001 IDEAS..., Robert Arp
Designed to unravel how we become aware of events and ideas and reach conclusions, the MBTI studied how our preferences grow out of the way we judge and perceive all around us.
Personality Indicator
K. Briggs and I. Briggs Myers, 1962
1001 IDEAS,Robert Arp
Evil was not irrational, or born of hatred, but instead was the product of ordinary men wanting to be obedient to orders and who, above all, prized bureaucratic efficiency. Blind obedience leads to genocide.
The Banality of Evil
Hannah Ardent, 1963
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Just because we believe something to be true and have evidence for it, that does not mean that it is true in reality. The problem goes to the core of how we form beliefs, whether those beliefs constitute true knowledge.
Gettier Problems
Edmund Gettier, 1963
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
It is rarely beneficial for individual to have label attach to them. Person engaging in labeling is setting themselves up on a moral high ground.
Thinking Traps
YT Tee's Life Lessons
If you consistently expose yourself to positive beliefs, your brain is far more likely to accept those things to be true. Often used in propaganda and advertising, use this to good.
YT Andrew Kirby
Mental illness was a "myth", a diagnosis primarily imposed upon individuals whom society considered eccentric or unmanageable.
David Cooper, 1967
1001 IDEAS, Robert Arp
Humans are capable of selecting what is relevant (the block has been moved) and ignoring unnecessary complications (why the block isn't there). Vast amounts of memory were needed to explain this to a computer.
The Frame Problem
J. McCarthy and P. Hayes, 1969
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Group therapy, rather than self-help and individual psychotherapy, has statistically been proven to be the most effective recourse, hinging on the identification of failed coping strategies persisted since childhood.
United States, c.1970
1001 IDEAS..., Robert Arp
If you allow too many survivors onto your lifeboat, it will capsize and sink, dooming everyone. Do you allow any more people on? How many?
Rich nations should not risk their own safety by giving their finite resources to poorer
Lifeboat Earth
Garrett Hardin,1974
1001 IDEAS,R. Arp
Memes are any kind of behavior copied. Dennett argued how "human consciousness is itself a huge complex of memes". Critics rebelled against the idea of selfish memes acting like mind-viruses, parasitizing their unwitting human hosts.
Richard Dawkins, 1976
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Everybody's talking about Miley Cyrus and her 'Heart of Glass' cover.
The longer any online discussion goes on, whatever its scope or topic, it is inevitable that someone will make a comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. Designed to point inappropriate hyperbole, became an Internet faux pax.
Godwin's Law
Michael Godwin, 1990
1001 IDEAS, R. Arp
Are you responsible for how they handle what you say?
The truth is, you are not responsible for their lives. They are.
Even if the other person sees themselves as a victim, and even tries to get you to agree, do not buy into it. It’s just an illusion. It’s a trick
Gazipura, Aziz
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