ponedjeljak, 25. siječnja 2021.

Dissecting avoidance

Do you avoid activities at work or school that might involve you working closely with others because you fear they will criticize or reject you and your ideas?
Do you avoid making new friends unless you are certain that you will be liked and accepted?
Does it often take others several attempts to encourage you to join group activities before you will agree to participate?
In relationships (romantic or otherwise) do you find it difficult to talk about yourself and your feelings because you're afraid of being judged?
If someone is slightly critical of you, do you feel extremely hurt and withdraw from them and the situation?
Do you often feel not good enough or like anything you say will be perceived as wrong or stupid by others?
When you meet new people are you particularly conscious of being awkward, unattractive, or inferior?
Do you worry about taking risks or trying new things out of fear you’ll embarrass yourself?
Do you see potential for danger in situations that others in your life take part in without a second thought?



In short:
Calm exaggerated thoughts of themselves. Social skills need to be practiced. Behavioral focus: how to cope with negative events during the day. Investigate difficult trauma from past. Modify unhealthy mechanisms from childhood.

This behavioural part is very interesting and I would talk about it more. Let's enter toxic people. I just opened another video "How to deal with toxic people" and 33rd second in the video it is stated:

"Toxic People who you are not seeing them often, the best to deal with someone who falls in that category is to simply avoid them. It's best to avoid them as much as possible. "

"Official" psychiatry for some reason dismiss toxic people phenomena, narcissists, abusers and it focuses on the patient himself, as if a person is isolated and the (toxic) environment has no influence on someone's mental well-being. The AvPD basic message is avoiding is wrong and it should be overcomed. There is no mention of toxic shame - which is the generator and at core of avoidance pattern. I understand why this is so - it is because healthy person according to the official healthy organizations - it has adopted Viktor Frankl quote: 'every person is responsible for his thoughts, other people cannot influence your emotions'. This does make sense because we never know what the other person is going through and we should have empathy and take into consideration a plethora of possible reasons for someone being a jerk in certain situations, instead of listening to automatic inner flight or fight response and us running away from them automatically due to rush of adrenaline making us very afraid. But this is making the other people being forgiven and focus is on the sufferer, as if someone with avoidance issues chooses to be victim - and such perspective makes the social anxious person losing self-esteem which is crucial in becoming healthy and strong in social situations.
If official psychiatry would allow the fact that other people can indeed influence someone's mental status, it would mean that mental illness could spread around like a virus. Also, consequently it would mean that psychopaths should be identified early on in childhood  and separated from healthy population. This could have fascist connotations in the long term and it could be abused - anyone who is not thinking as the official government could be labeled as crazy and institutionalized. And it also would mean that rude and aggressive narcissist people in power are basically criminals that should be institutionalized. The same people who write laws, enforce them, make decisions about other people. It messes the personal freedom, because who is to say someone's angry response, having a bad day messes someone who witness or interact with such person to "go crazy". That would lead to chaos.
But I still do not agree with Viktor Frankl - that you have a choice to create personal freedom inside you so that you can endure a bad day or some extreme conditions as nazi camps. I think this approach is the same unhealthy response as avoidance and it creates disorder in long term, both personally and externally. This ABC model is very frustrating for someone with avoidance issue because it simply does not work. It is logical and correct, but fear is not logical, fear resides in subconsciousness and should be dealt with other methods outside of logic as well. Seems to me the better logical way out is in alerting and alarming the abuser, it is about being authentic. In situations where you cannot escape uncomfortable situation, I think it is normal to be abnormal in abnormal situation - and it is normal to adopt unhealthy responses: for example to hold grudges, contemplate the revenge or safe and efficient escape, avoid and be aggressive as they are if possible. In healing avoidance, I'd lean more to Liberation Psychology, Timothy Leary and anti-psychiatry movement - where they recognize the impact of toxic environment and taking actions and decisions with environment taken in condsideration has a positive consequence on personal well-being.
All this leads to conclusion:
Avoidant, social anxiety condition is potential Rosetta stone for any other personality and mental disorder there is. If you crack it, you will solve any mental problem out there.
It seems to me the world is slowly taking the steps in correcting slightly psychopathic behaviour that cause avoidance behaviour in sensitive people. For example, last year certain corporations decided their produce name is offensive (Eskimo ice-cream). And yes, if kids see that adults are selling a product with derogatory name for minorities, this gives kids permission to ashame and make fun of others as something normal.
Another example is me too movement. Where in 1980s it was normal for movie industry to abuse women and Bill Cosby or UK presenter to molest random female cast - now it is no longer acceptable and silently approved.

I think in the future, it will be possible to identify conditions and behaviors in kids to correct them early on in order to avoid deviant, toxic adults in the future that has negative effect on mental well-being of general population.
It all comes down to being kind to each other, being mindful about other people - if someone is rude and aggressive - instead of labeling it as crazy and avoid it, it is about recognizing that we never know what the other person goes through and why they act the way they do. If they ashame others, if they are extremely unkind and violent - that we warn and alarm, alert them. And if they don't change - avoid them with a good reason and not feeling guilty or ashamed that I might be mentally unstable because I avoid them. The problem is what to do in situation such as job - where you must endure the potential psychological abuse because otherwise you'd starve to death and be homeless without money if you avoid working. Therefore, avoidance is product of general environment that needs serious, deep, complex fixing up.

I understand why official psychiatry is focused on avoidance as serious problem (and not the environment) - it is because it is only with exposing and experience that you can gain confidence and information needed for you to function normally. But instead of Aristotelian approach of labeling phenomena, I would choose fuzzy logic instead - and allow in certain conditions, situations and environments to avoid as the best way to deal with certain bad situations. Not as a rule, just as one way to cope. If you live in a poor country, where in the East it is normal to ashame and abuse people as mentality and adopted way of living - it would be the best choice to flee away to the West, to some normal, civilized country and thus avoid it. In the richer country, if you are abused at work, you can quit and find another job with better people. In poor county you cannot find another job, because the county is corrupted and economy is bad. Therefore, avoidance is indicator of social issues on larger scale, rather than solely being the fault of individual. If you have psychological safety, you would not avoid, you would feel comfortable with people around you.

The mental problem with avoidance is then when you avoid daily activities that are not harmful, that there are not immediate threat and there are no objective reason to avoid, there are no bunch of people who mock and ridicule your every move. If you have objective psychological safety around you - and you still avoid - then this is the problem of individual and focus should and could be effective on personal issues such as childhood trauma, social skills, as suggested in this video and official data available on internet and official mental health books.

It is  also about realizing if someone is ashaming you, that this person has mental issues himself and you are not abnormal for uncomfortable feeling by their words. If someone yells and is aggressive, that does not make this person automatically authority, stronger and right, so we can shift inferiority complex away and replace it with love and enforce our already present empathy and sensitivity, instead of being ashamed of it as dark parts of ourselves.

subota, 2. siječnja 2021.

December 2020 Twitter

This proves it is possible to build up ring ridges by sweeping up material from its ring system.
YT Dreksler Astral


China attempts its Chang’e 5 Moon landing today at 16:13 CET.
YT countdown:
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Chinese CCTV13 is displaying footage of Chang'e 5 successful Moon landing.



Buttface - someone putting being right above everything else including other's people feelings and facts.
Hurting others does not help you convince them you are right. The way we talk to people is important.

YT The Thoughtful Beast

ORF Radio Tirol playlist:
Julie London "Warm In December"

Marcus Aurelius: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”
Standing at a wall of opposition is intimidating, but it also creates motivation.

What blocks the way becomes the way?


An 'infantile sickness... the measles of the human race', in Einstein's opinion, nationalism was the principle cause of two world wars in the 20th century and has recently been deeply implicated in horrendous violence and grotesque 'ethnic cleansing' as Rwanda and the Balkans.
Image Image

Some later religions, such as the Abrahamic ones, opposed shamanistic practices. This was because the shaman was said to attain his knowledge in the wrong ways, through both good and bad spirits.
c. 40,000 BCE

Robert Arp

The shaman thinks that the spirit, which dwells in the root or herb, enters into the body of the patient, and, searching through the vitals, discovers and drives out the disease daimon, which is the cause  of the sickness.
John Maddox

If anyone missed it, this was the last scene of Beverly Hills, 90210 (S10 E27) - group hug at David&Donna's wedding.
Image Image

Feelings of insufficiency is sign of abuse. There is sense of feeling of unworthiness that follows you around.
YT Psych2Go

Golden magnolia.

Be weird. Be random. Be who you are because you never know who would love the person you hide.

No control how game was played and where it went. He was just following the storyline as it already existed, experiencing the illusion of him actually creating and performing it. And his active participation was entirely necessary to the experience.

This Monolith appeared in North-eastern part of Slovenia yesterday.


It has a bad form of what could sort of be the equivalent to social anxiety as a consequence of its tendency to overthink and some portion its maladaptive input codes. Consequently it often has a difficult time communicating with others.

Pursuit of Wonder

In 2016 a team of scientists identified a molecule C3H2 in Titan's atmosphere that's never been detected anywhere else except deep space.
YT Destiny

Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 at 11.6 billion miles has reported a significant increase in the density of space outside the solar system.
This discovery has challenged the accepted notion of space being a vacuum.

YT The Secrets of the Universe

We become ourselves amongst other people.
We become alive when we are around other people, having social connection.

YT Coach David Ades

BH90210 reboot is amazing. Loved it to see crew together back again.

You become highly aware of your flaws, failures, weaknesses, sins, things that don't seem to happening becomes your primary focus, what you focus grows. What you see is through shame.

10 Ways SHAME Negatively Infects Your Heart
YT Mark DeJesus


Expectation is resentment waiting to happen.

You are remix of what you've been exposed to. All those thoughts are made up of all these messages you heard how people think about themselves, form what you think about yourself.
YT  Alex Shailer

One coming up to idea or the right thing to say more easily once they stop trying.

Taoism & the Art of Flow - The Philosophy of Lao Tzu
YT Pursuit of Wonder

- One of the most important things I've learned is that wherever you are in life is exactly where you're meant to be.
- So, bless this mess?
- Exactement.
BH90210 - episode 4

When we hold onto shame and guilt and fear, it creates imbalance. It makes us forget who we are.
This is difficult for you to accept.

We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.

When you overflow with hope, you take one step further.
You know what was meant for harm, God is turning into advantage. Thank God when you could be complaining.

Joel Osteen

When you can arrive at the point when you accept the trees as friends, you have achieved a powerful bond between yourself, the earth, and even beyond.
Visit them often.

Scott Cunningham

Carve, sew, or otherwise construct an image of yourself at your finest, physically speaking. Pour into it all your good points. Embody the image with your total being.
Scott Cunningham

The actions you perform during a spell or work of magic aren't as important as the need behind them. You must send out your own energy (through your emotion) toward your need or the magic will be fruitless.

techniques of natural magic
Scott Cunningham

When the enemy opens the outer gate,
One must quickly enter.
Make what he loves the first objective.

"The Art of War"

Total Solar Eclipse of 2020 starts in 40 minutes.

We take other people words so seriously when 99,9% of time it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.
YT Asha Bhattacharya

Having strong reaction to someone rude...is social anxiety.

Ghostly circles in the sky can't be explained.
Are they 'throats' of wormholes?

Everyone in the 1950s had style, and dresses sharp, even when roller skating.

It's Always Fair Weather, 1955.

The Agreeableness Theory is like a game of dominoes,  having both sides set in your head ready.
If you naturally trust all people, allow yourself to be distrustful.
If you don't trust, allow a tile of friendship, try out some trait you never tried before.


If you are comfortable with it you will never do it.
You have to be uncomfortable with it at some degree.


For the first time I made hot chocolate, and it was super easy:
1) Heat milk
2) add a few spoons of cocoa
3) whisk in chopped chocolate parts
stir until all is melted.
Optionally: as decoration - add cream and choco sprinklers on top

Classic yet less known Christmas movie suggestion?
Try 'An Affair to Remember' (1957) starring Carry Grant and Deborah Kerr.

Extreme shyness is not something to be ashamed, healed or removed. It is a litmus paper mechanism, testing laboratory for detecting fake people.

You would not feel that uncomfortable with a normal & healthy individual(s) in your company.

Che Guevara describing his battle with social anxiety:

"Now India, where new protocolary complications produce in me the same infantile panic (in deciding how to respond to greetings)."

From the book by Jon Lee Anderson

There is fog, yet again.

Mandela Effect meets Science.


We can't take bait and have peace. We can't swallow the bait. We take offense sometimes when no one really means anything. Quicker we let go of offense the more will be get free.
Keep Your Heart Free From Offense | Victoria Osteen

There is always going to be reasons to take up an offense. We can't swallow the bate.
I have things to do. I can't walk around with bitterness and anger, and expect to be everything God wanted me to be.
Keep Your Heart Free From Offense | Victoria Osteen


Official advice explain Social anxiety is game of poker (play with the right cards). But in reality, social anxiety is Dominoes game. You have two sides (dualism) - but for some reason your thumb is hiding the second part, so you see only upper part.

If you would meet one of them (Extraterrestrial alien icon) in street, you would never guess. Unless you were very, very sensitive.

Paul Hellyer


Zarathushtra understood that Truth and order were essential for maintaining the universe as a good place away from the evil spirit named Ahriman who always tries to implant lies in the minds of humans in order to create falsehood, misery and chaos.

Red sunset.

Beautiful winter scenery in intriguing Peter Medak's movie "The Changeling" (1980).

There's no greater gift than friendship.
The Polar Express (2004)

One thing about trains: It doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on.
The Polar Express (2004)

"The Christmas plumbers", East German xmas movie from 1986..
"Christmas" in 1986 East Berlin? Aren't we told from nationalists that communist DDR was strict dictatorship and Christmas was verboten und kaput in communism?

Was ist aus mir geworden?
Ich bin nicht, die ich früher war.
Vielleicht sollte ich fort, weit fort. Dahin, wo mich keiner kennt.
König Drosselbart (1965)

People will criticize, judge, be willing to accept that. That's what people do to dreamers, godly man and women, be willing to pay price of your ego, gossip about you, especially when you fall.

Expectations especially when we put on people is unkind and unfair. Expecting things from people is unkind and unfair.

Put unfair expectations on people you will push people away,not closer. Hold desire but hold it loosely,craft it with wet clay. There is no better way to ruin everyone's Christmas than by coming into Christmas with gigantic unchangeably expectations how Christmas is suppose to be

Nobody wants to be around sour, critical, condescending person. People want to do business with whom they like: Positive, friendly, kind, considerate.

Many times how dirty our neighbor clothes are depends on how clean our window is. Too often we holding on to hurt, disappointment, it steals our passion, you got to let it go. This is new day.


For me, this is my closest Hollywood movie: 'Fiddler on the Roof' (1971) that is filmed near my hometown. Film location was only 14 km away from me (by air).

Sun coming through clouds above #earthquake hit area right now #Croatia


You have to have sense of self, self importance, wanting to protect ys from harm. Not just put myself out there for anybody that needed anything. People are not that innocent as you think they are.
YT Marcus Vaughn

Don't let them manipulate you into disregarding boundaries. Reality is no one has a problem with anyone else's boundaries unless they are personally benefiting from not having any.
YT The Enlightened Target

You will likely face toxic person trying to shame you from establishing boundaries. Narcissists believe they are entitled to treat people anyway they choose.
YT The Enlightened Target

Petrinja, Croatia
December 28th and 29th.

- Aren't you a little old to be afraid?
- You can be a little old for a lot of things, you're never too old to be afraid.

If you want to navigate this life, it's important to lighten your load and worrying about what other people have to say takes a lot of energy.
Everyone doesn't have to like me, being fine with that is such a revelation!

RuPaul as an INFJ

I am an observer. I love - I feel like an alien who fell to this planet. Be in a constant state of wonder of it all and how incredible it is. There is other side there's darkness, too. It's about having an even playing field.


Duality and double narrative that each human walks around with at all times. There are two of you, the one I want equality, and same voice - no fats, that sort of dichotomy that lives in each of us.



Fireworks were invented in China in the 7th century to scare away evil spirits.

German Silvester ritual, Dinner for One.

We don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything we need is here
And face to face we will embrace
The perfect year

Maybe it's much too early in the game
Ooh, but I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's eve?

Don't look so sad,
It's not so bad you know.
It's just another night,
That's all it is.
It's not the first,
It's not the worst you know,
We've come through all the rest,
We'll get through this.

It's just another New Year's Eve,
Another night like all the rest.
It's just another New Year's Eve,
Let's make it the best.

It's just another Auld Lang Syne,
But when we're through this New Year
You'll see, will be
Just fine.

New Year 2021 in Turkmenistan
(21h CET)

"Be Just and Fear Not"
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

There's a light
(Over at the Frankenstein Place)
There's a light
(Burning in the fireplace)
There's a light, light
In the darkness of everybody's life

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

There are those who say that life is an illusion, and that reality is but a figment of the imagination.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)