April 1, 2022
We don't have our reference point, orientation to our emotions, feelings, body. We will tend to seek that outside of ourselves. Somebody else's opinion. Acknowledge what you experience in your body. Legitimacy of our reactions. How we react to our things.
Our locus of focus, they take it with them. We don't have strong sense of self there. We don't have internal orientation to our own reality or own perspective. Then our safety resides in other person based on their approval.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Test. If I take them out of equation do I like this? Start decoding ourselves from others, so we get access to our boundaries, needs, own wisdom, intuition & basic sense of existence. If I need to please someone, check what I want before making commitment.
See what speaks to you - What is revolting to you? What is boring, meh, maybe. Get a sense for these basic impulses in our body because we have Yes impulse, No impulse, Maybe impulse, light and heavy experience. This discerns what we look and want.
We are afraid of setting boundaries. We are afraid people will think we are nasty if we set boundary, fear people will abandon us, say we are selfish if we set boundary, we have to shut up, sweep under rug-if you come from dysfunctional home.
YT Lisa A. R.
Our concept of self is scrambled as oppose to child grew up in home where it's ok to make mistake, spill the milk, color outside of line. Permissibility we gain from parents who are not threatened by our individuality.
YT Lisa A. Romano
You're not suppose to be frustrated. Your basic DNA blueprint is good, suppose to be peaceful. If you find in your reality that you're not experiencing this peace, then we have to look further. Acknowledging problem we can solve it.
YT Lisa A. Romano
Saying 'Yes' all the time – that is problem. Without ego boundary, you are draining yourself. There's no energy left to figure out who you are. You can't live authentic life if you're constantly giving out to other people.
YT Lisa A. Romano
Child that has not being encoded for attunement; I don't know then what attunement is. Have no code for it. So when people say to me 'Why I am attracted to toxic people?' That is your code, that is what you are encoded with.
YT Lisa A. Romano
You are not encoded with compassion, love and patience and kindness and reciprocal mutual respective relationship. You're not coded for it. You're not going to recognize it in reality. If shows up-it will feel foreign to you.
YT Lisa A. Romano
As body rejects foreign object, you reject this foreign experience. Love, kindness – "that is boring", "that does not excite me". That's because you are not encoded with patience, kindness, compassion and empathy.
YT Lisa A. Romano
You have not been encoded with healthy attachment. You have been encoded to fear abandonment. Not your fault. How that shows up: we fawn, stuff emotions, can be controlling, rigid, we can't let go, everything is difficult to let go.
YT Lisa A. Romano
That is not your fault that you've been encoded for fear. It's not your fault that your personality has learned survival mechanisms:push people away or fawn after them. Not aware you have been abandoned:your life is perfectionist,attract toxic,can't let go
Confidently assess our relationships. If they are draining us, if we are dealing with people who have inability to work towards common goal we have the right to say no more. We taught others to be narcissistic – you smashed car DUI, it's ok.
Lisa A. Romano
Look at whether or not you've ever experienced a feeling of abandonment. A feeling of not being good enough. Do you carry shame of abandonment – you can break through this, you can fix this. Look within, answer will never be outside of you
YT Lisa A.Romano
Natural powerlessness. We have limited scope of power in our world. We have power how we care and manage our emotions, actions we take, resources we have time, capacity. That is scope of our power.
YT Exposing The Codependent Fantasy
In codependent response that is terrifying: person can do whatever they want. Sense of safety in codependency is generated by our sense of power doing certain things. If I am perfect person, they will love me. If I get rid of need they will stop doing it.
I change me, I change them- that is fantasy. I am solution, so they will stop doing that. It seems logical – idea of influence, that is not reality. Reality is people will do whatever. We need to determine if their behavior aligns with our own standards.
Find Operational compatibility. Some things to negotiate, but overall there is no abuse, no verbal attacks, contempt. That is being anchored in ourselves, knowing, loving being who we are. Rather than controlling their behaviour by being something else.
In the fantasy we always make ourselves the problem because we think we are the problem. We haven't been validated, cared for, we haven't been empowered to stand in our own yard, sovereignty. Stop that “I am being the problem”.
YT Exposing The Cod. Fantasy
My behavior might need improvement. They say 'Don't do that' – that would be healthy response. But if I am being abused because of behaviour I did, that's not acceptable. Ever. Discern I do not deserve this treatment.
YT Exposing The Codependent Fantasy #2
Maybe I am not even the problem. I said No – now I am selfish. These are not problems. These are normal aspects of relationships. I have needs, limits, capacities – you will say No to things, that is normal. To people who are entitled these things become weaponized against us.
In reality their entitlement is the problem. Now we can discern what is really going on here. Is this someone who's trying to control me to give them more access to my resources? Or is this someone who respects me and treat with kindness.
YT Marshall
“I was told I was responsible to fix their problem in order to learn their love. Do this enough and maybe I will learn to love you.” You have been exploited there. That is called bait. Come back to making actions based on what you value.
YT Marshall
She told me I should skip the exams. Entitlement, lack of empathy, no awareness, it's their lives, their worlds, we are just living in it. Toxic personalities: irresponsibility, impulsivity, my way or highway, hypocrisy - they need enabling.
The first time someone sets a real boundary, it's the person who sets boundary that's the problem. That's how narcissistic system work – they get one person to enable and everyone else becomes collateral damage. Get out of dodge as soon as you can.
Apr 2
I thought you were just trying to maintain a façade, but it's all clear to me now. You're just desperate to cover up your failures.
anime Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu, ep. 2
I started to realize the popular kids were actually some of the most unhappy kids. That what they seemed to be happiness on the outside was teenage angst. It was just exercised through people who were good looking.
Hour of Power
There are no atheists. Humans worship stuff. We always have something we worship. If you don't worship God, whatever it is you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money, you will never have enough.
Hour of Power
If you worship your body or sexuality or the need to be beautiful, or good looking all the time – you will always feel ugly. If you worship power, you're always going to feel weak and dominate other people to cover the sense of powerlessness.
Hour of Power
If you worship intellect you will always going to feel stupid, you'll feel like fraud. The ways we worship all the wrong things that are usually good things; wealth, body, powers, intellect – but it's only good when it comes under the authority of love
If you always strive for power or prestige or position, it's time to lower yourself and begin to serve others in ways that might be even embarrassing to you to show yourself that you do not need power or control.
Hour of Power
If you worship intellect, it's time to become a humble student and learn what it means to hear from people that are different from you and recognize some of these people think you're snob.
Hour of Power
How to kill the little gods in our lives that tease us and taunt us and reign over us and tantalize us with the promise of happiness but always leave us empty-handed and empty-hearted.
Hour of Power
Rare transmission of a rugby game on Croatian TV. #rugbyeurope
Rugby Sign Language,
key signs:
Croatia wins against Malta 7:3 #rugbyeurope
The most obvious, important realities are often the ones who are hardest to see and talk about.
It isn't about capacity to think, but rather about the choice of what to think about.
YT David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech
Teaching me to think means being a little less arrogant. To have just a little bit critical awareness about myself. Because huge percentage of stuff that I tend to be automatically certain of is, it turns out totally wrong and deluded.
David Foster Wallace
The whole trick is keeping the truth upfront in daily consciousness. Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear.
David Foster Wallace
That is real freedom – understand how to think. The alternative is unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race. The constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.
David Foster Wallace
Apr 3
When he admitted what he was, God changed his name to Israel, which means prince with God. The principle is, when you get honest, you don't make excuses, that's when God changes things. You don't keep running from your mistakes.
Apr 3
In the real world outside of Earth there is no linear timeline. It's just one of constructs that we've decided to use on this planet so we can slow down process of life. Every single potentiality exists & already response for it.
YT Are You Awakening?
Apr 3
If there is something you want - keep your mind focused on it. If you move your mind away from it, you're going on a different timeline and that's a completely different future for you. Choosing keeps you on similar timeline.
YT Choosing the Right Timeline
Apr 3
"If you can have the choice to be right or be kind... be kind."
Seventh track is dedicated to Nikola Tesla, ambient music:
Apr 3
"You don't drink, don't smoke, don't do any of the things you're supposed to." It's so funny and yet it's so sad and very disturbing. Millie has deluded herself into believing this kind of heartless reality based on commercials and magazine ads.
IMDB forum
Apr 3
she was borderline narcissistic. She seemed to think that she was important and popular when reality it was quite the opposite. She only brought the bar owner home because he seemed to be the only one to notice her or give her any attention.
IMDB forum
Apr 4
Our emotions are not issued/build from brain, they are made by us. We don't recognize emotions, we construct our own emotional experiences and our perception of other people's emotions. “How emotions are made” Lisa Feldman Barrett
YT Kenny Weiss
Apr 4
Physiology, the parenting/caregiving environment and the culture within that environment are 3 determiners of our emotions. The culture we grew up created those emotions, taught us definitions/ constructs we put on these emotions.
YT Are We Responsible For
Apr 4
We have all of these cultural definitions that are wrong but we believe them. And they become how we construct an emotion that we use as victim position or power position. It depends how you were raised by messaging you received.
YT Kenny Weiss
Apr 4
Simply tip: Don't allow yourself to get hungry, angry, lonely, tired. They are confusing gut feeling with bad feeling. Bad feeling is he is hungry, he has no emotional mastery - so he is mis-reading.
YT Kenny Weiss
Apr 4
When we expose - we will attract manipulators- because the trauma taught us to be subservient to narcissists. Trauma taught us to fear people and to hate ourselves. Trauma taught us to develop toxic shame/perfectionism as tools to deal with life problems.
Apr 4
What's your reptilian brain talking to your cortex? Remarkable finding: When we're hungry we make harsher moral judgements about people's transgressions. We are less charitable. Hunger affects cortical judgement-type areas.
Big Think
Robert Sapolsky
Apr 4
Your limbic system, your emotional state influencing your abstract cognitive processes. Example: in emotionally aroused state. We make stupid impulsive decisions that seem brilliant at the time.
YT Big Think
Apr 4
Pull out memories of some traumatic event and your limbic system is responding. Reptilian level- agitated state, think of something incredibly upsetting, truly disturbing memory and your heart speeds up. Lot harder is inverse.
YT Big Think
Apr 4
It took four generation of research to work out that the mechanisms exactly models the ancient Greek epicyclic theory of the Moon.
YT The Antikythera Mechanism: A Shocking Discovery from Ancient Greece.
Apr 4
Are you shy? Don't be like that! All people are friends!
anime Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - episode 3
Apr 4
Each step on the path to self-realization is envision a possibility that could further our self creation. Experience anxiety that accompanies the prospect of moving forward into unpredictable open-ended future, move forward regardless.
YT Academy of Ideas
Apr 4
Believing that we must rid ourselves of anxiety before acting only breeds weakness, constant procrastination and a potential dependence. It is up to us to do this. No one can actualize our potential, no one can save us.
YT Academy of Ideas
Apr 4
"Arthur C. Clarke said if the ancient Greeks had understood the capabilities of the technology they created, then they would have reached the moon within 300 years, and we'd now be exploring the nearest stars."
Apr 5
Don't. You teach your brain to have more panic attack. How do I deal with panic attack? That's not question you ask. The question to ask is what has led to panic attack? You tried to control feelings, anxiety, circumstances.
YT How to get rid of panic?
Apr 5
Watching documentary about movie posters on Sky Arts. This one is awesome.
Apr 6
Somebody made you feel bad about yourself for expecting a normal respectful interaction with people. Somebody planted this idea that you are damaged.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy
Apr 6
People who conditioned you to totally worry there is no plan. What you do with people who put you in anxiety all day about whether there really is a plan. You have crap-fit wound, we get to good at learning to fit ourselves to unacceptable behavior.
Apr 6
”I'll pretend that I am crazy and that the problem is that I am so needy. And that they're not really the problem and that's how I'll make this whole thing work.”
That's how we end up in relationships that leave us in pain and feeling empty.
YT Anna Runkle
Apr 6
Tell yourself in your mind this person loves me.
YT Psychology Hacks That Boost Your Confidence
Apr 6
No amount of action can compensate for misalignment.
Esther Abraham-Hicks
Apr 6
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice. It is conformity. Conformity: people acting like everyone else, without knowing why, without knowing where they're going. These people believe that their lives are shaped by circumstances
Apr 6
If your picture looks a little out of focus that's the way you look to me, too.
The Dean Martin Show (1965) first episode
Apr 8
There is no such thing as healthy narcissist. How narcissist are they: pathological – borderline – antisocial. These narcissist harm people. Many have no empathy and focus on their needs on the exclusion of others.
YT Ross Rosenberg
Apr 8
We have to stop using this term 'codependency'. It comes from 1970s, actually means the partner of alcoholic. Let's stop using it. Use term that reflects the problem: Self-Love Deficit Disorder. Self-Love Deficient.
YT Ross Rosenberg
Apr 8
To please someone we must not have limits. If we have limits, they get upset. Limit is natural, normal thing. Dynamic where you are expected to provide specific supply to person, limits become threat.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Apr 8
When difference is regarded as insult, as attack, as offense to other person, limits become threat. We learned how they reacted to our limits, boundary to fear limits. We learned we will be harmed in some way, lose purpose.
YT Being Limited Is A Threat
Apr 8
When we embrace our limits, we start to understand what works and doesn't work. We get real innate genuine sense of identity with ourselves. The world becomes a lot simpler to manage, to navigate. Now we're not trying to fit in.
YT Exposing The Codependent
Apr 8
We're not trying to contort ourselves so we get love, instead we start discerning resources and seeing who fits with/what works with us and who does not. The deep work here is how limits relate to our value.
YT Exposing The Codependent Fantasy 3
Apr 8
“I won't love you unless you are this thing.” I am in transactional dynamic here. This is not love anyway – what they were giving me was approval and I confused that with love because that is all I got growing up.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Apr 8
Real love is embrace, appreciation that you exist. They don't need you to be something. Instead be who you are, understand and follow that. Love promotes I want you to be happy. It does not mean You need to do this thing for me
Happiness After Codependency
Apr 8
If we have trauma from the response people have to us being limited, it will be attached to your value. First you need to start soothing the tension in the nervous system so we can allow this to be fully acknowledged.
YT Exposing The Codependent Fantasy 3
Apr 8
Most of us are tied up, our identity, so we can be lovable. You are already lovable.
Second step is we start restoring trust and the legitimacy of our reactions. This starts to cultivate space&connection that allows our intrinsic worth to arise within us
Apr 8
Intrinsic worth is already there, it's that we need to attune to it. Our awareness needs to be trained to it. Like dialing in a radio station. Doing this we are decoupling from the need to perform and earn love, prove love.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Apr 8
We no longer need people pleasing as behaviour to meet our needs. Instead we start to use our intrinsic worth to operate from with. And we start to witness who in our world is treating us with love and then connect with them.
YT Exposing The Codependent
Apr 8
Our limits point us towards our joy. They point us towards our peace, contentment in our body. To help direct our energy, time and capacity in a way that return to us, magnifies well being. Become very limited, become very defined.
YT Happiness After Cod.
Apr 8
People very defined knew their limits, they knew what they wanted, they knew what they didn't. They knew how it worked for them. Limits define, they create definition, they create shape, they create clarity.
YT Happiness After Codependency
Apr 8
Limits are our ally, limits are our friend. If we are dealing someone who is attacking our limits, shaming them, try to change them – we are dealing with someone who does not respect or care for us. They value benefit they can get from us.
YT Exposing.
Apr 8
Healthy, loving, mature adults expect limitation. Because they have it too, they're fine with it. To understand you. This is where we build honest, clear, safe connection with others. All codependency work is coming back to be who you are.
YT Exposing The.
Apr 8
Today medical science proves when you are angry, you are actually poisoning your system. We've always known this, but today chemical tests clearly show you, you are generating poison in your system by being angry.
Apr 8
When angry, your mind is not taking instructions from you. Why is it not taking instructions from you? It is happening accidentally, just by chance: If things around me are in this way, I will become that way.
Apr 8
Everything in the existence is changing. Nothing is constant. Even the so-called static states are dynamic in nature. So if you resist change, you're resisting life. If you don't want change, you're resisting the very process of life.
Apr 8
To create pleasantness in the surroundings, we need the cooperation of people and forces around us. Without everybody cooperation you cannot create a pleasant atmosphere. But pleasantness of the mind is 100% your business.
Apr 8
It's not happening your way because it's in a compulsive reactive state. So anybody can cause anything within you. Right now someone else can decide what happens within you. Isn't this the most horrible form of slavery?
Apr 8
I have removed judgment from any type of thought, I just don't care what I think about. Once I have reality tested I can think anything I want. I have every right, I am not violating anyone, think them away.
YT bignoknow - Noah Thomas
Apr 8
Simon's Cat
Apr 8
Thanks to Viasat Nature, I learned about this beautiful bird from Australia:
Rainbow Lorikeet
Apr 8
Emotionally Basil Fawlty just doesn't function well because he's operating on a map of the world that just doesn't work. And he doesn't realize that being reasonably open and friendly to people would make him a lot happier.
Fawlty Towers: Re-Opened (2009)
Apr 8
Sybil is complicated. She's bright but daft. She's steely but she's frivolous, she's decent and annihilating.
doku "Fawlty Towers: Re-Opened" (2009)
Apr 9
We must become the kind of people who not only care about criticism but see criticism as a gift. Who see criticism, false accusations and betrayal as something targeted at people who are worthy of it.
Hour of Power
Your Dreams Will Annoy People
Apr 9
Storm incoming.
Apr 9
'Tulips are available in nearly every color of the rainbow'
Apr 9
This is still dessert, take it easy, don't overdo it: One brownie per person, and no cheating.
(...) It's my video, I'll do what I want.
YT One Bowl Lemon Brownies
Apr 9
Hoping people will jump straight to being friends is a high hurdle to overcome, so I think that's why things aren't going well for you. Try overcoming a lower hurdle first.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu - Episode 008
Apr 9
"I can't forgive them, you don't know what they did to me". You've got to let it go. As long as they think like that, this is usually the cause of their illness, all problems - holding on to all the garbage, junk, baggage we carry around with us,poisons us
Apr 10
You can't control what people do, but you can control how you respond. You will be tested in area of your greatest weakness. If you sink down to their level, rude and revengeful, that is test, rise above it.
Apr 10
When you treat people right that don't treat you right, you're proving that you can handle more influence, responsibility. In that pressure, impurities will come out: revenge, pride, sarcasm. Respond in different way.
Apr 10
If God removed everything uncomfortable, you would never grow. Try different approach and keep a good attitude. Sometimes pride can blind us, we can come up with lame excuse. Sometimes we're contentious- we just want our way.
Apr 10
How we treat people matters. You can't be harsh, contentious, hard to get along with and reach your potential. Why should you be kind to them? When you do the right thing when it's hard, you're passing the test.
Apr 10
Such toxic shame reduced person to feeling only good when they take care of others while ignoring themselves. Cure - Core self love. Demand mutuality and reciprocity in all of their relationships. Mutual reciprocity.
Ross Rosenberg
Apr 11
'It feels like that there's something that you can't, don't know how to get over that.'
- You just did get over it. Authenticity – this confidence is not something you build up to, it is not something you get - it is something you realize.
YT JulienHimself
Apr 11
One of the best lessons you can take away from being in relationship with narcissist is realizing in dangers of being people pleaser. Narcissist want people who will put their interest ahead of yours.
YT Joe B. House
Apr 11
Stop letting people weaponize their trauma or lack of against you. Narcissists will play victim. You caught them, you end up apologizing for catching them because they told you about trauma. They will blame you for situation.
YT Mental Healness
Apr 11
Narcissists are professional victims. It will not get better. Cut it off early. I forgave them because they started crying.
YT TNC334 Narcissists love to play the victim. Toxic people will play the victim & have you apologizing
Apr 11
If you take opinion of other people what they think about you seriously and you let it affect you, that's no different than listening to me babble on candle for an hour. What other people think of you is simply speculation and projection.
YT JulienHimself
Apr 11
If we don't keep that fear in check, that fear will breed hatred. Because we hate those things that frighten us. If we don't keep that hatred in check, that hatred will breed destruction. We want to destroy things that frighten us.
TEDx Talks
Apr 11
When talking ceases, ground becomes fertile for violence. Keep the conversation going. People learn racism through dialogue. Somebody tells them about it. So if you can learn it through dialogue, you can also unlearn it through dialogue.
Daryl Davis | TEDx
Apr 12
Mask goes on and off. When that mask comes off all bets are off, charismatic person disappears and in their place is raging, invalidating, manipulative and very unkind person. Narcissist look good in public, emphatic, nice and charming.
YT DoctorRamani
Apr 12
Narcissists get exhausted at playing nice, they are not naturally empathic. Your form of supply is being their punching bag. They use charm to get supply from people with power or attract new people. And rage & abuse to regulate their exhaustion.
YT Ramani
Apr 12
Video games - most gamers play because the game is more interesting than the real world. Crashing cars with reckless abandon can't do in real life. So if we are in simulation, then we probably live a more exciting life than the folks controlling the game.
Apr 12
Observer's Paradox: The outcome of an even or experiment is influenced by the presence of the observer.
Apr 12
"It is impossible for the logical quantifiers to range over an absolutely unrestricted domain."
This means, we break any paradox or anything unknown by making our own conclusion about it at some point; and it will probably be wrong, biased and untrue.
Apr 12
The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.
Apr 12
Fear is like a giant fog. It sits on your brain and blocks everything. Real feelings, true happiness, real joy. They can't get through that fog. But you lift it, you're in for the ride of your life.
Defending Your Life (1991)
Apr 12
Your problem is that you worry too much about the perfect relationship. Where you are always happy, and having a good time and sharing. It's all a lot of crap, it's the myth. I'm through with expectation.
film A Very Natural Thing (1974)
Apr 13
The self-absorption paradox describes the contradictory association whereby higher levels of self-awareness are simultaneously associated with higher levels of psychological distress and with psychological well-being.
Apr 13
In 2016, satellite images revealed a curious formation emerging from the ice that some believe could be a man-made pyramid.
YT Pyramids Found Beneath Antarctic Ice | The UnXplained (Season 3)
Apr 14
"How do you find your way back in the dark?"
The Misfits (1961) was Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe's last movie.
Apr 14
"When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember, they're telling you their story, not yours."
Crab Mentality
Apr 15
The irony is that focusing on some idea of others is actually quite self-centered because pressuring people to be like you or how you imagine they could be it's the opposite of being present with them, it is not love.
YT Codependents...
Apr 15
If they explode at you, screaming at, one of three things are occurring: figure out which one it is.
1) they're under tremendous pressure.
2) you're not listening, you're not picking it up
3) they try to manipulate you.
3 Tactics To Handle an Angry Person
Apr 15
Realize it is not you, it is not conscious mind making that comparison “They're mad, my life is on the line”. It's your nervous system, it's your implicit memory. Get to know what is going on in nervous system so we can stop pattern.
YT Michele Lee Nieves
Apr 15
Boltzmann brain: If the universe we observe resulted from a random thermodynamic fluctuation, it would be vastly more likely to be a simple one than the complex one we observe. The simplest case would be just a brain floating in vacuum, having the thoughts and sensations you have
Apr 16
For those of us who serve, we're not always going to be understood for what we do. There will be misunderstanding, it's going to be criticism. And sometimes we'll even be laughed at.
Hour of Power
Apr 16
No matter what anybody tells you,
words and ideas can change the world.
Dead Poets Society (1989)
Apr 17
You can make someone healthier by speaking kind words. Simple compliment, that is not just being nice, you are nourishing their soul. Your kind words can be what pushes them to their destiny.
Apr 17
Our kind words bring healing to the body. Their immune system will function better, their cells will work more efficiently, their blood pressure will improve, all because you took time to be a healer. Word of encouragement works wonders.
Apr 17
Spring in Japan.
Apr 17
The opening titles appear in a montage of silhouetted Roman sculptures and tablets, which evokes the strength and power of the Roman Empire. The montage ends with a zoom into the eye of a crumbling Roman bust, which hints at the Empire's coming decline & fall
imdb Spartacus, 1960
Apr 18
You are the BACKGROUND CHARACTER in other people’s lives… An extremely FREEING realization!
YT JulienHimself
Apr 18
The fact that there is no "imposed point", gives you the FREEDOM to come up with your OWN point in life.
Apr 18
"Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness"
Apr 18
There was a striking resemblance of a witch of Spain and the witch depicted in the New World.
Atlantis: The Lost Continent (1961)
Apr 18
Atlantis: The Lost Continent (1961)
Apr 19
On the backdrop of the biases, and double standards we had to contend with in the workplace, our inner critic was taking the bait: often adopting the perspective that we're not good decision makers.
YT TEDxBocaRaton
Apr 19
Facebook, in conjunction with researchers from Cornell, conducted an experiment by manipulating users emotions. Imagine how much easier this is for a real, live person who knows your weaknesses and triggers.
Emotional Manipulation
Apr 19
Self worth plays major role in our ability to be self enterprising. Our self worth makes difference in being lazy and being active. If we do not feel good about ourselves, we won't feel good about our lives,not interested in opportunities
YT Helpful Dreams
Apr 19
Every time we choose to do less than we possible can, it affects our self confidence, our self worth. It is not what we get and accumulate that makes us valuable, it is what we become. Success is in doing, activity that converts idea in actuality.
Apr 19
Whoa! Now here is American Song Contest, based on #Eurovision song contest #Eurosong.
Hosted by Snoop Dogg and Kelly Clarkson.
Apr 20
When you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger.
Apr 20
According to the Chinese Room's proposition, for intelligence of mind to actually exist, there needs to be understanding, which is inevitably always missing from a digital computer. What constitutes understanding?
YT Pursuit of Wonder
Apr 20
Mary will demonstrate that language, as a vehicle of thought and understanding, is simply far too limited to get near the mental state equivalent to firsthand experience, nonetheless with advanced language it would be possible.
YT Pursuit of Wonder
Apr 21
We value things that are rare, there is novelty in there, you are not get used to it – it creates Whoa! factor, it is more valuable. It is not perception, it is how rare something is. If you are readily available, you become commodity.
Marczell Klein
Apr 21
What we give focus to is things with novelty, things we find valuable. We focus on things we want every single day. You have problem, want to find solution – that is consuming your focus. What is consuming your focus?
YT Marczell Klein
Apr 21
It's possible you are in your comfort zone and your brain is rationalizing that you're completely ok. You still have to go and get it. Opportunities will come. They'll meet you the half way. They'll invite you, you have to meet them halfway and take action
Apr 21
If you want to be more valuable, you have to believe that you have the potential to be the best. If I put myself in position where I focus on things I want. Most people are not focused on what they want, not comfortable with it.
YT Marczell Klein
Apr 21, 2022
Mind is made of two parts unconscious and conscious. Part that tends to lie is conscious mind. Your actions will always communicate the truth. If you look to the right: you construct information.
5 Signs That Someone Is Lying To You
Marczell Klein
Apr 21,2022
You will be logical and rational in that belief system. Belief systems are constructed on emotions. The only thing that will pop up in your awareness really varies depending on the emotions you feel. Limited with belief system of that emotion.
YT M. Klein
Apr 21, 2022
The reason we feel emotion is to achieve something. Intention behind every behaviour, nothing is accident like moving my hands while talking. When you understand that, things become a lot clearer.
YT How To Control Your Emotions On Command!
Apr 21, 2022
If you can change the emotions you feel, you're going to change the intentions you set. If you change intentions, you're going to change the strategy. Belief system is strategy/program to help you get an outcome.
YT How To Control Your Emotions On Command!
Apr 21, 2022
Confidence allows you to be independent of other people's opinions. It allows you to pursue the things you want regardless of what other people think. It allows you to approach people, take advantage of opportunities.
YT Marczell Klein
True confidence isn't cockiness, it's not arrogance, it's not unhappiness, it's just being happy with who you are. Arrogance comes from insecurity, needing to be better because they don't feel good enough.
YT Marczell Klein
Apr 21, 2022
That awareness all by itself gives your brain – you want focus on this: I'm going to start looking at it, it knows what to do, how to fix that. Everything else is byproduct. Awareness is the best steering wheel.
Chase Hughes
Apr 21, 2022
"Beliefs cannot be imposed by force. the people will be ready when the conditions are right. How hypocritical would it be to use violence to impose non-violence? The final shot shows how long it would take for that time to come."
The Egyptian (1954)
Apr 22, 2022
What happens within you must be determined by you. Why are you copying people? Most people don't know what they're doing.
YT The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works) || Sadhguru!
Apr 22
When you talk someone with narcissistic trait you end up frustrated, they'll say i understand but nothing changes. They don't have the capacity or desire to care about your reality. They don't care about you, not wired to hear you.
Lisa Romano
Apr 22
They don't care about your reality, and they can't even hear you. Boundaries only work with people who want to negotiate. When you deal someone narcissistic they don't even realize they are not negotiating.
Lisa Romano
Apr 22
They think they care about your reality but they don't. And you're left in this weird space feeling like nothing feels rights, everything feels off, what am I missing. It was always their way or highway, or they minimize you.
Lisa Romano
Apr 22
Boundaries only work with people who don't fear feeling like they might be wrong. They have every excuse in the book for why they verbally abused you. I lose myself in trying to convince this person who can't see me.
Lisa Romano
Apr 22
Make sure staying in seat of observer in relationships. You need to be able to monitor from a detached space how this person's energy is effecting you. You don't know that if you are seeking approval.
Lisa Romano
Apr 22
Radost, February 1977
Grammar school gazette from Yugoslavia
Apr 22
Radost ('Joy'), April 197o6
Grammar school gazette from Yugoslavia.
Article about Nikola Tesla.
Apr 23
The 40-foot alien monster was actually a marionette about 15 inches high. It was essentially a combination of a rat, bat, spider, and crab.
imdb trivia
The Angry Red Planet (1959)
Apr 23
When we put very thick veil & persona, and people fall in love with that fake thing we have, there is hidden part of us that remains unseen but feels unknown, lonely and unworthy. If you go through hardship, don't hide it.
Apr 24
The only that's holding some people back is the story they're telling themselves. Who knows what you can do if you'll start seeing yourself differently. That's a lot better than getting up insecure, intimidated.
Apr 24
Clouds accumulating.
Apr 25
If you do not see immediate danger, your brain is throwing out false signal.
YT Knowing OCD's lies helps you gain the upper hand
Apr 25
"The Earth is run by the UN and there are no more wars. The date on the letter John Agar reads is 10th September, 2001 one day before 9/11."
imdb trivia,
Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962)
Apr 27
Trauma prevents things from happening. Trying to relocate trauma is about trying to realize the potential of the self. Therapy is about understanding what is potential of individual, what can be achieved in person's life.
YT The Impact of Complex Trauma
Apr 27
imdb trivia:
"Many of the 500 Florida frogs and 100 giant South American toads purchased for use in the film escaped during production."
Frogs (1972)
Confident people are able to be authentic, nobody is perfect, confidence is about realizing you have inadequacies and accepting them.
YT mark stubbles
Apr 27
Planet Earth was always depicted without atmosphere in classical sci-fi movies, such as World Without End (1956). Without satellite data and Gagarin's flight, it was believed that clouds were transparent when observed from the space.
You are guilty or you are not. There is strange phenomenon where we have sense of feeling guilty. There is pervasive muddy feeling guilt- this is where hijackals are trafficking in. They love to make you feel guilty. Blaming.
Why Hijackals Traffic in Guilt
Apr 28
If somebody always needs power and control over you, they will use any means to get it. Endeavoring another person to feel guilty is one big way to have power over someone else. It is sneaky, unfair, manipulation.
YT Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
Apr 28
"The 27th Day (1957) was based on a novel by John Mantley. Mantley himself wrote the screenplay. This may explain why this film is regarded as more intelligent than most low budget science fiction films of that period."
imdb trivia
Apr 29
The Wizard of Mars, aka "Horrors of the Red Planet" (1965)
Real safety is being created with relating with people places who behave safe with us, how they treat us, with respect. They may say "No" but they are not antagonistic, they don't shame us, or call us names. Things are built on consent.
YT The Anatomy Of C
Apr 29
Other people are not responsible to understand our boundaries, limits and our capacity. That is our job. Our job is to communicate that. To say: “This is enough for me today.” It's not up to them.
YT The Anatomy Of Codependency #2
Apr 29
In our experience of neglect and abuse the first thing that is often attacked is our reactions to something. Whether impulse to ask for something, these are things that are put down and then we internalize that as something's wrong with me, I should change
Apr 29
We devalue ourselves when we have emotions and reactions to things that don't line up with this idealized sets of expectations for ourselves.
YT Marshall Burtcher
Apr 29
Narcissists are concerned about their status, not how they treat other people.
YT Things narcissists are afraid of
Apr 29
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Samuel Ullman
Apr 29
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.
Apr 30
These words don't really say anything. They could but they're not. They want to but they can't. So, they will hang out. There are words that could be saying something funny or cool or interesting. But they're not. They're just sitting there. Like you.
Apr 30
There are many things in life where you don't get second chance with.
Apr 30
They want people to know that we're actually making harm on this world.
- How did that get communicated to you?
- It came through my head.
YT Ariel Phenomenon
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