ponedjeljak, 1. srpnja 2024.

Mastodon 2024 July

 July 1, 2024

What if it's not necessarily social anxiety in the traditional sense? What if it's that you're not any good at small talk because you don't know how to be fake.
🟥 What If It's NOT Social Anxiety?


Jul 1, 2024

I'm all about going internal. It's all about bringing out what your personal connection is to the situation that you are in. Work meeting – and you're scared to stand up because of that phobia. Well my suggestion is what are you connected to in the work meeting, why are you there in the first place. Start to ask yourself powerful questions around why am I here, how am I associated with this situation, what am I going to contribute?
🟥 Reframe Your Social Anxiety

Reframe Your Social Anxiety and Speaking Phobia

32 views  26 Jun 2024
Do you struggle with social anxiety that results in fear of speaking up and judgment of sounding stupid? Do you pass on opportunities to contribute to group discussions? 

Laura coaches you to shift your perspective by diverting your attention away from anxiety about speaking to focus on your connection with the speaking situation. 

Approaching all situations where you feel unskilled at speaking with a new attitude and mindset, while not a cure for social anxiety, is a manageable option to be present with your purpose for speaking and connecting with the other people involved.

Jul 1

Are they going to think I'm weird. Or are they analyzing my entire body, what I'm wearing. Or are they going to think I'm not good enough. I do know that a lot of people lack depth and self-love. You can only perceive somebody as deeply as you've perceived yourself. So when I'm surrounded with people that don't even love themselves, they're going to look at me with hatred and that's the energy they put out towards me.
🟥 TheAlternativePopPrincess


Jul 2

📺 Top Shows 2023-2024 in USA

 Variety 05.29.2024

Jul 2

🔵Les Tuniques Bleues 59- Les quatre evangelistes

Jul 3

⭐ Raffaella Carra

Oggi - 30 Maggio 2024

Jul 3

🇮🇹 Grado

Gente Italia N.22 - 8 Giugno 2024

Jul 3

🇧🇪  Les Tuniques Bleues albums


Jul 3

🗞️ Fievre Printaniere


Jul 3

🎨 Start Sketching & Drawing - Facial Anatomy

 Jul 3

🗿 Camus wrote, “We must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
life just doesn’t have any inherent meaning. We’re all just rolling boulders up our particular hills. We can, however, choose to give meaning to what we do. After all, for the existentialists, we decide what to value, so when we throw ourselves into
a task, it becomes filled with meaning – a meaning we give it.
Philosophy Now 06.07 2024

Jul 3

📰 How philosophy can teach us to be less anxious about being anxious by understanding that it’s an essential part of being human
Philosophy Now 06.07 2024

Jul 3

📜 Gods of Egypt

All About History - History Of Paganism 6th Edition 2024

Jul 3

“Do not insult crocodile while your feet are still in the water” African proverb. You don't want to irritate someone dangerous while you are close enough to be harmed. Don't call them out when you are in proximity to get hurt. You may call them out when it isn't right and none of it works. You may try popular technique that therapist swear by: you will share your feelings and use “I” statements. I feel angry, sad, hurt. With narc you won't get empathy.
🟥 DoctorRamani

Jul 3

A mistake I see people repeatedly make is to attempt to engage the narcissistic person. I see people hiring reconciliation experts. Once in a blue moon this works, to get lighter penalty narc capitulate. Typically not because they had a meaningful shift. I know this sounds defeatist, hopeless. These styles are rigid, dysregulated, un-insightful, punitive, and dismissive of any human being or feelings. Ideally just get away, narc isn't listening anyhow.
🟥 DoctorRamani

Jul 3

Dr Allen Francis expert in personality disorders, he wrote diagnostic criteria for NPD he's pointed out the dangers in this diagnosis. Once we diagnose someone we run the risk of putting their behavior under umbrella of “illness”, which in many cases then ends up as excuse. Saying someone has disorder is like “Hey I have an illness, I can't help that I don't have empathy” then in essence becomes you can medicalize their meanness and use it as excuse.
🟥 DoctorRamani

Jul 3

Be judicious with this word narcissism. It's overused so it's losing its meaning. Don't get caught up in trying to find all the narcissistic people in your midst. Or trying to figure if someone is indeed narcissistic 10 minutes after meeting them. But instead focus on if their behavior feels uncomfortable, and invalidating. And if it does – that should be enough of the reason to step back, step away, slow down or get out. Don't doubt yourself.
🟥 DoctorRamani

Jul 3

Concept of mask and persona. Remember: When the narcissist is pro-social, when he is communal, when he is kind, and emphatic and compassionate and understanding, rescuing, saving, fixing, that's a mask. When the narcissist is aggressive and abusive and anti-social, that's a mask. When narcissist is neither – that is mask. You never see the narcissist. You never get a glimpse of narcissist. The mask has replaced a narcissist, took over. False self.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

You know my view – there's no such thing as self, individual, or personality. We are all the outcomes of the intersections with other people. We are relational creatures. This is Object relations from 1960s. We need to start with society and then hone in to person-hood. Persona in Jung is the public face that the individual presents to the outside world. Jung makes distinction between who you really are and facade, presentation to the world.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

Chasm, break of our core and what we signal. In the case of narcissism, the mask is the narcissist. There is no divorce between the mask and essential narcissist. There is no core. No identity. There is no essence. There is nobody there. It's a black hole. Nothingness in a bad sense. It's a void covered by/with a mask. In narcissism inside was demolished and eradicated in early childhood, all that is left is presentation.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

Reminiscent of Wizard of Oz. Erving Goffman – what do we really know about other people? What do people tell us about themselves. What do they broadcast? And how manipulative is this? When we come face to face with another person, are we really interacting with someone there or are we stupidly interacting with the mask? When people take off their masks, what then? Or do they always wear mask? At work, mask with boss. At home mask of father?
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

Terrifying questions. Because we have this underlying assumptions that self-reporting is reliable. Totality of sociology and psychology rely heavily and crucially on self-reporting. The vast majority of psychology tests rely on self-reporting. Even tests for psychopathy and narcissism ironically and idiotically rely on self-reporting. But if self-reporting is done by mask, then we are in trouble. We are fed with wrong information. Mask and person beneath.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

The mask is shaped, formed, designed to feel comfortable. Ego-syntonic. So when you come up with mask, to show your boss or wife or to show in church, you would design a mask in a way that would not create much dissonance. Even is mask is stripped in cataclysmic event, stress, the difference between you and mask is very small. If you are healthy, if you are normal. If you are narcissist there is no difference, you are the mask, only the mask.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

Healthy, normal people assume roles that already exists, preexisting roles. They fit in, mold, flow into the roles. They become father, employee, soldier, but all these roles have been defined 1000 years ago. Not so the narcissist. Narcissist creates his role his mask from scratch. Because of no authenticity. He doesn't know who he is, he doesn't know which pre-existing roles would fit. Highly fragile, vulnerable, highly sensitive to criticism, resembles someone with AvPD

Jul 3

Narcissist says, I may look ridiculous, I may end up being criticized, by myself at least, harsh inner critic. I may fail. I shouldn't take this chance. Because my “personality” so to speak is so precariously balanced – I could fall apart, narcissistic injury, collapse, mortification. To avoid these outcomes narc designs his own roles, custom made. Roles narcissists assume are idiosyncratic. They can't fit other people. Renders narc empty social, can't fit in
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

Outcome of anxiety, panic. If you don't control impression, other people may do bad things to you. If you present yourself as evil, dangerous or selfish – people retaliate, people punish you. So impression management is crucial survival strategy, to escape disapproval. Behave in a way that is consistent with the target. Everyone manipulates everyone. All our behaviors are manipulative, we secure outcomes by modify outcomes of impressions of other people.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 3

If you talk to a narcissist with great communication skills, openess and kind honesty, this is an instant setup for catastrophe.

Jul 3

The mistake that so much of the guidance on communication makes is that it doesn't couch it in a fundamental truth – communication only works with two healthy self-aware well-regulated non-antagonistic people. Otherwise it's worthless – like having just one shoe when you need two. Communication is magnificent tool for building closeness, intimacy, connection, and safety when the other person is communicable: self aware, emphatic, present.
🟥 DoctorRamani

Narcissistic relationships RUIN your COMMUNICATION SKILLS

3 Jul 2024


Jul 3

🇮🇪 The beautiful golden sands at the historic port town of Youghal

DK Back Roads Ireland

Jul 3

🎹 Genesis, When In Rome

Rome, July 14, 2007: filmed footage of the last European date of the “Turn It On Again Tour”, in which Genesis performed at the Circo Massimo in Rome in front of approximately 500,000 spectators. The setlist included the songs 'Invisible Touch', 'Mama', 'No Son Of Mine', and 'I Can't Dance'.


 Jul 3

🏀 Basket-ball - Match de préparation au Tournoi masculin des Jeux

Jul 4

🎹 Imagine Dragons au château de Chambord

For its second edition, Chambord Live welcomes the band Imagine Dragons. The multi-platinum rock band has announced 9 new concerts in Europe and the Middle East as part of their Mercury World Tour. The tour celebrates the release of their album "Mercury Acts". For several years, Chambord Live has offered an eclectic musical program spanning the centuries.

Jul 4

⚽ Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa, 2024-07-03, 23-06-26, Boing HD

Jul 4

Gabor Maté says attachment will always override authenticity in our subconscious. That we will always choose our sense of belonging – even if it's skewed sense of belonging and we will mute our  sense of authentic expression. This is one of the reasons why as grown adult the phrases “don't cry”, “stop crying”, “don't be sad” I'm sensitive to those. Because I know that people that told me those things did not mean well. "I don't like you"
🟥 Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté


Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

451 views  29 Jun 2024  The Wild Edges of Being Human Podcast with Allison Crow
Lessons I've Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

In today's episode (which is also available as an audio podcast), I delve into lessons learned from one of my favorite teachers and approaches: Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry. 

 I explore his method as a facilitator, the importance of gaining consent, his views on addiction as attempts to solve suffering, and authenticity versus attachment. Reflecting on his teachings, I discuss the impact of the “still-face experiment” and how connection to self is crucial in our healing journeys. I'll also share insights on overfunctioning as a coping mechanism and Gabor's perspective on thriving in a sick world. Join me as we reconnect with ourselves and each other.

00:00 Introduction to Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry
00:45 Facilitation Techniques and Interruptions
02:37 The Role of Consent in Facilitation
03:07 Understanding Addiction and Suffering
06:56 The Still Face Experiment
10:23 Authenticity vs. Attachment
18:01 Overfunctioning and Coping Mechanisms
20:46 The Impact of a Sick World on Emotional Health
22:45 Present Moment Awareness and Self-Connection

Jul 4

Concept of people who over-function and people who under-function. I learned that my over-functioning is one of the ways that I cope with being disconnected. Because it makes me feel busy, it makes me feel productive, like I'm doing something. It's a way we're trying to regulate ourselves. But we're oversourcing by over-functioning. Coping mechanisms are not inherently bad, it's just are they useful at the time, healthy? To stay protected
🟥 Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté

Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

451 views  29 Jun 2024  The Wild Edges of Being Human Podcast with Allison Crow
Lessons I've Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

In today's episode (which is also available as an audio podcast), I delve into lessons learned from one of my favorite teachers and approaches: Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry. 

 I explore his method as a facilitator, the importance of gaining consent, his views on addiction as attempts to solve suffering, and authenticity versus attachment. Reflecting on his teachings, I discuss the impact of the “still-face experiment” and how connection to self is crucial in our healing journeys. I'll also share insights on overfunctioning as a coping mechanism and Gabor's perspective on thriving in a sick world. Join me as we reconnect with ourselves and each other.

00:00 Introduction to Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry
00:45 Facilitation Techniques and Interruptions
02:37 The Role of Consent in Facilitation
03:07 Understanding Addiction and Suffering
06:56 The Still Face Experiment
10:23 Authenticity vs. Attachment
18:01 Overfunctioning and Coping Mechanisms
20:46 The Impact of a Sick World on Emotional Health
22:45 Present Moment Awareness and Self-Connection

 Jul 4

Disconnection from yourself is the ultimate trauma. Authenticity versus attachment. Authenticity gets sacrificed when attachment is threatened. “I won't be loved so I'll suppress my true self”.
🟥 Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté

Lessons Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

451 views  29 Jun 2024  The Wild Edges of Being Human Podcast with Allison Crow
Lessons I've Learned from Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry

In today's episode (which is also available as an audio podcast), I delve into lessons learned from one of my favorite teachers and approaches: Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry. 

 I explore his method as a facilitator, the importance of gaining consent, his views on addiction as attempts to solve suffering, and authenticity versus attachment. Reflecting on his teachings, I discuss the impact of the “still-face experiment” and how connection to self is crucial in our healing journeys. I'll also share insights on overfunctioning as a coping mechanism and Gabor's perspective on thriving in a sick world. Join me as we reconnect with ourselves and each other.

00:00 Introduction to Gabor Maté and Compassionate Inquiry
00:45 Facilitation Techniques and Interruptions
02:37 The Role of Consent in Facilitation
03:07 Understanding Addiction and Suffering
06:56 The Still Face Experiment
10:23 Authenticity vs. Attachment
18:01 Overfunctioning and Coping Mechanisms
20:46 The Impact of a Sick World on Emotional Health
22:45 Present Moment Awareness and Self-Connection

Jul 4


Jul 4

🇺🇲 Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Auf dem Mauna Kea, dem höchsten Berg der hawaiischen Inselkette, spielt sich ein Drama um das geplante Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) ab. Der "heilige Berg" wird zum Schauplatz eines Konflikts.

Jul 4

🇦🇹 Karawanken

Wie vor 200 Jahren kann man in der wilden, unberührten Einsamkeit des Dreiländerecks Italien-Slowenien-Österreich auch heute wieder dem Braunbären begegnen, dem größten Beutegreifer Europas.

Jul 4

🥋 Fight Hard, Fight Fair – MMA-Kämpfer in Deutschland

Fight Hard, Fight Fair – MMA fighters in Germany

Jul 4

🇳🇿 New Zealand

Nouvelle-Zélande, l'aventure aux antipodes, 2024-07-04, 09-28-43, Arte

Jul 4

🇫🇷 Mont-Saint-Michel

Les 100 lieux qu'il faut voir

Jul 4

🗞️ What if...

 Alternative history is a fascinating and increasingly popular topic that continues to ignite people’s imaginations many years after the real-life events in question unfolded. In this brand-new volume of What if… Book of Alternative History we speak to experts to try to uncover how the world might look or events may have unfolded if some of history’s key moments had turned out differently.

Jul 4

🎭 L'Italiana in Algeri

 Special TV edition of Rossini's L'Italiana in Algeri directed by Ugo Gregoretti and musically conducted by Gary Bertini. Protagonists on stage Sesto Bruscantini, Norma Rossi Palacios, Gigliola Caputi, Alfredo Mariotti, Ugo Benelli, Enzo Dara

 Jul 5

But what about your own behavior? Your own repetitive behavior that you've been taught in dysfunction to react to these people.
🟥 theforensicbadass


Jul 5

Vulnerability is in fact the most beautiful part of yourself. It's what makes you human, poetic. But when you come from a narcissistic family system, you're taught that your vulnerability made you weak. That your emotions made you target of abuse. “Your vulnerability puts you at risk”. That cycle of shame through life that comes from your family of origin that you may carry quietly as adult and relationships is critical issue and focus.
🟥 DoctorRamani

4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel

4 Jul 2024





Jul 5

I'm amazed how many people who have endured harassment in workplace actually feel ashamed. They weren't perpetrator, this was something that was done to them. But it highlights again that dynamic of being in those relationships and how they often trigger and activate that shame dynamic. Cut to the core of that shame. Shame is imprisoning them. It comes from legacy issues of narcissistic family – came from damaged place.
🟥 DoctorRamani

4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel
4 Jul 2024



Jul 5

You may have come from dysfunctional family, that doesn't make you damaged. That is simply a part of your story. But if you carry that identity that you are somehow shameful and damaged – the choices you make in your life are going to be in line with that identity. Your narcissistic family has already harmed you enough. Don't let them keep harming you by holding on to identity they put on you of you being less than. They didn't have psychology in order.
🟥 DoctorRamani

4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel
4 Jul 2024




Jul 5

You can't win if you set boundaries because you're going to feel guilty for setting that limit though it's only healthy thing to do. You can't win if you stay silent –you feel guilty for creating tension in the relationship. You can't win if you think a bad thought about them –you feel guilty for being a rotten person. Everywhere you turn it's guilt, guilt, guilt. That's how trauma bonding relationships work. You become your own worse judge, jury and enemy.
🟥 DoctorRamani

4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel
4 Jul 2024





Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2fUMDuT...
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/how-...
iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-n...

Jul 5

You simply feel guilty for being a human being. In therapy we can take that in and dismantle it. Half of work in therapy is to say – You didn't do anything wrong. Guilt is a monster that not only get people into narcissistic relationships, it keeps them in, and it makes it hard to get out or set boundaries. That experience of guilt is classical part of narcissistic abuse.
🟥 DoctorRamani
4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel
4 Jul 2024




Jul 5

In the absence of feeling any power in a situation people also feel a lack of control which is magnified by being in a narcissistic relationship. And when we don't feel a sense of control, we become very, very anxious. Narcissists do want all the power, it destabilizes them too much if they share it, don't have empathy enough to share power. Narcissists exert power in many ways: intimidation, coercive control, manipulation, money, insults, isolation...
🟥 DoctorRamani

4 ways people TRAPPED in narcissistic relationships feel
4 Jul 2024





Jul 5

🚋 San Francisco

Des trains pas comme les autres, 2024-07-04, 21-20-29, France 5

“Trains like no other” cross San Francisco Bay for a flamboyant journey
Join us in San Francisco for the start of a new season of this informative, entertaining and unpretentious railway documentary series.

Philippe Gougler is inaugurating this Thursday a fourteenth season of his televised railtrip full of discoveries and great encounters. Before embarking for Bavaria, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Laos and Vietnam, it is in San Francisco that he invites us for a trip to California, but also in time. From the ancient cable car, a legendary tramway that crisscrosses the city, contributing to its local color since the 19th century, and whose operation and malfunctions we discover, to the autonomous taxis that have been in operation for two years, which cause a few scares to our Frenchie guide, this new issue revisits no less than a century and a half of transport history.

Jul 5

🚋 San Francisco
Des trains pas comme les autres, 2024-07-04, 21-20-29, France 5

Jul 5

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-04, 16-32-00, L'Equipe

Jul 5

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-04, 16-32-00, L'Equipe

Jul 5

And when she first come to me, she was fat and mean and grumpy as a hog at hog-calling time.
 But look at her now. ... Well, she's a fine figure of a lady. But what's most important, Your Honor, is that... Well, she's changed inside, too. I mean, she don't hold a grudge no more. And she's got a kind, loving spirit. ..Why, she come to life on the river, sir, and she got her soul back! I mean, it was all shriveled up in that big, elegant house.
🎞️ Tammy Tell Me True (1961)

Tammy Tell Me True is a 1961 American Eastmancolor comedy film directed by Harry Keller and starring Sandra Dee and John Gavin, Beulah Bondi, Charles Drake, Virginia Grey and Julia Meade.

Jul 5

🇮🇪 Secluded cove near Bunmahon on County Waterford's Copper Coast

DK Back Roads Ireland

Jul 6

🇧🇪 Tintin

Les aventures de Tintin, 2024-07-05, 21-17-51, Gulli

Jul 7

I knew someone who told me every time I go to a restaurant I get the worst service. It never fails, that he said. And he was right, every time I was with him he got the worst service. One day I finally said to him, It's always going to happen to you as long as you think like that, and talk like that. I know it's simple thing but it's example how we allow things to effect us in a negative way. One decision–to choose life
✝️ Silencing The Victim Mentality | Lisa Osteen Comes


7,035 views  Premiered on 4 Jul 2024  #LakewoodChurch #Worship #Hope
When the enemy roars, roar right back. Lisa Osteen Comes delivers what you need to mute the lies that try to keep you captive in this powerful premiere message, Silencing the Victim Mentality.

Jul 7

“Why me” areas. Trying to figure things out. If we are not careful, we will try to reason everything out. And I found out – we can't do it. Our finite mind we cannot figure it all out. We don't have to have answers to all those questions. The main thing is to just say Lord help me. Another characteristic is that victim relies on people for contentment. Victim lives from fear. Victor lives from the place of faith. Step into faith level.
✝️ Silencing The Victim Mentality

Jul 7

Don Ameche playing old in Heaven Can Wait (1943) versus being old in Trading Places (1983)

Jul 7

⚽ Téléfoot. 'Téléfoot 27'..., 2024-07-07, 11-00-19, TF1

Jul 7

🏊‍♂️ Cliff diving, Polignano a mare

Rai Sport HD

Jul 7

🏊‍♂️ Cliff diving, Polignano a mare

Jul 7

Simpsons Comics #147 is the one-hundred and forty-seventh issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in October 2008.

Jul 7

Jul 8

🐬 Grands reportages. 'Odyssée..., 2024-07-07, 15-03-07, TF1

From the Balearic Islands to the Cyclades, via the French, Italian or Croatian islands, there are several dozen islands in the Mediterranean. These confetti of land lost in the open sea conceal an infinite variety of landscapes, cultures, gastronomy and natural or historical treasures.

Jul 8


Jul 8

Because of intermittent reinforcement. We hope (against the evidence) to get the good (which sometimes comes) more consistently.


Jul 8

🎶 Baby Rose - One Last Dance (2024)

You know I still remember
Tried so hard but I can't forget you
And I know that things have changed
Didn't think I'd see you again

I know you'll be alright
If you never see me again
But for old times
Give me one last dance


Are you doing better?
Now you're here looking good as ever
Know that things have changed
Didn't think I'd see you again

I know you'll be alright
If you never see me again
Oh, but for old times
Just give me one more dance

Ooh, ooh
Yeah, hey, hey, hey, yeah (ooh)

I know you'll be alright
If you never see me again
Baby, I know
Oh, but for old times
Just give me one more chance

Know you'll be alright
If you never see me again
Ohh, ohh
But for old times
Just give me one more chance, yeah

Ooh (one more)
Ooh (give me one more)

Jul 8

Simpsons Comics #148 is the one-hundred and forty-eighth issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the United Kingdom on July 31, 2008.

Jul 9

🟦 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832)

Jul 9

I have an inner voice which is myself trying to explain/justify myself to an imaginary listener who might finally understand


Jul 9

Human connection does not require you to be perfect. And in fact, the most deep and resilient form of human connection actually comes from sharing our vulnerabilities and our struggles with people but this is not something that comes naturally to you if you have toxic shame or CPTSD.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

The Inner Critic: What It Is & How It Alerts Us To Shame-Bound Needs

32,789 views  3 Jul 2024
   • How Being 'Hard On Ourselves' Sabotag...

Jul 9

Grandiosity is a cognitive distortion. We all have cognitive biases. Some of us even have cognitive distortions. And yet we are still being considered to be normal and healthy. So what's the difference when it comes to the narcissist? The narcissist's grandiosity is cognitive distortion, narcissist is emotionally invested in distorting reality so it affirms, confirms and supports his inflated fantastic view of himself. To fend off shame. No grandiosity: BPD
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Stop Talking to the Mentally Deaf

51,306 views  17 Jul 2023  Nothingness and Mental Health
WATCH Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech    • Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech  

Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability. 

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception 

Frames of reference (framing)

Jul 9

Our brain keeps generating internal voices. And these internal voices keep telling us this is what's going to happen, you should get prepared, you've done wrong, you've done right, this is the way to do it etc. These voices keep talking to us. They are introjects. If the voices, content of internal speech matches reality, the brain discounts the reality. The brain listens to internal voices and prefers them to reality.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Jul 9

While normal healthy people prefer internal speech to external reality if the two match. The narcissist prefers the internal speech to external reality if they do not match. The narcissist is a mirror image of a normal healthy human being. The narcissist's brain will ignore the reality because it is uncomfortable, challenging, countervailing, undermining, contradictory, dissonant. Then narcissist withdraws inside- selective auditory attention.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Stop Talking to the Mentally Deaf

51,306 views  17 Jul 2023  Nothingness and Mental Health
WATCH Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech    • Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech  

Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability. 

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception 

Frames of reference (framing)

Jul 9

Selective auditory attention – external voices get stuck in a very narrow neck of imaginary bottle so they don't get through narcissist. Narc shuts you up, consequently unable to understand what you are saying. This leads to dissociation, amnesia, memory gaps. “You said something else” even if you produce recording what you said – your auditory input never reached his brain because he was engaged in selective hearing. Filtering your speech and enhancing.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Stop Talking to the Mentally Deaf

51,306 views  17 Jul 2023  Nothingness and Mental Health
WATCH Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech    • Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech  

Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability. 

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception 

Frames of reference (framing)

Jul 9

Selective hearing is a normal process. Everyone has selective hearing. For example talk to someone at cocktail party, focused on that person. Selective hearing becomes pathologized, malignant, and dysfunctional and maladaptive in sensory processing disorders. Narcissist has selective retention – remember accurately messages that reflected his interests, values, beliefs, grandiose image, working theories about other people's minds.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Stop Talking to the Mentally Deaf

51,306 views  17 Jul 2023  Nothingness and Mental Health
WATCH Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech    • Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech  

Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability. 

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception 

Frames of reference (framing)

Jul 9

Narcissist's problem is that his frames are idiosyncratic. These frames are non-communicable because they are too individual. There's not enough sharing of meaning. Narcissist's internal speech is so unique to him that it's largely non-communicable. Narcissist face huge communication barriers and tries to compensate for that by pretending to be someone who he's not. So that people can interact with that. Not with him directly. Ever. That is - False self.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Stop Talking to the Mentally Deaf

51,306 views  17 Jul 2023  Nothingness and Mental Health
WATCH Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech    • Expose Narcissist’s Secret Speech  

Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability. 

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception 

Frames of reference (framing)

Jul 9

🗑️ Basket-ball 🇫🇷 - 🇩🇪

Basket-ball - avant-match, 2024-07-08, 21-04-26, L'Equipe

Jul 9

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-09, 16-26-38, L'Equipe

Jul 9

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-09, 17-31-50, L'Equipe

Jul 10

🇸🇪 Midnight sun at Jokkmokk, Sweden


Jul 10

The next time you feel left out, your friends all go out to brunch together, and they don't invite you. Let them. Or person you're dating doesn't want commitment. Let them. Your company laying people off. Let them. You spend so much time and energy trying to control other people and getting emotionally worked up about things that are beyond your control. You can tap into peace and true control if you let them be themselves.
🟥 Mel Robbins

When people reveal who they really are | Mel Robbins #Shorts

Jul 10

Here's the other thing: if you let them – people will then reveal who they truly are. And when they reveal who they truly are to you, you now know what you can choose next what's right for you. So let them.
🟥 Mel Robbins

Jul 10

⚽ Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa, 2024-07-05, 23-21-25, Boing HD


Jul 10

🇫🇷 La Réunion

 Les 100 lieux qu'il faut voir, 2024-07-10, 16-11-49, France 5

Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean, is known for its volcanic, rainforested interior, coral reefs and beaches. Its most iconic landmark is Piton de la Fournaise, a climbable active volcano standing 2,632m (8,635 ft.). Piton des Neiges, a massive extinct volcano, and Réunion’s 3 calderas (natural amphitheaters formed by collapsed volcanoes), are also climbing destinations. ― Google
Capital: Saint-Denis
Area: 2,512 km²
Population: 859,959 (Jan 2020)
Official language: French
Dialing code: +262
Currency: Euro (€) (EUR)
Demonym: Réunionese

Documentaire découvertes

Jul 10

🍶 SodaStream Art is a new Sparkling Water Maker that features a retro-looking design and Quick Connect technology for fast and easy CO2 cylinder insertion.

Maison & Travaux_2024_07_08

Jul 10

What has sustained me and helped me through these really terrible times that I've had in my life is the love that I look in both your eyes and in your faces. Interest, attention. I hope you feel it from me, because it's a reciprocal feeling. Give each other joy and you get it back. To me, that's the purpose of living and the life's experiences. Movies, big deal. I'm not that interested in making movies anymore. As let people enjoy being around me.
🟥 Tony Curtis

Why Marilyn Monroe Drove Tony Curtis Crazy

151,981 views  7 Jul 2024  #RollingStones #TonyCurtis #CelebrityInterviews
Tony Curtis shares his frustrations working with Marilyn Monroe on Some Like It Hot due to her chronic lateness. Subscribe for more celebrity moments: bit.ly/CelebsUpClose

🎥 Speaking in 1984 on Aspel & Co.

Britain's premier talk show host, Michael Aspel, presents the highly popular Aspel and Company, the show famous for its exclusive interviews with the world's biggest stars.

Jul 11

🏡 Maison Créative


Jul 11

Very hot weather

Jul 11

🏉 Rugby 🇺🇾 - 🇫🇷

Rugby - avant-match, 2024-07-10, 18-56-00, L'Equipe

Jul 11

🏉 Rugby 🇺🇾 - 🇫🇷

Rugby - avant-match, 2024-07-10, 18-56-00, L'Equipe

Jul 11

🏉 Rugby 🇺🇾 - 🇫🇷

Rugby - Test-match, 2024-07-10, 19-57-47, L'Equipe

Jul 11

🇩🇪 Der SAT.1 Discounter-Check! Aldi, Lidl, Penny & Co

Germany discounter country! Nowhere else are there as many discounters as we do. As a result „ The SAT.1 discounter check! “ compares the SAT.1 brand check team to the four big players in the industry: Aldi, Lidl, Netto and Penny. What makes companies so successful? What distinguishes them? And which discounter saves the most money? Together with families when shopping and respected experts, this check gets to the bottom of the secrets of the discounter industry: What can baked goods from the discounter do? What is the difference between special offer and campaign? And what about the own brands?

Germany is discounterland, in no other country in the world are there as many discounters as in this country. Which is no wonder, because: 97 percent of Germans over the age of 18 regularly buy from Aldi, Lidl & Co. In this respect, it seems understandable that the checkers of Sat.1 would like to go through the discounters: Maybe 97 percent of Germans want to know what they are spending their money on?

„ The SAT.1 discounter check “ sounds from the start as if there is already an advertising break: Reinhard Giese, Managing Director of Aldi, may rave about the „ significant price advantages “ at the discounter, even the commercial of the discounter – slogan: „ Good for everyone “ – is shown. For Lidl, purchasing manager Christoph Graf claims: „ We always try to offer the customer the best possible price-performance ratio. “ At the same time, the quality of the goods comes first. No PR department can dream of this more beautifully.

Netto therefore sends the head of communication in front of the camera with Christina Stylianou, who emphasizes that brand quality is also at an affordable price. For Penny, press spokesman Andreas Krämer states that you are the discounter with a human face: cheap with a heart, so to speak.

The certified discounters themselves select the branches in which the test buyers and camera team may be on the go. In the test penny, the test subjects rave about it unsurprisingly: „ Everything nice and clear, I find it very inviting. “ Investigative research looks different: Günter Wallraff was never further away.

The Sat.1 team at Penny is said to be exclusively responsible for the development of a new sugar-free fruit gum as a private label. And gives the discounter a PR platform. What is in the drop instead of sugar and how compatible are the substitutes? Does not care about the SAT.1 check. For this, the packs are very laid on the shelves. So that the curious consumer can find them on the next shopping trip.

The fun of bread ends
Food technologist Dr. Stephan Lück touch the discounters a little harder. In a direct comparison of the in-house mixed wheat bread, his conclusion is: at best okay in terms of texture, smell and taste. In his opinion, the price-performance ratio is still right: cheap goods can also taste cheap.

Fast food provider, frozen pizzas, online retail: For some years now on TV simply checked everything that people use or need in everyday life. As a rule, actual tests are not involved: arbitrary rules, soft wax judgments, low-effect conclusions lead the pseudo-checks to absurdity. The supposedly tested are happy: free advertising outside of advertising breaks!

It would be nice if someone finally tackled the large „ Check-Check “ and mercilessly opposed these advertising variants disguised as tests. But which transmitter would be interested in this form of nest pollution? Then prefer to continue selling the TV people for stupid.

TV column „ The SAT.1 discounter check! “This consumer documentary about Aldi, Lidl and Netto wants to sell us for stupid

Jul 12

🎨 Brunson sketch


Jul 12

Detachment does not mean you have no emotions. A complete absence of emotions in my opinion is not something we should be striving for. Unfortunately many men do succeed in functionally divorcing yourself from their emotional experience. At great cost to themselves. It generally requires some degree of self-violence in order to amputate a component of your lived experience. Can't do this completely so they arrive at place of anger. That's no way to live life.
🟥 PsycHacks

Understanding EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT: the key to resilience

130,309 views  1 Dec 2023  #psychology #resilience #emotional
Buy my book, "The Value of Others"
Ebook: https://amzn.to/460uGrA
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3YfFwbx
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3xQuIFK
Emotional detachment is perhaps the most essential emotional survival strategy. Without it, you resign yourself to ride the emotional roller coaster: at the mercy of the ever-shifting whims of fate. However, emotional detachment is often misunderstood. In this episode, I will discuss what it is and what it isn't. Master this skill, and you'll be able to swim in even the deepest waters.

Jul 12

Emotional detachment does not mean that you dissociate from your emotional experience or that you alienate yourself from your feeling sensitivity. We do not want to become unfeeling rocks. This is an extreme solution. We also do not want the other extreme solution – which we might call Emotional fusion. When fused - There is no space between his felt experience and his being. In fusion - He is his emotional experience. Wears his heart on sleeve. Rollercoaster
🟥 PsycHacks

Understanding EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT: the key to resilience
130,309 views  1 Dec 2023  #psychology #resilience #emotional
Buy my book, "The Value of Others"
Ebook: https://amzn.to/460uGrA
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3YfFwbx
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3xQuIFK
Emotional detachment is perhaps the most essential emotional survival strategy. Without it, you resign yourself to ride the emotional roller coaster: at the mercy of the ever-shifting whims of fate. However, emotional detachment is often misunderstood. In this episode, I will discuss what it is and what it isn't. Master this skill, and you'll be able to swim in even the deepest waters.

Jul 12

In my opinion it's better to hold our emotions gently and to consider them in light of multiple sources of information – our reason, our senses, to decrease the likelihood that we're being misled. In this way we can consider emotions to be a source of information among many other sources of information. Watching your emotions – that is emotional detachment. Experiencing your emotions at arms length. This allows you to consider information or even wisdom.
🟥 PsycHacks

Understanding EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT: the key to resilience

130,309 views  1 Dec 2023  #psychology #resilience #emotional
Buy my book, "The Value of Others"
Ebook: https://amzn.to/460uGrA
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3YfFwbx
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3xQuIFK
Emotional detachment is perhaps the most essential emotional survival strategy. Without it, you resign yourself to ride the emotional roller coaster: at the mercy of the ever-shifting whims of fate. However, emotional detachment is often misunderstood. In this episode, I will discuss what it is and what it isn't. Master this skill, and you'll be able to swim in even the deepest waters.

Jul 12

Emotional fusion is like drowning. And Emotional amputation is like staying as far away from water as possible. Then emotional attachment is like swimming. In the water but not of the water. Our emotions are actually really important sources of information for us. We typically need our emotions in order to make good decisions.
🟥 PsycHacks

Understanding EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT: the key to resilience

130,309 views  1 Dec 2023  #psychology #resilience #emotional
Buy my book, "The Value of Others"
Ebook: https://amzn.to/460uGrA
Audiobook: https://amzn.to/3YfFwbx
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3xQuIFK
Emotional detachment is perhaps the most essential emotional survival strategy. Without it, you resign yourself to ride the emotional roller coaster: at the mercy of the ever-shifting whims of fate. However, emotional detachment is often misunderstood. In this episode, I will discuss what it is and what it isn't. Master this skill, and you'll be able to swim in even the deepest waters.

Jul 12

Logic is different from rationalisation which isn't concerned with the truth, so in fact they often if not usually conflict with most people. As most people aren't interested in the truth.


Jul 12

it was my love, my energy and effort that made him special. Without it he, he is so ordinary
🟥 How to emotionally DETACH!


Jul 12

Assuming blame made me feel safe. If it was my fault then I had control over gaining a sense of safety outside of myself by being good enough one day. So I'll just try to be good enough, I'll try to be better, smarter, quieter, whatever it is I will try to be better. That gave me false sense of security. Knowing where this feeling of not being good enough came from. You don't feel forgiven enough- there is always more you should have done for people.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

Elevate Your Authenticity: Become Immune to Other People's Criticism

2,117 views  24 Jun 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

Elevate Your Authenticity: Embrace Mistakes and Let Go of Criticism with Lisa A. Romano

Join Lisa A. Romano in this transformative episode as she guides you on a journey to elevate your authenticity. Learn the power of embracing mistakes as stepping stones to growth and self-discovery. Discover how to withstand criticism without compromising your true self. Explore the liberating practice of letting go of attachment to specific outcomes, allowing you to flow effortlessly with life's unfolding.

Tune in for valuable insights and practical tools on:
- Embracing imperfection
- Standing strong in your authenticity
- Navigating the path to self-empowerment

Jul 13

Narcissistic people are actually very socially perceptive. That's how they get supply – they have to be able to read the room. That's how they get to be so successful. And on top of that they are very sensitive and mildly paranoid. So they actually personality things that have nothing to do with them. They notice EVERYTHING. Even what you need – but since they lack empathy they ignore it unless they do it to get something they need from you.
🟥 DoctorRamani

The Eggshell Paradox in Narcissistic Relationships

12 Jul 2024





Jul 13

🎵 Cassandra Jenkins - Delphinium Blue (2024)

I saw I missed your call
Sorry for not picking up
I got the job
At the flower shop
I sweep the floors but I'm talking to you
I see your eyes in the delphinium too
I've become a servant
To their blue
Chin up
Stay on task
Wash the windows
Count the cash
I picked up another couple of shifts
I hear your voice when I'm closing
Nights fall like thorns
Off the roses
All around me the narcissus bloom
I picture the sun hitting you
The air is filled
With their perfume
Chin up
Stay on task
Wash the windows
Count the cash
Cut the stems
To make them last
Keep it cool
Behind the glass
The air is filled

Jul 13

🎵 ANKO - Landing (2024)

"Landing" is the opening song of our new EP "Tides". It's an ode to the music we love to listen to: old school trip-hop with a modern take on production.

ANKO is a French musical duo created by Antoine Félix Martin and Nicolas de Ferran.
ANKO focuses on making beautiful tracks, drawing its inspiration from a large variety of artists such as Bonobo, Zero 7, Flying Lotus, Avishai Cohen, Robert Glasper and more.

Jul 14

🎇 Toulouse : le grand feu d'artifice
Orchestrated by Ruggieri, the world reference in pyrotechnics, the Toulouse fireworks display promises to be majestic thanks to an impressive device. It leaves from 49 barges moored in the middle of the Garonne between the Pont Neuf and St Michel, the Prairie des Filtres and the Quai de Tounis.

Toulouse - le grand feu..., 2024-07-13, 23-54-45, TF1

Jul 14

🎥 Gidget (1959)

A young girl discovers surfing and love (in that order) during one transitive summer.
Release date: 10 Apr 1959
Runtime: 95 min

Jul 14

🎨 D-Day 80

Jul 14

🇫🇷 Edition spéciale 14 juillet, 2024-07-14, 09-12-09, France 2

The military parade, exceptionally moved to Avenue Foch, celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Liberation and highlights the links between the armies and the values ​​of the Olympics, with many champions such as Marie-José Pérec, Brahim Asloum, Camille Lacourt and Arnaud Jerald. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the GIGN, France 2 also organized an exercise on the Fort Boyard site.

Jul 14

🇫🇷 Edition spéciale 14 juillet, 2024-07-14, 09-12-09, France 2

Jul 14

🇫🇷 Défilé du 14 juillet 2024...., 2024-07-14, 11-55-28, TF1

Jul 14

🇫🇷 Défilé du 14 juillet 2024...., 2024-07-14, 11-55-28, TF1

Throughout the morning, Anne-Claire Coudray, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, Gilles Bouleau and Bruce Toussaint, with the editorial journalists, bring to life the highlights of the July 14 parade, relocated for the first time to Avenue Foch in Paris.

Jul 14

Simpsons Comics #151 is the one-hundred and fifty-first issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in February 2009.

Jul 14

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
🟦  Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Nietzsche's quote “He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you” is a cautionary tale about the dangers of engaging in a struggle against an oppressive force.Mar 2, 2023

Fighting Monsters: The Danger of Losing Yourself in Left-Wing Activism

Jul 14

🇫🇷 Paris accueille la flamme olympique, 2024-07-14, 18-39-32, France 2

Jul 15

If you look things as a challenge versus a threat – you perform better. Eliminating anxiety of the future – because if I do it in this way, then things are going to go my way: OCD. I want to eliminate anxiety by controlling the future.
🟥 Firefighting with Brad


Jul 15

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-14, 19-01-41, L'Equipe

Jul 15

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-14, 19-01-41, L'Equipe

Jul 15

🏉 Rugby - Coupe du monde U20, 2024-07-14, 20-00-11, L'Equipe

Jul 15

🇫🇷 Le concert de Paris, 2024-07-14, 23-36-16, France 2

From the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville, in Paris. In this Olympic year, the City of Paris, France Télévisions, Radio France and Electron Libre Productions are pleased to offer viewers and listeners three exceptional moments in the same evening: the "Concert de Paris", the arrival of the Olympic flame on the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville and the lighting of the cauldron, then the grandiose fireworks display of the City of Paris, fired from the Eiffel Tower. The Orchestre National de France, the Maîtrise and the Choeur de Radio France, under the direction of Cristian Macelaru, as well as the greatest international soloists offered a grandiose evening on the theme of the Olympics, before singing a vibrant Marseillaise, for a moment of national unity. Including Khatia Buniatishvili, Lang Lang, and Renaud and Gautier Capuçon.

Jul 15

🇫🇷 Le concert de Paris, 2024-07-14, 23-36-16, France 2

From the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville, in Paris. In this Olympic year, the City of Paris, France Télévisions, Radio France and Electron Libre Productions are pleased to offer viewers and listeners three exceptional moments in the same evening: the "Concert de Paris", the arrival of the Olympic flame on the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville and the lighting of the cauldron, then the grandiose fireworks display of the City of Paris, fired from the Eiffel Tower. The Orchestre National de France, the Maîtrise and the Choeur de Radio France, under the direction of Cristian Macelaru, as well as the greatest international soloists offered a grandiose evening on the theme of the Olympics, before singing a vibrant Marseillaise, for a moment of national unity. Including Khatia Buniatishvili, Lang Lang, and Renaud and Gautier Capuçon.

Jul 15

🎥 Tom of Finland (2017)

Award-winning filmmaker Dome Karukoski brings to screen the life and work of artist Touko Valio Laaksonen (aka Tom of Finland), one of the most influential and celebrated figures of 20th-century gay culture.

Dome Karukoski
Aleksi BardyDome KarukoskiMark Alton Brown
Pekka StrangSeumas F. SargentChris Myland

Jul 16

I will learn how to think for myself

Jul 16

⚽ Football - Copa America, 2024-07-15, 21-12-39, L'Equipe

Jul 16

⚽ Football - Copa America, 2024-07-15, 21-12-39, L'Equipe

 Jul 16

⚽ Football - Copa America, 2024-07-15, 21-12-39, L'Equipe

Jul 16

If you're old, don't try to change yourself, change your environment.
🟦 B.F. Skinner

Jul 16

The environment shapes people's actions.
🟦 B.F. Skinner

Jul 16

The mob rushes in where individuals fear to tread.
🟦 B.F. Skinner

Jul 16

Behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences.
🟦 B.F. Skinner

Jul 16

Betrayal hurts. I do understand. But hanging onto that pain only makes it worse. You need to move past it. Find forgiveness.

Episode: 8487

Original Air Date: April 4, 2021

Jul 16

Simpsons Comics #152 is the one-hundred and fifty-second issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in March 2009.

Jul 16

Simpsons Comics #152 is the one-hundred and fifty-second issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in March 2009.

Jul 17

Induced conversation - Similar to baiting. You're there just observing and quiet, narcissist is going to induce some conversation and say “You seem awfully quiet over there, you're tired or insecure, sad” - they are trying to induce you into debating, into conversating with them. It's a ploy to make you vulnerable with something that has nothing to do with your vulnerabilities at all. Be careful for induced conversation, they're famous for this.
🟥 theforensicbadass


Jul 17

No contact is like we're looking at them but don't "see" them.


Jul 17

Narcissists perceives himself as perfect, for example that he is afraid to be discovered or uncovered or exposed, as imperfect – he feels like a fraud at all times. He feels that if people only known him better they would shunned him and avoided him -and you know what, he is right. Narcissistic Mortification is sudden sense of defeat – all his efforts to sell himself, fake it to make it, false self is crumbling.
🟥 Sam Vaknin

Narcissistic Mortification: FACTS, not YouTube NONSENSE
16 Jul 2024  Nothingness and Mental Health
Full text here: http://samvak.tripod.com/faq01.html

Narcissistic mortification, is, therefore, a sudden sense of defeat and loss of control over internal or external objects or realities, caused by an aggressing person or a compulsive trait or behavior. It produces disorientation and terror (distinct from anticipatory fear).

The entire personality is overwhelmed by impotent ineluctability and a lack of alternatives (inability to force objects to conform or to rely on their goodwill). Mortification reflects the activity of infantile strategies of coping with frustration or repression (such as grandiosity) and their attendant psychological defense mechanisms (for example, splitting, denial, or magical thinking).

Jul 17

You confront them and they are like Who have you been listening to? They turn the table. They're hoping creating doubt in you. They take moral high ground – become self righteous. They degrade your character, dehumanize you. “You are nobody”. They take themselves out of the equation.
🟥 Surviving Narcissism


7 Mind Games Narcssists Play When You Confront

16,167 views  Premiered on 11 Jul 2024
Even in the best relationships, confrontations can be necessary, and when managed well, they lead to adjustments and growth.  Narcissists dread being confronted, so instead of communicating cleanly, they play mind games.  Dr. Les Carter exposes seven of their most common games, showing you how to stay out of their unnecessary competitions for control.

If you are interested in online therapy, Dr. Carter has a sponsor who can assist.  Go to our sponsor https://betterhelp.com/drcarter for 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: https://www.betterhelp.com/your-quest...

Jul 17

Seeking other people's approval which is what my brain associated pleasure with, and did not know that at the opposite end of stick I lived in a constant fear of other people's disapproval. This pain versus pleasure pump was motivating all of my thinking, all feeling. My subconscious mind was being controlled with what happened in my childhood. Without awareness we continue to do what we have always done.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment
1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Are you codependent? Do you seek approval? Do you fear other people's opinions? Are you looking for a self help podcast, that is committed to self improvement, and are you someone who is willing to crush codependency and anxiety, even if doing so can cause you to feel uncomfortable? You need new habits, habits that will improve your life, mindset, relationships, and heal codependency.

Jul 17

You might have fear of disapproval and might not be aware of it. By becoming aware of your triggers and patterns, you can begin to recognize when these emotions are arising and take steps to address them. In this way we can develop mindfulness, journaling is great asset to help you tune to your inner dialogue and gain clarity on what's driving your fears. Meditation that address self awareness.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

We oftentimes take the blame – “it is our fault”. At subconscious level if it's our fault – we can fix it by avoiding acknowledging our fears of disapproval we can maintain a sense of safety and security in these relationships. Even if it means sacrificing our own needs, and our own desires. This avoidance keeps us trapped in a cycle of seeking external validation without understanding the root cause of our behavior.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

Codependents rely on external validation and approval from others to feel worthy and lovable even from toxic others. The inner critic reinforces the belief that self-worth is dependent on other people's opinions and validation. Making it challenging for us codependents to cultivate the self-compassion independent of external feedback. Without validation from others, inner critic may amplify feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment
1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

Inner critic's harsh judgments serve as a protective mechanism to shield codependence from the pain of potential rejection or disapproval. If I'm always chasing you and I never accept that you're going to fully abandon or reject me, I'm in a perpetual state of seeking approval and fending off fear of rejection and vulnerability. This fear of vulnerability can make difficult to show compassion.We're not created to chase approval
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

We have to teach ourselves the emotional resiliency, the mental toughness skills that we need to face the anxiety that comes when we are rejected, when we are criticized. That's the key. Another issue that makes self-compassion difficult is the deep-seated beliefs of unworthiness. The inner critic of codependent often reinforces the beliefs that we are unworthy. And it reinforces the self-doubt. All these were internalized from past experiences.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

Showing self-compassion may feel foreign. The inner critic may constantly remind us that we have shortcomings, making mistakes and that we need someone else's approval to feel good. Despite the challenges, cultivating self-compassion is essential for us to break free from seeking external validation and approval. Embrace self compassion as component of healing journey – spending time with people who uplift you. Setting boundaries.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17
Explore idea if we can say No to others, we're learning to say yes to the inner child. Learning to say no and to prioritize our needs is essential for overcoming fear of disapproval. We don't need someone's approval, we don't need pat on the back, accolades. We are good all by ourselves. This fear is tied to childhood experiences where caretakers were unavailable or inconsistent to our needs. You just got ignored. Inconsistent is worse than no validation.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Are you codependent? Do you seek approval? Do you fear other people's opinions? Are you looking for a self help podcast, that is committed to self improvement, and are you someone who is willing to crush codependency and anxiety, even if doing so can cause you to feel uncomfortable? You need new habits, habits that will improve your life, mindset, relationships, and heal codependency.

Jul 17
We have been conditioned to prioritize other people's needs over our own. We don't set boundaries because this is where our anxieties and fear comes from. Brain interprets this as threat to our survival – so the coping mechanism is to please. Until we uproot this, we cannot change it. We were made to feel responsible for our caregiver's emotions and actions or abuse towards us. Leads to deep sense of unworthiness and self-blame.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment
1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

We have been conditioned to believe we need people as much as we need oxygen. And we do not. We do not need other people. Everything we need to survive is right there inside of us. Our immune system takes care of us, and our mind can take care of us, we can develop the right patterns to move our lives forward. But these ideas and concepts must be cultivated. It will not just happen, you have to make it happen. If we have Roadmaps - life becomes easier.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17

If we suppress our true emotions, focus on other people's needs and seek to please others, that we can garner some sense of pseudo-control. This isn't just with primary relationships. We can feel this way with UPS guy, with guys at local deli, with our kids teachers, we step into subordinate position because of childhood programming. That has to stop. Toxic authority figures demand compliance as oppose to authenticity. People in your past pushed you away.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

3 Powerful Habits to Crush Anxiety And Fear Of Judgment

1,776 views  9 Jul 2024  Codependency Recovery Podcast: Breaking Free of Codependency For Good
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this podcast episode, mental health wellness coach Lisa A. Romano shares 3 powerful habits that crush anxiety and fear of judgment. Conquer and heal from codependency with these powerful life-changing habits anyone can begin using today!

Jul 17
When you grow up in less than perfect circumstances, it affects you at subconscious level. Not your fault – you are only trying to survive. Nothing is your fault. It also affects with neurological level – neurological pathways created in response to what's happening in your environment. Again – not your fault. There are Psychological consequences – you form your perception of self based on how other people treat you, idea of self worth how they treat you.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People
1,293 views  15 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this video, Lisa A. Romano shares "The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People," offering invaluable insights into the daily practices that drive success. Discover actionable strategies to enhance productivity, foster resilience, and achieve your goals effectively. Whether you're on a journey of personal growth or seeking professional excellence, these habits will empower you to create lasting positive change in your life. Join Lisa A. Romano as she explores the habits that set successful individuals apart and learn how to implement them into your routine for transformative results.

0:00 Introduction
4:11 Do you have a growth mindset?
7:00 Adult Children do not have a growth mindset; here's why.
8:00 A Survival Mindset is Not a Growth Mindset
9:38 Success Quotient Equation
10:30 The Habit of Learning
12:45 The Habit of Resilience
16:06 The Habit of Gratitude
19:00 You Reap What You Sow

Jul 17
As a baby you don't know that people who are raising you are dysfunctional. You're just trying to get approval, not abandoned, tied to survival. Those of us who grew up like that there is huge hole in our boat. But we don't know it. We are so used to operating at this level of chaos, dysfunction that it becomes our norm. So while Mary or Tommy are moving faster to actualizing their dreams, we sit back thinking there must be something wrong with us.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People
1,293 views  15 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this video, Lisa A. Romano shares "The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People," offering invaluable insights into the daily practices that drive success. Discover actionable strategies to enhance productivity, foster resilience, and achieve your goals effectively. Whether you're on a journey of personal growth or seeking professional excellence, these habits will empower you to create lasting positive change in your life. Join Lisa A. Romano as she explores the habits that set successful individuals apart and learn how to implement them into your routine for transformative results.

0:00 Introduction
4:11 Do you have a growth mindset?
7:00 Adult Children do not have a growth mindset; here's why.
8:00 A Survival Mindset is Not a Growth Mindset
9:38 Success Quotient Equation
10:30 The Habit of Learning
12:45 The Habit of Resilience
16:06 The Habit of Gratitude
19:00 You Reap What You Sow

Jul 17

There's nothing wrong with us. Our responses are appropriate considering what you've grew up with. It's important that those of us who come from alcoholic homes or abusive homes or neglectful homes we realize that we don't have growth mindset most of the time. We have a stuck mindset, survival mindset – but that is not end of the road. People who are making it in life have some amazing habits. It wasn't me – it was my programming.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People

1,293 views  15 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this video, Lisa A. Romano shares "The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People," offering invaluable insights into the daily practices that drive success. Discover actionable strategies to enhance productivity, foster resilience, and achieve your goals effectively. Whether you're on a journey of personal growth or seeking professional excellence, these habits will empower you to create lasting positive change in your life. Join Lisa A. Romano as she explores the habits that set successful individuals apart and learn how to implement them into your routine for transformative results.

0:00 Introduction
4:11 Do you have a growth mindset?
7:00 Adult Children do not have a growth mindset; here's why.
8:00 A Survival Mindset is Not a Growth Mindset
9:38 Success Quotient Equation
10:30 The Habit of Learning
12:45 The Habit of Resilience
16:06 The Habit of Gratitude
19:00 You Reap What You Sow

Jul 17

Successful people are setting goals. I didn't know I wasn't setting goals. I was just waking up every day. This idea that I was supposed to be setting goals was foreign to me. And that's because I was living in survival. My nose was just above the waterline, operating below veil of consciousness. Life was getting through the day without being picked on, without being abandoned. So this idea to set goal for myself was life transforming.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People

1,293 views  15 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
✅ Register for my most popular groundbreaking transformational and psychologist-approved online healing program

In this video, Lisa A. Romano shares "The 3 Habits of Highly Successful People," offering invaluable insights into the daily practices that drive success. Discover actionable strategies to enhance productivity, foster resilience, and achieve your goals effectively. Whether you're on a journey of personal growth or seeking professional excellence, these habits will empower you to create lasting positive change in your life. Join Lisa A. Romano as she explores the habits that set successful individuals apart and learn how to implement them into your routine for transformative results.

0:00 Introduction
4:11 Do you have a growth mindset?
7:00 Adult Children do not have a growth mindset; here's why.
8:00 A Survival Mindset is Not a Growth Mindset
9:38 Success Quotient Equation
10:30 The Habit of Learning
12:45 The Habit of Resilience
16:06 The Habit of Gratitude
19:00 You Reap What You Sow

Jul 17

🇦🇹 Eröffnung Bregenzer Festspiele 2024
On Wednesday 17th. July, the music festival is traditionally opened by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.

In the evening, the romantic opera "Der Freischütz" by Carl Maria von Weber as a game on the lake marks the premiere of the new production by Philipp Stölzl, this can be seen in the seasons 2024 and 2025.. A day later, the opera thriller "Tancredi" by Gioachino Rossini celebrates its premiere in the house. Moderator Martina Köberle conducts live interviews with festival artists, Eva Teimel will comment on the opening of the festival live.

The game on the lake "Der Freischütz" sends 3sat on August 31. at 8.15 p.m.

Opening of the Bregenz Festival 2024

The game on the lake "Der Freischütz" by Carl Maria von Weber is the first highlight at this year's Bregenz Festival - before that there is the grand opening of the festival.

Jul 17

🇮🇪 Spectaculaire Irlande
It is by immersing itself in the daily life of Irish families that the green island reveals itself, traditional, festive and welcoming. The west coast of the country offers a dive into the fascinating landscapes of heather moors and peat bogs, cliffs running into the sea and estuaries lost in the hills before finally reaching the ocean.

Echappées belles, 2024-07-17, 11-59-30, France 5

Jul 17

🇮🇪 Spectaculaire Irlande
Echappées belles, 2024-07-17, 11-59-30, France 5

Jul 17
🇮🇪 Spectaculaire Irlande

Echappées belles, 2024-07-17, 11-59-30, France 5

Jul 17

🇫🇮 Finnland - Sommer auf der Seenplatte

Finnland ist von imposanter Schönheit und Größe und eine der letzten wilden Regionen Europas mit dem saubersten Wasser der Welt. Nicht umsonst wird es auch "Land der tausend Seen" genannt. Nicht nur die Landschaft, auch die Menschen selbst machen Finnland einzigartig. Sie gelten als schräge, schweigsame, aber sympathische Europäer. Laut "The World Happiness Report" sind die Finnen sogar das glücklichste Volk der Welt.

Jul 17

The Sack of Rome by Visigoths in 410
🎨 Joseph-Noël Sylvestre

Joseph-Noël Sylvestre was a French artist, notable for his studies of classic scenes from antiquity.

 Jul 18

Lack of compassion is based on hidden hurt. Born more sensitive than others – when they're well treated they become creators, and artists, and leaders and shamans, joyful. When they're hurt, they're traumatized all the more. The environment acting on sensitive genes will create more pain and all addictions and all mental health conditions in my view are ways of coping with pain. The more sensitive, the more prone to fall into those. Sensitivity potentiates it
🟥 Gabor Maté

Unraveling the Link Between Sensitivity and Addiction | Gabor Maté | Insights at the Edge Clips

2,024 views  12 Jul 2024  Sounds True: Insights At The Edge
"All addictions and all mental health conditions, in my view, are ways of coping with pain," says Dr. Gabor Maté. 

"The more sensitive you are, the more prone you are to fall into one of those diagnostic categories, not because the genes dictate those categories, but because the sensitivity potentiates the pain that you're trying to escape from. That's my understanding."

Dr. Gabor Maté is an author, speaker, and physician who specializes in addiction, stress, and childhood development. His many books include In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts and When the Body Says No. His signature psychotherapeutic approach, Compassionate Inquiry, reveals what lies beneath the appearances we present to the world.

Dive deeper into compassion inquiry through Dr. Gabor Mate's online program, Embracing All of You, also featuring the creator of the Internal Family Systems model, Dr. Richard C. Schwartz.

Jul 18

Highly sensitive should not be limitation. It should actually be opening for more liberation and more creativity, and more joy and more freedom, properly understood. Neither genetically determined temperament nor what's happened to us should ever be used as an excuse for just staying static and stuck in certain pattern. Environment is supporting, you take task of healing: you're also more capable of growth.
🟥 Gabor Maté

Unraveling the Link Between Sensitivity and Addiction | Gabor Maté | Insights at the Edge Clips

2,024 views  12 Jul 2024  Sounds True: Insights At The Edge
"All addictions and all mental health conditions, in my view, are ways of coping with pain," says Dr. Gabor Maté. 

"The more sensitive you are, the more prone you are to fall into one of those diagnostic categories, not because the genes dictate those categories, but because the sensitivity potentiates the pain that you're trying to escape from. That's my understanding."

Dr. Gabor Maté is an author, speaker, and physician who specializes in addiction, stress, and childhood development. His many books include In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts and When the Body Says No. His signature psychotherapeutic approach, Compassionate Inquiry, reveals what lies beneath the appearances we present to the world.

Dive deeper into compassion inquiry through Dr. Gabor Mate's online program, Embracing All of You, also featuring the creator of the Internal Family Systems model, Dr. Richard C. Schwartz.

Jul 18

Detachment is not that you own nothing. Detachment is that nothing owns you.
🟦 Bhagavad Gita 

Mastering Detachment will change your life | How to DETACH and become magnetic

601 views  14 Jul 2024  SYDNEY
Mastering detachment will transform your life! I have noticed how much of a game changer this is when I practice detachment in my own life, and want to share practical ways on how to detach to become magnetic and manifest anything that you want ✨

00:00 Intro
01:24 Detachment is not...
03:05 The Law of Detachment
03:59 What detachment is
04:37 How detachment will change your life 
04:58 Benefits of practicing detachment
09:23 Practical ways on how to detach

Jul 18

When we really want something we can put too much pressure on it. Or often we can put it on a pedestal. “That's when I'll be happy, joy or loved”. Rather it's approaching from a state of neutrality and finding ways to feel happy, joy and abundant right now. Paradox – it is about releasing the grip on specific outcomes and trusting the process. It requires deep trust and higher power. Carrying just enough for particular goal but not caring too much, investing
🟥 Detachment

Mastering Detachment will change your life | How to DETACH and become magnetic

601 views  14 Jul 2024  SYDNEY
Mastering detachment will transform your life! I have noticed how much of a game changer this is when I practice detachment in my own life, and want to share practical ways on how to detach to become magnetic and manifest anything that you want ✨

00:00 Intro
01:24 Detachment is not...
03:05 The Law of Detachment
03:59 What detachment is
04:37 How detachment will change your life 
04:58 Benefits of practicing detachment
09:23 Practical ways on how to detach

 Jul 18

Me leaving anybody at the slightest red flag – cause I have suffered too much in this life already.
🟥 Once you learn the act of detachment, it will be easier for you to let go of any type of stress


Jul 18

🇵🇹 An der Sandalgarve in Portugal - Blaue Züge, blaues Meer

The east of the Algarve is characterized by sun, sand and salt. The locals use what they have, extract sea salt or catch fish. The region's products have long ceased to be transported by freight train, but a blue-silver regional train still runs leisurely on the single-track route nine times a day.

The east of the Algarve is characterized by sun, sand and salt. The locals use what they have. Castro Marim is known for excellent sea salt and Santa Luzia for delicious octopuses. cockles thrive in the Laguna Formosa, a 60 km long nature park on the sandy coast between Vila Real de Santo António and Faro.

The region's products have long ceased to be transported by train. Freight transport is history. Passenger traffic, on the other hand, enables a regional train nine times a day. It stops at neat train stations that date from a time, in which there were big plans for the railway in the southeast corner of Portugal and above all played an important role as a connection to Spain.

A good portion of nostalgia will accompany us in the summer of 2020 on the leisurely ride on the single-track route. 60-year-old blue and silver diesel railcars still operate in the Algarve, which have long been discarded elsewhere. In the foreseeable future, the route will be electrified, and then the Portuguese railway company Comboios de Portugal will of course also replace the trains.

Jul 18

🇵🇹 An der Sandalgarve in Portugal - Blaue Züge, blaues Meer

Railway romance
On the sand Algarve in Portugal - blue trains, blue sea

Jul 18

🏖️ Beach Volley. C.to Italiano Gold Montesi, 2024-07-18, 12-41-15, Rai Sport HD

Jul 18

🏖️ Beach Volley. C.to Italiano Gold Montesi, 2024-07-18, 12-41-15, Rai Sport HD

Jul 18

🏃‍♂️ Giro Lago di Resia, 2024-07-18, 13-44-25, Rai Sport HD

Jul 18

🇮🇹 Lago di Resia, Reschensee or Lake Reschen

Jul 18

A person who has been punished is not thereby simply less inclined to behave in a given way; at best, he learns how to avoid punishment.
🟦 B.F. Skinner

Jul 18

It is when you are confronted with challenges that you see what is important to you and what your true aspirations are.
🟦 Benoît Lecomte

Jul 18

Small correction:

What i take away from this is if you want to change the way you feel about something start by changing the way your inner critic and toxic shame and trauma and toxic people force you to think.
If you want to change to way you think about something start by changing your operant conditioning messaging system perspective.


Jul 18

Don't get the concept of detachment confused with feeling apathetic, feeling nothing for anything. Detachment is being selective of what you're choosing to care about. Excess energy stored in you as fat – excess importance or caring gets stored in you as anxiety. Processing so much how do they like me, how am I looking – literally takes energy from you. It blocks that true you from coming out.
🟥 Clark Kegley

How Mastering Detachment will change YOUR life!

160,457 views  13 Feb 2024
Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... 

The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...  

  / clarkkegley  
  / clarkkegley  
  / theclarkkegley

Jul 18

Analogy of tossing your phone – it is easy, you don't think about it. You don't doubt yourself can I toss this phone. You just do it. But what if we make one simple change. Hold your phone over the ledge. The importance changed. It causes your body to respond completely differently, you get it in your head you might mess it up. We place this mental importance around goals, people, outcomes. The ease effortlessness of life get as if being over balcony.
🟥 Clark Kegley

How Mastering Detachment will change YOUR life!

160,457 views  13 Feb 2024
Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... 

The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...  

  / clarkkegley  
  / clarkkegley  
  / theclarkkegley

Jul 18

You're not wrong if you want people to view you a certain way. That is completely normal in human nature. But caring about your image can mess you up – if you're over attached. “This is one thing I can't mess it up”. When we're caring about how we're coming across we're making the whole thing about us. You're making it about you. If your goal is service, reaching people, connecting, is the thing actually about you? Detach how you are looking, you relax more
🟥 Clark Kegley

How Mastering Detachment will change YOUR life!

160,457 views  13 Feb 2024
Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... 

The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...  

  / clarkkegley  
  / clarkkegley  
  / theclarkkegley

Jul 18

Over-attachment is a control issue. “If I can control it, it will be better I have steering wheel”. The moment you try to control life and people you actually push it away. And so much of your life is uncontrollable. It requires trust. Do you want to be in relationship who is controlling? When you are over-attached, that gets worse results, not better. End up placing too much importance on the outcome.
🟥 Clark Kegley

How Mastering Detachment will change YOUR life!

160,457 views  13 Feb 2024
Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... 

The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making:    • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...  

  / clarkkegley  
  / clarkkegley  
  / theclarkkegley  

We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: 

Jul 18

What helps me is to associate him with demonic traits. Something I can't love. Then I realize what I'm missing is the feeling and that I'm withdrawing from all that dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.

Jul 18

We have no control over other people’s decisions. We hurt ourselves by trying to control. LET THEM do as they please !!


Jul 18

Grice's Maxims are unwritten rules most people follow without being aware of them, that govern how people cooperate with each other in conversation. For example, if somebody asks you are you going to the beach later – you're not going to start talking about the movie you saw last night. You're probably answer question first and then change the topic. Don't say too much, too little, insufficient evidence, irrelevant. Be clear and direct.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

19,733 views  16 Jul 2024

Jul 18

Overthinking – our brain is giving us way too much information, often the problem is not the quantity itself, it's that we're not clear on the other three Grice's Maxims. We might not know which part of this information are relevant, and which parts we ought to be focusing our attention on. We might not know which information is true and what is false. And so we might not know which information we must trust, weight heavily.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

19,733 views  16 Jul 2024

Jul 18

Trauma can cause you to retain too much information about the traumatic event. And your mind is unable to sort through what is relevant and what is irrelevant. Your brain might log everything around you as part of the threat. Area of town, red shirt, song, might trigger threat response in the future. In non-traumatized state we are able to filter these out as unimportant information – traumatized brain register as relevant when they're not.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

19,733 views  16 Jul 2024

Jul 18

In overthinking turn our attention towards these other 3 maxims to try to figure out how to improve the quality and structure of our thinking so that we get better results quicker. Which parts of information that you have retained are actual indications of danger and which are not. Helping your nervous system recognize which cues are real danger cues and which are not. Narrow down information what is true, relevant, what is problem to solve here.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

19,733 views  16 Jul 2024

Jul 18

It's really hard to to structure our thoughts effectively if we don't know in clear and unambiguous terms what problem it is that we are trying to solve with our thinking. Ask: do I know specifically what the problem I'm dealing with is, and do I know what the solution to the problem would look like. Often I get very hazy responses from myself. I want to focus – are not very clear goals. They're very vague and indirect goals.
🟥 Heidi Priebe

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

19,733 views  16 Jul 2024

Jul 18

🇸🇮 Des trains pas comme les autres, 2024-07-18, 21-00-11, France 5


Jul 18

🥾 Pacific Crest Trail

It is human nature to walk. The young Spanish couple Alba and Raul live in the capital of hikers and have seen thousands of pilgrims walk from Santiago de Compostela to the end of the world. Now they set out to discover the most famous and impressive hiking trails in the world.

phoenix Pirates of the Pacific
Source: phoenix/NDR/Uwe Schwering
phoenix Pirates of the Pacific

The Pacific Crest Trail is one of the longest and most impressive long-distance hiking trails in the world. It crosses the states of California, Oregon, Washington and the vast Mojave Desert, always along the west coast. At around 4,265 kilometers, it is only suitable for experienced hikers due to the challenging terrain. Millions of people travel to Los Angeles every year, but only around 800 dare to take on the challenge of hiking along the west coast. The young Spanish couple Alba and Raul set out to hike the most famous and impressive hiking trails in the world.

Jul 18

🥾 Pacific Crest Trail

The Great Way - Around the world on foot
Pacific Crest Trail, USA
Film by Alba Prol Cid and Raul Garcia, phoenix 2023

Jul 18

🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin

Les aventures de Tintin, 2024-07-18, 21-15-31, Gulli

Jul 18

🇲🇨 monaco, l'extension de tous les defis, 2024-07-18, 22-44-08, RMC Découverte

Jul 19

🇸🇪 Midnight at Riksgränsen

Live Riksgränsen Lapland Resorts

Jul 19

Sky news went on a vacation.

 watching now  
Started streaming on 27 May 2024  #SkyNews #donaldtrump #leeds
Sky News is currently experiencing technical problems and will return as soon as possible. 

Watch Sky News live: Donald Trump has told supporters he had "God on his side" in his first speech since narrowly surviving surviving an assassination attempt; a large number of police officers have been deployed to the Harehills area of Leeds, where a mass riot broke out earlier on Thursday; Ukraine's president is to become the first foreign leader to address the cabinet since Bill Clinton in 1997. 

Read more:
🔴 Trump speaks about assassination attempt - for first and last time https://trib.al/DU2odak 
🔴 'Very visible police presence' on streets of Leeds after mass riot erupts https://trib.al/OLOPOhH  
🔴 Zelenskyy to become first foreign leader to address cabinet in more than quarter of a century https://trib.al/8zmSHyI 

#SkyNews #donaldtrump #leeds #uk #zelenskyy 

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Jul 19

To think that you could just walk around to be with indifference and especially when you want someone is complete utter BS. It's a setup for failure. To feel numb and dead inside is different thing. Indifference can look like real depression, where you don't care about yourself or anyone or anything, because there's a such of depletion of energy, and wound inside. That's not the answer to just stop caring. Many care too much.
🟥 Dr. Kim Sage, Licensed Psychologist 


This video describes the experience of detaching as it relates to attachment theory, and how to internalize detachment without leaning into indifference and avoidance.



Please check out my courses (LINK ABOVE):


(*This course is designed specifically for you if you were raised by parents who had Narcissistic, Borderline or significantly Emotionally Immature parents.)


Jul 19

When you attach everything to the other person it makes all of that relationship becomes so much more powerful and what they can take away from you. So if I attached this person doesn't like me back – I'll never have a family, I'll never have a home, I'll never life the life I want, I'm getting them story that is not accurate. Look at the story you created. You've created an entire outcome from this trying to control.
🟥 Dr. Kim Sage, Licensed Psychologist 


This video describes the experience of detaching as it relates to attachment theory, and how to internalize detachment without leaning into indifference and avoidance.



Please check out my courses (LINK ABOVE):


(*This course is designed specifically for you if you were raised by parents who had Narcissistic, Borderline or significantly Emotionally Immature parents.)


(***This course is designed to help you learn to heal your inner child AND your inner parent if you experienced a complicated childhood or challenging relational wounds).



Jul 19

📽️ Le bleu du caftan (2022)

The Blue Caftan
A middle-aged tailor and his wife find their relationship challenged by the arrival of a handsome new apprentice.

Maryam Touzani
Maryam TouzaniNabil Ayouch
Lubna AzabalSaleh BakriAyoub Missioui

Jul 19

Simpsons Comics #153 is the one-hundred and fifty-third issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the United Kingdom on December 4, 2008.

Jul 19

🇺🇸 Los Angeles 2028

Radio Times 20.07.2024

Jul 20

Some of us are sleepwalking through life. When we're children we are forced to learn. But when we become adults, personal development is up to us. We have to choose to do it. And if we're not careful it's easy to just sleepwalk through life. To have no vision. To have no dream. To not develop yourself. General in US military explained among100 soldiers 10 should not be there. 80 are fillers, just there. 9 soldiers we never know who they are do all the work

The Secret Power of Patience - Bobby Schuller

3,447 views  13 Jul 2024  #Christian #Bible #Jesus
Learn the secret power of patience. Today, Pastor Bobby is preaching from Barneveld in the Netherlands. This message is about hope, and not the kind of hope that wishes for marriage, writing a book or starting a business. Biblical hope is a vision based on what is written; an expectation of what is certain. Let the promise pull you through with today’s message: “Patience: It Will be Worth the Wait.”

🔗 Full service:    • Patience: It Will be Worth the Wait -...  
🔔 Subscribe for weekly inspiration: https://bit.ly/3yMUtEr
💪 Support Hour of Power: https://bit.ly/3xY2eKf

Connect with us on social media:    • Fire Thrives on Obstacles - Hour of P...  
📘 Facebook: https://bit.ly/3zxnC6O
📸 Instagram: https://bit.ly/3FFf3ut

Jul 20

Discouragements but vision will pull you through. Most of all do not become mocker, and do not keep company with mockers. Do not become cynic and do not keep company with cynics. If you do that, your life is over. Psalm chapter 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the way of wicked. Young man becomes old mocker. They just mocking mocking mocking. Beware. Stay away from those people. Beware of Blame list. Longer blame list, smaller your future.

The Secret Power of Patience - Bobby Schuller

3,447 views  13 Jul 2024  #Christian #Bible #Jesus
Learn the secret power of patience. Today, Pastor Bobby is preaching from Barneveld in the Netherlands. This message is about hope, and not the kind of hope that wishes for marriage, writing a book or starting a business. Biblical hope is a vision based on what is written; an expectation of what is certain. Let the promise pull you through with today’s message: “Patience: It Will be Worth the Wait.”

🔗 Full service:    • Patience: It Will be Worth the Wait -...  
🔔 Subscribe for weekly inspiration: https://bit.ly/3yMUtEr
💪 Support Hour of Power: https://bit.ly/3xY2eKf

Jul 20

🏉 Coupe du monde U20

Jul 20

🏉 Coupe du monde U20

Rugby - avant-match, 2024-07-19, 18-28-17, L'Equipe

Jul 20

🏉 Coupe du monde U20


Jul 20

🏀 Preparation 🇫🇷 - 🇨🇦

Basket-ball - avant-match, 2024-07-19, 21-01-39, L'Equipe

Jul 20

🏀 Preparation 🇫🇷 - 🇨🇦

Basket-ball - avant-match, 2024-07-19, 21-01-39, L'Equipe

Jul 20

:transgender: Drag Race France - une seule sera la reine, 2024-07-19, 23-34-55, France 2

Jul 20

🇺🇸 Miami

Miami is just a hundred years old, but it is already a myth: because of his zest for life, the cool nonchalance, shaped by people from Cuba, Haiti and many other nationalities. On a tour of the Cuban Quarter and Little Haiti, visitors get to know the culinary offerings and the colorful sides of the city. An exciting art and culture scene has also developed here in recent years. The Wynwood Art District is an open-air museum with large-format works by some of the world's best-known street art artists. In addition to the world-famous beaches, trendy districts and museums, it is also the spectacular national parks with their fascinating flora and fauna that make Miami, Miami Beach and the surrounding area so unique. Minutes from the heart of Magic City,you can immerse yourself in the overwhelming nature: the Biscayne National Park is known for its underwater wilderness - and the famous Everglades are just under an hour's drive away!

Jul 20

🇺🇸 Miami

Welcome to Miami – von Floridas Ostküste bis zu den Everglades

Jul 20

🇺🇸 Florida

Quiet instead of hustle and bustle is the motto on Florida's west coast, it is almost a bit familiar, manageable – except for the beaches, which run forever! Also typical: colorful cottages, historic residences, palm trees and sea, plus exotic animals and almost untouched nature - on the go on land or waterways, on the beach or at sea there are countless opportunities to discover the region in all its diversity. 
„ City of Palms "is also called Fort Myers – no wonder, more than 2000 royal palms line the main street of the place, McGregor Boulevard, over a length of 25 kilometers. The avenue was created by the inventor Thomas Aiva Edison, who made Fort Myers his winter quarters in the 1920s.Its former winter residence and that of the automobile manufacturer Henry Ford are also on this street and are now a tourist attraction, but most come to the city for another reason: there should be one of the most beautiful sunsets here! In fact, the pier at Fort Myers Beach fills up in the early evening with onlookers who want to enjoy this spectacle in the sky. With applause, the sun is said goodbye almost every evening over the Gulf of Mexico – what a show!

Jul 20

🇺🇸 Florida

Florida's southwest coast - tropical island paradise around Fort Myers

Jul 20

🏃‍♂️ Corsa in montagna. Primiero Dolomiti Mar, 2024-07-20, 10-24-38, Rai Sport HD

Jul 20

If someone is insecure, fear based, etc, they will go to great lengths (usually subconsciously) to mitigate feeling bad. Often, a maladaptive way is to try to exert control over others, whether it is controlling the narrative or other power plays…so, in those cases, it’s not a “judgement” to discern toxic behavior and have boundaries around that.
We have to be careful to not be inadvertently dismissive of real situations and gloss over with positivity.

Jul 21

Don't go through life with little vision, thinking you reached your limits. Try different approach. Allow to exceed your expectations.

A Thousand Times More | Joel Osteen

115,001 views  15 Jul 2024
God's dream for your life is bigger than your own. One touch of his favor can catapult you ahead.

Jul 21

🎵 The Ronettes
Walking In The Rain (1964)

Album Phil Spector presents the Philles album collection cd 6/Presenting the fabulous Ronettes (1964)

Jul 21

We got to let other people be right. We got to allow them to be right. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everything that they're saying. Just let them be right, it doesn't make you wrong. It makes you a peacemaker. I don't want to be right all the time, it is too costly. It's too expensive. It isn't worth of price of my home, my family, my children, of my job. We have to be willing to be peacemaker. Diplomat. Arbitrator. Calmer. Soother. Go-between.
✝️ Victoria Osteen

Have A Peacemaker's Heart | Victoria Osteen
13,813 views  12 Jul 2024  #VictoriaOsteen
When you make the decision not to step into strife and division, you are choosing to honor God. Because Jesus created peace for us, we can trust Him to fight our battles for us.

Jul 21

We all know we have to have difficult conversations. But it's not about having our way. It's about saying I want to converse with this person, I want to be intelligent about it. But I don't have to have my way. I can let someone else to be right. And it doesn't have to be done my way. There are more ways to the point than just my way. There's more way to a common goal than just my way. Sometimes take my hands off, zip it up, for peace.
✝️ Victoria Osteen

Have A Peacemaker's Heart | Victoria Osteen

13,813 views  12 Jul 2024  #VictoriaOsteen
When you make the decision not to step into strife and division, you are choosing to honor God. Because Jesus created peace for us, we can trust Him to fight our battles for us.

Jul 21

🎵 Aaron Frazer - I Don't Wanna Stay (2024)

Album Into The Blue (2024)


Jul 21

🏃‍♂️ Corsa in montagna. Primiero Dolomiti Mar, 2024-07-21, 18-04-40, Rai Sport HD

Jul 21


Jul 21

There was a lot of peace in knowing that is was his issue and not some defect in me.
If people aren't giving your what you want, or if they're just behaving badly, most times, that's their problem, not yours.
🟥 TEDxWilmingtonWomen

The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go | Jill Sherer Murray | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

5,797,979 views  21 Dec 2016
Letting go can make you unstoppable.
Jill recounts her story of love, loss and new life. Through the challenges of an uncommitted boyfriend, her fear of letting go, and becoming comfortable with the ramifications of letting go. 
Jill shares the 5 Steps she took to change what didn’t work and make welcome what she desired in her life and relationships.

Jill is an award-winning journalist and communications leader who can trace every success in her career (and love life) to letting go. In her current role, she leads a team of creatives in developing education and marketing campaigns for the national consulting firm Trion Group, a Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC. A writer, marketer, blogger, and speaker, Jill spent a year studying improvisation comedy at the famous Second City Training Center. She also let go of just about everything to put her weight in Shape Magazine 12 times as part of an assignment to document her year-long weight loss for six million readers. Her talk helps others realize what letting go really means: winning.

Jul 21

I can't face her.
- Absolutely not. You're not going to see Hope, you're not going to see anybody until you can get something that resembles control of yourself.

Episode: 8491

Original Air Date: April 8, 2021

Jul 22

Once a person breaks the seal in an act of violence, whether as a victim or perpetrator, they are really no longer the same. Civilization does not understand them and they lose their sense of civilized reality permanently.

Jul 22

I don’t have any type of problem getting rejected. I just don’t know what mental illness lies underneath the people who say no to me. I don’t know if they have big egos. I don’t know if they want to go runoff and tell people some distorted version of what took place and now it’s a big drama between me and them and whoever they manipulated, etc., I just don’t know what kind of dog shit I’d have to deal with if I were to make the mistake of simply talking to someone with a big ego.


Jul 22

Many people who've grown up with parents who couldn't regulate their own emotions couldn't help  teach the child to regulate theirs.
🟥 Jim Brillon - Orange County Therapist

Is there treatment for social anxiety?

136 views  Premiered on 19 Jul 2024

Jul 22

🇸🇪 Midnight in Jokkmokk

Jul 22

🐬 Oum, le dauphin blanc

TFX, 2024-07-22, 09-31-01

Jul 22

⚽ Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa, 2024-07-20, 23-01-28, Boing Plus

Jul 22

We don't want you to feel ashamed. That's not good. We just want you to understand why you do some of the things that you do.

Jul 23

Don’t expect closure. Don’t expect them to change. That is how you take your power back from a narcissist.

Jul 23

I didn't want to be mean to this person, so I bit my tongue. I can regulate myself because if I didn't hold back I would have lost it. So I made video.
🟥 DoctorRamani

But they are ONLY narcissistic when they are ANGRY

26,612 views  20 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024


Jul 23

We are all at our worst when we are angry. When healthy people behave badly when they are angry – they are accountable. They offer meaningful apologies. And not the BS “I'm sorry you feel that way” nonsense. They make amends.
🟥 DoctorRamani

But they are ONLY narcissistic when they are ANGRY

26,612 views  20 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 23

When narcissists are not angry they are able to be better regulated but still don't have full spectrum of empathy – not even close. They are still selfish. And they are still entitled. And this is piece that is so frustrating: They may even know that they believe like an ass* when they are angry – but they still do it.
🟥 DoctorRamani

But they are ONLY narcissistic when they are ANGRY

26,612 views  20 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 23

Narcissists desperately dislike critics so if you're not critical person – “good this is going to work our really well for me”. They are hoping you will be natural person that say I'll take you naturally for whatever you bring with you. If you are known as reliable, responsible- narcissist can think – good, this means you have sense of duty and honor so I'll with you what I think the rules and regulations and how things are suppose to be-bound to do
🟥 Surviving Narcissism

How Narcissists Target Your Best Traits

9,312 views  Premiered 17 hours ago
The clearest way to determine the presence of narcissism is the willingness to exploit.  Narcissists will seek out your best characteristics with the intent of turning your positives to their advantage.  Rather than becoming cynical, you can stay committed to what is best as you learn their schemes and maintain internal balance.

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Jul 23

I believe that evil is the real thing. A noun, not just an adjective. I've noticed its presence from time to time, I'm sensitive to that for as long as I can remember. I've sensed it in minor things. A stranger who passes me on a sidewalk. An empty room that appears in a dream for me. And it brings a wave of dread and revulsion when I encounter evil. It's not quite physical nor emotional but I feel it here sometimes online.
🟥 Crappy Childhood Fairy

This Common Behavior Does More Damage Than You Think

24,128 views  18 Jul 2024  The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle
🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: https://bit.ly/4dRI8Sj
Come See Me In Person! Workshops in US, UK: https://bit.ly/49rzM0Z
Do You Have CPTSD? Take the QUIZ: http://bit.ly/3GhE65z
FREE COURSE: *The Daily Practice*: http://bit.ly/3X1BrE0
Website: http://bit.ly/3CxgkRY
It's no secret that the internet is full of haters and trolls. People who post hateful comments may feel important, or like they score points by saying or repeating exaggerated or dishonest claims about other people. There's a word for this: It's calumny. If you want to be happy and have good relationships, you'd be wise to never do it again.

Jul 23

🏊‍♂️ Nuoto Artistico- C.ti Italiani Estivi -, 2024-07-23, 12-19-29, Rai Sport HD


Jul 23

📽️ Muscle Beach Party (1964)

Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
Release date: 25 Mar 1964
Runtime: 95 min

Jul 23

📽️ Muscle Beach Party (1964)

Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.

William Asher
William AsherRobert Dillon
Frankie AvalonAnnette FunicelloLuciana Paluzzi

Jul 23

🎞️ Muscle Beach Party (1964) is the debut of music prodigy "Little" Stevie Wonder, who receives an "introducing" credit.

Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
Release date: 25 Mar 1964
Runtime: 95 min

Jul 23

🇮🇪 Nus et culottés

Is it possible to go on a trip with a dream as your only driving force, without possessions or money, counting only on the solidarity of the people you meet along the way to get by? Nans and Mouts tried the experiment. They left one fine morning with nothing, neither to wear, nor to eat, nor to get around. Their idea was to barter, exchange, and succeed in satisfying old childhood fantasies, like paragliding in Corsica or tandem flying in Holland. Two cameras fixed to their bundle filmed their extraordinary journeys.

Nus et culottés, 2024-07-22, 21-05-03, France 5

Jul 23

🇮🇪 Nus et culottés

Is it possible to go on a trip with a dream as your only driving force, without possessions or money, counting only on the solidarity of the people you meet along the way to get by? Nans and Mouts tried the experiment. They left one fine morning with nothing, neither to wear, nor to eat, nor to get around. Their idea was to barter, exchange, and succeed in satisfying old childhood fantasies, like paragliding in Corsica or tandem flying in Holland. Two cameras fixed to their bundle filmed their extraordinary journeys.

Jul 23

 🇮🇪 Nus et culottés

Is it possible to go on a trip with a dream as your only driving force, without possessions or money, counting only on the solidarity of the people you meet along the way to get by? Nans and Mouts tried the experiment. They left one fine morning with nothing, neither to wear, nor to eat, nor to get around. Their idea was to barter, exchange, and succeed in satisfying old childhood fantasies, like paragliding in Corsica or tandem flying in Holland. Two cameras fixed to their bundle filmed their extraordinary journeys.

Jul 23

🇩🇪 Aldi: Wie günstig, frisch und gut ist der Discounter wirklich?

Aldi is Germany's oldest and first discounter. Aldi Süd alone generates around 18 billion euros in sales every year. South and north together are Germany's largest discounters. There are many reasons for an Aldi purchase. For example, customers appreciate quality, price or freshness. 

But is that also true? How cheap is Aldi really? How good is the quality of the products?  And what about animal welfare and Co.?

Advertising strategy: price or quality?
In recent years, Aldi has shifted its focus more to quality rather than price. But due to the increased inflation, more Germans are paying attention to how much they can save. That's why Aldi now has the role backwards. The company wants to score again with low prices. Aldi Süd's commercial, for example, says: “ With Aldi you can afford it. ” 

Aldi recently advertises with the term: „ Original Aldi Prize “. What is that supposed to mean? Consumers don't necessarily understand what that means. Sven Reuter, price expert, explains this as “ Marketing Gag positioning - to position himself more favorably ”. 

He has evidence of this. Because customers load their receipts into their price comparison app every day. You get 5 cents for that. This gives it the largest price database in Germany. We want to know from him: Is Aldi really cheaper than other discounters or supermarkets? For Marktcheck, Sven Reuter evaluated the prices of ten cheap Aldi own brands for months and compared them with competing products. With a clear result:

No matter whether Aldi, Lidl, Netto, Penny, Edeka, Rewe or Kaufland - the cheap own brands cost the same on average across the cents. (Source: smhaggle). Sven Reuter from smhaggle knows that the food market is very narrow – the dealers observe each other closely. Everyone tries to show the price of the competition. If prices are changed, which happens frequently, it usually takes only a few hours or days for everyone to have the same price again.

Save: prices of branded products at discounters and supermarkets 
In addition to own brands, many branded products are also sold at Aldi. Are at least Iglo, Prinzenrolle, Nutella and Co. cheaper at the discounter than elsewhere?  

The result of expert Sven Reuter: From Milka to Jakobs to Red Bull - the products from brand manufacturers cost the same thing everywhere on the cent - the same price for consumers, no matter, whether the branded product is bought from the discounter or from the supermarket. The expert emphasizes: “ The price difference only arises when a product is offered in the campaign. I can save a lot there. That can be at the discounter or at the supermarket. “ 

And here, according to the smhaggle evaluation, Aldi is at the forefront. Nobody currently offers higher discounts. 

Beneficial apps and bonus systems - not reported at Aldi 
Benefit apps with coupons or bonus systems such as Payback and Deutschland Card: All large food chains offer something like this - except for ALDI. The in-house app does not save any money. 

We would have liked to know more about the prices and the app from Aldi. But we don't get an interview. In writing, the group headquarters in Mühlheim only state in general: „ Please understand that Aldi Süd does not comment on the pricing of individual articles for competitive reasons. “ 

Our conclusion about the price: Aldi is particularly favorable in advertising. In truth, Aldi is not cheaper than others.

Non food products at the discounter 
Extremely popular with Aldi: the central aisle with non-food products. Kitchen appliances, tools or garden items, for example. Aldi does not produce them himself, but buys them. As with food, well-known manufacturers are often behind the products. 

For example: The cordless screwdriver of the Aldi own brand Ferrex is produced by the German toolmaker Scheppach. There is also a well-known name behind the Aldi brand Ambiano food processor: electronics manufacturer Medion. The natural brand Gardenline petrol lawnmower comes from the Bavarian brand manufacturer Alko. For small products such as painting accessories or garden gloves, it is often also cheap imports from abroad.

Quality in garden tools 
In the district of Gartenstadt in Ludwigshafen, we want to know: Who has Aldi garden products at home? And how satisfied are the customers with it? An Aldi secateurs have been serving well for a long time, even after several years they still do well.

The next hobby gardener also usually buys his garden products from Aldi: children's water rink, pruning shears, electronic air pump, patio furniture and more. The hobby gardener is satisfied, has many devices in use almost every day. “ Price, performance is absolutely right, and that's why we buy it. “

Jul 23

🇮🇹 Cornetto battiti live, 2024-07-22, 23-04-00, Canale5 HD

Cornetto Battiti Live , more simply Battiti Live (known from 2003 to 2019 as Radio Norba Battiti Live , in 2020 as Radio Norba Vodafone Battiti Live , and from 2021 to 2024 as Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live ) is an Italian musical event that has taken place since 14 August 2003, during the summer season in the squares of Puglia , and in which numerous Italian and international artists participate. The event, organized by the Norba Group , is broadcast on the radio on Radionorba , live on television on Telenorba and Radionorba TV and on a delayed television broadcast first on Italia 1 (2017-2023) and then on Canale 5 (from 2024).

Conceived and directed until 2013 by Titta De Tommasi, Battiti Live was born from the Radionorba radio program Battiti dalla Caverna , broadcast from 1995 to 2008, where the most important Italian singers performed acoustically in front of the audience. The first presenters, from 1995 to 2000, were Savino Zaba and Maria Grazia Carulli.

In the first editions, several DJs animated the squares of southern Italy , with the presence of some famous singers. From the following editions, only singers of national and international fame are hosted.

The shows were broadcast only on the radio until 2008, when, in the stages of Bari and Lecce , a live radio-TV broadcast was tested, which will be maintained for all the stages from the following edition.

In 2013, the artistic direction was entrusted to Alan Palmieri, the year in which it was broadcast live on the national television network managed by Publishare.

Since 2014 Radionorba TV has been visible on satellite on Sky ( Free to air ).

Jul 23

🇮🇹 Cornetto battiti live, 2024-07-22, 23-04-00, Canale5 HD

In 2017, the Battiti Live concerts were broadcast for the first time on a national network, being broadcast on Italia 1 on Wednesday evenings starting from 2 August [1] ; the live broadcast remained on Sundays on Radionorba .

The 2011 stage in Lecce , in Piazza Sant'Oronzo, was sadly remembered for the death of a 21 year old young man from San Giorgio Ionico (a town in the province of Taranto ) who suffered cardiac arrest while attending the concert; the evening was then dedicated to the young man [2] .

The first stage of the 2016 edition was supposed to take place on July 17th in Bisceglie but, as a sign of mourning for the train accident between Andria and Corato on July 12th, the show was postponed for a week to Lecce . The final stage was held in Bisceglie , on Wednesday August 17th. During the evening, entitled " Batte forte il cuore della Puglia" (The heart of Puglia beats ), a fundraiser was held for the families of the victims and only singers from Puglia or, in some way, linked to Puglia performed [3] .

In 2020 the event was held with limited places following the health emergency linked to COVID-19 [4] and also in 2020 the partnership with Vodafone Italia took over , from which the new name Radio Norba Vodafone Battiti Live derives .

Jul 23

🇮🇹 Cornetto battiti live, 2024-07-22, 23-04-00, Canale5 HD

Jul 23

Why you do this? You do it all the time, you look for trouble.
- I'm not looking for it, I felt it when I first walked in here.
- Everything is fine.
- Don't do that. Don't diminish my concern.

Bold and the Beautiful - 2021 (S34 E133) FULL EPISODE 8493
Original Air Date: April 12, 2021

Jul 24

When you are codependent, you are someone who's been raised to think that you are powerless, and the way to regain that power is to remain hypervigilant, to keep your focus on mummy and daddy, and to feel over responsible for what is happening outside of you. Below the veil of consciousness you think everything is your fault. Try to control what they can. Whether or not they smile, or cry. Control how they are showing up, to make mummy happy.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough

Why Do You Always Take Everything Personally? The Truth About Codependency
2,923 views  23 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
#codependency #personalgrowth #relationshipadvice If you are codependent and struggle with codependency, learn why you take everything personally. Has anyone ever asked, "Why do you always take everything personally?" If so, this video is for you. Codependency recovery hinges on your willingness to look at your codependency traits and symptoms objectively. In this episode, learn how and why codependency will cause you to take everything everyone says or does personally. 

Codependent men and women tend to focus on the needs of others as a way to cope with anxiety. Codependency is a coping skill developed in childhood to help children from toxic, dysfunctional, or emotionally neglectful homes manage their overwhelming feelings of powerlessness. By focusing on others, children dissociate and essentially abandon the self to keep others happy. Unfortunately, in adulthood, a codependent man or woman can become so fixated on their partner or spouse's happiness that they inevitably cause their partners to feel responsible for their happiness.

Jul 24

As a child the message that I got was you are unlovable. We don't like you. There's something wrong with you. You are not good enough. And so as a child you don't get that positive reinforcement from the outside due to alcoholism where one parent is alcoholic and other is co-alcoholic or codependent, pretends that nothing's really happening, and your needs are going to get ignored.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

Why Do You Always Take Everything Personally? The Truth About Codependency
While codependents focus on the needs of others, they do not always recognize the pressure they place on others. If you have a codependent husband, for example, he might jump to your needs in response to you huffing or puffing, wishing to fend off a potential mounting of your anxiety due to his unhealed wounds of the past where he noticed a parent's anxiety mount and experienced the fallout as a result. Jumping in to correct your frustration can cause you to feel invisible, judged, and responsible for your need to control your frustration level.  Rather than your husband detach and allow you to have your experience, he may subconsciously be motivated to take care of your feelings. If you react negatively, this can intensify his anxiety and cause him to react to you as if you have done something wrong. 

What's wrong is a lack of awareness and the repeating of maladaptive behavior skills, none of which is our fault.  The good news is that with conscious healing and awareness, we can reprogram and heal codependency. 

These actions may be well intended, however, unless a codependent person can observe how their happiness and level of anxiety are tied to the mood or state of their partner and recognize how they themselves might not always respond in the healthiest ways to their partners' moods, this pattern continues, erodes trust, and integrity.

Jul 24

Codependent parent is enabling alcoholic parent thinking that I'm doing everything right. But you're not. By enabling the alcoholic, and by ignoring the emotions, the energy and the neglect in the child or the neglect of child's emotions and their internal reality what they're perceiving. By pretending that nothing's happening you are hurting your child. You're teaching the child that it is not okay to be authentic. To ignore how I feel.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

Why Do You Always Take Everything Personally? The Truth About Codependency
Awareness is key when wishing to heal from codependency. 

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Jul 24

Partner will not know how to give you what you need because hole is inside of you. There's nothing anybody outside of you can do, say to make you feel good enough. That's an inside job. When partner doesn't pat you on the back you will feel eternally wounded. What you don't realize wound activated has less to do with your partner. It's about idea that you have dysfunctional unconscious belief system running you need approval, validate your existence.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano

Why Do You Always Take Everything Personally? The Truth About Codependency
2,923 views  23 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
#codependency #personalgrowth #relationshipadvice If you are codependent and struggle with codependency, learn why you take everything personally. Has anyone ever asked, "Why do you always take everything personally?" If so, this video is for you. Codependency recovery hinges on your willingness to look at your codependency traits and symptoms objectively. In this episode, learn how and why codependency will cause you to take everything everyone says or does personally. 

Codependent men and women tend to focus on the needs of others as a way to cope with anxiety. Codependency is a coping skill developed in childhood to help children from toxic, dysfunctional, or emotionally neglectful homes manage their overwhelming feelings of powerlessness. By focusing on others, children dissociate and essentially abandon the self to keep others happy. Unfortunately, in adulthood, a codependent man or woman can become so fixated on their partner or spouse's happiness that they inevitably cause their partners to feel responsible for their happiness.

Jul 24

My maternity psychologist once told me: Em, if normal people have 5 batteries each day and you only have 1, you need to accept that. Plain and simple. I took that to heart. I do not function like others, I need more rest.


Jul 24

In contemporary society it is effective for us to be constantly focused on ourselves and monitoring our performance and self-image. To be so fixated on promoting ourselves is to never let your guard down – to compulsively market and improve yourself in the hopes of one day perfecting your self-project. This constant self-reference develops into a rat race within oneself and eventually it can lead to burnout.
🟥 The Myth of Self Improvement

The Myth of Self Improvement

601,180 views  23 Feb 2024
To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/Sisyphus55/ . The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annual premium subscription.

This video was sponsored by "Brilliant"

 Jul 24

It's (Having compassion for the narcissist) the kind of thing that turns you into a doormat.


Jul 24

They want you to care about them but they don't want to care about you. It's that simple.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyLrGl8RAYM

 Jul 24

Having compassion for the narcissist is what got me here in the first place. I tolerated the intolerable. My mistake, but never, ever again.


Jul 24

All of this compassion you have for narcissistic person who is or who has harmed you. Try and do this for yourself too. If you are able to construct this elegant theory of why they are the way they are and do what they do, why can't you do this for yourself? In this relationship you often think you're the problem. You did the bad. You are the issue. We all know that trauma bonding. If that's the case- we know you are able to be compassionate for bad person.
🟥 DoctorRamani

THE COMPASSION PARADOX in narcissistic relationships
18,229 views  23 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 24

For example, when you say I'm so demanding, I am so difficult, I'm expecting them to help out with the kitchen after they had long day (you had long day too - but you focus on theirs). Perhaps you can say I'm asking for help because  had a long day myself and I could use the help. When you say maybe I am not trying hard enough in this relationship maybe I am problem and I am not communicating clearly – makes all this harder.
🟥 DoctorRamani

THE COMPASSION PARADOX in narcissistic relationships

18,229 views  23 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 24

When you believe you are bad person for getting angry or raising your voice, at the narcissistic person who lied to you, you could try – Well I was exposed to anger all the time as a child, and nobody listened anyone. I don't love these explanations for you – you aren't a bad person for having an honest reaction to someone who betrays you. You are communicating clearly. They just aren't listening. And they should be helping you in the kitchen.
🟥 DoctorRamani

THE COMPASSION PARADOX in narcissistic relationships

18,229 views  23 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024


Jul 24

At a minimum try and come up compassionate justifications for your own behavior. You're doing it for the narcissist, just do the same thing for yourself. At least it's more self kind place to begin. You get BS message how you need to find compassion for someone who is so riddled with shame – well survivors have to carry all of the compassionate and emotional baggage in the relationship. 'Be compassionate to narcissist' is what you hear, 'communicate'...
🟥 DoctorRamani

THE COMPASSION PARADOX in narcissistic relationships
18,229 views  23 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 24

It appears as if toxic person has some kind of unknown power to hold us into worry and fear and panic. But nope - it is our own logical, mentally healthy part of our brain that is causing the disorder.

Jul 24

Simpsons Comics #156 is the one-hundred and fifty-sixth issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in July 2009

Jul 24

Simpsons Comics #156 is the one-hundred and fifty-sixth issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the USA in July 2009

Jul 25

Detaching is knowing that whatever people are doing to you should not be influencing your choices, your life, your capacity and even your doing. I have my own life, my own style, my own different likings, so why would I not be able to express that to myself.
🟥 detachment

How to master detachment and become a better you

25 views  19 Jul 2024  #selfcare #detachment #success
Today I talk all about detachment and knowing your own worth. This is an important aspect in life that everyone should know about because the power of detachment is honestly surreal. Let me know if you guys liked this video and stay tuned for more content.

Jul 25

What a child can do today with assistance, she will be able to do by herself tomorrow.
🟦 Lev Vygotsky

Jul 25

The teacher must adopt the role of facilitator, not content provider.
🟦 Lev Vygotsky

Jul 25

Through others we become ourselves.
🟦 Lev Vygotsky

Jul 25

People who accomplish great deeds rarely come out of good little boys and girls.
🟦 Lev Vygotsky

Jul 25

social contact was essential for intellectual development

Jul 25

Children grow into the intellectual life around them.
🟦 Lev Vygotsky

Jul 25

🇩🇴  Dominican Republic


Jul 25

🇨🇺 Cuba

Jul 25

🇪🇨 Ecuador

🏉 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-24, 16-51-17, France 2

Jul 25

🏉 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-25, 15-38-18, France 2

Jul 25

🇪🇸 Costa Verde

 The Costa Verde, the green coast, is a piece of Spain that is so different from the popular holiday destination. The rails of the small northern Spanish FEVE narrow-gauge railway lead down into river valleys, up and along the mountains and the Costa Verde.

Jul 25

🇪🇸 Costa Verde

The Costa Verde, the green coast, is a piece of Spain that is so different from the popular holiday destination. The rails of the small northern Spanish FEVE narrow-gauge railway lead down into river valleys, up and along the mountains and the Costa Verde.

Jul 25

🇪🇸 Costa Verde

The Costa Verde, the green coast, is a piece of Spain that is so different from the popular holiday destination. The rails of the small northern Spanish FEVE narrow-gauge railway lead down into river valleys, up and along the mountains and the Costa Verde.

 Jul 25

Simpsons Comics #157 is the one-hundred and fifty-seventh issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the United Kingdom on March 19, 2009.

Jul 25

🇫🇷 Olympic Games Paris 2024



Jul 25

🏉 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-24, 19-32-08, France 2

Jul 25

🏉 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-24, 19-32-08, France 2

Jul 25

🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin

Jul 25

🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin

Jul 25

🚣 Der Ruder-Achter - Geschichte eines Mythos

The eighth – the supreme discipline of rowing, a myth. Rowing and especially the eighth have a long tradition that is not just about sport: political influence, relationships and the struggle of women for equality also play a major role. The documentary also accompanies the German eighth of men in their preparations for Paris 2024.


Jul 25

🚣 Der Ruder-Achter - Geschichte eines Mythos

The eighth – the supreme discipline of rowing, a myth. Rowing and especially the eighth have a long tradition that is not just about sport: political influence, relationships and the struggle of women for equality also play a major role. The documentary also accompanies the German eighth of men in their preparations for Paris 2024.

Jul 25

🇪🇸 Der Jakobsweg

It is in the nature of man to hike. The young Spanish couple Alba and Raul live in the capital of the hikers and have seen thousands of pilgrims running from Santiago de Compostela to the end of the world. Now they are on their way to discover the most famous and impressive hiking trails in the world.
The Great Way - Walk around the world
The Way of St. James, Spain

Jul 25

🇪🇸 Der Jakobsweg

It is in the nature of man to hike. The young Spanish couple Alba and Raul live in the capital of the hikers and have seen thousands of pilgrims running from Santiago de Compostela to the end of the world. Now they are on their way to discover the most famous and impressive hiking trails in the world.

Jul 25

🐳 Der Humboldtstrom: Das wilde Patagonien

The Humboldt Stream is the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. It stretches for around 1000 kilometers along the west coast of South America from southern Chile to the equator.

Jul 25

🐳 Der Humboldtstrom: Das wilde Patagonien

The Humboldt Stream is the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. It stretches for around 1000 kilometers along the west coast of South America from southern Chile to the equator.

Jul 26

We form our views of ourselves based on our perceptions of how others view us.
🟥 Looking-Glass Self

Looking-Glass Self (Explained in 3 Minutes)

91 views  20 Jul 2024
The looking-glass self is a concept from sociologist Charles Cooley, explaining how individuals form their self-concept based on their perceptions of how others view them. It involves imagining how we appear to others, imagining their judgments of that appearance, and developing feelings about ourselves based on these perceived judgments. This process helps shape our identity and self-esteem. Essentially, our self-image is influenced by the reflections of ourselves we see in others' reactions and opinions.

Jul 26

In complex trauma a child will be lied to and they get angry – and they should. But they try to resolve the problem which is what anger was designed to do, but then they get smacked and being told to not do that. So their only option to deal with anger because they didn't resolve the problem was to stuff the anger down. What is the effect in person's physical emotional life, mental health when they repress anger for years?
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

Gabor Mate in When the body say No says that when we have been prevented from learning how to say no, so when somebody wants to abuse you and you can't stop it – or if there is a problem and you say this needs to happen, somebody wants to use you and you say no but nobody listens to your no, and you push yourself to help and you don't say no, when we don't say no - our bodies end up saying it for us. Body goes on strike.
🟥 Tim Fletcher, Unresolved Anger

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

There's a lot of research – repressed anger and stress lead to significant health problems, never being able to say no. There's a high cost to suppressing stress and anger. Repression is dissociating emotions from awareness. Face the option – do I live with pain of fear and shame and anger I can never fix so it's going to be constant fear, constant pain, or do I disconnect from it - Dissociate from it. You relegate those emotion in unconscious world.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

So what you think you've done by disconnecting from all of that pain is you think that doesn't bother me anymore – because I'm not feeling it. So “it must not have any effect on me”. What you don't realize is your subconscious realm – is still experiencing that, you just have disconnected from it. So it is still taking its toll. Gabor Mate says by putting it in unconscious realm, they continue to give stress and they disorganize confuse our psych. defenses.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger
105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

In some people these psychological defenses go awry, crazy, becoming the destroyers of health rather than the protectors. Anger emotions were designed to protect you. But if you couldn't resolve problems and you put it in subconscious world – they're no longer able to protect you. Now they actually will work against you. And become enemy because the stress they are under in subconscious world if being added, the more stuff you disconnect from.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger
105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

 Jul 26

Disconnect from anger eventually attacks your immune system, your central nervous system and it sets you up for disease. The power of repressed anger and stress  to cause huge damage and major negative ramifications throughout our body. When you are aware of anger, afterwards you get anger hangover. It sucks emotional tank dry with that anger episode. Complex Trauma causes suppressed emotions takes toll on body and nervous system.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger
105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

 Cortisol was designed to go in short little bursts. Fear- you go to fight, flight and then situation is resolved, fixed and cortisol disappears. You go back to normal life of feeling safe. When you are in ongoing danger and cortisol is pumping all the time. Ongoing pumping of cortisol does tremendous damage through your body. People with complex trauma do not have good boundaries. You live in stress all the time. Always worrying – can you do this for me.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger
105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

Next thing – Mask. Everybody in complex trauma does wear mask. It's because either you don't know who you are, or you think you know who you are and you're afraid nobody will like that person. So you're always playing a role, being fake. You realize how much stress this puts on your system? To constantly be playing a role. To constantly be wondering are people seeing through my mask, and seeing the real me?
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger
105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

Cortisol comes out of survival types of situations. In Complex trauma the most common chemical is Cortisol. Emotional competence requires to become aware of their emotional world. Not disconnected. Identify emotions that they feel and actually feel it. Ability to regulate expression of that emotions. Anger does not give you right to punch someone in the face. What they said triggered stuff from your past – that is reaction all about.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

When I can't manage my emotions, express my emotions, know my needs – I have tons of stress that I'm not even aware of. Family systems in which children develop diseases: enmeshment where everything is everybody's business. All of those are boundaries issues. Positive thinkers – some of those is ok but it is denial about pain, refusal to look accurately about what is going in your life. This makes it worse. Repress and deny so never resolve stress.
🟥 Tim Fletcher

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?


Jul 26

People need to tap into their creative energy. We're all wired with different skills and passions. When you help homeless person, it energizes you, make you feel more alive, in helping others you help yourself. We can create new world for ourselves and we're responsible for it.
🟥 Tim Fletcher, Unresolved Anger

Anger and Complex Trauma - Part 10/11 - Unresolved Anger

105,409 views  Streamed live on 14 Sept 2019
GET STARTED With a FREE Preview to our 12 Basic Needs Course: https://bit.ly/3UQcWeq 
Website: https://bit.ly/3ybk8Jf 
Do You Have Complex Trauma? Take the QUIZ: https://bit.ly/3QGbzMV 
What happens to us if we are not able to resolve anger and the only solution we have is to stuff it down?

Jul 26

🇦🇹 Eröffnung der Salzburger Festspiele
Der traditionelle Festakt zur "Eröffnung der Salzburger Festspiele" wird auch 2024 live aus der Salzburger Felsenreitschule übertragen.

The traditional ceremony for the "opening of the Salzburg Festival" will also be broadcast live from the Salzburg Felsenreitschule in 2024.

3sat reports live on the opening of the Salzburg Festival. ORF editor Lukas Möschl mingles with the waiting fence guests in the festival district for a mood report.

Jul 26

🇮🇸 Iceland

Island: eine Insel knapp unterhalb des Polarkreises. Gewaltige Naturkräfte, imposante Wasserfälle, feuerspeiende Vulkane und schier endlose Gletscher – das Land aus Feuer und Eis.

Iceland: an island just below the Arctic Circle. Huge forces of nature, imposing waterfalls, fire-breathing volcanoes and almost endless glaciers – the land of fire and ice.

 Jul 26

🇮🇸 Iceland

Iceland: an island just below the Arctic Circle. Huge forces of nature, imposing waterfalls, fire-breathing volcanoes and almost endless glaciers – the land of fire and ice.

Jul 26

🎭 Opera - La sonnambula (The Sleepwalker)

The great Australian soprano Jessica Pratt stars in Vincenzo Bellini's Sonnambula. Revived at the Rome Opera, the opera - composed in 1831 with a libretto by Felice Romani - is staged by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti who, to tell the story of the protagonist's passage from childhood to adulthood, started from the sensation one has when one sees the places of one's childhood as an adult, finding them much smaller than one remembers. In the staging, it therefore takes on a central role in the contrast between large and small, thanks to the sets by Cristian Taraborrelli, the disproportions between the protagonists and the size of the furnishings, and the story is thus set in an unreal world, in a sort of "doll's house". The dreamlike atmosphere is completed by the graphic novel in the background, composed of poetic animated drawings by Gianluigi Toccafondo. The direction is entrusted to the Roman Speranza Scappucci. Alongside Jessica Pratt – queen of this repertoire and brilliant interpreter of Italian bel canto, who plays the protagonist Amina – are Juan Francisco Gatell in the role of Elvino, the young landowner with whom the protagonist marries, and Riccardo Zanellato in that of Count Rodolfo. With them are the young talents of “Fabbrica” Young Artist Program of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma: Valentina Varriale (Lisa), Reut Ventorero (Teresa) and Timofei Baranov (Alessio).

Opera - La sonnambula, 2024-07-26, 10-00-30, Rai 5

Jul 26

⚔️ les chevaliers templiers et le saint graal - strategies de survi, 2024-07-25, 23-50-02, RMC Découverte

Jul 26

⚔️ les chevaliers templiers et le saint graal - strategies de survi, 2024-07-25, 23-50-02, RMC Découverte

Jul 26

⚔️ les chevaliers templiers et le saint graal - strategies de survi, 2024-07-25, 23-50-02, RMC Découverte


Jul 26

🇯🇵 Wild Japan Hokkaido

Wild Japan Hokkaido l'isola primitiva Ep, 2024-07-25, 19-35-15, Rai Scuola


Jul 26

⚽ Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa, 2024-07-25, 23-17-50, Boing Plus

Jul 26

🇫🇷 Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 - l'avant cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 17-34-06, France 2

Jul 26

The Simpsons Comics, 2009

Simpsons Comics #158 is the one-hundred and fifty-eighth issue of Simpsons Comics. It was released in the United Kingdom on April 16, 2009.

Jul 26

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 19-30-02, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 19-30-02, France 2

 Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 19-30-02, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 19-30-02, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 19-30-02, France 2

Jul 27

And then from our point of view - social anxiety would be a simple shyness issue - that is easily resolved with exposure and with talking. We would never guess that socially anxious people have actually issue with unprocessed anger.
🧵 Detachment and Social anxiety

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 21-14-29, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 21-14-29, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 21-14-29, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 21-14-29, France 2


Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 21-14-29, France 2

Jul 27

🇫🇷 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie d'ouverture, 2024-07-26, 23-39-41, France 2

Jul 27

Truth is imagined as well. Anytime we've creating anything, whether it's good or evil – we imagine it and we believe it. And it becomes so. Much of the horrible things that happen in our lives happen as the result of our belief. We believe evil, we believe wicked, we believe nasty, we believe negative- we imagine them, we believe them, and we hold on to them long enough they become true for us. Also for good – it becomes so.

The Life-Changing Power of Your Beliefs

5,126 views  20 Jul 2024  IRVINE
Why Bobby Schuller's Law of Belief is Changing Lives.Today, Pastor Bobby teaches on the law of belief; this idea that what you believe becomes real. Whether it’s your finances, relationships, or your walk, what you believe becomes your reality. If you believe it, it will be so for you, in today’s message: “The Law of Belief.”

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Jul 27

🎭 Le Willis

From the Gran Teatro all'aperto Giacomo Puccini in Torre del Lago, Le Willis, Legend in one act in two parts. Music by Giacomo Puccini, libretto by Ferdinando Fontana. First performance Milan, Teatro Dal Verme, 31 May 1884. Critical edition by Martin Deasy for Ricordi. Direction, sets and costumes Pier Luigi Pizzi, Maestro concertatore and conductor Massimo Zanetti, characters and performers: GUGLIELMO GULF (baritone) Giuseppe De Luca; ANNA, HIS DAUGHTER (soprano) Lidia Fridman; ROBERTO (tenor), Vincenzo Costanzo; Orchestra and Chorus of the Puccini Festival, Chorus Master Roberto Ardigò. Choreography – Gheorghe Iancu, Lighting Design – Massimo Gasparon, Video Design – Matteo Letizi, Set Assistant – Serena Rocco, Costume Assistant – Lorena Marin, Choreography Assistants – Letizia Giuliani and Francesco Marzola, Music Assistant – Filippo Barsali, Video Maestro – Matteo Giorgetti, Assistant Director – Sandro Pacini, Sound Designer – Luca Bimbi. TV Director Barbara Napolitano.

Jul 27

🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin

Jul 27

🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin

Les aventures de Tintin, 2024-07-27, 00-38-18, Gulli

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Lampedusa, 2024-07-27, 07-12-05, Rai 1 HD

Blue Line
Linea Blu will reach the extreme borders of Italy, to better understand the southernmost island: Lampedusa. Always a landing place, in recent decades it has seen tourism that flocks here for the splendor of its sea. A splendor made of seabeds rich in biodiversity, which make Lampedusa a paradise for divers. But, to defend this beauty, a lot of work is needed. Donatella Bianchi will introduce the projects, the men and women who have made the protection of this sea and this island their mission. In addition to nature, Lampedusa is also history. With a group of scholars, we will go to discover archaeological sites in the sea, to take a leap into the past of thousands of years. As mentioned, a sea rich in life that will excite. In this period, for example, on the beaches of the Pelagie Islands, the eggs of the caretta caretta, the splendid sea turtle, hatch. It will be possible to witness this magical event. Fabio Gallo, on the other hand, will reach the Strait of Messina to tell how swimming can help in the fight against Parkinson's.

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Lampedusa, 2024-07-27, 07-12-05, Rai 1 HD

Jul 27

🎵 Red Sails In the Sunset · Dean Martin (1966)

Dean Martin as Matt Helm Sings Songs from "The Silencers"

℗ Originally released 1966. All rights reserved by Dean Martin Family Trust

Released on: 1966-04-01

Composer, Lyricist: J. Kennedy
Producer: Jimmy Bowen
Composer, Lyricist: H. Williams
Arranger: Ernie Freeman
Arranger: Gene Page

Jul 27

Someone who lacks objectivity is inflexible. Someone who lacks objectivity is a black and white thinker. Somebody who lacks objectivity is coming from their ego, believes in what they believe, once I form a belief I have a cognitive bias towards that belief. And if I'm not careful when someone presents me information that is in conflict with that belief, then my defense mechanism is to whack a mole.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc


3,716 views  26 Jul 2024  Overcoming Codependency: Lisa A. Romano Podcast
#redflags #narcissism #toxic In this short YouTube video, you will learn about the #1 Red Flag that this person is going to make your life miserable. Although many people are toxic, I hope to help you identify the traits, signs, symptoms, and characteristics of a highly toxic person who will ultimately drain your emotions, cause you cognitive dissonance, and treat you as if they are entitled to judge you. 

When someone lacks objectivity, their thinking is rigid and inflexible. They are said to be black-and-white thinkers who, by default, reject any idea, even if they are factual, that conflicts with their bias. When you are dealing with someone who lacks objectivity, this is someone toxic. If you are not mindful, you could be dragged into a codependent and narcissistic relationship without realizing it. In narcissistic relationships, a lack of objectivity will make relationship conflicts impossible.

Jul 27

🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 10-26-04, Rai 2 HD

 Jul 27

🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 10-26-04, Rai 2 HD

Jul 27

🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 10-26-04, Rai 2 HD

Jul 27

🏳️‍🌈 Berlin Pride – CSD Berlin 2024

With the motto “Only strong together – for democracy and diversity”, the CSD demonstration wants to send a signal against forces that undermine democracy. Combined with an appeal to the queer community for more solidarity. Berlin Pride is both a parade and a demonstration and the highlight of the events for Christopher Street Day.

Jul 27

🏳️‍🌈 Berlin Pride – CSD Berlin 2024

For many years, the demonstration of the LGBTQIA* community in Berlin has been a colorful event with an appeal far beyond Berlin. The organizer, Berliner CSD eV, is expecting 75 trucks and around 100 walking groups. The route runs from Leipziger Straße via Potsdamer Platz, Nollendorfplatz and the Victory Column to the final rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate. A total of 500,000 participants and visitors are expected again.
From 1:00 p.m., rbb will report live directly from the route at the Philharmonie: on rbb television, on the rbb YouTube channel and - brand new - on the ARD Twitch channel. Users have the opportunity to send their comments and questions directly to the live stream via the streaming portals.
Moderator Florian Prokop welcomes a whole series of exciting guests: including Marcel Voges as spokesman for the Berlin CSD eV, the Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU), the journalist and entrepreneur Felicitas Mutterer (FC Viktoria Berlin), drag star Sheila Wolf and two representatives from the Twitch streamer collective "Rainbow Revolution".
Ronja Bachofer and Thomas Rostek collect voices and moods directly from the Berlin Pride 2024 route.
Moderation: Florian Prokop
Reporters on the route: Ronja Bachofer and Thomas Rostek

Jul 27

🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 14-00-16, Rai 2 HD

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Termoli e Isole Tremiti, 2024-07-27, 14-15-55, Rai 1 HD

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Termoli e Isole Tremiti, 2024-07-27, 14-15-55, Rai 1 HD

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Termoli e Isole Tremiti, 2024-07-27, 14-15-55, Rai 1 HD

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Sardaigne, la belle insulaire, 2024-07-27, 15-44-59, France 5

Jul 27

🇮🇹 Sardaigne, la belle insulaire, 2024-07-27, 15-44-59, France 5

Jul 27

I'm doing my best. This is my best.

Episode: 8495

Original Air Date: April 14, 2021

Jul 27

Detachment & Anger are like us having a mute / ignore / block button in real life for and at our convenience - to use when needed.

We are taught by sick society to see the anger as abnormal anti-social rage and sociopathic fury.
While in reality - Anger is like astronaut suit.
It protect us against deadly radiation, toxic rays of any kinds
🧵 Detachment and suppressed anger

Jul 27

💪 Sport de force - World's Strongest Man, 2024-07-27, 18-41-01, L'Equipe


Jul 27

🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du soir, 2024-07-27, 21-05-50, France 3

Jul 27

🏳️‍🌈 Allah weiß, dass ich schwul bin

Being gay is still a big problem in many Muslim countries. Those affected often have to keep their sexual tendencies hidden. If it is discovered by others, it can even be dangerous. The film accompanies the Lebanese Hadi, who fled to Germany because he was humiliated by his own family and threatened with death. After his asylum application was granted in Berlin, he was far from certain. The family is also chasing him here.


Jul 27

🇫🇷 Mont-Saint-Michel

The sights of France attract tourists from all over the world. But there are not only human-made landmarks to discover, but also a diverse but fragile wildlife. In this episode: Mont-Saint-Michel is one of the most popular sights in France. The bay next door also houses a diverse wildlife.

Jul 28

When anger is repressed, huge amounts are stored in the body, it causes all sorts of psychological issues, emotional and physical health issues. We are taught – society, teachers, parents – that anger is bad, you're not suppose to express it. In the same time we live in controlled society and anger wants to come up in many ways and it only gets pushed down. I started doing somatic work and then anger started coming up. I had no idea it was there. Layers.
🟥 Repressed Anger

Repressed Anger: How I Healed My Addiction and Skin Problems By Integrating My Unconscious RAGE

5,473 views  10 Mar 2022  #anger #repressedanger #angerrelease
In this video, I share my transformational experience working with repressed anger and some of the key things I’ve learned along the way about how to get in touch with anger, thaw out the barriers to expression, and how to use the body (postures, gestures, movements, sounds etc.) to more and more fully embody that anger.

Doing this has resulted in my addictions falling off a cliff and getting a lot of relief from chronic skin issues. 

Working with anger is worth it! But it's difficult and requires a lot of skill (and patience!).

Jul 28

Everyday I'd been in school or university or work, I hadn't wanted to be there – and all these people around me that I didn't want to be with, and I couldn't express any of that. I knew I was full of so much fear that I just had to sit there. The whole body just wants to just explode. I had to push it down. You'd me amazed what you find down there in terms of repressed anger, it's astonishing. It's most trans-formative things, anger is so powerful.
🟥 Repressed Anger

Repressed Anger: How I Healed My Addiction and Skin Problems By Integrating My Unconscious RAGE
5,473 views  10 Mar 2022  #anger #repressedanger #angerrelease
In this video, I share my transformational experience working with repressed anger and some of the key things I’ve learned along the way about how to get in touch with anger, thaw out the barriers to expression, and how to use the body (postures, gestures, movements, sounds etc.) to more and more fully embody that anger.

Doing this has resulted in my addictions falling off a cliff and getting a lot of relief from chronic skin issues. 

Working with anger is worth it! But it's difficult and requires a lot of skill (and patience!).

Jul 28

Anger is so powerful, it just has an incredible unconscious effects on your life. If you're unable to tap into it a healthy way and integrate much of that repressed anger. I experimented in different ways and I did a lot of practice sessions with people figuring out best ways of integrating and getting in touch with anger. That when my addictions just fell of a cliff – binge eating chocolate, coffee there was no desire to eat it anymore, my skin improved
🟥 Repressed Anger

Repressed Anger: How I Healed My Addiction and Skin Problems By Integrating My Unconscious RAGE

5,473 views  10 Mar 2022  #anger #repressedanger #angerrelease
In this video, I share my transformational experience working with repressed anger and some of the key things I’ve learned along the way about how to get in touch with anger, thaw out the barriers to expression, and how to use the body (postures, gestures, movements, sounds etc.) to more and more fully embody that anger.

Doing this has resulted in my addictions falling off a cliff and getting a lot of relief from chronic skin issues. 

Working with anger is worth it! But it's difficult and requires a lot of skill (and patience!).

Jul 28

When you repress healthy anger, you're actually suppressing your immune system. Mind and body cannot be separated. Role of healthy anger is to protect your boundaries. Make sure something that shouldn't be intruded on you isn't. If I were to attack you – you should mount rage response “You shouldn't do this to me!”. It would sever care that you are needed – suppression of anger is benefit, keep relationship to survive.
🟥 Anger Is Your Ally: with Dr Gabor Mate


70,830 views  26 Oct 2021  #anger #mindfulness #meditation
How do we create a healthier relationship with anger? Most of us either stuff our anger or we suddenly find ourselves erupting in rage. In this video Dr. Gabor Mate explain how healthy anger can be good in life.

Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

Jul 28

Chocolate champaign


Jul 28
CBT's idea of social skills is based on fake image - on ideals that have nothing to do with real life - where evil people walk among us and exploit us and our good kind nature. When we are forced to be nice and friendly and assertive as the only explanation how to be "normal" and social and socially confident -we end up with suppressed anger in the process. CBT inadvertently is teaching socially anxious how to develop Fawning trauma response
🧵 Detachment, anger and CPTSD

Jul 28

All emotions are needed for us to make sense of reality. When we are in toxic ambient, when there are pathological liars around us, when there are fake people around us giving us wrong data - the only thing that can help us remove their fake social mask and their manipulation is the anger. No other emotion cannot do that. Only anger. Anger is the emotion - if we allow it - would provide our brain to doubt someone who feels strange and off to us
Detachment, anger and CPTSD

Jul 28

With social anxiety -
with or without therapy, with or without education about trauma, with or without any kind of awareness what is social anxiety:
everything we do as a response to social anxiety symptoms is an attempt to perform detachment. Whether it is successful, functional or not - we try to detach. Without us being aware that we are attempting to detach. From our point of view - we try to figure out the fears and panic.
🧵 Detachment, anger and CPTSD

Jul 28

Without anger - we never learn to appreciate ourselves. Instead we depend on other people all the time, we end up being codependent. So with social anxiety -we actually try to detach from other people -
we avoid,
We develop avoidance. We develop anxious-avoidant attachment style. This is our attempt to take care of ourselves without using the anger emotion inside us.
🧵 Detachment, anger and CPTSD

Jul 28

Simpsons Comics 159 was released in the US in October 2009. The death chasing Mr. Burns and he gets in trouble when he also gets the death's daughter after ...

Jul 28

🏉 Paris 2024

Journal 20h00, 2024-07-27, 19-56-45, France 2

Jul 28

🏉 Paris 2024

Jul 28

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 20-19-33, Rai Sport HD

Jul 28

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-27, 20-19-33, Rai Sport HD

Jul 28

🎭 Cendrillon

“Cinderella”: a mischievous opera for children
Don't miss this moving and mischievous production of Jules Massenet's "Cinderella". Perfect for introducing young people to the lyrical art.

Want to gently introduce your children to opera? This moving and mischievous production of Cinderella , a fairy tale by Jules Massenet, is the perfect opportunity. Director Mariame Clément makes Cinderella's stepmother (aka Lucette) the ingenious designer of a delirious princess-making machine, meaning that she transforms nubile young girls into Barbie dolls so sweetly sweet that you risk getting a cavity just by looking at them.

The well-matched duo of two exquisite mezzo-sopranos, Tara Erraught (Cinderella) and Anna Stephany (the Prince), constitutes the beating heart of the show. Which happily builds on an idea of ​​the author and director

Jul 28

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-28, 11-45-43, Rai Sport HD

Jul 28

I grew up terrified of anger and angry people.
🟥 Crappy Childhood Fairy

Childhood PTSD and ANGER: Is It Ever a Good Thing?

29,498 views  4 Apr 2019
Come See Me In Person. One-Day Workshops TX, NC & LONDON: https://bit.ly/49rzM0Z
Do You Have CPTSD? Take the QUIZ: http://bit.ly/3GhE65z
FREE COURSE: *The Daily Practice*: http://bit.ly/3X1BrE0
Website: http://bit.ly/3CxgkRY

Jul 28

Liam, stop! This is your problem. This is what you do all the time: you have to be Mr. Perfect. Well, I got news for you - You're not perfect! You make mistakes.
Episode: 8496

Original Air Date: April 15, 2021

Jul 28

📽️ Heidi (1952)

The orphan girl Heidi lives with her bitter grandfather, the Alpöhi, on the mountain pasture. Heidi loves spending her time with the goatherd Peter. But then her life changes. The 1952 black-and-white feature film "Heidi" based on the story "Heidi's Years of Learning and Traveling" by Johanna Spyri is still considered the best adaptation of the children's book. One day, Heidi's aunt Dete turns up on the mountain pasture. She works for the distinguished Sesemann family in Frankfurt. The daughter of the house, Klara, has a walking disability. Under a pretext, the aunt kidnaps the unsuspecting Heidi so that she can keep the girl company. Heidi soon wins Klara's affection. Klara blossoms and even overcomes her illness. Heidi even wins the sympathy of the entire house, with the exception of the strict governess, Miss Rottenmeier. But Heidi is very homesick.
Shipment information
Cast: Elsbeth Sigmund, Thomas Klameth, Heinrich Gretler, Isa Günther, Willy Birgel Director: Luigi Comencini Author: Johanna Spyri VPS: 28.07.2024 17:10, B/W

Jul 28

📽️ Heidi und Peter (1955)

Heidi is back in the mountains with her beloved Alpöhi. They have spent the winter in the village with Peter's mother. The Sesemanns from Frankfurt want to come and visit them. It should finally work out during the summer holidays. But Mr. Sesemann backs out again. This pleases Miss Rottenmeier and causes Klara to burst into tears. Grandmother Sesemann takes over as tour guide. But in the "village" the scatterbrained Peter has forgotten to give Heidi Klara's letter. When she finally reads the happy news, the Frankfurters are already standing in front of the alpine hut. Heidi and Klara, who needs a wheelchair again because of a relapse, are looking forward to a carefree summer. Only Peter, who is secretly in love with Heidi, is having a hard time. One day he destroys Klara's wheelchair out of jealousy. This act of revenge has unexpected consequences.
Shipment information
Cast: Elsbeth Sigmund, Thomas Klameth, Heinrich Gretler, Isa Günther, Willy Birgel Director: Franz Schnyder Author: Johanna Spyri VPS: 28.07.2024 18:50

Jul 28

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Wales

Wales - The Wild West of Great Britain
The summer heat strikes - film by Anne Gallagher and Adrian Seymour

Summer has begun. Terns that breed right on the beach are constantly threatened by seagulls that want to hunt their chicks. But even though they are much smaller, the terns manage to drive away their enemies in an impressive way. It is more difficult, however, to defend themselves against something that is threatening despite this dry season: water. The tide is currently powerful and is washing over the eggs as well as the chicks that have already hatched. Can they be saved?

 Ramsey Island is visited by grey seals every year. At the moment, however, only by females, who give birth to their young here and then have to feed them. In just two weeks, they lose a third of their body weight because they no longer eat anything. So it's time for the young to be able to look after themselves. That's why swimming lessons are starting. Many wild males now want to mate again, but this bothers the females because they are always there for their young. So they resist. The film shows how they do this - along with other problem-solving techniques.

Jul 28

Toxic people are nice only when they have agenda to chase. Instead of modifying their anger through our people pleasing - we need to feel results of their bad behavior as anger inside ourselves. The anger must be felt. This is the only way to give our brain enough data to protect us -
🧵 Detachment, anger and CPTSD

and when we are in impossible situations where we are unable to run away from oppressors - the brain will provide us with healthy amounts of dissociations to keep us safe temporarily. The anger - when we allow it - will be noted and this anger will help us in the future, when we gain more power to run away from psychopaths.
🧵 Detachment, anger and CPTSD

Jul 29

🟥 Social anxiety as video game.

Living with Social Anxiety | A Day in My Life
Social Anxiety as a "Video Game"? 😱

Jul 29

Evil did not come from good. Nor did good emerge from evil. Zarathustra and the Lords of his multi-level embodiment came to Earth as foot soldier of a Divine command of Archangels to confront and destroy evil in the name of righteousness. This was still to be accomplished through the direct confrontation at specific points in the space-time continuum.
🔥 The Book of the Zarathustra Lords

The Book of the Zarathustra Lords

690 views  22 Jul 2024
In the 1980's Thoth gave me a summary of the history of Zarathustra/Zoroaster and his written work the Aurim (Zurim) Octabah, including quotes from this book and his interpretations. It is a mystical text Thoth refers to as the Book of the Zarathustrian Lords, containing profound esoteric knowledge, focusing on the quantum science of Good and Evil.

The book discusses several key concepts and entities:

Race-Spirits and Meta-Archi: The text speaks of five Race-Spirits or Archii who will bring new genetic helixes to Earth, enhancing human evolution from a two-fold helix to a four-fold one, through the Metatronic Spiral and the light molecule known as M-STRA​​.

Spiritual Consciousness: It describes the transformation of spiritual consciousness into high-order guardian spirits, which the book calls 'Genius'. These entities are formed from spiritualized egos and act as cohesive forces within the Earth's spiritual framework​​.

Grail and Redemption: The text also explores themes of redemption and purification through the metaphor of the Grail, embodying the Christ consciousness and the restoration of spiritual purity within humanity and the Earth​​.

Two Key Related Videos:
Archangel Stone:    • The Archangel Stone - Retrieval of th...  
Torhannah: https://vimeo.com/644015451

Jul 29

ℹ️ Movie about Stockholm Syndrome


Jul 29

You thought they were having a bad day. You didn't allow anything to happen. You treated them with expectation of goodness, with compassion, the same compassion you would grant to the other people. When we talk to ourselves “I allowed this to happen” “I'm to blame in part for this”, what we have done is internalized their gas-lighting. We also internalized sentiment wonder why we couldn't make it work. You didn't allow-they did what they do. Own abuser.
🟥 DoctorRamani

5 powerful STEPS you MUST TAKE to heal from a narcissistic relationship

28 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 29

Narcissistic people love forgiveness. They love there's a dry erase board that just gets wiped away and they just keep getting to do their things. It's the ultimate set-up for them. Because they actually feel entitled to that. So when they are forgiven, it fits their schema of the world: they're special, there shouldn't be consequences, of course they should be forgiven. Most people in narcissistic relationships spend a long time forgiving, years, lifetime.
🟥 DoctorRamani

5 powerful STEPS you MUST TAKE to heal from a narcissistic relationship
28 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 29

In narcissistic relationships, there is one emotion they express a lot: anger. Ultimately all of their emotions seem to be like roads that all feed into anger. Shame is expressed as anger. Narcissists equate emotions as weakness, anxiety depression evoke shame and then anger. Another emotional experience always end up being expressed as anger. The prevailing emotional state of a narcissistic relationship is anger.
🟥 DoctorRamani

5 powerful STEPS you MUST TAKE to heal from a narcissistic relationship
28 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 29

And their anger shuts down all other emotional expressions. All emotions really become anger. As result of this, people in narc relationships often feel caught up in almost form of dissociation. Having to do that much emotional silencing means that feelings get separated from. While it is completely understandable – it doesn't work once healing begins. Not feeling can be more comfortable than tidal wave of emotion, anger.
🟥 DoctorRamani

5 powerful STEPS you MUST TAKE to heal from a narcissistic relationship

28 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 29

Feelings happen. And life happens. And feelings are part of life. And the feelings change over time. Feeling of themselves are not bad thing. Feelings are little messengers. And being able to watch them, hold them, and name them and recognize them, and care for ourselves in the midst of them. Recognizing that our feelings don't define us. You may feel angry – that doesn't mean you are an angry person. In narc, feelings are pathologized, ashamed for that.
🟥 DoctorRamani

5 powerful STEPS you MUST TAKE to heal from a narcissistic relationship

28 Jul 2024
September 5-7, 2024

November 1-3, 2024

Jul 29

People who argue are sick

Jul 29

anger is sadness that has had nowhere to go for a very long time

Jul 29

begging for humanity can sound a lot like rage

Jul 29

heal so that you can hear without filtering through wound

Jul 29

French word for college pronounced is 4-letter F curse word in English.

Jul 29

🏅Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-29, 11-11-02, Rai Sport HD

Jul 29

🏅Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-29, 11-11-02, Rai Sport HD

Jul 29

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-28, 20-38-44, Rai Sport HD

Jul 30

In reality narcissistic PD is not settled – never mind You tube, or Tik Tok, these are not settled conditions in academic world. In the clinical world. There isn't universal agreement on what these things are. “What would NPD person do under situation X” or in context why. This is disease model. If you tell me I have a disease, and I get into certain situation with that disease many times specialized doctor will give you definitive answer. DSM - is vague

Narcissism Online : A Warning
16,317 views  26 Jul 2024

Jul 30

So if you end up with some rather naive and overly simplistic solutions for dealing with NPD, it's not a surprise –It's because of way how material is being presented to you. It is simplified. And the reason why content creator has simplified it like that is because they know that's what you want. YT is incentive system -you want views, you want likes. Algorithm is set to deliver it to more people. Incentive to give you low resolution of very complicated

Narcissism Online : A Warning
16,317 views  26 Jul 2024

Jul 30

You wife does something totally outside of content creator's frame – for their map of the problem, and you go “Well, then it can't be that then”. Keep in mind being logical rational adults:
If I say to you the statement “All water is wet” - that is not the same thing as saying “All wet things are water”. People online say: NPD are very anxious. Then people say – I have anxiety – does that mean I have NPD. That's not how that works.

Narcissism Online : A Warning
16,317 views  26 Jul 2024

Jul 30

⬜ Inoculation theory

Jul 30

⬜ Stress inoculation

 Jul 30

⚽ Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa, 2024-07-26, 22-22-28, Boing HD

Jul 30

I am so sorry about what happened earlier. It was wrong and after some thinking I realized it came from my own insecurities. I hope you can forgive me.
🎞️ Duncanville

Duncanville, 2024-07-29, 22-26-16, Mediaset Italia2 HD

Jul 30

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-30, 13-47-09, Rai Sport HD

Jul 30

🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-30, 13-47-09, Rai Sport HD

Jul 30

🏅Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-30, 17-46-26, France 2

Jul 30

🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-30, 17-51-51, France 3


Jul 30

🇫🇷 Concert de Paris

In this Olympic year, the City of Paris offers viewers and listeners three musical moments during the same evening: "Le Concert de Paris", which accompanies the arrival of the Olympic flame on the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville and the lighting of the cauldron. This concert is one of the largest classical music events in the world, followed by several tens of millions of viewers.

Jul 30

🎩 Fischerhüte Für Herren


Jul 30

🇮🇪 Tacumshane’s lovingly preserved windmill, dating from 1846

Back Roads Ireland

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

🏉 Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

📽️ Beau joueur (2019)

« Great Expectations » is the story of unrequited love but also an anthem for those who desire to win it back.

Delphine Gleize
Delphine Gleize
Vincent Etcheto

Jul 31

I know you think you're not an angry person. But you are. Not in a bad way. Simply because you are human being. You just learned to suppress it when kid because it wasn't safe to express it or feel it or talk about it. But one day soon, you're going to learn how to let that thing rip, without hurting anyone. When you do, it's gonna be f*cking beautiful.
🟥 "Not an angry person"

"Not an angry person" #anger #angermanagement #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #creator #shorts

Jul 31

PureO – when their symptoms are more focused on obsessive thoughts and intrusive ruminations. Involve imagining awful situations and then avoiding any triggers or rending any places. If parents, schooling, culture, religion or even peer pressure suppress their natural enthusiasm for life and individual expression, by forcing them to focus on studying, behaving nicely, fitting in, and trying to control their extroverted impulsive tendencies...
🟥  Pure O (OCD)

Does ADHD (or ADD) cause or influence Pure O (OCD) if repressed in childhood?
774 views  27 Jul 2024  #pureocd #ocdtreatment #ocd
My full essay can be accessed here   / light-blue-touch-107380992  

It is my experience, from two decades as an OCD therapist (and recovering from OCD myself) that very often, a person with Pure O OCD (which includes harm OCD, relationship OCD, sexual OCD, religious OCD and Contamination OCD) had ADD or ADHD in childhood but learned how to pretend to pay attention and fit in rather than remaining carefree and spontaneous as a child might find that all their repressed anger, frustration and unfulfilled imaginative creativity may express as Pure OCD with unrequested thoughts and scary ruminations. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are neurodevelopment disorders that can affect both children and adults. People with ADHD may have difficulties with paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, and may be overly active. On the other hand, ADD is sometimes used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD. It's important to note that these conditions can vary greatly from person to person and may present differently in different individuals. Seeking professional help and getting an accurate diagnosis is essential for developing an appropriate treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and behavioural interventions.

Jul 31

...their creative and imaginative brains may have developed complex thought processes, to manage those stresses. They would have to force themselves to look like they were concentrating and they would have to develop techniques to resist randomly talking without thinking. They found they would had to find ways to dampen their innate curiosity, independence and spontaneous impulsiveness. Learned strategies stop shouting and blaming.
🟥  Pure O (OCD), Complex Anxiety

Does ADHD (or ADD) cause or influence Pure O (OCD) if repressed in childhood?
774 views  27 Jul 2024  #pureocd #ocdtreatment #ocd
My full essay can be accessed here   / light-blue-touch-107380992  

It is my experience, from two decades as an OCD therapist (and recovering from OCD myself) that very often, a person with Pure O OCD (which includes harm OCD, relationship OCD, sexual OCD, religious OCD and Contamination OCD) had ADD or ADHD in childhood but learned how to pretend to pay attention and fit in rather than remaining carefree and spontaneous as a child might find that all their repressed anger, frustration and unfulfilled imaginative creativity may express as Pure OCD with unrequested thoughts and scary ruminations. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are neurodevelopment disorders that can affect both children and adults. People with ADHD may have difficulties with paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, and may be overly active. On the other hand, ADD is sometimes used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD. It's important to note that these conditions can vary greatly from person to person and may present differently in different individuals. Seeking professional help and getting an accurate diagnosis is essential for developing an appropriate treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and behavioural interventions.

Jul 31

These fitting-in strategies often came at the expense of suppressing their natural joy for life. As well as repressing their anger and frustration at life. Instead of rebelling or abandoning their responsibilities to just directly pursue their own desires. Unconsciously making those natural desires (travel, art, writing, meet people, bend rules, start company, partying..) suppressing true nature to fit in – making desires more frightening.
🟥  Pure O (OCD), Complex Anxiety

Does ADHD (or ADD) cause or influence Pure O (OCD) if repressed in childhood?

774 views  27 Jul 2024  #pureocd #ocdtreatment #ocd
My full essay can be accessed here   / light-blue-touch-107380992  

It is my experience, from two decades as an OCD therapist (and recovering from OCD myself) that very often, a person with Pure O OCD (which includes harm OCD, relationship OCD, sexual OCD, religious OCD and Contamination OCD) had ADD or ADHD in childhood but learned how to pretend to pay attention and fit in rather than remaining carefree and spontaneous as a child might find that all their repressed anger, frustration and unfulfilled imaginative creativity may express as Pure OCD with unrequested thoughts and scary ruminations. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are neurodevelopment disorders that can affect both children and adults. People with ADHD may have difficulties with paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, and may be overly active. On the other hand, ADD is sometimes used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD. It's important to note that these conditions can vary greatly from person to person and may present differently in different individuals. Seeking professional help and getting an accurate diagnosis is essential for developing an appropriate treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and behavioural interventions.

Jul 31

Unconscious PureO targets the opposite of who that person really is. Example: they consciously desire to travel, but unconsciously fear traveling. They consciously desire to be social, but unconsciously fear of abusing those whom they meet. Or unknowingly they sabotage their relationships. They consciously want to break rules, but unconsciously fear other people being upset and telling them off.
🟥  Pure O (OCD), Complex Anxiety


Does ADHD (or ADD) cause or influence Pure O (OCD) if repressed in childhood?

774 views  27 Jul 2024  #pureocd #ocdtreatment #ocd
My full essay can be accessed here   / light-blue-touch-107380992  

It is my experience, from two decades as an OCD therapist (and recovering from OCD myself) that very often, a person with Pure O OCD (which includes harm OCD, relationship OCD, sexual OCD, religious OCD and Contamination OCD) had ADD or ADHD in childhood but learned how to pretend to pay attention and fit in rather than remaining carefree and spontaneous as a child might find that all their repressed anger, frustration and unfulfilled imaginative creativity may express as Pure OCD with unrequested thoughts and scary ruminations. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are neurodevelopment disorders that can affect both children and adults. People with ADHD may have difficulties with paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, and may be overly active. On the other hand, ADD is sometimes used to describe the inattentive subtype of ADHD. It's important to note that these conditions can vary greatly from person to person and may present differently in different individuals. Seeking professional help and getting an accurate diagnosis is essential for developing an appropriate treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, and behavioural interventions.

Jul 31

That's where the success lies. That's how I'm going to get to the next level. Being here is what stopping you from getting those results.
🟥 Hayden Thomas

Success is on the other side of what you are avoiding
2,203 views  27 Jun 2024
Success can appear really elusive when you aren’t in line with the things you should be doing.

We all know what we want from life but most people don’t get it.

The reason for this isn’t a lack or talent or ambition, it’s usually the fact that we stop ourselves achieving our goals because of fear.

Fear stops cowards and it empowers winners.

You probably know the thing you need to do to achieve great levels of success but you don’t because you are afraid.

You don’t have to be a master right away, you just need to start super small and not expect to be making 10k a month right away or whatever it might be.

Just keep showing up and doing the small tasks and watch what eventually happens, things start to get better and you are no longer afraid.

Jul 31

You will come across people who are jealous of you, who wish that they had what you have. Or wish that they are doing what you are doing. And they will say to you that they are giving you advice – because they want you to succeed and they care about you. Where in reality they are giving you advice because they're trying to steer you off the path. Because they see you that you are moving forwards. While they're still stationary.
🟥 Hayden Thomas

Stop asking everybody for advice
109 views  26 Jun 2024  NOTTINGHAM
I used to ask absolutely everyone for advice about every decision I made.

I couldn’t make a decision without consulting with at least 5 people first.

Even though these people had no knowledge about the thing I was trying to do.

They would give me their input and I would often let them influence me because I didn’t trust myself enough.

Lots of people who give you advice want to prevent you from failing or taking a big risk, so they are trying to help you.

Other people give advice who are trying to sabotage you.

The way I see it, only take advice from people who you would trade lives with.

Have they achieved what you want to achieve? Do they know exactly how it feels to do something similar?

If not then you probably don’t need to take their advice.

Follow me on Instagram for more free content at ‪@realhaydenthomas‬

Jul 31

“Dogs don't bark at parked cars”. Someone who is actually trying to achieve success, someone who's doing good things, constantly moving forward, doing something new- and a dog always barks at something that's moving, it gets afraid because it is moving. If someone saying stay still and doing nothing, why is anyone going to make any noise about you? You will get people say you are doing wrong thing. Seeking approval from everybody.
🟥 Hayden Thomas

Stop asking everybody for advice

109 views  26 Jun 2024  NOTTINGHAM
I used to ask absolutely everyone for advice about every decision I made.

I couldn’t make a decision without consulting with at least 5 people first.

Even though these people had no knowledge about the thing I was trying to do.

They would give me their input and I would often let them influence me because I didn’t trust myself enough.

Lots of people who give you advice want to prevent you from failing or taking a big risk, so they are trying to help you.

Other people give advice who are trying to sabotage you.

The way I see it, only take advice from people who you would trade lives with.

Have they achieved what you want to achieve? Do they know exactly how it feels to do something similar?

If not then you probably don’t need to take their advice.

Follow me on Instagram for more free content at ‪@realhaydenthomas‬

Jul 31

⚛️ Electron is a fuzzy wave of probability

L' enigma quantistico di Einstein, 2024-07-31, 00-04-08, Focus HD
Einstein's quantum enigma
Directed by: Jamie Lochhead.
Quantum entanglement is ready to revolutionize technology, from networks to breaking code, but first we need to know that it is real. Physicists capture light from all over the universe in an attempt to demonstrate Einstein's "remote spectral action.
