May 1
Sometimes people think they need to clean themselves up, that they have to fix themselves up nice and shiny before they can develop a relationship. They never taken the next step. There are doors they just won't open.
Victoria Osteen
May 1
We think if we live good enough, then God will bless us. If we can clean ourselves up, get rid of this bad habit, not fail anymore, then God will show us favor. The problem is we can't live that way. We all make mistakes, give in.
Joel Osteen
May 1
He comes not to condemn you, not to point all your mistakes, he comes to lift you, to restore you, to free you, to set you on new path. “He stoops down from heavens to look at the Earth.” Not just that he brings you out, but he honors you.
Joel Osteen
May 1
It is easy to judge people. "Why isn't he more disciplined?" As you know God as he comes down to lift people, then you can be a lifter. Where would you be without mercy? If we were in their shoes, we don't know what decisions we'd make.
Joel Osteen
May 1
Why don't you stoop down for someone else? Helping the hurting, restoring the broken, lifting the fallen. There's enough judgment in the world. There's enough criticism and faultfinding. Let's be lifters, encouragers.
Joel Osteen
May 1
They should be focused on their assignment, helping others. But some people are looking to catch you in mistake, hoping you'll fail. They're ready to exploit and expose any mishap you have. Don't be like them. Show mercy. Love covers for people
Joel Osteen
May 1
Why can't you do it?
Why can't you set your monkey free?
Always giving into it
George Michael - Monkey
May 1
Welcome in the May by making own fire of lighting a candle. Honor the coming of summer in your own way. If you have a partner, this is the best time for sexual fun and frolic.
Beltane, 30 April
"The Celtic Spirit", Caitlin Matthews
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956) - colorized.
May 1
It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) - colorized
Paradox of Proliferation:
The more progress there is, the more problems can happen.
May 2
This is Suzanne Somers in the movie poster for TV horror Ants! (1977), aka It Happened at Lakewood Manor.
May 3
All too often we are reactive, we don't understand our personal power comes from observe what we think rather than simply react to what we think. And very often what we think is not what we think, it was what we were programmed to think.
YT Lisa Romano
May 3
Your negative self talk, the words of inner critic that you hear are not yours. They are product of subconscious programming, childhood trauma, narrative of super-ego trying to keep you safe in unpredictable world.
YT Lisa Romano
May 3
Bad Habit That Destroy Your Confidence:
obsessing over minor flaws.
May 3
Spring colors.
May 3
Over Easter 2022, Turkish TV 100 showed controversial comparisons between Jesus and Apollonius of Tyana.
May 3
The solar eclipse that takes place during the crucifixion scene was the real thing. Director Richard Fleischer delayed shooting in order to capture the ethereal nature of the phenomenon on 15 February 1961.
imdb trivia, Barabbas (1961)
May 4
Even the steps they take towards health can inspire shame. Underlying message is the same: there's something fundamentally wrong with you.
YT TheraminTrees
May 4
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut out abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Many targets feel deeply ashamed for allowing the abuse to happen.
YT overcoming malignant shame
May 4
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame.
YT TheraminTrees
overcoming malignant shame
May 4
One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself. Survival behaviour, classical instinctive responses to persistent threat: we shut down. We numb ourselves, lash out
YT overcoming malignant shame
May 4
That's the mindset of abusive shamers who expect us to know exactly what to do and say at any given moment. Overcoming shame means letting go of those impossible expectations.
YT overcoming malignant shame
May 4
Dig deep in concept of responsibility. Identify a range of factors that would affect how an individual's responsibility was assessed: knowledge, skill, autonomy, intention, power.
YT overcoming malignant shame
May 4
Many shame-based individuals struggle to judge for themselves what's reasonable. Is it ok to think this? It is okay to feel that? In this state of doubt, there's often a temptation to defer to the judgments of others to let others to the thinking for them.
May 4
If we're struggling to judge for ourselves whether a thought, a feeling, an action is acceptable deferring to what other people find acceptable will do nothing to enhance our judgment. To do that, we have to develop our own thinking.
YT TheraminTrees
May 4
Do people who provoke raw survival instincts deserve any place in your life? Public shaming can really serve to clarify things, how people are moralising non-moral issues, more invested in preserving illusion than well-fare.
YT TheraminTrees
May 4
There's no wisdom of crowds in abusive public shaming. Just a collection of confused, misguided, and, in some cases, sadistic individuals. Fear being discovered transgressing a group feeds into the tyranny of the majority.
YT overcoming malignant shame
May 5
I never thought that I'd had ever come to the Met Gala. It was too intimidating because I'm basically very shy. And when they they said 'you like parties come over here', I said 'if I have someone I can cling to at a party'.
Glenn Close
YT Vogue
May 5
As with everything, I've made archive of my Twitter posts, month by month:
May 5
"Words cut deeper than a knife."
May 5
Has it occurred to you, that you might conquer them with love?
Quo Vadis (1951)
May 5
Elizabeth Taylor asked a favor to Mervyn Le Roy, she asked him to hid her for a while from her husband Nicky Hilton. So he put her in the extras crowd, giving her a costume so that no one recognizes her.
IMDb trivia,
Quo Vadis (1951)
May 6
Without BS detector you quite often end up surrounded by dodgy characters, who are eager to take advantage of you. It's often quite easy to manipulate a person with ptsd from childhood just by pouring on some love for a little while.
YT Anna Runkle
May 6
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you have to hide what's going on, it's shameful to you, then you know: red alert.
YT LIMERENCE: How to Stop the Nightmare of Codependent Obsession
May 6
Whatever that person is criticizing about you is most likely what this person believes about themselves.
YT Michelle, Motivate Me!
May 6
Scene from Quo Vadis (1951),
I find this men tiara (golden laurel) awesome.
I wonder if this could become fashion item in modern times
May 6
When we assume personal motives that might not exist, we risk attributing our clients with imaginary issues they don't possess. That's not assisting them – that's actively adding to their problems.
YT TheraminTrees
May 6
It's part of everyday life that we sometimes get accustomed of having flaws without any good evidence. One of the biggest religious hustles is to persuade us there's something implicitly wrong with us.
YT imaginary defects | when dogmas label us flawed
May 6
What's being encouraged here is a state of perpetual insecurity. People are told they're psychologically sick, manipulated into chasing endless therapy. Pick any random activity and notice how easy it is to find reasons to condemn it.
YT TheraminTrees
May 6
When people claim you're defective, don't accept analogies. Don't accept stigma. All these things can be applied to absolutely any activity. Ask for evidence. If evidence is not forthcoming, the discussion is over.
YT TheraminTrees
May 6
When people are told they have psychological flaws without being given any sound evidence, they're left in overly vigilant state, second-guessing all of their responses. We'll always find people suggesting we're flawed.
YT imaginary defects
May 6
At workplace those suggestions "we're flawed" can carry undeserved authority. When we're given observable evidence of harmful behaviour then we have something to explore. But not when we're faced with mere stigma and assumptions.
YT TheraminTrees
May 7
This is My Father's World (1901) sounds like The Lords of the rings' Shire theme by Howard Shore (2001).
May 7
Mental picturing is where you deliberately picture what you want in your mind's eye. The East German and Russian athletes made this technique famous when they excelled in the Olympics.
"You're great! 3 steps to self-confidence", Julia Hastings
May 7
Ants are the only creatures on Earth other than man who make war. They campaign. They are chronic aggressors. They make slave laborers of the captives they don't kill.
Them! (1954)
May 7
Why are rivers in Los Angeles concrete?
After previous floods in 1914 and 1934, in observance of the 1938 flood, the Los Angeles River was channelized.
May 7
The Blobfest event features a reenactment of the famous scene in which panicked theatergoers rush to exit the town's still-functioning Colonial Theater.
IMDb trivia, The Blob (1958)
May 8
Sometimes what you don't know is good for you. If you get negative report, you over-analyze it, reason it, study it, take your faith. “Lean not to your own understanding”. Sometimes you have to turn your mind off.
May 8
Sisak, Croatia - train station still in ruins due to corrupt, Tory/Republican-like government, one and half year after the earthquake in 2020.
Countdown to Mayday parade in Moscow.
May 9
So just to fix your mind as Persians say, get the Druj out of your head, get the destructive mindset out of your head, you turn it into a constructive mindset, Asha. Which is the only thing you do in Zoroastrian religion.
YT Gnostic Informant
May 9
Get the Druj out of your head and move over to Asha. Not positive thinking, but going into a constructive mindset that is connected with reality. Exactly the same as you do with Dao in Daoism.
YT Gnostic Informant
May 9
The ultimate gnostic knowledge is knowledge about there never was anything there at all. But the irony of nothing being there is creative impetus, the world we create as human beings.
YT Gnostic Informant
May 9
Buffalo, New York
May 9
If you are being real, there will be natural disagreeableness, it just naturally happens.
YT JulienHimself
May 9
By trying to be cool you're automatically not cool. Reach the point where you are above the rules. Person who still tries to play by the rules is still low value. I don't have to dominate, because I don't care.
Stop TRYING To Be “Cool”
YT JulienHimself
May 9
& Eurovision Song Contest. Von barba radio
Eurosong hits radio.
#Eurovision2022 #EUROVISION
May 10
Soviet version of Eurovision was called Intervision Song Contest, and it ran from 1977 till 1980.
The offender needs pity, not wrath;
those who must needs be corrected, should be treated with tact and gentleness.
Marcus Aurelius
May 11
Covert abuser systematically manipulates your mind and emotional responses by using mind games: gaslighting, evasion, blame shifting, double binds and invalidation. These are hard to detect, describe and hard to confront.
YT Emotional Abuse Tactics
May 11
No matter how hard you try, they seem unpleasable, and somehow it is your fault. They will hone on that one thing you haven't done and focus on it. No matter what you do, they are never happy with you.
YT Covert Emotional Abuse Tactics That Create TRAUMA
May 11
Over long time what this creates are limiting beliefs like “Nothing I do is ever enough. What I try I always fail. There's something wrong with me”
Person covertly abusive to you has the ability to compliment others and see good in others
YT Michele Nieves
May 11
They invalidate your reality. They do in form as if they care about you. They say “I didn't say that, you must heard it wrong” Faking concern & twisting reality causes us tremendous trauma. We have inner GPS. Gaslighting hacks our inner GPS
YT Covert Abuse
May 11
Until the age of 3, we've got no boundaries. We start to see ourselves as individuals but we are still forming boundaries. If don't have anger we're going to take on more and more toxic shame until we become an object of contempt to ourselves.
toxic shame
May 11
If we don't feel good enough, we're going to feel that we need to overcompensate by going out of our way to make people like us - fawn. Toxic shame can cause us to cut off from vital parts of ourselves.
YT mark stubbles
May 11
Narcissists often shame others for things that are actually their strengths, such as a way to weaken them. And they often shame others as projection of things that they themselves feel ashamed about.
YT Raw Motivations
May 11
The best part is when the public sings along at 0:54
Diodato - Fai Rumore - First Semi-Final Interval - Eurovision 2022 - Turin
May 11
The set used for the Parmiter home, (where Joanna Miles's character has her head set ablaze by a "bug"), was the same set at Paramount Studios in Hollywood as the one used for the interiors of the Brady home in The Brady Bunch (1969).
imdb trivia,
Bug (1975)
May 12
Deeming something we feel as wrong, bad, or shouldn't be there, this way – leads us into trying to create emotional perfectionism by eliminating that emotion. It is fantasy “I will never feel it again”, utopia, idealized state not having pain
YT Self-Trust
May 12
We are maturing through this process, coming more into kindness rather than a judgment, a condemnation, or some significance around pain we feel. Instead of making it wrong we allow it to be real and valid and legitimate.
YT Happiness After Codependency
May 12
We value our pain, treat it with worth, see my pain matters here, it is not something to get rid off. Learning to ask what I need and provide it. This is what healing about. It is not eliminating pain, it is to soothe pain.
YT Self-Trust Amplifies Healing
May 12
I didn't like myself, I had a lot of resentment, all of that needed enormous amount of legitimization and care. I started with this practice – we are hurting, we've been judged, excluded, condemned for the way we feel.
YT Self-Trust Amplifies Healing
May 12
People talk about other people, this is fact of life. I didn't know I was seeking other people's validation. I didn't know I was seeking permission to feel the way I felt. I was seeking like a child permission to feel what I feel.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
I didn't know I had a right to experience my inner reality, hold on to an idea, believe in it. I didn't even know that I didn't need other people's permission to have this perception or this experience. I was like feather caught up in people
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
Codependents attract this sense of fear. Codependents are so full of fear, worry that they are not good enough, fear that other people will reject them, hold on to relationships longer than they should, even if abusive.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
Understand that we are enough. We don't need other people's permission to feel what we feel. We have to understand that other people have a right to their own opinions of us. We don't have the right to control other people's opinions of us.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
We are afraid to be talked about, seen as pushy, full of herself. You will fear being excommunicated from that group if you lack a sense of self, if you lack sense of boundaries. Which goes back to childhood programming.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
Brain assumes that if the problem is Susan Q is talking about me then the opposite must be true. If Susie Q doesn't talk about me, that must mean that that's pleasurable. That must be what I am looking to do.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
If we haven't learned to discern narcissists from non-narcissists, we have to learn to discern personalities. Discern danger from non danger. We have to understand there are personalities out there that seek to abuse people.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
I am not judging, I am acknowledging this is dark energy and I need to stay away from that person. Because in this person's unconsciousness they are able to hurt me. I avoid and don't judge. I understand all people are asleep until they wake up
Lisa Romano
May 12
Your brain is operating system, it has been programmed by your childhood. If they taught you will be humiliated, talked about, that gives you sense of abandonment, then your mind will work to gain approval of others.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
Important to understand whatever we've been downloaded to believe is what our brain is going to think it is appropriate. If I am downloaded to fear what people will think of me, then I'll seek approval all my life.
Lisa A. Romano
May 12
Classic FM (UK) reminded me of great music:
Karl Jenkins - Adiemus
May 12
If I've been downloaded to fear feeling outed, ostracized or abandoned – I'm going to worry about what other people think about me. Because I think that I'm suppose to gain other people's approval because I don't know I don't need it.
Lisa Romano
May 12
If you're ruminating, struggle with worrying what other people think about you – that is fine, that's what the brain does when it's been downloaded to fear what other people think.
YT How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think About You
May 12
Filmed on the same stage as The Wizard of Oz (1939) 17 years earlier; the set of Altaira's garden is a re-use of the Munchkin Village set.
IMDb trivia
Forbidden Planet (1956)
May 12
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry has been quoted as saying that this film was a major inspiration for that series.
IMDb trivia
Forbidden Planet (1956)
May 13
"There can’t be real paradoxes, can there? Those that purport to be paradoxes actually contain ambiguities in meaning, neglected information, hidden assumptions… In short, it’s all smoke and mirrors."
Paul Tissier
Philosophy Now, issue 149 April/May 2022
May 13
if Russell’s Paradox holds up, it would, rather worryingly, shake the foundations of mathematics?
Philosophy Now, issue 149 April/May 2022
May 13
If we are doing things in our life waiting for someone outside of us deliver message we are enough and valuable, we are giving up power to other people.
Brain doesn't know what to do, the brain only knows to play with the tools in the shed.
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
So if people pleasing, toning yourself down, nodding your head when you feel like saying no – that's what your brain is going to know what to do until you learn how to do something else. Don't judge people. Discern.
YT Lisa A. Romano
May 13
Shouldn't I wake her up? Yes, they should know. But not everybody's ready to change. Because to heal from codependency it requires a great mental strength. It requires great emotional endurance, sit in pain. We want to avoid pain.
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
Use this magnificent brain to your advantage. Use cognition to your advantage. Learn to organize your thoughts in a fashion that allows you to connect to higher thought process. And it allows to understand imprinted thoughts.
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
Struggling with idea to say yes was coming from place of please like me. Those of us who felt abandoned and rejected and alone, we end up wanting to be people who bring people together. Today looks to include people, rather then exclude them
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
We don't want to do someone what we would hate someone to do to us. We spare others the feelings we are struggling with and fail to hold others accountable.
YT Codependent Empath Problems/Setting Boundaries
May 13
Question am I struggling with holding people accountable because I can very easily imagine what it might feel like to be that person who's being eliminated from the group. So we would over empathize, project our wound onto this person.
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
Struggling to hold this person accountable you are ignoring the fact that this person is not you, and that you and they are not the same person. And you might be projecting instead of holding this person accountable.
Lisa A. Romano
May 13
Remind yourself you are not that person, person who is humiliating you. A lot of people who are that inconsiderate, they aren't so put off by being held accountable. They know it's coming. They never say 'yes, it was me'. They'll say 'boss never liked me'.
May 13
Anxiety looks at all the worse, scary situations and grab the most scariest that feels like most likely scenario. Let it burn itself up. Don't do anything about it. It comes and goes on its own. All these things collapse.
YT Shaan Kassam
May 13
Move to problem solving. 'How would you like this discussion to end?' Focus on what are we going to do. State what you can and will do. Don't waste your time what you won't or can't do.
YT How to Deal with Difficult People
May 13
Iceland 🇮🇸 2022 #Eurovision #ESC2022 #Eurosong
In the dark winter – the sun is rising
Melts the ice of the heart – so warm
In the dark winter – the kind spring
Warms your wings again
Systur - Með hækkandi sól (With the rising sun)
May 13
The 25 Best Movie Posters Ever
May 13
The newspaper article headlined "Step Up Hunt for Spaceman" is accompanied by a photograph of Klaatu and Gort on the spaceship's hull, which is a still from the end of the movie.😂
IMDb Goofs
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
May 13
So yeah, everything is a joke. It's hilarious, because if you take it seriously - you just get depressed all the time like you are. So f*** you.
Night of the Creeps (1986)
May 14
QMR Eurovision Hits "plays every Eurovision hits from 1956"
May 14
Turns out people lie
They say, "Just snap your fingers"
As if it was really that easy for me to get over you
I just need time
Snapping one, two
Where are you?
You're still in my heart
Rosa Linn - Snap
#Eurovision #esc2022 #Eurosong2022 #Armenia
May 14
Some evil people claim "Apart ABBA or Celine Dion, there are no world-wide famous performers in #Eurovision history"
Yet #Eurosong 1983;
Ofra Haza:
May 14
Be truly yourself. Just be you. Don't pretend for anybody.
May 14
the word apocatastasis is typically used to refer to the belief that everyone – including the damned in hell and the devil – will ultimately be saved.
Simón del desierto (1965)
May 15
#Eurovision 🇷🇴 #EscIta2022
May 15
Ochman - River 🇵🇱
May 15
#Eurovision songs are like time capsules, representing music style of its time. This hidden 80's gem is from Luxembourg, 1987.
Plastic Bertrand - Amour-Amour
May 15
Found it,
"Fai rumore" performed at totally empty Arena during 2020 pandemics.
Lyrics say:
"I can't bear it
This unnatural silence"
#Eurovision #ESCita
May 15
The newest Mandela Effect -
Toto Cotugno is now Toto Cutugno.
Zagreb, Yugoslavia 1990 performance;
#Eurovision #Eurosong
May 16
This early May morning (4:30 am) we could see Earth's shadow on the Lunar surface from Croatia.
May 16
Reactive abuse is when narcissist poke you, triggers you, then you react out of character, and you become bad guy. If they trigger you, they can control you. Take away their reaction, control your reaction.
YT Mental Healness
May 17
You can see this on MRI, when a person with childhood trauma is stressed, the left front cortex has less activities. And that's where reasoning is suppose to happen. Right front cortex got more active – where emotions happen.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy
May 17
Most of these uncivil, mean people who claim to be authentic are not able to hear any negative feedback without getting defensive and hostile. If they were authentic, they could say 'I don't care what you think'.
YT DoctorRamani
May 17
"Honesty without kindness is cruelty.
Kindness without honesty is manipulation."
Whatever positive, affirming features you look for in a relationship, you can forget all about them when malignant narcissist maneuver themselves into your life.
YT double binds | narcissistic ‘no-win’ mind games
Personal growth, independent thought, creativity, and authenticity will all get shoved into storage, leaving you in a rigid, stagnant environment. Security will evaporate as you realize one wrong step could do serious damage.
YT TheraminTrees
May 18
To malignant narcissist, your value begins and ends with your ability to serve them. Dismissing your needs is just the start: soon the mind games begin. Like Escher print, you'll find yourself completely disoriented by impossible angles.
YT double binds
May 18
Kafka trap: targets are accused typically of some psychological flaw. When they deny accusation, their denial is taken as evidence that the accusation is true. The possibility that the accusation is false is invalidly excluded.
YT double binds
May 18
Double binds occur in relationships where targets feel compelled to figure out what the manipulator wants and provide it. They feel unable to ignore the dilemma presented to them, which is what binds them in.
YT TheraminTrees
May 18
Responses to her constant false accusations. Like many narcissist, she was acutely paranoid. She was convinced everyone from family to shop assistant was out to undermine and belittle her, and her stinging revenge on some individual for an imagined insult.
May 18
Presented with conflicting messages by not following one instruction you automatically fulfill the other. It turns out, sometimes you can refuse both choices by shifting to a different level of communication.
YT double binds
May 18
In the perpetual false hope that by pleasing the narcissist, they can avoid a negative outcome. So long as we hold on to that false hope, our narcissist can dangle us like puppets dancing to their tune. Remain in a constant anxiety.
YT TheraminTrees
May 18
But when we let go of that false hope and fully accept the reality that our abusers want to punish us whatever we do, we can forget all about pleasing them and start thinking about what we want. Build and maintain important psychological boundaries.
May 18
Sometimes the solution is simply about not responding. Targets are trained to feel unable to ignore the dilemma presented to them, but lots of dilemmas can easily be ignored, especially when the double bind depends completely on the target reacting.
May 18
When we take a step back, we begin to find lots of solutions.
YT TheraminTrees
double binds | narcissistic ‘no-win’ mind games
May 18
We are simply left to make mistakes, to be wrong and to be imperfect. And to try and experiment techniques and choices and decisions - which will probably be wrong and catastrophe.
There is no other way.
May 18
Problem is narcissistic society that does not allow mistakes. And narcissistic mentality that shames mistakes and flaws and lack of knowledge - where there is no other way to functionally operate in this world without them.
May 18
Sometimes the wind brings a good, familiar scent
It caresses, listens to you sing now
Not starlight
You are now
With me, with me, as if real
Like back then long ago
Lyrics by:Dana International
Boaz - The Fire In Your Eyes (Israel 2008)
May 18
Madeline and I are like figures of fine glass. The slightest touch and we may shatter. Both of us suffer from a morbid acuteness of the senses.
The Fall of the House of Usher (1960)
May 18
confirmation bias triggered Hector’s search for confirming evidence, causing him to re-label his past experiences from “people-pleasing” to “great leader.”
May 19
Ukraine sent brutal war video to #Eurovision and won #ESC2022.
In comparison, Balkan nationalists from Croatia sent this tourist video postcard during war in 1993, egocentrically thinking Europeans are too sensitive to see war in the video...
and Croatia ended up at 15th place.
May 19
The special effects technicians were able to create giant drops of water by filling up condoms and dropping them.
IMDb trivia
The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
May 19
Eleanor Roosevelt — 'Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you'll be criticized anyway.'
May 19
Vangelis - La petite fille de la mer
May 20
Rumination loops comes up when narcissistic person shows unemphatic, arrogant, entitled kind of behaviour. We question ourselves. Message was you are always wrong, other people's feelings matter more than yours.
YT DoctorRamani
May 20
Watzlawick famously stated he could not think of a single case in which someone changed as a result of a deepening understanding of self.
Insight, Watzlawick suggested may even cause blindness, both to the real problem and its potential solution.
May 20
"The only people who are going to object when you start enforcing boundaries are the people who've been taking advantage of your lack of them."
May 20
Emotional blackmail is when someone else makes you responsible for their feelings. And if you don't do what they want, they use obligation, guilt and fear to pressure you doing it.
YT Freedom in Thought
May 20
While the blackmailer wants everyone to serve them, the blackmailee wants to serve everyone. They want to be liked and approved by everyone, and they'll do just about anything to get it, believe what others say about them is true.
YT Freedom in Thought
May 20
The Healing Power of Trees
May 20
People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character.
May 20
In the opening lines of text with which the film begins, the word "it's" is misused (??"Man has moved onto the moon, colonised it's surface and erected..."). It should be "its" ("Man has moved onto the moon, colonised its surface...")
IMDb Goofs
The Shape of Things to Come (1979)
May 21
At first, the minority group, brown-eyes, resisted. Elliot told them that the blue-eyes children were smarter because of their blue-eyes. Children stopped resisting. Brown-eyes became timid and obedient.
Jane Elliot - Blue/Brown Eye Experiment (1968)
May 21
As heard on the radio
Areni Agbabian - Petal Two
May 21
Map of Ancient lakes of the Sahara (c. 3000-7000 BCE)
May 21
Wine is symbol of abundance. He will not put fresh new wine in old wineskin. If your heart is not ready, it will not help you. Prepare our hearts to be new wineskin.
May 21
'Through Others We Become Ourselves'
Lev S. Vygotsky
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.
Alfred Adler
May 22
Emerson Bigelow wrote his superior in 1946 that after the fall of Nazi Germany, members of the Nazi puppet Ustasha government of Croatia sent 350 million confiscated Swiss francs to the Vatican "for safekeeping.",9171,8505,00.html
May 22
Hergé has an animated cameo around the four minute mark as a blonde man sitting at a table at A L'ANCRE.
IMDb trivia
Red Rackhams Treasure | The Adventures of Tintin
- I don't like you.
- All great women run the risk of public disfavour.
Bette Davis, "The Judge and Jake Wyler" (1972)
May 23
Doing what works, is the final “how” skill of core mindfulness. Effectively is understanding and acting according to a goal rather than acting according to what we deem as “right or fair”. It empowers us to act from our goals and objectives versus judgments.
May 23
As heard on LuxuriaMusic Radio:
Anita Kerr - For Bert
May 24
If you have a deep rooted sense of your own self-worth, this is when you can start upholding strong boundaries, relationships become healthier because you communicate without fear of rejection, without resentment.
YT Tertia Riegler
May 25
And instead of going into civil war with our cognitive distortions and weeding our natural byproduct of being exposed to toxic people - I'd rather focus on self worth and self love - and then gradually remove toxic habits and toxic people away from my life
May 25
Toxic people drain our energy and they make us focus on them, as if we are captured under their bell jar, as Sylvia Plath described it. So solution is not that we build ourselves a new bell jar and keep safe underneath it.
The capital of Croatia looked like this before the 2020 quake.
The castle Ozalj and river Kupa in 2008.
May 25
Lake Bled in 2008.
May 25
Bicycle/hiking path to Lake Bled in 2008.
May 25
To the person in the bell jar, the world itself is the bad dream.
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar (1979)
May 25
It's a hell of responsibility to be yourself. It's much easier to be somebody else or nobody at all.
Sylvia Plath
May 25
Simpsons Comics #10
Classic Simpsons jokes.
May 25
When a certain crisis shattered its way through life and consciousness, left a deep chasm behind.
BBC Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain" (1988)
May 26
Narcissistic people are really efficient because they don't care about other people, and they don't waste time on doing things, helping people or forward their cause. They are good at being negotiators because they can be bullies.
May 26
Narcissists are manipulative that also helps when doing negotiating. Narcissistic people are willing to do what it takes to succeed even if that means taking advantage of, or manipulating other people. They have little incentive to change.
May 26
You have the right to offer no reason or excuses for your behaviour.
Assertive Framework
Becoming More Assertive
May 26
You're not going to hear from narcissist you are important, you matter. You're not going to hear from borderline I'm sorry I have a lot of rage being destructive. People stay stuck and addicted to wrong messages, disappointed &unhappy.
YT Peace and Harmony
May 26
DBT Opposite Action
Balkans weather misery/mystery from 2014
May 27
Feeling like you need to perform. Narcissist will teach you early what they agree with, what they like. Nasty comments become part of something you fear, and you may begin to contort yourself into the version to be approved of.
Lisa Romano
May 27
Narcissist need to believe they are right. They cannot integrate their flaws into themselves, that is why they project those flaws in other people. You will notice narcissist accuse you of what they are guilty of.
YT Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach
May 27
Your willingness to be wrong, self reflect, will be used against you in narcissistic relationship. They will harp on your reaction, they will not question what they said to you, they will not take into consideration how you feel.
YT Lisa A. Romano
May 27
Narcissists walk on Earth believing that anything you do, you did on purpose. Meaning to hurt them. Distrusting. In their mind you should be thinking about them, make them centre of your life, and you are uncaring person to make them feel bad.
Lisa Romano
May 27
Narcissists are so wounded it is impossible to have any relationship with them. Situation is set up that codependent will cater to narcissist. Codependent feels so worthless and so ashamed at core, driven by unconscious need to please others.
Lisa Romano
May 27
Below the veil of unconsciousness, this hole within us has created a magnet type of energy. And we are attracting into our experiences people that mirror the energy of people who wounded us in the first place.
Lisa Romano
May 27
This happens until you observe your program and your way. Once you are awakened you have ability to think about the way you think. Ability to question the right way. In codependent loop you are not learning, you are re-hashing, in loop cycle.
Lisa Romano
May 27
I think our unconscious belief or our drive to seek approval and our illusion of believing that this narcissist will be able to make us feel good about ourselves, comes from grand design. The way it was suppose to be.
Lisa Romano
May 27
Narcissist love to accuse you of things falsely. You have been supplying them, narcissistic supply. They were charming, seem perfect at beginning. It was all manipulation to get supply from you.
YT 6 Ways to Deal with Narcissists’ False Accusations
May 27
During discard phase you no longer give them best form of supply. Narcissist take to lower form: making you miserable, squirm, do false accusations, they'll say the worst possible things.
YT 6 Ways to Deal with Narcissists’ False Accusations
May 27
You can respond, do not react.
YT 6 Ways to Deal with Narcissists’ False Accusations
May 27
Whoever controls the people's fears becomes master of their souls.
May 27
“theory of conformism, which states that when a person has neither the ability nor expertise to make a decision, he will look to the group to decide how to behave. Conformity can limit and distort an individual’s response to a situation... result in a diffusion of responsibility”
May 27
Even if the child is always “good” (which often just means “quiet and inactive”, i.e. not necessarily healthy), then it may grow up to be neurotic – scared to do anything…
Introducing Psychology by Nigel Benson
May 28
Emotional abuse was defined as persistent belittling, insulting using swearing.
Hour of Power
May 28
Pathologizing is the practice of seeing a symptom as indication of a disease or disorder. In mental health, the term is often used to indicate over-diagnosis or the refusal to accept certain behavior as normal.
May 28
The client must consciously and rationally decide for themselves what is wrong and what should be done about it.
The therapist is more of a confident who listens and encourages on an equal level.
Person Centred Therapy
Introducing Psychology, Nigel C. Benson
May 29
By absorbing the media’s messages people accepted society’s rules and values as their own; they realized that to step beyond them would seem neurotic. The possibility of rebellion has effectively been quashed:
Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)
DK The Sociology Book
May 29
However, when Marcuse looked closer, he discovered that far from being free, people were being manipulated by “totalitarian” regimes that called themselves democracies, he said. Worse still, people were unaware of the manipulation, because they had internalized the regimes’ rules
May 29
“I wasn't put on this Earth to straighten everybody out.” It doesn't say that everybody will live at peace with you, but behind that smile and nod is peace.
May 29
Being right is over-rated. That doesn't mean to be doormat, to agree with everything people say, not allowed opinion.
It means that you are sensitive. And you are aware when conversation is going too far, heated, strife is at door.
May 29
Peace is inner being. It is something that controls us during conflict. It controls us in the storm. Peace is the powerful storm that causes you to be able to enter situation and radiate a calm stability in tense situations.
May 29
Do the right thing when it is hard. Don't keep giving in to the same things that you know are holding you back. Friends pulling you down, causing you to compromise, tell them Sorry, something has come up.
May 29
Protagoras said that “Man is the measure of all things” – which means that there are no objective truths, only limited human beliefs.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
Plato's explanation for this is that we all possess immortal souls which have had a previous existence, so that all learning is really just “recollection”, or anamnesis.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 29
Although there is the obvious and ordinary everyday world we can all see, there is also another one of eternal perfect “Forms”. Only a few specially gifted and trained people whom he called “Guardians” can ever “see” these ideal Forms.
Introducing Philosophy by Robinson, Groves
May 29
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Albert Einstein
May 29
Sovereign governments are vital for the preservation of human life and civilized values. Morality is not more than a cynical agreement between villains. Governments only have the right to rule through contract.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 29
Hume is only pointing out that all scientific findings based on observation and induction must remain conjectural and temporary. Induction can never offer you the certainty that logic can.
The concept of “wickedness” is not something you can see.
Introducing Philosophy, J. Groves
May 29
The human mind is active, not a passive recipient of information. We cannot choose the “input” that our sense organs give us, and we cannot alter the way our minds are devised.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 29
Nietzsche also proposed a “joyous science” of eternal recurrence, an idea suggested by the pre-Socratic thinker Heraclitus, which argues that time is cyclical, repeating itself time and again.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 30
So what happens is we make the decision that the only way or the most efficient way of not being burned again, not be victimized again is to avoid everybody. Everybody is potential is abuser, potential covert grandiose narcissist.
YT Narcissism Masterclass
May 30
Why this person who is not treating you good by any shape or form deserves anything from you other than your boot to kiss. Get out. They don't deserve it. Stop giving people access to you that don't deserve it, access to your heart.
YT Mental Healness
Narcissistic people like to make you look stupid. This person is not higher person. They're going to do to make themselves happy first. If you come back to them, in their mind, it is not that terrible afterall.
YT Mental Healness
May 30
Nietzsche thought that what counted as “knowledge” was simply that which the strongest imposed on everyone else.
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 30
You as child were taught that you needed to be on high alert in your home. We were taught if people are unhappy, bad things can happen. If they don't get settled down really quick, things go from bad to worse.
Lisa Romano
May 30
We have learned that by fawning, validating other people by figuring out what they need, they stay happier and we get to avoid pain – criticism, anger, narcissistic rage, rejection. We tend to take other people to control our own anxiety.
Lisa Romano
Codependency is coping mechanism. I take care of you because you've taught me over time that if I don't manage your mood, you get snarkier, more passive aggressive, stonewall me, put me down, and it's very painful.
Lisa Romano
May 30
Don't expect someone to be rational who was proven to be irrational, unfair and highly immature. This person is going to say things that doesn't make sense. Do not prove them wrong.
Lisa Romano
May 30
In the absence of justice lots of folks get stuck there. Slowly these thoughts do clear especially if you don't have ongoing contact with the narcissistic person. There's only one thing – acceptance. Life is only sometimes fair.
YT DoctorRamani
May 30
Kant refers to the “deformity” inherent in the art of genius as a consequence of the way in which genius reveals that illusion is reality.
- Why do you say “deformity”?
- Because, in a sense, reality cannot be known
Introducing Kant: A Graphic Guide by Christopher Kul-Want
May 30
Charles Jencks argued that modernism died at the precise time that an example of modernist architecture, the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex in St Louis, Missouri was demolished.
Introducing Critical Theory: A Graphic Guide by Stuart Sim
May 30
Baudrillard contends that we now inhabit a world of hyperreal simulacra. He is notorious for having implied that the Gulf War of 1991 was a simulation for television.
Introducing Critical Theory: A Graphic Guide by Stuart Sim
May 31
Remember who you are
May 31
“I'm behind in life” How do you know? Have you spoken to the Universe? What does it even mean to be behind? Have goals, but you are exactly where you need to be. And if there’s something that tells you that you aren’t, is something to let go off.
YT Julien
May 31
Understand that I was not mistake. Start embracing yourself. Don't follow society system of what they say you should do to love yourself. Go into your purpose.
YT Low Self-Esteem, The SILENT Killer of PURPOSE!
May 31
No one told us that their problems caused by us will be constant and there is absolutely no way to remove these problems, avoid them nor pre-emptively destroy them from becoming reality. This makes us hypnotized to care about what other people think.
May 31
Telescopes like the Hubble have discovered huger and huger structures of galaxies. These massive galaxies are too large to have been formed in the time since the Big Bang.
YT Scientists Say We Were Wrong About the Big Bang and the Universe
May 31
The flight crew is in charge of the vehicle and so they're in the best position to know what the best thing to do is at the time and so sometimes that could run counter to the desires of mission control.
NASA's Unexplained Files
May 31
Often, even after years, mental states once present in consciousness return to it with apparent spontaneity and without any act of the will; that is, they are reproduced involuntarily.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
May 31
Left to their own devices in a “state of nature”, humans will inevitably kill each other. Life for everyone will soon become “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”.
Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679)
Introducing Philosophy by Dave Robinson, Judy Groves
May 31
In a desperate attempt to escape from being murdered in their beds, Hobbes believed that selfish individuals would have to make a reciprocal “Social contract” with each other. Permit governments to punish those who broke the contract.
Introducing Philosophy by Robinson, Groves
May 31
Observed lengths, times & energies all become significantly warped when speeds approach the speed of light.
Introducing Relativity: A Graphic Guide
Book by Bruce Bassett
May 31
If the speed of light were much smaller, say 10 m/s, then special relativity would have been discovered much earlier. Why? Because everybody would have an intuitive understanding of time dilation and length contradiction.
Introducing Relativity
Book by Bruce Bassett
May 31
As heard on classicNL radio:
Max Richter - Departure (Home)
May 31
The earth isn’t flat and neither is space!
We all know that the earth is not flat. So why do we limit ourselves by thinking that spacetime should be flat?
Introducing Relativity: A Graphic Guide, Bruce Bassett
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