petak, 9. lipnja 2023.


 Quill - A quill is a writing tool made from a moulted flight feather of a large bird. Quills were used for writing with ink before the invention of the dip pen, the metal-nibbed pen, the fountain pen, and, eventually, the ballpoint pen. Wikipedia

: to cut out : excise.

a store of valuable or delightful things.

Trove Synonyms. Similar word for Trove.

To confine in a coop. 

joinery - the wooden components of a building, such as stairs, doors, and door and window frames, viewed collectively.
the activity or skill of a joiner.

13 Types of Wood Joints

the edge of a fore-and-aft sail next to the mast or stay.
steer a yacht nearer the wind.


a ship's allotted place at a wharf or dock.

a fixed bunk on a ship, train, or other means of transport.
moor (a ship) in its allotted place.
(of a passenger ship) provide a sleeping place for (someone).

depict or describe in painting or words.
suffuse or highlight (something) with a bright colour or light.

a long, deep cut or wound.
make a long, deep cut in.

sinew - a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone; a tendon or ligament.
the parts of a structure, system, or organization that give it strength or bind it together.

odder - odd, different to what is usual or expected; strange.

search thoroughly. a thorough search.
an act of fishing with a trawl net or seine.

agress -  to make an attack : to act aggressively.

shoal - a large number of fish swimming together.

goblet - a drinking glass with a foot and a stem.

Meaning of Goblet

arow - in a row 

enring -  to encircle ; to put a ring on or round

reedy - (of a sound or voice) high and thin in tone.

acumen - the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.

lenity - the quality of being kind or gentle.

assart - a piece of land converted from forest to arable use.

spiff - make someone or something attractive, smart, or stylish

saute - fried quickly in a little hot fat.
a dish consisting of ingredients that have been sautéed.
a jump off both feet, landing in the same position.

blurb -     a short description of a book, film, or other product written for promotional purposes. verbinformal•North American

a slope from the horizontal or vertical in carpentry and stonework; a sloping surface or edge.
change (a square edge on an object) to a sloping one.
Chamfer vs Bevel: Visual Guide on their Differences - MellowPine

gambol - frolic, run or jump about playfully.

scour - clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent.
(of livestock) suffer from diarrhoea.
"he went out to deal with piglets who were scouring"


easel - It is most often used to hold up a painter's canvas or large sketchbook while the artist is working, or to hold a completed painting for exhibition.

 whelp - puppy, young man, a boy, female dog giving birth

doily - small ornament on cake, a small napkin 

aphid - plant parasite insect, lisna uš

femur - bone part, leg segment in insect

patina - the impression or appearance of something.
"he carries the patina of old money and good breeding" 



noun: matey; noun: maty

    used as a familiar form of address to a man.
    "don't worry, matey, it 's all part of my plan"

adjective: matey; comparative adjective: matier; superlative adjective: matiest; adjective: maty

    familiar and friendly; sociable.
    "a matey grin"


a feudal superior or sovereign. lord, king


to copy something or someone badly and unsuccessfully



do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity.
"she did not deign to answer the maid's question"
to do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it


pixie - a supernatural being in folklore and children's stories, typically portrayed as small and humanlike in form, with pointed ears and a pointed hat.


tatty- worn and shabby; in poor condition. of poor quality


Swill- wash or rinse out (an area or container) by pouring large amounts of water or other liquid over or into it.
- drink (something) greedily or in large quantities.
- kitchen refuse and scraps of waste food mixed with water for feeding to pigs.
- a large mouthful of a drink.
gulp, slug, scraps



(of hair, threads, smoke, etc.) fine; feathery.



the leaf or leaflike part of a palm, fern, or similar plant.

 a large leaf (especially of a palm or fern) usually with many divisions



a small firework that burns with a hissing sound before exploding.

a short piece of satirical writing. 


a level quayside area to which a ship may be moored to load and unload.



 a deep or precipitous cleft : ravine. especially : one occupied by a torrent.



great enthusiasm or passion.



A stave is the five lines that music is written on.
a vertical wooden post or plank in a building or other structure.
A stave is a strong stick, especially one that is used as a weapon



enough or more than enough; plentifully.



a block of steel, gold, silver, or other metal, typically oblong in shape.


queme -
pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
to please, satisfy, or mitigate.


in a way that expresses dry, especially mocking, humour
Things that are wry are funny but don't necessarily make you laugh


the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.


ester - an organic compound made by replacing the hydrogen of an acid by an alkyl or other organic group. Many naturally occurring fats and essential oils are esters of fatty acids.


demur - raise objections or show reluctance. the action of objecting to or hesitating over something.
she demurred


gnash - grind (one's teeth) together as a sign of anger (often used hyperbolically).


quoth - archaic said, said (used only in first and third person singular before the subject).
"‘Ah,’ quoth he, as soon as the bike started, ‘a blown cylinder head gasket.’"


skimp - expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize.
a fashionably short or revealing garment.


ennui - a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.


rajah - an Indian king or prince.



(of a person or their face) small and delicate, typically with a mischievous charm.
relating to elves.
archaic an elf.
a small North American butterfly that is typically brownish with markings on the wing margins that give the impression of scalloped edges.



having a stale, mouldy, or damp smell. 



 pale purple colour.
a pale purple aniline dye prepared by William H. Perkin in 1856. It was the first synthetic dyestuff.


pasta in the form of short wide tubes.


a soft, fine silk, cotton, or nylon material like net, used for making veils and dresses.


četvrtak, 1. lipnja 2023.

June 2023 Twitter


June 1, 2023

Result of being brought up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional household:
To protect ourselves, we became people-pleasers, even though we lost our own identities in the process. All the same we would mistake any personal criticism as a threat.

Jun 1

'So many people have been traumatized and have no idea how it hurts their life today.'

Jun 1

Many of the traits of the ACoA are similar to those commonly seen in personality disorders.
🟥Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA ) Traits and Treatment
Doc Snipes

 38,053 views  Premiered on 4 Aug 2022  Recent Uploads with Tips for Improving Mental Health
Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents #ACOA Traits and Treatment #cptsd #innerchild #abandonment #alcoholicsanonymous  #alcoholic
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 / @docsnipes  

NOTE:  ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

 “Alcohol-Specific Coping Styles of Adult Children of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders and Associations with Psychosocial Functioning.” Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 50, no. 4 (July 2015): 463–69. https://doi

Jun 1

Trauma and flashbacks. If the child was exposed to very angry people in their addicted household then when people get angry now they are flashing back to their childhood that's triggering their inner child. Frightened by it, makes sense.

 38,053 views  Premiered on 4 Aug 2022  Recent Uploads with Tips for Improving Mental Health
Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents #ACOA Traits and Treatment #cptsd #innerchild #abandonment #alcoholicsanonymous  #alcoholic
📢SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL to get notified when new videos are uploaded. 
💲 Unlimited continuing education CEUs $59 
💻 Online course based on this video can be found at
⭐ Specialty Certificate Programs for Case Management and Counselor Certification beginning at $89

Join this channel to get access to perks:

 / @docsnipes  

NOTE:  ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

 “Alcohol-Specific Coping Styles of Adult Children of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders and Associations with Psychosocial Functioning.” Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 50, no. 4 (July 2015): 463–69. https://doi

Jun 1

Adult children of alcoholics did the best they could do to survive as children. Their behaviors, coping skills and personalities were shaped by chaos and trauma. As adults their inner child is still exiled and terrified lead to compensatory.
🟥Doc Snipes

 38,053 views  Premiered on 4 Aug 2022  Recent Uploads with Tips for Improving Mental Health
Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents #ACOA Traits and Treatment #cptsd #innerchild #abandonment #alcoholicsanonymous  #alcoholic
📢SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL to get notified when new videos are uploaded. 
💲 Unlimited continuing education CEUs $59 
💻 Online course based on this video can be found at
⭐ Specialty Certificate Programs for Case Management and Counselor Certification beginning at $89

Join this channel to get access to perks:

 / @docsnipes  

NOTE:  ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

 “Alcohol-Specific Coping Styles of Adult Children of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders and Associations with Psychosocial Functioning.” Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 50, no. 4 (July 2015): 463–69. https://doi

Jun 1

What fears do you have that are preventing you from responding in the new way you want to respond. Identify why you fear it, what is blocking you from moving into that direction.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA ) Traits and Treatment
🟥Doc Snipes

38,053 views  Premiered on 4 Aug 2022  Recent Uploads with Tips for Improving Mental Health
Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents #ACOA Traits and Treatment #cptsd #innerchild #abandonment #alcoholicsanonymous  #alcoholic
📢SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL to get notified when new videos are uploaded. 
💲 Unlimited continuing education CEUs $59 
💻 Online course based on this video can be found at
⭐ Specialty Certificate Programs for Case Management and Counselor Certification beginning at $89

Join this channel to get access to perks:

 / @docsnipes  

NOTE:  ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

 “Alcohol-Specific Coping Styles of Adult Children of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders and Associations with Psychosocial Functioning.” Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 50, no. 4 (July 2015): 463–69. https://doi

Jun 1

We don't get mad at the people who are inflicting the pain in this country. We get mad at the people who are pointing it out.
🟨Jimmy Dore

James Patrick Anthony Dore is an American stand-up comedian, political commentator, podcaster and YouTube personality. He is the host of The Jimmy Dore Show, a comedic political talk show on YouTube. Wikipedia

Jun 1

'When we take a look at our lives we see that many of us have been hurt for years due to our childhood'

Wounds won't heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to.
🟦Dele Olanubi

Jun 1
Le cap Sizun, 🇫🇷
The Cap Sizun is a headland forming the western extremity of the Cornouaille, in the French département of Finistère in Brittany, corresponding to the former canton of Pont-Croix.

Bretagne magazine
2023_01_02 Image

Image Image

 Jun 2
When we do exoneration to our early caregivers I can look their trauma &understand why they were not able to give what I needed. We think by doing that where we understand and make peace is the same as from healing from pain of what happened
🟥Heidi Priebe

Avoidant Attachment: Signs You’re ‘Intellectually Bypassing’ Your Emotions (And How To Stop)

Jun 2
To be secure means to feel all of your feelings and accept them as valid even if you believe you “shouldn't” have those feelings or even if you understand why is someone doing what he is doing. Security means being aware of emotions.
🟥Heidi Priebe
Avoidant Attachment: Signs You’re ‘Intellectually Bypassing’ Your Emotions (And How To Stop)

Jun 2
Prone to intellectually or psychologically bypassing your feelings is being very stoic and calm in the midst of emotionally intense situations is common to avoidant attachment style. Learned to stop and cut awareness of emotions - detached.
🟥Heidi Priebe

Jun 2
If you are not feeling pain, anger and sadness while you are taking in psychological abuse or something similar – you are going to end up in those situations over and over again –because you are not logging information that your body telling
🟥Heidi Priebe

Avoidant Attachment: Signs You’re ‘Intellectually Bypassing’ Your Emotions (And How To Stop)

Jun 2
Codependents in general and Adult children of Alcoholics tend to expect others to make them happy. When I don't get validation, my victim mentality will kick in - because that's what Mum did. She would complain if not validated. Negative thinking is learned behavior
🟥Lisa Romano

5,857 views  24 May 2023  Fawning Response; Codependency Recovery
#negativethinking #toxicfamily #dysfunctionalfamily In this short video, you will learn 4 steps to help you stop negative thinking caused by toxic parenting. If you were raised by a toxic, dysfunctional parent who saw the world through the lens of a victim, it is very possible you have absorbed those types of thought patterns. The good news is, you can overcome negative thinking by becoming aware of your thought patterns as opposed to remaining unaware of what your negative thoughts might be. 

Your history does not have to become your destiny. You can reprogram your subconscious mind and overcome negative thought patterns created in childhood by way of being raised by toxic parents. 

Adult children of alcoholics and children of narcissistic parents, need to confront their thought patterns on the road to healing from codependency and overcoming the long lasting effects of childhood emotional neglect.

Jun 2
If you were raised by narcissistic parent then you have to understand how that has affected you at the neurological level, at the psychological level and at the spiritual level. Their way of live is through dominance and control.
🟥Lisa Romano

#childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparent #healingjourney Today, we approach how childhood trauma effects adulthood and your free will to self advocate. Approaching childhood trauma healing from the perspective of consciousness, allows you to better understand how feeling stuck in life is not your fault. Childhood trauma arrests free will until we experience an awakening of consciousness. 
#childhoodtrauma #narcissisticparents #gaslighting If you feel stuck in life, it might be childhood trauma that's holding you back. Childhood emotional neglect, and being raised by narcissistic parents, can cause you to become lost within a shadow world and acting out a false self. All humans are born asleep and rely on their 5 senses to help them interpret themselves and the world around them. On the spiritual healing path, it is essential to appreciate how elevating consciousness can help someone overcome the patterns stored at the level of the subcons

Jun 2
June weather.


Jun 2
Anxiety only gets you if you take someone's opinion seriously. Then on deeper level - realize that why are you even taking their opinion seriously? Do they know anything about you? It is speculation. You project and speculate.

LAUGH AT YOUR ANXIETY: Become Socially Invincible
12,477 views  18 May 2023  #julienhimself #julienblanc
90% of people care too much about what other people think... Here's the most important step I took to overcome this!



Julien Blanc (AKA JulienHimself) is a Swiss-born, U.S.-based self-help speaker, entrepreneur and transformational coach.

Since 2010, he has been traveling around the world and has personally coached tens of thousands of clients face to face... Empowering them to create massive success in their lives!

His record-breaking programs Transformation Mastery, Transformation Mastery Live, Transformation Mastery Live Advanced, Transformation Mastery Academy & Transformation Mastery Mentoring help people around the world achieve the HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & HAPPINESS they deserve! 



Jun 2
Suppress feeling emotions - leads to unprocessed energy = future triggers

 Jun 2
Processing emotions

Jun 2
You are not your emotions - how to process difficult emotions in a healthy way

Jun 2
Processing Emotion = Accept your emotions as normal

Jun 2
Emotions seen as threatening = illness

Jun 2
Inability to process emotions = Panic attack

Jun 2
If you remain engaged with the same thoughts, after 90-seconds, the emotional circuit continues.

Jun 2
Signs of Emotional Dysregulation:
- Overly intense emotions
- Impulsive behavior
- Lack of emotional awareness
- Trouble making decisions
- Inability to manage behavior
- Avoids difficult emotions

Jun 2
Emotional Processing Is Different for Autistics
"I don’t get panicky in the moment. Several days later when everyone else is fine, I may finally process the emotional charge of the situation, and start feeling panicky “out of nowhere.” "

Jun 2
Emotional bypassing:
- "Just look on the bright side"
- "This isn't worth about"
- "I should be grateful"
- "I'll just focus on other things"

Jun 2
Mood Meter

Jun 2
Sometimes emotions provide the wiser counsel.
🇨🇭Rolf Dobell

Rolf Dobelli born in Luzern, Switzerland, is a Swiss author and entrepreneur. Wikipedia

Jun 2
If you spend 15 minutes in a shopping mall, you will pass more people than our ancestors saw during their entire lifetimes.
🇨🇭Rolf Dobell

Rolf Dobelli born in Luzern, Switzerland, is a Swiss author and entrepreneur. Wikipedia

Jun 2
Processing your emotions and thoughts always helps in the long run

Jun 2
Yayoi Kusama

Image Image

Image Image

Jun 2
It's not what you add that enriches your life - it's what you omit.
🇨🇭Rolf Dobelli

Rolf Dobelli born in Luzern, Switzerland, is a Swiss author and entrepreneur. Wikipedia

Jun 3
How about we take a vote?


Jun 3
Emotional processing is defined as: approaching, accepting, symbolizing, tolerating, regulating, making meaning of, and utilizing or transforming emotions. From: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2022.

Jun 3
As heard on LuxuriaMusic radio:
🎵Stanley Myers - Angel's Theme (1966)
 Stanley Myers – Kaleidoscope (1966, Vinyl)

 Jun 3
If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems will be nails.
🇨🇭Rolf Dobelli

Rolf Dobelli born in Luzern, Switzerland, is a Swiss author and entrepreneur. Wikipedia Image

Jun 3
It's very common that each and every one of us makes mistakes, what the author, Rolf Dobelli says, experts call as cognitive errors.

Jun 3
You will get there. Until then, be here.
This moment matters.

Jun 3
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored, said writer Aldous Huxley.

Rolf Dobelli born in Luzern, Switzerland, is a Swiss author and entrepreneur. Wikipedia

Jun 3
'Don't Compare Yourself To Others'

Jun 3
8 cognitive biases social media takes advantage of
/ 8 Ways Social Media Messes With Our Brains

8 Ways Social Media Messes With Our Brains

Jun 4

If you wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter. Tell her the truth. You really ought to be yourself.
🎞️Aladdin (1992)

A kind-hearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true.

Ron ClementsJohn Musker
Ron ClementsJohn MuskerTed Elliott
Scott WeingerRobin WilliamsLinda Larkin

Jun 4
Whenever you feel your world is crashin' down on you, whenever you don't know where to turn of what to do, Don't look too far. You've got the guide to find your way. Let your heart decide. Be true to your heart. That's when the heavens will part
🎞️Mulan (1998)/David Zippel lyrics

To save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Tony BancroftBarry Cook
Robert D. San SouciRita HsiaoChris Sanders
Ming-Na WenEddie MurphyBD Wong

Jun 5
No, no, it's not you. She's not the easiest person to get close to. There's a wall there. Trust me.
🎞️The Emperor's New Groove (2000)

Emperor Kuzco is turned into a llama by his ex-administrator Yzma, and must now regain his throne with the help of Pacha, the gentle llama herder.

Mark Dindal
Chris WilliamsMark DindalDavid Reynolds
David SpadeJohn GoodmanEartha Kitt

Jun 6
An inherent part of ADHD is a problem with emotional self-regulation. ADHD is disorder of executive functioning, and one of executive functions is emotional self-control. Explains high level of emotional behavior we see in ADHD.
🟥Russell Barkley, PhD

103 views  6 Jun 2023
It has been proposed by a well known clinician that ADHD may be associated with a new disorder known as Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.  Here I briefly note the nature of this condition and explain why it is unnecessary to account for the strong emotional reactions people with ADHD may have to social rejection or other provocative events like failure to meet goals.  RSD is not a valid disorder with an empirical basis in the mental health sciences.  The problems it includes are already better accounted for by the fact that ADHD involves poor executive functioning and one important such function is emotional self-regulation.  That component already explains the high likelihood of strong emotional reactions to numerous events than does RSD.
ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

Jun 6
People with mature self-regulation strive to organize new emotions in a coordinated effort to not only quell negative emotion but create more positive emotions that help contribute toward their goals and long-term welfare.
🟥Russell Barkley, PhD

ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
103 views  6 Jun 2023
It has been proposed by a well known clinician that ADHD may be associated with a new disorder known as Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.  Here I briefly note the nature of this condition and explain why it is unnecessary to account for the strong emotional reactions people with ADHD may have to social rejection or other provocative events like failure to meet goals.  RSD is not a valid disorder with an empirical basis in the mental health sciences.  The problems it includes are already better accounted for by the fact that ADHD involves poor executive functioning and one important such function is emotional self-regulation.  That component already explains the high likelihood of strong emotional reactions to numerous events than does RSD.

Jun 6
Most of this literature is mostly about how much the narcissistic people suffer but not about how people in the relationships with them do. But it's more than just you feeling awful. It's breaking you down, stealing your voice, sense of self
STOP turning conversations about narcissistic relationships into an INTELLECTUAL DEBATE

Jun 6
After reading hundred of pieces of research – there is no accountability of the harm that these relationships cause. It is as though the prevailing wisdom is to learn to live alongside them like the mosquitoes. Misses the real harm.
STOP turning conversations about narcissistic relationships into an INTELLECTUAL DEBATE

Jun 6
Trying to get an insensitive person and convert them to a point of being reasonable – not happening. When someone says “you should be able to move past it” it gives you painful piece of information about this person, entitlement, hypocrisy.
Turning the tables on the victim shamers

Jun 6
I didn't realize I felt this angry at the time that it was happening. In that moment I was having a freeze response. We have fear response what will happen in the moment if we express our anger so our body freezes, fawns, flees the situation
🟥Heidi Priebe

How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)

Jun 6
This is not good or bad thing. It is adaptive response to keep safe. Use it as information. Start noticing the next time I feel frozen, off but I can't quite put finger what it is, is it possible I feel anger but not safe in this situation.
🟥Heidi Priebe
How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)
10,465 views  5 May 2023
Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation by Onno van der Hart, Kathy Steele and Suzette Boon:

Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton:

Jun 6
Doesn't mean that present moment is appropriate to express anger. It means you'll become more precise at pinpointing what is you're angry about, which situations anger is related to. Express anger: be extremely precise, clear, factual &clean
🟥Heidi Priebe
How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)
Heidi Priebe
expressing it and giving other person opportunity to work with us to find solution.
If fails – figure to keep us safe not to walk in same situation in same place.
Instant response to please that person. After in the future we recognize we were actually really angry.
I didn't realize I felt this angry at the time that it was happening. In that moment I was having a freeze response. We have fear response what will happen in the moment if we express our anger so our body freezes, fawns, flees the situation
This is not good or bad thing. It is adaptive response to keep safe early on. Use it as information. Start noticing the next time I feel frozen, off but I can't quite put finger what it is, is it possible I feel anger but not safe in this situation.
Doesn't mean that present moment is appropriate to express anger. It means you'll become more precise at pinpointing what is you're angry about, which si

Jun 6
We create giant story and invite combative exchange in which the other person is likely to become preoccupied with defending themselves against the parts of your story that are untrue and you bury your own lead about something specific done.
🟥Heidi Priebe
How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)

Jun 6
Radical honesty: go to that person and only reference exactly what happened and what I felt about it – now I am giving us opportunity to work with reality. “You started talking over me” - pointing at something that definitely happened.
🟥Heidi Priebe
How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)
expressing it and giving other person opportunity to work with us to find solution.
If fails – figure to keep us safe not to walk in same situation in same place.
Instant response to please that person. After in the future we recognize we were actually really angry.
I didn't realize I felt this angry at the time that it was happening. In that moment I was having a freeze response. We have fear response what will happen in the moment if we express our anger so our body freezes, fawns, flees the situation
This is not good or bad thing. It is adaptive response to keep safe early on. Use it as information. Start noticing the next time I feel frozen, off but I can't quite put finger what it is, is it possible I feel anger but not safe in this situation.
Doesn't mean that present moment is appropriate to express anger. It means you'll become more precise at pinpointing what is you're angry ab

Jun 6
If you keep putting yourself in situations where someone is being unkind to you or emotionally harming you in some way and you're not doing anything to take yourself out of those situations, your inner child is going to get really mad at you
🟥Heidi Priebe
How To Express Anger Clearly (Without Ruining Your Life)

Jun 6
You should learn to control your temper.
🎞️Beauty and the Beast (1991)

A prince cursed to spend his days as a hideous monster sets out to regain his humanity by earning a young woman's love.

Gary TrousdaleKirk Wise
Linda WoolvertonBrenda ChapmanChris Sanders
Paige O'HaraRobby BensonJesse Corti

Jun 6
Signs of Emotional Dysregulation
- overly intense emotions
- impulsive behavior
- lack of emotional awareness
- trouble making decisions
- inability to manage behavior
- avoids difficult emotions

Jun 7
You shouldn't fear being hated.
🟥Izaak McCullough
don’t be scared of confrontation people don’t care about themselves people are dumb

Jun 7
Most people don't understand how complex this process is: trauma bonding, self blame, betrayal blindness, cognitive dissonance: the deck is stacked against you. And your nervous system is trying to protect you. So you won't always process it
STOP shifting shame from the narcissist to the survivor

Jun 7
Constant shape-shifting: a bad thing may happen but then it's really good or fine for a while. Then the bad thing happens again it may feel like the first time again because of enough time passes. This carousel is why people get stuck.
STOP shifting shame from the narcissist to the survivor

Jun 7
Another person's bad behavior is their responsibility, not yours.
STOP shifting shame from the narcissist to the survivor
STOP shifting shame from the narcissist to the survivor
Whether it's second time or 250th time, they do something bad to you – there is no shame.
Most people don't understand how complex this process is: trauma bonding, self blame, betrayal blindness, cognitive dissonance: the deck is stacked against you. And your nervous system is trying to protect you.
Constant shape-shifting: a bad thing may happen but then it's really good or fine for a while. Then the bad thing happens again it may feel like the first time again because of enough time passes. This carousel is why people get stuck.
Another person's bad behavior is their responsibility, not yours.

Jun 7
Narcissist will make you feel like you're never doing enough. And anything that happens as a result is your fault. You're going to feel like you're on a hamster wheel, no matter what you do, step it up, try harder, it's never enough.
🟥Common Ego
5 Ways Narcissists WEAPONIZE Shame Against You
2,171 views  1 Jun 2023

💥Join The Narcissist IMMUNITY Bootcamp to Build Up Your Immunity (and stop getting triggered by) the Narcissist In Your Life 💥 Click here to get started:

Watch next:
gaslighting explained   


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I receive commissions on referrals to BetterHelp, but please know that I only recommend services I know and trust.**

👉Focus on YOU👈
If you're struggling with shifting your focus away from the narcissist, check out my 7 Day Self-Love Kickstart Plan. It's

Jun 7
Enmeshment - is a trauma response we develop in childhood. We learn that in order to stay in safety we need to obliterate our personal sense of self and our individuality in order to be safe around other people. So we enmesh. Identity?
🟥Healed By Divinity
You Struggle With Setting Boundaries: Here Is What You Need To Heal | Addressing Your Core Wounds

Jun 7
Heal enmeshment – get very clear on what your individuality is. And get very clear on the things that you like and don't like, desires, what resonates with you. What make you unique and individual, we create boundary what is/isn't mine
🟥Healed By Divinity
You Struggle With Setting Boundaries: Here Is What You Need To Heal | Addressing Your Core Wounds

Jun 7
Interoception; the 8th sense that helps you feel what is going on inside your body

Jun 7
We need to develop a clear sense of ourselves before we can develop a sense of others.

Jun 7
Our whole life is an attempt to discover when our spontaneity is whimsical, sentimental irresponsibility and when it is a valid expression of our deepest desires and values.
🟦Helen Lynd

Helen Merrell Lynd was an American sociologist, social philosopher, educator, and author. She is best known for conducting the first Middletown studies of Muncie, Indiana, with her husband, Robert ... Wikipedia
Born: March 17, 1896, La Grange, Illinois, United States
Died: January 30, 1982, Warren, Ohio, United States

Jun 7
You are born with only two fears: fear of falling and fear of loud noise. All the rest is learned. And it's a lot of work!
🟦Dr Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an American consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Wikipedia

Jun 7
Our biggest limit is not in what we want and cannot do: it is in what we have never considered that we can do.
🟦Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an American consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Wikipedia

Jun 7
Good feelings: good decisions.
Bad feelings: bad decisions.
🟦Dr Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an American consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Wikipedia

Jun 7
The trick is: you have to feel good for no reason.
🟦Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an American consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Wikipedia

Jun 7
The truth is, people don't stay the same. People either get better or they get worse.
🟦Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an American consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Wikipedia

Jun 7
Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.
🟦Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics, and thus to modern physics. Wikipedia
Born: March 14, 1879, Ulm, Germany
Died: April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, United States

Jun 8
The neurotic assumes too much responsibility; the person with a character disorder not enough. When neurotics are in conflict with the world, they automatically assume that they are at fault.
🟦Scott Peck

 Scott Peck describes both neuroses and character disorders as disorders of
responsibility. Peck writes,
"The neurotic assumes too much responsibility; the person with a
character disorder not enough. When neurotics are in conflict with the
world, they automatically assume that they are at fault. When those with
character disorders are in conflict with the world, they automatically
assume the world is at fault."
The Road Less Traveled

 Jun 8

If we want to save ourselves from mental suffering, we need to make peace with those thoughts, not push them away.
🟦Kelly McGonigal

Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who is known for her work in the field of "science help" which focuses on translating insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies that support health and well-being. Wikipedia
Born: October 21, 1977 (age 45 years), New Jersey, United States
Education: Stanford University, Boston University

Jun 8

Double Passionflower


Jun 8

What causes self-loathing?
1. Invalidation
2. Perfectionism
3. Being a people pleaser
4. Trauma
5. Shame
6. Modeling
7. Environment
8. Depression
9. Lack of understanding

 Jun 8

Four obstacles to writing

Jun 8

Fine Art America

Jun 8

Narcissism is not about self love. It's a clinical trait that belies a deep sense of emptiness, low self-esteem, emotional detachment, self-loathing, extreme problems with intimacy.
🟦Drew Pinsky

David Drew Pinsky, commonly known as Dr. Drew, is an American media personality, internist, and addiction medicine specialist. He hosted the nationally syndicated radio talk show Loveline from the show's inception in 1984 until its end in 2016. Wikipedia

Jun 8

The robots have become self-aware and self-loathing. Now all they do is write novels.

Jun 8

the lyrical content of Grunge and similar alternative bands contained unprecedented introspective themes of shame, self loathing and suicidality; an incredible leap in terms of self awareness.
⬜️Self Loathing in Early 90's Rock

“When Kurt was nine years old, his parents divorced.[7]:20 He later said that the divorce had a profound effect on his life, while his mother noted that his personality changed dramatically — Cobain became defiant and withdrawn.[5]:17 In a 1993 interview, he elaborated:

“I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.” [7]

Jun 8

I haven't seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.
🎞️Hercules (1997)

The son of Zeus and Hera is stripped of his immortality as an infant and must become a true hero in order to reclaim it.

Ron ClementsJohn Musker
Ron ClementsJohn MuskerDon McEnery
Tate DonovanSusan EganJames Woods

Jun 8

CBT is based on punishment and force; forcing certain emotions and demonizing "bad" emotions.
And the natural result of punishment and forcing something is secrecy and hiding things out, suppressing and stifling issues from exposure to understanding.


Jun 8

I'm afraid being famous isn't the same as being a true hero. It's something you have to discover for yourself. Look inside your heart.
🎞️Hercules (1997)

The son of Zeus and Hera is stripped of his immortality as an infant and must become a true hero in order to reclaim it.

Ron ClementsJohn Musker
Ron ClementsJohn MuskerDon McEnery
Tate DonovanSusan EganJames Woods

Jun 8

For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.
🎞️Hercules (1997)

The son of Zeus and Hera is stripped of his immortality as an infant and must become a true hero in order to reclaim it.

Ron ClementsJohn Musker
Ron ClementsJohn MuskerDon McEnery
Tate DonovanSusan EganJames Woods

Jun 9

All ultimatums are manipulative.
🟥Tim Ross
You have a RIGHT to set BOUNDARIES & STICK to them | Tim Ross

Jun 9

You have a duty, not just a right to use your discernment, to use your judgment, and to stop these people in their tracks. It's your duty, not just a right. That takes ability to banish, ability judge, to say no.

You Must Protect Your Boundaries #shorts #boundaries

Jun 9
What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.
🟦Hermann Hesse

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wikipedia
Born: July 2, 1877, Calw, Germany
Died: August 9, 1962, Montagnola, Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Jun 9
Misophobia (from Greek misos, "hatred") is the fear of hatred.
All people need to have misophobia because hate is illegal.
⬜️Phobia Wiki
Misophobia (from Greek misos, "hatred") is the fear of hatred. The fear is most commonly suffered by children, and would usually subside by teen years. As per the phobia, sufferers can fear anything they can hate, such as school, unpleasant odor, certain foods, music, people, and events. If the sufferer encounters something that they hate, they may result in intense anxiety with symptoms like loss of sense of reality and excessive thoughts about them. Misophobes who hate school would refuse to go there as well as fleeing from things, events or atmosphere he/she hate. EXAMPLE: All people need to have misophobia because hate is illegal.

Misophobia is not to be confused with mysophobia, which is the fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.

Jun 9
Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a little foolish.
🟦Hermann Hesse

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wikipedia
Born: July 2, 1877, Calw, Germany
Died: August 9, 1962, Montagnola, Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Jun 9
Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell.
🟦Hermann Hesse

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wikipedia
Born: July 2, 1877, Calw, Germany
Died: August 9, 1962, Montagnola, Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Jun 9
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
🟦Hermann Hesse

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wikipedia
Born: July 2, 1877, Calw, Germany
Died: August 9, 1962, Montagnola, Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Jun 9
What makes lives so artificial is that people never allow their own inner world to speak.
🟦Hermann Hesse

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wikipedia
Born: July 2, 1877, Calw, Germany
Died: August 9, 1962, Montagnola, Collina d'Oro, Switzerland

Jun 9
The Special Academy Award given to the picture consisted of one standard Oscar statuette and seven miniature statuettes on a stepped base.
🇺🇸Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
(imdb trivia)

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 Jun 9
1. a mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline.
2. a small terrier of a breed with short legs, a longish body, and a shaggy coat.

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Jun 9
1. (of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.
2. (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behaviour of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.


Jun 10
Contronym - words with two contradictory meanings.

Jun 10
"Don't force yourself to be in that situation and don't feel guilty for finding an excuse to leave whatever situation you may be in"

Jun 10
a large number of fish swimming together.

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Jun 10
- Ever chase chickens?
- I should say not!
- Then you've never lived.
- But we shouldn't.
- I know. That's what makes it fun. Come on, kid. Start building some memories.
🎞️Lady and the Tramp (1955)

Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while.
Released: 1955-06-16

Jun 10
It's like Gorky says in Lower Depths, quote: "Miserable being must find more miserable being. Then he's happy."
🎞️Lady and the Tramp (1955)

Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while.
Released: 1955-06-16

Jun 10

If you can't say something nice...don't say nothing at all.
🎞️Bambi (1942)

The story of a young deer growing up in the forest.

James AlgarSamuel ArmstrongDavid Hand
Felix SaltenPerce PearceLarry Morey
Hardie AlbrightStan AlexanderBobette Audrey

Jun 10

He's kind of bashful, isn't he, Mama?
- Well, maybe he wouldn't be if you'd say hello.
🎞️Bambi (1942)

The story of a young deer growing up in the forest.

James AlgarSamuel ArmstrongDavid Hand
Felix SaltenPerce PearceLarry Morey
Hardie AlbrightStan AlexanderBobette Audrey Image

 Jun 11

Scott Prior

Scott Prior is a painter who lives and works in Massachusetts. His paintings depict a world that is intimate, simple and personal, where objects are transfixed and transfigured by light.

Scott Prior | Northampton, MA Painter and Fine Artist Image

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Jun 11

Children have no problem with receiving. They haven't been contaminated with all the inferiority, lies about how they don't measure up and what they can't become. But as adults, we can start reasoning things out. “I'm not up to par.”
220,838 views  5 Jun 2023  LAKEWOOD CHURCH
God has blessings prepared for you, but you have to be willing to receive them. Allow yourself to receive His promises. 

🛎 Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel!

Follow #JoelOsteen on social 

Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit

Jun 11

He realized he had never complimented himself. That's not how he was raised. He was taught to show your humility, you need to be down on yourself, less than. But you can't reach your destiny feeling inferior, inadequate.
220,838 views  5 Jun 2023  LAKEWOOD CHURCH
God has blessings prepared for you, but you have to be willing to receive them. Allow yourself to receive His promises. 

🛎 Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel!

Follow #JoelOsteen on social 

Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit

Jun 11

Well, what's the matter with them? Why are they acting that way?
- Why don't you know? They're twitterpated.
- Twitterpated?
- Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the spring time.
🎞️Bambi (1942)

The story of a young deer growing up in the forest.

James AlgarSamuel ArmstrongDavid Hand
Felix SaltenPerce PearceLarry Morey
Hardie AlbrightStan AlexanderBobette Audrey

Jun 11

You must learn to choose between right and wrong.
- But how will I know?
- Your conscience will tell you.
- Conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to.
🎞️Pinocchio (1940)

A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy.

Norman FergusonT. HeeWilfred Jackson
Carlo CollodiTed SearsOtto Englander
Dickie JonesChristian RubMel Blanc 


Jun 11

And always let your conscience be your guide.
🎞️Pinocchio (1940)

A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy.

Norman FergusonT. HeeWilfred Jackson
Carlo CollodiTed SearsOtto Englander
Dickie JonesChristian RubMel Blanc

 Jun 11

You see, Pinocchio, a lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face.
🎞️Pinocchio (1940)

A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy.

Norman FergusonT. HeeWilfred Jackson
Carlo CollodiTed SearsOtto Englander
Dickie JonesChristian RubMel Blanc

Jun 11

Now, think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings.
🎞️Peter Pan (1953)

Wendy and her brothers are whisked away to the magical world of Neverland with the hero of their stories, Peter Pan.

Clyde GeronimiWilfred JacksonHamilton Luske
J.M. BarrieTed SearsErdman Penner
Bobby DriscollKathryn BeaumontHans Conried

Jun 12
No one knows what they're doing. Everyone's insecure because I've met all those people, that act super-cool. I've talked to them – they're insecure. Everyone you see on the social media... the prettier people there are : the more insecure they are.
918 views  6 Jun 2023
Shop Greens:



Jun 12
I go out and I have a blast. I see people I know, watch show in a club, I talk. And it feels good, invigorated. day I will feel anxious again about doing the same thing! You would think after so many times of positive reinforcement
Social anxiety #shorts


Jun 12
Lavender blooms.


 Jun 12

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Jun 12
I discovered there is a fine line between respecting yourself and respecting others. And a lot of those a$$holes are respecting themselves and constantly projecting their insecurities or their lack of respect on other people.
🟥Aiden Pickering
Social Anxiety - My experience and takeaways

Jun 12
Putting yourself in uncomfortable environment can only help in short term. Because it's not really going to have a lasting impact. Lasting impact: providing value to other people, determining what your value is.

186 views  6 Jun 2023
Online Coaching:

Jun 12
Often we ignore the obvious solution because it can be painful to admit.
This makes things harder in the long run.

Jun 12
If we weren't so down, We'd up and leave. We'd up and fly, If we had wings for flying.
🎞️Robin Hood (1973)

The story of the legendary British outlaw portrayed with the characters as anthropomorphic animals.

Wolfgang ReithermanDavid Hand
Larry ClemmonsKen AndersonVance Gerry
Brian BedfordPhil HarrisRoger Miller

Jun 12
Deep down I knew I never really fit in with you. When people look at you they see the way they want to be. When they look at me, they see the way they really are.
🎞️Duckman Season 4 - episode 9

Duckman goes on a mission to a trendy coffee shop to gain friends after no one shows up for his surprise party.

Genres: Comedy, Animation

Network: USA

Air Date: Mar 1, 1997

 Jun 12
I am the voice of your subconscious mind. Your inspiration.
🎞️Dumbo (1941)

Ridiculed because of his enormous ears, a young circus elephant is assisted by a mouse to achieve his full potential.

Samuel ArmstrongNorman FergusonWilfred Jackson
Joe GrantDick HuemerOtto Englander
Sterling HollowayEdward BrophyHerman Bing

Jun 13
No incoming sensory information + Filling the blanks with different information = Person believes in that information and think it is true

Jun 13
Representations of you who know more, evolve. With each iteration it's always been you, core you is always been there. As you get more knowledge you evolve to higher lever. Where ultimately you give permission to that true self to shine.

I call healing from narc abuse as process of avatars. Avatars are different representations of you who know more, evolve further. With each iteration it's always been you, core you is always been there. As you get more knowledge you evolve to higher lever. Where ultimately you give permission to that true self to shine.

Jun 13
Co-dependents are notorious for talking themselves out of trusting their intuition. If you come from narc background, you may be gaslit and trauma bonded to the point of no longer trust your instincts.
🟥Lisa A. Romano

12,936 views  6 Jun 2023  Fawning Response; Codependency Recovery
#emotionalintelligence #standupforyourself #mentalhealth In this video, you will learn how emotionally intelligent people set boundaries mindfully. When wishing to set boundaries in your life, it is essential to do so with a certain level of emotional intelligence and self awareness. In this video, codependency relationship expert Lisa A. Romano, offers tips on how to stand up for yourself without attaching to outcomes. 

FREE ✅ Codependency Quiz

FREE Codependency Presentation

Best beginners program for healing abandonment trauma, codependency and finding the way back to the authentic self. 

Hi, I'm Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach. I specialize in helping adult children from dysfunctional homes regain their sense of self and rebuild their lives. As a professional in the field of codependency and narcissis

Jun 13
Were you raised by parents who were fault-finders? Did they criticize you? Never praised but found something wrong about you. What that does that encourage children to mock one another. You can't form healthy bond with them.
🟥Lisa A. Romano

Signs of Toxic Family Dynamics: Gaslighting, Scapegoating, Triangulation and Sibling Rivalry
3,558 views  12 Jun 2023  Fawning Response; Codependency Recovery
#toxicfamily #gaslighting #childhoodtraumahealing In this video you will learn about the signs of toxic family dynamics and the emotional consequences of growing up in a childhood home that felt unsafe. Children born to narcissistic parents, emotionally immature parents, or those who are struggling with addiction, grow up feeling unloved, unprotected, unwanted, and powerless. 

Complex trauma refers to the type of experiences that overwhelmed a child, the child could not escape. Learning about CPTSD can help trauma survivors understand why they feel the way they do and what steps they can take to begin their emotional healing journey. 

One of the greatest things anyone who was raised in a toxic family dynamic can do is to begin unraveling the interpersonal relationships that shaped the

Jun 14
At some level we all are finding solutions. Sure for most it seems as safety mechanism yet behind addictions and procrastination, immobility and anxiety is seeking solution behind it.  Instead of finding solutions, I would take course of finding adaptability. Small change in word

10:36 AM · Aug 13, 2022

Jun 14
If we give unclear description - the person who is instructing us will instruct us into wrong direction - since we are both blind, we both do not see the interior of the dark cave.

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Jun 14
That's what makes the world go round. You see, it's nature's way: upon the weak the strong ones prey. In human life, it's also true - The strong will try to conquer you. That is what you must expect, Unless you use your intellect. Brains and brawn.
🎞️The Sword in the Stone (1963)

A poor boy named Arthur learns the power of love, kindness, knowledge and bravery with the help of a wizard called Merlin in the path to become one of the most beloved kings in English history.

Wolfgang ReithermanClyde GeronimiDavid Hand
Bill PeetT.H. White
Rickie SorensenSebastian CabotKarl Swenson

Jun 15
I had no idea that my childhood was being pushed out. I had no idea that my wounds were why I was tolerating what should have never been tolerated. I didn't know that I was adapting to very unhealthy relationship dynamics, just adapting.
🟥Lisa Romano

2,968 views  14 Jun 2023  5 Mind Games Narcissists Love to Play
#narcissist #narcissism #gaslighting Narcissists are known for gaslighting, lacking empathy, and creating cognitive dissonance in their targets. However, narcissists have fears like everyone else, and their biggest fear is their target awakening to the games they play. Narcissists live in a false reality within their minds, and to feel safe and in control, they need others to mirror back their grandiose sense of self. 

Narcissists are afraid of others seeing their flaws. A narcissist worries that others will not reinforce their uniqueness or encourage their entitlement. When a target of a narcissist begins to awaken to the power games a narcissist needs to play, the outer universe begins to clash with its inner universe. 

This short video helps explain one of the narcissist's biggest fears.

FREE ✅ Codependency Quiz

FREE Codependency Presentation


Jun 15
"I've noticed that these people who have no control over themselves exert control over other people."

Jun 15
Narcissists are fire breathing dragons willing to blow their flame on anything that stands in their way of their false mask. Last thing they want is your ability to stand tall, and say I know, I think, and I feel and I witnessed: I know truth
🟥Lisa Romano

Narcissist Biggest Fear; Lisa Romano
2,968 views  14 Jun 2023  5 Mind Games Narcissists Love to Play
#narcissist #narcissism #gaslighting Narcissists are known for gaslighting, lacking empathy, and creating cognitive dissonance in their targets. However, narcissists have fears like everyone else, and their biggest fear is their target awakening to the games they play. Narcissists live in a false reality within their minds, and to feel safe and in control, they need others to mirror back their grandiose sense of self. 

Narcissists are afraid of others seeing their flaws. A narcissist worries that others will not reinforce their uniqueness or encourage their entitlement. When a target of a narcissist begins to awaken to the power games a narcissist needs to play, the outer universe begins to clash with its inner universe. 

This short video helps explain one of the narcissist's biggest fears.

FREE ✅ Codependency Quiz 

Jun 15
Shutty Shutty:
Let the narc feel whatever they want to feel. Let them say whatever they want to say. Stop trying to change what they think, feel, just stop. Accept how you feel Get away from them. Go no contact. You healing starts when u stop
🟥Lisa Romano

Narcissist Biggest Fear; Lisa Romano
2,968 views  14 Jun 2023  5 Mind Games Narcissists Love to Play
#narcissist #narcissism #gaslighting Narcissists are known for gaslighting, lacking empathy, and creating cognitive dissonance in their targets. However, narcissists have fears like everyone else, and their biggest fear is their target awakening to the games they play. Narcissists live in a false reality within their minds, and to feel safe and in control, they need others to mirror back their grandiose sense of self. 

Narcissists are afraid of others seeing their flaws. A narcissist worries that others will not reinforce their uniqueness or encourage their entitlement. When a target of a narcissist begins to awaken to the power games a narcissist needs to play, the outer universe begins to clash with its inner universe. 

This short video helps explain one of the narcissist's biggest fears.

FREE ✅ Codependency Quiz 

Jun 15
Signs of Repression
- A constant sense of uneasiness and discomfort
- Frequent mood swings
- Substance use disorders
- Behavioral addictions (shopping)
- Eating disorders
- Chaotic relationships
- Frequent career changes

Jun 15
Suppression: conscious avoidance
Repression: unconscious avoidance
⬜️Defense Mechanisms

Jun 15
Although defense mechanisms are often considered negative, Freud believed they were necessary for healthy human functioning.
Without them, the conscious mind would be much more vulnerable to negatively charged emotional input.

Jun 15
Repression is not all bad. If all uncomfortable memories were easily brought to mind we would be faced with the unceasing pain of reliving them.

Jun 15
Thoughts that are often repressed are those that would result in feelings of guilt from the superego.

Jun 15
Luckily when I was dating Ivana Trump last spring she payed for me to take course in a home repair. I did her wainscoting at Mar-a-Lago.
🎞️Duckman: Season 4, Episode 14 (1997)

Plumbers Duckman and Cornfed go to a haunted mansion during a gala.
Show: Duckman
Air date: April 19, 1997

Jun 16
You can't heal from anxiety or really anything; personality disorder, depression, eating disorders until you see your own innocence. Until you see that you are not guilty. You grew up in environment where you didn't get your needs met.
🟥Dr Russell Kennedy

1,383 views  11 Jun 2023
Developmental psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld says that "All anxiety is separation anxiety", and I add that it's fundamentally a separation from within yourself.

Stress and trauma in childhood that is not resolved by a loving, attuned parent or caregiver slowly splits us from the inside into a REACTIVE and an AUTHENTIC self.

Like splitting the atom, this separation within ourselves creates a tremendous amount of energy that becomes stored in our system in a form I call ALARM.

You can't heal from anxiety until you resolve this split and you can't resolve this ALARM and heal until you fully see, accept and embrace your own innocence.

Therefore until you stop judging yourself and instead fully embrace your innocent authentic (child) self, you will always struggle with chronic emotional pain.

Thank you for listening and you can find me on IG: @theanxietymd if you have any questions.

P.S If you're ready to take command of your anxiety and not be a victim of da

Jun 16
You grew up as a sensitive person who didn't get their needs met. And what human beings do when they don't get their needs met is they find ways, usually maladaptive ways of getting their needs back.
🟥Dr Russell Kennedy - THE ANXIETY MD

1,383 views  11 Jun 2023
Developmental psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld says that "All anxiety is separation anxiety", and I add that it's fundamentally a separation from within yourself.

Stress and trauma in childhood that is not resolved by a loving, attuned parent or caregiver slowly splits us from the inside into a REACTIVE and an AUTHENTIC self.

Like splitting the atom, this separation within ourselves creates a tremendous amount of energy that becomes stored in our system in a form I call ALARM.

You can't heal from anxiety until you resolve this split and you can't resolve this ALARM and heal until you fully see, accept and embrace your own innocence.

Therefore until you stop judging yourself and instead fully embrace your innocent authentic (child) self, you will always struggle with chronic emotional pain.

Thank you for listening and you can find me on IG: @theanxietymd if you have any questions.

P.S If you're ready to take command of your anxiety and not be a victim of da

Jun 16
If you're divided in yourself; judging, abandoning, blaming &shaming that child in you, you'll never heal. You will always be treading water. You will always be trying to find this magical other, person that gonna make your life great.
🟥Dr Russell Kennedy

1,383 views  11 Jun 2023
Developmental psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld says that "All anxiety is separation anxiety", and I add that it's fundamentally a separation from within yourself.

Stress and trauma in childhood that is not resolved by a loving, attuned parent or caregiver slowly splits us from the inside into a REACTIVE and an AUTHENTIC self.

Like splitting the atom, this separation within ourselves creates a tremendous amount of energy that becomes stored in our system in a form I call ALARM.

You can't heal from anxiety until you resolve this split and you can't resolve this ALARM and heal until you fully see, accept and embrace your own innocence.

Therefore until you stop judging yourself and instead fully embrace your innocent authentic (child) self, you will always struggle with chronic emotional pain.

Thank you for listening and you can find me on IG: @theanxietymd if you have any questions.

P.S If you're ready to take command of your anxiety and not be a victim of da

Jun 16
I never knew what "inner child" means. Inner child is Duckman. It is annoying, irritating, narcissistic, egocentric character. All the flaws inside us, all the errors and all the imperfections - that hang around since childhood - they are our inner child.

 Eric T. Duckman, a sarcastic, womanising duck, solves crimes with the help of his pig partner, Cornfed.
First episode date: March 5, 1994 (USA)
Program creator: Everett Peck
Writers: Jeff Reno, Michael Markowitz, Ron Osborn, MORE
Final episode date: September 6, 1997
Network: USA Network
Genre: Adult animation; Animated sitcom Image

Image  Image

Jun 16
June's sky.


Jun 16
Maypop of the day.


Jun 17
The major problem in all of our lives is to decide and clarify our responsibilities. To truly be committed to a life of honesty, love and discipline, we must be willing to commit ourselves to reality.
⬜️'Healing the Shame That Binds You' by John Bradshaw (1988)

In an emotionally revealing way John Bradshaw shows us how toxic shame is the core problem in our compulsions, co-dependencies, addictions and the drive to super-achieve. The result is a breakdown in the family system and our inability to go forward with our lives. We are bound by our shame. ... Google Books
Originally published: 1988
Author: John Bradshaw M. Scott Peck
American psychiatrist

 Jun 17
Toxic shame, the shame that binds you, is experienced as the all pervasive sense that I am flawed and defective as a human being. One experiences oneself as untrustworthy. If I'm an object that can't be trusted, then I'm not in me.
⬜️Healing the Shame That Binds You (1988)

In an emotionally revealing way John Bradshaw shows us how toxic shame is the core problem in our compulsions, co-dependencies, addictions and the drive to super-achieve. The result is a breakdown in the family system and our inability to go forward with our lives. We are bound by our shame. ... Google Books
Originally published: 1988
Author: John Bradshaw

 Jun 17
12 Dysfunctional Family Characteristics
- Rage is normalized

Jun 17
June's blooms

Image Image

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Jun 18
Embrace complexity, simplicity is the enemy
The need for the absolute, perfect and single truth - that's where we get into trouble.
🎞️The Mind, Explained: Season 2: "Brainwashing"

A deep dive into what it means to be brainwashed and how belief change happens inside the brain, from the Satanic panic of the 1980s to current conspiracy theories.
Show: The Mind, Explained
Air date: November 19, 2021

 Jun 18
There is comparison. Am I good enough? If you fall in that trap you'll never feel good about yourself. Because you will always see someone who is more talented. There will be this pressure to out-perform. You'll miss who you're created to be.
305,038 views  12 Jun 2023  #JoelOsteen
When anxiety comes, stay in peace knowing God is fighting your battles. Cast all your worries onto Him. 

🛎 Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel!

Follow #JoelOsteen on social 

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Jun 18
Our maps are build from objects and people we encountered.
We incorporate not only the rest of the world, but our own understanding what we are.
🟥Through the Wormhole - Season 2, Episode 1

What happens when we die? Do we cease to exist or do we survive in some form? Now, scientists are closer than ever to finding the answer.
Show: Morgan Freeman's Through The Wormhole
Air date: June 8, 2011

Jun 18
Advanced waves - that allows you to see the future. Information travels from to future to the present.
🟥Is There a Sixth Sense? - Through the Wormhole With Morgan

S2 E5: New research is discovering that thoughts can fly across space and that we all may be part of a global consciousness. Scientifically, a sixth sense is entirely possible.

Jun 18
Every time I find a perfect family, they always disappoint me.
- Of course they do because there is no such thing as perfect family. It's imperfections that make family interesting, that make them human.
🎞️Duckman: Season 4, Episode 19 (1997)

Duckman rescues a girl who fell and twisted her ankle, unaware that she is a wanted psychopath. Jason Alexander provides Duckman's voice. Guest voice: Kim Cattrall.
Show: Duckman
Air date: May 14, 1997

Jun 18
There are two ways that people change. Two ways that really change the character, even personality of a person: Trauma and Grieving. They're basically the opposite of each other. They're antonyms in a way. One undoes the other.
🟥Daniel Mackler

880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
"I was praised for being a shallow, obedient zombie, who never questioned anyone or anything until later on in life."

Jun 18
Trauma: protest do nothing to stop violation. The violation continue. Often this starts in family. Where parents do not accept certain sides of person's self or the child's whole self. Child learns it is disadvantageous to have full Self.
🟥Daniel Mackler
The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
"Finally a therapist that actually says that you don't need therapy to heal, the body knows how to heal."

Jun 18
Actually it makes it worse to have a full Self. When a person is being violated to have a Self, to have reactions, to have boundaries actually just makes the violations worse, the attacks worse. The person learns to shut down.
🟥Daniel Mackler

The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
Person splits off parts of himself, pushed them down, buries them into the unconscious where they could be sort of psychologically hypnotized in a permanent long-term ongoing way. Put memories out. Snip feelings off. Develops False Self.
🟥Daniel Mackler
The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
False self:a personality that fills in the gaps, fills in the vacuum of what was taken away, real truth stripped away. This child goes through life with false personality, persona. This profoundly changes personality, character, creativity
🟥Daniel Mackler
The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
It is considered advantageous in society. School likes it better when children are traumatized. Other people, other adults, society can like the child better when they develop this “persona”. “This is healthy, this is better person”.
🟥Daniel Mackler

The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 18
Everybody wants to be their full true Self. But what trauma does it blocks this, puts a wall with electricity. When person try to be their real Self they touch this electric wall and they go back down. Being real spreads like healthy virus
🟥Daniel Mackler
 The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 19
They hated me, despised me, wanted to break me down and change me for the worse. Well, I started to become more independent. It was a big part of my grieving process. I started to strive for complete independence. Meet my own needs.
🟥Daniel Mackler
 The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 19
They hated the ways I was changing. “We miss the old Daniel: so gentle, so kind. This new Daniel is not so compassionate, is kind of rough and nasty, rejecting”. Part wanting their approval was bent and broken through trauma, felt scared.
🟥Daniel Mackler

The Two Things That Deeply Psychologically Change a Person — Analysis by a Former Therapist
880,653 views  16 Oct 2020
I hope you found value in this video!  Wishing everyone the best!

My book “Breaking from Your Parents”:

My “Breaking from your parents” video on youtube:    

 • Breaking From You...  

Quite a few people have also asked for information on doing self-therapy and healing from childhood trauma, so I put together a playlist of my videos on the subject:    

 • Self-Therapy and ...  

My Website:
My Patreon:
If you wish to donate:

Jun 19
"Narcissistic, abusive parents probably cause more suffering in this world than we have ever really imagined."

Jun 19
Repetition Compulsion:
Why Do We Repeat The Past?

Jun 19
"I've learned to trust my anger to tell me how much a boundary has been crossed.  I don't dismiss my anger.  Anger is like a fire alarm that requires action to achieve safety."

Jun 19
It's reflection of the person's insecurities,how they feel about themselves inside. Anyone that is happy and healthy with themselves they don't want to hurt anyone. They don't say things that are button pushers. No need to get high
🟥Stephanie Lyn Coaching

 Respond DON'T React with a Narcissist! Learn how to disarm a TOXIC Person
1,333,408 views  5 Feb 2018  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Save up to 10% OFF when you sign up!   https://www.stephanielynlifecoaching....

#mentalhealth #stephanielyncoaching #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #selflove 

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9 Weeks to Emotional Healing (online program) - BEST SELLER! https://www.stephanielynlifecoaching....

The Bootcamp (online program) - Rebuilding and Goal Setting Course! https://www.stephanielynlifecoaching....

Bundle your Courses – (BEST DEAL!) https://www.stephanielynlifecoaching....

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Book an Individual Session! https://www.stephanielynlifecoaching....

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🎧 iTunes Podcast http

Jun 19
RizzGPT uses AI to provide you charisma on demand, and so it listens to your current ongoing conversation, and it tells you exactly what to say next, whether you're on a date or you're doing a job interview.
🟥ChatGPT glasses use AI to do the small talking

Jun 19
Power and control wheel

 Jun 19
Repetition can write any idea in my mind with eternally indelible ink. No other programming tool has so much power to imprint positive thoughts into my mind.

Jun 19
We repeat what we don't repair.

Jun 19
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.
🟦Pema Chödrön

Jun 19
the obsessive repetition of an act until it is perfect or mastered

Jun 19
If you are nice, kind and drama-averse, stay away from cluster B dark personalities: they need, seek, and impose drama, even at the personal cost of being abused. They are unforgiving when their cravings for drama go unmet.
🟨Sam Vaknin

Jun 19

Jun 19
Your wonderful show-tunes has caused civilized part of our consciousness to assert control over our temporary altered genetic structures.
🎞️Duckman: Season 4, Episode 22

Duckman, Cornfed, Bernice and Beverly embark on a camping trip that turns disastrous. Jason Alexander provides Duckman's voice. Guest voices: Tom Wilson, Jim Bailey, Maureen McGovern.
Show: Duckman
Air date: June 12, 1997

Jun 19
Impact of Childhood Trauma

Jun 19
The Impact of Trauma

Jun 20
Executive Functioning
- Flexible Thinking
- Working Memory
- Self Monitoring
- Planning and Prioritizing
- Task Initiation
- Organization
- Impulse Control
- Emotional Control

Jun 20
Executive Dysfunction
- Focusing too much on just one thing
- Being easily distractible
- Daydreaming or "spacing out" when you shouldn't be
- Struggling to switch between tasks
- Problems with impulse control
- Trouble starting difficult or boring tasks


Jun 21
Isole Tremiti (Isole Diomedee) at Adriatic sea, a part of the Gargano national park.

Image Image

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Jun 21
Storm brewing in the background on live tv.

Jun 22
- Educate yourself
- See the patterns
- Stop fantasising about change
- Set boundaries
- Don't take the bate
- They are going to have to adapt

Jun 22
They don't adapt.  Just get more sneaky . Then discard you . Sick individuals.

Jun 22
Stockton Rush, the CEO and founder of OceanGate Expeditions told CBS News; "At some point, safety just is pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed. Don't get in your car. Don't do anything."

Jun 22
Animals in the deep sea

Jun 23
You are remembered for the rules you break.
🟦Douglas MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur was an American military leader who served as General of the Army for the United States, as well as a field marshal to the Philippine Army. Wikipedia
Born: January 26, 1880, MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
Died: April 5, 1964, Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Jun 23

Every now and then when he stops ranting and raving and has moment to himself he realizes that he is a failed life. That little window into his own despair and own angst and own sense of worthlessness redeemed him through all ranting and raving and depravity that follow

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man[a] is an American adult animated sitcom created by Everett Peck for the USA Network. It follows Eric Tiberius Duckman, a private detective duck, his sidekick Cornfeld, and Duckman's family life as a single father. The series ran from March 5, 1994, to September 6, 1997, for 70 episodes. The series is based on characters created by Peck in a comic book published by Dark Horse Comics in 1990. It was produced in association with Paramount Network Television and animated by Klasky Csupo, who concurrently were also working on Nickelodeon productions such as Aaahh!!! Real Monsters and Rugrats.

Throughout its four-season run, Duckman was met with critical acclaim.[1][2][3] IGN ranked Duckman as 48th in its 2009 list of "Top 100 Best Animated TV Shows".[4] The episodes "T.V. or Not to Be", "Noir Gang", and "Duckman and Cornfed in 'Haunted Society Plumbers'" were nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program in 1994, 1996, and 1997, resp Image

 Jun 23

Drain the Titanic (2015)
🟥National Geographic

3,229,531 views  28 Jan 2023  #DrainTheOceans #NationalGeographic #FullEpisode
The most famous shipwreck in the world, the Titanic, lies more than 12,000 feet down in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Now, over a century on from this tragic loss, we are able to reveal the overall wreck site by virtually draining the Titanic.

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Jun 23

If the ship fully separated on the surface, there'd be much scatter area.
The lower in the water the separation: the less distance to spread out as it falls. The more compact the pattern on the ocean floor.
Drain the Titanic (2015)
🟥National Geographic

Investigating the Titanic (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans


Jun 24

Idea that there are things we cannot see, scientifically we can know there are things we can't see that affect our seeing world. There is a whole other world behind the veil that is made available to us.
56 views  24 Jun 2023
Pastor Bobby shares that greatness happens when you get something greater in you with his message, “Born for a Miraculous Life.”

This week’s interview Chrysandra Brunson, the founder of “The Calling,” Worship led by  Lindsay Solo and the Hour of Power Worship team. They are joined by the Hour of Power Choir, directed by Dr. Irene Messoloras, and accompanied by the Hour of Power Orchestra, directed by Dr. Marc Riley.

FREE EBOOK: Godly Meditations: 5 Practical Steps to Building a Vibrant Rhythm of Life click here

Subscribe on Youtube to receive weekly messages of hope from Bobby!

If you would like to support Hour of Power you can give through our website by clicking here

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About Hour of Power:
Each week Pastor Bobby Schuller inspires viewers around the world to live a life filled with hope through

Jun 24

 The Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia is the deepest hole in the world. It's deeper than the Mariana Trench and deeper than Mt. Everest is tall.
Earth's outermost layer — the ground we stand on — called the continental crust, is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) thick.

Jun 24

Depth James Cameron reached: 10898 m
⬜️How Deep Is the Ocean?

Jun 24
The Cancún Underwater Museum, Mexico
Founded: 2010
Collection size: 500 sculptures

Image Image

Image  Image

Jun 24
Movie poster for The Big Blue (1988)
Original title: Le grand bleu
"Between what you know and what you wish, lies the secret of The Big Blue"


Jun 24
This is not your grandfather's submarine. It's got one button. And that's it. We run the sub with this game controller. It's made by Logitech, but it's basically a Sony PlayStation style controller. If you want to go forward, you press forward.
🎞️BBC Take Me to Titanic (2022)

A group of fee-paying adventurers travel to the bottom of the ocean in an innovative submersible hoping to explore the world's most famous wreck, the Titanic.
Show: The Travel Show
Air date: December 30, 2022

Jun 24
If you have any question about acoustic monitoring about carbon fiber problems we had, rumors or problems we had. Actual problems we had. We want everyone going into this fully informed. This is a dangerous environment. It's 6,000 PSI.
🎞️BBC Take Me to Titanic (2022)

A group of fee-paying adventurers travel to the bottom of the ocean in an innovative submersible, hoping to explore the world's most famous wreck, the Titanic. The expedition also hopes to gain new insights into deep sea biodiversity around the wreck site.

Jun 24
The 3,800 metre freefall will take over 2 hours.
🎞️BBC Take Me to Titanic (2022)

A group of fee-paying adventurers travel to the bottom of the ocean in an innovative submersible, hoping to explore the world's most famous wreck, the Titanic. The expedition also hopes to gain new insights into deep sea biodiversity around the wreck site.



Jun 24
It looked like Titan was heavy and possible dropped a thruster because he started spinning really weird when he came off and he bounced a bunch of times when he was trying to leave the platform.
🎞️BBC Take Me to Titanic (2022)

A group of fee-paying adventurers travel to the bottom of the ocean in an innovative submersible, hoping to explore the world's most famous wreck, the Titanic. The expedition also hopes to gain new insights into deep sea biodiversity around the wreck site.

Jun 25
Don't get stuck in the rut and go that way year after year. Recognize what is happening and make the right adjustment.

30,004 views  22 Jun 2023  LAKEWOOD CHURCH
No negative cycle can keep you from the good things God wants to do in your life. When you activate the spiritual genes passed down from your Heavenly Father, you'll have everything you need to fulfill your destiny. 

🛎Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! 

Follow #JoelOsteen on social:

Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit

Jun 25
The Titanic was divided into 16 watertight compartments separated by watertight bulkheads. That's these white lines here. She was designed to float with any 3 of first 5 compartments flooded. Considered virtually unsinkable.
🎞️Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)

James Cameron and Bill Paxton, director and actor of the 1997 film Titanic, travel to the final undersea resting place of the ill-fated ship of dreams.

James Cameron
Bill PaxtonLori JohnstonLewis Abernathy

Jun 25
And as the ship sank, just at the point where it was about ready to stabilize, it reached the top of this watertight subdivision, and started flowing up the stairways, across the deck and down into the next compartment.
🎞️Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)

James Cameron and Bill Paxton, director and actor of the 1997 film Titanic, travel to the final undersea resting place of the ill-fated ship of dreams.

James Cameron
Bill PaxtonLori JohnstonLewis Abernathy

Jun 25
IMDb Trivia
(September 11, 2001) James Cameron and Bill Paxton were filming a sequence of the Titanic wreckage in Cameron's Deepsea Challenger submersible when the 9/11 attacks occurred.

James Cameron and Bill Paxton, director and actor of the 1997 film Titanic, travel to the final undersea resting place of the ill-fated ship of dreams.

James Cameron
Bill PaxtonLori JohnstonLewis Abernathy

Jun 25
Everything that goes outside of the accommodation module must be fire rated: not to create sparks. Electronics smoke: the stakes are so high especially when they're used out of specification as here: riding a sealed vessel.
🟥Oceangate Titan: analysis
1,124,733 views  23 Jun 2023
A preview of a world where 'regulation does not stifle innovation'. I wanted to clear up some points that have been widely misreported whilst discussing how mechanical failures of subsea vessels have been avoided for decades until now. This video could have been hours long if I spoke about everything in length, so consider it a brief summary.

I speak in present tense during the video, but it was made public that the crew are deceased as the video was rendering. Despite the remarkable predictability of this failure, the families of the victims have my sympathy.

Sources used:

2022 documentary showing previous dive

Dave Lochridge court case against Oceangate

Oceangate's youtube channel (I doubt this will exist for much longer):
   / @oceangateinc  

James Cameron's choice words about the incident:

 • "Titanic" filmmak...  

Alvin DSV abridged operating procedures. The

Jun 25
This is where they take esoteric stance, this is almost like narcissism right here: "By definition innovation is outside of an already accepted system". They almost saying 'we're better than accepted standards'.
🟥Causes of Titan Submarine Implosion

373,632 views  Premiered 14 hours ago
Jeff Ostroff walks you through the details, specs, and red flags of the Titan sub-disaster, offering a few possible root causes for the implosion and catastrophic loss that claimed 5 lives. The OceanGate Titan Submarine submersible vessel imploded on Sunday, June 18, 2023, at about 9:45 AM, and the debris was found 1600 feet from the bow of the Titanic shipwreck on the Atlantic Ocean Floor. This Titanic sub documentary will focus on a handful of theories for the cause of this Titan submarine implosion, piloted by OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, among the 5 total victims.

View some of my other engineering disaster videos:
Davenport Building Collapse Cause [SOLVED] Pics Before/After:   

 • Davenport Buildin...  
Davenport Collapse Security Cam Analysis Pinpoints Origin:   

 • Davenport Collaps...  
Miami Condo Collapse: How A Pool Deck Brings Down Buildings:   

 • Miami Condo Colla...  
Here's The Cause Of Miami Condo Collapse Champlain Condo Towers

Jun 25
When are people going to learn and when are they going to listen to the common sense, to the red flags that come up, the warning flags? This has so many parallels not only just to Titanic itself going down.
🟥Causes of Titan Submarine Implosion
373,632 views  Premiered 14 hours ago
Jeff Ostroff walks you through the details, specs, and red flags of the Titan sub-disaster, offering a few possible root causes for the implosion and catastrophic loss that claimed 5 lives. The OceanGate Titan Submarine submersible vessel imploded on Sunday, June 18, 2023, at about 9:45 AM, and the debris was found 1600 feet from the bow of the Titanic shipwreck on the Atlantic Ocean Floor. This Titanic sub documentary will focus on a handful of theories for the cause of this Titan submarine implosion, piloted by OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, among the 5 total victims.

View some of my other engineering disaster videos:
Davenport Building Collapse Cause [SOLVED] Pics Before/After:   

 • Davenport Buildin...  
Davenport Collapse Security Cam Analysis Pinpoints Origin:   

 • Davenport Collaps...  
Miami Condo Collapse: How A Pool Deck Brings Down Buildings:   

 • Miami Condo Colla...  
Here's The Cause Of Miami Condo Collapse Champlain Condo Towers

Jun 25
"Stockton, what are you using to control the submarine?"
🟥Titanic Sub Tourism Expedition - Exclusive Footage (My Personal Experience)
3,505,957 views  23 Jun 2023  #submersible #titanicsub #missingsubmarine
In this video I share my personal experience with OceanGate Expeditions during Mission III, 2023
My condolences goes out to the people who passed away and their family members.

Kyndall Johnson


YouYube: @Kyndall__Johnson 

Kristyna Newfoundland Floral Design

Subscribe to the Jake's YouTube channel:​ @DALLMYD  





Snapchat: @DALLMYD

For video licensing inquiries, contact:

#breakingnews #titanic #submarine #submersible #missingsubmarine  #titanicsub #titanicsub #news

Disclaimer: Horizon, the big ship has no affiliation with OceanGate Expeditions to my knowledge.

Jun 25
If you're chasing big dreams and pushing your limits, obviously dangerous things can happen and can be fatal. Life is very precious and it can go away very quickly.
🟥Titanic Sub Tourism Expedition
3,505,957 views  23 Jun 2023  #submersible #titanicsub #missingsubmarine
In this video I share my personal experience with OceanGate Expeditions during Mission III, 2023
My condolences goes out to the people who passed away and their family members.

Kyndall Johnson


YouYube: @Kyndall__Johnson 

Kristyna Newfoundland Floral Design

Subscribe to the Jake's YouTube channel:​ @DALLMYD  





Snapchat: @DALLMYD

For video licensing inquiries, contact:

#breakingnews #titanic #submarine #submersible #missingsubmarine  #titanicsub #titanicsub #news

Disclaimer: Horizon, the big ship has no affiliation with OceanGate Expeditions to my knowledge.

Jun 25
"Anything when you're trying something outside the box, people inside the box think you're nuts. Same thing when Elon Mush was doing SpaceX, inside the box everything's scary."
🟥Inside the OceanGate Titan tragedy (CBS)
309,811 views  25 Jun 2023  #Titanic #Titan #submersible
This week a submersible carrying passengers to the site of the wreck of the Titanic disappeared in the North Atlantic; all five aboard perished in a catastrophic implosion. Correspondent David Pogue, who rode in the same underwater vehicle last year, reports on this latest disaster, and looks back on his interviews with OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush and deep-sea explorer P.H. Nargeolet, who were among those killed.
#Titanic @OceanGateInc #Titan #submersible

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Jun 25
"Stockton Rush is the kind of person all Americans adore: enterprising, enthusiastic, optimistic, good speaker, self-confident and innovative. The problem is that all these virtues coexisted with a serious defect: an unhealthy confidence in his own ignorance..."
Inside the OceanGate Titan tragedy

Jun 26
Late June's sky


 Jun 26
Every emotion is important. Every emotions has a purpose. Every emotions is natural and vital part of our human experience. If we didn't feel anxiety, we'd be one emotion short of the full set. That really would be a disorder.

Social Anxiety Ted Talk #youtubeshorts #shorts #short


Jun 26
Social anxiety is like having Rush Stockton - someone  who disregard safety and puts us in high pressure environment without  protective shield. Pressure cracking - that is social anxiety.
Not made with titanium 100% - but experimental carbon material.


Jun 27
being "strong" or exposing, that is Rush Stockton carbon material.
Titanium material would be that we accept ourselves as we are - quiet, weird,  dumb, strange, or whatever -  - that is our Titanium that will make us strong in the  abyss.

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung's work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology, and religious studies. Wikipedia
Born: July 26, 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland
Died: June 6, 1961, Küsnacht, Switzerland

Jun 27
Adriatic Sea/Max depth: 1,233 m
Ionian Sea: 5,267 m
Tyrrhenian Sea: 3,785 m
Mediterranean Sea: 5,267 m



Jun 27
"The ocean is not a forgiving entity. When mistakes are made, you don't get a second chance."

 Jun 27
What's the use? No one is listening.
- People don't listen when they're eating. We play just the same. It sooths the nerves.
🎞️A Night to Remember (1958)

On her maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean.

Roy Ward Baker
Walter LordEric Ambler
Kenneth MoreRonald AllenRobert Ayres

Jun 27
You've done your duty. You can do no more. Abandon your cabin, it's everyone for himself. Look after yourselves now. I release you both.
🎞️A Night to Remember (1958)

On her maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean.

Roy Ward Baker
Walter LordEric Ambler
Kenneth MoreRonald AllenRobert Ayres

Jun 27
I know what the sea can do. But this is different.
- Because we hit an iceberg?
- No. Because we were so sure. Because even though it's happened it's still unbelievable. I don't think I'll ever feel sure again. About anything.
🎞️A Night to Remember (1958)

On her maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean.

Roy Ward Baker
Walter LordEric Ambler
Kenneth MoreRonald AllenRobert Ayres

Jun 27
When we are talking about covert narcissists and sociopaths hiding something, part of lie – deception – manipulation is impossible to hide: changes in emotions, DUI, they cannot hide specific symptoms or indicators because it is impossible
🟥Ross Rosenberg

402 views  27 Jun 2023
In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, introduces his "Iceberg Hypothesis," which uses an iceberg as a metaphor for a pathological narcissist. Like narcissists, an iceberg only shows a small portion of itself on the surface, while hiding most of itself beneath the water.

Narcissists, especially covert narcissists or someone with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), often portray themselves as kind, respectful, giving, and loving on the "surface," but in reality, they are hiding the dark, controlling, selfish and angry side of themselves "beneath the water."

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developi

Jun 27
As long as people cannot see the true nature of addiction, substance abuse, then people will accept covert narcissists &sociopaths more, will not hold them accountable as much, and will not pull away or place limitations/boundaries on them
🟥Ross Rosenberg

402 views  27 Jun 2023
In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, introduces his "Iceberg Hypothesis," which uses an iceberg as a metaphor for a pathological narcissist. Like narcissists, an iceberg only shows a small portion of itself on the surface, while hiding most of itself beneath the water.

Narcissists, especially covert narcissists or someone with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), often portray themselves as kind, respectful, giving, and loving on the "surface," but in reality, they are hiding the dark, controlling, selfish and angry side of themselves "beneath the water."

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developi

Jun 28
The iceberg represents what covert narcissists and sociopaths want you to know in order to hide what they feed you, the information compelled to give you in order not to be detected/identified/to seem normal. They present enough normal info.
Ross Rosenberg

402 views  27 Jun 2023
In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, introduces his "Iceberg Hypothesis," which uses an iceberg as a metaphor for a pathological narcissist. Like narcissists, an iceberg only shows a small portion of itself on the surface, while hiding most of itself beneath the water.

Narcissists, especially covert narcissists or someone with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), often portray themselves as kind, respectful, giving, and loving on the "surface," but in reality, they are hiding the dark, controlling, selfish and angry side of themselves "beneath the water."

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developi

Jun 28
Covert narcissists and sociopaths use “Humanization process”: they make themselves believably hurt, & sad, they talk about their childhood abuse while hiding what is really below there. They create their public image to look like altruist.
🟥Ross Rosenberg
402 views  27 Jun 2023
In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, introduces his "Iceberg Hypothesis," which uses an iceberg as a metaphor for a pathological narcissist. Like narcissists, an iceberg only shows a small portion of itself on the surface, while hiding most of itself beneath the water.

Narcissists, especially covert narcissists or someone with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), often portray themselves as kind, respectful, giving, and loving on the "surface," but in reality, they are hiding the dark, controlling, selfish and angry side of themselves "beneath the water."

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developi

Jun 28
Don't take the mask off covert narcissist. Just run. Don't expose them, just find the way to exit because if you say "I know you're bad and let everyone know" – they're going to do anything they can to shut you down.
🟥Ross Rosenberg

402 views  27 Jun 2023
In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, introduces his "Iceberg Hypothesis," which uses an iceberg as a metaphor for a pathological narcissist. Like narcissists, an iceberg only shows a small portion of itself on the surface, while hiding most of itself beneath the water.

Narcissists, especially covert narcissists or someone with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), often portray themselves as kind, respectful, giving, and loving on the "surface," but in reality, they are hiding the dark, controlling, selfish and angry side of themselves "beneath the water."

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developi

Jun 28
"There is a huge difference between taking risks and being reckless"

Jun 28
Passengers focus so intensely on what they wanted they forgot or didn't care what they could lose. It's fine to take risks, to have fun, but those risks must be managed.
🟥Dr. Todd Grande
Titan Disaster Analysis

1,071,349 views  22 Jun 2023
This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of 2023 OceanGate Titan submersible disaster?
Support Dr. Grande on Patreon:

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 / @bellagrandemedia  

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Dr. Grande's book Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers:

Check out Dr. Grande’s merchandise at:


Jun 28
These men were probably high sensation seekers without much of a panic response. They had learned to control their emotions to some degree. I imagine they put good face for the 19 year old who was looking for older men for reassurance.
🟥Dr. Todd Grande

1,071,984 views  22 Jun 2023
This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of 2023 OceanGate Titan submersible disaster?
Support Dr. Grande on Patreon:

Subscribe to the Bella Grande Media Podcast:   

 / @bellagrandemedia  

Dr. Grande’s book Harm Reduction:

Dr. Grande's book Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers:

Check out Dr. Grande’s merchandise at:


Jun 28
Don't give up your life to keep somebody else happy that won't keep a relationship with you if you don't let them control you.
🟥Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer Ministries is called to share the Gospel and extend the love of Christ, and is built on a foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated supporters who share this call.
Through Joyce’s teachings, God has provided opportunities to meet the needs of the suffering and bring the Gospel in a practical way. Her passion to help hurting people every day is foundational to the vision of Hand of Hope, the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. These outreaches around the globe include feeding programs, medical care, homes for orphans, and programs combatting human trafficking.
Dave and Joyce Meyer, who’ve been in ministry for more than 40 years, founded Joyce Meyer Ministries in 1987 as a Christian, non-profit organization that is financially supported by the contributions of its friends and partners.
For more information on Joyce Meyer Ministries visit:

Jun 28
Belief in ourselves is important.
Bird on the tree is calm and confident not because it puts trust in tree and branch but it puts its trust in its own wings.


 Jun 28
If you're one to be easy hurt, you have some toxic shame going on inside.
Toxic shame: defective and flawed as person which is big fat lie that you've been feeding yourself you come to believe it.

When you feel criticized by your spouse or you feel you're not getting your emotional needs met, and as result you get angry, underneath that anger is fear you're not good enough which is called shame: defective and flawed as person which is big fat lie that you've been feeding yourself you come to believe it.

Jun 28
Hypersensitivity vs. High Sensitivity

Jun 28
Because Titanic's bow sunk completely full of water it didn't have any pressure acting on it. There was water inside and outside. Titanic's stern had bunch of air pockets, at deep depth Titanic stern went through an implosion.
🟥Historic Travels

2,096,938 views  Premiered on 5 Jan 2021
In this video we take a look at the science behind the Titanic sinking and we discuss if it would of been possible for some people to have still been alive inside of the ship briefly after the Titanic sank.

If you would like to support the Historic Travels Patreon, link is below.

Check out my video talking about the fight the engineers in the boiler room fought in order to keep the Titanic from sinking for as long as possible.

Check out my other videos

1. Titanic History/ What if Titanic had not broken in two?                                               


2. Sinking of the Lusitania                                                                                               

 • Sinking of the Lu...  

3. Titanic History/The story of a woman who survived the Sinking of Titanic and Britannic

Jun 28
There could have been some people alive inside of the Titanic stern however not long. Around 30 seconds after the stern disappeared the survivors felt and heard a very loud explosion; implosion as we know now. That was stern breaking up.
🟥Historic Travels

2,096,938 views  Premiered on 5 Jan 2021
In this video we take a look at the science behind the Titanic sinking and we discuss if it would of been possible for some people to have still been alive inside of the ship briefly after the Titanic sank.

If you would like to support the Historic Travels Patreon, link is below.

Check out my video talking about the fight the engineers in the boiler room fought in order to keep the Titanic from sinking for as long as possible.

Check out my other videos

1. Titanic History/ What if Titanic had not broken in two?                                               


2. Sinking of the Lusitania                                                                                               

 • Sinking of the Lu...  

3. Titanic History/The story of a woman who survived the Sinking of Titanic and Britannic

Jun 28
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
🟦Arthur C. Clarke

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke CBE FRAS was an English science fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host. He co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, widely regarded as one of the most influential films of all time. Wikipedia
Born: December 16, 1917, Minehead, United Kingdom
Died: March 19, 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Influenced by: H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Dunsany Lord, Olaf Stapledon
Nationality: British, Sri Lankan

Jun 28
When we go through severe trauma and severe shame, we will create a reaction formation to protect ourselves. Empath is repressing a disturbing feeling that would trigger that original shame. Out of conscious awareness, maladaptive coping skill

Jun 28
What is the line between empathy &justification? There is a blurred space where empathy hits the justification. Justification is the rationalizing of their bad behavior and making it your problem. Enduring their bad treatment,not being heard
33,200 views  21 Jun 2023

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 Jun 28
Is that desire stronger than you expected it to be? I believe you are being manipulated. Someone or something is compromising your logic. Otherwise you would be willing to listen to my concerns.
🎞️"Star Trek: Voyager" S5E14 Bliss (1999)

After five years, the Voyager crew finally finds a wormhole that will bring it back to the Alpha Quadrant; Seven suspects there is something wrong with how quickly and easily the crew accepts the appearance of the phenomenon.
Show: Star Trek: Voyager
Director: Cliff Bole
Episode number: 14
Air date: February 10, 1999
Season number: 5
Story by: Bill Prady

Jun 29
We had a shipment of barrel lime aboard which we spread around to soak up the carbon dioxide we were breathing out. And until we could later construct a more permanent air scrubbing system.
🎞️Goliath Awaits (1981)

A team of scientists discover a secret underwater community within the wreck of an ocean liner that sank during World War II.

Mark HarmonChristopher LeeEddie Albert


Jun 30

That is the diver who goes below 300 feet (90 m). He dives with a helium-oxygen mixture. Compressed air is too dangerous.
🎞️The Big Blue (1988)

The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown.

Luc Besson
Luc BessonRobert GarlandMarilyn Goldin
Jean-Marc BarrJean RenoRosanna Arquette

Jun 30

Why are you always talkin'? You think, people are interested in what you're talkin' about. I'm not iterested and other people aren't either! So just stop talkin'! Other people have things to say! You understand me? Stop talkin'! It's bullshit!
🎞️The Big Blue (1988)

The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown.

Luc Besson
Luc BessonRobert GarlandMarilyn Goldin
Jean-Marc BarrJean RenoRosanna Arquette

Jun 30

The hardest thing is when you hit the bottom.
- Why?
- Because you have to find a good reason to come back up. And I have a hard time finding one.
🎞️Big Blue (1988)

The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown.

Luc Besson
Luc BessonRobert GarlandMarilyn Goldin
Jean-Marc BarrJean RenoRosanna Arquette

Jun 30

🎞️The Big Blue/ Le grand bleu (1988)

The rivalry between Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends and now world-renowned free divers, becomes a beautiful and perilous journey into oneself and the unknown.

Luc Besson
Luc BessonRobert GarlandMarilyn Goldin
Jean-Marc BarrJean RenoRosanna Arquette Image

 Image Image
