Nov 1, 2023
Rosslare, IE
Nov 1
Because if I have to live in a world where everybody is forced to be the same, well they may as well just lock me away because I'll already be living in prison.
🎞️ The Elvira Show
Nov 1
The Eight Cs of Self Energy and Self-Leadership
• Curiosity
• Calm
• Confidence
• Compassion
• Creativity
• Clarity
• Courage
• Connectedness
📖 No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness (2021)
Richard C. Schwartz
Nov 2
One reason why nobody knows anything about psychopaths is because we don't want to be known. We don't want anybody know we exist. First thing we'll do is becoming convincing. We're obsessed with sleeping around, sex. With people worshiping us and having power and identified with power, spiritual leaders, dictators or people who destroyed lives of others.
🟥 Being a Psychopath and a Narcissist #4
Nov 2
How to get rid of toxic people when you're too emotionally attached to them
Nov 2
Virtual Springfield
available for Windows 95
Nov 2
Nov 3
If you can’t take it don’t dish it.
YT ChelleInTheCity
Nov 3
3-D snowflakes
Nov 4
Do what you're called to do and let them howl.
Nov 4
There is theory that Earth, and Sun and galaxies in all known universes are only a dust mote on some policeman's uniform in some gigantic super world. Couldn't we be under some super microscope right now?
🎞️ The Outer Limits S2E8
Nov 5
🎞️ Star 80 (1983)
Nov 5
Northern lights were observed this evening at 6pm in Croatia, and it lasted for 15 minutes. The last time Aurora Borealis had been observed at this latitude was in 2003.

Nov 6
Only a super-traumatized profiler like you can piece together what happened here.
🎞️ The Simpsons Season 35 - Episode 005 -Treehouse of Horror XXXIV
Nov 7
I can very easily spot someone who is faking confidence. It's very apparent. You can see it in their body language. It's just very over the top. People who are truly confident tend to be quite calm. Chill. They don't try to forcefully dominate people or anything like that. They're just cool with themselves. You don't want to put facade of confidence and put yourself in fights to dominate people.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (Autism)
Nov 7
Validation should be reserved for people who are close to you. Especially not strangers, people that don't know you. If someone in my life says you are horrible person, that's going to have impact on me emotionally. If it was some random on You tube who watched 60 seconds and then comment. When you stop validating yourself thought the attention of positive affirmations from strangers, you are at good place.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (Autism)
Nov 7
The little man, waiting for a reply, with clenched fists, was apparently ready to fight. I thought that an encounter would take place. It was all quite new to me; accordingly I watched the scene with curiosity. Later on I learnt that such quarrels were very innocent, that they served for entertainment. Like an amusing comedy, it scarcely ever ended in blows. This characteristic plainly informed me of the manners of the prisoners.
📖 The House of the Dead (1860), Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nov 7
“why these people keep their food to themselves, and at the same time seem to envy me my tea.”
“Your tea has nothing to do with it. They are envious of you. Are you not a gentleman? You in no way resemble them. They would be glad to pick a quarrel with you in order to humiliate you.
... You will be vexed and tormented in all sorts of ways on account of your food and your tea.
they have a right to do so, you have not
📖 The House of the Dead (1860), Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nov 7
They have to legalize everything in this country. That's what Philip says, take it out of hand from criminals. You know, prostitution, drugs, everything. I guess there is so much to be made. Phil has this theory, that the moral majority whether they know it or not, is being funded by the mafia. So that they can keep anything sinful illegal. Big business. 300 million of Americans snort cocaine.
🎞️ Mike's Murder (1984)
Nov 7
That's a basic detail. How could I forget that?
- The Mandela Effect. It's a psychological phenomenon where people remember things that didn't happen. Like people thinking Nelson Mandela died in jail. But there's a theory that those memories aren't false. They're just lingering from a past life that was altered via time travel.
🎞️ Totally Killer (2023)
Nov 8
Truth is some people are assholes. And sometimes I correctly identify people as such. I have very bad numbers of false positives on asshole radar thing. I was classing too many people as assholes, but that doesn't mean to say that every classification was wrong.
When you are actually right about stuff- that is possible. Go easier on ourselves, sometimes you are right to get rid of people out of your life. We just blame everything on BPD.
🟥 When Is A Split Not A Split?
Nov 8
I'm allowed to think things are bad. I'm allowed to think negative things about things without that being a result of my mental health problems. You can't like everyone and everybody. Some things are bad and broken and not working.
🟥 When Is A Split Not A Split?
Nov 8
I'm sometimes afraid of going outside because I'm afraid that my neighbors are going to see me and then judge me for my yard not being good. I just assume people are judging me all the time. You bring a complaint to narcissist or something that's hurting you in any way – concern, pity, we always assume this is you judging us and telling us we have to be better.
🟥 Narcissists ALWAYS think you’re judging them
Nov 8
I was in this head space of everyone thinks I'm weak and pathetic and they're judging me. I'm lashing out at people left and right. I had to call my buddies and you don't hate me, right? I'm convinced that I'm laughing stock everywhere because I feel like a failure all the time. This constant feeling of just everyone thinks you're not good enough, everyone thinks you're pathetic and I can't escape it.
🟥 Narcissists ALWAYS think you’re judging them
Nov 8
It's insane that I have this strong emotional reaction to all this. It's why do I care so much about what people that I view as beneath me think of me. It does not make sense logically. And it makes me feel inferior on relying on the opinions of other people. But I can't escape it. The idea that anybody dislikes, judging me, or has an opinion about me that I don't like is actively distressing.
🟥 Narcissists ALWAYS think you’re judging them
Nov 8
A lot of times in fairness I do deserve some of opinion. A lot of times some of these opinions are not even false. But just knowing that people have those ideas about me, those thoughts about me – I can't handle it. That someone hold opinion that I don't want them to have will make me self-destructive. It's so ridiculous saying it out loud. It's pathetic that I am having those reactions to the bunch of nobody's. All the time.
🟥 Narcissists ALWAYS think you’re judging them
Nov 8
Narcissist that tries not to be shitty person is that you have all these offenses I defend against. Some people don't even consciously recognize a lot of these feelings. It's covered up by anger. Then you take away all those defenses 'cuz you're trying to be more self aware – then you got nothing. All you got is this well of shame, self hate. Everybody say they want real you – but they don't. They think real you is just softer version. And when you don't live to their expectations, they hate you
Nov 8
The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their own bodies.
🟦 Bessel A. van der Kolk
Nov 8
Own yourself fully
Nov 8
feel safe with other people = mental health
Nov 8
befriend what is going on inside
Nov 8
core issue is reality
Nov 8
drive us back to what's familiar, not safe.
Nov 8
She talks to air more than she talks to me. If I drop dead tomorrow, she'd be too busy drawing to even notice.
- Pictures hold tremendous power for children. Before we learn to speak, images are the most important tool we have in understanding the world around us. What's real, what matters to us the most, these are things children learn to communicate almost exclusively through pictures. And who is at the center of them 9 out of 10?
- Me.
🎞️ Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)
Nov 8
Czechoslovakia supermarket.
"Note the shelf at the back “Ovoce zelenina.” This means “Fruits vegetables” Maybe you can see there were none fresh ones, just canned."
Nov 8
the more we don’t listen, the more severe the symptoms.
when you refuse to listen, you can turn your parts into inner terrorists, and they will destroy your body if necessary.
📖 No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model (2021)
by Richard Schwartz Ph.D. (Author), Alanis Morissette (Introduction)
Nov 8
"That's just a guideline"
Nov 9
Sometimes we get sucked into things that are against our nature. Drugs are as vicious as they are powerful.
- We all have free will. Gabriela had her own free will.
🎞️ Saw X (2023)
Nov 10
Narcissists actually abandon their true Selves in childhood for an ego. And the ego is a mind-made construct. You actually are dealing with someone that believes they are their minds. So you're dealing with a captain that abandoned their ship. Narcissists are people that are identifying with their mind. If we think of a mind as a tool, screwdriver, then they believe they are the screwdriver. Their willpower is weak and underdeveloped.
🟥 How People Become Narcissists
Nov 10
Your willpower is ability to resist short term gratification in pursuit of long-term goals and objectives. It is your innate ability to control yourself. Narcissists have inability to control themselves hence it makes them very volatile people. Pathological narcissist has underdeveloped emotions. They feel emotions, their just negative emotions. Rooted in shame and unable to move past their pride.
🟥 How People Become Narcissists
Nov 10
"If you have been the scapegoat in a narcissistic family system, the concept of setting a boundary is laughable. You would be telling them exactly how to hurt you, and they would happily oblige. Also, trying to set a boundary in a calm and tactful way would be met by resistance in the form of mocking and ridicule, attempting to bait the scapegoat into anger, which would prove you are the problem."
Nov 10
"I feel gaslighted by the therapy mantras of “ you have to teach people how to treat you “ ,(setting boundaries). No you don’t and no you can’t. First of all, it’s not my job to teach an adult how to behave like one and quite frankly, it’s a trap and a drain hole. Secondly, I DON’T CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE. They will do what they want, especially if they have the tiniest ounce of power over you."
Nov 10
"Sometimes a boundary is about recognizing that a person's behavior isn't safe and isn't going to change, and then doing what you have to in order to keep yourself as safe as possible. Keeping a safe distance and limiting interaction and communication is a good boundary, and there’s no reason to tell the person about it."
Nov 10
Being unempathic and entitled makes a person very efficient and very good at boundaries. They may be good at setting boundaries but sure they're not good at honoring other people's boundaries. And they will say and do inappropriate things all the time. They will comment on your weight, appearance, your life choices. Entitled enough to believe they can do these things and it's wrong to call them out.
However if you set boundary - there would be cruelty.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Nov 10
There's a lady in Chicago, man, wrote a book...Dr. Kubler-Ross, with a dash. This chick, man...without the benefit of dying herself has broken the process of death into five stages.
anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
🎞️ All That Jazz (1979)
Nov 11
Narcissism and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
People diagnosed with autism (ASD) may be misdiagnosed, elsewhere, with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Another suggestion is that NPD is a milder form of Asperger's, called high-functioning ASD (HFA) or autism without intellectual impairment.
Nov 11
Signs you may be suffering from narcissistic abuse
3. You feel like you lost yourself, and no longer know who you are
Nov 11
Effects of narcissistic abuse can be long-lasting if a person cannot distance themselves from the narcissist.
Nov 11
ability to unlearn
🟦 Adam Grant
Nov 11
Differences of opinion don't have to be threats.
🟦 Adam Grant
Nov 11
Your father was just as insolent. But he could afford to be. He was very good at his job, Renko.
🎞️ Gorky Park (1983)
Nov 12
You see corruption is a part of us. All of us. The very heart of us.
🎞️ Gorky Park (1983)
Nov 12
Something happens in the desert. Some things can only take place in the dry season. The loss, bad break, disappointment, facing pressure - that load is about to get lightened.
Nov 12
All narcissists are hypersensitive to the issue of control. I as Narcissist will be hypersensitive to threats to my control and you will not, as a non-narcissist. Don't realize to have this hypersensitivity to control. This means narcissist always has to have control. When you interact with us – you only have interactions with – 1. giving us control or 2. you threaten it. Either black or white, there is no gray.
Always seeking control.
🟥 What is narcissism?
Nov 12
Do I really want to spend time with people that are caught up in the wrong things, or talk badly about other people, or always have issues and they think I'm their therapist. I'd rather spend time n the woods looking at a leaf. At least it is peaceful and happy looking at leaves. We want to be friends with people that are beautiful loving people but a lot of times those people don't want to have anything to do with us.
🟥 Being the Psychopath, the Narcissist and Trauma #30
Nov 12
Unhappy customers as greatest source of learning
Nov 13
Be you, flaws and all. That's the reason why narcissistic mask comes off – is when your flaws start to show. Later down on the road when your flaws start to show... Every single person has flaws. When narcissist see your flaws the mask comes off. Now you are confused. They will lie to you, mislead you, misguide you to get you fall for them. You give up be cause you already like the person. Now you change to fit me.
🟥 Why toxic people fake who they are at first
Nov 13
A problem well stated is a problem half solved.
Nov 13
Conclusions are not always pleasant.
Nov 13
Cross-pollinate existing ideas
Nov 14
Dysphoria is when your experience severe emotional pain because of perceived failure or that you're feeling rejected. Some of us with ADHD just feel our feelings way deeper than our neurotypical counterparts. You might find yourself sucked into perfectionism because if it's perfect, nobody can criticize you. Or because you want to please other people, so much so they don't have something negative to say back to you.
🟥 ADHD RSD Signs & Symptoms
Nov 14
“I feel like every time I try something, I'm a bad girl”. This is real example of how a mistake was made but it became a piece of identity. Creating an environment where we give feedback and not criticism, creating culture of gentle honesty – creating a structure how you give feedback or correction in your home.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) with ADHD
Nov 15
Toxic people are shame based. They have been taught that in their childhood that their value is based on how they perform, what they do for someone else, how good they are. They weren't necessarily taught a structure like non shame based people were taught – that's usually more ethically morally grounded and more logical.
Guilt based people (non shame) do something and if it contravenes value system they readily apologize.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them and healing.
Nov 15
With new multi-stream satellite receiver, Edison picco S2 HD there is Italia1 available, it was gone from Hotbird after 2015
Nov 15
Shame and guilt are master emotions that are connected to the conscience. A shame-based person, if the do something wrong, will not necessarily apologize. Because there will be internal reason for why they have done that. And they are not aware necessarily of the external structures that they have breached or why they're important. Guilt based person has been taught as child what is right and wrong, objectively.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them and healing.
Nov 15
Non shame based person will often readily apologize and come across with appearance of integrity. Because they recognize that their behavior has been not in line what's socially acceptable. Then when shame based person comes across guilt based person, the guilt based person may perceive the shame based person as “toxic”. It's just that internal operating system of shame based person has been conditioned differently.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them and healing.
Nov 15
You'll find that shame based people are people pleasers. They have been taught that their value is based on what they can do for other people. Their rationalization of their actions is always externally motivated. Don't have internal locus of control. They will project their actions onto other people because they believe the reason of doing something is right because they were doing it at the behest of someone else.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them and healing.
Nov 15
Behest – because someone may not told someone who is shame based 'I want you to do this for me'. A shame based person in search of validation may well do something that they think is going to make another person happy, unasked for, in search of validation. And when guilt-based person does not respond, as shame based person was expecting them, they are punished. Labeled as user without realizing shame based are users themselves.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them & healing
Nov 15
Shame based person is going out of their way to do something kind or be it unsolicited and the other person is not recognizing that. Shame based people as well as being people pleasers have no accountability. They blame the other people for conditions of their life because as far as they are concerned, they were operating out of goodness of their own heart and the other person is simply ungrateful and a user without thinking they weren't asked to do that thing.
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them
Nov 15
Often shame based person comes from an undifferentiated family structure which means they have no boundaries. Shame based person will do anything and everything for you often unsolicited because they don't have enough boundaries to protect themselves from abuse of their generosity. When burn, they will blame other people for things they done willingly and unsolicited. Guilt based person will see shame based as non standard and exhausting
🟥 "Toxic" people; Identifying them
Nov 15
It is highly draining to have shame based person because shame based person requires validation. Because as a child a shame based person was taught that their value is based on their contribution to other people. Their self-esteem is based on how other people validate them. If a guilt based person is not validating a shame based person, they will move on to the next person that does. “Toxic” is not permanent state of affairs. People can heal from shame.
🟥 "Toxic" people;
Nov 15
Your decision to whether you should cut off a toxic or a shame based person is entirely predicated on whether they can heal (and they can), or decide they take ownership for the trouble that they are causing. Because shame based people know that they are causing problems. They are not ignorant of their own internal world, and conditions, but they are in so much pain, they feel so bad about themselves, can't get their needs met sufficiently.
🟥 "Toxic" people;
Nov 15
Your boundaries are entirely up to you. How you treat a shame based person is based on their role in your life, how toxic they are, and how willing are you to tolerate and their willingness to change. Because they can change. How to identify toxic person: they are people pleaser, lack character, accountability, integrity, ownership, they blame things on other people, tend to be victim, locus is external. What they do for other people give them self of sense that they are worthy
🟥 "Toxic" people
Nov 15
Guilt based non shamed: “Not good enough grade, try harder”. A shame based person is going to internalize that as if they've done the wrong thing, they are a bad person, that person is unhappy with me therefore I am a bad person and I need to try harder to make the other person happy with me to feel worthy. Guilt based person will think, that grade is measurable, I can improve.
🟥 "Toxic" people
Nov 15
Guilt-based person is going to feel guilty for not studying hard enough but they won't think that's reflective of them personally. Shame-based person may fall into a hole: I feel terrible about myself, I must be a terrible person. A shame-based person is all dependent on how someone responded to external indicators of worth. Therefore shame-based person should not be judged. Society may label this behavior as “toxic”.
🟥 "Toxic" people
Nov 15
It (toxic) was something that they learned in their formative years. They are not responsible for how they were conditioned how to behave. They are responsible for their behavior as an adult though. Shame-based person knows what they are doing. They are wholly accountable for their action. You can hold shame-based person to account. And a shame based person can change. Adult – they have choice.
🟥 "Toxic" people
Nov 15
Unless they are tied to a personality disorder – if a shame-based action is independent of a personality disorder, they can change. Treating a borderline is exceptionally difficult. So you have to understand their shame based behavior differently. A toxic person that has a personality disorder is entirely different from a toxic person that has no presenting personality disorder.
🟥 "Toxic" people
Nov 16
Emotions that I don't feel are pro-social emotions – emotions that involve other people or are good for a group. I lack emotions like guilt, remorse, empathy, mature healthy love and embarrassment. I don't experience contentment.
Emotions I rarely feel: anxiety and panic. Shame – only if it is triggered, toxic shame, someone hit those specific triggers. - is reason why I make same mistakes. Bonding Joy happiness Sadness
🟥 how I experience my emotions as a sociopath (ASPD)
Nov 16
Emotions that I feel fully: anger, rage, contempt, annoyance. And boredom. Feel them most often and intensely, fades away quickly. General sense of apathy. Contrary to popular belief sociopaths are not devoid of emotions.
🟥 how I experience my emotions as a sociopath (ASPD)
Nov 16
"A sociopath is basically a super angry person who is usually angry all the time. (anger brings out the worst in people)."
Nov 16
We need our Managers but we don't need them to be harsh. “If you only be this or that, shut up, why don't you improve” so that you are socially acceptable. Response to this inhibition comes as shame. There are parts that are more dis-inhibited who start to try to balance out all that inhibition and harshness with distractions and things that are soothing in very short run to turn off the critic. These things become costly if extreme.
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
The conclusion that these parts came through – as children they're very self-referential in their way of understanding the world, they conclude “I, there is something wrong with me” “I am defective” “I have burdened somebody else” “I am too much, I am bad, evil”. They are often told that if there is abusive adult in their sphere in a very explicit way – you are making me do this.
Kids don't have perspective as adults to see what motivates
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
Children take on these beliefs; self referential. It allows children to feel a little more control. “If it's all about me maybe I can do something to change it or get in control of this”. And they make effort, they try very hard, all kinds of tactics to survive. Unfortunate side effect of trying to control is that they have this belief that they're causing the problem. The nominal caretaker has protective parts who recruit child to take care of adult's needy young parts
🟥 Internal Family Systems
Nov 16
If I'm leading with my Self, I'm much more capable of being safe in relationship than if I am leading with a combination of parts who are empathizing with somebody else's pain and will put up with their misbehavior as a result. And parts who then also get enraged and angry and lash out as the result of putting up with that misbehavior.
🟥 Episode 48 - Internal Family Systems Therapy for Shame and Guilt
Nov 16
If my Self is present I am much more capable of understanding the other person but not allowing them to behave abusively toward me, being able to protect myself and call on them, to do better than that. Or stay away from them. Rather than getting into position where I feel responsible for them because they are suffering.
🟥 Episode 48 - Internal Family Systems Therapy for Shame and Guilt
Nov 16
He feels guilty, he has a part that tells him that he ought to be rescuing this person at his own expense. Being objective about what is working and what is not in a clinical setting. It takes a lot of trust to really welcome these parts. Because some of them are threatening suicide, or engaging in destructive behavior, addictions, raging at other people. Some parts reactive – firefighter, they knock out house to put out fire, reactive.
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
If we try to prevent these parts and vilify them or pathologize them, they will think we don't understand them with good reason.
We can help Manager part who gets scared understandably of these parts to step back and let us with curiosity and compassion and courage to take the lead with these parts. Not to control them, genuinely have to offer what is better than what they are doing.
They do what will slowly kill them. They want options
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
We're not going to manage to banish word “work” entirely. I could use word “function” as well. Replace with inquiry, exploration, checking things out. Because we're engaged with young parts. It's a young part that got hurt. In terms of their identity “You are something wrong”. That part is kid, and doesn't need to work. Stop working and be safe enough to come back into picture.
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
We have older parts who are perfectly capable of handling a lot of things in life, take over. So that we don't have a 5-year old who's trying to take care of everybody or 8-year old trying to stop you from feeling feelings. So you want to get these kids off the hook. And you don't want them working. So I try not to use word “work” about therapy. It's not work, it's inquiry. We have as much playfulness and humor and curiosity in exploration rather than work.
🟥 Internal FS
Nov 16
“My boss did xy or z and I'm mad”. Invitation would be not to focus on boss and his behavior. Because boss isn't there to talk about their motivation, and they're not there to be influenced. What we are saying – when your boss does that, what happens inside of you? Which parts start responding to a situation and how and why? That leads to vulnerable parts.
Reigniting something that comes from early experience. Trail-heads and follow to take care of vulnerable parts
Nov 16
Trail to those vulnerable parts. If you don't take care of those vulnerable parts you're living in a house where you have children locked in the basement who are crying, lonely, terrified, desperate and pay no attention to them. There is cost to that. It gets all those protective parts to start behaving in extreme ways even if they mean well. Get those kids out, there is nothing wrong with them. There's grown up here now to take care.
🟥 Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nov 16
Know the difference between adaptive guilt – appropriate guilt: I did wrong, so I make repair. And guilt that is not deserved: you feel guilty even if you did not transgress. People who grow up in dysfunctional families where they feel that their happiness and success is at expense of somebody else (survivor guilt). Or pursuit of normal developmental goals is at expense of somebody else (separation guilt). They haven't done something wrong.
🟥 Internal Family Systems
Nov 16
Accept nothing without inquiry
Nov 16
Zen proverb
Nov 16
She lives in this house over there
Has her world outside it
🎵 Sugarcubes - Birthday (1988)
Nov 16
When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. - Futurama
Nov 16
When you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening.
🟦 Randy Pausch
Nov 17
Goli otok in Italian media
Nov 18
Arguing =\= fighting and both are only a specific type of conflict.
Believing that any type of conflict will degenerate into arguing or fighting is the root of the problem.
Nov 18
Most of us are not built to live in a volatile and constantly explosive situation. That means slowly stepping back from fights. But your ego may mean you take some fights. Related to True North (you value something, not let them insisting being wrong about what is right). All human being have ego. You might have it on sleep mode - It is not just disappear, you can't park ego somewhere else.
🟥 How narcissistic relationships SILENCE your EGO
Nov 18
Sadly for many survivors of narcissistic relationships, your ego gets bashed up a lot. Most people are not built or designed for chronic psychological combat. And as a result, ego loses some of its strength. And gets undercut by constant self-blame, self-doubt. Or ego development was thwarted by narcissistic parents. But even if it's thwarted, even if it's silenced, we still have an ego.
🟥 How narcissistic relationships SILENCE your EGO
Nov 18
When we hold our ego back, when we don't express ourselves in yet one more argument with narcissistic person, one hold back when being gaslighted, it takes its own toll on us. We are constantly balancing two harms. We get exhausted and fearful because of arguing. Or we are holding back from arguing and feeling like we are giving up on ourselves. Initially ego will take fight. And they will fight back with manipulation and gaslighting.
🟥 How narcissistic relationships...
Nov 18
Once you understand narcissism, your ego is at much better place. You may be discerning about the fights you take. You may be able to know who you are – and stop listening to their invalidating diet tribes. You may be able to lean to your ego strength and be well possessed of your perceptions, and experiences and frankly reality. You know you've been gaslighted, not wondering if you were wrong.
You are aware that they will never see you clearly.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Nov 18
One of the things I learned in my experience with a narcissistic person is integrity and honesty. Do not falsify the truth in search of peace. This is how you protect yourself.
Nov 18
Jesus says don't worry about the food, your provision, money. Why? If that's all you worry about, that's the limit of your life. If provision is all you worry about, that's all your life will become.
Worrying about clothes, food, money is probably the biggest thing that's getting in the way of us getting these things.
It was the provision on the outside didn't reflect what was on inside. Good thing to worry about is not bank account but what is in my heart
Nov 18
An example how the Computer generated sub-titles are corrupting British English:
"A "tenner" (ten pounds) would have been an insanely large amount to pay a young lad to run an errand: the word used was actually "tanner", i.e. six old pennies (2.5p in new money). And the posh woman looking for exotic drinks in this relatively downmarket pub doesn't say "Arse" to Gordon Harker's character, she says "Ass", just with a posh drawl."
Nov 19
La baia di Napoli, It started in Naples (1960)
Clark Gable & Sophia Loren
Nov 19
'The gold is at the bottom'
'Shovel your way out'
Nov 19
Sometimes what you don't know is good for you. If you get a negative report and you overanalyze it, and reason it out, study it all day, that's going to take your faith. That's why Scripture says: Lean not to your own understanding. Sometime you have to turn your mind off. Faith is not of the mind, faith is of the heart. Yes, we should use common sense, make good decisions. But don't let your logic talk you out of what God put in your heart.
Nov 19
Easy, easy. Remember, you're a lady.
🎞️ 3 Ring Circus (1954)
Nov 19
Dean Martin abhorred “The Godfather”: “I hated that movie, what it did to the Italian people. There was no call for that.”
Nov 19
You got something you can't buy or make. Inside you there's a bug that makes people ticklish. One of these days that thing's gonna bust loose and when it does something real nice is going to happen to the whole world.
🎞️ 3 Ring Circus (1954)
Nov 19
You're not nice anymore. I could put up with anything you said or did even the way you hurt Jill. That was kind of right because I thought you were trying to help.
🎞️ 3 Ring Circus (1954)
Nov 19
Make yourself uninteresting to them. I'm checked out with them. I don't share much with them. I sort smile politely and nod. I don't kid myself about the relationship. I don't have fantastical hopes that they've changed. You don't notice when they do the thing to bait you – that is good way to outplay them.
🟥 DoctorRamani
Nov 19
Amygdala processes intense emotional stimuli.
Nov 19
Memories encode quicker with stress response
Nov 20
"I would say in this case that it's not anxiety, but a natural response to the threat of being an outsider. Your body was picking up on signals from others that you are not in the 'in' group. Your feelings are natural and totally valid, not something that needs to be fought against."
Nov 20
That makes social anxiety seem worse, makes one think harder about getting things right
Nov 21
RSD trauma triggers are still present, though they are masked and made to be functional.
Because they made NPD functional - Exposure will help for psychopaths and sociopaths - since they will parasite on good and nice people who never held them accountable - since patriarchy is enabling loud, toxic and aggressive people who are perceived as competent and clever (as we see in Argentina that their version or Trump won there yesterday).
Nov 21
In Italy, The Bold and the Beautiful soap-opera is simply/shortly called "Beautiful"
Nov 21
attitude about the problem
Nov 21
Mr. Sparkle (1999)
Nov 22
Why you had it done? You never seen me running off to get a facelift.
- Maude, you got a husband. It doesn't matter what you look like.
📺 Maude | Maude's Facelift: Part 1 & 2 DOUBLE FEATURE | S2E4 & S2E5
Nov 22
Impossible to learn what you already know
Nov 22
Set bar at amazing and it's difficult to start
Nov 22
Where does he want to meet me? (...) Oh, you're a stork! That's it. Mr. Murdoch wants to meet me at the Stork Club, right?!
🎞️ Artists and Models (1955)
Nov 23
It's important for people to recognize that these stress responses are automatic. It's not like our brain is going Hmm. Which trauma or stress response should I have? In danger we are programmed to keep ourselves safe – they are automatic, in less of a split second, the brain picks whatever trauma response it needs to keep you safe. Trauma survivors blame themselves why they didn't fight back. It's not your fault, you didn't choose that freeze response
🟥 Mary Brownlie, MA
Nov 23
Our body is not meant to be chronically stressed and elevated all the time. So this can break down the body over time. Social engagement system is very important for our mental health and emotional health. We are hardwired for healthy social engagement with others.
🟥 Healing Complex Trauma With Mary Brownlie, MA, LPC
Nov 23
Just observe yourself, maybe when you sit in mediation and you observe your mind, and you observe your body and your emotions, you can have parts of you that have very different points of view. One says I'm exited, another says I'm sad. And they are not mutually exclusive – they can hold different points of view.
Some parts hold energy like inner critic. Part can take over, your tone of voice can change. Stuck in past time, burden. Took on energy
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
If I thought that I was just a monomind, I would think I have to choose sides, I have to choose one of those – either to be blended with this part just be happy with him and suppress, exile part that feel sad and just to portray happiness. Or maybe I am so blended with sad part that I am grieving, and want everyone know I grieve and exile parts that feel excited for him.
There is also part that is judging all that is wrong. Be there in loving way
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
Part experience trauma or attachment wound so then they take on a burden. And this is always what we try to heal. We're never trying to get rid of part. We're trying to help it release its burden. Some of our most vulnerable parts are the ones who take on the wounds when we have any kind of trauma. Burdens are really painful beliefs. Like I'm not enough. I'm unlovable. No one will accept me. And they have these big emotions like panic, terror.
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
Managers are usually trying to suppress those burden parts. That's why they're exiled. They're pushed into our subconscious or unconscious – so that we can function in the world. They suppress them in a lot of different ways: criticize them, shame them, try to get them down, try to make you look perfect, or please everybody. To make sure nothing in environment activate those parts. It doesn't usually work. Firefighter come when flame parts come.
🟥 Internal family systems

Nov 23
I have a system that has a lot of inner critics inside of it. Marshall has a statement where he says If you cannot bring yourself o have empathy on the person in front of you, you must turn the empathy on yourself first. Look inside myself on parts that are suffering and have compassion for me first. Marshall gave me this permission – You're not bad person. And I'm listening to that part and this part calm down just by being witnessed by myself.
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
I asked her what I do in the middle of the night when I'm woken up with panic and anxiety. And she says just try: turning toward the panic and the anxiety, and say: you have permission to get bigger. Tell me everything. Because the one who gives permission is bigger still. And it just relaxed. Those little children “Oh, I'm not alone, you're with me. There's an adult here”. All every person and part wants is to be seen, heard, and to be valued.
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
In IFS there are actually no pathologies. Everything can be explained by the fact that people's systems have learned to protected themselves. So there's nothing wrong with them, it's actually something right with them. Their system had to take on this protective measure where they isolate themselves from people. Or they dissociate, take off mind, not aware that how I help you.
They learned that for a reason.
🟥 Internal family systems
Nov 23
Dissociative Identity Disorder is where, usually from a trauma in childhood, the pt's personality or identity breaks..and one or more new personalities appear to "protect" the original (weaker) personality. The "extra" personalities are aware of the "primary" personality...but the "original" or "primary" personality is NOT aware that they have other personalities. They will report "lost time" and "black outs" when these other personalities come to the surface, usually to protect them...
Nov 23
I want to help you. I want you to feel even if you think you did something you shouldn't have, nobody will punish you here.
🎞️ The Snake Pit (1948)
Nov 23
The title stems from an ancient practice of dealing with the mentally ill where they were thrown into a pit of snakes. The theory was that something like that would make a normal person insane, therefore it must work in reverse.
IMDb trivia,
🎞️ The Snake Pit (1948)
Nov 23
It's as though you are in a dark room. Like this one. (turns off the light). Now, you want to turn on the light but you couldn't because you didn't know where the switch was. (turns on the light) Now you do. You may never know why turning that switch makes the light go on, but you don't have to. As long as you know where it is, you don't have to be ever afraid of being in the dark again. And that I'm sure you'll be able to do very soon.
🎞️ The Snake Pit (1948)
Nov 23
When people are experiencing emotions this is the area that becomes very active. So when spinning on the negative self-beliefs, “I'm not good enough” “People don't like me”, we found very strong amygdala activity. Amygdala is literally reacting on these negative beliefs. Become more aware of body, thoughts, emotions. You become more aware, not always pleasant.
The goal is not to remove what is pleasant.
🟥 Philippe Goldin on the Amygdala and Self Referential Processing
Nov 23
In this case, social phobics were actually more aware of their emotional reactivity when they were confronted with their own negative beliefs. Greater emotional awareness. We cannot find Self. Because there is no central brain region of self. But there are different ways of manipulating how a person views themselves and you can see that in brain. One version of Self: Narrow analytical version of my Self.
🟥 Philippe Goldin on the Amygdala and Self Referential Processing
Nov 24
Experiential Self - Continually changing experience of Self. Not a fixed concept. The extent to which a person has a fixed view of themselves and their abilities, they perform at that level. The extent to which a person as a more fluid sense of self, less caught up in a fixed conceptual notion, that person have less obstruction in thinking more creatively.
🟥 Philippe Goldin on the Amygdala and Self Referential Processing
Nov 24
Nothing is achieved by swearing.
🎞️ Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
Nov 24
In marriage and maternity, Virginia has found her vocation. Achieved her destiny.
🎞️ Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
Nov 24
I felt secure in this room. I felt that if I obeyed the law and sneezed in my handkerchief and raised my hand for permission to speak and kept my margins neat that.. that was my oyster, that nothing could go wrong.
🎞️ Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
Nov 24
He proved himself a coward and a person of low principles.
- I thought there was something wrong with me.
- Your fault lay in rashness of judgment. His lay in dishonor. After you have expressed gratitude to the power that kept you from a disastrous alliance, you must consider your duty to your neighbor and to yourself. You must find a useful occupation.
🎞️ Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955)
Nov 24
When you do Indian a favor, he never forgets it. But if you do him bad, he never forgets that either.
🎞️ Buffalo Bill (1944)
Nov 25
Nov 25
🎞️ The Fog (1980)
Nov 25
Irish path are whimsical, like the Irish character.
🎞️ The Luck of the Irish (1948)
Nov 26
Rosa Linn made collaboration with Italian singer Alfa - Snap:
Nov 26
Like Eve, I reasoned it out. “This seems good”. “These people seem honest”. “Looks like great opportunity”. But it wasn't what it looked like. Pay attention to what you are feeling. Everything that looks enticing is not what it appears. Deception is all that enemy has. He can't over-power you, all he can do is to try to scam you. Deceive you, steal your identity, talk you out of your dreams, convince you to compromise. Recognize his strategies - end in pain
Nov 26
The enemy can't defeat you. He can't stop your purpose. But if you allow him to deceive you, if you open up your gates, and let him in your head, you'll start believing the lies, dwelling on the negative, doubt, compromise, can't do it, never going to work out. Like that Trojan horse, once you give in, all kinds of discouragement and turmoil will be released. He can't beat you from the outside, he has to get in your thoughts.
Nov 26
He has to deceive you into dwelling on things you had no business letting in. If the Greeks would have told the people of Troy the truth, if they said -hey look, this huge Trojan horse looks like a gift, but it's hollow, it's full of our warriors, they will come in and defeat you, take your city – they would say I don't think so. You are not bringing that into our city. That what deception is. You have to recognize the enemy's schemes.
Nov 26
A lot of people are scared of heights. It's not heights that bother me, it's the impact that terrifies me.
🎞️ Vanilla Sky (2001)
Nov 26
You sculpted your Lucid Dream out of the iconography of your youth. An album cover that once moved you. A movie you saw once that showed you what a father could be like. Or what love could be like. You barely knew her in your real life, but in your Lucid Dream she was your saviour.
🎞️ Vanilla Sky (2001)
Nov 26
I want to live a real life. I don't want to dream any longer.
🎞️ Vanilla Sky (2001)
Nov 26
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
🎞️ Vanilla Sky (2001)
Nov 26's just a Godley and Creme video
Nov 27
"One thing I like about Bangladesh is people stand right in front of you and stare at you. Let me turn my camera around"
Nov 27
Nov 28
Definition of Emotional Dysregulation depends on who you ask
🟥 Unmasking Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Adults ADHD (part 3)
Nov 28
Comparing common mood disorders
🟥 Unmasking Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Adults ADHD (part 3)
Nov 28
I don't think it was like ever like a real rejection. It was just I had all of these ideas about like what should happen, these social stories that I have kind of concocted mostly probably from media, honestly. And things didn't go my way. I felt this unbearable sort of rejection, be sad, cry and be stone-walling. It doesn't have to be necessarily actual rejection.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Nov 28
CBT will not work in third world countries or any country that is not rich - people who cannot buy away their neurosis. CBT is clearly American product, made to farm and milk neurotic wealthy Americans all their life and keep them thinking that they are guilty themselves for being abused and traumatized.
Nov 28
"It's like being scared of snakes" "It is the same mechanism"
Snakes do not use coercive control. Tigers act on impulses and instinct which are animal.
People on the other hand use manipulation and they pretend to be good and nice. That is a big difference so this analogy is totally wrong and misleading.
Nov 28
That comic kept popping to my head throughout my day. Just pops back up. Then the secondary narrative. Why do you care about this? It's not just an intrusive memory. There's often a second narrative that comes on – why you still holding on to this. Especially when it is something I feel is petty and I should be able just to release it. Then second narrative, why are you still thinking about this. Why can't you release it. Why can't you get over it.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive
Nov 28
Can show up as perpetual people pleasing and perfectionism. The myth being – if I never make mistake or if I never make someone upset with me, then I never have to experience this painful thing. RSD looks like high performing, high achieving, busy bodies being in the world. None of us are perfect and we will have miss communication with people, the experience gets very internalized: rumination.
🟥 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) and Perfectionism / People-Pleasing
Nov 28
Neurodivergent brain, we often have overlapping narratives. We'll have an experience and then we'll have narrative about it, and then we will have narrative about the narrative. I've noticed neurodivergent people especially once they start to notice their thoughts, they got worse. Now that I'm observing my thoughts, I'm having so much judgments and evaluations and feelings about those thoughts and then you need to be mindful about narrative.
🟥 Divergent Conversations
Nov 28
To get reconciled to this life was impossible, but I had to accept it as an inevitable fact. I had driven entirely away from me all the anxiety by which I had at first been troubled. I no longer wandered through the convict prison like a lost soul, and no longer allowed myself to be subjugated by my anxiety.
They had become indifferent to me, and I was very glad of it. I began to feel at home in the barracks.
📖 The House of the Dead (1860)
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nov 29
You can forgive people but you don't have to reconcile with them. When you go back to narcissistic person that has done you wrong, it tends to be worse. Because they don't trust you. They've done something untrustworthy to you but now they don't trust you. Afraid you would do the same thing.
🟥 Narcissist are scared of you
Nov 29
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is -- infinite.
🟦 William Blake
Nov 29
You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.
🟦 William Blake
Nov 29
Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled.
🟦 William Blake
Nov 29
Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.
🟦 William Blake
Nov 29
Nov 29
Gucci disco pants
Nov 29
Loewe disco pants
Nov 30
When I read the introduction to No Bad Parts Dr Schwartz saying most people, philosophers and psychologist understood that we have what you called Mono-brain. And you learned through your experience that we were not made of one brain. We're made of many different parts. There's a chapter 28 in “Tanya” from 1700s: one of the greatest mistakes of people in middle of connection with God they experience negative thoughts
🟥 IFS & Tanya: Dr. Richard Schwartz & Rabbi YY Jacobson
Nov 30
And they de-legitimize their genuiness. And it's mistake because it is based on erroneous philosophy that we have one Soul, one engine, one Consciousness and therefore I must be fraud and fake, phony and liar – and then they just quit. Great Master says you have to understand we are made up of different parts. It's the other way around.
🟥 IFS & Tanya: Dr. Richard Schwartz & Rabbi YY Jacobson
Nov 30
The moment you touch your innocent Soul, the other parts feel, they have to come and attack. When other person feels defeated in arm wrestle, they muster all their strength. What you call Firefighters, Protectors.
Nothing can ever damage that Soul. God that is inside of you nobody can destroy. Third component I found powerful that even toxic parts inside of us are not inherently evil at their core.
🟥 IFS & Tanya: Dr. Richard Schwartz & Rabbi YY Jacobson
Nov 30
Basic assumption is that everybody is a multiple personality. Not in a sense that we have that disorder. But in the sense that we all have these sub-personalities. The mind isn't naturally unitary. That's a good thing that they're there to help us in our life. They all have different qualities and resources that are quite valuable to us. Through bad parenting or trauma when we're young, they're forced out of their natural valuable states
🟥 IFS & Tanya: Dr Richard Schwartz
Nov 30
Fortunately people in my community confronted me about how arrogant I was getting to be. I wound up working with those parts that needed that. Need for validation. Validation that I am not worthless, that I have actually achieved something, that people like me a lot all the time. If your critic is talking to the scared one, it's gonna make things worse. But if you can be in Self you have compassion for it even when you say not now, give me some space, later.
🟥 IFS & Tanya
Nov 30
In the macho football world you never want to act weak or look weak. So whenever I would feel fear I would be very shaming of it, “Get out of here”. After college it would all caught up to me and I would have all kinds of panic and anxiety. It works for a while but you just create more exiles. Relate to these parts like a good captain or loving parent. “It's ok to be scared and I still love you.”
🟥 IFS & Tanya: Dr. Richard Schwartz & Rabbi YY Jacobson
Nov 30
The Bold and the Beautiful landscapes.