August 1, 2024
Here's where things get quantum-ly bizarre. All these filter do is remove light – they “filter” it out. But if you take a third filter, orient it 45 degrees off from the first filter, and but it in between the two, the lamp will actually look brighter. This is not middle filter generating more light – somehow introducing another filter actually lets more light through. If you add more filters, this trend actually continues – more light!
🟥 minutephysics

Aug 1
🇨🇭 Gotthardpass
Aug 1
🇨🇭 Gotthardpass
Aug 1
🇨🇭 Gotthardpass
Aug 1
🇨🇭 Gotthardpass
Aug 1
🇫🇮 Finland
Aug 1
🇫🇮 Finland
Aug 1
🇫🇮 Finland
Aug 1
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-31, 13-36-42, Rai Sport HD
Aug 1
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-07-31, 13-36-42, Rai Sport HD
Aug 1
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-31, 19-12-09, France 2
Aug 1
🇫🇷 Sting au Château de Chambord
Aug 1
Have you ever felt like everyone was against you and that they hated you? Or when you feel like you messed up in social interactions just because a friend used harsher tone on you? Then spiral in self-deprecation. These are examples of internalization. And why do we internalize? Due to unhealthy attachment; maladaptive excessive emotional bond one has towards certain aspect, certain desire, a certain concept.
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV School Youth
Aug 1
It's actually more common than we'd think it would be. Example: students have idea of a perfect grade standard to reach, and if they don't, they crumble, bring dishonor to them. This very stress brings anxiety. And if students stopped overthinking about what grade they'll get, they'll find their lives to be much freer and less stressful. People online can't help but overthink did I phrase this right. Is emoji used in certain context correctly...
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV School Youth
Aug 1
Attachment in general is internal emotion binding to external factors. There is unhealthy attachment. We have to practice Detachment. No – it is not debilitating psychological condition, numb, not stopping feeling emotions. It is process of letting go of what no longer serves you in life. It is not about you possessing nothing. It is about nothing possesses you. This mindset enables greater self-reflection, ability to respond not react
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV
Aug 1
Stay in the present – is there something interesting on bulletin? Go sign up for it. Did you friend leave you on red – so be it. We have to be in the present moment so that we don't miss opportunities and potential areas of growth. Humans have innate fear of rejection. That we are never good enough, that we're never going to meet the standard. Because of this humans stop trying new things. They stay in the comfort zone.
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV
Aug 1
There are certain things that only we can control. “Choose your story” game. We are in charge of our own lives. What we can control is how we speak to ourselves. How we set boundaries. What we even do in our lives. How others speak to you – we can't control a thing. Realizing what we can control and letting go what we can't. Detach from very idea of expectations. We gain sense of independence. How we respond to cruel life.
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV
Aug 1
Unhealthy attachment in general resembles a powerful addiction. As your feeling of attachment to a certain aspect grow stronger, so do the withdrawal symptoms as well. When we fixate on certain aspect in life, that's usually all that we think about. But this leaves us for other opportunities in life to pass us by. We miss out the beauty in everything. How do we not go this far? Put yourselves first. Think of yourself highly, not as egotism.
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng
Aug 1
Emotions come and go in waves. They're not meant to last forever. No matter how big they are, no matter how mad you get at someone, fight or broke with – feelings will come and go eventually. How to process emotions is important: Pour your whole life story into notebook. You will get that sense of mental clarity. You then realize I can now move on with life. Let other people who they want to be, let yourself be who you want to be.
🟥 Detachment | Abby Cheng | TEDxKGV
Aug 1
You won't know what's FOR you if you holding on to what's NOT for you.
🟥 Detachment is necessary for growth some times!
Aug 1
Aug 1
He is in touch with his feminine side. It's probably all that soy.
Aug 1
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-07-31, 17-31-49, France 2
Aug 1
🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024. Il meglio d, 2024-08-01, 08-47-28, Rai Sport HD
Aug 1
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-01, 09-59-54, Rai Sport HD
Aug 1
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-01, 11-10-58, France 2
Aug 1
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-01, 11-10-58, France 2
Aug 1
🏅Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-01, 12-09-57, Rai Sport HD
Aug 1
🎨 sketch from Gidget (1959)
Aug 1
Professing preferences, interests and beliefs we don't necessarily hold can stem from various motivations. Many targets of abuse habitually echo other people because historically voicing their own views led to punishment and ridicule. Some of us treat red flags like red lights. Evidence of wicked intent. In doing that, we can end up pushing lots of good people away. Individuals who already self isolate, can further magnify their isolation.
🟥 TheraminTrees
Aug 1
All these behaviors – mirroring, interrogation, love bombing, overblown statements of trust, rushing to commit – can spring from benign motives. Some people are just compulsive and enthusiastic. The point is that it's a mistake to allow ourselves to be swept off our feet by these behaviors and abandon all caution, especially when sizable commitments are involved. Mood swings and use of punitive silence the red flags are now red lights.
🟥 TheraminTrees
Aug 1
People don't have to be 'monsters' or predators to be unfit partners. We don't have to diagnose them with malignant personalities. We just have to look at their behavior – imagine it's never going to change, and ask ourselves it we'd be prepared to live with that. Revamp – abuse comes back for second try, claiming to have evolved. But all that's evolved is their deviousness. The abuser attempts more subtle game.
🟥 TheraminTrees
Aug 1
🇫🇷 les secrets du chateau de chenonceau
Aug 2
A child that grows up in an environment in which caregivers are extremely critical and rejecting. And we know that children need love, acceptance, consistency, and the ability to feel safe – even when they make a mistake. When child never gets that and are constantly bombarded with these conditions of worth, when caregivers are telling that they are “Only worthy if/when”, or not worthy of not perfect, child knows only check lists.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Child internalizes being abandoned. Children think dichotomously, all or none. You love me, you hate me, I'm worthy, I'm unworthy. There's no middle ground. They think in all or nothing. And they think in personal terms. It's because of me. If you are in good mood, it's because I did something right. If you are in bad mood, it's because I did something wrong. If you pay attention to me, I did something right. If you are angry it's because of me. In child mind
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Child is going to assume it's their fault. He wasn't mean, he was making observation and a joke in non kind way. But I internalized it as small child. As adults if we have wounded inner child, we need to hear and notice who is saying those words. Is it coming from ourselves or is it something that caregiver tell when we were younger. In some families this is way how they communicate, dysfunctional. Am I safe, loved, accepted – child thinks.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Children are not thinking about what my career going to be or what I do I need to do to get out of this place until much later in their development. Sums up conditional love- “I will love you when I am in right mood”. That makes child anxious trying to figure out who I need to be to get your love. Child is prevented from developing initiative (Erickson), from becoming more independent. Child develop sense of guilt and fear of abandonment.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Child starts to develop a sense of unsafe-ness. That's traumatic unable to escape. That's core conditions for the development of Complex PTSD. Behaviors seen in codependency, borderline PD. “If you don't do this – you will be abandoned”. Often trying to get approval, not getting rejected, get hurt. What to do in adulthood – develop true Self, aware who they are, what they want, that their needs are in present. Examine when feel inauthentic.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
In these unsafe environments it wasn't safe to express anger or need or vulnerability. So the child learned to hide their feelings and as an adult it may come out as passive-aggressive. If the adult now is afraid to express their feelings instead of being assertive – is it because they don't have skills or is it because they don't feel safe being assertive- putting your thoughts need out there and risking rejection. Risk unlovability.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Recognizing once the person feels safe in their own head, once the person feels safe and empowered, and has helped inner child to recognize that they didn't deserve it, it's not their fault - they will feel less stressed, they will feel more safer. Saying “it's not your fault” is something that they have to come to by exploring what happened. Was their behavior met maliciously. What part the other person playing in it, their dysfunction? Process those.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
If you have always been walking on eggshells hoping and praying that you didn't accidentally mis-step and get rejected then it's exhausting. You're going to fear failure and be afraid every time you take a step and outside of comfort zone. That's absolutely terrifying – if I make mistake, if I fail I am going to be rejected. Why would I be motivated to run into that lion's den! Everything makes them nervous. Didn't have consistent attachment to process all.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
You learn what you live if your caregiver copes with distress by yelling and throwing and drinking alcohol, then that's what you are learning. You're being taught that. They are not teaching you other skills. Children are not born with coping and interpersonal skills. They learn them through observing and through practicing in their early life relationships. Child's emotional regulation, skills development gets stuck at the age of trauma or ACEs.
🟥 Doc Snipes
Aug 2
Why Earthlings get angry? And sometimes fight.
Were those feelings of anger?
- Yes, but our emotion detector sensed other feelings mixed in with anger. Feelings like being embarrassed, or sad, or frustrated. Or getting your pride hurt.
🟥 Weird Video Helps Teenage Boys To Deal With Anger & Bullies
Aug 2
🇫🇷 The zone libre was a partition of the French metropolitan territory during World War II, established at the Second Armistice at Compiègne on 22 June 1940
Aug 2
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 2
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 2
🏅 Olympic games
Aug 2
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-02, 12-38-39, France 2
Aug 2
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-02, 12-38-39, France 2
Aug 2
📽️ Maurice (1987)
Aug 2
📽️ Mysterious Ways (2023)
Aug 2
Aug 2
🇬🇾 Guyana
Aug 2
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-02, 16-32-55, France 3
Aug 2
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-02, 16-32-55, France 3
Aug 2
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-02, 18-17-53, Rai Sport HD
Aug 2
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-02, 18-17-53, Rai Sport HD
Aug 2
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-02, 18-17-53, Rai Sport HD
Aug 2
📽️ The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Aug 3
🎵 Findlay - Life Is But A Dream (2022)
Aug 3
There was a study about people's biggest fears. The number 2 fear that people always listed was death. The number one fear was public speaking. That means more people would prefer to be in the casket than giving the eulogy. Putting yourself out there. These fear can entangle us where in our desire to manage our reputations and what people view us- we become slaves. And we fit right in. And yet the people we admire the most in life are likely to give speech
Aug 3
The killing and subsequent scandal created a rift between Turner and her daughter, and seriously threatened to end Turner's film career. However, Turner channeled the pain from her experience into this film. It proved financially and critically successful, and served as a comeback vehicle for the actress.
IMDB Trivia, Imitation of Life
Aug 3
Benjamin Disraeli: “Never complain. Never explain”. Try this. There is something self respect and dignity in this. It's weird how often we've always trying to explain everything to everyone even though they're not asking for an explanation. In restaurant “I'm not getting soda today, just water because...” The server doesn't care. Just say “I'd like glass of water”. How often you explain to people and they say “okay”. They just want info, not explanation.
Aug 3
You can forgive scorpion for acting like scorpion. A man does what he does according to his nature. And one of the best things you can do to help people become the wonderful creature is to forgive them. If people can't see you, they can't insult you. But people see you that's why they insult you. Attacking someone's book, attacking someone's message, attacking idea is one of the best things you can do to help those ideas grow.
Aug 3
Anyone who can make you angry with words can control you. Get angry if someone gets physical, steals from you, betrays you – but if a stranger says insulting words to you, you can forgive them and move on. You can say “That's interesting”. There's always be bullies, racists, bad ideas, liars, unjust middle fingers. Unjust middle finger and you don't know why and disappear and never know what it was so unfair. Say That's interesting.
Aug 3
Just don't judge people. If in that office of judgement where you have to do that – judge with grace, love and kindness but generally let God to judge. When we judge it makes it hard to be that wild principled person we are called to be. The more we judge the harder is to let loose a bit. The more we judge others the more we judge ourselves. The harder we are on others, the harder we will be on ourselves. You will never hear vocal critic sing. Other judge
Aug 3
What is love without the giving,
Without love you're only living an imitation,
An imitation, of life.
Would the moon be as bright above.
Every day would be grey and incomplete
Without the one you love.
🎵 Imitation of Life Lyrics - Earl Grant (1959)
Aug 3
Have i treated you as if you were different? Has Susie? Has anyone here? Then don't do this to ourselves ever again. Or to yourself. It won't solve anything, Sarah-Jane.
🎞️ Imitation of Life (1959)
Aug 3
"Just doing it" can be counter-producent if you don't get understandable feedback.
Aug 3
🇨🇭 Val Calanca
Aug 3
🇮🇹 Linea Blu
Aug 3
🇮🇹 Linea Blu
Aug 3
🇮🇪 Irish Compass - Green South
Aug 3
🇮🇪 Irish Compass - Green South
Aug 3
🇮🇪 Irish Compass - Green South
Aug 3
🐈 Meanwhile inside the box, Schrödinger's cat plans its revenge
Aug 3
🇮🇪 Irish Compass
Aug 3
🇯🇵 Japan im Licht der Jahreszeiten
Aug 3
🇯🇵 Japan im Licht der Jahreszeiten
Aug 3
🇯🇵 Japan im Licht der Jahreszeiten
Aug 4
Most of the time it is distraction. It is enemy trying to bait you into conflict. Get you off course. Spending valuable time and energy on something that doesn't matter. Changing their mind about you shouldn't be your goal. Trying to get them to like you is not your job. Some people no matter how nice you are no matter how good you are to them, they're not going to be for you. You don't need them to fulfill your destiny. Don't need their approval. Guard ❤️
Aug 4
More influence don't be surprised others can't handle it. They get jealous, start finding fault, get critical. If you let that in, it will poison your spirit. You become critical of the people that are critical of you, and it will keep you from rising higher. You have to be mature enough to walk away. Don't get drawn to that battle. It's a distraction. Keep passing the test. How you handle people that do you wrong will determine how high you can go.
Aug 4
You get distracted in battles you were not suppose to fight. You don't have to retaliate, God will vindicate you better than you can vindicate yourself. This takes all the pressure off. It is very freeing when you understand you don't have to change people. You don't have to convince them to be for you, make them like you, just keep taking the high road. Some people are full of turmoil inside, they have offense, bitterness, all build up. They'll try to pour their trash in you.
Aug 4
Usually the loudest person is the most insecure person. The hot temper, easily upset – is a sign of immaturity. The meek control their emotions. The meek don't try to prove, argue and “I'll show you”, they keep their strength under control. I've been through too much to let any person trouble me. Being falsely accused, ridiculed. Every one of us needs to have a henceforth moment. We make this decision that no person will trouble me anymore. Stay in ☮️
Aug 4
I want to believe everything that you've said. But learned in life - When things seem too good to be true, they are. So what is really happening here? Are you playing me for a fool?
Aug 4
🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024. Il meglio d, 2024-08-03, 09-19-47, Rai Sport HD
Aug 4
⭐ DreamZzz
Aug 4
🕵️♂️ Lupin iii- tutti i tesori del mondo
Aug 4
🕵️♂️ Lupin iii- tutti i tesori del mondo
Aug 4
🔫 G.I. JOE
Aug 4
Phoebe Keane investigates the tactics used by companies to change the narrative on big stories, beginning
with the story of a woman diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, who discovered that her condition may have been caused by asbestos in her make-up and talcum powder
📻 BBC Radio 4
Aug 4
🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-08-03, 21-49-02, Rai 2 HD
Aug 4
🏅 Giochi Olimpici Parigi 2024, 2024-08-03, 21-49-02, Rai 2 HD
Aug 4
👮 police municipale de marseille
Aug 4
👮 police municipale de marseille
Aug 4
👮 police municipale de marseille
Aug 4
👮 police municipale de marseille
Aug 4
📽️ Maurice (1987)
Aug 4
📽️ Maurice (1987)
Aug 4
We were with you the whole way?
- No, I kinda pieced out to the woods with my dog and I think maybe saw that one of you had hang yourself?
🎞️ Cinema Classics: The Wizard of Oz - SNL
Aug 4
🐜 Paederus
Rove beetles in the genus Paederus contain pederin (C25H45O9N), a toxin more potent than that of Latrodectus spider venom
Aug 4
Aug 4
🇫🇷 Bretagne
Aug 4
🇫🇷 Corsica
Aug 4
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-04, 17-34-38, France 2
Aug 4
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-04, 17-34-38, France 2
Aug 4
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-04, 17-34-38, France 2
Aug 4
Aug 4
I feel very strong that refugees traditionally made enormous contribution to all cultures they've become part of. Basically if you managed to escape that kind of oppression, then probably you have something to offer.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Becoming German
Aug 4
🇫🇷 La Réunion
Aug 4
🎨 Jerome Daret sketch
Aug 4
🇮🇪 Wexford
Aug 4
A crocodile deep in the Nile does it"
Ein Krokodil tief im Nil tut es "
Please don't ask me how.
Bitte, frag' mich nicht, wie.
Mink with a lot of heart does
Nerz mit viel Herz tut es
For the fur industry.
Für die Pelzindustrie.
It's fun!
Spaß macht es!
Be in love!
Sei mal verliebt!
🎵 Sei mal verliebt (Let's Do It) · Hildegard Knef (1968)
Aug 5
People Hangover – that's when highly sensitive people (mostly) after being in a gathering, interacting with people with family, even positive interactions, the next day we actually feel like we are having hangover. Our nervous system has been overstimulated, and now is overwhelmed. Just like drinking – we need to know our limits if we want to avoid hangover the next day.
🟥 Social Anxiety and Overwhelm
Aug 5
If you have an issue where you can't say No to a woman you're in sexual romantic relationship with, because of stuff that happened with your parents, you have no business in being in romantic until that's resolves. Unhealthy, pathological is you have one of two people not being capable of setting boundaries with each other.
Aug 5
Who knows why somebody who is seriously mentally ill... If he actually has Narcissistic personality disorder, it is much as disorder I claim of psychosis and dissociation as anything else. That means this chap lives in full blown fantasy land. That he's never let you into. You don't know what his fantasies really are. Fantasy of who he is, fantasy of his life. But they are delusional to the point of full blown psychosis. You cannot understand it.
Aug 5
The coordinated that you have for your own world are nothing like coordinates that they have for their world. And how you see people is not how they see people. Don't worry what they do. They don't know why they do what they do. They don't live in the same world that we do. They're not like us.
Aug 5
🚴 Cyclisme - Arctic Race of Norway, 2024-08-04, 17-51-59, L'Equipe
Aug 5
🏅Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-05, 09-05-17, France 3
Aug 5
🏅Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-05, 09-05-17, France 3
Aug 5
🎭 Opera - Le nozze di Figaro
Aug 5
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-05, 12-36-30, France 2
Aug 5
The 2010's Simpsons episode "Boy Meets Curl" predicting Paris Olympics 2024 incident of boy meets curl.
Aug 5
📽️ Thor the Conqueror (1983)
Aug 5
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-05, 16-31-07, Rai Sport HD
Aug 5
🎨 Mbappe sketch
Aug 5
🇮🇪 Typical Wexford-style thatched cottage, near Blackwater village
Aug 6
🇨🇭 Val d'Anniviers
Aug 6
🇨🇭 Julierpass
Aug 6
🛒 Aldi: Die Insider
Aug 6
I experience RSD which makes me hypersensitive to rejection or perceived rejection. And I find open-ended statements trigger those intrusive thoughts rejection. Which is why she restated the invite to explicitly state that my presence is welcomed and wanted. RSD is common in ADHD. Rejection that most likely will not happen. Not welcomed explicitly spiral into questioning whether you like me as a friend. HSP likely would not come to such extreme conclusions.
Aug 6
“we already made plans” would have me spiralling because it implies in my brain that you didn’t want me there to begin with!
- AND that I WOULD actually be intruding.
Aug 6
Anxiety and panic attacks in prison – that's a luxury item. In prison you can't afford to be having them type of weaknesses. Just like most soldiers don't like feeling effects of their PTSD, while they're still on the battlefield – that comes when they get home, and they're safe and comfortable. It's the same type of deal with prison.
Aug 6
In prison you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings – there's constantly people clocking you engaging you to see if there's any weaknesses. Because if you show weakness, people are going to take everything they can from you. It's not really type of place where you're going to let your guard down enough to have anxiety or a panic attack.
Aug 6
But that panic attack and anxiety struggle does get really real for a lot of people when they get out of prison and start trying to move their life in a productive direction and then they get overwhelmed and they start self-medicating again. Which just keeps feeding that vicious cycle of addiction and incarceration.
Aug 6
I get panic attacks when everything is supposedly okay but if I'm in a super stressful environment and have to have my eyes open every second I will be in a survival mode.
Aug 6
some people have never seen Maslow’s hierarchy of needs before. prisoners LITERALLY don’t have the luxury of a panic attack their brains won’t let them
Aug 6
While I was in the military, I NEVER experienced anxiety. Almost as soon as I got out that hit me in the face like a wet mop and it's taken years to get it under control.
Aug 6
🇮🇹 Siracusa
Aug 6
🇮🇹 Siracusa
Aug 6
In real world many of us are quick to judge others. This is called Fundamental Attribution Error. Where we blame other's actions on their personality, and our own actions on external consequences. You yelled because you were tired, they yelled because they are hateful people. Online this behavior is more obvious. Communities that scapegoat and ridicule the other and many find themselves addicted to endless ego bouncing drama.
🟥 you will become what you hate about yourself
Aug 6
🎬 Stanley Kubrick visible in the reflection of the visor
Aug 5
All that we have repressed in the service of persona will come out in some way. This collection of repressed impulses, darker tendencies and that which Ego and society may label as shameful or harmful, is called the Shadow. The interface between Ego and Self. The shadow wished to remain out of sight, deep underground where it can become stronger. Of course, the shadow cannot stay hidden for long. Social mask in actors.
🟥 you will become what you hate about yourself
Aug 6
To access our Shadow we first need to know what our Shadow look like. Jung recommends observing how we feel about those who we dislike the most. Whether that be ideological opponents, enemies or rude strangers.
🟥 you will become what you hate about yourself
Aug 6
For example you may grow up with belief that being assertive means being selfish. And so in time you end up living in state of submission, peacefully complying with others and acting as friendly as possible. This is your Persona. But deep down you also come to resent those who are assertive, view them as selfish. And maybe they are even selfish. Instead you should pay attention why this resentment exists in the first place.
🟥 you will become what you hate about yourself
Aug 6
🎤 Cornetto battiti live, 2024-08-06, 00-14-14, Canale5 HD
Aug 6
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-06, 09-10-44, France 3
Aug 6
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-06, 09-10-44, France 3
Aug 6
Aug 6
🐭 Itchy & Scratchy
Aug 6
🇮🇹 1941: When the Italians invaded Yugoslavia
Aug 6
🇮🇹 1941: When the Italians invaded Yugoslavia
Aug 6
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-06, 13-54-31, France 2
Aug 6
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-06, 13-54-31, France 2
Aug 6
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-06, 16-08-06, France 3
Aug 6
Here we practice immersion therapy. We expose our patients to their phobias so their habituated response gets decreased over time.
🎞️ The Simpsons S35 E12
Aug 6
All your appoints cancelled. I told you not to be yourself with people.
🎞️ Duncanville
Aug 6
This is called Australian tuxedo, mate.
🎞️ Duncanville
Aug 6
Anger, new study
John Sarno's book – there was a lot about suppressed rage. I felt really offended when my brother could think a) I thought he doesn't think is real, he doesn't think my symptoms were real. And b) I thought he thinks I've got suppressed rage. I thought I am kind person, I'm not an angry person. I don't have suppressed rage. I wasn't in a place to hear that message. I double down on this is not suppressed anger. Trying to validate my suffering.
🟥 The Cure That Offended Me
Aug 7
Idea popularized in modern psychology is called Zeigarnik effect, named after Russian psychologist. While she was sitting in busy restaurant in Vienna she noticed that waiters were better at remembering unpaid orders. It revealed how thoughts of unfinished work repeatedly creep into your mind. Even when you move onto other things. They are intrusive, agitating. They kind of urge you to go back and complete the task. Starting lots of things help discover our passion
📻 BBC4 Sideways - Unfinishing
Aug 7
Don't suppress your emotions, understanding can bring you peace. Suppressed emotions in my experience is actually at the roots of the mast majority of health issues and chronic health issues. If we're children, healthy attachment requires healthy aggression the ability to rage when a parent doesn't respond or leaves us too long and we're frightened. They can only rage if they feel safe.
🟥 Don't suppress your emotions
Aug 7
Because they know rupture & repair takes place if we can trust. Repair is there where we are held within the love, unconditional love of a parent. If we can't trust then it's very difficult to express that anger. Or if that anger is not permitted, or we were hit or told that we mustn't have this experience, then we can learn to develop shame.
🟥 Don't suppress your emotions
Aug 7
How anger can help you: Anger can light a fire to take action. Anger will notify you when a boundary has been violated. Anger can indicate that a more vulnerable emotion is being protected from coming to light which can help you start peeling your emotional onion.
🟥 Harnessing Your Anger for Manifestation & Spiritual Growth
Aug 7
Aug 7
🛒 Lidl
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du soir, 2024-08-06, 22-25-54, France 2
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du soir, 2024-08-06, 22-25-54, France 2
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-07, 10-39-22, France 3
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-07, 10-39-22, France 3
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-07, 10-39-22, France 3
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-07, 10-39-22, France 3
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-07, 10-39-22, France 3
Aug 7
🕵️♂️ Lupin iii- un diamante per sempre
Aug 7
📽️ The Shiny Shrimps (Les Crevettes pailletées)
Aug 7
🎭 Opera - A midsummer night's dream
Aug 7
🎨 sketch UOMINI E DONNE, 2024-05-16, 15-28-26, Canale5 HD
Aug 7
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du soir, 2024-08-07, 22-20-11, France 2
Aug 7
🇸🇮 Slovenia - Where nature come first
Aug 7
🇸🇮 Slovenia - Where nature come first
Aug 7
🇩🇪 Berlin - S-Bahn
Aug 7
🏇 Lucky Luke
Aug 7
🇮🇪 The Wexford Town’s quays, as seen from across the estuary of the River Slaney
Aug 8
I refuse to identify as an anxious person. Instead I identify as a person whose anxiety is a part of them. A lot of us attach to idea we are anxious instead of just realizing we have anxiety of feeling anxiety. Identifying as anxious person – anxiety defines me instead of just being a part of me. Not who I am. It is easier to identify ourselves with insecure parts of us. Our brain is wired to remember negative stuff more.
🟥 Cody Isabel | Nervous System & Trauma Healing
Aug 8
If toxic people are out there - if they refuse to behave friendly and co-operatively - this is huge trigger for social anxiety. And social anxiety is not our problem here at all. The problem lies in toxic people who are allowed by toxic system to be in positions where they abuse other people.
⬜ What is Social Anxiety?
Aug 8
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-07, 17-44-28, France 3
Aug 8
Yona Knight-Wisdom
No matter how strong you think you are, you don’t have to go through it alone. Bottling up your thoughts, feelings and emotions can cause more damage. Don’t be afraid to open up, speak your mind and be there for others 🙏🏾
#worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealthawareness
Aug 8
🏅Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-08, 10-43-51, France 3
Aug 8
🏴 Scotland’s wild seasons
Aug 8
🏴 Scotland’s wild seasons
Aug 8
👮 Notruf Hafenkante
Aug 8
🎞️ Black Sheep Squadron (1976)
Aug 8
📽️ The Shiny Shrimps (Les Crevettes pailletées)
Aug 9
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 9
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 8
I'm good enough exactly as I am, in here.💟
🟥 Coherence Therapy
Aug 9
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-09, 10-23-46, France 3
Aug 9
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-09, 19-41-27, France 2
Aug 9
🎞️ La flûte à six Schtroumpfs
Aug 9
Aug 9
🇭🇷 Genuss von der Adria
Aug 9
🇫🇷 Oliven-Fougasse
Aug 10
Building skills is not as easy as allocation skill points, though. You actually have to understand the meta and learn how to use the skill.
Aug 10
Farming tribe was good at what they did. They could grow bread, they could grow grain, vegetables, take care of cattle. But it makes them a target. Because there were also Raiders who just go around and take what they wanted. But what happens when they raid too much? All farmers dead and no grain left? They start getting hungry. Decide to make team together, to become like same tribe. In high school – jocks and nerds.
Aug 10
They create covenant. They would exchange jackets. Two-sided promise, the warrior protect farmer, the farmer feed warrior. Just focus on these two things. Loving God and loving people and you're going to do it. What religion does – it takes a law “less work” and it makes it more work. Take a rule that's a gift and make it a burden. This is why it needs to be written on our heart and not on a tablet. That we understand.
Aug 10
🎵 Three From Two · Khruangbin (2024)
Aug 10
Everyone's anger is righteous anger. I have never met an angry person, every angry person thinks their anger is righteous. All people believe they're justified, that's why they're angry. So let it go. If you make criticism, make it thoughtful not obscene. Being agreeable all the time is not love. But also don't push, don't shove. Love only counts when it's towards people you don't like. If you love your friends what does it count? Love annoying people.
Aug 10
🎵 It's Such A Shame · Thee Sinseers · Joey Quinones (2024)
Aug 10
🎵 The Ironsides - Changing Light (2023)
Aug 10
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Pantelleria
Aug 10
🎭 Opera - Il barbiere di Siviglia
Aug 10
🇵🇹 Lisbon – the city, the river and the sea
Aug 10
🇵🇹 Lisbon – the city, the river and the sea
Aug 10
🇪🇸 Tenerife – Under the spell of Teide
Aug 10
🇪🇸 Tenerife – Under the spell of Teide
Aug 10
🏰 les chevaliers templiers et le saint graal - jerusalem, la ville, 2024-08-10, 09-25-56, RMC Découverte
Aug 10
🏰 les chevaliers templiers et le saint graal - jerusalem, la ville, 2024-08-10, 09-25-56, RMC Découverte
Aug 10
⚽ Captain Tsubasa
Aug 10
None of this would have happened, if you could even show an ounce of kindness.
Aug 10
🎞️ Legacies
Aug 10
📺 Viva
Aug 10
📺 Viva
Aug 10
The obstacle that stands between journalists and the truth. Opinion. Does is illuminate or obscure the truth? There is fine line between analysis and opinion. I try lay out what is happening. How you got to it. It's not simply 'This is what I think'. This is happening because I am showing you this and this and this. And it adds up to what happened.
📻 BBC Radio 4, The why is as important as the what
Aug 10
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Un viaggio lungo una costa d
Aug 10
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-10, 15-30-43, France 3
Aug 10
Yeah, I know she took 'em. But at the end of a day, aren't we all whores? Just looking for a dirty pole to take our last ride on.
🎞️ Will & Grace
Aug 10
Aug 10
🔭 Venus - our mysterious neighbor
Aug 10
🔭 Venus - our mysterious neighbor
Aug 11
🎞️ Carabinieri
Aug 11
🇩🇪 Rhine in flames from Konstanz to Koblenz
Aug 11
🇩🇪 Rhine in flames from Konstanz to Koblenz
Aug 11
🇩🇪 Rhine in flames from Konstanz to Koblenz
Aug 11
🇩🇪 Rhine in flames from Konstanz to Koblenz
Aug 11
🎵 Shabaka - I’ll Do Whatever You Want (Visualizer) ft. Floating Points, Laraaji (2024)
Aug 11
🧰 DreamZzz
Aug 11
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-11, 09-52-06, Rai Sport HD
Aug 11
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - La bassa Maremma
Aug 11
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - La bassa Maremma
Aug 11
He changed me.
- No one changes anyone else. They merely open the doors. You have to walk through those doors yourself.
🎞️ The Oscar (1966)
Aug 11
📽️ Ferragosto in bikini (1960)
Aug 11
📽️ Ferragosto in bikini (1960)
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-11, 09-00-12, France 5
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-11, 09-00-12, France 5
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session du matin, 2024-08-11, 09-00-12, France 5
Aug 11
🏅Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-10, 18-04-46, France 2
Aug 11
🏅Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi, 2024-08-10, 18-04-46, France 2
Aug 11
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-11, 16-40-38, Rai Sport HD
Aug 11
🏅 Olimpiadi Parigi 2024, 2024-08-11, 16-40-38, Rai Sport HD
Aug 11
As almost as if you are gaslighting yourself. Why am I think dad is up to something, when I have no reason to so maybe I'm the problem. So if they are born into family that has a certain set-up, that is how they will assume things are, that's how they're friends are, that's how society tells you things are. And when they find it's radically different, and breaks that structure, then it is like vandalization of self. Blocks of what makes world sense is suddenly destroyed.
📻 BBC Radio 4
Aug 11
You should have thought up that before. Stuck massaging the pizza dough instead of that lunatic.
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux Olympiques - session d'après-midi - JO Club, 2024-08-11, 19-46-30, France 2
Aug 11
🩰 Les Fâcheux/ The Annoying Ones (1661)
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 : Cérémonie de clôture
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 : Cérémonie de clôture
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 : Cérémonie de clôture
Aug 11
🏅 Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 - Cérémonie de clôture, 2024-08-11, 23-35-20, France 2
Aug 11
Aug 12
We know that wars are fought but our parents don't talk about it. We don't read history books, who wants to do that? We are writing about these terrible things so that they never happen again.
BBC Radio 4, Orwell vs Kafka
Aug 12
You get script and you work most entertaining line, hammered it over again. It didn't work anymore. I couldn't face standing in front of people anymore. With help of others I got myself together. I knew I had to change my whole approach. That acting not just about acting clever or being entertaining, disconnected from everyone else on the stage, I had to go back to the beginning again. And think differently about getting into the character.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Michael Sheen Gets Into Character
Aug 12
Through my formative years I wasn't much emotionally expressive person. And certainly not in terms of crying. But there was shift after counselling. We talking about expressing our emotions. Doing art therapy for PTSD. Doing something creative it's the cognitive experience. There is so much man up, in army - soldiers are not meant to cry. Very alpha male you were meant to go on with that. Crying is normal.
📻 BBC Radio 4, One to One
Aug 12
We all have tear ducts so crying is very normal. I find it is great communicative thing as well. You communicate - I can see that. Just be mindful about it. Crying is a way of processing emotions, it shows you care, it takes courage to show your emotions, it is strength. And some people don't want let their barriers down. And they hide their emotions. At 16 I didn't know what to do. Army gave me discipline. It was like structure. I wouldn't know what to do, achieve.
📻 BBC Radio 4, One to One
Aug 12
No contact is not the same as silent treatment or passive aggression and withholding that a narcissistic person may engage in to punish other people. Goal of forcing other people to apologize when the other people done nothing wrong. That's not what I am talking about here. Not all people can hear no contact with discernment and can set your healing back.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 12
What happens in narcissistic family systems is, the fancy word for it loss of subjectivity. Basically you lose your sense of self, you lose your identity, you don't even know who your authentic self is. As long as you are in that family you have to fit your square into round hole. And that the only way to find yourself is to separate out from that system. You fully possessed who you are that you can stand strong to face and step away or repair.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 12
🎭 Opera - Ricciardo e Zoraide
Aug 12
👮 Carabinieri
Aug 12
Mathematicians discovered a new geometric shape called the "einstein," a 13-sided tile that creates a tiling pattern without repeating.
Aug 12
🇨🇭 Thrill Walk, Birg
Aug 12
🇮🇪 Irlande, une balade en terre celte
Aug 12
⚽ Lecce - Mantova, 2024-08-12, 19-18-06, Italia1 HD
Aug 12
Sorry, can't help you.
- "And if you're not getting a good service, ask for the man in charge.
🎞️ Duncanville
Aug 12
You'll be fine. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet.
🎞️ Duncanville
Aug 13
Maybe you find yourself dwelling in a casual comment. Or feeling crushed by a minor setback. Experiencing not just over-sensitivity but rejection dysphoria. Rejection sensitivity magnifies those beliefs, making it hard to see own worth and believe in your own abilities. It turns you into your own worse critic. Someone gently saying Don't take this personally can feel impossible not to. Taking criticism to heart feeling like failure.
🟥 Rejection Dysphoria
Aug 13
The desire to avoid disapproval can be a powerful driving force for someone with RSD. It can trap you in a vicious cycle of people-pleasing. Fueled by the fear of being rejected if you dare to say no. Avoiding failure – put off task. It's about what feeling says about you as a person. Imagine worst case scenario. Reality check – it is not end of the world, it is just your Rejection Dysphoria catastrophizing everything. Rejection feels as ever present threat.
🟥 Rejection D
Aug 13
RSD is like having your emotional volume turned way up when it comes to rejection, criticism, or perceived slights. It's an intense emotional response often disproportionate to the situation that can make you feel overwhelmed and defeated. RSD is often mistaken for simple sensitivity or mood swings.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Aug 13
Gray rock is quiet process, you don't engage anymore. There are things beyond not talking. We forget: Gray rocking is not appeasing anymore. The dynamic of active appeasing in a narcissistic relationship is such a classical dynamic. Fawning, you try to stay safe without actively aware that you're appeasing, it allows you to avoid their rage. Dynamic is: People obsessed with dominance, power and control need to be appeased.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 13
You're having to assure them all the time. Do they offer you assurance? Never. In fact they may even scare you “Bad thing will happen”. Giving them supply “You are so amazing” is part of appeasing. Appeasing also could be putting yourself down. “I'm the one who always make mess, you are so right”, “I'm the problem you are not”. You put yourself down. These appeasement strategies allow narc to stay regulated, in power, them not to deal with anxiety.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 13
Gray rocking can be when you stop exhausting yourself by always appeasing them. At its core it is disengaging. As long as you are appeasing you're serving them mighty big function for them. You are human pacifier. You are soothing them, you are comforting them, “It's going to be ok, you are great” so they don't need to stay in uncertainty and anything that brings up that shame that they're not special, wonderful, that they're not exception. To avoid anger/rage.
🟥 DrRamani
Aug 13
I understand that narc anger and narc rage are a terrible thing to be in presence of, it's uncomfortable, scary, tense. But if you appease too well you may actually be stopping all those angry reactions. Then it can subvert radical acceptance because you're not seeing this relationship clearly for what it is. And you're exhausting yourself by constantly appeasing. Gray rocking strategy: don't appease. You just sit there and nod. Don't come as appeasement
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 13
Now as we know whenever you start gray rocking with narcissistic person, you're going to have initially an uptick. They will be like “What is wrong with you, you just sit and not help me or offer”. With time, gray rocking works assuming this person does not escalate to dangerous place. They will start realizing their appeasement store is closed. You're not putting yourself in human pacifier role. Can help you get some energy and strength back.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 13
if you make the mistake of confronting the narcissist about their lie they double down.
Aug 13
Red flag: how are we treated in the wake of discovering their betrayal. If a simple inquiry about something that left you feeling unsafe in a relationship leads you to being harmed more, that's the problem. When that happens, relationship will never going to be safe.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 13
📽️ The Marvelous Visit (1974)
Aug 13
📽️ Bilitis (1977)
Aug 13
🇬🇧 North Ireland
Aug 13
🕵️♂️ Lupin e il mago dei computers
Aug 13
Sheila would have been put into prison but not for life. 10 years maybe more. Maybe less. This was not just about protecting everyone in this room. It was about Will, Kelly, Beth, Haze, Douglas. They all had to be protected. Those kids were too important to me and we had to protect their future.
Aug 13
🎞️ Duncanville
Aug 13
🇳🇴 Longyearbyen
Aug 13
🇳🇴 Longyearbyen
Aug 13
🇳🇴 Longyearbyen
Aug 13
🕵️♂️ Lupin e il mago dei computers
Aug 14
I find it honorable that you are here – showing up to a video with this title means you are in business of creating a higher vibration within yourself and this world. That is powerful. Anger is a natural response to situations where we feel threatened, disrespected or treated unfairly. It's a signal that something is wrong. What happens when we don't express this anger? Anger is form of energy, prepares your body for action.
Aug 14
When we suppress anger due to fear of confrontation, societal norms, personal beliefs, even fear of not being loved – this energy just doesn't disappear. It has to go somewhere, gets stuck in our body and even organ. Lead to headache, weaken immune system, pain, anxiety, depression, sense of being stuck. It is being backed by science. Unexpressed emotions can contribute to physical illness. Like carrying a weight you can't put down
Aug 14
We all possess anger and it is necessary for mammalian life. Simply allow yourself to feel angry when you feel angry without judgment. Release anger in healthy manner – experience anger. It must be experienced without judgment, releasing charge that comes with anger. It can be lying in the bed for 10 minutes. Somatic body work like brisk walk. Main focus is physical movement. Expressive reading, writing what you feel.
Aug 14
Any therapist trained is going to understand at a basic level that anger is protective. It is very understandable and normal for someone who has been bullied, assaulted or hurt to feel rage. And I love seeing the rage because what that tells me is that there is an opportunity for safety within. Because anger is protective. The energy of rage tells us there is part of her that knows I am worth protecting. That is not ok. Anger coming to protect hurt part of me.
🟥 Rage
Aug 14
🎭 Da una casa di morti
Aug 14
Aug 14
Sorry, Lisa, there's no known cure for being a jackass!
Aug 14
Isn't that right, Jiminy?
Aug 14
If you have anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, the anger and grit inside of you, is being pushed down. In personality types we call this Warrior personality is being suppressed. Why? Happened way a long time ago, early in your childhood you've got really good at pushing down your anger. Your force inside of you. And you're responding to life in that way. Out of a timidness, lack of aggression, a lack of directness.
🟥 AaronKurtzCoach
Aug 14
And your system is expressing itself out of the fear because you are not addressing life head-on and living it. So it's coming out as the fear and the anxiety and the panic. So we bring back this aggression towards life and this directness, intentional part of you living your life, the fear is going to go away.
🟥 AaronKurtzCoach
Aug 14
You're talking utter nonsense as usual.
- You're angry because this embarrasses you. And that frightens you a little bit.
🎞️ La merveilleuse visite (1974)
Aug 14
I like bright colors. Everything was too gloomy. The street, the people, the house.
- A burial is not a party.
- Consider those who remain.
🎞️ La merveilleuse visite (1974)
Aug 14
When a mentally ill person does something irreparable... it's always because he's been left alone and because he's frightened someone.
🎞️ La merveilleuse visite (1974)
Aug 14
You're beginning to be a child, Monsieur Menard. But I must teach you to see the big picture to see into the distance. It's to the end of the world where we're going sail.
- The boat and me.
- That's right. To the world's end. Even farther.
🎞️ La merveilleuse visite (1974)
Aug 14
Have you noticed that, in the critical moments of our history, there's always a stranger dropping in on us? And we ignore him. So... he goes away. For who knows where?
🎞️ La merveilleuse visite (1974)
Aug 15
We are not sure it is emotion, it may be a state of mind. It is so multifaceted, so complex. Or at very least it is compounded emotion. Shame is self-directed, self-negating anger at helplessness in the face of overwhelming external circumstances or uncontrollable internal impulses. All emotions are directional – we love, hate someone. When we feel shame, it is self-directed. We are ashamed of ourselves. It is self-negating emotion.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
In the background there is this derivative promulgation – and you should be punished. “You are bad/evil /unworthy and you should be punished”. Shame is self-punitive, can drive to suicidal ideation. I say shame is anger. It is actually form of aggression. But this aggression is not directed outwards, it's directed inwards. One reason is you've been brought up to please people and cater for their needs, and whims. To suppress your own needs and emotions.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 15
This causes a lot of anger that keeps accumulating and finally erupts. But the eruption is never directed outside. Shame is anger. Shame if form of aggression. But what are we angry about? At our own helplessness and hopelessness. Unable to affect change in ourselves or in others, unable to transform our environment to cater for our needs, fulfill our wishes. There is sense of I am not good enough. Opposite of self-efficacy.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
When you are faced with overwhelming external circumstances which are out of your control, and not within your power: dramatic such as war or accident, or subtle under the surface, covert: environment, people around you passive-aggressive wear you down, corrode you. Gradually you disintegrate, when you cannot control your impulses. When you feel you're no longer master of your autobiography. Estranged you also feel shame.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Shame is connected to internalized bad object: it is set of voiced, work in coalition to pull you down to disable you, render your life constricted. Collude in your downfall. When you have this inside you mourn about inability to transcend enemy inside you, Trojan Horse. You can't realize or actualize your potential. You can't flourish, thrive and you grieve. In childhood when you are not allowed to set boundaries. It is component of shame.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Third element of shame is introjection of bad object. Adopting abusers point of view or society external messaging, judgments about you. They become integral part of who you are that causes shame. You see yourself through abuser's eyes you see yourself worthless, failure, loser that causes shame. If you regard yourself through society injunctions, edicts, norms, morals, and you fall short, there is going to be shame.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
This tendency to prefer input from the outside to your own psychological processes, is very shameful. Memories are internal objects. It is associated with set of emotions. Everything is drowned in emotions. Emotions are the sea in which our internal objects swim. So internal objects cannot be isolated from emotion. As Freud observed. When you access all kind of internal voices, about you, there is emotion connected to your conscience.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Conscience is group of voices, a group of internal objects – introjects, that keep informing you what is right and what is wrong. What is moral and what is immoral, ethical and what is not. Conscience contains a library of should / ought-to injunctions. These sets keep informing you and monitoring you, supervising you. Freud said Parental voices, but they are societal voices. Conscience weaponizes shame.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Shame is the effect (emotion) at the disposal of your conscience. And when you stray or resist, or doubt of misbehave, your conscience, group of introjects make use of your shame. Shame is form of self-audiencing. Imaginary audience, imaginary observe who are very vocal about their views, opinions, judgments about your opinions, decisions and actions. When narcissist fails to secure narc supply, narc is self audiencing, becomes his audience.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Conscience leverages shame in order to modify your behavior. And manipulate your choices and decisions from the inside. This is also form of self-audiencing. As if you have audience in your mind. Group of observers, spectators, moral philosophers, role models, teachers in your mind and they exert judgment over your actions, decisions, over your essence who you are. While narc is always positive, shame is always negative.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Self-audiencing in shame taps into an internalized bad object. Narcissist isolated internal bad object from imaginary internal audience within self-supply process. Like there are two populations: totally negative sealed container with nuclear waste – internalized bad object. Narcissist instead has imaginary crowd, which is always laudatory telling how great he is, perfect, godlike. There is split, chasm.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
With someone who is prone to shame, the bad object is the only audience. So shame is associated with an imaginary audience with is in essence internalized bad object. Shame is triggered by the internalized bad object. And internalized bad object in shame-prone personalities, also incorporates and contains the conscience – it's all negative, self-punitive, self-rejecting. Self audience is negative. Informs he is inferior, misbehaved. Harsh inner
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Narcissism is defense against shame. The narcissists shuts up these voices, isolates them buries them deep, represses them. Instead he supplants with voices that uphold grandiose view of himself. The norms rules script of society has to do with socialization and culturation – process we become members of society and culture. These agents bring to us information about society, structure, expectations, acceptable norms and we internalize it.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Shame is good thing. It is good to be ashamed. Shame informs you that you're about to do something wrong. There would be consequences to your actions and many would be adverse. So shame keeps you safe. Via conscience. And then you don't do it, then you're a good person. And then you don't get punished. That is theory. But there is toxic shame. When the shame becomes weaponized by internalized bad object.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
When internal objects inside your head abuse shame in order to manipulate you, use you, abuse you, in Machiavellian psychopathic way. So how to manage toxic shame? First – learn to manage your anger. External anger. If you are angry inside I have surprise for you – you're also angry outside. Manage your anger, don't let it manage you. Less angry you are, less ashamed you will be. Anger and shame are flip side of coin. Get rid of the coin.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
You will discover that your interactions with people become more benevolent and benign. And that you feel a lot more comfortable in your environment. These are per-requisites for not feeling ashamed. Number 2. Learn to love yourself. Number 3. Helplessness is learned. We are not born helpless – we are born with all tools to master creation. Helplessness is not natural, it is acquired. Unlearn it. Get rid of being helpless. There must be solution, way out/in.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 15
Don't face. E-face. When you're confronted with external circumstances that you cannot conceivably manage, that you can't make no difference to, just walk away. When you face your internal impulses, and they threaten to overwhelm you, just shut yourself off and walk away. Walk away. Evade. Avoid. Withdraw. Do not force yourself to endure the perfect storm of adverse external circumstances. Move away from.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Identify the situations which are beyond you, situations where you are too small. Don't dwell on your narcissistic defenses. Just walk away. You feel impulse rising – just walk away. Distract- set of activities you can engage automatically when you identify harbingers of a gathering storm. Next, get underwhelm, never overwhelmed. Whenever confronted with moods that threaten to put you under, drown you – stand back and ignore, reframe.
🟥 Sam Vaknin, Toxic shame
Aug 15
Put everything in context and perspective and you will see how reasonable and insignificant these things are. They appear looming, gigantic, and uncontrollable but you are in charge. Fight dys-regulation with regulation. If you are victim of toxic shame, this is life-threatening. The alternative is self-control. Self-control taken to extreme is pathology itself. But it is not life-threatening at least. More benign pathology than toxic shame. Control freak.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 15
Our lives are not text accessible in library.
Our happiness as Aristotle observes is not a state but an activity through time. We seek meaning by which we are still ignorant. Our futures are uncertain and undetermined. They can be shaped and can still be redeemed. This is bedrock of free will idea. Someone who knew everything was about to happen. Who is not ignorant of future would have nothing to discover, no agency, no choice - no life worth living at all.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Ignorance
Aug 15
🚔 flic story - police municipale d'argeles-sur-mer - episode 3, 2024-08-14, 22-30-31, RMC Découverte
Aug 15
🚔 flic story - police municipale d'argeles-sur-mer - episode 3, 2024-08-14, 22-30-31, RMC Découverte
Aug 15
🇵🇦 Panama
Aug 15
🇵🇦 Panama
Aug 15
✝️ Lourdes
Aug 15
✝️ Messe du 15 août, 2024-08-15, 09-50-36, C8
Aug 15
🏴 Schottlands Nordwesten - von den Highlands zu den Äußeren Hebriden
Aug 15
🏴 Schottlands Nordwesten - von den Highlands zu den Äußeren Hebriden
Aug 15
🎭 Elektra
Aug 15
📯 Le 53e Festival interceltique de Lorient - la Grande Parade des nations celtes
Aug 15
📯 Le 53e Festival interceltique de Lorient - la Grande Parade des nations celtes
Aug 15
📯 Le 53e Festival interceltique de Lorient - la Grande Parade des nations celtes
Aug 15
As humans, we are prone to associate high performance with competence and vice versa. We look at others' action and assume that these reflect how they are as people, ignoring the contexts and circumstances that may have driven them. This cognitive bias is called the fundamental attribution error.
Students who earn consistently good grades might come from background of privilege or have a robust support system outside of school.
⬜ app Kinnu
Aug 15
Aug 15
Victoria Woodhull was politically active in the early 1870s when she was nominated as the first woman candidate for the United States presidency.
Aug 15
Energy knows these things. You even know these things. It's just your conscious mind has you trapped in this simulation. And you're constructing this reality based on a narrative that you've been taught. And although that narrative doesn't serve you and make you feel good, it's all you know. But sacrifice is yourself.
🟥 Detachment
Aug 15
I'm not talking about keeping it under wraps. It's actually all about feeling it. It's all about expressing it in a healthy way. Once we're able to address it, it really opens up an entire new world and universe in which we can operate in. Use this anger not only as fuel that will catapult us to the next level of our evolution, our personal growth, but it really allows us to have healthy and happy relationships.
Aug 15
As INFJs, we put ourselves in the vicinity of people who express their anger and we aim to co-regulate them. We aim to allow them to express their anger. We allow them the space to feel everything that they want to feel. This is not a healthy way of dealing with our own anger, with other people's anger. It all stems from things we have experienced in childhood. It doesn't have to be traumatic, but people did not allow you to feel/express anger.
Aug 15
Expressing anger in a healthy way is actually setting a boundary. So it's about a person is crossing your boundary. The healthy way of expressing anger is to let that person know in an emotional way. That is a healthy way of expressing anger. There's nothing wrong with anger in itself. It's a very important emotion. As defense mechanism we learned to suppress anger. When adult, in any kind of situation to set a boundary, you do not know how to react.
Aug 15
Perspective of understanding situation (some kind of justification for another person's behavior so we don't get angry) but it doesn't really help us to work through that emotion. We did use that introverted thinking in trying to justify that behavior. For ex., that the other person is suffering. I allow them to express themselves. But truth is, it does affect us. Setting boundary feels like an aggressive act. Telling the person “please I need my space”
Aug 15
This is really not about explaining it to other people. People have to feel it. It just doesn't work the other way (trying to explain other people these are my boundaries please respect them). Don't touch the stove – they will learn when they actually feel it, there has to be some blister, it has to be something in their body that tells them uh-uh). And through that they actually experience you as person. Allow yourself to feel angry as you possibly can
Aug 15
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 15
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 15
Maddening and frustrating, there is no one like you. This is why I left you, Bill. But it is also why I love you.
Aug 16
“He's an a-hole”, like naming that, my entire system began to settle. It was like naming my truth – and maybe this isn't absolute truth, but naming my truth in that moment I got to experience coherence in my system, and my belly softened. Repeating these words in my head “He's an a-hole” and my stomach started to feel better. How important coherence is for the healing process. We talk ourselves out of animal impulses – I don't want to be near that person.
🟥 coherence
Aug 16
Coherence is when our mind, our brain, our body, our emotions are aligned. Unhealthy relationships with people who have narcissistic tendencies are so distressing, because there's a lot of incoherence or cognitive dissonance. Do the love bombing and then devaluing. Or say something but actions do not align. Or one day sweet to you, next day talk down to you. Confusion – brain wants to think this person cares about you but your body, heart feels differently.
🟥 coherence
Aug 16
Assumption, we call it theory of mind. Codependents so often assume. They assume when someone's thinking, they assume someone's intentions, they assume even if someone randomly say someone. Codependency forces you to do this. Theory of mind is that you are assuming that you know this person. That you know the way they think, that you know what they're thinking, why. Intentions behind it. Codependency taught you this dysfunctional behaviors.
🟥 forensicbadassprofiling
Aug 16
When I read Jordan Peterson I sense a lot of suppressed rage in him. In fact I think his voice is choking with rage a lot of the time. It is interesting when he talks about rage that you have to deal with it, I don't think he understand just how angry he is. If you look at his website, comments, are full of rage by his young acolytes. Now that is energetic thing that draws people. Secondly he teaches repression.
🟥 Gabor Matés Thoughts On Jordan Peterson
Aug 16
If something feels off, it's off. If something feels like it's not quite right, then it's not quite right. If you're getting kind of weird vibes that you shouldn't trust somebody, don't trust them. You intuition never lies. The issue is you have not found the courage to listen to it. If you walk into a room and it just doesn't feel like the right, leave. If you meet somebody and you don't feel like yourself, that's probably not a good person.
🟥 Mel Robbins
Aug 16
If they knew then they are evil perpetrator of wrong doing. If they don't know that they are doing it, then it means they are innocent victim of trauma that needs to be loved better and therapy and everything will be ok. I don't think you can afford with such complicated subject to split in such extremes. The truth is somewhere in between the two. We can't say they don't have ability to self-reflect. Without self reflection would they be comatose?
Aug 16
Consider if you are leaning in camp of saying narcissists are just poor innocent victims, let's be as compassionate as we possibly can, the problem with that it can lead you to conclusion I should stick around because they're victim and I should help them. I think this is dreadful mistake. If you can be coerced into an unconscious role within relationship, that's very, very dangerous for you. To rescue child you are coerced into parent role.
Aug 16
Experience of trying to leave NPD person and finding you are struggling with overwhelming feelings of guilt, as though you are abandoning a child. Whose coordinates are they? They are not yours. They are narcissist's coordinates. They want you to think of them as innocent child who just experience so much pain in childhood, and if only you could come along and be savior and rescue them, everything will be okay. It's not adult relationship.
Aug 16
It's not coming from you. It's coming from them. If it's hyper-sentimentalized, rooted in emotional incest, if everything is very dramatic and has a film like quality, if it's all kind of the frequency of gossip and drama – it's not coming from you. It's coming from them. It's called highly dramatic spectrum of personality disorders for a reason.
Aug 16
Ostentatious displays of vulnerability where they deliberately try to make themselves look incompetent and pathetic in front of you, to evoke strong feelings of desire to protect and help them.
Introject of her is still running inside of you. It feels like very anxious almost like drug addict feeling, is indication of introject at work. Narcissistic fantasy is still running. These are not your feelings, thoughts. It is coming from the other person.
Aug 16
Introject is when you internalize a person. If you watch a lot of my videos you will have an introject of me. So you can internalize a person, create avatar of them, and they will keep talking to you and talk to them. If the relationship was abusive, and power dynamic was very asymmetric them hanging over you, it will talk to you whether you want them to or not. It will be intrusive, it will just come into your daily thoughts.
Aug 16
Because such was the nature of the invasive communication when you were in traumatic relationship with them. So introject is in simple terms internalized avatar that you've created of a person. If the relationship was abusive, that avatar will talk to you and send messages and signals whether you desire it or not. You're not just enmeshed, you are completely submerged in somebody else's delusional fantasy version of themselves and reality.
Aug 16
The System Isn't Broken, It Was Built This Way
Aug 16
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🏄 Surf, le feu sacré, 2024-08-15, 21-12-57, France 4
Aug 16
🎭 Opera - Madama Butterfly
Aug 16
🌉 SailGP San Francisco
Aug 16
🇧🇪 Tintin et le lac aux requins
Aug 16
🏴 The Devon and Cornwall Trails
Aug 16
🇩🇪 Very British NRW
Aug 16
🇩🇪 Berlin
Aug 17
Paul says God does not dwell in temples made with human hands.
The most sacred place is your heart and your mind, the place where God dwells.
Aug 17
Why take action? Why move forward in your life? It's the only way to achieve your dream or calling. You will not achieve it by hoping. You're not going to hope away or wish away, and say 'it's unfair' your way and protest your way into your dream. You're just not going to. The way you're going to achieve your dream is by moving forward, by taking action.
Aug 17
I used to think the way to achieve my dream to take best of action. But what I've realized is the way to achieve my dream is to make the most decisions. I've recognized that the more decisions I make, the more actions I take even when they're bad, even when I mess up, that simply making decision it builds up like a scar, a resilience. Even when you mess up, it is more important to just make decision. We get stuck by trying so hard to make best decision.
Aug 17
🇮🇹 Linea Blu
Aug 17
🇮🇹 Linea Blu
Aug 17
🎭 Les contes d'Hoffmann - Festival de Salzbourg 2024
Aug 17
LIONCEAU translate: lion cub
Aug 17
Aug 17
🏰 les secrets du chateau de chenonceau
Aug 17
🏰 les secrets du chateau de chenonceau
Aug 17
🏰 chateau gaillard - une forteresse imprenable
Aug 17
"I must apologize for inconveniencing you in this way. However this queing up and standing about is good for you. It will make you appreciate the seats inside. It will also make you appreciate 'Psycho'."
🟥 How Hitchcock Got People To See "Psycho"
Aug 17
🎭 Opera - La Bohème
Aug 17
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Stromboli
Aug 17
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Stromboli
Aug 18
If you walk around with a critical lack of humility, you're f**ed in the long term. Because reality is just gonna chew you up. If you lack humility, you can't take negative feedback. If you can't take negative feedback, you can't change. If you're not taking negative feedback and not changing, you are not growing. You're remaining as a child.
Why Narcissists are Doomed in the Long Run
Aug 18
🎵 Cotonete - Satori (2024)
Aug 18
Coercion removes consent. You cannot consent btw unless you are given the full information about who that person is. Is the person giving you the full information about who they are? Or have you stumbled across important and pertinent (relevant) information about them across time? Then I would argue you didn't consent. If you're not consenting – consent is critical. If you're not consenting if you don't have full information, you did not consented to this
Aug 18
We all have defenses and that's what we bring to the psychotherapy room. Defenses are what we put between ourselves and things we most fear of, our deepest anxieties. What religion does is it invents a mechanism that protects us and makes us feel lined against abandonment and hopelessness. It invents universal figure that has our best interest at heart.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Beyond Belief
Aug 18
🏡 Casas de Campo
Aug 18
Aug 18
⛵ Model Boats
Aug 18
🎦 The Odd Throuple
Aug 18
⭐ Walk of Fame
Aug 18
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - Milano Idroscalo
Aug 18
Aug 18
🇦🇹 Kärnten - Badeseen und Alpengipfel
Aug 19
Aug 19
Aug 19
There is nothing wrong with you. Steaming in public should be socially awkward because it’s is. If you want it to be less awkward then you have to be vocal to everyone and say hey I’m gonna be filming and talking to my fans is that ok. Even so still not a normal thing. You’re totally in the right to feel awkward
Aug 19
Turn yourself not away from the three best things:
Good Thought, Good Word, and Good Deed.
🔥 Zoroaster
Aug 19
🇸🇪 Jokkmokk
Aug 19
📯Le 53e Festival interceltique de Lorient - le grand spectacle
Aug 19
📯Le 53e Festival interceltique de Lorient - le grand spectacle
Aug 19
Aug 19
Hopefully she can speak the truth to him and explain situation as it is.
- You know at this point, it sounds more like of Hope and Liam situation, and you can't control that. You need to remember that we believe in you and we know the changes that you've made and we have your back always.
Aug 19
I've made a lot of mistakes but without your faith in me, all of you, I've never would move past that. I've made a lot of horrible mistakes and I've turned into wretched person, but I had to be able to put that out on the table, my obsession with Hope, my lies, my manipulations, everything that I used to participate in. That ate me from inside. I realized it doesn't define me. It's not who I am. Thanks to your love. You showed me I could be something so much better.
Aug 19
Aug 19
Aug 19
Aug 19
We 'follow' or 'like' thought leaders that share our convictions, and we 'mute' or 'unfollow' conflicting views. Customizing our news feeds lets us construct silos, where we are same from the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. Tethered to agreement and engage in groupthink.
Aug 19
stuck in unwanted behaviors, beliefs, and emotions
Aug 19
🇯🇵 Japan im Licht der Jahreszeiten: Frühling und Sommer
Aug 19
💭 Filter bubble
Aug 19
🇲🇦 Marokko - Ein Königreich zwischen Meer und Wüste
Aug 19
🇲🇦 Morocco - A kingdom between sea and desert
Aug 20
And then boom just as you need them or they're having a bad day, or your needs are not in alignment with theirs, it all falls apart. And this feels awful. But it's more than you just feeling awful. It's the breaking you down, the stealing your voice, stealing your sense of trust in yourself, identity, your sense of perception and reality. Because of this treatment you are anxious, on edge, not enough. This isn't just social impairment. It is devastation.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
The assumption that you're SUPPOSED to IGNORE a Narcissist's abuse is LUDICROUS️
Aug 20
I see enablers as being worse than the narcissist as they make sure the dysfunction never ends
Aug 20
Justifying it doesn't help the person they harmed feel whole. For many survivors essential part of trauma bonding carousel is justification. “They don't mean it, maybe it's me, they had a lot's of trauma, it's not their fault” and over time the survivor keeps justifying and self-blaming and feeling smaller every day. That is dance of antagonistic abuse. The fallout is anxiety, sadness, self blame, shame, rumination and confusion.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
Personality disorder is a maladaptive pattern of personality functioning that is stable, pervasive and consistent, it appears across multiple contexts and it causes either subjective distress (person acknowledge that their personality stuff is making them uncomfortable -they don't feel good) or they have social or occupational impairment: person acknowledging or demonstrating that their life, work, responsibilities are suffering because of personality style
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
Personality disorder diagnosis is not 3 minutes on Tic-Toc. One big challenge is that being narcissistic is often an advantage: confidence, charm, charisma, making more money, being more aggressive and risk-taking in business, being more likely successful at dating – though not good at relationships. With this narcissistic style often do not meet threshold of impairment or distress. They're still narcissistic but don't get designation of diagnosis.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
Personality styles like narcissism are considered maladaptive because they result in behaviors that aren't healthy. In this case, they aren't healthy for the other people. We can't diagnose a person on basis of how other people feel about them. The person themselves has to be having the problem. And if narc person doesn't think they have any problem that doesn't mean that they don't. It may also mean they are good at blame shifting, projection and denial.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
“You can' be mad at a narcissistic person because if you are – you are discriminating against them because they have illness.” No! They don't. They might, but at the end of the day even if they do have personality disorder – abuse is abuse. So even if the abuser has an illness, it's still abuse. If you are in one of these relationship and you try to figure out confusion, a great place to start is to make sure you have facts straight.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 20
The irony is the more narcissistic the world becomes, the less comfortable the narcissist feels. Narcissist is predator. And of course if everyone is predator, there's no prey left. The growing self-awareness of these targets and victims makes the narcissist life very difficult. I started this awareness in 1995, I was the first to describe narcissistic abuse – I coined the phrase. I told victims what to look for, how to protect themselves.
🟥 Prof. Sam Vaknin
Aug 20
🟨 Angry dad
Aug 20
🇬🇷 Odyssée dans les îles grecques
Aug 20
🕵️♂️ Chi trova lupin trova un tesoro
Aug 20
👮 90' Enquêtes
Aug 20
⚽ FC Genua – Inter Mailand
Aug 20
☕ Caffè ristretto
Aug 21
Emily Dickinson — 'Anger as soon as fed is dead- 'Tis starving makes it fat. '
Aug 21
When you get angry, do you think, “It won’t help to speak my mind,” or “I need to let this anger
Emily Dickinson wrote Anger as soon is fed is dead, it's starving that makes it fat. When anger is suppressed and shamed and hidden, it doesn't go away. It's somatized and becomes cramps. It becomes passive-aggressive communication. It becomes confusion in our relationships when we don't speak our minds. Negotiate and know your anger.
🟥 Anger
Aug 21
Processing your anger can be good for your immune system. When abused traumatized when younger – our body and psyche naturally resist, push back, erect a boundary. Curl up to do something to defend itself. Like an immune system only this is emotional one. Something comes in – I try to block it. But when I can't do that, or I don't do that, (freeze or dissociate), or I'm not safe to push back, now that resistant energy turns inward. Immune system hurts me instead.
🟥 anger
Aug 21
There's basically 3 ways of dealing with anger. One is to repress it: people who are always nice. The other ways are to act it out, to go to rages. That's also unhealthy. The repression of anger leads to auto-immune disease and cancer. When you are raging all the time, this increases the risk of heart disease and strokes. Risk of heart attack in next 2hours. The healthy expression of anger, healthy processing of anger which most of us don't know how to do
🟥 Dr. Gabor Maté
Aug 21
📺 Fairness Doctrine
Aug 21
When things are calm and trouble is nowhere to be seen on the horizon, we tend to focus on short timeframes and forget about the importance of investing resources for the long term.
Because we have the luxury of temporal distance, we downplay the likelihood of potential future threats.
Aug 21
Mama and papa, their dreams of pious glory. They turn you into what they wish at a time... You can't defend yourself against their fantasies. All I ever really had any belief in was their image of me as a priest.
🎞️ Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Aug 21
🎭 Opera - I Puritani
Aug 21
Come on. We'll talk. We'll go talk in the car. It's warmer there.
- You didn't talk to me before. How come you never called me?
🎞️ Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Aug 21
If we are able to vocalize our social anxiety, if we could be totally free to verbalize our social anxiety concerns in full - and react in the moment when we feel it - we would discover that social anxiety is an act of explaining social etiquette to empathy-numb people who are totally oblivious to it and who are anti-social. People who create their own delusional rules how life should look like...without ability to receive feedback from others. In other words, narcissists
Aug 21
📽️ Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Aug 21
🏇 Lucky Luke
Aug 22
It's not your fault – society tells us that we are failure it we're not making x amount of money, if we don't get into that school, job or “I have nothing if I don't have you”. It is opposite – you have everything without the other person. You will not find safety in trying to control outcomes. The only safety we can find is within ourselves. Your actions are the only variables you can control. You showed you best, whatever happens after-is out of our control
🟥 Detachment
Aug 22
If you showed up as your best, and had a good time – that is all you can control. We cannot control outcome of how things are going to be. If you don't get that job, relationship – it wasn't for you. Why we would be with someone who doesn't want to be with us? You are deserving of a loving partner. Reframe mindset – from scarcity to abundance. “If I don't get this job, there is no other opportunities”. Believe you can find something better.
🟥 Detachment
Aug 22
We tend to ignore red flags about a situation because we're so attached to an outcome. Being in abundance mindset allows us to take off those blinders to see opportunity. Point of story is that even sometimes bad things can end up being good things for us. And we really can't attach to outcome so heavily. Bad things can become good in the long run if we detach from outcomes. If we had something for a long time, does not mean we should still holding on to it.
🟥 Detachment
Aug 22
Detachment can be also talked in regards to our thoughts. We don't have to identify and attach with every single negative thought that comes through our head. We can actually let negative thought come in our head and just peacefully release it instead of having to identify with it. Another technique is asking myself what would happen if it came true? What if I didn't get that job? Well – I'd be in same position as now. You haven't lost anything.
🟥 Detachment
Aug 22
Desperate energy. When we so heavily attach to outcomes and say I have to get this job, partner – we actually limit ourselves to amazing opportunities that are trying to get into our life. Once we release these blinders we can actually see all the opportunities when we detach. Our partners do not like this desperate energy, let other person breathe.
🟥 Detachment
Aug 22
INFJ will often twist and contort themselves into a version of what they are certain will be acceptable in the society that they are living in. INFJs do this because they want to get along with people. When you couple with they are private tends to create air of mystery. People draw their conclusions – “INFJ is nice and friendly, don't reveal anything about themselves what's going on, it INFJ trying to hit me up, manipulate me?”
🟥 Dueling Personalities
Aug 22
“Why INFJ says please and thank you”, “Why INFJ is so damn perfect? Oh I know what it is, they must think they are better than anybody” Do you see how that happens? All that's really happening is the INFJ try to get along and simultaneously they are extremely private because often they are true introverts. And it's better to be quiet and maintain peace and harmony because nobody really wants to hear what INFJ has to say which is bombshell truth.
🟥 Dueling Personalities
Aug 22
It isn't pretty sight. It never ceases to amaze me that most noble work of God, human brain, is the most revolting to the human eye.
🎞️ The Gorgon (1964)
Aug 22
Aug 22
You're always good as your last game.
📻 BBC Radio 4, Open Country
Aug 22
Aug 22
Aug 22
Richard Simmons (in 1968) was bullied as a kid, but realized bullies "had their own problems", he said.
🗞️ People
Aug 22
🎵 Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Other (1981/2024)
Aug 22
“When you sit too much with your
thoughts, that’s when people get depressed. I always keep active. What the f*ck can we do? Nothing. We have to keep living."
⬜ Sofia Vergara
Aug 22
🟥 3O-second anti-Trump ad paid for by
Congressman Swalwell
Aug 22
🍿 The Regal Times Square 4DX theater
Aug 22
📽️ Red, White & Royal Blue (2023)
Aug 22
🎃 1940s Halloween shop
Aug 22
🔵 Smurf Robinson
Aug 22
Psychopathy is a personality disorder. Psychopaths are without conscience and incapable of empathy, guilt or loyalty to anyone but themselves.
Sociopathy is not a formal psychiatric condition. ...their sense of right and wrong is based on the norms and expectations of their subculture.
Antisocial personality disorder (APD) - Antisocial and criminal behaviors
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, Robert D. Hare
Aug 22
It is important to note that psychopathy is a personality disorder, and that personality disorders are not the same as mental illness. At a basic level, a person with a personality disorder has a limited range of stereotyped “solutions” that he or she applies to most of the problems encountered in life. Those without a personality disorder are able to apply a variety of behaviors, depending on what best suits the situation.
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, Robert D. Hare
Aug 22
Another characteristic of psychopaths is an ability to avoid taking responsibility for things that go wrong; instead, they blame others, circumstances, fate, and so forth. They have an impressive supply of excuses for why they are not to blame for anything that they have said or done to hurt someone else.
Pointing the finger at others serves the dual purposes of reinforcing their own positive image while spreading disparaging info...
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, Robert D. Hare
Aug 22
Pathological lying is a hallmark of psychopaths. They cross back and forth easily between lying and honesty during conversations because they do not have the guilty feelings the rest of us have when we try to tell a lie.
Their lies are always woven with a thread of truth, which, if questioned, they indignantly point out in their own defense.
Organizations can forgive mistakes if the intention was honest. Psychopaths often use these excuses
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, RD. Hare
Aug 22
Shame is a natural response to abuse. Because of this, many abusive situations go unreported. It was not your fault; the psychopath is a predator and you were a target and victim. It is just as easy for a psychopath to use your own shame against you as it was to use your flaws, lacks, and fears in the first place.
While your ability to perform a task suits their purpose (considered a pawn or patron), psychopaths will continue to charm
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work,Robert D. Hare
Aug 22
Rule 1: Do Not Label Anyone a “Psychopath”
One psychopathic technique is to create conflict among staff members: “divide and control” technique. The best defense is to develop a reputation as a friendly, talented, competent, and loyal person.
Avoid Being Labeled a Complainer
Nobody likes someone who is always complaining. Reserve your complaints for something that is important to you. Psychopaths will set you up to explode—
📖 Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, Robert D. Hare
Aug 22
🎭 Opera - Thais
Aug 22
🎞️ Notruf Hafenkante
Aug 22
🏴 My Edinburgh
Aug 22
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 23
You have to let people discover all dark and twisted places inside. Because those are the people that show you what's real when you can't see that for yourself.
🎞️ Words on Bathroom Walls (2020)
Aug 23
🎭 Opera - Falstaff
Aug 23
I have people in my life who have been trying to help me. People who've seen me as more than an illness. But I pushed them away. I tried chasing this idea of being normal. Whatever that means. Don't wanna end up on the bathroom walls, right? You are who you are...
🎞️ Words on Bathroom Walls (2020)
Aug 23
Naturel de Vanikoro (Oceanie)
Aug 23
🍞 Table d’hôte
This French practice is becoming popular and refers to a special evening meal where guests and hosts dine together in a more formal setting. Generally, there is an extra cost and various courses served.
Aug 23
🇧🇪 L'affaire Tournesol
Aug 23
🏴 Scotland
Aug 23
📽️ Concerned Citizen (2022)
Aug 23
What is not fair having to put up with it, for as long as I can remember.
Aug 23
🎭 Opera - Aida (Verona)
Aug 24
You're thinking to yourself “What was I thinking, how could I have done that” “Why I didn't do it better”. Why I wasn't thriving in other things. Narcissistic relationships are confusing, they are not always bad. But when they are bad, they are psychologically harmful. Confused people are distracted. When we are in the throws of narcissistic relationships we put everything in believing we can do combination to make it right.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 24
It can take a long time to realize that this isn't about getting it right or being enough because those things are not possible. Nothing we do will ever be enough for narcissistic person. And that is a them thing – not a you thing. Difference from generalized anxiety that person going through narcissistic abuse will often thrive, shine, or be happy when they are not with narcissistic people, among the healthy people, doing what they enjoy separate from narc
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 24
Recognize in most cases you did the best you could under the circumstances. And the fact is nobody explained to you what the circumstances were to you. Basically you were trying to climb a mountain with a 200 pound bag on your back and you were not aware that bag was there. Recognizing that you was against a lot. We have finite resources in us to get through the day. We cannot be perfect at work and friends, house, self care. In circle reading narc mind.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 24
Narcissists will try to convince you that they are Lost child. And 2) they are innocent victim of circumstances. Psychopaths also use some sort of sob story to elicit as much as sympathy from target as possible and to break target's boundaries to say no. At no consent on your part you show up as Savior. To moderate and balance Shared fantasy space as a rescuing parent. This is the trap, dynamic that traps you inside narcissistic relationship.
Aug 24
We live inside a culture that has become infected with ideology that suggests everybody should become little mini psychotherapist for everybody they know and every issue in the world. That means if another person does something that is morally wrong, instead of just noticing hey they're doing something morally wrong, judging them for doing wrong, and condemning them, we're encouraged to agonize, to ask “But, why”. This is nonsense.
Aug 24
Patrick Tehan was just on with Dr. Ramani and said this: The definitive symptom of childhood trauma is "trying to get a difficult person to be good to us."
Aug 24
The problem is outside so you begin to look for external solutions. Why is that bad? Because if I'm looking at an external problem, and I'm going – You're the cause of my pain, which is a misapprehension, failure at analytic level. So you have your observation, this relationship is abusive, you have your orientation, decisions and actions. OODA Loop. Your perception are dysregulated because of emotions. You don't know where is enemy.
Aug 24
It is so insidious of a problem when dealing with a narcissist. The sad part is, your alone in your journey because everyone else who knows them is getting a different version of them, so you feel like you’re going crazy when you try to explain the situation. Or the other people just want to keep the toxic wheel going so they refuse to acknowledge the truth of the problem.
Aug 24
The minute you love and believe in yourself and never let anyone Mind-FU again, you won’t feel like this anymore
Aug 24
🎞️ Signé Cat's Eyes
Aug 24
⛵ America's Cup 2024- Regate preliminari
Aug 24
⛵ America's Cup 2024- Regate preliminari
Aug 24
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Golfo di Napoli
Aug 24
🇮🇪 Irlande, une balade en terre celte
Aug 24
🇮🇪 Ireland, a stroll in Celtic lands
Aug 24
🇮🇪 Irlande, une balade en terre celte
Aug 24
We're strongest when we fight for what we believe in, not just against what we fear.
🇺🇸 Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention, Douglas Emhoff
Aug 24
Aug 24
Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace we hope they'll extend to us.
🇺🇸 Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama
Aug 25
🏈 Detroit Lions – Pittsburgh Steelers
Aug 25
The delay is not a waste. It is positioning you for greater things. The betrayal, the break-up, the loss, yes it was painful but it wasn't wasted. You gained experience, wisdom, insight. The miracle is not in what you lost, the miracle is in what you have left. The depth of your pain is indication of height of your future. Nothing in your life is going to be wasted. If you keep right attitude, you will come out better.
Aug 25
We talk about identity. What we identify with. If you identify with your job and your job goes away, then your identity is gone away. If you identify with a person and they make you important, if that person happens to leave, or dissapoint you or say something that hurt you, you identity has been crushed. When we identify with wrong thing and wrong thing happens to us - we feel wrong. That is offense. If you've ever been hurt, and it hurts - let it go.
✝️ Victoria Osteen
Aug 25
⭐ DreamZzz
Aug 25
⚽ juventos - cesena
Aug 25
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - Squillace
Aug 25
🇮🇹 Linea Verde Estate - Squillace
Aug 25
⚽ Téléfoot. 'Téléfoot 28'..., 2024-08-25, 11-01-20, TF1
Aug 25
⚽ Lazio - inter
Aug 25
Aug 25
Aug 25
Aug 25
🏴 Schottlands unbekannte Ostküste
Aug 25
🏴 Scotland's unknown east coast
Aug 25
Aug 25
🔫 Le journal de la Défense, 2024-08-25, 20-08-32, LCP
Aug 25
🏴 Isole scozzesi con Ben Fogle Ep. 4 - Shetland
Aug 25
⚽ Captain Tsubasa
Aug 26
So many times I went above and beyond for someone I thought was a friend, then turned out they never had anything nice say about me after they got what they wanted. Then people wonder why I "just assume people hate me".
Aug 26
🎭 Carmen
Aug 26
Aug 26
🇮🇪 Powerscourt House & Gardens
Aug 26
🇮🇪 Waterville
Aug 26
🇦🇺 Australiens unbekanntes Paradies – Die Inseln der Torres-Straße
Aug 27
🎭 Nabucco
Aug 27
Social anxiety is kind of umbrella of a number of syndromes, such as RSD, or perfectionism, or impostor syndrome. They all deal with fundamental core belief that a person is deficient. Disconnect how you appear to others and own exaggerated and often negative perception of yourself. False beliefs, statements how you fall short. Like I embarrass myself, I'm not much smart or fun. So you won't go to new social event.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
RSD refers to unbearable feelings of pain following an actual rejection or a belief about rejection. These intense feelings can be related to emotional disregulation lead to an expectation that other people will pull back their support or love or respect. It causes extreme emotional pain even if no actual rejection occurred, but you feel it. They believe these core belief are true but get quickly overwhelmed by emotions and withdraw.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
This withdraw actually is kind of self-defeating cycle because you're not having other experiences that would correct your misperception of yourself or this idea that you are rejectable. It becomes self-fulfilling. Physical pain. Like someone starts screaming at you, it is like it's whole visceral reaction. That's the position I'll take – that somehow I've done something wrong, when there's no proof of that. Child of narcissistic parents.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Remember just because you struggle with doing something, perform a task on demand, manage your emotions doesn't mean you are weak or incapable. It is with RSD people are wired to feel things more intensely and to replay unpleasant interactions over and over again. I was called super sensitive as if something is wrong with that. That can add sense of I am deficient. Because I am in crazy situation and upset but no one else is bothered.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Anyone feels nervous when they start in a new environment (work, school, social). Try to limit our negative core beliefs and negative self talk that tells you that you can't do it. What is some evidence that might contradict the belief that you can't do it. When is the time when you did enter new situation and it went pretty well or well enough. What you make in this situation to make it successful. Recall and take those skills and apply past successes
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Inner critic spews all kinds of critical mean judgmental things in order to protect your vulnerable self. It's job is to protect you from experiencing more pain. It tells bad things about yourself so you don't go out and do something that could cause you harm. On other shoulder we have our inner champion encourage you. Most people want inner critic to go away. It can't, it was developed to protect us. Harsh exterior is made of voices of critical people
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Pay attention to cues our body is giving us. For some people is tightness of chest. These are all signs you are headed off into the land of emotional dysregulation. And we need to have pre-planned tools to bring us back. So if you feel like getting dysregulated in a meeting, excuse yourself and go to a bathroom. Rather than staying in meeting where you feel uncomfortable. You could focus on your breathing, breathe deeply – slow your reaction.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Star response. Stop –think –act – & Recover. That's where you take a pause, you think about what next right actions is, you do that next right action and then you give yourself time to recover. In job search filled with rejection remember it is not personal. This is not fit for you. And the right thing has not come along yet. Yet is the most important thing you can say. It is important to say this stinks and say to yourself right thing will come to me.
🟥 ADDitude Magazine
Aug 27
Anger is better than guilt. Anger allows you to set a boundary. It is a very healthy emotion. And I'd say anger is coming from a higher self and your future self and feeling guilty is a little boy inside of you that can never please your mommy. So you are experiencing cognitive dissonance. I want this- no I want that. Guilt overwhelmed her decision making process. You're in space where you are not often – about you.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc
Aug 27
If your mother did a really good job on suffocating you, that's where this is coming from. It's up to you to say no more. You are enabling her and if she is narcissistic, and she's entitled – she doesn't see you. They only see what they can do for them. That's it. We are not real people to narcissist. We do not exist. Don't take it personally. You didn't exist in narcissistic head – they had narcissistic need, desire for money, didn't go to create it.
🟥 Lisa A. Romano
Aug 27
📖 Jan und Julian – Volles Risiko
Aug 27
What qualifies as abuse? It's when you are with controlling individual who doesn't allow you to be yourself. Who wants to change you, want to change everything about you. The way you think, the way you feel, the way you talk, even the way you dress. The way you act. That's called abuse. That's a codependent narcissist borderline psychopath or just toxic MF who can't control their internal dialogue and has to project it down on you.
🟥 forensicbadassprofiling
Aug 27
And make you feel just as insecure and worthless as they do. Because they can't control themselves – they have to control other people. And you deserve better. So if you find yourself in relationship where you feel like you walk on eggshells, or everything is always your fault, or you're just not good enough, you don't think good enough, you don't talk enough, you don't act enough, you're not allowed to feel this, choose this – that's abuse.
🟥 forensicbadassprofiling
Aug 27
🇨🇭 Das Berner Oberland
Aug 27
🕵️♂️ Lupin III vs Detective Conan
Aug 28
Aug 28
You do not owe a stranger the truth about you, your profession, or your family especially in a public setting. When you are an honest and forthright person, and especially kind like you are, jealous people will act jealously.
Aug 28
Ireland’s flag — three thick vertical strips of green, white, and orange — was first used by Irish Nationalists in 1848. The green represents Ireland’s Nationalist majority (mostly Catholic), the orange represents the Unionist minority (mostly Protestant), and the white stands for the hoped-for peace between them.
Aug 28
Social rejection triggers the same brain areas as physical pain. If we don't release that pressure in healthy way, it can explode into anger. Rejection can deepen feelings of loneliness. Rejected by colleagues or classmates. At first they might try to fit in. As rejection continues they may start to believe they don't belong. It is easy to fall into overthinking: imagine wearing glasses that only show your mistakes and make your successes seem tiny.
🟥 Rejection
Aug 28
You may start to think I am not good enough even though decision has nothing to do with your skills. Might obsess over every detail of interview wondering if their hand shake was too weak or wore wrong outfit. Many of us turn inward and start analyzing every detail, wondering what did I wrong, believing it reflects their personal flaws which can lead to downward spiral of negative self talk. You tell yourself you are not good enough when turned down.
🟥 Rejection
Aug 28
Rejection that make you doubt everything about yourself. Picture a key that doesn't fits any lock. Identity crisis is a major complex just like a ship in an ocean without a compass, without clear direction or purpose.
🟥 Rejection
Aug 28
How did you see difference in the country when you left office in 1997 compared to 1990 when you arrived?
- It was time when we were opening up. It was New Ireland. We had Good Friday agreement few months later. And somehow that led to more openness to differences in ideas. Process was gradual and at the end of the day even surprised me.
BBC Radio 4, Mary Robinson
Aug 28
Thomas is giving you millions of reasons not to trust him. I get it.
- What 's wrong with me? Why can't I focus on my wife knowing what is good for herself.
- Because you try to protect someone you care deeply about. We all do that.
Aug 28
🇮🇪 Ireland's Wild West
Aug 28
🇮🇪 Ireland's Wild West
Aug 28
🏴 Wales - Britain's Wild West
Aug 28
🎞️ Carabinieri
Aug 28
🇩🇰 Lolland
Aug 28
🇩🇰 Lolland
Aug 29
If you're in a job and you have a toxic colleague or a toxic boss, if you can get away from them, if you can quit your job, if you can move to another part of the office, do it. Cause it is going to damage you emotionally, it's going to take you years to recover. No job is worth that kind of abuse, it's going to hurt you, damage you. The best power you can get is ability to withdraw your emotions from the moment.
🟥 Detachment | Robert Greene
Aug 29
Fish living in dirty water its entire life does not know that the water is dirty.
Aug 29
⛵ America's Cup
Aug 29
Aug 29
Shy people develop worries about how other people view them and they tend to become avoidant. They have tendency to withdraw from social interactions. The thing is that most people are shy all the time. Whenever you meet someone new, whenever in a new situation, you tend to be shy. Shyness seems to be reflexive and very common response. But when it is intense, dysregulated, and takes over then we discuss about pathology.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 29
Shyness is likely to occur in unfamiliar settings, environments, and situations. But it hinders, obstructs, it's dysfunctional. And it metastasizes. It starts like hypervigilant response to unfamiliar settings, but it takes over. And then you begin to be shy in familiar situations, and relationships, you begin to avoid people, begin to be apprehensive, develop low self worth, negative self image. It becomes cancerous malignant shyness. It is self-reinforcing.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 29
They are shy because they tend to internalize their problems. They dwell on problems internally instead of expressing problems, sharing, communicating their concerns. And this internalization leads to disorders like depression and anxiety. If shyness is all pervasive, if it permeates everything, ultimately you will end up developing depression and anxiety. Person misinterprets social cues, bound to react wrongly.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 29
The person feels she's boring, or that she's bizarre, then she tries to overcompensate to create interest and this alienates people further. Shyness becomes first nature. It is behavioral determinant. It is socially self-reinforcement, because people tend to perceive shy people negatively, especially in extroverted cultures as USA and UK. Sociability is considered sign of health, especially mental health. And if you avoid, withdraw, something's wrong with you
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 29
Extreme shyness may amount to social phobia. DSM 3rd edition of 1980 identified social phobia as a form of malignant shyness. When DSM 4 was published in1994 it was converted to social anxiety disorder and it's nothing to do with shyness, or little to do with. More recent studies show very close correlation between shyness and SAD.
🟥 Sam Vaknin
Aug 29
🇧🇪 Les aventures de Tintin
Aug 30
First thing to master is staying in balance and regulating her emotional state. That sounds, yeah, anyway. That's a big deal. In order for body to heal she'd have to be back into homeostasis. Stress is when you move out of homeostasis. That was continual thing every 5 minutes. Oops, I am out – come back. Just keep coming back, breathe. I had to fire few medical professional who were not supportive of me.
🟥 Dr Joe Dispenza
Aug 30
Definite symptom of childhood trauma is trying to get difficult person be good to us in our adult lives. Why? It's familiar. We will spend a lifetime in patterns of relationships, whether it's a boss or a partner or friends. These are the patterns I see for people who grow up with a difficult parent. There is a lack of sense of self. The missing ingredient is our own goodness and our own power.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 30
Turning point is F this I am never going to win with this level of difficulty. Why am I compelled to keep doing this dance with somebody who just sets me up for failure.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 30
🇪🇸 Barcelona
Aug 30
It's being able to see a bad thing happening as a bad thing happening. And not that you are a bad person that caused someone else to do a bad thing to you.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Aug 30
⛵ America's Cup 2024- Round Robin
Aug 30
⛵ America's Cup 2024- Round Robin
Aug 30
Aug 30
🏃 Ultra Trail du Mont-Blanc
Aug 31
🎭 Opera - Edgar
Aug 31
🇧🇪 Tintin et le temple du Soleil
Aug 31
🏃 Ultra Trail Mont-Blanc
Aug 31
🏃 Ultra Trail Mont-Blanc
Aug 31
👮 Notruf Hafenkante
Aug 31
in Japanese culture, men are expected to be stoic, and show little emotion to events affecting them. It would be similar to his boss telling him that he will be transferred, and accepting that, whether he wanted it or not, without complaint to his superior.
⬜ Early Summer (1951)
Aug 31
Don't be too harsh on them. Children are sensitive. You shouldn't lose your temper.
🎞️ Early Summer / Bakushû (1951)
Aug 31
The situation's not that unusual. I'm sure I can manage. I'm confident I can do it.
🎞️ Early Summer / Bakushû (1951)
Aug 31
🇮🇹 Linea Blu - Sardegna Sud Ovest
Aug 31
And nothing more. So please understand, all the long hours, all talk about team work and partnership, there's no hidden message there. It's not about you.
Aug 31
🇮🇪 Enniscorthy Castle
Aug 31
🇮🇪 Johnstown Castle Estate
Aug 31
🇮🇪 Kilmore Quay and the Saltee Islands
Aug 31
🇮🇪 Irish National Heritage Park
Aug 31
🇮🇪 John F. Kennedy Arboretum
Aug 31
Stephen Boyd's Frankie Fane in the 1966 movie 'The Oscar' is one of the most renowned (or infamous) performances of his movie career.
Aug 31
Aug 31
🎭 Der Freischütz - Bregenzer Festspiele 2024
Aug 31
🏉 Rugby à XIII - Super League
Aug 31
🏉 Rugby à XIII - Super League
Aug 31
🏉 Rugby à XIII - Super League
Aug 31
🏟️ Gaga Chromatica Ball
Aug 31
🎞️ The Money Pit (1986)