September 1, 2024
🇮🇪 Erlebnisreisen: Irland
Sep 1
Sep 1
🇮🇹 Regata Storica di Venezia
Sep 1
🇮🇹 Regata Storica di Venezia
Sep 2
You become the story you tell. Instead of dealing with the problem we tell ourselves a story that we have anxiety or we're depressed or this or that. Look at the story you are telling yourself because that's the only thing holding you back - you not believing in yourself.
🟥 DkBorelli
Sep 2
Sep 2
🇫🇷 Northern France
Sep 3
We generally are less resilient than most people because those underlying subcortical structures didn't form in a way that made us feel that we were solid &we feel like we could accept growth &embrace growth. We looked more for protection. If you look at DNA studies, epigenetics, if you have an err of protection, you are going to make proteins that foster that protection. You start making more cortisol, epinephrine, lot of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
We have to be aware that these ways we grow up and the efforts we make to feel better cognitively, if we don't go under and deal with the feeling aspect of it as well, we are painting over something that has bunch of cracks in it. That's how we heal: we build subcortical structures, we start using feeling to go back, use neuroplasticity in our favor and start changing those subcortical programs from protection to ones that will accept growth.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
Once I regulated my body, those subcortical structures that were mitigating all of these, and I was in a much more grounded place, then it started to make sense. What we do in society – “if we change our thinking, if I change the way I think about something I'm going to fix anxiety”, but the problem is deeper. It's subcortical. Subcortical structures: amygdala, hippocampus, pons, medulla – none of them understand language. Only feeling. We can't talk
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
Once I regulated my body, those subcortical structures that were mitigating all of these, and I was in a much more grounded place, then it started to make sense. What we do in society – “if we change our thinking, if I change the way I think about something I'm going to fix anxiety”, but the problem is deeper. It's subcortical. Subcortical structures: amygdala, hippocampus, pons, medulla – none of them understand language. Only feeling. We can't talk
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
Awareness. Look around at your relationships. Are you happy? Are you connected to your relationships? Do you feel is love safe? Is it safe to love? How close you are connected? How do you trust love? Because if you don't trust love, I can guarantee you it happened in your childhood. People don't say at 25 I can't connect to people. Are your connections good most of the time? With anxiety we don't receive very well, specifically love.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
Can you just feel alarm? Can you just sit with the alarm and allow yourself to feel it? It's when you add thoughts to it, that's when is become runaway train. That's when it becomes impossible to manage. Like having fire and keep throwing matches on it. Matches are your thoughts. Biggest tip I give to people – if you can learn to feel the alarm in your body, anxiety, without compulsively adding thoughts to it, eventually you metabolize this fear.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
It was exposure therapy for me, more I did the less stuff bothered me. I stopped getting physically responsive to the anxiety. - What you're describing is operant conditioning. And then Extinction: once stimulus doesn't create the same level of stress in your system anymore. When we get into survival panic mode, the part of our rational thinking mind gets shut off, evolutionary running from predator. We lose our ability to be rational.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
That's why it's very difficult to talk your way out of a feeling. It's staying in the feeling. Stay in the state of alarm but don't stay in there too long. Don't add thoughts to it, just allow it to be there. Where is place in your body that feels safe or neutral. Draw attention to it. The thing with systematic desensitization when people have severe emotion abuse they can't resolve it on their own,it gets worse and worse. Provide another place to go
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
You're teaching your unconscious mind it isn't black vacuum hole anymore that you had when you were 12. Once you're in it, it has tendency to suck you into it, and then on top of that it creates thoughts that keep you sucked in it. If we use our feelings, sensations and move to different part of body or use something that feels good, that's even better. But when people are that wrapped up, finding something neutral is best we can do.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
One of the traps that people fall into they're like I got to figure out way to make my life perfect with my thoughts, my beliefs, my anxiety, everything before I take a step in to right direction and try to accomplish something in my life. By trial and tribulation you learn what you don't want in life. - Anxiety is uncertainty intolerance. Probably since uncertainty was painful as child. Uncertainty brings us back through insula of being helpless.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
We can't solve the problems of an overactive mind with more thinking. But our brain will tell you that it will work. Brain tells us we just have to worry more and all of this will work out. It is bottomless pit. - Do you believe in CBT and affirmations to change thought pattern loops? - When we are in state of alarm (I prefer term alarm rather than anxiety) is bringing yourself in present moment. Amygdala does not understand language. Get grounded
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
You mentioned at root of anxiety it's unresolved trauma. How can somebody know that versus lifestyle maybe not making enough money to pay the bills or hard relationships with family that are causing anxiety looking past won't help bring food to table. - Brain starts to make negative though patterns, you believe them. Look where we're going wrong with trying to fix it. We use trauma to make up stories that create negative scenario, more trauma.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
Worried my tax bill is going to be huge, my relationship doesn't go well. So your brain will after the fact make sense. If you feel alarm in your body, your brain will make up a reason for it. And then you'll blame it on your brain when really the ultimate cause is this old alarm energy that's stored in your body, and you don't even see. - How do you know it is not regular stress? - How do you feel, look at your relationships, in anxiety we can't connect
🟥 Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
We're not exercising our social engagement system because we're alarmed. This neurology part gets shut off. Social engagement system gets shut off when we are alarmed. And we can't connect to other people. What truly heals us heal from anxiety is feeling connected to ourselves especially younger self that we shame and blame, and other people. Anxiety shut off our ability to connect with each other, it is fundamental need to be connected.
🟥 Dr. Russell Kennedy
Sep 3
I don't know about this George. I don't know first thing what's going on at television station.
- Don't worry Bob. It's just like working in a fish market. Except you don't have to clean and gut fish all day.
🎞️ UHF (1989)
Sep 3
Sep 3
🕵️♂️ Lupin III vs Detective Conan - Il film
Sep 4
Holding in anger seems like the right thing to do, but when it finally erupts, the damage can be even worse. I used to think that suppressing my feelings was the answer, but it only led to more pain and regret. Imagine being able to release that anger constructively without the fallout. There is a way to break the cycle of suppression and explosion.
🟥 Anger
Sep 4
She was supposedly taken by his bad boy persona. How many women do we know who like the bad boy, who like somebody who's living on the edge, because it is exciting for them. If you're living in a flatlands of nothing around you and somebody comes and says let me show you the world in a way you couldn't even dream of - of course if you don't have your own solid identity, you're going to say "Why not".
🟥 Natural Born Killer | Our History
Sep 4
Once they've created this parallel world in which they've socialized each other to simply think of the kinds of behavior that they're engaging in as being normal, once they inhabit that world, it's much more easy for them to continue to behave according to the norms of that world. In which that world has to revolve around. They continue to murder until they're stopped.
🟥 Natural Born Killer | Our History
Sep 4
Communicate your problems and your needs honestly and openly. Then if nothing changes you leave his sorry ass.
Sep 4
Self-perception and identity. Emotional trauma can impact how we see ourselves literally our sense of worthiness. We can internalize feelings of inadequacy and blame ourselves for our feelings and even the trauma which can lead to a negative self-perception and identity issues.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Sep 4
Understand when we set a boundary the other person isn't always understand why we're setting the boundary. And part of our emotional recovery work especially if you are healing codependent is to learn to be comfortable with that level of un-comfortability. Anchoring thought: when I set a boundary it's not necessary for me to understand or believe of feel as if the other person understands why I'm setting the boundary.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Sep 4
Because often times, the person you need to set boundary with doesn't see you, doesn't hear you, and doesn't respect you. You are figment of their imagination. And so any attempt for you to explain why you need a boundary is going to be whacked like a mole. They're just not going to get it. Some people never question if their opinion are valid, real or kind or just. They just believe what they feel.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Sep 4
The moment you put up a boundary or set a limit, they act like YOU are the bad person and not the decades of pure total bullshit that they've dumped on you for your entire life.
Sep 4
People do things that make sense to them in the moment. When we're trying to understand behavior or choices or actions we're judging it from an outside perspective. It may seem silly for us. But when we get into that situation with that individual, the behavior actually makes sense. Key question we always need to be asking ourselves is: What about that situation made it make sense to do it that way?
🟥 The local rationality principle
Sep 4
Environment that they are in. Resources that you have. Experience, been before or is it brand new? Norms you are following. Constraints. Signs faces the other direction. I don't know how these people get on this pipe but the sign is telling them not to do what they are doing – isn't facing them. I would assume a lot of them can't even see it. In situation – when you don't know how to behave you look at other people what they are doing.
🟥 The local rationality principle
Sep 4
The power of this local rationality principle is it really enables us to get into the mindset of individual and see the context of their decisions and actions. I may not agree with what they did, but if I look at how they act and their decisions - is clue that I do not understand their local rationality.
🟥 The local rationality principle
Sep 4
the possibility of contacting alien life. However, not on another planet but here. Maybe right inside this table living on a simultaneous plane of existence.
See this rock? It's solid matter, right? But in point of fact the solid parts of this rock, the neutrons, quarks, protons and electrons, the neutrons, quarks, protons and electrons, one quadrillionth of its total volume. The rest of this rock is actually only empty space.
🎞️ The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
Sep 4
Sep 4
Before we go... Let us remember our code-- let us strive every moment of our lives to make ourselves better and better to the best of our ability so that all may profit by it. Let us think of the right and lend our assistance to all who may need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let us take what comes with a smile without loss of courage. Let us be considerate of our country in everything we say and do.. Let us do right to all.. And wrong no man.
🎞️ Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975)
Sep 4
Goodness in someone, shining light on someone so that they can see it too. I believe that everyone has that quality. And then there's you. Deplorable.
Sep 5
Sep 5
Are you going to kill me now?
- No. Doc don't believe in killing, not even crooks like you. He's got his own methods of dealing with them. Well, first we're going to take you to a place in upper New York state, where Doc has his own rehabilitation center. There, Doc will perform a special kind of acupuncture surgery on your brain, which will help rid you of your evil nature. He learned about this kind of stuff in a remote monastery on his last trip to China
🎞️ Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975)
Sep 5
“And that to be healthy and mature you have to lean to manage complicated relationships” Here's a way to manage them folks: disengage and stop making excuses for another person's toxic behavior. If person followed his guidance to “try to make it work” with harmful family system, it's those patients to become more reliant on a therapist to stay sane in the middle of toxicity.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Sep 6
Operant conditioning is based on the idea that we can increase or decrease a certain behavior by adding a consequence. Both reinforcement or punishment can be positive or negative – 4 possible ways. Positive reinforcement – we add something pleasant to increase likelihood of a behavior. Negative reinforcement – we still want to increase the desired behavior , this time by removing something unpleasant like the leash.
🟥 Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
Sep 6
If punishment is positive, we add an unpleasant response to decrease behavior. When punishment is negative by removing something pleasant like comfortable carpet. If we stop any sort of manipulation the conditioned behavior will eventually disappear again. This is called Extinction. BF Skinner believed that organisms are doing what they do naturally until they accidentally encounter a stimulus that creates conditioning which results in change of behavior.
🟥 Operant Cond.
Sep 6
Conditioning happens in three-term contingency: ABCs of behavior. A – Antecedent. Rat accidentally hits the lever that triggers the release of food. B – Behavior. Refers to response. Rat keeps pressing the lever. C – Consequence. Food keeps coming out. The strength of the response to the conditioning depends on the schedule of reinforcement. If there is always food after pressing, the rat behaves predictably.
🟥 Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
Sep 6
If the food is released randomly the rat behaves erratically, like an addict. Skinner argued that you can only study behavior that is visible and anything happening only within the mind is either a misconception or irrelevant to science. He thought free will was an illusion because behavior is either random or a reaction to environment. His work became foundation for behavioral therapy, military drills and animal training.
🟥 Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
Sep 6
You mustn't call it a reward, it's called a reinforcement: "Reward suggests compensation for behaving in a given way, often in some sort of contractual arrangement. Reinforcement in its etymological sense designates simply the strengthening of a response” (Skinner, 1963).
Sep 6
Classical conditioning – eventually just ringing the bell made the dogs salivate. They learned to expect food at the sound of bell. Under normal conditions, the sight and smell of food causes dogs to salivate. Food: an unconditioned stimulus. Salivation – unconditioned response. Nobody trains a dog to salivate over some steak. However when we pair an unconditioned stimulus like food with something previously neutral bell – becomes conditioned stimulus.
🟥 conditioning
Sep 6
Doctor says “Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit”. And then gives you the most painful shot you've ever had. A few weeks later you go to dentist for a check-up. He starts to put mirror in your mouth to examine and he says “Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit”. Even though you know the mirror won't hurt, you jump of the chair and run screaming. Words “This won't hurt” became a conditioned stimulus when they were paired with the pain of the shot.
🟥 conditioning
Sep 6
Classical conditioning in action: Your conditioned response: getting the heck out of there. Operant conditioning explains how consequences lead to changes in voluntary behavior. Positive reinforcement is the addition of stimulus like dessert after veggies. Or getting a hug. Make you more likely to repeat the operant response. Negative reinforcement means the removal of stimulus, like getting no homework.
🟥 conditioning
Sep 6
Operant conditioning is everywhere in our daily lives. There aren't many things we do that haven't been influenced at some point by operant conditioning.
🟥 conditioning
Sep 6
The dogs in Pavolv's experiment did not "learn to EXPECT food when they heard a bell." Their conditioned response was not the result of a conscious expectation. That's the whole point of understanding Classical Conditioning. Their nervous systems became PRIMED by the sound of the bell through repeated pairing of this previously neutral stimulus with a naturally occurring unconditioned stimulus (food).
Sep 6
Negative = removal of stimulus
positive = addition of stimulus
Punishment = to decrease behaviour
Reinforcement = to increase behaviour
Sep 6
Punishment - Suppress behaviour
Reinforcement - Strengthen behaviour
Sep 6
Learning is a long-lasting change in behavior as a result of experience. Classical and operant conditioning both lead to learning. Classical conditioning is association of a stimulus with an involuntary response. It focuses on involuntary automatic behaviors. Pavlov noticed that a neutral stimulus before a reflex causes an association. Operant conditioning is association of voluntary behavior with the consequence.
Sep 6
Rat randomly hit the lever to turn the current off. When exposed to electric current in the box, the rat learned to always press the lever. Something called Escape Learning. Similarly, Skinner eventually also taught the rat to flip a switch that prevent the electric current being turned on in the first place. Something called avoidance learning. Punishment weakens a behavior by linking it to an aversive consequence.
Sep 6
It should be noted that punished behavior is not forgotten but is suppressed. If a punishment is no longer present the behavior returns. Also unlike reinforcement it does not guide towards desired behavior but only suppresses undesired behavior. What happens is lever is pressed but no food? Rat will eventually stop pressing the lever and the behavior will be extinguished. Can learn behavior with different schedules of reinforcement: response rate.
Sep 6
Operant conditioning is a type of learning where the consequences of your behaviors shape your future behaviors. Those consequences may be reinforcements or punishment.
🟥 Operant Conditioning
Sep 6
Skinner: “Behavior is determined by its consequences. Behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences.” It's all about consequences. Linked to the concept of extinction is Schedules of reinforcement – can have impact how resistant a behavior is to being extinguished. Refresh feature resembles a slot machines – what might pop up. Waiting for food pellet – likes and comments. Your behavior is being manipulated.
🟥 Operant Conditioning
Sep 6
Often folks have someone close who feeds the anxiety. Or even sows it, Being cautious is still important though
Sep 6
🇺🇸 Texas
Sep 6
🎭 Orfeo ed Euridice
Sep 6
You probably won't believe this but I have a reputation for being a bitch. I didn't used to be. Get known for being a certain way, a way people think you are and soon, you get like that. Guess you can't help it.
🎞️ The Bodyguard (1992)
Sep 6
⚽ UEFA Nations League 2024/2025-Francia - Italia (dallo Stadio "Parco dei Principi" di Parigi)
Sep 6
🇲🇲 Myanmar
Sep 6
🇺🇸 alpha-retro: Sunset Boulevard (1990)
Sep 7
A vulnerable narcissistic person will engage in lots of reassurance seeking and that reassurance seeking can devolve into manipulation. So to get that supply of “we like you” “You're fine, good” it has to turn into a more victimized positioning of an accusation of saying “You don't like me” - that puts the other person on defense and gets the vulnerable narcissist the answer they want. Over time people around will have complex mix of emotions.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Sep 7
Once we put that defensive wall up, we're not going anywhere. All behavior has meaning. Defensiveness is behavior indicating lack of safety – we put on walls. We feel unsafe, we don't put walls if there is no need for. If people were verbally aggressive to you, I am going to start up being on defense, assuming they will lash out – if they do, I got my walls up. We need to examine context – being primed to put assumptions on people, be defensive.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Sep 7
🎨 Teddy Riner sketch
Sep 7
Inter-personally we make a lot of assumptions about what other people are thinking. We tend to often engage in a lot of mind-reading and when we're assuming what somebody believes, then we can assume wrongly and get defensive wrongly. Which can negatively impact our inter-personal relationships if people every time they interact with you, you've already jumped to your conclusions and gotten defensive, they may react defensively in response.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Sep 7
🎵 MOTEL CLUB - L'Odyssée (2022)
Sep 7
🎵 Tommy Guerrero - Through the mosaic (2022)
Sep 7
If you are an adult you're going to make mistakes sometimes. And that's okay. It doesn't mean you are mistake. If boss comes to you and says this report is garbage, I don't know what you were thinking but I need it redone. That's not good communication on their part, but they are still saying the report is garbage. Not you are garbage. Recognize the difference between other people's opinion and them just stating their opinions. And your opinions.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Sep 7
People who grew up in chaotic households they learned that it was important to be a chameleon – don't talk, don't trust. I have to make sure that I am doing whatever that person tells me to do, to feel, in order to be safe. As adult, we don't have that. We are able to set boundaries, we are able to take care of ourselves – we are not reliant on that chaotic parent to give us food anymore, shelter. Don't need approval anymore.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Sep 7
When you're born a hare, you will never turn into lion. Intellect of that hare will remain a hare. Wolf can in split of second tear your throat with their teeth. It gives you idea of relationship Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
🇷🇺 Soviet Union - End of an Empire
Sep 7
Sep 7
👨🍳 Kroatische Kokoswurfel
Sep 7
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Isola D'Elba
Sep 7
Sep 7
Sep 7
🇩🇰 Denmark from above
Sep 7
🇩🇰 Denmark from above
Sep 7
🎨 Romain Cannone sketch
Sep 7
🏉 Canal Rugby Club
Sep 7
🏉 Bordeaux-Bègles / Stade Français
Sep 7
🇮🇹 Cerimonia di chiusura della 81a edizione
Sep 7
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Sep 7
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Sep 8
🎵 Father John Misty- When You Are Smiling And Astride Me (2015)
Sep 8
🩰 Roberto Bolle - Ballo in bianco
Sep 8
Replace the negative subconscious belief with a positive affirmation and compassionate self talk. Like, this is not your fault, you don't need their approval, seek your own approval. You're doing great. This is amazing, look at taking care of yourself, that type of self talk, becoming your own coach, cheerleader will help you replace the negative beliefs that are controlling your life.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Sep 8
⚽ Téléfoot
Sep 8
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - Gaeta e la Riviera
Sep 8
🤼 WWE Smackdown
Sep 8
For other people - social anxiety will be explained through the prism of being a coward - because this is the closest thing that they can associate social anxiety with. CBT as half baked psychiatry will perceive social anxiety as abnormality in the brain - because CBT does not have in their vocabulary Complex Trauma
⬜ Operant Conditioning
Sep 8
🌊 la Côte Atlantique
Sep 8
Sep 8
🏉 Canal Rugby Club
Sep 8
🇮🇹 Die Dolomiten - Sommer in den italienischen Alpen
Sep 8
🏈 Jason Kelce The Ultimate Fan Guide 2024
Sep 9
Just keep re-applying. It is probably not about you.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Can AI get me a new job?
Sep 9
Social anxiety comes from knowing that people are horrible and they can damage you emotionally. Feeling of insecurity isn't a lie. Its telling you that you are not safe. That feeling is pointing you to become aware of the threat to your physical and emotional well-being that exists in your environment. Its real please donot ignore it.
Sep 9
I learned that anxiety is what causes thoughts, not the other way around.
Sep 9
Your thoughts and feelings are not always (or even often) telling you facts about reality, but they are telling you *something*. It just takes practice to figure out what that something is
Sep 9
Sep 9
Bearded Rock Hudson
Sep 9
🩰 Balletto - Cristoforo Colombo
Sep 10
The type of trauma that they are using is to keep you confused. They will frequently push you outside of what you consider to be normal. Shocking behavior to keep you discombobulated – you think you're dealing with one thing, then you're dealing with another. Boundary pusher and get you to accept the new boundary as normal. Narcissistic psychopathic behavior, pervert people's vision of reality. Good is bad, up is down. Therapeutic parts have been damaged.
Sep 10
⚽ Football : Ligue des Nations UEFA 🇫🇷 -🇧🇪
Sep 10
Sep 10
👮 Carabinieri
Sep 10
⚽ Qualificazioni Europei U21 2025 🇳🇴 - 🇮🇹
Sep 11
🎨 Osmar Olvera Ibarra sketch
Sep 11
Sep 11
🇮🇸 Vivre loin du monde
Sep 11
🎞️ My Hero Academia
Sep 11
🇩🇪 Heligoland
Sep 12
👮 flic story
Sep 12
👮 flic story
Sep 12
👮 flic story
Sep 12
I think our relationship works so well because you interpret my maladaptive ways of coping with life as charming personality quirks.
🟥 Frank James
Sep 12
Choosing your reality does not mean you're giving up on yourself and you're pretending to be somebody else. What you're doing is you're integrating one more aspect into your life. Our reality very often doesn't match up with what we can come up with in our mind. We have those great ideas of how life could look like, of what kind of relationships we could have, of all those amazing connections and images, concepts we come up with. And boring life
Sep 12
Sep 12
🎄 Taylor Swift inspired Christmas decoration, £22, Rockett St George
Sep 12
🇫🇷 Putting Brittany on map
Sep 12
🇫🇷 The Morlaix viaduct
Sep 13
DSM diagnosis of narcissism is ability to create false impressions. And they can give you impression that I'm with you, I'm for you, we'll make a great team. They tend to not play their cards right up front. So you can get pulled into their norms and only over time reveal there is another angle. I need to pull back and listen to what my mind tells me about what's reasonable and what's not, because this is not making sense to me.
🟥 Surviving Narcissism
Sep 13
Most of us do wrong: we assume the best about other people and then we apply our motives to them without analyzing whether or not that's really what their motives suggest, to our peril. Good healthy relationship should always make you feel secure. So if I'm not feeling safe – that's a big warning to me that there is something inherently going wrong here that I can't be myself, I can't talk about issues and that my gut is warning me.
🟥 Surviving Narcissism
Sep 13
Watch out how they handle conflict. Walking on eggshells. If you feel like you can't just show up and express and share where you are at, that's to me a huge sign is not very functional relationship. Someone wrote “Boundaries to a narcissist is just for them to know what buttons to push.” Person who really cares about you would not be provocative like that, antagonizing you. Arguing you is not respecting you.
🟥 Surviving Narcissism
Sep 13
When you're in a relationship with somebody who is not really giving you anything – we call it crap fitting. That's a word I made up when you fit yourself to a situation that's actually unacceptable to you.
🟥 Crappy Childhood Fairy
Sep 13
Good clothes open all doors.
🟨 Thomas Fuller
Sep 13
👮 Notruf Hafenkante
Sep 13
👮 Notruf Hafenkante
Sep 13
⭐ DreamZzz
Sep 13
🎞️ 12 Angry Men (1957)
Sep 13
🇳🇱 North Holland
Sep 14
If you don't know the truth, you're going to be greatly encumbered. If you're unsure, if you don't really know, if you don't know where you're going, if you don't have your vision for your life, if you don't know how to win, if you don't know what's up and what's down, if you don't know who's leading, what the mission is, gird up your loins means to know and to study the truth. When things are good it's the best time to learn.
Sep 14
If you see Braveheart of Gladiator, epic films, they always mash together, how do they know who's Scottish and English? The answer is they don't fight like that. In history, it's like two very strict, tight lines with no man's land gap they they're kind of bouncing off each other, sometimes for hours, throwing things trying to convince other side to run. Why? In ancient warfare you don't die in melee fighting lines, you die when you run. Stand your ground.
Sep 14
🎨 Adam Keighran sketch
Sep 14
Sep 14
🇮🇹 Linea Blu Discovery - Portoscuso
Sep 14
From Brexit to Bregret
Sep 14
👨🚀 MTV Video Music Awards 2024
Sep 14
I've heard a lot "Do this" "don't say that" "Wear less", "wear more now", "Don't cut your hair". One of the biggest reasons I am standing here right now is I learned to block out all the noise. Do whatever it takes to stay true to yourself and true to your art, turn off social media, safe guard your mental health, pause, touch grass and do what you're born to do just like I was born to do this.
👨🚀 MTV Video Music Awards 2024, Katy Perry
Sep 14
And for all the queer kids in the Midwest watching right now, I see you, I understand you. Because I am one of you. And don't let anyone tell you that you can't be exactly who you want to be, bitch.
👨🚀 MTV Video Music Awards 2024, Chappell Roan
Sep 14
👨🚀 MTV Video Music Awards 2024
Sep 14
🛩️ Jesolo Air Show 2024
Sep 14
🏉 Rugby à XIII - Super League
Sep 15
A man told me last week how old he was getting. The more he told me, the worse he looked. He started convincing me. What he was saying may all be true, but in a battle if you just say what you feel, describe the situation, talk about the problem, you're going to get stuck. You have to have the battle cry of faith. That I am getting stronger, full of energy, vitality. We are all going to get old but I made up my mind to die in faith, full of purpose.
Sep 15
You're not going to stay energetic and sharp if you're speaking defeat over your life. Pay attention to the sound you're creating in difficult times. When life is not fair. Unexpected challenge and suddenly you're surrounded. That's when you have to be on guard, I am not going to speak defeat, I am not going to complain, I am not going to speak how impossible it is, I know God is still on the throne, being greater than what trying to stop me.
Sep 15
🏟️ Isle of MTV: Malta 2024
Sep 15
🏟️ Isle of MTV: Malta 2024
Sep 15
They were instructed to not say a word. No talking, no whispering, no complaining. If he did not let them not to speak, they would talk themselves out of it. “What are we doing here, we are looking like fools, this is not doing any good, I'm hot, I'm thirsty, it's dusty, let's go back home”. Sometimes God ask you to do thing that doesn't make sense. Don't talk yourself out if it, do what you are suppose to do.
Sep 15
⚽ Téléfoot
Sep 15
🏉 CANAL Rugby Club
Sep 15
🏉 Rugby locker room
Sep 15
Sep 15
I got nowhere to go.
🎞️ What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Sep 15
We can go anywhere, if we want. We can go anywhere.
🎞️ What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Sep 15
The house did not have a good foundation.
The house was burned completely at the end.
It's called symbolism.
Sep 15
🌙 Sailor Moon
Sep 15
Girl, you sure got over bein' bashful fast.
- I just done what you said. Just opened my mouth and out it come. I couldn't even stop. And didn't have no more notion of what I was gonna say than a rabbit.
- You keep on bein' a rabbit, then, darlin'.
🎞️ Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)
Sep 15
🏉 CANAL Rugby Club
Sep 15
🏀 Basket-ball - Coupe du monde 3x3 U23
Sep 15
Sep 15
Sep 15
Sep 16
Why do we still believe that stress equals success despite mostly all the evidence proving this idea to be wrong. Society sometimes romanticizes this idea that success needs to be paired with effort, sacrifice and hard work. No pain no gain phrase. We selectively remember the times when stress collided with success. We overlook cases where success may be occurred without things being stressful. And when stress lead to failure.
🟥 dralywood
Sep 16
Sep 16
Silence is worse; all truths that are kept silent become poisonous.
🔥 Zarathustra
Sep 16
You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?
🔥 Zarathustra
Sep 16
Some people are in such darkness ,they will burn you just to see some light....️
Sep 16
How unreasonable they're being. The trick is to exaggerate your agreement with them in a way that makes their behavior seem absurd. If a toxic person is going on how unfairly they've been treated, try responding with something like “You're right, the world is totally out to get you, and it's amazing how nothing is ever your fault”. This kind of over-the-top empathy can make them pause and question the narrative they've been spinning.
🟥 Toxic People
Sep 16
I watched a movie last night called Violet (played by Olivia Munn on Showtime.) She has a negative inner monologue due to the way her family and people close to her speak to her. Once she cuts the people off, that "voice" goes away.
Sep 16
Understand that their behavior is not about you. When someone has a pattern of behavior we have to recognize that it's not just us. It is healthy to acknowledge our role but beyond that we have to understand there is something bigger going on. Maybe they're having tough time that they don't share or narcissistic tendencies. That has more to do with them. Their reactivity is not really about you. I clean my side but not responsible for their.
🟥 Kati Morton
Sep 16
I am done with negative people, they have done more damage than a war.
Sep 16
You know, it's not imperative that you and I become friends. I thought it would be nice. And I thought it would be fascinating getting to know you, but it's obviously not an easy task. Just go ahead and be as "poopy" as you want. And I'll be as receptive and as pleasant as I can be. But I want you to bear one thing in mind while you're jerking me around, making me feel like an asshole. I know precisely what you're up to. And I'll take just so much of it, okay?
🎞️ On Golden Pond (1981)
Sep 16
Chelsea you have a great big chip on your shoulder, which is very unattractive. It is.. You never come home unless I beg you to. And then when you do, all you can do is be disagreeable about the past. What's the point? Don't you think that everyone looks back on their childhood with a certain amount of bitterness and regret about something? It doesn't have to ruin your life, darling. You're a big girl now. Aren't you tired of it all? Bore, bore, bore. Life marches by.
🎞️ On Golden Pond (1981)
Sep 16
🎨 Coby White sketch
Sep 17
“There are ways to overcome your symptoms” - But how do you overcome your brain development? If you're over 25, you really can't do much to change it, so having someone tell you that you will 'overcome your symptoms' sounds a bit ableist. Andrew Huberman misrepresents and trivialized ADHD in a way that is actively harmful for everyone involved.
🟥 What Andrew Huberman Gets WRONG about ADHD
Sep 17
You can't get neurodevelopmental disorder from stress or strolling on Tik Tok. You can get temporary symptoms that somewhat resembles those of ADHD. But they are temporary. They can be fixed, but it's worst misrepresentation is how he explains hyperfocus. “They obtain laser focus” This is harmful and wrong misconception that too many people believe. Hyperfocus is not opposite of poor attention. And we don't have poor attention.
🟥 What Andrew Huberman Gets WRONG about ADHD
Sep 17
Survey are biased and low quality scientific data. There are literally medication studies on whole populations like “Everybody in Sweden”, “Everybody in Denmark” but this medication abuse review with mostly service data and a dismissive title is what Andrew Huberman calls excellent, and wants you to know about.
🟥 What Andrew Huberman Gets WRONG about ADHD
Sep 17
Most adults don't have time or understanding to try to retrain their brains. They can use their medication to change their lives, and maybe that's all they can afford to do for the ADHD. I know it's not optimal, but it is realistic. This feels like he's giving people false hope and discrediting medication without having a proper proven alternative to suggested him. Andrew Huberman focuses way too heavily on random treatments...
🟥 What Andrew Huberman Gets WRONG about ADHD
Sep 17
Child being seen I am not talking only about the color of my hair or eyes, I'm talking about psychological visibility. Emotional visibility. Un-awakened mind is product of material world. We can link something tangible on effect and say we can accept that. It is very different thing to appreciate being impacted by something unseen. Mother emotional position, socio-economic situation, relationship situation. We have to understand key ideas that help awaken
🟥 Lisa A. Romano
Sep 17
I believe that God made me for a purpose. But he also made me fast. And when I run... I feel his pleasure. To give it up would be to hold him in contempt. It's not just fun. To win is to honour him.
🎞️ Chariots of Fire (1981)
Sep 17
Sep 17
🕵️♂️ Lupin III- La cospirazione dei Fuma
Sep 17
So who am I to say believe have faith, in the face of life's realities?... but I can only point the way. I have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in his own way. And where does the power come from to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said... "Behold, the kingdom of God is within you." "If with all your hearts ye truly seek me... ye shall ever surely find me." If you commit yourself to the love of Christ then that is how you run a straight race.
🎞️ Chariots of Fire (1981)
Sep 17
☕ Mulled Coffee
Sep 17
🎨 David Avanesyan sketch
Sep 18
Narcissism is insecurity masked by arrogance, it's always defensive. Grandiose or overt narcissist that exhibits grandiosity, entitlement, interpersonal exploitative-ness and manipulation, pursuit of control - they are probably vectoring for psychopathy than narcissism. Covert tells me nothing about inner structure of personality. But when we say fragile or vulnerable you are telling something about structure inside that person.
Sep 18
I would suggest there is really no 2 sub types over and cover, there's no grandiose and vulnerable – it's all a variation of vulnerable. Grandiose –we 're looking at narcissist who successfully gained a massive amount of narcissistic supply and is in narcissistic elation. When we see fragile –skipping over a water, little bit of narc supply that they manage to bully out of codependent partner and then it drops, then bully from someone seeking leadership.
Sep 18
If somebody's so-called personality disorder is entirely contingent on a context, that ain't personality disorder. A response to a temporary environmental conditions that's not personality disorder. Personality disorder should be permanent, pervasive, and personal. It shouldn't be context specific. Context-specific narcissism: when young celebrities become very successful quickly faster than ego can cope with. It cannot be personality disorder.

Sep 18
Whenever you hear people give you hard and fast rules on ANY subject, without saying look it depends on a context, they are full of $hit. There is no subject where we can give hard and fast rules, none. There's no rigid dogma. We can't say narcissists never apologize – it's nonsense. Narcissists can watch you tube videos and learn what to do. Core of narcissism – they are forced to seem humble, self effacing, pro-social, charity. They don't want to.
Sep 18
The vulnerable narcissist battles with tremendous feelings of shame. “Because they feel bad about what they done” - No. Because they feel ashamed when they have to act like normal person, cue with other normal people quietly wait their turn, sheer entitlement – they literally experience authentic feeling of shame for failing to be worshiped as a God on Earth. They have their fantastical view of themselves, fantasy based version of their life.
Sep 18
What's giving them narcissistic injury? Reality. Reality is injurious. Facts are injurious, data – all these things cause narcissistic injury, reality itself is wounding them. Whenever they encounter reality, they are wounded. How does narcissist respond to narcissistic injury? Narcissistic rage. Disproportionate, unbounded, toddler like tantrums of rage. But if I am vulnerable narcissist can I afford rage? No. I direct rage at me.
Sep 18
Blue health, the idea that being close to water is beneficial for your well-being. Now there is also evidence that exercising and doing activities in the group can make you feel better.
📻 BBC Radio 4, All in the Mind
Sep 18
There's a whole lot of research on self talk. There are different types of self talk. Instructional self talk is giving yourself instructions the actual processes you are going through, when you are learning new skill, performing. Motivational self talk is saying to yourself "You can do it". For novice performers the instructional self talks helping you focus on what you are actually doing is more beneficial. For expert performers, it can actually get in a way.
📻 BBC Radio 4, All in the Mind
Sep 18
🕵️♂️ Lupin III- La leggenda dell'oro di Babilonia
Sep 18
🕵️♂️ Lupin III- La leggenda dell'oro di Babilonia
Sep 18
👮 flic story
Sep 18
🪔 Amish
Sep 18
🇳🇿 Echappées belles
Sep 19
It can be with small comments you hear on a daily basis. People at work that have a certain image of you or make you feel a certain way. And because of that we're not moving past that. In theory if we are able to move past that, the world would be our oyster. Because so often we subconsciously shying away from taking steps because we are afraid of the reaction we're going to get. Make us take step back instead of leaning into it.
Sep 19
When you feel any kind of reaction in your body, like pull in the stomach, chest or throat, look at it from the outside. Don't feel like I need to protect myself, or I need to explain myself. Take a step back. Understand that this pain is super important because it reflects back to us what we haven't accepted about ourselves, what we have to work on. What is something that might be keeping us back from taking the next step in personal growth.
Sep 19
Sep 19
The point is, you don't have to always be right. It's totally okay to make mistakes. But if you then you realize you make mistake then the next step is I'm going to apologize, I'm going to try to explain myself and lay it out how I see it. And now this is the crucial point. The other person has a chance to see it from your perspective. If they don't, you stop explaining yourself. If person does not accept your apologize, take the other direction
Sep 19
The point is that we have to tap into feeling of “I feel unworthy” “I feel like bad person” because that's how the other person interprets it. Second scenario if person does not have full grasp – there is nothing to say there. We are not able to make objective conscious decision about certain information if we have that internal feeling. We have initial reaction to make feeling go away. Stay with me. Take conscious control of it. More you transform it.
🟥 Wenzes - INFJ
Sep 19
🇺🇸 Hollywood sign up close
Sep 19
We have to understand nobody can give us the power or the freedom that we're craving. We have to take it. You can't give somebody power. You can't give somebody freedom. You have to take it. People can encourage, I cannot keep waiting to make this space for me. Because people are engulfed in their own experience. How are people suppose to know what you need? It's nearly impossible. Waiting for that is recipe for disaster. To take: We demand this
Sep 19
We make space for ourselves. We demand this. I'm just going to take up that space. I'm going to be everything that I am. And yes, it will push people away. Yes, it will make people uncomfortable. But the right kind of people will stay. They will be intrigued, transformed. Old paradigm: “People are not going to like me” you subconsciously surround yourself with people “You are not allowed to be all that you are”. Hard period, you will push people
Sep 19
Sep 19
🕵️♂️ Lupin e il mago dei computers
Sep 19
⚽ Futsal - Coupe du monde
Sep 19
In the early days of communications theory, it had been pointed out that pure noise could be considered not as meaningless garbage but as the combined total of all possible messages.
Imagine that all the poets, philosophers and prophets of mankind were talking simultaneously. The result would be a totally indecipherable torrent of sound. Yet it would contain the sum total of human wisdom.
☄️ The Hammer of God - Arthur C. Clarke (1993)
Sep 19
🎨 Fabián Ruiz sketch
Sep 20
Being rejected by your peers is totally devastating. Any exclusion, any rejection, any bullying hurt so deeply because at that point the question is who am I?, how much am I worth?, How acceptable am I? Will I be thrown away? Am I valuable enough and get rejected? You can imagine the impact that has. That is abandonment.
🟥 being rejected by your peers as an adolescent.
Sep 20
What if the only thing wrong with you is you think something's wrong with you.
🟥 Adult Child Podcast
Sep 20
🌊 Le golfe de Californie - Le berceau de l'aquarium du monde
Sep 20
👖 Peter Millar Spring 2013 Tailored Collection
Sep 20
☄️ Sikhote-Alin meteorite, Vladivostok 1947
Sep 20
Pain from childhood is being triggered and lived out in adulthood. It may be dormant. That's the confusing thing with ACAs. We get out of our houses and we think we leave disease behind. But these kinds of diseases are state-dependent. So what triggers it are like experiences. In the same way a soldier may hit the deck when he hears the car backfire because he associates sound of gunfire, but in parking lot–not in Vietnam
🟥 Adult Children of Alcoholics Pioneer Tian Dayton
Sep 20
ACoA will produce pretty normally. But then when we get into intimate relationships, that is our car backfiring. It happens on arch – ACoAs have varying degrees of reaction, some more than others. I had a school, job, I had many factors that were stable. As my home became very unstable, there were other parts of my world I could lean into. This is huge factor why some people do better than others. I wouldn't apply ACoA symptoms to another.
🟥 Adult Children of Alcoholics Pioneer Tian Dayton
Sep 20
Emotional regulation is big part of complex PTSD where we have trouble regulating our responses. We get triggered we go from zero to 10 without any speed bumps in between. We go shooting between high intensive states and high shutdown states. When I see extremes, black and white thinking, rigid thinking – I look for trauma. Once you resolve that thinking feeling behavior starts to sort itself a little bit.
🟥 Adult Children of Alcoholics Pioneer Tian Dayton
Sep 20
I see codependency as trauma based. A product of hyper-vigilance. That we are so used to make something outside of ourselves more central than what's inside of ourselves. We base our thinking feeling behavior on what's outside of ourselves. Somebody else in good mood, we're in good mood. Somebody's scared, we get anxious. We don't center ourselves in our own inner resources. We wait for something outside of ourselves to tell us be ourselves.
🟥 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
Children are fundamentally egocentric. If there's a problem in the house, we think we did it. And if we have a parent that reinforces that tells us we did it – we're in home not helping us talk through what we are seeing. Telling us what we see and sense is wrong. So we learn to doubt our own perception. Make us more vulnerable to trauma. Self image is affected, ability to regulate emotions, ability to be comfortable in intimate. All that needs cleaning up.
🟥 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
There's no perfect person out there to find. Especially if we're not perfect. To wait for perfect person to come along and then get suspicious when things get difficult, means you will have trouble ever being in intimate relationships. Because intimate relationship is difficult. Close to somebody requires that both people really own their reactions. Before they project on each other try to take responsibility for what's going on in them.
🟥 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
You've got a lot formed by 7. Stability. Get back to child that felt better about themselves. What trauma does is cause us to lose touch with stronger part. We get so stuck in re-enactment. And re-living of trauma every time we get triggered. And if we don't understand that, we just throw at person who is triggering it. Throwing at person who is triggering it isn't going to change it inside of us. If we are able to do that, answers come clear.
🟥 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
A lot of what's happening is that we're getting triggered and we re-living our trauma and projecting it. Making it about the person who is triggering it. I like to help people connect with the person they were before the trauma took hold and got them lost in re-enacting. Once they do that it's resilience building thing. The way you do that is going through the pain that's blocking it. And capacity to be vulnerable.
🟥 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
🎨 Isaiah Evans sketch
Sep 20
Above all, anger needs to be felt so it can be talked through, understood and integrated, rather than acted out. In this way, it cleanses the self.
🟨 Tian Dayton
Sep 20
🎬 Burn After Reading (2008)
Sep 20
🎭 Opera - La Bohème
Sep 21
Priming vs Framing vs Anchoring
Sep 21
Sep 21
🇪🇸 Nachhaltig unterwegs auf Teneriffa
Sep 21
🍻 Oktoberfest
Sep 21
Sep 21
🇮🇹 Linea Blu Discovery - Bagnara Calabra
Sep 21
🌌 Pluto's atmosphere
Sep 21
🛶 Canoë-kayak - Coupe du monde de slalom
Sep 21
Sep 21
📽️ La passion Van Gogh
Sep 22
Sometimes you see ourselves at disadvantage. If we had more talent, then we would do something greater. If we had more personality, more height, more attractive, then we'd accomplish our dreams. Or if we had more funds, more resources, opportunity, then we could overcome this obstacle. But as long as you see yourself as lacking, at deficit, you make excuses to settle where you are and be less than your best. It is all there. Do you recognize or overlook it?
Sep 22
All those thought told me, you are not like your father. Here's the key: you don't need what someone else has. You're not running their race. You have what you need for your race. Don't compare yourself to other people. If you focus on what they have, their gifts, their looks, their resources you're going to discounting yourself. “I am not attractive, talented” You are not lacking anything you need to fulfill your purpose. I have what I need for my destiny.
Sep 22
We're looking for the spectacular but often it starts with something ordinary. Something we could easily discount. Think it's common. What do you have in your hand? “I'm just stay at home mom, I'll never do anything significant” But God put something in your hand that seems ordinary if you dare to lift your rod you'll come to destiny moments where you see Red Sea part. Gifts come out that you thought you never had. It's in you. Do the natural.
Sep 22
🍺 Oktoberfest Trachten- und Schützenzug 2024
Sep 22
🍺 Oktoberfest Trachten- und Schützenzug 2024
Sep 22
Sep 22
⚽ Téléfoot
Sep 22
🚓 Les héros de la route
Sep 22
Sep 22
🏉 Canal Rugby Club
Sep 22
I am not getting involved in anybody's business and meddling around.
Sep 23
Sep 23
Poor kid watched the whole thing happen right in front of him. What do you think something like this does to a kid?
🎞️ Batman (1989)
Sep 23
The second my partner does something, make me question that was a weird thing to say, or a weird motive, I speak up and say that was weird, what do you mean by that. I don't let anything go. My inner child knows I'm rock solid, she trust me because I speak up on behalf of what she's feeling. The more you speak up on behalf of what you're feeling, and living in alignment of having your own back, you won't put up with non committing people.
🟥 Candace van Dell
Sep 23
🏉 La nuit du rugby
Sep 23
👗 Coco Chanel
Sep 23
We all like to be patted on the back. But if people are saying things which are designed to belittle you and embarrass you and to shame you, of course it has an effect. But that comes back to show must go on and you have to have broad shoulders.
📻 BBC RADIO 4, Ekow Eshun on the first openly gay footballer Justin Fashanu
Sep 24
If minor inconvenience happened to you, it could be minor to you, it could be major for you, it may actually lead you to something better. Sometimes when things happen to you is opportunity to be redirected to something better. Shift mentality “I am victim everything is against me” to “What is this leads next to?”. If I would not lost this house I might would not be so eager to get my own place.
🟥 Burnt toast theory
Sep 24
Narcissist is incapable of remembering, memory, he's dissociative. And not only he is incapable of memory – he feels entitled to the good treatment that you give him. He doesn't think it's anything special. He doesn't think that your kindness and your niceness, empathy, affectionate attitude and compassion should be appreciated, he thinks he naturally deserves it without any investment on his part, commitment, any hard work. You learn to distrust people.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Sep 24
By the end of relationship with the narcissist, have you been exposed to narcissistic abuse, you no longer trust your judgment. You no longer trust your judgment about anyone. It's as if saying to yourself “I'm so stupid, defective, so bad at evaluating people that I ended up with a narcissist. I may do this again, and I will not survive the second time. So I don't trust my capacity to judge, evaluate my ability to be certain. Something is wrong with me.”
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Sep 24
You had an experience with one person or two, and you generalize. Generalization is a fallacy. And you catastrophize. These are pathological dysfunctional reactions. It's like you've been burned by hot water so you blow on cold water. This is where therapy comes in. They're back to life, they engage other people. Regard your healing and recovery as project. Narcissist has dismantled you, broken you apart, disintegrated you, dissolved you.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Sep 24
🇩🇿 Unbekanntes Algerien
Sep 25
Three components of Self: self identity – knowing who we are. Self-image – how we feel about ourselves. And third pillar of self is self validation. Self validation is directly tied to number one borderline trigger: feeling not good enough. And we don't know how to make ourselves feel better, we are constantly in position where we're surrendering how we feel about ourselves to everyone else in our lives. That's problem. Controls interact with world
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
This voice that says “You don't work out today, you don't need to, what's the point, stay in warm bed” that voice is what you believe external world expects from you, which is failure. Because you think you are failure because no one else can tell you otherwise, you will continue to perpetrate behaviors that are pigeon hole yourself into this failure. Validation is hard to attain because we are trained from early age that we require the approval.
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
I've been trying to get this diagnosis and I was obsessed with getting diagnosis for this. That when I started getting better when I got over the “let me get diagnosis” because that turned out to be a huge waste of time. If I could have gotten that the first year I would have move on to the next stage but if I wouldn't care about it, I would have just gotten better right away. Then I would have gotten better 12 years earlier.
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
I decided to start replicating neurotypical behavior. This is bothering me but then I'd look at all my friends and I'd say they have similar situations it's not bothering them. What the hell's wrong with me? I'm just to do exactly what they did. I'm freaking trying not to respond BPD way. And something magical happened the first time I did that. I got rewarded. It went better and my fear was BS. I accepted the reality, stop making excuses it's reasonable
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
I accepted that fact that taking it out on other people no matter how much I believed in my head they were at fault – it didn't help. Didn't fix anything. And now there were two people suffering. You can give so much and start getting depleted but guess what – you have more to give infinitely. We always see the big picture, that is why we are so upset. The world is scary, cruel and it's hard to survive and we can see how easy it could be if on same page.
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
I started saying why am I expecting other people to be able to do stuff that they just can't do. Like expecting dog to talk. I can yell, kick do whatever but it will still not going to say hello Kevin. So why am I investing so much in this idea that is impossible! I could make peace with past when I felt guilty, sad, victimized. “I'm always going to be terrible” - I had to drop that, look at it like someone else's story.
🟥 Self Validation
Sep 25
Anger is a sign of pain. It masks pain. Anger, rage, aggression mask suffering. That's what they do. So if you are suffering and don't have anything else in your toolbox, you might get angry. Bad things happening to us coupled with lack of skills, a lack of appropriate coping mechanisms you end up in this place where any kind of perception of the slightest disappointment in you can send you in fury.
Sep 25
🎬 Movie legends, photo from 2001
Sep 25
Every single move we make from the mundane to the monumental the red light that we stop at or run the people we have sex with or won't with us airplanes that we ride or walk out of it's all part of death's sadistic design leading to the grave. Design.
🎞️ Final Destination (2000)
Sep 25
⚽ Captain Tsubasa
Sep 25
- I'm the bad guy?
- Yeah.
- How did that happen? I did everything they told me to. Did you know I build missiles? I help to protect America. You should be rewarded for that. Instead, they give it to the plastic surgeon. They lied to me.
- Is that what this is about? You're angry because you got lied to? They lie to everybody. They lie to the fish! That doesn't give you any right to do what you did today. The only thing that makes you special is that little girl.
🎞️ Falling Down (1993)
Sep 26
Anger is natural and healthy emotion when it is productive. When you are able to feel it and not necessarily go into black out and rage. It becomes problematic when it transforms into uncontrolled outward emotion which can lead people being terrified of you. Healthy anger allows us to assert boundaries, communicate our needs effectively whereas this suppressed anger, suppressed rage festers beneath the surface. Potentially erupt hurtfully.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
Anytime child does not feel heard we might struggle to express anger constructively. The child really has no other choice but to either suppress or to rage to get attention because their body is registering this need as mortal threat to their survival. We carry our nervous system and carry the way we react. We watch our parents react. Unexpressed anger is most toxic: manifest anxiety, depression, physical illness.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
I can typically tell man with repressed anger and unresolved trauma, he is kind and nicest guy. Then all of the sudden the lid flies off. That is a man that was never heard in his childhood. Who grow up in highly religious backgrounds have this type of anger. They were forced to stuff down their authenticity, and they were forced not to be themselves. Years of ignoring who they really were, couldn't disagree, have opinion, they literally don't know who they are.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
There is so much shame and so much confusion underneath the surface that anything can trigger it, and it can come out bursting out. A person who face emotional neglect as a child may react with this intense anger when he is feeling dismissed in conversation. Even if the current context doesn't warrant such a huge response. It comes out because he's reacting historically to a pattern that he had in his childhood. Addressing suppressed emotions is vital for health and relationships.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
One effective method for emotional processing is Rain technique by Tera Brock. Recognize, Allow feeling in your body, Investigate where it's coming from what caused it, and Nurture it. Give that little boy the conversation that he needed to have all those years ago. That you are heard, that you are understood. His parents didn't have tools for meeting his needs. Allowing feelings to exist without judging them. Give yourself Self compassion.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
Repressed anger comes up, you've created all those covert contracts. Resentment is is such huge cause of relationship failure. Not being able to get your need met from this person over time continuously, of course that's going to cause repressed anger. Reminds you of relationship with primary caregiver. Can you self sooth to change your anger. Are you in learned helplessness state where you feel like you can't do anything to change.
🟥 Anger
Sep 26
It was something about him. The sensitivity. He was like one of those machines that register earthquakes 10,000 miles away.
🎞️ The Great Gatsby (2013)
Sep 26
👮 flic story
Sep 26
📽️ Morgan il pirata (1960)
Sep 26
🏉 Le rugby est une fête
Sep 26
🚓 Notruf Hafenkante
Sep 26
🎨 Walker Texas Ranger, 2024-08-14, 08-34-59, Iris HD
Sep 27
When I looked at ACA laundry list I was shocked at how much overlap there is between the laundry list items and traumatic stress symptoms. Especially Complex PTSD. It wasn't until 1991 that the book Laundry list was published. PTSD was recognized in1980 as diagnosis. CPTSD was introduced in 1988. Around 2019 it was in ICD. These laundry list traits and CPTSD symptoms emerge because of prolonged exposure to relation trauma.
🟥 ACA Laundry List as CPTSD Symptoms
Sep 27
The 14th item that para-alcoholics are reactors rather than actors. Reactors. So the entire symptom cluster is named reactivity and arousal. So this is hyper-arousal, the hypervigilance, the being afraid and frightened by anger, fear of authority figures. Third symptom cluster of CPTSD has to do with intrusive images, flashbacks and nightmares. But also re-experiencing the past trauma. We tend to re-enact the trauma in unhealthy relationships.
🟥 ACA Laundry List as CPTSD
Sep 27
At the core of ACE's teaching and recovery program: to realize we tend to become “para-alcoholics”, take on characteristics of the disease even without picking up the drink. This is 13th trait in the laundry list. Find workaholic compulsive personality to try to fulfill our abandonment needs. Interpersonal difficulties – struggle with trust and intimacy, codependency, fear of abandonment, confuse love and pity, experience isolation.
🟥 ACA Laundry List as CPTSD Symptoms
Sep 27
That we feel guilty when we stand up for ourselves. And instead we give in to others. And we judge ourselves harshly and have very low self-esteem. These align pretty strongly to the symptom cluster of CPTSD. PTSD has 3 original symptom clusters, fourth added: 1. avoidance intrusions 2 re-experiencing 3 arousal & reactivity 4 negative mood beliefs. Complex PTSD has 1 negative beliefs about ourselves 2 interpersonal difficulties 3 difficult emotional regulation
🟥 ACA...
Sep 27
These 14 traits of ACoA really articulating what we call Complex PTSD today. Whether we call it traits of adult child or symptom of CPTSD the impact in the outcome is the same. That they have profound negative impact on our self-esteem, on our identity, on our ability to be in healthy relationships, ability to feel confident and have sense of self worth and deal with emotions in healthy way. Recovery communities like ACoA are free, accessible.
🟥 ACA Laundry List as CPTSD
Sep 27
🇮🇪 Mit dem Zug entlang der irischen Ostküste
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 27
🇮🇪 By train along the east coast of Ireland
Sep 28
You are serving the world by showing up as your best. Most fulfilled self. Practicalities of walking away. It is not always about dramatic exists or burning bridges. Sometimes walking away is gradual process. It might start with setting better boundaries, with speaking up for yourself. Expressing your needs more clearly. Or slowly distancing yourself from friendships that drain you more than they fulfill you.
🟥 Dr Wayne Dyer
Sep 28
The time you spent in that unfulfilling job it taught you what you do not want in your career. That relationship where your needs were constantly overlooked – it showed you the importance of self respect and clear communication. That friendship that always left you drained it highlighted the qualities you value in genuine connections. There were not wastes. They were investments in your growth. Armed with these lessons, you are better equipped.
🟥 Dr Wayne Dyer
Sep 28
Consider role of forgiveness in walking away. Forgiveness not for others. Often when we find ourselves in situations where we are not appreciated we blame ourselves. We think if only I was smarter, prettier, more skilled then I'd be appreciated. We berate ourselves for not recognizing the situation sooner, for tolerating it for so long. This self blame serves no one. Forgive yourself for times you did not speak up. For staying longer than you should have.
🟥 Dr Wayne Dyer
Sep 28
This self forgiveness is not about condoning past actions or inaction. It is about freeing yourself from the burden of guilt and shame. It is about clearing the path for your future self. The self that knows its worth and is not afraid to walk away when that worth is not recognized. That leaving comes from place of self respect, not bitterness.
🟥 Dr Wayne Dyer
Sep 28
To get anything in life you have to ask. Not hint, ask. Not hope, ask. Not “if it's your will”. With shameless audacity. After the cross we became children of God. You're a child. 98 year old is still pretty young compared to God. People you love can treat you with shameless audacity because you know that you love them and they love you. Ask kinda like attorney – defend your case. Good attorney says – it is written.
Sep 28
Who is someone who can't never offend you? Little child. When it should not be ridiculous to be offended? I'll leave up to you to answer this. If God loves you, there's not a lot to be offended about. Not being offendable all the time. Anger is like being drunk, I said what when I was drunk? Self respect doesn't need everybody to like them. Self respect may get offended but let it go. Egotistical holds the grudge. Can't stop thinking talking about it.
Sep 28
Cortisol imbalance and adrenal fatigue are a result of longterm nervous system dysregulation. There's a lack of perceived safety. To effectively heal nervous system it's really important that we first establish internal safety so we can build capacity in our nervous system to have ability to make changes to heal. Language of our nervous system is non-verbal. We can't tell our body to feel safe. Show our nervous system we are safe
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System You Are SAFE
Sep 28
We become so disconnected from our bodies and the signals and communication that we're no longer aware of it. This seems benign but it's huge. One of the most effective ways to create internal safety and to calm your nervous system is to tune back into, reconnect with your body. To notice what is happening in your body. And to honor your body's needs. Become aware of body's basic signals and we respond- we create sense of safety.
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System You Are SAFE
Sep 28
I could have blister on my toe, blood coming out of my shoe and I was just “How's your day” “What can I do for you” and just so tuned into the person in front of me. I had learned from a very young age it was noble thing to completely abandon myself to meet the needs of others. I neglected every single bit of communication, urge, sense that my body might have. I abandoned my body all day long. Do you understand what that does?
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System You Are SAFE
Sep 28
That is registered as self-abuse, self-neglect, danger. Reconnecting with yourself, following your impulses is one of the most powerful things you'll ever do for healing your nervous system. Because it creates the sense of safety. “She's listening, she cares, she is tuned in, connected and grounded in her body”. When we are grounded in our body, our body feels safe and when we listen/honor our body, when it feels safe - it heals.
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System You Are SAFE
Sep 28
Orienting – powerful way to create safety. All you have to do is orient to room – look around what do you see. Body taking it in and noticing there's no immediate threat calms the nervous system immediately. Sensory stimulation – proprioceptive and vestibular stimulation. Activities that engage body senses. Position, balance, movement, spatial orientation demonstrating to your body that you are safe. Sends powerful safety signals to body.
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System
Sep 28
Propioceptive – engaging in activities like weightlifting, yoga and carrying heavy objects. Deep pressure activities like squeezing stress ball or using foam roller. These are all that come nervous system immediately. We cannot tell our nervous system we are safe – we have to show. Vestibular: balancing on one foot, swinging, dancing, spinning, rocking back and forth, jumping, shaking. Animals process stress in nature they shake.
🟥 Showing Your Nervous System You Are SAFE
Sep 28
Sep 28
🇮🇹 Linea Blu Discovery - Procida e Livorno
Sep 28
🎨 Chariots of Fire (1981) - opening scene
Sep 28
A man strives to free a car as flooding hits a road on the outskirts of Boone, N.C., where Helene struck as a tropical storm on Friday.
🗞️ The Washington Post - September 28, 2024
Sep 28
🚗Commercial for Ford Puma Hybrid - Thin line between love and hate
Sep 28
💠 Versace Eros Energy
Sep 28
⛵ Luis Vuitton Cup- Finale
Sep 28
⛵ Luis Vuitton Cup- Finale
Sep 28
🎵 Eydie Gorme - Saturday Night Is the Loneliest Night of the Week (1957)
Sep 28
Pat Kramer should remind us all that no matter how small, meaningless or insignificant we may think we are, even smallest of us can make a difference.
🎞️ The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981)
Sep 29
🏉 Rugby Club
Sep 29
You celebrate others, do you ever celebrate yourself? You are good to your friends – you encourage them, you build them up, do you ever build yourself up? It's not selfish to be good to you. The more you applaud yourself, the less depended you are on other people's applause. And the more secure you are going to be.
Sep 29
Find meaning in job
Sep 29
⚽ Téléfoot
Sep 29
🔥 Fire Force
Sep 29
🏉 Rugby Club
Sep 30
Sex isn't love.
- What's that mean?
- That means that you were sitting there with all these feelings incredible feelings, tied up in a box with my pictures. And I needed to break away from Alec.
🎞️ St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
Sep 30
What's the big deal here? You lost a job? I've lost 20 of them since graduation. Plus a wife and kid. In a new development, a handful of hair in the shower this morning. You know ...this smells to me like a little bit of self-created drama. I should know. I've been starring in a few of my own.
🎞️ St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
Sep 30
Jules, you know honey, this isn't real. You know what it is? It's St. Elmo's fire. The electric flashes of light that appear in dark skies out of nowhere. Sailors would guide entire journeys by it. But there was no fire. There wasn't even a St. Elmo. They made it up because they needed it to keep going when things got tough. Just like you're making up all of this. We're all going through this. It's our time on the edge.
🎞️ St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
Sep 30
I never thought I'd be so tired at 22. I just don't even know who to be anymore.
- Join the club. No one was buying this together-woman-of-the-eighties stuff anyway.
- And all this time I was afraid you'd find out I wasn't fabulous.
- It's cool. All this time I was afraid you'd find out I was irresponsible.
🎞️ St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
Sep 30
All of the sudden she found herself worried about whether her identity could make her a target online. In particular because she is a part of LGBT community.
- Sometimes your identity impacts how people see you or interact with you on the internet. And I was nervous about is this going to be safe.
- That is why Amanda phoned her friend to stay with her if things get ugly.
- Having a back-up plan is never a bad idea.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Why Do You Hate Me? USA
Sep 30
🇫🇷 Provence - France's shining south
Sep 30
🎭 Giuseppe Verdi: Don Carlo
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