July 1, 2023
The more your dream is aligned with the service of others, the more likely it is to come about.
Jul 1
As played on LuxuriaMusic radio:
🎵Hugo Winterhalter - Moon of Manakoora (1962)
Jul 1
What advice would you have for people who are looking to escape narcissistically abusive relationships?
- You have to have the savings, that's the first thing - money 100%.
Jul 1
But you must be aware that your mind is tuned to an incredibly high pitch right now from the strychnine. But it's occurring out there on an unconscious level. It's your imagination that's filling in the blanks.
- Bullshit doctor.
🎞️The Fifth Floor (1978)
Jul 1
Merb'ys - a cultural phenomenon in Newfoundland featuring male people in sparkly custom mermaid outfits all in the name of charity and breaking down barriers.
Jul 1
It's only when things go wrong that we start to realize how much we take it all for granted. None of this seamless operation would be possible without the unsung heroes: scientists and engineers quietly and unseen.
🟥Mike Bell
Jul 1
The moment you normalize who and what humans should be, you have cut off so much of what has enriched civilization simply because people were different. If everybody is the same - what kind of world?
🟥PHYSICIST Explains WHY Being Different Is A Good Thing
Jul 1
Alternatives to Twitter:
Jul 2
Moved to Mastodon 🐬
Jul 2
That clerk that was rude to you at the store – just smile and move on. I've learned – life is full of wounded people. People who haven't dealt with negative things in their past. At times they'll be disrespectful, say things they shouldn't. Do things that are hurtful. You can't stop offense from coming but you can keep it from getting down in you.
Jul 2
His father wasn't fair. His brothers were demeaning. But you can't make people do what's right. It's a test. Are you holding on to offense? Let the betrayal, what they said, how they treated you, caused you to be sour? Or are you going to let it go and move forward into your destiny. The new level past the offense, rejection, what they've said. They bounce off of us. That's not going to keep you from doing great things.
Jul 2
The containers started leaking. It was contaminating the soil, water, air. People had to move away. Waste was too toxic to bury. There are some thing you can't bury. You can't bury anger and think it's not going to affect you. You can't bury bitterness and not have it leak out. You can't bury hatred, rejection, that's too toxic. At some point poison affects people around you. Let it go.
Jul 2
You must close your eyes. Otherwise you won't see anything.
🎞️ Neco z Alenky (1988)
Jul 2
A human body gradually reconstructs itself as its various component parts crowd themselves into a small room and eventually, after much experimentation, sort out which part goes where.
Jan Svankmajer
🎞️ Tma/Svetlo/Tma (1989)
Jul 2
Hedgehog up close
Jul 3
When we think there is something wrong with us , that requires some kind of magical fix and exposure to cure it - that is carbon material - and it will implode under pressure.
Jul 3
Researchers have made blood test for anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry article describes how just like glucose is a biomarker for diabetes, researchers have discovered that RNA biomarkers in the blood can indicate someone's current state of anxiety, their risk of developing chronic anxiety later on, and treatment options. Having a biomarker can be really powerful in helping prevent misdiagnosis.
🟥 A Blood Test for Anxiety?
Jul 3
The child doesn't have the option of boundaries. And over time they get the message that “Hey kid, you exist for the parent, but not for yourself”. Not exactly right ground for child to learn how to set boundaries. If that's how you grow up and attempt to set boundaries, you're going to be told you're selfish or bad or entitled to keep you silenced, subjugated.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Jul 3
In order to be set free you have to dig for those conflicts, psychological conflicts in your beliefs. That exist between the conscious and the unconscious realm. Consciously I want to love myself but unconsciously if I start to love myself my mother's going to think I am b*tch, call me selfish. It's huge conflict. I am not aware of that conflict.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Embrace the sadness and freaking let it go. Because life is slipping through your fingers. Yup, that was sad – move on. Move on! Move forward. Embrace the sadness – give yourself some time to cry and then move forward because the pebbles of sand are falling through that hourglass. How much time do we want to spend not acknowledging the fact we are powerful human beings, we can do anything.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 3
If we tone ourselves down – we get to keep the people in our lives. Healing takes place when we resolve the conflicts. The shame will keep you stuck. If you think it's your fault that xyz happened, and if you think you have bad luck, and think other people are more entitled to have abundant life than you, then it's going to prevent you from going within.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 3
Your brain has to record memories related to an actual event. But it's also recording sensory information: how did we feel in the moment this event was taking place. We have ego to contend with. Ego makes us think everything is right here and now. Ego is linear. The brain thinks in terms of time and space. So much what we think of reality is BS. Not true information. That we can make true change in our life.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 3
I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
And I'll sing once more
🎵 Rodgers & Hammerstein
- "The Sound of Music" - THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965)
Jul 4
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
🟦 Marcel Proust
Jul 4
We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full.
🟦 Marcel Proust
Jul 4
If we are to make reality endurable, we must all nourish a fantasy or two.
🟦 Marcel Proust
Jul 4
Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.
🟦 Marcel Proust
Jul 4
Often it is just lack of imagination that keeps a man from suffering very much.
🟦 Marcel Proust
Jul 4
Carbon fibre is not used in the deep ocean submersibles because under compression it's a capricious material. It's not made to be used under compression. It's fibers. It's like rope. It's strong under tension, but not under compression. It was filled with little holes, it was porous.
Jul 4
"Nothing is better than the advice from years and years of experience!"
Jul 4
21:44 summer's dusk
Jul 4
Goliath Awaits (1981) sketch,
Duncan Regehr
Jul 5
Rage Baiting:
Posting inflammatory content to provoke a supportive response.
Rage baiting differs from rage farming, which involves posting content in order to provoke opponents.
Jul 5
12 Manipulation Tactics that Narcissists use:
- Gaslighting
- Baiting
- Triangulation
- Hoovering
- Flying monkeys
- Scapegoating
- Narcissistic rage
- Stonewalling
- Discarding
- Future faking
- Breadcrumbing
Jul 5
One of top researchers about Complex Trauma John Briere said: "If the role of dysfunctional parenting in adult psychological disorders was ever fully recognized, the DSM (which psychiatrists use to diagnose you) would shrink to the size of thin pamphlet."
What he is saying if you look in DSM which gives all psychological disorders, in his view, the majority of them come out of childhood trauma.
🟥 Tim Fletcher
Jul 5
Mountain: "Very steep and too high"
🟥 Entitled People Who Just Want To Complain🙄
Jul 5
The worst type of narcissist: vulnerable victim. Especially the men. Because they have deep mommy issues and they're going to punish you for all that trauma that they shared with you, that hate, those failures in life – they're going to be your fault. They're going to use it to hurt you. Deeply. These people want vengeance for lifetime of failure and misery.
🟥 The Anti-Narc
Jul 5
Covert narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism no matter how constructive you make it out to be. They perceive it as a personal attack and they will often react with defensiveness or retaliation. If you feel like walking on eggshells, fear how they'll to react to even slightest critique that is classic sign of covert narcissism.
🟥 Shaneen Megji
Jul 5
God chooses what we go through, we choose how we go through it.
🟦 John Maxwell
Jul 5
Gene Kelly directs and stars in this wartime naval "training" film:
Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
But no filmography lists it. Apart from the combat-fatigued sailors for whom the film was made, few people have ever had the chance to see it.
Kelly plays the role of Seaman Bob Lucas.
Lucas lived through it and suffers from what now might be termed "post-traumatic stress disorder." #ptsd
🟥National Library of Medicine
Jul 5
In your mind, you felt that you'd deserted your buddies, your ship. As a result, you feel guilty. That's a feeling that you have to face and conquer. And the only way you can do that is to understand that the real cause of your being here is your normal fear in time of battle, fear which you didn't learn to handle properly.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
That you're continuously short-tempered, even mean, that your hands shake, burning sensation, all stem from this cause. Now in order to start getting well, you have to realize this.
And in realizing it, remember the fear, and the thoughts that it makes you think at the time, are normal, nothing to be ashamed of, shared by all of the other men who were with you, as well as by the men on all ships.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
So, he told me I was scared. That's not what's wrong with me. What's to be scared of around here? I don't get it. It seems like I'm always mad and running off at the mouth.
- The doctors tell us when a fella gets that way it's because he fights being afraid instead of trying to do something about it.
- How the hell are you going to do anything about it when your job's just standing there twisting a little valve?
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
The I saw all these guys sitting around at their desks, shining their pants, goldbricking. I thought what me and my buddies had been through, well, that's what got me started.
- Did you ever stop and think that maybe those fellows didn't want to be sitting at desks? Maybe they were there because they were told to be?
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
One of the unfortunate things about being bad-tempered and quick to take offense is that you cut yourself off from most people. All of these attitudes of yours, your hatred of the land-going Navy, civilians and so on, are all symptoms of your illness. And they are symptoms for which we must find the cause.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
The reason you're annoyed by such petty matters lies in your basic condition. You know that before the war, before you experienced the tension and the fear of battle, you weren't annoyed by such things. As I've told you before, your natural fears in battle were not properly handled. You didn't accept them as part of living, and a necessary part of fighting. You held them in, choked them back, until they finally overpowered you.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
You still have those fears, and it's from them that these irritations arise. It takes a lot out of you to face bitter, unpleasant memories. As difficult as it was to do, so much easier will it be from now on. You can't dislodge deep-seated, sensitive feelings without hurting. You'll feel better shortly.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
It took a lot out of Lucas to tell that story. He's a better man for doing it. Every one of you must go through a similar realization of what lies behind symptoms, regardless of what they are: irritability, bad dreams, vomiting. You have to face those memories, get them out in the open, exactly as Lucas has done.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
It's quite clear from what we know of Lucas that he was a happy man before this whole business started, the sort of fellow who might run a successful garage or store. Liked, well-thought of in his home town. He wasn't irritable, bad-tempered, with a chip on his shoulder. Quite the contrary. He was easy to meet, easy to know, a good guy. Then what?
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
What he should do is to accept these feelings, understand them, and discipline them. But he doesn't. Instead, he becomes touchy, fed up, confused, and mean. Look what happened to him. When he first returned, he didn't seem different. Calm on the surface. Nobody could tell that something was gnawing at him, fighting inside. When he got home on leave, he lashed out at those he loved.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
He can now realize that all that disconnected, fed-up feeling, which showed itself as a fighting bad temper, comes from something underneath, from a feeling of guilt, a feeling of unworthiness, a feeling which he twisted about so that it looked as though everyone else were on the wrong...everyone but Lucas himself. That's why we have these group discussions: to help you and Lucas see yourselves as others see you.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
For your irritation is only a symptom. A symptom of feelings which you have buried, or tried to deny. Like insomnia, or being depressed or sulky, or believing that you're no good, bad temper is a sign of something - something deeper, something which has to be faced, and understood and worked out. When you can do with your problems what Lucas has done, you will be free of all your symptoms.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 5
You can now put your new knowledge to use, in a variety of constructive ways. Occupational therapy will provide Lucas with a profitable physical outlet for his feelings. It will teach him that he can work while solving his problems, and do a better job of both. And physical training will help him in shape in the meanwhile.
🎞️Combat Fatigue Irritability (US Navy, 1945)
Jul 6
Thomas Chambers was an English-born painter who spent most of his life in the United States. He is generally classified as a Primitivist, but has also been called the "First American Modern". Most of his paintings were unsigned, which delayed his recognition.
Jul 6
Many viewers have speculated that the character of Dr. Krueger and the boiler room scenes are references to A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). However, this film was actually shot in 1983 which was the year prior to when the picture shot in 1984.
🎞️ IMDb trivia, Silent Madness (1984)
Jul 6
Signs of a Fear of Abandonment
- Intense feelings of separation anxiety
- Reluctance to fully commit
- Aiming to please
- Quickness to move on just to ensure that you don't get too attached
- Difficulty achieving emotional intimacy
- Feeling insecure and unworthy of love
- Hypersensitivity to criticism
- Quickness to attach even to unavailable partners
Jul 6
"He'll have abandonment issues"
Jul 6
I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to love myself there.
🟦 Rune Lazuli
Jul 7
Tromso shining in the midnight Sun,
on July 7, 2023 at half past midnight
Jul 7
I can find beauty in anything if I put my mind to it. If I try to explain it to them, they just laugh.
🎞️ Seeds (1968)
Jul 7
I was so sex starved, so desperate for physical love - you were just what I needed. An animal. And I knew from that first night that you had sadistic impulses.
🎞️ Seeds (1968)

Jul 7
"It's not confidence, it's narcissism."
Jul 7
"The "confidence" you see as an outsider is the defensive mechanism that is there in order to protect against criticism, since you can't deal with it al all. ...
, a lot of denial of reality goes with that"
Jul 7
I think he needed very much to believe that every time he finished fixing the latest major fault it was now perfect and ready to go. Failing is a really useful part of succeeding. But to Stockton Rush that isn't the case. He sees in black and white- either you are failure or success.
There is also control going on. When he says it's fine, it's fine.
🟥 Live Abuse Free
Jul 7
I think the mental health system burned the common sense out of people and ripped it away from people and it made people have a lot less common sense.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
"Why I Quit Being a Therapist -- Six Reasons by Daniel Mackler"
Jul 7
Well, me being loud could get me kicked out of the class in world. So the part of me that is loud, I'm gonna disown it. I'm not going to embody it: "that's not me". Screaming here, even logically looking: would anything happen if you scream as loud as possible? It feels like it threats our survival. It did threaten survival as a kid.
🟥 JulienHimself
Jul 7
Trump is a rather obvious example of somebody who was severely traumatized and had to adapt. Tough, aggressive, selfish, self aggrandizing, no self doubt allowed. And part of his confidence is he really doesn't doubt himself consciously. Unconsciously he is full of doubt. You can see it every time he opens his mouth.
Who would say "I am stable genius". Nobody is stable and nobody is genius. He came from traumatized family.
🟥 Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 7
We have cancel culture where if you make one mistake you are not shown any empathy or compassion, people aren't encouraging each other to learn and grow, there is almost joy that we take in other people being wrong. If we take that joy in other people's wrongness, it invites other people to take that same joy when we get something wrong.
🟥Heidi Priebe
Jul 7
When we show up with patience and empathy and a genuine desire to help people navigate the difficulties, we open ourselves up for relationships where mutual growth is encouraged. But if we spend all of our time judging other people and believing that we know best and our morals are always superior – we end up in relationships who are doing the same. Them being first to cancel us - when we're out of line.
🟥Heidi Priebe
Jul 7
Chris Haugen Live Stream
from 3 years ago, July 2020
🟥 Chris Haugen
Jul 7
Travel diary in the form of a series of portraits, mute and unmounted intimate images taken in 1954.
🎞️ Nus masculins (1954)
Jul 7
François Reichenbach created this montage starring various scenes of men, clothed and nude, and in various types of interactions with each other and their environments.
🎞️ Nus masculins (1954)
Jul 8
For example someone speaking to me unkindly. My body gets defensive and I'm on alert all of the sudden. But also let's say I am having all of these memories, flashbacks flooding my brain of others times I've been spoken unkindly. I'm telling myself very strong intense story about what it means. Now I'm reacting not just to what they've said but I'm reacting to every person who has ever spoken to me unkindly. And all emotional intensity I've felt.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 8
My reaction to them might actually be 10 times stronger and 10 times more offensive than the way they spoke to me. And now I'm the one giving over the top response and so I get written off as irrational. As a result the very justified feelings I had of not being spoken to kindly never get properly addressed. Because I buried the proper response beneath the mountain of trigger response. Getting triggered keeps us from standing up for ourselves.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 8
We don't have appropriately sized reaction. This is not either / or situation. It is possible that I'm facing injustice and also triggered. Sometimes it's our cue to check out from situation and return to it at a different time. Think very carefully what happened – objectively. Big overwhelming stories we tell ourselves about our self worth and value and how other people treat us and past traumas, - those things cannot be dealt in one singular moment.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 8
If we take man as he really is, we make him worse. But if we over-estimate him... If we seem to be idealist and are over-estimating, over-rating man and looking at him that high, here above, you know what happens? We promote him to what he really can be. So we have to be idealist in a way because then we wind up as true, the real realist. If we take man as he should be, we make him capable of becoming what he can be.
🟥 Viktor Frankl on Why Idealists Are Real Realists
This is the most apt maxim and motto for any psycho-therapeutic activity: If you don't recognize a young man's will to meaning, man search for meaning, you make him worse, you make him dull, you make him frustrated, you still add and contribute to his frustration. In this so-called criminal, juvenile delinquent or drug abuser there must be a spark of search for meaning. Then you will elicit it from him, what he is capable
🟥 Viktor Frankl on Why Idealists Are Real Realists
Jul 9
"Marcus Aurelius was wrong. It is a mistake to think in terms of “good” and “evil/bad”. Morals change over time, distance, and species. If he really wanted to focus on himself with discrimination, judgment, and acceptance, why try to manipulate the world around you to conform to your moral code?"
Jul 9
If we stop our children from doing anything that makes us dislike them. That's arbitrary. What I've seen as therapist, worked with children in different context: often children can do things that are perfectly healthy that actually rub their parents the wrong way. And rub other adults the wrong way and can rub society the wrong way because parents, other authority figures and society is so screwed up.
🟥 A Critique of Jordan Peterson -- by Daniel Mackler
Jul 9
Throughout his chapter Jordan Peterson actually never even mentions trauma. He never mentions parents being traumatized. He never mentions parents having unresolved traumas from their own screwed-up childhoods. And then he never takes the next step and says something from what I observed – incredibly common to the point of being ubiquitous: traumatized parents act out their unresolved traumas on their children.
🟥 A Critique of Jordan Peterson -- by Daniel Mackler
Jul 9
Jordan Peterson is very against authoritarian societies and political structures, and I agree with him. But what he doesn't see is that for a little child their parents can so easily be authoritarian figures. Can be dictators. When parents are crazy, have unconscious unhealthy behaviors, perversions, violent tendencies – all of this coming from their own unresolved childhood issues, from their own childhoods, parents.
🟥 A Critique of Jordan Peterson -- by Daniel Mackler
Jul 10
Social anxiety is complex trauma.
Exposing with trauma is the same as diving to Titanic pressure depths with carbon fibre - it will implode when exposed to deep pressure.
Jul 10
Prayer according to Zoroaster is the way to heaven, the way of the soul to go up to the sky with a vehicle. The words of prayer are extraordinarily beautiful prayer. It means you feel God is near and listens to you. The benefits of what prayer: open the gates of the temples within so that God can enter and be present. Prayer is as if to say O god, enter into my life. Arrogant people feel the can overcome own problems.
🟥 Zoroaster (Zarathustra): Tentang Doa
Jul 10
Things divine are not attainable by mortals who understand sensual things.
🟦 Zoroaster
Jul 10
When people are young they're very selfish. They can only think of one thing - themselves. They're not ready for anything like sharing. Only think of me, me, me.
🎞️ Fleshpot on 42nd Street
Jul 10
I don't mind filming real sex, but showing all the details . . . I find that sleazy. Why put together a film with dialogue if they can go see a hardcore sex film? Why do dialogue? To enjoy a sex film is when's it's all sex and no story or dialogue.
🟦 Andy Milligan
Jul 11
Belief that we must "quit being victim" is symptom of both Complex PTSD and PTSD.
Jul 11
Alexander the Great - My Colorful Past
Jul 11
The Millennium Gate was a 21st century structure and Earth's first self-sustaining civic environment.
The Millennium Gate was one kilometer high, had a base width of 3.2 kilometers and could be seen from space.
Jul 12
Last Spring (1954) sketch,
directed by François Reichenbach
Jul 12
We're cheating nature. The way nature has been treated us, I don't mind cheating a little.
🎞️ Cocoon (1985)
Jul 12
So a person's rage can be triggered by something relatively minor, but all of a sudden, his lava flow just explodes out of you. And the difference between healthy anger and suppressing healthy anger is also unhealthy for you. But just as healthy anger expresses itself, does its job, and is gone - rage, the more it explodes, the bigger it gets.
🟥Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
Care, grief, panic, fear, lust, seeking, play and rage – these are all brain systems that we have (Dr. Jaak Panksepp). They're all necessary for mammal life. By rage, he means the anger that arises when our boundaries are being transgressed. If I were to infringe on your boundary, physically or emotionally, the healthy response for you is to mount an anger response. “No” “Get out!” “Stay away”. That's healthy.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
Healthy anger is in the moment. It protects your boundaries and then it's gone. However, if your boundaries were infringed as a child, but you could not express it, it doesn't disappear. It gets suppressed. It becomes almost like a volcano that's gurgling and bubbling inside you. As child, the last you can afford is to be angry. You get hurt even more. So suppressing that rage becomes survival mechanism.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
You don't suppress it, your brain will do it for you automatically as a way of preserving your life or relative safety. But the rage doesn't go away. What happens then? Later on, as an adult, something triggers you and all of a sudden, it just explodes out of you and you have no control over it. Now it is no longer response, a healthy response to present moment, but it's a response to the past. Trigger can be relatively minor.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
A pillow to punch – that's not how you learn to process that rage, because it needs to be processed. I would encourage you to fully experience the body experience of rage, what's happening in your body. And you'll find it's not just an idea in your head. It's something that dominates your visceral experience of yourself, your muscles, your breathing, your abdomen, your entire nervous system.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
Tara Brach, Buddhist teacher, talks about RAIN: Recognize, allow, investigate, and nurture. Recognize – “yeah, this is happening to me right now”. I will allow it. Not in sense acting out on someone, but I'm going to be with the experience and then investigate. Nurture that little person who had to suppress it all.
Working through body by not acting it out, but experiencing it.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
- I didn't react in a way that I would have reacted had I seen him doing that to somebody else.
- How you acted in childhood, you disconnect from your healthy anger because what would happen to you if you'd be angry as a kid?
-It probably would make my situation worse.
- So that disconnection was actually your organism's way of supporting you.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
That disconnection was your organism's way of helping you survive. So that freeze response that you described is actually self protection in that situation. The trouble is that once we react that way, it gets wired in and becomes a default mode. So even decades later, when you're completely powerful and you have every right and every capacity to say Stop it, you don't. You give nervous laugh instead.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
To survive, you have to freeze your anger. And when you need it – it's not available for you. And that's what that disconnection is all about. So initially, that disconnect is protective. Later on, this disconnect, of course, just makes you vulnerable. The predator – they always know. They always know whose defense mechanism have been disabled. Otherwise you just would have punched the guy in the face or yelled at him.
🟥 Effects Of Suppress Anger by Dr. Gabor Maté
Jul 12
"Some people become abusers when they are accomplished and praised and believe they can do no wrong."
Jul 12
" If you suppress your anger as an adult towards someone who really can hurt you, you are not to blame. You are being smart. It's the very old, toxic, and unfair social systems that created and sustain these power imbalances."
Jul 12
"we can learn how to do it without falling back into the helplessness of a small child. But it is by no means easy to be assertive for many people in many situations, and it is a bit insulting to infer that you should be doing it better by now."
Jul 12
Anxiety is pretty much considered a negative thing in our world, a bad thing to have. Calm people, people who lack anxiety are considered to be healthier, and people who have anxiety are considered to be troubled, have problems, or something not quite right about them. Anxiety is not greatest thing in the world. I put pieces later. My anxiety was not bad thing. It was actually a healthy reaction to place I was living in.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 12
What it was I had a lot of spirit. I had a lot of energy I had a lot of honesty. I had a lot of passion. I was curios and I loved to express myself. And I was living in the world that was very closed down, very emotionally shut down with adults who weren't very expressive. What happened was my expression, passion, creativity and honesty, openness really confronted strongly with their way of living. And it wasn't acceptable.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 12
If someone reacts in panic - it is clue that there was some kind of violence in the past -AND in the present too. Trauma is being re-enforced.
Nobody would keep on being panicked after years of being safe.
So what socially anxious need - instead of learning some CBT magical fantasy skills of social confidence - is validation and acceptance of their own reactions
Jul 12
Socially anxious people are traumatized. What appears as lack of social skills to CBT is nothing else but trauma- freeze fawn response. There are no skills to learn - since the brain is being hijacked by unresolved unprocessed trauma.
Panic and avoidance - are learned adapted responses to toxic ambient.
Jul 12
Because I was in much less powerful position as a little child. All those people around me had much more power, much more dominance than I did. At some level I learned that my being me wasn't really acceptable. And because I kept expressing myself – I wasn't accepted. I had anxiety from it. Anxiety is not problem, it is not disorder. Inherent root of anxiety is not disorder. I have anxiety reaction to very screwed up shut down disconnected dishonest world
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 12
"I wasn’t born anxious. I just have a low tolerance for BS."
Jul 12
"We're all pathologized at some point. We live in a society that will fight tooth and nail to make you think there's something wrong with you for being human."
Jul 12
"anxiety is a healthy response by emotionally intuitive people to emotionally repressed people and cultures. We're not pathological, the brutes and bullies that grab authoritative positions are."
Jul 12
It is no measure of health to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
🟦 Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jul 12
When scientific conversation cease, then dogma rather than knowledge beings to rule the day.
🟦 Jaak Panksepp
Jul 13
Myth: "Trauma making someone stronger" - while in reality trauma destroys our natural strengths and removes them from our focus. Strength is inside us it always is inside us - but it is outside of our focus (awareness) due to trauma.
It is the same as to say to Ukraine have no highways or opera houses - and must build highways and grand buildings to attract investors - while in the same time it is being country invaded by Russia and destroyed by war imposed to Ukraine.
Jul 13
Skilled manipulators can capitalize on an INFJ's natural inclination to empathize deeply with others. They are able to play on the INFJ's empathy, using emotional appeals to elicit sympathy and compliance quite effectively. This can make it challenging to discern manipulation from genuine emotional dynamics. Their emotions being exploited or feel responsible for solving the emotional turmoil created by others. This can perpetuate a cycle of control.
🟥 The Mind Notion
Jul 13
I kept thinking if I was kind, if I was considerate, if I was fair, then he would be fair in return. That is not the case. That is complete kindergarten fantasy. I naively presumed that if I treated someone with respect and if I treated someone with dignity if I treated someone fairly, then that person would do the same in return. When you are dealing with a healthy person that is the case.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
But when you're dealing with someone who has a personality disorder, someone who can emotionally regulate themselves and in fact relies on you as a source of narcissistic supply, to regulate their emotions, this is not the case. When you reject the narcissist you are basically saying to Dracula the blood blank is closed. To Dracula you are just a source of blood supply. Say no – you pull the plug of narc supply.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
Narcissists fear vulnerability. And that's why they have to appear better than you. They have to develop a false self. The False Self protects them from feelings of vulnerability. It prevents real intimacy even though the narcissists needs you very much. Narcissist is highly codependent. Narcissist can't survive without sources of narcissistic supply. They need to have people mirror them back to them.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
Mirror back to them sense that they are awesome. They don't only want praise. Narcissist will settle for your fear, they want to feel dominant over you, even if you don't praising them as long as you jump when they tell you to jump, walk on eggshells, as long as you tolerate their control over you; the narcissist remains content and can be emotionally regulated. This is what they need to maintain emotional regulation.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
There are narcissists who have high self esteem. They think they are really awesome. They really do believe that they've been put on Earth to make a lot of money and they're entitled to make a lot of money. And if they have to step on heads of other people to do it, so be it. It's the cost of capitalism. There's lack of social responsibility. Lack of empathy for other people. It's just me, me, me.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
Some narcissists are created through overpraise by parents. They're over indulged by their parents. Their parents are entitled people and they teach their children, they program and condition their children to feel entitled to feel better than other people. And so again, there's lack of empathy, there's an idea that it's totally fine to exploit other people, especially people that narcissist deems is “less than”.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
A narcissist won't see that they're part of dynamic because they don't understand cause and effect. What they think is – they're in pain, you are the reason they are in pain. Therefore it's all your fault they are in pain. Therefore they have a right to be vindictive. They have a right to abuse you. This is what makes them so dangerous: they're able to rationalize and justify being vile, being vindictive and being cruel.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
"Narcissists are NOT trying to defend their EGO
They are trying to CREATE one!"
Jul 13
"The strange thing is that once we have set a boundary with them by speaking up about e g verbal abuse, directed at US we become a problem, a bad guy..."
Jul 13
"Flattery and charm: Narcissists often use compliments and flattery to make you feel special and gain your trust. They may showerer you with praise and attention to make you more susceptible to their manipulation."
Jul 13
When a narcissist enters a relationship, they're not entering it from the point of empathy, and wanting to really bond with you, get to know who you are on a heart level. And they're going to hide this truth from you. And you will know this by the way you feel, emptiness, confusion, by the lack of connection. By the fear that you feel when you consider confronting the narcissist for treating you like you're disposable.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 13
One of those weird synchronicity in life:
OceanGate founded in 2009 and imploded in June 2023.
I joined Twitter in 2009 and left it at the end of June 2023
Jul 13
This was perfect strategy for you when you were young, if you are growing up in a home where emotional openness, intimacy and authenticity were repeatedly rejected by your caregivers, the smart, the most adaptive thing to do is to learn to inhibit what you truly feel. And to exaggerate things that you don't truly feel in order to get your things met. Babies cannot be manipulative, don't have capacity to be manipulative.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 13
It makes perfect sense to sometimes fawn over that person and sometimes detach and protect yourself from that person based on how that person is currently responding to you. Fearful-Avoidance means getting caught between these two extreme response patterns. Constantly making assessment which of these insecure responses are better one to use in this situation is the perfect response pattern when you are trapped in abusive situation.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 13
We cannot get healthy if we're unprotected on a sick environment.
If we try to be secure inside of these environments where insecure responses are actually the most adaptive. It is not random, our attachment strategies are intelligent and they have perfectly adapted us to the environments we had to navigate when we were very young. It's only when we have more choice they become maladaptive.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 13
To me being “crazy” is being out of touch with reality. And being sane is being in touch with reality. To be in denial is fundamentally to be crazy. Something that person is not able to see, will not accept as true but actually it is there. That is denial. Dissociation is another one, being emotionally split off from reality of an event. Perhaps splitting off from childhood, not remembering anything what is actually going on.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 13
Don’t confuse being scared with being smart
🟥 Izaak McCullough
Jul 13
"The best is when people call you "shy" because you clearly don't want to interact with them but are trying to be polite about it"
Jul 13
The caveat is that we all have certain defenses, we're all to some degree unconscious, I haven't met anybody that's fully resolved their traumas. You can have the whole country even that accepts certain falsity about reality. Common delusion, mass delusion. There aren't multiple realities. In society if you have behavior that is much healthier than a commonly accepted delusion, you're gonna probably be called crazy.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 13
Sometimes even if they go to mental health practitioners they can get diagnostic labels for their healthy healing behavior. “Oh, you're crying too much, you're grieving!”. The therapist may not relate to this at all. The psychiatrist might be very scared of it because he is not doing it himself. So they will pathologies it in another person. “You have major depressive disorder” “You're having mood swings” “You're bi-polar”, “need take anti-psychotics”.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 13
It's very hard to go against the norms of society. It's very hard to go against the delusions of society. Because if you go against you're going to be called crazy. From conventional perspective of society there are 2 groups of people that get labeled crazy. There are people who are more delusional, more out of touch, more disturbed. Then there are people at the other pole. Who are actually more healthier than society, able to see reality for what it is.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 13
It's important to ask people who are going through it. What do they want, and from their perspective what do they need. And what I heard repeatedly is – people need to be listened to. People need to interact. People need to feel respected. People need to feel cared about. People need safe place to go. They need to feel they are valued. I never figured how psychiatric diagnostic fits into that. People get labeled with extreme labels
🟥 Open Paradigm Project - Daniel Mackler
Jul 13
Don't be scared to get angry. Don't be scared to be hated. Don't be scared to be disliked. Don't be scared to not being loved. Don't be scared not to be cared about. Don't be scared to be treated like $hit. You don't have to react. You don't have to care, you don't have to change people. Be comfortable with being dumb. Be comfortable with being yourself.
🟥 Izaak McCullough
Jul 13
Emotional appeal techniques can be extremely effective in persuading the reader to act on a feeling.
If we focus on the facts instead of the feelings, we will make a better decision about the writer's opinion.
Jul 13
Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it.
🟦 Vincent Van Gogh
Jul 13
Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.
🟦 Sophia Loren
Jul 13
I don't want other people to decide who I am. I want to decide that for myself.
🟦 Emma Watson
Jul 14
Codependence can harm relationships. Fostering independence is essential.
🟥 Thoughtadvice
Jul 14
When people told me “Let it go, move on”, “Don't focus on the negative” is these were people who were pretty dissociated. Really strongly disconnected from dealing with the painful things that happened to them. I had to be under the authority of people who didn't really treat me well. The way I survived was by letting it go, trying to be positive, put on a happy face, be “normal”, not talk about painful stuff, not grieve.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 14
Dissociation mimics enlightenment. To be dissociated, disconnected from our feelings, often in the world can come across as being very healthy. Can even come across as being wise, and mature. We think of people who aren't suffering pain, who aren't in miserable places, who aren't depressed, grieving, not crying, not angry, always in control of their emotions, but real balance only comes as the result of process.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 14
We can be wired to overly take responsibility for the other person's mood, to be overly empathic, inner child really believes that we caused it. We really don't know how. We don't really care how but we definitely are convinced that we caused it on a deep level. That's one set of wiring. The other is to be reactive and defensive against someone's mood.
🟥 patrickteahanlicswtherapy
Jul 14
Freaking out is not gonna help anything right now.
🎞️ Fall (2022)
Jul 14
When we are insecure about our place in the world - we will do anything to prove our worth - and then toxic people can easily control and manipulate us - by calling us over-sensitive when we notice narcissistic BS in them.
Jul 15
It is un-ethical and morally wrong to tell someone who they are and what they must do in their life.
When we are brought up in ACoA dysfunction - we will be programmed to have doubts in our own capabilities, in our brain, in our capacities - and then other people will easily manipulate us and control us - through emotional appeal and Ad hominems and personal criticism which is really none of their business to meddle in the first place.
Jul 15
If you are ever to destroy evil, you must survive to fight it.
🎞️ The Outer Limits S1 E24 (1964) - Moonstone
Jul 15
In the end, it is usually the good mind who enable evil to thrive.
🎞️ The Outer Limits S1 E24 (1964) - Moonstone
Jul 15
- We didn 't earn your thanks.
- The mind earns by doing. The heart earns by trying.
🎞️ The Outer Limits S1 E24 (1964) - Moonstone
Jul 15
I had my whole life to work on it. You're listening to a lot of people telling you that you can't do it. When what you should be doing is listen to yourself say that you can. And I want you to remember something. I want for you the very best that life has to offer, but see.. You'll have to get it yourself.
🎞️ Cocoon: The Return (1988)
Jul 15
You are the most miserable self-complainer I ever met. Other people are in pain. Other people are afraid. And if you open up your god damn eyes once in a while you might see that. You can feel sorry for yourself until hell freezes over. You don't deserve to have friends like us.
🎞️ Cocoon: The Return (1988)
Jul 15
Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall (1962) - Julie Andrews, Carol Burnett
Jul 16
What does USA fears?
Jul 16
"it's important to love yourself just as you are"
Jul 16
Even parents who are considered the best parents they do a lot of times worse because those who consider themselves best are actually the most arrogant. And arrogant people have a very easy time acting out their traumas on someone else because they don't even acknowledge they're doing it to themselves.
🟥 Daniel Mackler
Jul 16
Information is the resolution of uncertainty.
🟦 Claude Shannon
Jul 16
The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.
🟦 Jeremy Bentham
Jul 16
"Narcissistics don't know, they just test and see what you react to.
Once I was accused of being selfish, as a child my parents never actually use this against me so being called selfish did not trigger me at all. It was as if someone called me "you are so short" where I am 6.2."
Jul 17
Assume that the enemy knows the system.
🟦 Claude Shannon
Jul 17
If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done.
🟦 Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jul 18
When we are rejected - instead of CBT - we actually need to see and process what is going on - and it is always corruption in society that is the cause of unfair treatment - society is sick and abnormal.. Not our brain which is detecting it.
Jul 18
When I say emotional explosions we're talking about sometimes internalizing it, and keeping all that inside. We're masking and harming themselves rather than trying to explode in the world. Sometimes it explode in the world when mask comes off because there is too much going on.
🟥 How to Deal With Rejection Sensitivity, Right Now
Ruth-Ellen Danquah
Jul 18
And we can easily test this it is true:
by online expression and online communication - where we are anonymous and there is no physical danger as it is in real world: from being attacked, from being backstabbed, from being fired from a job - where our safety will be threatened in any kind of way.
Feeling of psychological safety will heal RSD. RSD therefore stems from exposure to narcissistic abuse.
Jul 18
Psychopaths will backstab us, they will destroy us, they will cause us to lose our job, put flying monkeys to attack us. So boundaries will not help to keep us safe - it will make abuse and punishment stronger.
Toxic society is causing RSD. Real psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists are the cause of RSD. Not our brain. We are not hallucinating the abuse and there is nothing we need to do to fix our brain.
Jul 18
Even with Mr Dodson, he says "perceived rejection". That tells me that I'm not dealing in reality and that my experience is not real. Because "it's just a perception". I started trying to come up with neutral non judgmental terminology to explain what we're going through. RSD is instantaneous response whether we're rejected or corrected or directed. We have learned if we emote that unpleasant feeling that's bad.
🟥 Rena-Fi, Inc.
Jul 18
Don't look so worried. Those kids are just show-offs. They are all bark, no bite. They're gonna get what is coming for them sooner or later, their type usually does.
🎞️ The Willies (1990)
Jul 18
Storm clouds in July
Jul 18
General, you are listening to a machine. Do the world a favor, and don't act like one.
🎞️ WarGames (1983)
Jul 19
" If you share opinions, you will face disagreement from time to time. It's fine."
🟥 Kate Merryweather
Jul 19
"You either get bitter or you get better."
Jul 19
"Decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
🟦 Jorge Luis Borges
Jul 19
"I think people miss the mark between venting & flat out trauma dumping."
Jul 19
"If you wouldn't expect the guys to perform a surgical procedure on you - don't ask them to be your therapist"
Jul 19
"I understand that some people feel lonely and don't have anyone to vent to, but please, I sincerely don't care."
Jul 19
"As soon as a person puts you on a pedestal,that should be a red flag as well(narcissistic people are very good at that in the love bombing phase,they idealize you,youre perfect) I don't think that a relationship can last if you're not meeting someone on an equal footing."
Jul 19
July summer storm hit Croatia this afternoon.
Jul 19
When he is naughty, it's the best way to teach him obedience.
🎞️ The Baby (1973)
Jul 19
Negative reinforcement. Some kind of consistent punishment to discourage him from normal learning.
🎞️ The Baby (1973)
Jul 20
Negative Reinforcement example;
Manager stops nagging the employee: Employee starts being more productive
Jul 20
"A false sense of security is worse than no security at all."
Jul 20
Toxic shame is primarily fostered in significant relationships. If you do not value someone, it's hard to imagine being shamed by what he says or does.
If our primary caregivers are shame-based, they will act shameless and pass their toxic shame onto us. There is no way to teach self-value if one does not value oneself.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
It's difficult to let someone get close to you if you feel defective and flawed as a human being. Shame-based couples maintain non-intimacy through poor communication, manipulation, vying for control, withdrawal, blaming and confluence. Confluence is the agreement never to disagree.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Part of the work of love is listening. To listen well, one must have one's own needs met. If one is needy, it's hard to listen. Our neediness is like a toothache. When we are shame-based, we can only focus on our own ache.
Needy, shame-based parents cannot possibly take care of their children's needs.
The child is shamed whenever he or she is needy because the child's needs clash with the parents' needs.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Families are as sick as their secrets. The secrets are what they are ashamed of. All the secrets get acted out. This is the power of toxic shame. The pain and suffering of shame generate automatic and unconscious defenses. We cannot heal what we cannot feel.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The insatiability is rooted in each person's unmet childhood needs. When two adult children meet and fall in love, the child in each looks to the other to fill his needs. The incomplete children fuse together as they had done in the symbiotic stage of infancy. Unfortunately this state cannot last. Who will take care of whom? Whose family rules will win out? The more shame-based each person is, the more each other's differences will be intolerable
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Egocentric thinking means that a child will take everything personally. The impact of not having one's parents' time creates the feeling of being worthless. "If Mom and Dad are not present, it's because of me. There must be something wrong with me or they would want to be with me."
Children are egocentric because they have not had time to develop ego boundaries.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
An ego boundary is an internal strength by which a person guards her inner space. Without boundaries a person has no protection. A strong boundary is like a door with the doorknob on the inside. A child's ego is like a house without any doors.
Children are egocentric by nature (not by choice).
Strong boundaries result from the identification with parents who themselves have strong boundaries and who teach their children by modeling.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Children have no experience; they need their parents' experience. If their parent is not dependable, they will not develop this inner resource.
Children need mirroring and echoing. These come from their primary caretaker's eyes. Mirroring means that someone is there for them and reflects who they really are at any given moment of time. In the first three years of our life each of us needed to be admired and taken seriously.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
We needed to be accepted for the very one we are. Getting these mirroring needs is what Alice Miller calls our basic Narcissistic Supplies.
What happens if the parents are shame-based and needy? Now the child is taking care of the parents' needs, rather than the parents.
There is no one there to mirror the child's feelings. Any child growing up in such an environment has been mortally wounded by this narcissistic deprivation.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Mood alteration is an ingredient of compulsive/addictive behavior.
The feeling of righteousness and acting sanctimoniously are wonderful ways to mood alter toxic shame. They are often ways to interpersonally transfer one's shame to others.
Detailing is another thought process which mood alters. Many obsessive/compulsive types use this form of mental activity. Pain is what we try to avoid.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
In fact, most of our neurotic behavior is due to the avoidance of legitimate pain. We try to find an easier way.
as Scott Peck has said, "The tendency to avoid emotional suffering . . . is the primary basis for all human mental illness.
We cannot change our "internalized" shame until we "externalize" it. Externalization methods include:
honestly sharing our feelings with significant others.
Legitimizing: by writing and talking about it.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 20
What causes certain behavior?
Their personality (internal) OR their situation (external)
⬜ Attribution Theory in Psychology
Jul 21
Function of codependency is just to keep ship afloat at all cost. Byproduct is that it buries any feeling of anger and disgust how are we being treated. Tipping point is when we start to get pissed off.
To become more pissed off then we're focused on keeping the ship afloat.
🟥 patrickteahanlicswtherapy
Jul 21
I still get triggered up, my trauma still still exists, but I have a different way of handling it.
🟥 HeidiRain
Jul 21
Consider the source;
Does this person have knowledge or experience in this particular situation?
Give boring answers like "I'll consider that."
Jul 21
Thought distortion – some area in which we have learned or internalized to be loving and secure and healthy in relationship is actually getting us less of the secure dynamic that we are looking for. "To love someone means to save them from the consequences of their own actions". You learned love means rushing in the moment someone regrets their actions so they don't have to feel the pain of what they have done. This becomes Enabling.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 21
Thought distortion that might lead you to believing codependency is a healthy model of relating rather than security is the belief that it is unkind to express anger or discontent or to otherwise let someone know when they have hurt you. This can very often be the case if you grew up in a family where you have a parent who has mental health issues and you learn to do that exoneration process in order to keep yourself in connection (unkind to let them know)
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 21
In the long run it is not kind to warp reality for the other people in order to protect their feelings. If we do not have access to reality and to the real impact we are making on other people we don't know how to fix the ways in which we're habitually showing up in a way that hurts other people and we don't know how to stay in real close connection with people. It often feels nice in the moment to warp our reality a little bit to make them feel better.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 21
We're giving them inaccurate information that they're going to go ahead and base their future decisions on because that's how learning works. Opposite of that is not to tell other that they are monster or take something they've done wrong and make it seem like it's a giant unsolvable character flaw for them. It can be simply as put it out there and figure out what is going on or leave that question open for a while. Work together to find solution.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 21
The person who is always criticizing others is usually the one who deserves criticism the most.
🟦 Filipino proverb
Jul 21
The first step to changing anyone is to become their friend.
Jul 21
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.
🟦 The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jul 21
Chinese propaganda posters
Jul 21
He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.
🟦 Abraham Lincoln
Jul 21
There are myriads of ways to mood alter. Any way of mood-altering pain is potentially addictive. If it takes away your gnawing discomfort, it will be your highest priority.
Just as with excruciating physical pain, you will do anything to stop it. Whatever mood alters our chronic pain will take precedence over everything else. The chronicity will become life-damaging and pathological.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 21
You will do anything to keep mood altered. In this way the mood alterers we use to take away our toxic shame become our addictions. If you're shame-based, you're going to be an addict. The addiction hides the shame and enhances it and the shame fuels the addiction.
As Fossum and Mason have said, "One of the most clearly identifiable aspects of shame is addictive behavior."
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 21
Remember that toxic shame turns you into a human doing because toxic shame says your being is flawed and defective. If your being is flawed and defective, nothing you do could possibly make you lovable. You can't change who you are. Understanding the distinction between being and doing.
If you've done nothing to heal your shame, you will probably feel intense feelings of rejection. The rejection of self is the core of toxic shame.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 21
Most shame-based people feel ashamed when they need help. We try to act like we are not needy. We pretend we don't feel what we feel.
Tell the shaming person how angry you are and whatever else you want to say and do. (Do not change any of their behavior). Remember to give him back his shame — the shame that they avoided by acting shameless. (Giving Back The Hot Potato)
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 21
Feedback is high quality sensory based observation without interpretation. In a group setting, feedback can be enormously helpful. But criticism, as I define it, is always a subjective interpretation based on one person's experience and grounded in that person's personal history. As such, it is not very useful.
📖 Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
Jul 21
Spreading a bad mood
Jul 21
One of the most important aspects of being verbally assertive is to be persistent and keep saying what you want over and over again without getting angry, irritated, or loud.
🟦 Manuel J. Smith
Jul 21
You are being manipulated when someone reduces, by any means, your ability to be your own judge of what you do.
🟦 Manuel J. Smith
Jul 21
Assertive Bill of Rights
Jul 22
"Speak the truth always, even if it means your death."
Jul 22
"I used to be afraid of the dark until I learned I am a light and the darkness is afraid of me."
Jul 22
"Some say I don't play well with others. I say it depends on who it is and what they want to play"
Jul 22
In tough times, we all hope for knights in shining armor, or the cavalry, to show up and effect change.
🟦 Dean Devlin
Jul 22
"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."
Jul 22
"Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt"
Jul 22
"Nobody is born a warrior. You choose to be one when you refuse to stay seated."
Jul 22
"No one loves a warrior until the enemy is at the gate"
Jul 22
If you are a user, then everything you've done has been according to a plan, right?
- You wish. Well, you guys know what it's like. You just keep doing what it looks like you're supposed to be doing, no matter how crazy it seems.
- Well, that's the way it is for programs, yes.
- I hate to disappoint you, pal, but most of the time, that's the way it is for users, too.
🎞️ Tron (1982)
Jul 22
There is something about midnight on New Year's Eve that makes you sit up and think about things. Maybe because where you are at that moment says a lot about where you might end up some day.
🎞️ Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989)
Jul 23
Madonna on May 3, 1977
Jul 23
DSM is doing incredible psychological damage by misleading us in the official definition of social anxiety.
Social anxiety at its core is inability to express our disagreement when someone is wrong and when someone is pushing us and when someone accuse us of things which are unfair and untrue.
Jul 23
Play the game with a fair heart and you'll always be able to look at yourself at the mirror.
Play too heart to win, and you might not like what you've become.
🎞️ Madman (1981)
Jul 24
Narcissists can act very healthy until they're triggered. And it's those triggers that reveal their true colours. They can no longer hide their deeper stuff once they get triggered. The mask come away any they come out. Some of the main triggers for a narcissist are: perceived rejection. So if you reject them or say no to them – watch out.
🟥 TimFletcher
Jul 24
Not getting what they want, not getting enough attention. 'You're not feeding me enough' or anything that messes with their image. So what happens if they don't get what they want or they triggered? Usually they go to anger and then they get cruel, abusive, they lash out, they say extremely hurtful things, and they can be very destructive.
🟥 TimFletcher
Jul 24
Pink Church in Hamilton Bermuda
Jul 24
For the Rosicrucians the study of alchemy was more than the ability to transform base metals into silver and gold. It was a transmutation of human character.
This transmutation involved passing from an earthly to a supernatural existence.
Rosicrucians supposedly believed it was possible to discover the source of all being through direct knowledge. The idea that everything is linked.
📱 app Kinnu
Jul 24
Knights of Pythias are interested in public affairs and are eager to enhance their community.
They believe that friendship is an essential ingredient in life and that they are working for the betterment of humanity.
The Knights of Pythias don't try and shape other people's beliefs but rather work towards true friendship, respect, and kindness.
📱 app Kinnu
Jul 24
Fear - it's like a sixth sense. In some way it's more important one to us than all the others. Perhaps that's because fear is the ultimate survival mechanism. When we are afraid we function at our purest level. When we are afraid we approach our essence.
🎞️ After Midnight (1989)
Jul 24
Real fear can only exist when you believe something frightening can occur.
🎞️ After Midnight (1989)
Jul 25
"Scientists believe an alien spaceship could have crashed into Mars"
In April, Nasa’s Curiosity Rover photographed what appear to be rows of spikes, plates and wedges protruding from rocks on the bottom of the 154km-long Gale Crater.
The scientists say there also appear to be wheels, an axle and a debris field alongside the spikes.
Jul 25
You can't really teach an adult empathy – and if you can, it's in a very small amount. So I would suggest she see him for who he is and manage the relationship so that she can continue to have a nice relationship with her brother. That is mostly done through having short conversations to the point with him, limiting the amount of interaction with him, not engaging in his gossip and rumors and dismissing ungrateful communication and guilt tripping trap.
🟥 Jason Cerro Talks
Jul 25
Just don't respond to those comments. Nothing you say has an impact on his opinion.
My job as a therapist is to bring that issue out into the open in therapy and we discuss these very exact issues, clients begin to feel good in therapy because they're getting validation.
🟥 Jason Cerro Talks
Jul 25
Historically, women are often just slapped with the label BPD. When in fact they either have autism, ADHD or CPTSD. But it's easier for them to just slap that label on us rather than actually reversed for screening.
Jul 25
This afternoon while I was out shopping, Therese violated my room in an insane act of revenge, and upon my return, raged at me using foul and obscene language, cursing me for having dared to reveal the truth to Mr. Anmar. Her behavior was crude and astral. She's becoming more violent by the day. It's as if father's death has released the demons within her and I actually fear for my life.
🎞️ Trilogy of Terror (1975)
Jul 26
The narcissistic family system will create fear within you. They will do this through the blame and the constant criticism that you have to endure. Scapegoats carry the burden of the narcissistic parents emotional dysregulation on shoulders. When you're raised in this type of environment – there's no security, no emotional safety. This will create a sense of fear like you're not safe, in your own home. So where are you safe really?
🟥 Art Florentyna
Jul 26
You're not taught to be safe in your own environment that is supposed to be safe. You discover lack of emotional safety as you endure the blame and the criticism constantly – will have a huge effect on you in adulthood. Gaslighting creates fear of yourself, you become afraid of trusting yourself, you become afraid of yourself, you are taught that you can't rely on yourself.
🟥 Art Florentyna
Jul 26
So making decisions purely based on how you feel within is terrifying. Through gaslighting you're taught that you can't trust your emotions, you can't trust your experience, memories because everything that happens in that household never happens as you remember it. They tell you that you remember it wrong, "that is not how it happened", you constantly doubting yourself.
🟥 Art Florentyna
Jul 26
Without panic, without anxiety - we will be a mere zombie, NPC Wojak, a background character who is pushed around as environment desires it.
Anxiety, fears, panic - they are our alarm system that something is wrong.
Jul 26
Sometimes it takes patience to deal with people who aren't as smart as you.
🟨 Simpsons comics #27 (1996)
Jul 26
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
🎞️ Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982)
Jul 26
The holistic approach - you can never understand a culture without considering it in its totality. In anthropology you can't understand one part of a culture in isolation. Holism is the belief that everything within a culture is connected.
📱 app Kinnu
Jul 26
To say what you feel is to dig your own grave.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
The important thing about "brave" is, it doesn't mean you're not terrified.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
If there's one way to save someone, it's by letting them know you love them.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
It's so hard to retain what your purpose is - or to even realize what it is.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
My creative process is quite slow. I hear melodies in my head while I'm washing the dishes and I allow my subconscious to to the work.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
Remember what I told you, if they hated me, they will hate you.
🟦 Sinéad O'Connor
Jul 26
You see the trick in magic is to do the one thing so simple and so obvious that no one ever thinks of it.
🎞️ The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
Jul 27
The reason why they continuously take from you is because they can't regulate this. When you have givers and takers, the takers are never going to be the ones who will stop this, "you given enough". It's always the givers who have to stop giving. Make sure you give yourself enough free space, not get involved in every problem.
Jul 27
Most of the time we actually think we have to be more social. To do everything to be part of a community because that is just the norm and everybody will tell you that you're doing something wrong. People will tell you, "you shouldn't be such a hermit". "There is something wrong with you, you have to change". If you hear this over and over and don't have examples of those who embrace unique being, you feel ambivalent feeling.
Jul 27
Ambivalent feeling: I'm not doing things that feel like me, but this is the only way how others are not nagging me. What happens once you really say, forget it. I'm not going to be social anymore. I'm not going to try to be somebody that others will accept. As INFJs we have learned the reason why people accept us is because everything we do for them. The more you try to be like everybody else is, you're less in alignment with your inner power.
Jul 27
I think the biggest aha moment for me was when I realized that my feelings matter: what I think and what I feel about people matters. Another aha moment for me is when I realized the difference between judging someone and discerning. Judging being inputted into your brain and so now your brain plays with that information. It's not your brain's fault. So we judge because we've been judged. When you judge – you don't feel good.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 27
With discernment - you notice it. Make you aware how people communicate so you can discern what kind of person am I speaking to. Conversational narcissist went talking about what she saw. Those types of narcissists use "Shift Responses". You notice it. We need tools. We need to know what to do when we discover that we're dealing with a narcissist. Their agenda -they're like vampires, want to suck energy out of you. Serves them
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 27
That helps them to feel better than you. Narcissists see themselves as more powerful, stronger, more in control than you because you are being drained and losing your sh*t. Narcissist exploits the need of a codependent. And a narcissist has the ability to make a very nice codependent act extremally irrational. To tell a codependent that you didn't say what you did said is enough to ignite "I am not enough wound".
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 27
A passive narcissist, or conversational narcissist who is unsupportive, doesn't know how to keep dialogue going back, and they always bring whatever you said back to them. "I did that". That puts you in a place where you don't feel seen. Which is close to our mortal wound of feeling invisible as children. Understand your agenda- hold on to your energy. First, discern. Then accept you are talking to someone unsupportive.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 27
Third thing is don't expect anything. This is not relationship to sow seeds in. Just pull back and observe. The next thing don't confront their ego - they will increase their need to go wrestling.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.
Jul 27
Failure to distinguish a real concrete actionable plan that is likely to play out in reality from a fantasy about the future that we're using to self regulate through a difficult present moment. When we know that a fantasy is a fantasy – we are in reality. Like watching a movie. When we confuse it – we start expecting things to happen in reality. Goal: distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Figure what to do to move in proper place in reality.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 27
If client have a very very high level of optimism about the future, however score very low on hedonism and present moment enjoyment, it's possible is person not truly engaged with future, but a person who is really unhappy in the present and who is using fantasies about the future to escape from the present moment. So unhappy in the present that can't stay associated to figure out what steps to take towards goals.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 27
You can spend entire life beating yourself up for never executing on your ideas. When in reality the reason you're never executing on your ideas might be because you are never present enough to take first steps. To work concretely towards our goals, we have to be in the present moment: aware of and noticing what's in between us and our goals, what about our life today is incompatible with our goal in the future – shows road map in getting there.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 27
Even someone just asking a question that you realize you don't have the answer to can be really helpful if you're working towards concrete goal. Even though it might feel embarrassing for a moment, it alerts you to a blind spot or a gap in your knowledge that might be really important for you to focus on in order to get closer to your goal. Feedback process is more helpful than it is annoying. If fantasy – feedback is more annoying than helpful.
🟥 Heidi Priebe
Jul 27
There are no solutions from the outside. To look at how it actually is. Not how you'd like it to be, but how it actually is. In order to heal, you have to bring outside of yourself what is inside yourself. What you bring outside yourself will heal you. You are whoever you are in the present. The fact you survived something doesn't make you into a survivor. We have to disidentify. You are not that experience.
🟥 Your Inner Child Matters
Jul 27
Although the film's title is a question, no question mark appears in the title because this is considered bad luck in the industry.
⬜ IMDb trivia
Jul 27
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
🎞️ Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1989)
Jul 27
Boas advocated for cultural relativism, the concept that all cultures have intrinsic value and should be understood and assessed within their own contexts. This perspective challenged the ethnocentric and hierarchical views of culture that were prevalent during this time, promoting a more nuanced and empathetic understanding of human societies and cultures.
Boas also emphasized the importance of historical particularism: each culture has its own unique history.
📱 app Kinnu, Anthropology
Jul 27
l've always believed that there were several planes of existence, distinct and separate...and we, as human beings, inhabit only one.
- lsn't it possible that some sort of external intelligence, some discarnate entity, has crossed into our plane of existence?
- How are we going to prove it?
- We have to isolate it. We have to draw it in somehow, find a way to bring it into a controlled situation.
🎞️ The Entity (1982)
Jul 27
Moral relativism has a reputation for being compassionate, caring and humane, but it is an extremely useful philosophy for tyrants.
🟦 Peter Kreeft
Jul 27
The key to understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder is that the entire formation of the personality is based around a false self. So they have a hyper idealized vision of themselves that protects them from the realities of the world. When reality creeps in, it defies the reality of the false self and causes the narcissist to wake up to the fact that they're living inside of a delusion. - can spiral the narcissist into complete crisis.
Jul 28
"Evil under the sun" summer vacation scenery of Majorca, Spain, filmed in May 1981.
Jul 29
So your voice is the only thing to keep you floating on the surface.
And see what happens-
when we talk and express ourselves, when we are honest and authentic - and that is healthy and sane and normal - you will notice that toxic people will be triggered.
That is the clue that your social anxiety stems from such toxic people, who cannot handle the truth and real life-
Jul 29
The hell I put my family through... not knowing what post-traumatic stress was. I hurt them. Not physically. I'd go home and I look in the mirror and hated myself. I'm not here because I'm tough. I'm here because I had a woman that loved me and a little girl that prayed for me and a son that followed me in every step.
Jul 29
It's all about training.
If you believe in training yourself to become kind of person you were called to be your life will get better and you'll have a big advantage over everybody else. Because training stinks. Until it doesn't.
Anybody who's played sports, anybody who's been trained for a job knows that the training part stinks until you get good. Then the training gets kind of fun. So you got to get through those first few months of training, difficult.
Jul 29
The Society for the Preservation of English Language and Literature (SPELL) awarded "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" with its 1989 Dunce Cap Award, citing the title's grammatical error of using the word "shrunk" instead of "shrank." An unnamed Disney executive responded that the incorrect usage was on purpose and directly referenced a line of dialogue.
IMDb trivia
Jul 29
I didn't mean to be strong. I wasn't thinking of myself I must be strong. I didn't know I was strong. I did suffer through a lot because everybody felt it was okay to kick the $hit out of me. I regret that I was so sad because I regret that I spent so many years very lonely and isolated really.
🎞️ Nothing Compares (2022)
Jul 29
Nothing Compares (2022) documentary shows montage of Sinéad O'Connor in smiling mood while making her iconic video.
Jul 30
Even though ox was very powerful, incredibly strong this small yoke could keep it from doing what it wanted to do. Some people don't realize it but they're living with a yoke around their neck. They wonder why they can't get ahead, why everything is struggle. It's because of the yokes that are dragging them down. Negative words that are spoken over you can become a yoke. Every time you start to step out you hear You're not that talented.
Jul 30
To live would be an awfully big adventure.
🎞️ Hook (1991)
Jul 30
Muslim horsemen often pretended to flee. Crusaders lost many a battle by charging recklessly in pursuit of a feigned retreat.
📖 Crusaders and the crusader knights, complete illustrated history
Jul 30
- He communicates though Elliott.
- Elliott thinks his thoughts.
- No, Elliott feels his feelings.
🎞️ E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Jul 31
It is not fear.
it is trauma.
We are being mislead by CBT into victim mentality and exposure exercises - which will only place us into jaws of narcissistic abuse which caused social anxiety in the first place.
Jul 31
"If something cannot be observed or measured, it is outside the scope of science to understand.
There is no proof you can build."
Jul 31
Many of the knights, clerics and ordinary people who travelled to the Holy Land on the First Crusade had a strong sense that they were living in the last days before the Second Coming of Christ, which gave a great sense of urgency to the need to achieve remission of sins.
The events of the Last Judgement were expected to be played out in the city where Christ died and was buried.
📖 Crusaders and the crusader knights, complete illustrated history
Jul 31
-That's my mom's most favorite piece!
- (IMITATES GROUCHO MARX) You wouldn't be here if it wasn't.
🎞️ The Goonies (1985)
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