petak, 1. travnja 2022.

March 2022 Twitter

Mar 1
Learn how to navigate through them, find coping mechanism, find what helps. You can't stop, prevent panic attack from happening, and more you try more powerful it becomes. Not avoiding places that scares me.
YT Natasha Daniels

Mar 1
When acutely threatened, we mobilize vast energies to protect and defend ourselves. Such a state of shutdown and paralysis is meant to be temporary. Humans, in contrast to animals, frequently remain stuck in a kind of limbo, not fully reengaging in life after experiencing threat.


Mar 1
Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behaviour and reactions. Self-regulation helps children and teenagers learn, behave well, get along with others and become independent.


Mar 1
Emotional self-regulation is ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that is socially tolerable and sufficiently flexible to permit spontaneous reactions as well as the ability to delay spontaneous reactions as needed.


Mar 2
Crap fitting – where you fit yourself to crap, to unacceptable situations or people.

What you hear is criticism. That is your trauma brain thinking. Trauma brain – if you see your own flaws, it will break you, normal for person with history of neglect.

Mar 2
That is normal perception for person with history of abuse and neglect. You rightly became terrified of criticism. There is loving way to view whatever you chose, did, fail to do. It was never your fault being abused.
YT Anna Runkle, Crappy Childhood Fairy

Mar 2
Reality is where you can be happy, where you can create things, where you can love and be loved. When you don't become who you are, we all are deprived of gifts you are meant to bring to the world.
Come forward and take your place in world.
YT Anna Runkle

Mar 2
Discernment means judgment, it means being able to tell good from bad, right from wrong. When it is just me, and when should I get away from someone. Tell the truth. Ask questions when confused, ask for clarification.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy

Mar 2
Anxiety, overthinking and hypervigilance will dissolve with toxic shame because there will be nothing to be afraid of or need to control.
YT Toxic Shame, Anxiety, and Overthinking

Mar 2
You are allowed to be forefront, share and talk about myself, become the center. Doing those things that you've been taught make you a selfish narcissistic, that's literally the medicine. If you are not exploitative, let yourself off the hook
YT Stacy Hoch

Mar 2
You frighten them. And what frightens them, they're against. One way or another.

It Came from Outer Space (1953)

Mar 3
Assertiveness is skill you use selectively and with thought. Fighting for your agenda all the time everywhere you go, expressing your needs all the time can be both obnoxious and irritating to everyone around you.
YT Sara Geiger
Assertive behaviour

Mar 3
You can't spot assertive person. Assertive people are not necessarily intimidating. Assertiveness is sharing your opinions and needs with clarity, not intimidating, sidelining, manipulating and making others feel threatened.
YT Assertive behaviour

Mar 3
Guilt and shame are two strong emotions which are used to make people feel trapped. So fear controls them. Shame – something is wrong with you. Guilt – feel bad if I don't do this. This can be used to take advantage of us.
YT Chris Murphy

Mar 4
At 08.45 CET on Friday 4 March, around 150 public radio channels across Europe played simultaneous broadcast of John Lennon’s ‘Give Peace a Chance’.

Mar 4
Codependent caretaking requires incompetency on the part of the person being taken care of. We rescue victims, people who we believe are not capable responsible for themselves.
YT Lisa Romano

Mar 4
Nothing is real: How German scientists control Putin's face.
(6 Apr 2016)
This kind of special effect that movie studios spend millions on, but a team of computer scientist are doing it with just You tube and a webcam.

Mar 4
I am worthy whether you think or not. I don't think i am better and I don't think anybody is better than me. I think am equal to everyone. I am just as broken and wounded, unconscious, egotistical at times and pathetic as anybody else.
Lisa Romano

Mar 4
Apply this understandings to your life, your life will change. When you stop playing games, you begin to love yourself and you liberate yourself. You don't need people to love you, you don't need people to validate you.
Lisa Romano


Mar 4
If people don't like you, it's ok.
You love yourself, and when you really really love yourself, you know you are imperfect, you get it you've made mistakes, impacted by the past – and so has everyone else!
Lisa Romano


Mar 4
You stop expecting other people to be what you want them to be. And instead you love them in healthy way. You love them just as they are. You stop thinking if I do this, maybe this person will change.
YT Lisa Romano

Mar 4
Being defensive comes from ego, that's not where I want to be – stuck in self defense mode with online haters, for example, it's not worth it. In life there are times when we need to stand up for ourselves. We can do it respectfully, peacefully
Susie Moore

Mar 4
People who are good at standing up for themselves can tolerate discomfort. That what confidence is: Being able to feel uncomfortable. They are assertive, pay attention, have healthy boundaries, clear what matters to them.
YT Susie Moore

Mar 4
We forgot who we are, connection to our true soul. Narcissists are false self, pretending to be something we want –love, approval, security, survival. We didn't know yet we have power independent from them to seek create things to make us whole
Tonia Evans

Mar 4
If you are in fear, they hunt for us. Narcissists want to control you to go along with their version of things, it is exploiting you. They demean, accusing you, shame you, we want get their love and approval. These are trauma bonds.

Melanie Tonia Evans

Mar 4
You stay connected to people who are hurting you to try stay safe. And you may go along with them, appeasing them, agreeing what they are saying rather than stepping back and seeking methodically what your truth is.
Melanie Tonia Evans

Mar 4
Narcissist can come in your life pretending to have goods, with no real evidence, it is lot of smoke and mirrors. You may go along by thinking that they're authority to be trusted. Results are you get emptied out, self esteem ends in gutter.
M. Tonia Evans

Mar 4
Narcissists steal anything they can get. If you took time observing people before committing, you would find a trail of destruction, disasters, conflicting information and maybe criminal behaviour. Wolf in sheep clothing.
Melanie Tonia Evans

Mar 4
Important part is responsibility to be your own source diligently. It is nobody else's job to be your authority as adult in your body. Until you do realize that, you could be susceptible to being mined, harvested by a narcissist. Take back our power.

Mar 4
To have courage to stand up to narcissist, you have to stop looking to this person for your salvation. Stop looking to them anything to make you feel better, stop trying to make deals. It's not about sitting them down and being heard.

Melanie Tonia Evans

Mar 4
Every attempt to being heard is twisted and used to trigger you, maiming you in arena. That is their sport, so stop trying to negotiate. Let go. Stop participating. Stop believing anything narcissist say and promise to do.
This is spiritual war
Tonia Evans

Mar 4
It must be frustrating to waste your talents on things that don't really matter to you.
film "Xanadu" (1980)


Mar 4
Creams, clothes, cigarettes... In the 1920s and 1930s, many products contained radium, considered beneficial for health. In 1937, it was banned for any non-medical application, and from the 1970s in the pharmacopoeia.
"Ça_M'Intéresse", 2022/03


Mar 6
If her father was hard, mean, always berating her, she wouldn't run to him, she would run from him. The reason she was bold enough to go to her father was she knew his nature. Loving, kind, merciful. Even when you make mistakes,you'll go to him

Mar 6
When you really know who your heavenly father is, you'll go to him with confidence, knowing that he accepts you faults and all. That he has mercy for your mistakes. That he's not in judging business, he's in restoring business.

Mar 6
My first Debut in Ambient music, 432Hz:
Ranc1 - Alien Cityscape

Mar 6
William James concluded that rather than running because we are afraid, we are afraid because we are running (from the bear).
What we falsely perceive, and believe as fact, is that the pain causes us to withdraw our hand.
In an Unspoken Voice, Peter A. Levine PhD


Mar 6
Libet found that the "conscious" decision to perform a simple action (such as pushing a button) preceded the action.
In other words, people decide to act only after their brain unconsciously prepares them to do so.
"In an Unspoken Voice", Peter A. Levine, PhD


Mar 6
When we have been traumatized, we are particularly sensitized to (and hyperaroused by) these fleeting stimuli. Only one way to break compulsive cycles: to become aware of the premovement before it graduates into a full-blown movement sequence. Extinguish the spark.
Peter Levine


Mar 6
This is not at all the same as suppressing or repressing them.
For all of us, and particularly for the traumatized individual, the capacity to transform the "negative" emotions of fear and rage is the difference between heaven and hell.
we free ourselves from the tyranny of fear.


Mar 6
A first step in this ongoing process is refusing to be seduced into (the content of) our negative thoughts or swept away by the potent or galvanized drive of an emotion, and instead returning to the underlying physical sensations.
Peter A. Levine, PhD - "In an Unspoken Voice"

Mar 7
Watch out for loaded questions, trying to antagonize me. I call it throwing the fishing line and bait. It is ok to say That is not a topic I really care to discuss. No reply or no response is a reply. Shift conversation.
YT Dealing with DRAINING People

Mar 7
People who have been through narcissistic abuse may literally feel that is is hubris (excessive pride) to think that they have the right to say no to someone or choose to do what feels more comfortable or safe or to even disengage.
YT DoctorRamani

Mar 7
Survivor-ship of narcissistic abuse carries with it the risk of getting easily triggered and really thrown off by situations that are reminiscent of the major and hurtful narcissistic relationships. Struggle with too loose or overdoing boundaries.

Mar 8
Thoughts coming from your inner critic tries to keep you safe. First step is awareness. Start writing down what you hear. Create critic into character to dissociate. Treat inner critic like a child – acknowledge. Switch to better thought.
YT Rebecca Haydon

Mar 8
How we treat panic attacks: help people to respond differently to the sensations they feel in their body, and help to respond differently to the scary thoughts they get when they panic.
YT How to Stop a Panic Attack

Mar 8
When we have uncomfortable sensations of feelings our brain wants to interpret them in a negative or scary way. To take step back would be powerful, drop into observing mind, I am noticing my heart beat fast, like big storm.
YT Max Maisel, PhD

Mar 8
The more you are arguing against those panic thoughts, the more energy and power panic have. Look at those thoughts and agree with them. Let's see it, let's do your thing. Let those sensations to be. Eventually panic cannot hold on anymore.
Max Maisel, PhD


Mar 8
I never realized how much power my words have.
The Simpsons s33 e5

Mar 8
I wonder if everyone has words from their childhood stuck in their head.
The Simpsons s33 e5

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Mar 8
Second ambient track is finished today.
Akkadian Shoreline, with 528 Hz
Zoroastrianism and seagulls were inspiration for it.

Mar 9
Technique examine the evidence. That's an intervention. See whether or not conflict is always bad. Sometimes people enjoy good debate. Weighing options back and forth reveals a deeper truth. Can be enlightening.
YT Michael Zone, LCSW, MEd, JD

Mar 9
HSP cannot help but be affected by toxic family dynamics, overt or covert abuse and manipulation.
The usual reaction to pain is to withdraw. To psychologically withdrew is mechanism of childhood trauma splitting.
YT Eggshell Transformations by Imi Lo

Mar 9
So you watch life events pass by in front of you without being in them. Feels as though it belongs to others. Being a detached observer comes with a cost. While you feel little pain, you also feel little joy, love and vitality.
YT Splitting, Complex Trauma

Mar 9
Inner critic started as protective mechanism, it believes by criticizing harshly you will not venture out for love, career or abundance, so you will never be disappointed again. This perpetuates a cycle of shame.
YT Eggshell Transformations by Imi Lo

Mar 9
You remain stuck because that piece of traumatic experience is stored in isolation unintegrated with larger system and therefore unable to link up with newer more useful and adaptive information that promotes 'I am an adult now and not everyone hates me'.

Mar 9
Traditional forms of therapy such as CBT may not be effective in healing the deep emotional trauma that causes your current reactive responses because most of these pre-language trauma memories are shielded from your cognitive process.
YT Splitting

Mar 9
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Reagan says, "We will protect you"
I don't subscribe to this point of view

I hope the Russians love their children too
Sting - Russians


Mar 9
The ugly is when you don't give the child any chance to get back to the good. There's no reparation and they're stuck in that really ugly situation.
YT Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick

Mar 9
Even in this two minutes when they don't get the normal reaction, they react with negative emotions, they turn away, they feel the stress of it. They actually lose control of their posture because of the stress that they are experiencing.
YT UMass Boston

Mar 9
When you do express yourself, you might even make it safe for other people to express themselves. Everyone benefits in a robust conversation about a mixture of points of view.
YT Anna Runkle

Mar 9
Message we get from the outside world – 'that part of you I don't like'. Even with best intentions, the message we are getting is the loss of our authenticity. Because we begin to dismember parts of us.
YT Brian D Mahan, SEP

Mar 9
In healing shame what we work on is expanding the container large enough to re-member the dismembered parts. So that I can be a full authentic expression of all of me.
YT Brian D Mahan, SEP

Mar 9
Whom do you call bad? Those who always want to put others to shame. What is most humane? To spare someone shame. What is the seal of liberation? To no longer be ashamed of oneself.


Mar 9
Freedom is the freedom to become what you are. To become the fullest expression of yourself. The shameful mind compares itself to this ideal image and finds itself inadequate. Measurement, what I should be leads to shame.
YT Freedom in Thought


Mar 9
All “shoulds” come from society. A pure mind says “This is what I want to do.” A conditioned mind says “This is what I should do.” So when you live according to a should, you aren't being yourself. You're being who society wants you to be.
YT Freedom in...

Mar 9
You're trying to live according to your society's image. You've become a puppet of your society. To shame others is to reject who they are. To shame others is to make people be who you want them to be, not allow them to be themselves.
YT Freedom in Thought


Mar 9
When you submit to the shame of others, you reject your true self. John Bradshaw: “In order to escape our shame, we often end up creating false personalities.”
YT Nietzsche - Overcome Shame, Become Who You Are

Mar 9
Why is toxic shame bad?
Because it prevents us from becoming who we are.
YT Nietzsche - Overcome Shame, Become Who You Are

Mar 9
-What's wrong with following you?
-If you follow me, you'll live according to my memories. You'll live according to my map, and you'll never learn to construct your own. What if my map is wrong? You won't be able to correct me.
YT Freedom in Thought

Mar 9
But if you learn to see for yourself,if you learn to construct your own map of reality, then we can come together as friends and individuals. We can compare our maps and help one another see reality as it really is
YT Nietzsche-Follow No One,Trust Yourself

Mar 9
Zarathustra tells his followers to leave him because they are still believers. He wants them to become inquirers. He doesn't want followers. He doesn't want people to believe what he says. He wants them to doubt him, inquire, verify.
YT Freedom in Thought


Mar 9
Followers learn to follow someone else's map, and by doing so, they lose a direct connection to reality. And if they lose a direct connection to reality, we all lose the value that comes from their own unique perspective.
YT Freedom in Thought

Mar 9
Followers lose the value of independent verification and correcting someone. But inquirers make their own maps and maintain their connection to reality. Because of this, they bring us actual value through their unique perspective of the world.
YT Freedom..

Mar 9
Shame wants to control the opinions and the views and perceptions that others have of ourselves, it is extremely toxic. It is obsessed with controlling how people view us, the opinion of others of us, ways how other perceive us. It is irrelevant.
YT Tao...

Mar 9
Mirroring is super important. Mirroring is when someone mirrors back at you the way you truly are. People see you through their own prism and the lenses of their own ego, their own story. It has nothing to do with you, it is irrelevant.
YT The Tao Of Econ.

Mar 9
It makes sense that I have to be my best self in order to be worthy of love or happiness or fulfillment. It makes sense, comes from the place of perfectionism. Perfectionism comes from toxic shame, not enough they way you are.
YT David Tian

Mar 9
A codependent person is one who has let another person’s behavior affected him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior.
"Codependent No More"


Mar 9
If we are focusing all our energies on people and problems, we have little left for the business of living our own lives. It is in fact a wasted energy which we focus on other people.
"Codependent No More", Melody Beattie


Mar 10
That pity will be weaponized against you. Narcissist want you to feel sorry for them, they want you to pity them. They don't pity you. They don't care what they put you through as long as you stay with them.
YT Mental Healness

Mar 10
You want to have empathy but.. you can feel sorry for them, and not reconcile with them. What they've been through does not give them right to treat you badly. Narcissistic person has god complex, you cannot heal this person.
YT Mental Healness

Mar 10
When you're dealing with someone who's healthy then you don't need to be assertive. You don't really need to enforce opinions. You can just share them and someone respects them. If you're not confident, toxic person is able to smell fear.
YT Stephanie Lyn

Mar 10
Don't give that person so much power. Understand who you're dealing with, someone who's toxic, “know your audience”. Their drink of choice is manipulation so understand what manipulation looks like.
YT Stephanie Lyn Coaching

Mar 10
Understand that a real toxic person, narcissist, unhealthy person is never going to take accountability for their own actions, never going to play nice, never going to see your side. When you know – you're not so taken off guard and you disengage.
YT S Lyn

Mar 10
When you let go of that kind of like delusional thinking that this person is actually going to see your side or going to respect your boundaries, then you can say this is how I think and need and put some boundaries if you can't give it.
YT Stephanie Lyn

Mar 11
Innate value is idea that we have intrinsic worth that is not changeable, you can't add or change it. You can only come into awareness and witness of it. Through that connection you can change your life.
YT Emotional Well-Being

Mar 11
I have value despite them and their perspective. I differentiate my worth from their opinion. Two realities can exist there – reality how they perceive me and my reality who I am to me. This regulates my social anxiety.
YT Emotional Well-Being

Mar 11
Fawning – we try to regulate the other person by the choices and the actions we take, we're trying to solve equation by what creates this in reliable way for me so I can relax around this person. Stuck in system where we are not safe.
YT Blunt Cake #20

Mar 11
In healthy relationship, communities, dynamics - mistakes are not a problem. Mistakes are expected and understood to be a good thing, necessary thing. Structure how mistakes are handled, rectified – kindness and instruction, not through condemnation, accusation or abusive actions


Mar 11
Fawning - When we're in environment, relationships, or dynamics that do not allow mistakes, then we're trying to find the right way to do the things so we don't upset the other person.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Hooked On Getting The "Right" Outcome?

Mar 11
Furthermore, if we're dealing with someone who is chaotic and unstable, they're either redefining  the terms of what they want, moving goalpost around, not reliable, we have no means of determining what is the right action to get right outcome
YT BluntCake

Mar 11
For us the right outcome is safety: safe, connected and identity. When the other person is not reliable we live in question what is the right thing. If we have to live in that way – we are in a red flag relationship.
YT Happiness After Codependency


Mar 11
We don't need to find right outcome, right way to make right outcome happen. We have to find out what happens when we approach person and discover what arises. When we are dealing with healthy person they will communicate in clear, kind way.
YT Blunt Cake

Mar 11
Lifeforce (1985) sci-fi art.



Mar 12
CNN needed 26 hours to break the news about Soviet era drone hitting EU/NATO country in obscure and quick information:


Mar 13
It's so important how we see ourselves. Your self-image will determine whether you reach your full potential. If you see yourself lacking, at a disadvantage, not attractive, it will limit your life. It's your self image that is distorted.

Mar 13
The way people treat you, is a statement about who they are as a human being. It is not a statement about you.


Mar 13
When you are being yourself, you have to be willing to violate people's expectations of you. You have to be willing to disappoint them. You have to be willing for them to react negatively.
YT Freedom in Thought


Mar 13
But someone who's attached to what other people think of them is not willing to take that risk, so they end up being who others want them to be rather than being themselves.
YT Marcus Aurelius - Stop Caring What People Think


Mar 13
"To be normal is the ultimate aim of the unsuccessful."
- Carl Jung

Mar 13
Marcus Aurelius said that caring about what other people think would prevent you from doing anything useful.
What we are can never be boiled down to a single word.
YT Freedom in Thought

Mar 13
As long as we're attached to what other people think of us, we will always be what people want us to be rather than being ourselves. And if we abandon ourselves, we abandon our ability to be truly useful to the world.
YT Marcus Aurelius - What People Think

Mar 13
If we abandon our ability to be truly useful to the world, we abandon what is perhaps the only form of true security. When we have the security of a prisoner, which is security in exchange for life - that's not any security at all.
YT Freedom in Thought

Mar 13
"A relationship should be your happy place, not where you beg your partner to act right."


Mar 13
The Carol Burnett Show - I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together

Mar 14
"We cannot change, we cannot move away from what we are, until we thoroughly accept what we are. Then change seems to come about almost unnoticed."
Carl R. Rogers


Mar 14
Third Ambiental track is set in the winter.
Ranc1 - Christmastime in Space

Mar 14
Springtime coming soon.

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Mar 14
In a cold world you need your friends to keep you warm.


Mar 15
Direction of time could one day change. That time flows both forwards and backwards. Time-reversal symmetry (T-Symmetry), We can't tell whether we are going backwards or forwards in time. Direction of time doesn't come from Newton's laws.

YT Up and Atom

Mar 15
Systems always tend to equilibrium. Hot and cold objects left to their own devices, their temperature will eventually average out and stays there forever. Clausius called this tendency to move towards equilibrium 'an increase in entropy'.

YT Up and Atom


Mar 15
The closer it is to equilibrium, the higher its entropy. The further away it is, the lower its entropy.
Equilibrium is the state in which the system is perfectly balanced and no longer changes. This most often looks like the most disordered state.

Mar 15
Clausius declared a physical law that the entropy of a closed system ALWAYS increases or stays the same. It NEVER decreases. We call this the second law of thermodynamics.

YT Up and Atom


Mar 15
Decreases in entropy happen just as often as increases. Entropy overwhelmingly likely to increase only holds if we assume that we started in a low entropy state. Why did our universe start in such an improbable state?
Up and Atom


Mar 15
Rhythm plays the large part in magic. The rhythm of sound, drums, feet on the ground. Voices, the rhythm of light. Flickering of flames. The reflections in water. The sun through trees. This whirling spiral produces on people kind of trance state.
Legend of the Witches (1970)


Mar 15
His senses are constantly switched from one extreme to another. So that he may come to the mirror with all normal preconceptions swept from his mind.
doku "Legend of the Witches" (1970)


Mar 16
Japanese cherry garden was inspiration for the fourth track;
Sakura Garden

Mar 17
You truly learn more about people from telling them no, than from telling them yes all the time. Word 'no' will bring out the true character of most people. If you don't want to do, don't feel comfortable - find way to say No. You will be taken advantage.

Mar 17
Druids say all are welcome. Druid core belief, they say, is simple. "Enjoy life to the full. Do everything you want to do and enjoy yourself - providing you don't harm anybody, any animal, and look after the planet."

"The Hill of Tara in Co Meath in 1997"


Mar 17
Honor-Shame map explains a lot of irritating things about the Balkans related to its narcissistic mentality, toxic shame culture not to be found in the rest of Europe.

It also explains rich-poor divisions. And narcissist Putin.


Mar 17
Roger Whittaker - River Lady (1976)

Mar 17
Simultaneous radio broadcast of the Lennon song sounded like this over ORF Radio Kärnten (March 4, 2022 8:45 am):

Mar 17
Antonello Venditti - Grazie Roma (intro)

Mar 18
Fawn: to reduce threat of harm, violate own boundaries, own well being, ignore pain and get them excuse what they do, minimize pain we feel and maximize their pleasure. We appeal to what they want in order for them to like us.
YT Pivoting Your Codependency

Mar 18
People pleaser don't have large capacity to tolerate discomfort other people experience. They have a habit of internalizing that discomfort as their responsibility. We become enmashed with another individual's experience, emotions.
YT Marshall

Mar 18
Build tolerance for discomfort other people have, give back responsibility. Let that inform us about them so we can know how they fit with us and our world or don't. This is where you discover people's pattern of behaviour to discomfort, consequences.

Mar 18
Fantasy of trying to make this person into particular thing, assuming it is our job to get that be that thing. Stay out of fantasy. We think their approval equals I'm lovable. Give back to them their right to not like us.
YT Pivoting Your Codependency


Mar 18
This person treats me this way that's not fulfilling. Now I know I need to seek better resources for those needs. And stop hoping for this person will change if I do enough positive, loving, affirming, fixing, enabling things towards them.

Mar 18
Paradox is then when we try to be productive, good and nice - we are actually being taken advantage by toxic people who parasite on this need to be nice - and in the end, ironically, we are not productive neither creative nor we take action.


Mar 18
Planets through Sky-Watcher Skymax 127 telescope.
Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Venus:

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Mar 18
Moon via Sky-Watcher Skymax 127 telescope.

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Mar 18
"Perfectionism can be caused by a fear of judgment or disapproval from others. Early childhood experiences, such as having parents with unrealistically high expectations, may also play a role. Mental health conditions such as OCD may also tend to exhibit perfectionist tendencies"


Mar 19
"Ego depletion happens when people use up their available willpower on one task. As a result, they are unable to exert the same level of self-control on subsequent, often unrelated tasks. Willpower is a limited resource."


Mar 19
"They reported that individuals conduct incivility when prioritizing ideal image for oneself (narcissist) and unveiling moral disengagement (machiavellianism), which in turn influences the interpersonal connections (Turnipseed and Landay, 2018)."

Mar 19
Original TV Music From "Wagon Train"
Jumpin' Jack Rabbit · Stanley Wilson & His Orchestra

Mar 19
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.
MARK TWAIN, The Mysterious Stranger


Mar 19
You're only nice to me when no one is around. Which makes you worst than a bully. It makes you a coward. A conformist. You're not a rebel or a bad boy. You're nothing but a follower.


Mar 20
People who become comedians, seems to me, come from pain, come from conflict.
doku "Carol Burnett, A Woman of Character ~ PBS - American Masters"


Mar 21
Is self worth something we can prove scientifically? Do we have self-worth thermometer or reader that show your worth decreasing when someone disproves of you? We don't have that, it is form of magical thinking.
YT RationalActualization

Mar 21
It is not about them. it is about you. Do you want to keep our mind, eyes pleasant or unpleasant?
You read romantic books, imagined all things, you are not straight with yourself. You are BS yourself.
YT How To Deal With Toxic People? || By Sadhguru

Mar 21
Colours of the spring.

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Mar 23
Some historians claim Marco Polo was actually born in Croatia (island Korcula), whereas his roots were inspiration for my fifth ambient music track:

Mar 23
Once you unmask narcissist, you tend to be target, smear campaign happens, you become target to large groups of people. You are seen a target, as “weak” person – usually person who is most observant.
YT Natasha Hynes

Mar 23
"I should", "could have" – you are filled with shame. You only have value and worthy if you should or could do those things. Inability to do that means you have no worth.
You send message you are not worthy unless you "should" or "could".
YT Kenny Weiss

Mar 23
Sidney Lumet's "The Pawnbroker" (1964) became the first US film to show a nude woman from the waist up and be granted a Production Code Seal.

That would lead to the abandonment of the Code within five years, in favor of a ratings system.
IMDb trivia


Mar 24
Someone who plays the victim gives legitimate consent and then claims they didn't. They play victim so someone will save them from their problems. They impose an obligation on you and make you feel guilty for not living up to the obligation.
YT Freedom in.

Mar 24
Covert contract is hidden expectation of someone else. They would claim they never give it to you. You did not live up to covert contract. We need to be clear what we want from others and what they want in return.
YT Nietzsche - Playing the Victim

Mar 24
Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber? Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Slaughterhouse-Five

Mar 24
a pleasant way to spend eternity...
is to ignore the bad times
and concentrate on the good.

Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)


Mar 24
Upcoming events:
26.3 Earth hour 8:30pm - turn off lights
27.3 Summertime +1 hour
28.3 Oscars
1.4 April Fool's day
13.4 Songkran Thai New Year's
14.4 Titanic sinking
17.4 Easter
18.4. Easter Monday
20.4 Weed day
22.4. Earth Day
23.4 Leonid Meteor Shower
24.4 Orthodox Easter


Mar 25
Say out loud 'That was unnecessary'. They just do it to have power over you, so it is unnecessary. You are simply stating the fact – you are not refuting, blaming them. You affirm you have opinion, response.
YT 8 Ways to Stand Up to Hijackal Disrespect

Mar 25
They may be ill. We need to protect ourselves from their bullying. Their attitude is self referential. Their relationship are prioritized how each one can be used to meet their selfish needs.

Mar 25
Word 'save' is also preposition and it has this meaning:
"other than"; "except for".

Or in conjunction: 'save' means;

Thanks to Mark Twain;
"Nothing exists, save empty space and you."

Mar 26
It was like falling into a hole.
It keeps getting bigger...
and you can't get out.
All of a sudden, it's inside...
and you're the hole.
You're trapped.
And it's all over.
It's not really scary...
except when you think back on it.

Ordinary People (1980)

Mar 26
Bad things happen even when people are careful.
Ordinary People (1980)


Mar 27
Tree blooms in spring.

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Mar 27
Don't go by what you feel. Your feelings don't always tell you the truth. Your emotions will try to convince you that it's never going to work out. Mind will tell all reason why it's not going to happen. Walk by faith.

Mar 27
The time to show what you're made of is when it's dark and you don't see anything changing.
The right attitude I'm not worried, light is coming.

Mar 27
Summer hiking through Vrsic Pass, the Slovenian Alpine pass, was inspiration for the sixth track:

Mar 27
The sketch painting and the original:

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Mar 27
Where there's thought, there's no awareness. And where there's awareness, there's no thought. So if you spend a lot of time thinking, it means you spend a lot of time not being aware. Thought is useful for working on problems you already know the answer to


Mar 27
You were seeing the world as you were, and you were blinded by your past. You didn't see the person as they were, but rather, you saw memory of them. But when thinking stops, and awareness starts, you see the world as it is, not as you are.
YT Freedom in..


Mar 27
I'll bet my simple healthy instincts against yours, any day.
Inside Daisy Clover (1965)

Mar 27
There is no evidence that these life forms from elsewhere are hostile towards us. But there is a great deal of evidence that they are concerned with our hostility.
doku 'Unacknowledged' (2017)


Mar 28
That runway was everything to me. It made me so happy. It was my Tyresha that got to act a damn fool and enjoy. That gave me pleasure. Try to find what makes you happy.
Tyra Banks
YT ForbesWomen

Mar 28
I freeze. I think social anxiety has stood in the way accomplishing more. Because if you don't get out, if you don't network, if you don't meet more people, to get closer to your dream coming true, your success is slower.
Tyra Banks
YT ForbesWomen


Mar 28
People often feel pressure to listen to complainers because they don't want to be seen as insensitive or rude. But there's a fine line in lending a sympathetic ear and getting sucked into their emotional spiral. Set limits.
YT How To Deal With Toxic People

Mar 28
Anyway, one day I woke up...
and I realized I was never going to be normal...
so I said, "F*ck it." I said, "So be it..."

Pump Up the Volume (1990)


Mar 29
It was story I was telling myself of one event. We carry those stories about what we can/can't do, bosses who wronged us, become our stories, we collect these experiences, prevent us & hold us back. If we never change them,it's hard to shift to new version

Mar 29
“You are hero of your own movie.” What would hero do? What is in my control? The version of me who practices his ass off.
YT Clark Kegley
shift your identity, change your life

Mar 29
You have to use your energy wisely. Energy can be aggregated into power with necessary tools we employ. Otherwise, energy can be dissipated simply with endless amount of thought, endless amount of reaction and anxieties.
YT The Great Sadhguru

Mar 29
If you just bring a Reverberation within you,simple mantra, simply chant for a time. Create a certain reverberation. You'll see, it'll generate enormous amount of personal power. Without this power within you, you will not break through dimensions of life.

Mar 29
If something as powerful as the Creator has to come into your experience -There must be some sense of power within you. Power is not about domination. Power is about becoming effective. It doesn't matter where you are in society.
YT The Great Sadhguru

Mar 29
Empty space and time is filled with these little bubbles of nothing. Particles that live for a very brief time, like little fireflies. Everything that can possibly happen, happens in empty space.
YT Science & Cocktails


Mar 29
Einstein as 5yo noticed that compass needle was always pointing in the north. He realized there was a force pushing, guiding the needle. There was something he couldn't see that filled all of the room: the Magnetic field.
YT Science & Cocktails


Mar 29
Don't attack them back, they try to push your buttons, then they will make it seem like you are the villain.
YT 10 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place

Mar 29
It's in the group that something exciting happens. The group fights to be normal. Fights in some remarkable way to destroy the abnormality in each person, in each brain. It's because people realize that they need &care for each other.
The Caretakers (1963)


Mar 29
Night before- Why did you need that fear for? Why are you scared in your bed 16 hours before you jump? Why could you not enjoy breakfast? Fear of what? You're nowhere near the airplane. There's no reason to be scared. It only just ruins your day
Will Smith

Mar 30
Ultimately to get anything done, we need other people. Question we try to answer is “Can I convince others to join me?”. Easier way to get your voice heard without creating confrontation; take opinion and turn it into question.
YT Drew Saur Coaching


Mar 30
Ask them what do they think about that? It gives you the opening, and say – that's different perspective, what I was thinking was this was doing – why – here is my concern. Rather than raising concern, make it softer by asking question.
YT Ask a question.


Mar 30
I am still afraid to some extend of being judged, or seen as weird, or different, and judging myself, feeling I am not good enough. Things to be mindful of but not things like stops us from moving forward to.
YT Heart-Centered Channeling


Mar 30
You have to be aware there are always 2 conversations taking place at once. Some people are energy vampires. Others are more positive. Point is that there is one conversation coming from fear ego. Other comes from heart,spirit
YT How to Defuse Any Conflict

Mar 30
Conversation that comes from heart is there to keep you calm. Bring yourself in place of stillness, no matter what has been said. Understand that there is no need to be reactive, and paying attention to your presence.
YT Nordine Zouareg

Mar 30
Labeling. The assignment of your identity, character of value based on a single attribute, event or behaviour. It is extreme version of over-generalization. I did not good enough so I am not good enough. I must be flawed, I am failure.
YT Doctor Becc



Mar 30
Confidence is what you already have deep within. There is no need to do anything, you just need to realize that you're already there. By always being real and vulnerable. By always being ok with how you feel. By always being yourself
YT Gabriel B. González


Mar 30
That shy, non-confident version is you. But it's not the whole you. Underneath our fear and excuses we all have deeper level to us. We have inner voice, reminding us of our truths, values, purpose, of our goals, we know we'd be doing
YT Gabriel B. González


Mar 30
It means staying true to yourself, to your values, even if expressing them goes against other people's beliefs. It means to follow your calling. It means to take action even if scared and might fail. How? Be real and be vulnerable.
YT  Gabriel B. González


Mar 30
You start uncovering deeper level of yourself, you now realize you are good no matter what happens. And no matter how you feel. Being ok no matter of what situation is literally core definition of Confidence.
YT The Only Way To True Confidence 


Mar 30
We all seem to me damaged emotionally that we want every single person to like us. So we wear different mask so they don't reject us. No one is meant to get along with everyone. Be yourself and you'll attract right people in your life
YT Gabriel B.González

Mar 30
You will lose a lot of people in your life from your healing journey because you're going to realize all of your relationships have primarily been with narcissistic type personalities. They normalizing harm, "that's just life".
YT Stacy Hoch: Empoweress

Mar 30
"The human body is a vehicle. Vessel must serve the spirit with maximum efficiency. Human spirit, soul can have many vessels." Heaven's Gate illustrate dark side of accepting such ideas at face value.
doku Area 51: The Alien Interview (1997)

Mar 30
We might be living in higher dimensions without being aware of it. Because of the limitations of our brain and senses, we may not be able to perceive them. Extra dimensions may be "curled up" at extremely small scales.
YT Engineering Made Easy

Mar 30
10th dimensional beings would have infinite powers. Beyond our imagination. God lives in 10th dimension.
YT 11 Dimensions Explained - Higher Dimensions Explained - All Dimensions Explained

Engineering Made Easy

Mar 30
What we perceive is its best guess of what's out there in the world. Brain is using its prior expectations built deeply into the circuits.
YT Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

Mar 30
Instead of perception depending largely on signals coming into the brain from the outside world, it depends as much, if not more, on perceptual predictions flowing in. We don't just passively perceive the world, we actively generate it.

Mar 30
We're all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It's just when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.
YT Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

Mar 30
When the brain uses predictions to figure out what's there, we perceive objects as the causes of sensations. When the brain uses predictions to control and regulate things, we experience how well or how badly that control is going.
YT Anil Seth

Mar 30

Subway hiking track at Zion National Park, Utah
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 Mar 31
Nothing human disgusts me,
Unless it's unkind or violent.

The Night of the Iguana (1964)

Mar 31
anime "Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu"

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