Dec 1
Golden rule when it comes to guilt trip – never agree what to what they are asking us to do in that moment. Even if we plan to do it. Because if we tell them that, then they are likely to repeat this-we reinforced it.
YT Guilt Trippers
Dec 1
There is no way how you can make everything right to make other person comfortable. Make sure that I am doing and saying what is in alignment with myself. If that triggers another person, that is price I am willing to pay.
YT Wenzes
Dec 1
If you are focused on other people's emotional response, you will get better at feeling responsible to make other people feel good; draining, dread. Say 'I am not responsible for other people well-being'. Take as little responsibility for others.
YT Wenzes
Dec 1
Sky Radio is The Christmas Station
Dec 1
Why should one always do conventional things? Life should be full of surprises.
Balalaika (1939)
Dec 1
Body is just a physical expression of the soul. The soul can shift the body into any shape it wants. Kinda like survival of the shiftiest. Reality is just a state of mind. If you can change the mind, you can change...
Wolfen (1981)
Dec 1
Raconteur - a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
- a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly
- a person who excels at telling anecdotes
- from raconter "to recount, tell, narra-te,"
"a colourful raconteur"
Dec 1
Springfield Shopper
Dec 2
Usually in most circumstances someone called out might not say "you are right". Usually the next time they will think "I can't steal someone's credit again". You want to set the tone. Call you out on it, so you understand I pay attention
YT stand up for ys
Dec 2
- You must be insane. Why would you deliberately destroy a beautiful thing like this?
- I didn't like it. I've been putting up with a lot of things around here I don't like, and I'm through with it.
Harriet Craig (1950)
You've hated your father, and because of him, you hate me. You hate and distrust everybody. You're at war with the whole world. You'd never feel safe with anybody until you'd crushed them. But you're not going to do that to me.
Harriet Craig (1950)
I love how light always somehow catches Joan Crawford's face in her old movies. It happens always when she's about to share some important insight. I bet she requested that special light effect.
Grinch (is) in Germany:
"Christmas house in Delmenhorst receives threatening letter:
The residents are given an ultimatum to switch off their 60,000 lights.
Otherwise it will be destroyed.
The police investigated.",weihnachtshaus300.html
Dec 3
The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is a diagnostic tool used to rate a person's psychopathic or antisocial tendencies. Psychopaths are people who prey ruthlessly on others using charm, deceit, violence or other methods that allow them to get with they want.
Exotica - album covers
We taste and feel and see the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it.
WB Yeats
You see, some people find circumstances too difficult to deal with, and they take various means of escape. One is to withdraw into a sort of inner world, where nothing can hurt them.
Harriet Craig (1950)
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
William Butler Yeats
Dec 3
Man’s mind cannot grasp the causes of events in their completeness, but the desire is implanted in man’s soul. And without considering the complexity of the conditions he snatches at the first approximation to a cause that seems to him intelligible and says: “This is the cause!”
Dec 3
The closing credits bill the cast by billing the cast "In order of their disappearance".
IMDb trivia
And Then There Were None (1974)
Dec 3
Life is God. Everything changes and moves and that movement is God.
To love life is to love God. Harder and more blessed than all else is to love this life in one’s sufferings, in innocent sufferings.
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy (1867)
Dec 4
You keep being your best and the blessing will always over-ride what people have done.
Key: blessing did not come from people so it cannot be taken away by people.
Dec 4
People don't determine your destiny. What they say about you cannot stop your purpose. When people come against you, they're not just messing with you, they're messing with God who put blessing on you.
Dec 4
You don't have to fight those battles, you have defender. Don't try to do it in your own strength, stand still and you will see the deliverance. Eventually they fade out and I'm still standing. They may seem bigger, stay in peace.
Dec 4
TOP 30 Christmas Radio Stations
1. Christmas FM, IE
2. Classic FM Christmas, UK
3. Sky Radio - Christmas, NL
4. WQXR Holliday Channel, USA
5. North Pole Radio, USA
6. Antenne Bayern Bayerische Weihn., Germany
7. Tinsel & Tunes, USA
8. A Christmas Time, CA
Dec 5
You are doomed to make choices.
This is life's greatest paradox.
Wayne Dyer
Satan will hide (himself) behind the cross:
2 Corinthians 11:14
(New International Version)
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
This also explains Covert, Communal, Vulnerable and Altruistic narcissists.
Dec 5
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
Wayne Dyer
Dec 5
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Dec 5
I never read the paper. If I don't know what is going on, I can't worry about it.
Flamingo Road (1949)
Dec 5
I didn't know you are interested in politics.
- I wasn't until politics became interested in me.
Flamingo Road (1949)
Dec 5
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.
Wayne Dyer
Dec 5
Deficiency motivation doesn't work. It will lead to a life-long pursuit of try to fix me. Learn to appreciate what you have and where and who you are.
Wayne Dyer
Dec 5
The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Dec 5
Alexei "Alyosha" Karamazov, personality type: INFJ
Alyosha is depicted as a positive character, kind, loving and sensitive... almost Jesus-like characters, who are nevertheless unable to prevent the suffering of those around them. (wiki)
Played by: William Shatner in 1958.
Dec 6
All trauma, inner critic stems from our deep hidden covert hate towards ourselves.
This is conditioned, deep seated hypnosis, that we are not aware of consciously, but it comes to surface with Charcot Hysteria outlets which we label as "Inner Critic".
Dec 6
I'm almost glad it happened. There's nothing like a crisis to show what's really inside people.
Daisy Kenyon (1947)
Dec 7
All my life I wanted to do the right thing. But it never worked out. I'm outside always looking in. Feeling all the time I'm far away from home. And where home is, I don't know. I can't get back to the simple, happy kid I used to be.
Humoresque (1946)
Dec 7
Cats love Christmas trees.
Dec 7
In the end this unhappy young woman, kept in terror from her childhood, fell into that kind of nervous disease which is most frequently found in peasant women who are said to be klikushi/“possessed by devils.” At times after terrible fits of hysterics she even lost her reason
Dec 7
"Ivan believes that human concepts of morality are dependent on the idea that the soul is immortal, meaning that people only worry about “right” and “wrong” behavior because they want to experience pleasure rather than pain in the afterlife."
Ivan Karamazov
Dec 7
Dr Barnes and I did some regression. She took me back to my childhood.
- It must have been a quick trip.
The Nanny | Season 1 Episode 1
Dec 7
Our society is built on systems which have fostered the perfect conditions for high rates of chronic and mental illness.
Modern medicine is too much about the symptoms and narrow medical histories that do not include the whole person.
Gabor Maté
Dec 7
Inequality itself is a stress because, in a society that values people according to economic achievement, those with less are made to feel inferior.
If you don’t get to the cause of the stress, you’re not dealing with the fundamentals.
Gabor Maté
Dec 7
So many of our decisions or personal relationships, career paths are often driven as much by unconscious choices as rational considerations. Certainly, our dysfunctions, if not our functions, are largely driven by unconscious traumatic imprints
Gabor Maté
Dec 7
What we call a mental illness often begins with an adaptation to abnormal circumstances. People are manifesting are normal responses to these abnormal circumstances.
Diagnoses are useful as long as we don’t confuse the description for an explanation.
Dec 8
Stop mistaking shared trauma for compatibility
Laurence Harvey in 1958.
Dec 8
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
Dec 8
In Simpsons Comics, Issue 20 (1996), Bart is forced to study for history test and finds out about Yugoslavia for the first time:
Dec 9
Despite the fact that we neither know nor pretend to know what 'psyche' is, we can deal with the phenomenom of 'mind'.
Carl Jung
Dec 9
Real liberation comes not from glossing over or repressing painful states of feeling, but only from experiencing them to the full.
Carl Jung
Dec 9
We choose not randomly each other. We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.
Sigmund Freud
Dec 9
Psychological invalidation is one of the most lethal forms of emotional abuse. It kills confidence, creativity and individuality.
Dec 9
Liberation means you don't have to be silenced.
Toni Morrison
Dec 9
p. 56
I sincerely beg you too not be distressed and not to be embarrassed, the starets replied. You must feel completely at ease. Above all, do not be so ashamed of yourself, because that is the root of your trouble.
-You mean be my natural self.
The Brothers Karamazov
Dec 9
The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.
Paolo Freire
Dec 9
Examples of invalidation:
- I'm sure it wasn't that bad
- You're overly sensitive
- You probably took it too personally
- You'll get over it
- Just let it go
- You're a strong person
- It could be worse
- Everything happens for a reason
- I know exactly how you feel
Dec 9
Are you good at setting boundaries without getting angry? Once they were angry they were comfortable enough to say their peace. If we got conditioned to feel boundaries are not healthy, be bad for us, we associate as bad thing.
YT The Personal Development
Dec 9
I'm not saying full yes, not just full no, I'm able to take myself into consideration and see what feels like good collaboration for me. Not being pressured to say yes. Set boundary proactively,not from anger
YT 4 Signs You Are Getting Better At Boundaries
Dec 9
Chronic emotional invalidation may lead to..
- believing your feelings are shameful
- difficulties being vulnerable
- trouble regulating and labelling emotions
- fears and avoidance of intimacy
- feeling worthless, confused and problematic
-hiding your true emotions to feel loved
Dec 9
3 reasons people invalidate:
1) They're trying to be helpful
2) They can't tolerate emotion
3) They want to control & manipulate
Dec 9
You can disagree with absolutely everything someone is saying, but you can still validate them.
James W. Williams
Dec 9
Your emotions are your body's alarm system.
Allow them-
Understand their purpose.
Question your core beliefs.
Dec 9
Staying in situations that are bad for you due to believing that your feelings about the situation are wrong (e.g., I'm overreacting, it's not that bad).
Rachel Samson
Dec 9
"You saying that does not change how I view this situation. I am noticing something that is bothering me and I would appreciate if you can work with me to resolve this."
Dec 9
Schrödinger's immigrant:
Simultaneously stealing your job and too lazy to work
Dec 9
And the two of you will just have to ride that out maybe every day. You can try to ignore those people or even feel sorry for them and for their prejudices and their bigotry and their blind hatreds ...and say, "Screw all those people."
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
Dec 9
In the scene near the end where Spencer Tracy gives his memorable soliloquy, Katharine Hepburn can be seen crying in the background. This was not acting: she knew how gravely ill her longtime friend was and was moved by his remarks.
IMDb trivia
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
Dec 10
We have this idea if we just went somewhere or if I find love, have kids, get married, if business would succeed- or inverse if I didn't have this spouse, job: I'd be happy. We forget human being can get used to anything.
Dec 10
Dostoevsky said no matter how bad or good life gets there's this part of us that sort of always goes back to emotional normal for us. How we move that normal? To person being happy even if they don't have things world says they need to make them happy.
Dec 10
Feelings are not right or wrong.
They are natural sources of information.
If avoided or suppressed, painful emotions become more intense or manifest in another way.
The more I love mankind in general, the less I love men. I'm incapable of enduring two days in the same room with any other person. The moment anybody comes close to me, his personality begins to overpower my self esteem and intrude upon my freedom.
The Brothers Karamazov
Dec 10
What the educator does in teaching is make it possible for the students to become themselves.
Paulo Freire
Dec 10
If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.
Toni Morrison
Dec 10
What is Paulo Freire's theory?
Best known for his book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire believed that education was a means to building a “critical consciousness” that would enable people to create change in their lives.
(Serpentine Galleries)
Dec 11
Dmitri Karamazov
the character most poised between animalism and spiritual redemption, he often represents the plight of humanity itself in the novel.
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP
Dec 11
having lost faith in your own dialectics, you have turned at heart into a bitter cynic... The problem remains unresolved in your mind, and until it is, you shall remain profoundly unhappy. Pray God that the question may be resolved in your soul while you are still on earth
Ornamented plum tree, sprinkled with snow.
Dec 12
Social safety which is the state of mind when we want to hang out with others. When our voice becomes more musical and our gestures become more relaxes, we're ok being closer with people, neck is more flexible.
YT Jefferson Health
Dec 12
Our ultimate survival weapon is friendship. This idea of banding together groups of non-genetic relatives has allowed human to take over the planet. Any behavior being ostracized is to be avoided like plague.
YT Jefferson Health
Dec 12
Social transgressions, the last thing we want as humans is to be kicked out of the group. To unlearn that and back into social safety can be pretty hard. Don't wait until being motivated, take step and motivation will follow.
YT Jefferson Health
Dec 12
In so many ways social anxiety can be super helpful. First of all, social anxiety alerts us to the fact that this situation is important to us. If situation is not important to you, you're not going to be as worried.
YT Dr. Fallon Goodman
Dec 12
But for a small subset of people that experience of social anxiety is frequent, it's happening a lot of times. It's persistent, so it's happening in multiple types of situations, and it's incredibly distressing. It's really uncomfortable, 10 out of 10.
Dec 12
Worried you said something in the wrong way. It is not just about clamp your level of stress. It is also about how much you are exterocepting, how much you are out of your head, focused on events around you.
YT Andrew Huberman
Some people who talk too much have social anxiety. They don't know what to do in social situation. They don't have good conversational skills. So what they do is they rely on their own stories to carry them through.
YT MichelleFarrismft
Dec 12
Reddit informed me about my top comment in 2022:
Dec 12
All these years, I've been afraid of things that didn't exist.
I looked for enemies where I might have found friends.
I tried to escape a life that I might have been forgiven for.
Strange Cargo (1940)
Dec 12
Each night is New Year's Eve
Each day is Christmas Day
You make me feel this way
It's gonna snow outside, the weather will be cold
But I'm gonna be warm this winter
Connie Francis - I'm Gonna Be Warm This Winter (1959)
Dec 12
IMDb trivia:
Received a "Condemned" rating from the Catholic Legion of Decency for "irreverent use of Scripture". Even after the studio made the changes demanded, distribution was sharply cut by cities refusing to book it.
Strange Cargo (1940)
Dec 13
When our bodies react to stress: excitement or danger. Sometimes these normal reactions can go into overdrive and become overwhelming. When this happens, it can lead to a panic attack. Remember, it will pass.
YT How to cope with panic attacks
Dec 13
Without a significant atmosphere to protect the Moon, the intense ultraviolet radiation of sunlight will have an impact on the materials used in the mission. It is assumed the colors of US flag have faded over the years.
YT What Does the Moon Landing Look?
Dec 13
There are three things human beings are afraid of: death, other people, and their own minds.
R.D. Laing
Dec 13
Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal.
R. D. Laing
Dec 13
We are all in a post-hypnotic trance induced in early infancy.
R.D. Laing
Dec 13
There are good reasons for being obedient, but being unable to be disobedient is not one of the best reasons.
R.D. Laing
Dec 13
Do not adjust your mind, the fault is in reality.
R. D. Laing
Dec 13
80% of success is showing up.
Woody Allen
Dec 13
We don't take humor seriously enough.
Konrad Lorenz
Dec 13
Some days you're the fire hydrant, and some days you're the dog.
Parker Conrad
Dec 14
Ninth track for my ambient music features Peru's ancient treasure.
Dec 15
I'm going to get to know myself. When you fill yourself up, there's just less room for others.
Dec 15
Dec 16
He may suddenly, after hoarding impressions for many years, abandon everything and go off to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage for his soul’s salvation, or perhaps he will suddenly set fire to his native village, and perhaps do both.
The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Dec 16
Fun trivia:
"Vic Dana" in ex-Yu countries literally means "Joke of the day"
Dec 16
Some Like It Hot (1959) final scene 'Nobody's perfect' actually has a prequel.
Joe E. Brown appeared 24 years earlier in a drag - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1935).
Dec 17
One of the minor annoyances of modern life is a revolution
A King in New York (1957)
Dec 17
Simplicity is a difficult thing to achieve.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is authenticity.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health - food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is Love of Oneself.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
The world cannot be wrong if in this world there's you.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
Think Different but don't Believe Everything you Think
Dec 17
Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no Applause.
Charlie Chaplin
Dec 17
Donald L. Hicks — 'Those who teach the most about humanity, aren't always human.'
Dec 18
The enemy wouldn't be fighting you if you weren't a threat. He wouldn't trying to stop you if you weren't on the verge of something amazing. He's working overtime to try to get you worried, frustrated, overwhelmed, not expecting good.
Dec 18
We have 6 witnesses that say you broke in and started tearin' up the place, then jumped off the window.
- And you guys believed that? What the f*ck are you, cops of doormen?
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Dec 20
He just didn't understand. You see Willie's singing was a miracle. And people aren't used to miracles. Miracles never really die.
Make Mine Music (1946)
Dec 20
We are probably not aware of lot of this self-defeating talk. That's what makes it so powerful. And it is so ingrained and habitual in our inner dialogue that we may not know it is happening. Awareness is the key
YT A Final Word on Healing the Inner Critic
Dec 20
Narcissistic abuse creates social anxiety.
Narcissism is godfather of social anxiety.
Without social anxiety we will treat other people abusively.
Dec 20
Buddy Ebsen (known for Barnaby Jones and The Beverly Hillbillies) wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt in MGM movie "Broadway Melody of 1936" (1935).
Dec 20
"Meditation, Yoga and daily exercise, less screen time, more healthy diet"
These are all great.. if we live in Disney land and if we have billions of dollars and not a single care in the world.
Dec 20
I'm finishing this year of experiments in Ambiental music with Silvester in London:
Dec 20
Nothing to worry about, nothing to struggle for, nothing to bother about.
- That kind of nothing costs money.
Female on the Beach (1955)
Dec 20
Maybe... maybe it's good not to be like everybody else.
To... be your own person.
Female on the Beach (1955)
Dec 21
The main character of Casey is presented as an overconfident, prideful, and Adonis-like baseball player that is feared by any and all players. However, the poem is ironic because in the final line of the poem the mythical Casey strikes out.
Casey at the Bat, 1888
Dec 21
Difficult conversation with someone evokes fear and anxiety. We manage these uncomfortable feelings through avoidance. It's natural to avoid conflict or discord if we can but they're part of life. We need to become more comfortable with.
YT Litmos
Dec 21
Reaching an understanding, not necessarily agreement is often the first step in creating a better and more inclusive environment. Difficult conversations require a level of honesty that can make people uncomfortable and worry.
YT Litmos
Dec 21
Communication Barriers:
Not Listening
Name Calling
Engaging in Power Struggles
YT De-escalation Techniques
Mike Allen
Reasoning with an angry person is not possible. The first and only objective in de-escalation is to reduce the level of agitation so that discussion becomes possible. De-escalation techniques are inherently abnormal, go against reflexes.
YT De-escalation
Dec 21
If someone is so much in their feelings, you're not going to have opportunity to even talk to them. They're not listening to you. They're so focused on their emotions. The emotion is Alpha at that moment.
YT Mike Allen
Dec 21
Trust your instincts. If the de-escalation is not working, stop. Close the conversation, escort the person out.
Sometimes you have to leave this situation, potentially volatile. Nobody is going to win. Or run away.
YT Mike Allen
Dec 21
Minor situation can be a "cry for help" and/or "warning signs" of bigger things to come!
Always document every threatening event.
YT De-escalation Techniques
Mike Allen
License to Drive (1988) and The Simpsons intro.
Dec 21
page 206
As long as you are repentant, do not be alarmed at your own sin. Again I say unto you - be humble. Be humble with the weak, be humble with the mighty. Bear no ill will against those who reject, defame, malign, and slander you.
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Dec 21
So if I'm goin' to hell...
I'm goin' there playin' the piano.
Great Balls of Fire! (1989)
Dec 21
Bird endemic to New Zealand.
In England tomtit was most commonly used as an alternate name of the blue tit.
Dec 22
Arrogant people respect themselves, but not the other people.
Insecure people respect other people, but not themselves.
Assertive people respect themselves, and other people.
YT kevingonzales6479
Dec 22
I had no idea 1989's xmas classic 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' has a sequel from 2003 starring Randy Quaid. Now showing on German RTL2
Dec 23
If you want to make sense what is happening inside narcissistic abusive relationship, the real driver is individuation. They are trying to grow up. They're trying to become human. To be person, because they're not person.
Dec 23
Everything we call narcissistic abuse is a part of the devaluation phase. What happens you become narcissistic in defense. It's classical psycho-therapeutic denial. Your ego finds this objectionable and it negates it, pushes it away.
Dec 23
The essence of the narcissistic personality disorder is one big "No". It's a rejection of reality. I don't like that reality. I can't accept that reality. I negate it, I say no. And I choose another reality, fantasy-based, comes from me.
Narcissists entrains you for you to fulfill this role, "mother". This is Sam Vaknin model. You are entrained to take on their traits, to take on their worldview. You are entrained to be narcissist yourself.
Dec 23
You don't realize they colonized your mind. After narcissistic relationship, you act as an narcissist. When you do your healing you do it narcissistically. You enter their reality and they enter yours. You have fused and merged.
Dec 23
Your healing lies in the injury. You must individuate if you want out of this. The old you dies. The old you is infected. You have to be born again.
You MUST Know THIS to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse
Dec 23
When to cut ties:
- No respect for boundaries
- Physical/verbal abuse
- Emotional distress
YT How to Set Boundaries with Toxic Family During the Holidays
Psych Central
Musk's twitter decided to show everyone's statistics for Xmas?
Dec 24
Christmas in Berlin
Dec 24
Christmas Eve morning in Austria
Dec 24
Stop obsessing about what you have, what people say about you, what you do for living, begin to believe just for a moment that you are absolute treasure and that your future under care of Christ is bright. That's your choice.
Dec 24
ALF | FULL Christmas Episode: S1 Ep12
Dec 24
Kärntner Madrigalchor Klagenfurt - Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Dec 24
Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it the most never use it.
Dec 25
You began to identify with pain. If you don't know who you are you don't know with whom you identify with. If you don't know who you are, you cant carry much power. Enemy wants to steal image, your worth and value.
Dec 25
ALF Saves a Life on Christmas | S2 Ep12 Clip
Dec 25
🎄 A Garfield Christmas Special ❄️ Garfield & Friends ☃️
Dec 26
Innate capacity versus Environmental context
Dec 26
What looks like struggle can actually be the most important and meaningful season of our lives.
The Grand Paradox
Dec 26
Reality is what you can get away with
Dec 26
What is the Grand Paradox
Dec 26
You give purpose and meaning to the world around you. You create your own reality.
The Grand Paradox
Dec 26
If you believe in duality, then you will find it everywhere.
If you don't believe in duality, then it disappears.
The Grand Paradox
Dec 26
Too much Governance - too many rules - desensitizes Moral Aspiration
Dec 27
It was director Bob Clark who came up with the title "Black Christmas," saying that he liked the irony of something dark occurring during such a festive holiday. The title is also a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Christmas song (and 1954 film) "White Christmas."
IMDb trivia
Dec 27
"You learn it's alright to be yourself. How do you make yourself happy? I'm going to choose happy. I'm not quiet anymore but I think you should allow people to be quiet."
Heather Small
Dec 27
Cluster B Personality types need supply. It's like the air they breathe. They rely on external sources, outside of them, to provide validation, admiration, and attention. They feed off this fuel, constantly.
Dec 27
Grey Rock is a way to start the process of mentally separating from the abuser.
By going grey rock, you are no longer allowing access to your mind, emotions, thoughts, all things which are very precious. You are closing the door.
Dec 27
People use the grey rock method to reduce the harm of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse includes a range of tactics:
- intentionally humiliating someone in front of others
- calling them names
- deliberately making a person feel worthless or unsafe
Dec 27
Healthy Love:
- Respects Boundaries
- Encourage Growth
- Honest Communication
- Willing to Compromise
- Grows Together
- Works Through Problems
- Affirms Feelings
- Focuses on Resolution
- Respects Independence
- Knows Love Language
- Trusts
Dec 27
Suppressing and hiding emotions from an abusive person may be useful as a temporary measure for avoiding their attention.
Not being able to talk about or process how they feel may affect their mental health.
Dec 27
Illness in this society, physical or mental, they are not abnormalities. They are normal responses to an abnormal culture. This culture is abnormal when it comes to real human needs.
Gabor Maté
Dec 27
Why have we ignored trauma for so long?
Because that denial of reality is built in into this system. It keeps the system alive. So it is not a mistake, it is a design issue. Not that anybody consciously designed it, but that's just how the system survives.
Gabor Maté
Dec 27
45 years married to a narcissist: You only liked me when I was your slave.
Dec 27
Narcissists know how to behave in ways that make it seem there's something critically wrong with you. And that you need to be very concerned about it.
They will try every angle imaginable to crack your psyche and make you feel worthless.
Dec 28
Disney animators' strike
May 29, 1941 – Sep 21, 1941
Dec 28
Messe de minuit pour Noël (Marc-Antoine Charpentier)
Dec 28
Narcissist Hoovering:
The longer you dance with the devil, the longer you remain in hell.
Remember that you gave your best and got their worst in return.
Dec 28
Struggle to be perfect and without mistakes is noble intention but psychologically this idea is extremely damaging since it leads to hamster wheel of people pleasing and being depended on other people's approval.
So let me get right to the point
I don't pop my cork for every guy I see
Eileen Farrell, Marilyn Horne & Carol Burnett - Big Spender
Dec 28
Assertiveness is not healthy because it instructs people to believe that they can somehow magically control other people and evil in the world by the power of our thoughts and behaviour - which can lead to schizophrenia.
Dec 28
In reality, evil people will be evil no matter what we do. From our point of view due to confirmation bias it seems as if we can change them. Evil people simply scheme ways how to perpetrate their evil without being recognized.
Dec 28
Toxic people change their evil mode like virus. But we won't notice this since they will find covert ways to abuse us.
Dec 28
When I was offered that fight I was scared. I always viewed myself as a man who is never afraid of physical confrontation. It bothered my self image. For that reason I had to say yes, I have to fight. It would bother me.
YT How Andrew Dealt With Fear
Dec 28
Narcissist manifest as a jealous coworker, an angry employer, overly proud, online date vanished without a word. Conversations with narcissists often leave others feeling insecure, used, unworthy, rejected, foolish, debased.
YT BehindTheScience
Dec 28
Narcissists' grandiose actions are an attempt to mask their inner insecurity. The more we excuse and rationalize their actions, the sicker they makes us and the more their way of life harms them.
YT This Is How A Narcissist Projects Their Shame
Dec 28
Narcissists are the source of problem because they engage in such behaviour. This is because they are only concerned with furthering the myth of their phony identity, which may shield them from public disgrace in short term.
YT BehindTheScience
Dec 28
Covert Narcissist has an extreme urge to portray themselves as the selfless hero who prioritizes the needs of others over their own. Things become complicated, though, when there is reason to believe they are not who they say they are.
YT BehindTheScience
Dec 28
The moment you see through their amiable façade and discover they're truly extremely disagreeable. After you find out how much bitterness and resentment they've been holding in for so long, manage to last, is conundrum.
YT BehindTheScience
Dec 28
Studies have shown that just having someone to talk about how you're feeling can improve your health and longevity. Covert narcissists have a much better chance of living to old age after finding safe person to abuse and dominate.
YT BehindTheScience
Dec 28
Perry Como Christmas with The Carpenters (1974)
Dec 28
Croatia will be changing currency from the New Year.
Current HRK will hypnotize us into belief that 1 Euro 39 cents is not much. I predict big spender complex happening with rude financial awakening.
Dec 28
Modern quantum physics says that we can never know for certain where the electron actually is - we can only say where it's most likely to be. The blur of all its possible paths creates a cloud around the nucleus.
YT Why Is Everything Made Of Atoms?
Dec 28
Because they aren't permanent, physicists refer to the sea quarks as virtual particles. This means that the mass of the proton - the particle at the centre of every atom - mostly comes from an infinity of sea quarks that don't actually exist.
YT Why Is...?
Dec 29
Trap that keeps you stuck in a toxic relationship is idea that you teach people how to treat you. Nonsense. Instead observe how people treat you and allowing that to teach you whether or not they're healthy or got to go.
YT The Royal We
Dec 29
Basic respect, common courtesy, kindness, showing that they value/love you. If person is lacking these things, the reason is not that they had to be taught. Reason is they do not value you, don't care/love/respect you.
YT The Royal We
Dec 29
The most abusive personality types they know how to show kindness and respect when they are with somebody who they respect. They know how to value who they truly value. This is the problem-why it's just me showing cruelty, disrespect.
YT The Royal We
Dec 29
Even though it's fake, they respect those people way more than you. Pay attention to this. If they are showing cruelty there is nothing you can teach them into changing. They showing: I don't like you, I don't care about you.
YT The Royal We
Dec 29
It is not your fault. If they're abusive personalities and they find you to bully and push around. The only way is to remove yourself from this situation. You can't teach them to stop. You've got to remove yourself.
YT The Royal We
Dec 29
Self disclosure as emotional vomit, over sharing. We reveal too much too quickly and that makes us too strange. Sometimes it's okay to keep things to yourself. Flip side is revealing nothing at all.
YT How To Stop Being Socially Awkward
Dec 29
There’s a strange law of psychology that reveals that small children who are treated badly by their parents will always — rather strangely — blame themselves, and not their parents, for their injuries.
They hate who they are.
YT The School of Life
Dec 29
They need to locate some form of explanation nevertheless and so they quickly and intuitively settle on the one that always feels most compelling to them: that they have done something wrong.
“They have done something wrong”.
YT The School of Life
Dec 29
The only way to cure this kind of guilt is to unpick its origins. To realize we are not bad at all. Rather been bullied to think so. Exchange self-flagellation for a little bit of righteous anger against those who have done us wrong.
YT The School of Life
Dec 29
Today it's 2 years after strong earthquake (M6) hit Croatia. Due to corrupt Balkan government, EU fonds were not used to help recovery. The main train station in Sisak town looks like this:
Dec 29
The more you shine, the more shadow you cast. It just goes hand-in-hand.
YT DaniloWorkouts
Write your wish for 2023 on the official #NYE confetti! Today is the last day to submit:
Dec 30
Kenny G - Auld Lang Syne
Dec 30
"Many people erroneously believe that the lack of emotional boundaries is the same thing as empathy or that rationalizing other people's bad behavior is empathy."
If the clerk at the store is giving me a lot of attitude, shortness and is being rude, I don't necessarily have to get lit up over that. That would be me having an appropriate emotional boundary. Don't assume other people's emotions.
YT MedCircle
Falco's "Helden von Heute" (1982) sounds eerily similar to Massimo Savic/Dorian Gray "Sjaj u tami" (1983), Massimo was probably inspired by this song:
Dec 30
Examples of unhealthy emotional boundaries:
- Hard to say "no" to others
- You don't reject projects, tasks or invites
- "People please"
YT MedCircle
Dec 30
Example of unhealthy emotional boundaries is if you hear negative comment or any comment, you feel like you're responsible for the person's emotions and therefore you feel bad. You feel like you've done something wrong.
YT MedCircle
Dec 30
- That's false sentimentality.
- Oh, you analyze everything out of existence. You'd analyze me out of existence, but I won't let you. Love isn't so simple, Ninotchka. Ninotchka, why do doves bill and coo?
Ninotchka (1939)
Dec 31
Why are you really here, Pierre? Why, when you hate violence and war that you decided to do this?
- I don't know. Because I finally realized you can't hate something you never known or don't understand.
War and Peace (1956)
Dec 31, 2022
What is within a man is more important than what a man can have.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Dec 31, 2022
The most difficult thing but an essential one - is to love Life, to love it even while one suffers, because Life is all. List is God, and to love Life means to love God.
Tolstoy "WAR and PEACE"
War and Peace (1956)
New Zealand welcomes 2023,
live on EuroNews:
Croatia making news today in world media:
Don't look so sad,
It's not so bad you know.
It's just another night,
That's all it is, it's not the first,
… It's not the worst you know,
We've come through all the rest,
We'll get through this.
Barry Manilow - It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve
New Year 2023 in Australia,
The river was deep but I swam it (Janet)
The future is ours so let's plan it (Janet)
So please don't tell me to can it (Janet)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
In the velvet darkness,
Of the blackest night,
Burning bright,
There's a guiding star.
No matter what or who you are.
There's a light...
Over at the Frankenstein place.
There's a light...
Burning in the fireplace.
There's a light, ... light ... in the darkness of everybody's life
Let's do the time warp again!
The last sunset in 2022.
Don't dream it, be it.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
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