Jun 28
5 represents freedom, uniqueness, individuality, kindness and understanding.
3 resonates with incredible optimism and joy for life.
8 it has to do with inner wisdom, self-control, professional development, progress and prosperity.
Jun 29
Once you realize your mp3 shuffle playlist sounds better when you weed out music you really don't like & you put the music you honestly like to hear - everything seems better.
Jul 3
The quickest form of communication (shortcut, basically) is to be kind to each other.
Jul 4
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know
Where the clear winds blow
Jul 6
Budimo obzirni jedni prema drugima.
Učinimo svijet boljim, pametnijim, balansiranim to je svima u interesu, polagano, da naučimo kako i da donesemo najbolje i najpametnije odluke kako dalje koje nisu ishitrene i utemeljene na strahu već u ljubavi i poštovanju prema životu.
When you show you care, it makes a world of difference.
Jul 8
Hi! I am here. Let us continue slowely...
If you love me, then say you love me
And you are mine
Hey come on darling, stop the hiding
Speak your mind
Woah, I loved you
But you left me speechless then
Robin Schulz - Speechless
Life Lesson for today: Stay focused on things I can control and manage one moment at time. Hoarding more (unnecessary) things in life equals more (unnecessary) tasks and complications. This does not mean opting to stay in comfort zone though. This means opting to do stuff I like.
Jul 9
What he (Socrates) discovered was that these people (the most knowledgeable) only thought they knew a great deal; under examination, their knowledge was proved to be either limited or false.
He took standpoint of someone who knew nothing, and merely asked questions, exposing contradictions in arguments and gaps in knowledge to gradually elicit insights.
Croatia is waking up.
The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather.
They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines.
Well been a-doin' my homework all week long
And now the house is empty and my folks have gone
Ooh, c'mon everybody
To dreams that never will come true
Am I strong enough to see it through
Go crazy is what I will do
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
Yvonne Elliman - If I Can't Have You (1977)
Jul 10
It is all so beautiful! We live on such amazing planet 🌍🌎
· Jul 10
Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat with mesmerizing reflections of the sky.
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
(If you want to make the world a better place)
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
There is no choice, I belong to your life
Because I will live to love you someday
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away
And I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
C'est ici, ça se construit lentement. Ma playlist MP3 shuffle.
First floor: telephones
Gents' ready-made suits
Shirts, socks, ties, hats
Underwear and shoes
Going up
Jul 11
Are you aching for the grave?
That's okay
We're insured
We're getting away with it
All messed up
Pourtant que la montagne est belle
Comment peut-on s'imaginer
En voyant un vol d'hirondelles
Que l'automne vient d'arriver ?
Ti i ja, mi smo korak sad od sna,
ti i ja, mi smo korak sad od sna.
Prljavo Kazalište - Korak od sna
To me, this is the best TV ident ever in history of television, good-looking cursive letters were short lived, but nice touch.
Our cca 10 month kittie cat got stuck on tree yesterday, tom cat got stuck high up in branches. Thanks to our city firefighter team, they rescued him successfully. :)
I think this is a very, very bad idea. Don't put flowers on kitchen/dinning room table. The seeds are tricky, they are small and fly away, and learned it the hard way, can make you feel like on some drug. The next thing you find ys at 3am talkin' on Twitter "I am the Awakened" :D
even humans with good intentions can't be intimate without harming one another.
Ovako se sjećam tvz u djetinstvu - Zemlja koja se približava = počinje dječji program. 🧐🤠😴
Jul 12
The world is splitting into copies of itself every time the process of measurement or observation, that is, consciousnes, interacts with quantum elements.
Collected motivational Quotes from 2015 till 2020, such as:
"You don't have to listen to your brain."
We choose our next world through what we learn in this one. Learn nothing, and the next world is the same as this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
“چرا دشوارترین کار در جهان این است که پرنده ای را متقاعد کنی، آزاد است؟”
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach
Mislim da bi puno više učinkovitije bilo u Crkvi (pa i preko TV) da su naše mise ovakve; 🧐 bez politike, bez propovijedanja, bez vrijeđanja, kratki rock koncert, podrška i motivacijski govor.
Joel Osteen | Lakewood Church | Sunday Service 11am
Amazing to experience midnight sun at Narvik, Norway last year. Deep, inner experience & proof we habituate on a ball - our Planet. Anyhow, I found out later that a building seen in the background is from series "Lost" (never watched it).
Keep saying "but you never go out?
Continua a dirti "ma non esci mai?
Why don't you try to have fun "
Perché non provi a divertirti"
Have a nice Sunday
Buona domenica
Haunting Lunatic Idea: Live TV/Web Cams on Moon - taking shots of Apollo landing sites and Moon landscape. There are Mars Rovers - why not put minimum/inexpensive test rover(s) on Moon and transmit TV signal back to Earthlings, 24/7?
Ne želim da mi kažeš,
o sebi sve,
jer ovo nije vrijeme,
Romea i Julije,
moje namjere nisu loše
Being judgemental is one of the most destructive behaviours we inflict upon ourselves.
"Take charge of your life with NLP"
Felix Economakis
Jul 13
This is how cool movies started when we were kids. Cool intro.
Viva, German music TV channel - "Trance" show from 1996.
"Ako zbog loše organiziranog prijevoza u gradu trošite dnevno sat i pol do posla i natrag - to smanjuje vašu dnevnu produktivnost.
How to build a hedgehog home
By providing safe places for hedgehogs to live, you’re much more likely to see these prickly creatures in your garden.
This is 1/2 first episode of Japanese anime "Ranma ½". Non officially, the main protagonist and title character is called Ran-ko.
Po šumi, širom, bez staze, puta
Ježurka Ježić povazdan luta.
Lovom se bavi često ga vide,
s trista kopalja na juriš ide.
4 Years ago, letting my beard grow. July 31, 2016
Idea I got years ago - Natural Sounds Radio Station. For meditation, calm, grounding exercise. Close your eyes and you can travel & hiking from home listening to nature.
The shaman thinks that the spirit, which dwells in the root of herb, enters into the body of the patient, and searching through the vitals, discovers and drives out the disease daimon, which is the cause of the sickness.
According to the secret doctrine the cosmos created the human brain in order to be able to think about itself.
I think I run away sometimes
Whenever I get too vulnerable
That's not your fault, hm
ClassicNL from The Netherlands just played Max Richter - Dream 13 (minus even
Jul 14
Solved problem in car with radio stations poor choice of music, annoying commercials 🥱 & poor signal - by creating my own radio station inside the car with this magic player. 🤩 I re-transmit my mp3 songlist from ORF Radio Kärnten, Tirol and Voralerberg.
Jupiter will be particularly bright and beautiful this week, making this a perfect time to look for its largest moons.
Ambrosia ragweed pollen distribution map - at its height during the end of August. It is starting to spread annoying allergen from mid August until first frost.
Do you ever feel like a misfit?
Everything inside you is dark and twisted
Oh, but it's okay to be different
'Cause baby, so am I (So am I, so am I, so am I)
the idea is that you share your body with another part of you that has its own distinct personality
Felix Economakis "Take charge of your life with NLP"
Inspiration does not come to us out of the blue.
It is something that emerges from our depths, our night and a poet tries to lay out his night upon the table..
my hand serves the mysterious person that lives in me and that I don't know.
Sjećam se prije rata,Samobor/Jaska? preko noći prenosili Sky Radio, tada je to bio prvi radio bez voditelja i non stop pop hitovima. Sjećam se kasnije u Nizozemskoj da su "šljakeri" u Amsterdamu imali upaljenu tu stanicu dok su šljakali. To je dobar radio
Jul 15
In 1988 English pop band the Pet Shop Boys used Mokrice castle to film the video for their single "Heart".
"Every time I see you something happens to me"
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Neowise comet is now visible from Croatia, early morning before the dawn (North east, or above Sljeme). This bundle of porous rocks travels 7000 years to complete orbit. Closest on July 23rd, 2020.
Your kind of lovin' like a blessing from above
When Bhutan began to allow television in 1999, it experienced a crime wave.
There's lots of experimental evidence to suggest that the happiest people are those who work part-time, set their own goals, get involved in their communities, and participate in active leisure.
MTV: What do you think? short films back in 1993 made me realize there is percentage of various thoughts about an issue - and I actually have the power to meddle into choice which will be the dominant one.
Jul 16
According to the book "Improve your immune system", by Mercedes Del Rey, liquorice would help with allergy problems?
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra done an excellent rendition of 007's "You only live twice" instrumental.
No room would be empty if your mind is full. You learn that in a prison cell.
He had understood that every movement in the Universe is an effect provoked by a cause. He knew there were no salvation without compassion for every other being.
Looking at evidence emerging that in REM sleep the mind enters an altered state of consciousness.
As access to external world is closed off, the brain turns inward. Deep down to deeper level of consciousness. It is a state very similar to dreaming. Sensory deprivation may be the key in understanding telepathy.
Lunar Lander Computer overloaded. Armstrong overrides computer. He takes control himself and manually steers Eagle into position for the final touchdown.
But the possibility that other beings could be hostile has not stopped scientists from attempting to communicate with them. They sent greetings into Space on Pioneer and Voyager missions.
When travel back in time, we enter another Universe. That Univers looks the same as ours, but it follows a different route through history simply because we entered it and therefore changed it.
MTV News (1993 ident). You... hear it - first.
Jul 17
Yin & Yang
it's literally true that you can't think when the amygdala takes control. The thinking processes of the cortex are superseded and you're under the influence of the amygdala.
When you have done all that you can do, it is time to detach.
We have confused ideas about what constitutes help and what doesn't.
much of what we react to is nonsense.
Learn to stop reacting in ways that aren't necessary and don't work.
You are not responsible for making other people "see the light", and you do not need to "set them straight."
we usually prevent the possible from happening.
What is the lesson for empaths? To choose positive people in our lives.
Sometimes you can't tell if an emotion or sense of bodily discomfort if your own or someone else's.
Set a "no-yelling" rule with loved ones.
Reacting impulsively will just drain and aggravate the situation.
My movie idea set in alternative Universe where Television was common and widespread, with newscast of invasion we see it broadcast live on TV.
Town of Zadar back in 1975, found it in home movies archive.
"REM Behaviour disorder - they had no idea they were acting out their dreams."
What if somedays we are literally dreaming in our reality as it is - and we are simply not awaken?
If there is no one around to guide children, they go wrong. He believed that cruelty that lies latent in all of us florishes when two conditions are present - fear and chaos.
What is going on in our world, who is going to save us?
Listening ("Luister") to Radio 538 every Friday - Top 50
Jul 18
Kurt Cobain (1993):
I didn't know name Cobain was Irish. And it came from county Cork. Which is weird coincidence, because when we toured, we played in Cork. And entire day I walked around in dazed. I never felt more spiritual in my life.
importance of befriending rather than fighting.
Imagine you are mediator between your inner adult and your inner child.
Felix Economakis "Take charge of your life with NLP"
Yin and Yang explains a lot.
Proceed in peace
Procedamus in pace
What are you looking for?
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
Good by evil
Le bien par le mal
Virtue by vice
La vertu par le vice
Sportske novosti subotom, Novi vizualni logo Lutrije. Tri krugova u kompoziciju prema gore "naglasava okrenutost buducnosti". I like the message. 💫
yin and yang is a concept of dualism, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent, interrelate to one another
I don't wanna lose control
There's nothing I can do anymore
Katharine Hepburn: Howard, we're not like everyone else. Too many acute angles. Too many eccentricities. We have to be very careful not to let people in or they'll make us into freaks.
Howard Hughes: You know I get these ideas Kate these crazy ideas about things that might not be there.
Jul 19
U filmovima dok sricaju (spelling) slova, naši prevoditelji rade grešku, 🧐 trebali bi pisati kako se čita a ne pisati slovo po slovo, npr u Aviatoru (2004) dok Leonardo govori slovo po slovo, titlovi bi trebali pisati: KA - A- ER - A - EN - TE - E - EN - A
Keep being good to other people in the dark, giving, serving; when you do that, suddenly door will open, opportunity, it will catapult you ahead.
The Persian religion demonstrated dualism. According to these teachings, everything that happens is determined by the struggle between the principles of light and darkness, which both complement and antagonize each other.
ALL feelings should be validated.
Once the real unmet emotional need had been found, the inner adult can put on their brainstorming hat and do a Google search...
book "Take charge of your life with NLP"
See other people as phenomena, they simply exist. Work with what they give you, instead of resisting and trying to change them.
If the book we're reading doesn't wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we reading for?
The 'Philosophy' of Franz Kafka
Jul 20
This small amount of radio stations with foreign music in Croatia almost always play Pop Hits with two years lag and avoid TOP 40. Why? Copyrights? Afraid to be repetative? Stuborness? This mean Croats'll hear Rita Ora's "How to be lonely" in 2022 🤔😏
Baffling Croatia traffic pet peeves: painstakingly narrow roads.🧐The measure of main rural road's width in Croatia is 5.50 meters (18 ft). In the USA, (at the same latitude) is 9.30 meters (30.50 ft) -almost double the size.
Place aux idées d'aujourd'hui
(Make way for today's ideas)
Napravite mjesta današnjim idejama
the greatest riddle of archaeology - how we became human and in the process began to make art and to practise what we call religion.
Početkom 2000-tih sam osjetio potrebu da idem u Amsterdam kako bi osjetio i da naučim kako izgleda život u normalnoj, funkcionalnoj i zdravoj državi... Može se sažeti u ovom kolažu lijepe i "gezellig" (cosy) Nizozemske.
Jan Smit - Als De Morgen Is Gekomen
"Jelenko" je sniman tamo gdje mi je naljepše - Gorski Kotar, Bled i Kranjska gora.
U Novom listu je pisalo da su odrasli djecu iz serije šamarali - nešto što je bilo "normalno" početkom 80tih, što sam i sam osjetio u vrtiću.
There is something inside of you, a life lesson, a story, wisdom, something that you are meant to share with the world. And has it occurred to you that right now, somewhere in the world, someone is searching for you.
What I observe, becomes alive.
What I like, becomes alive.
What rejects me, fade away.
Fill void with love.
Jul 21
Interesting part of this movie.
The Secret of Nikola Tesla (1980)
As kid I remember this show was popular in Yugoslavia in early 1980s. Kinda Yugoslav version of Dean Martin Show; popular music & variety.
Very prophetic words about tomorrow:"Sutra će doći novo, mlado, lepo ali za nas nekako tužno... nećemo biti sa vama."
Duality is omnipresent (mirror universe), it is engraved in humankind:
"Some myths claim that the world was created when heaven separated from earth.
In other myths, the world was created when heaven and earth united."
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology
Though we're apart
We'll always be together
Forever in love
What do you say when words are not enough?
Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now
I get daily quotes from The Stoic:
Any person capable of angering you becomes your master;
he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.
Julia and Julia (1987) storyline:
Julia inexplicably finds herself sliding in time between two different worlds, where in one she is still struggling with her grief over Paolo's death, and in the other she is married to Paolo. (...)
(...) The frequent supernatural sliding between these two worlds threaten to drive Julia crazy, as she begins having difficulty in telling them apart, and as she learns which world she is currently living in.
Relations are what we are living for
Relations, they are not always for long
Relations, among the stars in the sky
Relations, sometimes they end, you cry
Erika - Relations
The overworked gods had had enough and they decided to storm the residence of Enlil, the king of the gods. The ruler called on An and Ea, other high gods, to help. Enlil just wanted to crawl away and hide in An's sky, but Ea, the god of wisdom, had a better idea:
the gods should be relieved of the burden of work and a new being could be created to take it over. Thus, humanity was created to shoulder the burden.
The Gods Rebel
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology
Highly sensitive people are usually affected by other people's moods. You get uncomfortable or angry too. You easily empathize with them so quickly, most times strangers.
"You're Not Actually An Introvert, But A Highly Sensitive Extrovert (10 Signs)"
They said I would never make it
But I was built to break the mold
The only dream that I've been chasing is my own
Alicia Keys - Underdog
Jul 22
And there is something in me
I can't believe what I see
*** *** is taking my mind
Don't wanna leave you behind
LA Vision & Gigi D'Agostino - Hollywood
Sumerians wrote down their history on clay tablets like these which lay ignored in a Berlin museum. It depicts our Solar system with the Sun at center and planets arrayed around it. A fact not known to European science till around 300 years ago.
Thanks to Swedish week at Lidl and their Swedish 🇸🇪chocolate with honey and almond, 🤩 now I am addicted to honey&almond combination.
Plodine, Toblerone 100g Alps 🇨🇭; 13,99 HRK
If the gods were benevolent toward humanity, all was well. If not, the gods would leave them, and they would face sickness, poverty, and social isolation. (page 49)
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology
Humans have no special status. But because of our desire and free will, we can stray away from the dao, and disturb the world's harmonious balance. It is characterized by we (not being), so we can only live according to the dao by we wei (non-action).
LAOZI (c 6th century BCE)
Mmmm priprema za ambroziju na vrijeme🌿 Bronhi Big Mix.
Plodine 17,99 HRK
Croatian Traffic pet peeves: Road signs at multiple lines are either non existent or insufficient, on the wrong side of road, and during traffic jam - signs are covered by big vehicles, trees etc. Very annoying.
Hehe, the current weather looks like the whole Slovenia is evaporating and spreading to northern Croatia. 🧐
For the first time ever, astronomers have directly imaged multiple planets orbiting a sunlike star.
A million different voices
That are trying to break you
Just listen to one
The one that's inside you
Pythagoras concludes that the whole cosmos must be governed by mathematical rules. Ratios and axioms can be used to explain the very structure of the cosmos. He shifts the enquiry from substance to form.
PYTHAGORAS (c.570-495 BCE)
Jul 23
I need to be aware when I complain about my life, I put people off. It feels good to me, but others will be tortured by it, some will be quiet out of respect and they won't say anything to me, others will get annoyed and express that irritation which I'll interpret as an attack.
Does anyone else feels "strange" in the last past one month? On June 23rd: Strong electrical surge that was strong enough to vibrate around the world.
Comet Neowise - quick information over on Sky News.
Ahura Mazda upheld a just world order, and was a world ruler who was willing to stand in judgment over the deeds of humankind. Ahura Mazda was also the father of the "twin spirits" Spenta Mainyu ("good spirit") and Angra Mainyu ("destructive spirit"), who determined what happened
Stumbled upon this message about duality inside our mind; What parts inside we feed the most?
Constantly worrying about your reflection and criticizing your body, shape and size is an act of violence against yourself.
It was said that during the battle over the world, the powers of goodness and creativity would ultimately prevail, but people, who can choose between good and evil, also play a large role.
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology
Mithra's most important act was killing the primeval bull. This act symbolized the taming and domination of wild, natural powers by the orderly rule imposed by humans.
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, Mithra
Jul 24
Quotes app message for today:
"In doubt if an action is just, abstain."
Sometimes when I get lonely
Dream of somebody who is not only physical
Help me with my f*****-up mind state
I'm insecure, it's keeping me up late
I'm lost in my own world
Davina Michelle - My Own World
Dok su počele prve uzbune 1991., ovako je izgledala špica HTV dnevnika.
I don't know 'bout you, 'bout you
'Bout you, you, you, you, you
There's somethin' in his eyes
He's keepin' secrets
Regard, RAYE - Secrets
Eros was the guardian of marriage, as well as he protecor of homosexual love between men.
Horus is portrayed both as a boy and as an adult. The mature Horus appears as a falcon, hovering protectively over the pharaoh. As a falcon god, Horus's eye was depicted as a human eye with the markings of a falcon, or the Wadjet, "the sound one".
Egyptian Mythology, page 82
Someone is trying to tell us that talking changes the world for better, it brings new bright idea (or light) to life.
Jul 25
If you say "no"
Ain't it just the way life goes?
People fear what they don't know
Come along for the ride oh yeah
Shakira - Gypsy
Things you learn only through satellite TV. "Yunanistan" is Greece (in Turkish language).
It is said that Crinkle-crankle wavy walls are better than flat walls since they surprisingly offer more sturdiness and even save bricks than ordinary, flat wall. Choosing flexible is always a better option than the fixed one.
Jul 26
So true...
You promised that in 50 years you'd write a book, just for the boy you were, everything you know. What to look out for, how to be happy, knowledge to save your life, things you wish you'd known when you were him.
You are in part what you are today because of what you've been speaking over your life. We move toward what is in our subconscious mind. Pay attention what you are speaking over yourself.
Pencil2D and Gimp,, imagination and free time during Covid produce this - animated news intro mash up from TV Belgrade.
Instead of going to the sea, to me - this movie is alternative.
cleaning away dirty of blocked life force
MTV was originally first tested on December 1, 1977 as Sight on Sound, but was officially launched in 1981.
I can't get no sleep...because I am awakened one.
I can't get no sleep...because I am already sleeping.
I can't get no sleep...because life is nothing but a dream.
Heraclitus (c.535-475 BCE)believes it is the balancing of opposites leads to the unity of the universe, or the idea everything is part of a single fundamental process or substance-monism.He concludes that everything must be in a permanent state of flux, or change.
Jul 27
You create your own reality, so be sure to create a happy one. Sacrifice yourself for others, and they will be nice to you.
Richard Bach "Running from Safety"
Apparently, Twitter has "Satan" account.. and then there is "Satan's Mistress", but also there is "Satan Step Sis".
There is God and Moses on Twitter, too..
Democritus (c.460-371BCE): Man is a microcosm of the universe.
Robert Fludd (1574-1637): Man is a whole world of its own, called microcosm for it displays a miniature pattern of all the parts of the universe.
Only 32 signs across a 30,000-year time span and the entire Europe. That is a very small number.
TED; Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von Petzinger
Jul 28
In the society, where people are just parts in a larger machine, individuals are unable to develop fully.
Friedrich Schiller
Show you care. Especially to those you have personal prejudices against. It makes a world of difference.
Jul 29
My teachers already exist! What if all these levels inside of me are my friends, and they know a lot more than I know? It would be as if you were captain of a sailing frigate.
Rchard Bach "Running from Safety"
Hmm.. možda bi HRT4 trebao se nazvati HRT24? Kao npr Rai News 24 (IT), France 24 (FR), N24 (D), Tagesschau 24 (D), Oe24 (AT), News 24 (AL), RTSH 24 (SH), Rossiya 24 (RU), Ukraïna 24 (UA), Canal 24 Horas (E), CT 24 (CZ)...
The strong man is strongest when alone.
Friedrich Schiller
I know that 'til the end of time
I will never meet the finish line
But I'll come home at last
Davina Michelle - Beat Me
Evil, he thought, was done because of lack of wisdom and knowledge. He concluded "There is only one good: knowledge; and one evil: ignorance". Knowledge is inextricably bound to morality-it is the "only one good" - for this reason we must continually "examine" our lives.
Socrates believed that no-one actually desires to do evil. Anyone performing evil actions would be acting against their conscience and would therefore feel uncomfortable; and as we all strive for peace of mind it is not something we would do willingly.
SOCRATES, Philosophy book
Moment of musical appreciation at work.
Jul 30
Plato discovered we're using "copy-paste" commands in our heads to explain reality & that creates our false explanations in the long run.The Philosophy Book:
We recognize thins in the world, such as dogs, because we recognize they are imperfect copies of the concepts in our minds
Plato: Everything in this world is a "shadow" of its Ideal Form in the world of Ideas. There must be a world of Ideas, or Forms, which is totally separate from the material world. It is there that the Idea of perfect exists.
Plato concludes that human senses cannot perceive this place directly - it is only perceptible to us through reason. Plato even states that this realm of Ideas is "reality", and that the world around us is merely modelled upon it. (Allegory of the Cave)
At best, we may have opinions, but genuine knowledge can only come from study of the Ideas, and that can only ever be achieved through reason, rather than through our deceptive senses.The material world may be subject to change, but Plato's world of Ideas is eternal and immutable
In the Republic, he also argues that it is philosophers, or rather those who are true to the philosopher's calling, who should be the ruling class. This is because only the true philosopher can understand the exact nature of the world and the truth of moral values.
Victims of circumstance, trapped in lives they didn't ask for, and masters of choice, leading lives they can change at will. Victims are helpless, Masters aren't. Victims haven't learned power tools and masters use 'em all the time.
Richard Bach, "Running from Safety
Remember that this world is not reality. It's a playground of appearances on which we practice overcoming seems-to-be with our knowing of Is. The Principle of Coincidence is a power tool that promises, in this playground, to take us to the other side of our wall.
Our hearts are full of cosmic laws. Learn just a few, get good at those, there's nothing can stand between you and the person you want to be.
Richard Bach "Running from Safety"
Jul 31
Using our senses and our reason, we understand what makes a dog a dog. We find the truth from evidence gained in the world around us.
ARISTOTLE (384-322BCE), DK The Philosophy Book
Ecuador and ancient Mesopotamia coincidence.
Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur
We shall find the faithful in the
among of angels and children
Ahura Mazda quotes;
There is one thing that not even an all powerful God can change: the free will of a conscious being.
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