Apr 1
If we dump our negative feelings on others, they experience it as an attack forced to suppress, express, or escape the feelings; therefore, the expression of negativity results in the deterioration and destruction of relationships.
"Letting Go" by David Hawkins
Dysfunctional emotional matching is seen in behaviors such as acting amused at destructive sarcasm, acting loving when someone is punishing, and acting forgiving when someone is repetitively hurtful.
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker
And even though we might still momentarily feel small and helpless when we are triggered, we can learn to remind ourselves that we are now in an adult body. We have an adult status that now offers us many more resources to effectively protest unfairness in relationships
P. Walker
Apr 2
Some kind of push, tell them off, you have to do something they know you push back. It is human nature that we attack weak people. We see weakness, no matter how gentle, we are naturally wired inclined to take advantage and torment people who are weaker.
Apr 3
The morning comes
and there's an odor in the room
The scent of love,
more than a million roses bloom
Embracing you with this
must be the one you love
Must be the one
whose magic touch
can change your mind
Neil Young - Change Your Mind
Apr 4
Le Corniaud, (1965)
Hands up, Louis de Funès!
Apr 5
Out on the corner the angels say
There is a better life
for me someday
Neil Young - A Dream That Can Last (1994)
Decoration idea, flowers in glasses
Art&Decoration n478
'Walk away, just ignore them.'
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Apr 6
Eritis sicut Deus, scientes bonum et malum.
J. W. GOETHE "Faust"
Popovača train station in woods, Croatia
Slovenia, 10 years ago.
Hiking to Srednja Vas
Apr 7
Can you differentiate to you what is authentic to you and what has come in to you from external sources?
But the problems is that we are all been imprinted with identities that have been formed from our relationship from our environment and we have came to believe is us
The way you react determines where you are at scale of either being guilty or not guilty of certain things.
He has shock approach to people. He wants to illicit reaction from people. That's how people get involved.
David Masters,
Radio Caroline, August 13, 2010
It’s as if everyone is walking around with a map of the world in their heads, but not all the maps are the same. If we could understand how others see the world, it would help us to get along with people better. We could create better relationships, better families, better lives.
We perceive the outside world through the lens of that personality. A lens long-ago distorted by our dominant fear. That lens now distorts our view of everything and everyone around us.
Each of us is controlled by a fundamental fear that we are mostly unaware of. To deal with that fear, we changed ourselves. And that change continues today in the form of our personality, our beliefs, and our actions.
Being used to something is the biggest reason why people don't change.
Apr 8
-Working under the assumption that Kolrami wanted to win, he expected me to play for the same goal.
-You didn't.
-While Kolrami was dedicated to winning, I passed up obvious avenues of advancement to settle for a balance. Theoretically,I could challenge him indefinitely.
Data: I have not isolated the problem. I might make a mistake.
Picard: Yes, you might. But that does not alter your duty to me and to this ship.
it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.
Troy: You can lose confidence, or you can learn from your mistakes.
Data: That is what troubles me. I made no mistakes. I have conducted a diagnostic check of all my programs.
She feels abuse culture has thrived through inaction
Sky news
Vatican Channel showing mostly live Cam over Hotbird satellite, FTE, 11334 H 27500
William Glasser's Choice Theory; I trust these controlling habits form mental disorder, and toxic people who perform them on habitual, regular basis are mentally unstable:
"Criticizing, Blaming, Complaining, Nagging, Threatening, Punishing, Bribing rewarding to control"
Complex PTSD recognized in 1994, describes exposure devastating over long time. Humiliation, bullying, violence and anger.
A lot of us, as many as 20 percent are wandering the world as undiagnosed sufferers of 'Complex PTSD'.
YT The School of Life
Apr 10
Psychologist Lynn Somerstein (2016) suggests that perhaps recurring or frequent intrusive thoughts are a sign that there is something difficult or something going wrong in a person’s life.
..problem finds other ways to work its way up to the surface.
When we have a healthy, neurotypical brain and a good grasp on how to monitor our own thoughts and allow them to pass right on by, intrusive thoughts are nothing more than a blip on our radar.
Positive Psychology
If you stop chasing the sticks, your brain will stop throwing them.
Apr 11
Sci-fi comedy from 1969 "Hello Down There" with a young Richard Dreyfuss, singing groovy tune. Hidden gem.
'You always become what you hate.'
The other person cannot stop your destiny unless you allowed them to. If you get bitter, angry, lose your passion then you will miss your payback.
Apr 12
Twin Peaks theme as heard on classicNL Movie night.
Resentment is hypnotic emotions. If I want to hypnotize you, all I have to do is frustrate you and upset you. To criticize you and degrade you, and pretty soon you are thinking backwards. You try to please me. You do whatever I want for peace – (but) there is no peace
Why we have corrupt people in government and everywhere you go, predators on us, and people who exploit us, it is because we cannot see what they are doing to us, we cannot see why they are so friendly, we don't know how to deal with their cruelty and try to please.
Zoroastrians see the physical world as a trap that Ahura Mazda (good) lured Angra Mainyu (evil) into. Now trapped in the physical world, Angra Mainyu can be defeated slowly by the good thoughts, good words and good deeds of human working with Ahura Mazda.
For humans, life is constant choice between the Truth and the Lie. Which may be difficult because Angra Mainyu can be very deceiving. We now live in a time Gumezishn, Good and Evil, Truth and Live both exist in our world.
What Is Zoroastrianism?
You have to have a good time for their sake. Because if you don't, they'll feel guilty and never forgive you.
Apr 13
The McPherson Tape (the world's first lost & found video footage as a horror movie), made in 1989 – 10 years before The Blair Witch Project.
Apr 14
Arturo Sandoval, Chris Botti - Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte (Pavane for a Dead Princess)
classicNL playlist tonite:
bertrand chamayou - Song for Octave
To ruminate over events about which we have no control can certainly set us up for all sorts of physical problems.
Mayo Clinic research
Don't wait until you feel confidence in order to assert yourself. Before you know it it doesn't feels so difficult, before you know it it feels comfortable.
YT Assertive Way
We must be content to be thought stupid.
YT Einzelgänger
The secret of life is just telling the truth. Showing up as you are. The secret of life is stop pretending you have figure it all out.
Apr 16
Being resentful, other people can open you up and drive you crazy, drive you in conflict. If you could drop that resentment, you can walk out of free man.
Roy Masters, 2010
Someone invented a hut, someone invented a bow, who taught others, who taught their children. Who built a stronger hut, who built a better bow, who taught their children.
STAR TREK TNG S3 E4 Who Watches the Watchers
- So if huts are better, why did you once live in caves?
- The most reasonable explanation would be that at one time, we did not know how to make huts.
STAR TREK TNG S3 E4 Who Watches the Watchers
When brain cannot manage trauma we look at PTSD, when it is too much, circuit breaker. It corners memories and moves to brain where are no memories, stores it in amygdala. You cannot resolve it unless you understand it where it came from.
YT Ross Rosenberg
Apr 17
To find life reasonably satisfying you must have adequate and realistic self image that you could live with. You must find 'self' acceptable to you. You must have wholesome self esteem. Self that you trust and believe in, not be ashamed to be.
"Psycho-cybernetics" Maxwell Malt
It is based on certain ingrained, possibly hidden patterns of thought if altered will free you to tack more of potential and different result. Once the concept of self is changed, other things consistent with new concept of self are accomplished easily and without strain
Max Malt
We do not question its (blueprint) validity. We perceive and act on it just as if it is true. Self-image then controls what you can or cannot accomplish. What is difficult or what is easy for you. Even how others respond to you.
book "Psycho-cybernetics" Maxwell Malt, M.d.
Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries a mental blueprint or picture of ourself. It may be vague or ill-defined it may not be consciously recognizable at all. But it is there. Complete, down to the last detail. This self image is own concept of who I am.
Maxwell Malt
Apr 18
If you can handle persecution then God can trust you with the blessing. As long as you're going to be offended, upset, fight with people, then blessing wouldn't be a blessing.
Apr 19
It is so easy to be hurt, deflated and demoralized by the words and action of others; indeed, this is what they rely on and what gives them their power.
Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between the imagined experience and the real one. Your nervous system reacts appropriately to what you think and imagine to be true.
Psycho-cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
It's as if there's the macro level of historical research where things sort of obey natural laws and usual things happen. And then there's this other level where everything is really weird.
A dimension similar to the quantum dimension in physical reality. If you put any event under a microscope you will find a whole dimension of completely weird incredible things going on.
Apr 20
It is the job of rational conscious thought to examine and analyze incoming messages to accept those that are true and reject those that are untrue. Most of us are subjected to negative suggestions every day.
Psycho-cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
"You get what you tolerate."
All humans are hypnotized to some extent. Either by ideas they've uncritically accepted from others, or by ideas they repeated to themselves, convinced themselves to be true.
Psycho-cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
Apr 21
Assertive criticism always involves giving an explanation of the situation as the critic sees it, stating why it is a problem, how it makes him feel and describing what he wants to see done about it.
URSULA MARKHAM, How to deal with difficult people
No one likes to be made to appear foolish or to be corrected in front of others - and of course this is just what the aggressive person does.
URSULA MARKHAM, How to deal with difficult people
You may begin to see that something has made them the way they are. Once you can begin to feel sorry for someone, however dreadful he may be, he can no longer inflict harm on you.
Do you understand your mind deceives you? Why would your mind deceive you? Because you are infected with the spirit of deceit. You were born in sick place.
define: bigoted
obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
Apr 22
'60s Paris in Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962).
In "Mission to Moscow" (1943) U.S. Ambassador visits Yugoslavian foreign minister right before WW2, finds out Germany is giving Yugoslavia an Aspirin for the next 20 years, a remedy along with headache.
Apr 23
In Slavic languages, this is a rude wordWoozy faceGrinning face with smiling eyes
And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Olivia Rodrigo - driver's licence
Hedgehog's night snack.
Apr 24
The result is that rarer events more often appear as news stories, while more common events appear less often, thus distorting the perceptions of news consumers of what constitutes "normal" rates of occurrence.
And when feel your heart is broken, c'est la vie
'Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.'
one step and one instruction - to make peace by engaging in the deep forgiveness. Once we get rid of unnecessary inner burden of trying to control, change and correct people and circumstances out of our control, we can focus with less effort on current issue and near future plans
Could it be that this rock is just a bunch of past resentment and grudge? Forgiving & love so I could effectively deal with present problem and current task, instead of effort in calculating the friction, distance and volume of rock I tag along with myself
Nije bila osobito lijepa
Ali nije bila kao druge
Pa je ljubav kao uvijek slijepa
Zbog nje razne prelazila pruge
The wound is a mysterious entity of unknown form inside me, an energy and vibration that is emitting hurt and pain in unrelated difficult situations that are hurtful and painful by themselves on their own.
Apr 25
I mean move forward. Continue onward. The point of this whole thing is to keep getting smarter. To... to keep growing. To use as much of your brain as possible.
Defending Your Life (1991)
Fear is like a giant fog. It sits on your brain and blocks everything. Real feelings, true happiness, real joy. They can't get through that fog. But you lift it, you're in for the ride of your life.
Defending Your Life (1991)
At some early age I learned that I hold onto grudge as response to unfair treatment. 'If I avoid argument and people by pouting, others will surely notice this and they will change their behaviour'. This unconscious explanation of trauma as a child stuck with me into adulthood...
If you are left doubting yourself it can lead to huge amount of symptoms. They try to challenge our way of thinking so that they don't have to think about it. That is form of aggression.
How to deal with Aggression in Others
The less of ego-centric thinking equals gaining higher intelligence, the more we'll take into account things we forget about, more open we'll be to changes and challenges.
Egocentrism test
Apr 26
- We have both been programmed. My program can be altered. Yours cannot?
- The man I was is still inside me, but this conditioning has been imposed, woven together with my thoughts and my feelings and my responses.
STAR TREK The Next Generation S3 E11
He can be absolutely normal, but when a danger is perceived, the programming clicks in and takes over. Memory, strength, intelligence, reflexes all become enhanced. He's conditioned to survive at any cost.
STAR TREK The Next Generation S3-E11
Now you're not gonna remember any of this, so don't worry. Just take the opportunities when they come, okay?
Defending Your Life (1991)
Apr 27
classicNL's playing classic
Arvo Pärt- Spiegel im Spiegel
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
-It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes...to blind you from the truth.
-What truth?
-That you are a slave. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage...born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.
The Matrix (1999)
We can make assumptions about events that have no necessary relation to reality.
Our new sense for our identity now also creates egocentric thoughts and some start to see an imaginary audience watching them all the time.
Piaget's Theory...
YT Sprouts
We begin to understand that our thoughts and feelings are unique and not necessarily those of others. That means that we learn to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
We think others see the world like we do and still don't understand that they see it differently.
Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
YT Sprouts
Grudge, Resentment and Pouting vs Deep Forgiveness
What is orphism philosophy?
a mystic Greek religion offering initiates purification of the soul from innate evil and release from the cycle of reincarnation.
To talk about sins it's talking about ancestral karma, the act of reincarnation. The sins of your ancestors. All wrong things in world because of what people have done wrong before we even ever got here. What makes world hard to navigate.
seek inside the feelings of you pouting at people. This feeling is a virus and parasite. It feels good to you to have it because you are already infected by its programming, making your reality distorted, but in reality it creates damage inside
'the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken'
By being compulsively and obsessively competent, we actually are trying to control other people. We think other people will stop being mean and rude to us if we are perfect. And no one can be perfect and competent in everything.
Apr 28
If you ever get close to a human
And human behaviour
Be ready, be ready to get confused
There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
To human behaviour
björk : human behaviour (1993)
True confidence is paradox - it means you do not have to prove yourself to be confident at all neither to impress others. If you act and force to be confident - that is not confidence, it is inferiority complex because you try to prove something to others.
Humility is a strange thing. Once you think you've got it, you've lost it.
E.D. Hulse
Hedgehogs and cats are natural friends.
Data: I have the curiosity of humans, but there are questions..What it is like to laugh or cry.
Q: Hmm. Well, if you ask me, these human emotions are not what they're cracked up to be.
STAR TREK The Next Generation S3 E13
As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity.
Interrogation scene in "Moment to Moment" (1966), strikingly reminiscent to Sharon Stone's scene in "Basic Instinct" (1992).
I am expecting something that is not likely to happen. Sometimes we do this because of kind of trauma. It's like we're trying to fix something that didn't work in our past. And so we keep trying to make it work.
YT Mark Lee Robinson
If expectation is for something over which I have no control, I keep expecting it to be that way and it's still not that way, that's something we call a cognitive distortion. It is a way of thinking, cognitive map.
YT 33 Cognitive Distortions
If we expect others to live by our standards we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.
Expectation what I genuinely believe is most likely to happen.
YT Mark Lee Robinson
Forgiveness mentality gives us freedom, clarity and mental stability to cope with life.
UK's ClassicFM played perfect classic,
Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra
Apr 29
We remember almost all objects from the canonical perspective. You unconsciously see most objects from the exact same vantage point.
15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!
YT TopThink
Foreign language logic - you could think more rationally if you do it in another language. You are forced to put more thought into what you say.
15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!
YT TopThink
Answer we all tend to give when life corners us and we buy into fear. He said "I didn't think there was a better option".
How to Figure Out What You Really Want | Ashley Stahl | TEDxLeidenUniversity
YT TEDx Talks
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
Denzel Washington's Life Advice Will Leave You Speechless
Buddhist monk gets angry but he is angry for 20 seconds. He is so hyper aware of that anger, how detrimental it is, that he shuts that window. I regret that behavior and I don't want to live that way.
YT GP- Penitentiary Life Wes Watson
Every one of you needs to create habits on the other side where you are. If you are not naturally savage, you got to work on that. And if you are naturally savage, you got to work on being more kind. You got to create balanced individual.
YT Wes Watson
Those who were handed it free for them, they will not appreciate it.
Prison - FREE Your Mind
YT GP- Penitentiary Life Wes Watson
You think too much, get into it, whatever you can do with what you got, wherever you are at. Anything we can to built up.
You have the cure for everything that ails you in this life.
Prepare, that's all.
Prison Workouts
YT GP- Penitentiary Life Wes Watson
Apr 30
There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders.
You acknowledge their sentience, but you ignore their personal liberties and freedom.
Star Trek TNG - S03E16 - The Offspring
The messages we received from our spiritual, media and environment sources teach us to be kind. But this message is not intended for kind people who are already kind, who were kind, and who will always be kind into no matter what difficult situation.
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