srijeda, 3. kolovoza 2022.

August 2022 Twitter

 Aug 1
Why are you holding him back? You are protecting him.
What happens if you stop protecting him?
- He is f*cking weak.
YT TOP SOCIAL ANXIETY HACKS: Become Socially Unstoppable

Aug 1
We think some little tips are gonna work. BS. The world's not that easy. It's not that simple. You history, experience, background is not that simple. Won't get fixed by tricks. Own it.
YT TOP SOCIAL ANXIETY HACKS: Become Socially Unstoppable

Aug 1
They think something of you. What does that voice say to you?
Seeing I am not so strong. Weak. Not performing well.
-Authenticity is all. If it is intense, great. If it isn't, great. I'm going to honor how I feel. My wellbeing comes first.
YT JulienHimself

Aug 1
You think it will magically change, it isn't. That is inner resistance. Now you identify it, start putting boundaries in place. People try to wish life is different. People are not equipped to handle that to process it.
YT JulienHimself

Aug 1
Your mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work unless it's open.
Jordan Maxwell


Aug 1
Two prisoners in isolation develop an unusual way to communicate.
Un Chant D'Amour (1950)

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Aug 1
Schroeter had wanted to make a black and white film with amateur actors and location shots, but Fassbinder instead shot it with professional actors in a lurid, expressionist color, and on sets in the studio.
Querelle (1982)


Aug 1
You're my enemy! You've destroyed me. You have mysterious powers. Powers...they multiply infinitely. You're not a human being. You don't belong to this Earth.
Querelle (1982)

Aug 2
New DAB radio in Croatia,
Radio Nacional


Aug 2
The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the origin of life and the evolution of biological complexity required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances.


 Aug 2

"The events portrayed in this film are all true. The names are real names of real people and real organizations."
The Return of the Living Dead (1985)


Aug 2

The first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence.
Dune (1984)


Aug 2

I'll miss the sea. But a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside allowing him to grow. Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.
Dune (1984)


Aug 2

Your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts.
Dune (1984)


Aug 3

Please and appease response. Those who suffer falsely belief that key to any relationship is to forfeit all of your own rights, needs and preferences in favor of somebody else's. It is maladaptive survival mechanism.
YT What is a Fawn response

Aug 3

If you don't get your need met as child that becomes the template for how you see yourself in the world.
YT dr. kim sage, licensed psychologist

Aug 3
No one was directing me in that direction. In counseling I was told I didn't love my husband enough. I wasn't trying hard enough. I wanted too much. I wanted things that didn't exist. All these opinions induce more shame.
YT Lisa A. Romano

Aug 3
In toxic relationship you think I'm going to say and this time they will get it. I'll explain, help them to understand – it never works. Some people are hardwired not to hear you and they won't awaken in this lifetime.
Lisa A. Romano

Aug 4
We have learned we are liked and loved for what we do for other people.

 Aug 5
Aztec - Maya - Inca map


 Aug 5
That emotional wound only exist because for so long someone didn't give you what you needed, you also didn't learn to give yourself what you needed – so you're basically empty, looking outside for validation to tell you are enough
YT Stephanie Lyn Coaching

 Aug 5
There's not going to be rebuttal because they know that shame will make that person non-functional. Somebody who is always angry, expressing themselves – they are not being bullied. Flip side – on loving vibrations are not targeted either.
YT Rubin - Heal

Aug 5
You can't focus on all stimuli in the world right now, it is just too overwhelming so you have Selective Focus. Negativity weighs pounds and positivity weighs ounces. You can hear 100 great things about you, we focus on that one that sucks.
YT Clark Kegley

Aug 5
Boundaries are not to control their behaviour. Boundaries are to keep them from controlling yours.
Boundaries are not to teach them lesson. You set boundaries because you finally learned yours.
YT Caesar's Strategy

Aug 5
IMDb trivia:
Jill Schoelen and Brad Pitt met on this film and eventually became engaged, though they never got married.
Cutting Class (1989)


Aug 6
Baby lizard🦎


Aug 6
National Flower of Paraguay


Aug 6
While shooting the infamous "shunting" scenes, Brian Yuzna would put a sign on the sound stage door that read "Abandon all hope ye who enter here".
IMDb trivia
Society (1989)

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 Aug 6
Mons Huygens is the Moon's tallest mountain.
It is about 5,500 m high and is located in the Montes Apenninus.


Aug 7
What you dwell throughout the day? I'm not saying deny reality, be selective what you approach. Replace it with what God says. You will draw in what you constantly thinking of. Try erasing and replacing. Guard your mind.

 Aug 7
Don't bring yesterday's disappointment into today. Start the day afresh and anew. Don't ever start the day in neutral. Don't wait to see what kind of day it's going to be. Determine what kind of day it's going to be.


Aug 7
Are your thoughts limiting you or empowering you? There is a battle taking place in your thinking. I'm asking you to start closing the door to the negative. You control the access. Be selective, don't let anything in.

Aug 7
People can't just always quit. Most of us need to work and pay the bills. As result many people stay in long time at toxic jobs. Stress, strain, exhaustion, anxiety and hopelessness induced with working with toxic people can be dangerous.

 Aug 7
This 'push lever' behavior is not natural to rats, so operant conditioning with positive and negative reinforcement were performed in order to teach the behavior.
The Skinner Box


Aug 7
Double beauty


Aug 7
- What the hell have you got to be afraid of?
- I dunno.
- Keep talking like that and you will become an adult.
Troll (1986)


Aug 7
The hero of this film is a boy named Harry Potter Junior, who is surrounded by a fantasy world of witches, wizards and magic, 11 years before J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter.
The filmmakers felt like filing a lawsuit for J.K. believing that she copied off their film.
Troll (1986)imdb


Aug 7
There is more value in a little study of humility and in a single act of it, than in all the knowledge in the world.
Teresa of Avila


Aug 7
It is love alone that gives worth to all things.
Teresa of Avila


Aug 7
Right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights and standards that have been critically examined and agreed upon by the whole society.
Lawrence Kohlberg


Aug 7
Skinner's box and Little Albert experiment show that people can be conditioned and initiated into social anxiety.


Aug 8
The more we can notice in real time the impulse to pull away or to protest, the more agency we can proclaim over these old attachment patterns.
YT Kev Kokoska
Are you stuck in an anxious-avoidant trap? Try this.

 Aug 8
Most of us go through life with blinders on, madam, knowing only that one little station to which we were born. But you on the other hand, have had the rare privilege of escaping your bonds for just a spell to see life from an entirely new perspective.
Overboard (1987)


Aug 8
How you choose to use that information, is entirely up to you.
Overboard (1987)


Aug 9
I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you
Broke our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday, for all I care
And I'm not scared
'Cause I've found God
Nirvana - Lithium (1991)

Aug 10
You really need to have a plan for what happens if people reject you. You have to understand if you hold boundary, tell the truth, stand up for ys– people will reject you. Not everybody but it'll happen. People attached on walking over you
Operation Moksha

Aug 10
Titration is a word borrowed from medicine and it means give a little at a time. Keep it up at 30 minutes, don't text all day. Old fashion slow way, go very slowly.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy

Aug 10
Every situation is unique. Treat them all as such.
YT drew dowd.

Aug 10
Doing Grease gave me to try a lot more in my private life because I was Sandy1 - ponytail and twee, and last 2 weeks I was lady in black. I came out terribly self conscious. Reaction was I should be doing this long time ago.
YT 1978: Olivia Newton-John

Aug 10
The world makes much less sense than you think. The coherence comes mostly from the way your mind works.
Daniel Kahneman


Aug 10
Always be willing to confront people that are trying to control you or manipulate you. And the world is full of them. All the enemy has to find is someone to work through because he is controller and manipulator.
YT Confrontation Is Necessary | Joyce Meyer

 Aug 10
Haters are gonna hate and complainer are gonna complain – and if they are picking on you, at least they are living someone else alone.
YT Confrontation Is Necessary | Joyce Meyer

Aug 10
Two passifloras


 Aug 10
Find Apollo 11
"All About Space - Book of The Moon Ed3 2022"


Aug 10
Find Apollo 12
"All About Space - Book of The Moon Ed3 2022"


Aug 10
Apollo 14 and 15 are here:


Aug 10
Apollo 16 is "near" Apollo 11:


Aug 10
Apollo 17 is here:


Aug 10
All Apollo landings,
"All About Space - Book of The Moon Ed3 2022"


Aug 10
Many agonizing decisions arose and I had to make and I just wasn't mature enough and didn't have time enough to be able to make them without time and peace to think, I didn't have it and I had nervous breakdown.
Frances Farmer, 1958

 Aug 11
Sailing across the Atlantic ocean
YT Sailing Project Atticus

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Aug 11
Out of my Comfort Zone | Atlantic Crossing Part 3 | S07E08
YT Sailing Project Atticus

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 Aug 11
A part of me knows that in the not so distant future I'm going to long to come back to this place where beauty and euphoria meld with discomfort and an acute awareness of my own mortality.
YT Sailing Project Atticus

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 Aug 11
I feel the need to cycle back and forth between safety and danger, anxiety and security, comfort and discomfort. The whole thing is one giant contradiction.
YT Sailing Project Atticus

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 Aug 11
A lot of times when we meet a person we can sense right away that there is something wrong about them. You didn't trust the feelings. A lot of people have the right instincts because we're animals and we can feel that person is fake,hiding something

Aug 11
Don't take the mask off covert narcissist, just run. They were so good at pushing my buttons, I would lose my temper. I would feel cheated and they would say to me 'this is why no one likes you'.
YT Ross Rosenberg

Aug 11
My whole life I was trying to do the right thing, liars and cheaters would take everything. I realized I was trying to uncover all these narcissists. That action compelled them to destroy me. They survive by pretending to be nice and likable
Ross Rosenberg


Aug 11
Covert narcissists survive by pretending to be nice and likable. They manipulate that in job,personality type for people to like them. If you take that away from them, they will do anything to hurt you. I was using all efforts to expose them
Ross Rosenberg

Aug 11
I was giving covert narcissists ammunition to try to destroy me. Bernard Shaw said: “Don't wrestle with pigs, you'll get dirty - and besides pigs likes it.” I realized it was my fight that justified the narcissist harm. They push my buttons to get angry.

Aug 11
Only way to protect is to not be emotionally antagonized, not trying to get something from someone who will not give it to me. They have every reason in the world to do anything to protect their reputation. I realized how futile it was to exact justice.

 Aug 11
Would you fight professional boxer because he took your money? You would get your butt kicked. Fighting itself will destroy you. You have to come to terms with – you cannot beat them. Just run, get over what you lost, stolen, start life over again.
Ross R.

Aug 11
Any type of interaction with covert narcissists and psychopaths or to be induced in a conversation gives them the wherewithal and the ability to hurt you and to punish you. You're not fighting, you're getting your butt kicked. Emotionally detach.
Ross R.

Aug 12
These individuals will not comply with anything you request and need to pull you into constant conflict. And if you understand the only chance to survive, flourish and experience self-love is to remove yourself.
YT "Don't Unmask Covert Narcissists"

Aug 12
A narcissist cannot stop being a narcissist even if they actually want to. Because it's in their nature and the problem is so deeply embedded that it is hidden from their awareness. Narcissist does not recognize they have serious problem.
YT Ross Rosenberg


 Aug 12
It is on you if you continue to give and there is no appreciation. Whatever you do is not enough, that is on you, you are continuing to do it. You can't be taken advantage of things you are not doing anything to appreciate.
Julia Kristina Counselling

 Aug 12
General rule if someone disrespect your boundaries speak up pretty much 100% of time. Special exception would be narcissistic person, take gray rock approach, or stranger that might be dangerous.
YT What To Do If Someone Disrespects You

Aug 12
"If we're always looking for respect, it may be because we're disrespecting ourselves by not validating our feelings or self, or are critical of ourselves. "


Aug 12
The three angles of a triangle on a flat surface will add up to 180 degrees, no matter what kind of triangle you draw. If you draw a triangle on a curved surface the three angles will sum to more than 180 degrees.
Introducing Time: A Graphic Guide
Book by C. Callender and R Edney


Aug 12
And like our universe’s expansion, the Gödel universe’s rotation does not have a unique centre. Instead, from the perspective of any observer, all the matter in the universe is rotating.
Introducing Time
Book by Craig Callender and Ralph Edney


Aug 13
Are you thermometer or thermostat? Thermometer is changed based on its environment. But a thermostat changes the environment.

 Aug 13
Random guy in the background striking the pose during live sermon


Aug 13
Q: Determinist notion “Man is machine” "Man is computer", “Man is product of its instincts"?
Frankl: Man is something like a rat in experiments, psychological experiments.
YT Viktor Frankl: Self-Actualization is not the goal


 Aug 13
This existential void manifest itself as in apathy, in boredom, lack of initiative, lack of interest – interest in the world, or initiative in changing something withing the world for the better. This frustration is proof of existence of will of meaning.

Aug 13
Unless we were imbued by a will to meaning by the wish to find meaning and discuss, discover and fulfill meaning in life we would never be able to experience inner void. In a way, this (void) is something positive.
YT Viktor Frankl

Aug 13
The “average” man, (wo)man on the street, may find the meaning day by day in doing a deed, in creating a work and experiencing beauty, truth, good in dealing with people. Beauty at looking at sunset.
YT Viktor Frankl: Self-Actualization is not the goal

Aug 13
To attain this potential, actualize but not by preaching self actualization. Self-actualization can only fall into your lap automatically once that you have fulfilled a concrete meaning, done the best of a situation. Then you actualize as by-product

Aug 13
What counted was what you make out of this situation, what attitude you adopt in the given situation and there is multitude, a wealth of possible attitudes to how to approach it. So we have to decide.
YT Viktor Frankl: Self-Actualization is not the goal

Aug 13
Gödel showed there is a gap between truth and proof. We found a true statement within there which can't be proven true within that system. We've proved it true by working outside the system.
YT Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem - Numberphile


 Aug 13
Boltzmann's startling hypothesis was that the entire observed universe was merely a low entropy fluctuation in an immensely older universe. The future would define the direction. It’s most likely that the universe just popped into existence a moment ago.
"Introducing Time"


 Aug 14
Theatrical Trailer for National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)

 Aug 14
I'll bet my simply, healthy instincts against yours any day.
Inside Daisy Clover (1965)


 Aug 15
If we stifle down our emotions, including the scary ones, we will suppress our Jung shadow - and we will become neurotic - we will not be able to handle nor to understand difficult people - and we will end up super-sensitive.

Aug 15
Shutting down our scary emotions is not healthy. That is called:
"The ostrich effect is the tendency to avoid dangerous or negative information by simply closing oneself off from this information."


Aug 15
Going to parties and being super confident is social construct, supported by USA media marketing and Hollywood. In real life - the only healthy thing is to be authentic.
Herd mentality, groupthink and conformism is not healthy, it leads to fascism.

Aug 15
No sane man can be happy, for to him life is real and he sees what a fearful thing it is. Only the mad can be happy, and not many of those.

The Mysterious Stranger (1916), Mark Twain

 Aug 15
There is no traditional mold of real estate agent. Nowadays it is more focused on building these human connections and getting to know people even outside of real estate – build more trust and make job enjoyable.
YT Rev Real Estate School

Aug 15
You don't have to fit yourself into type of mold. You can be unapologetically yourself and you can still absolutely crush it. What hold us back is the fact that we think we need to act a certain way. You can be yourself.
YT Rev Real Estate School

Aug 15
Gratuitous beaver shot
Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)


Aug 15
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult - Official Trailer

Aug 15
I've got the escape plans here. Just you and me.
- Burnett wants in, too.
- Burnett is one of the guards!
- I know, but he's unhappy here.
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (1994)


Aug 16
James Earl Jones in "The UFO Incident" (1975).
Now showing on You tube, for free:


 Aug 17
For many people none of that works. So our only option is No contact. If it is very toxic, and they're not responding to respectful requests from you, relief you feel from not being involved in the chaos-can be truly lifechanging.
YT dr. kim sage

 Aug 17

Top Secret! (1984) - theatrical trailer

Aug 17, 2022

Scary depiction of alien abduction was fiction after all:
"The movie's alien abduction scenes bear no resemblance to Travis Walton's actual claims. Screenwriter Tracy Tormé reported that executives found Walton's account boring, and insisted on the changes"
Fire in the Sky (1993)


Aug 17, 2022

"The best way to climb out of a hole is not to dig it in the first place!"


Aug 17

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
Will Rogers


Aug 17, 2022

"Do your best with what you have where you are."


Aug 17, 2022

Life lessons from baby sea turtles:


Aug 19
Conditioned not to anyone see your fault. This can be super destructive when it comes to intimacy. Try not to have response to anything, try answering without backstory or apology. There's no long engagement with them.
YT Patrick Teahan LICSW

Aug 19
I'm a really sensitive person, I used to get butt hurt from the dumbest things.
YT Melissa Villaseñor - I Am Never Really Alone...
Just For Laughs

Aug 19, 2022
"Highly sensitive persons" exhibit characteristics of vulnerable narcissism. There is substantial overlap between highly sensitive people and vulnerable narcissists.
YT PsyPost

Aug 20, 2022
The sight gag of Peter Cushing and the magnifying glass is a parody of a similar shot of Cushing from Terence Fisher's The Curse of Frankenstein (1957).
IMDb trivia
Top Secret! (1984)

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Aug 21, 2022
Homological describes itself: the word polysyllabic is polysyllabic.
Heterological does not describe itself: word monosyllabic.


Aug 21, 2022
Give no reaction to comment, provoking behaviour. Respond with dull non reactive whatever. It is the best technique. Few times and they realize they are not getting negative reaction. Provide continual bland whatever.
YT How To Defend Against Narcissist?

Aug 21, 2022
Question narcissist motives and actions. Potentially exposing they are manipulating you. They have to put alternative explanation. For what purpose you asking this, reason why you do that, how come this. Narc hate that.
YT How To Defend Against Narcissist?

Aug 21, 2022
Let narcissist know I am checking the facts. Rather then going along with, hold on to that, I am going to check facts and get back. Makes them realize you don't believe what they say. Lose confidence providing false information
YT Defend Against Narcissist

Aug 21, 2022
Narcissistic person looks for one thing only – narcissistic supply. They get narc supply from provoking negative reactions from other people, providing false information, manipulation.
YT How To Defend Yourself Against The Narcissist?

Aug 21, 2022
Sven Väth - L'Esperanza (1993)

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Aug 22, 2022
We need a dream-world in order to discover the features of the real world we think we inhabit.
Paul Karl Feyerabend


Aug 22, 2022
Hume's fork:
1) ideas that are certain but do not tell us anything we want to know
2) ideas that tell us things we want to know but are not certain


Aug 22, 2022
Part of you that thinks you're only good enough when certain people like you, want to be around you, and have either friendship or relationship with you. I am good enough for requirements of these people.
YT JulienHimself

Aug 23, 2022
"Shall I refuse my dinner because I do not fully understand the process of digestion?"
Oliver Heaviside


Aug 23, 2022
Novi Fosili - Tonka (intro&outro)

Aug 24, 2022
Predictably the narcissist is going to bring easy agitation, entitled demands and criticism toward you, annoyance and much more. On the receiving end of that anger – hooked, find yourself participating in non-productive arguing.
YT Surviving Narcissism

Aug 24, 2022
Attitude of entitlement and lots of self absorption, convinced they can and should control you, low levels of empathy, high inclination toward manipulation, desire to be superior as cover for insecurities=formula for dysregulated anger
Surviving Narcissism

Aug 24, 2022
Every time triggered into panic attack, a migraine, feeling out of body, feeling desperate or emotionally over the top that is when cPTSD does damage in your life. Continuing to re-traumatizing yourself with triggered behaviours.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy

Aug 24, 2022
Narcissist knows between right and wrong but it is easier, it brings less shame to blame you for the issues. If you listen narcissist long enough, you will start to believe that you are toxic person
Accountability is narcissist's kryptonite
Mental Healness 

Aug 24, 2022
Complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has been included as a diagnostic category in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 11th Edition, consisting of six symptom clusters...

Aug 25, 2022
Silver Falls State Park, Oregon 🇺🇸

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Aug 26, 2022
When people view the behavior patterns of the victims of narcissistic abuse and codependence, they get frustrated, annoyed. "Why don't you just tell off?" "Why don't you just leave?" "Get another job". It's great when you're outside of it.

Aug 26, 2022
Their way of protecting is to attack other people out of insecurity. So people who appear very macho,very aggressive are actually riddled with all kinds of insecurities. And those kinds of insecurities are revealed through their body language
Robert Greene  

Aug 26, 2022
I'm taking Gary to a party.
- Over my dead body.
- He's a good kid. He studies hard. You've got no complaints. If anybody should be bitching, it should be Gary. You ever compliment him on his grades? You ever compliment him on anything?
Weird Science (1985)


Aug 26, 2022
I no longer wanted to see anybody. I wanted to escape altogether... Because I am different. I don't even vaguely resemble others, any of them. I like the wind, butterflies, flowers, leaves, insects, the rain, clouds.

Dario Argento's "Opera" (1987)


Aug 26, 2022
If you come from dysfunctional family, you don't have tools you need to gain perspective. It is not your fault. If it is difficult for you to disengage, when narcissist get angry, you must know this is not your fault.
Lisa Romano

Aug 26, 2022
We really have to look at the ways that they were avoiding something really hard and then made decisions that weren't good for you all while telling us a story. So at the heart of it they chose their own comfort versus doing the right thing.
Patrick Teahan 

Aug 27, 2022
Apparently, Egypt made it's own, censored version of Rocky Horror Picture Show, called "Fangs" (1981).
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Aug 28, 2022
August's end clouds.


Aug 27, 2022
After you, I will only be the shadow
Après toi, je ne serai que l'ombre

Even one day, if I make my life
Même un jour, si je fais ma vie

If I keep the promise
Si je tiens la promesse

That unites two beings forever
Qui unit deux êtres pour toujours


Aug 28, 2022
Caddyshack (1980) - Pool Ballet scene

Aug 28, 2022
The scene involving a Baby Ruth candy bar being thrown into the swimming pool was based on a real-life incident at Brian Doyle-Murray's high school.
IMDb trivia
Caddyshack (1980)

  Aug 29, 2022
If 'stepping outside comfort zone' really works, then  prisons would be hotbed for scientists, engineers, philosophers, empaths, leaders and Mother Theresas and Ghandis.

Aug 29, 2022
If you are desensitized - you will not become strong. You will not become confident. You will simply become lobotomized.
This means, toxic people will exploit you and take advantage of you, and you will not feel anger, nor any negative emotion.

Aug 29, 2022
Social anxiety is basically being victim of abuse, bullying and mobbing. Anything other than that is a mere narcissistic disorder: the desire to be admired by others and then feeling social anxiety symptoms when there is no narcissistic supply out to soak.

Aug 29, 2022
If 'stepping outside comfort zone' really works, then nations of third world countries would be prosperous, wealthy, they would be superior and strong and have solutions and plethora of highly functioning ideas and resolutions to any difficulties in life.

Aug 29, 2022
"not easy"
That's exactly the point of wearing a mask, so that what's hard becomes easy.

Instead you wear someone else's script and run it, without thinking too much about it. That's the whole point of mask.

If we have social anxiety issues, anything social will be uneasy.


Aug 30, 2022
Fear is combination of bodily sensation, coupled with images and with certain thoughts. Sensation itself is just sensation. When you couple it with image in flashback of PTSD or with thoughts This will never end, make it into fear.
YT Peter Levine


 Aug 30, 2022
Those sensations will shift as long as you can uncouple the thoughts or images from the bodily sensations. Of course, if there is something to be frighten about, we will respond to that. I invite child in you to be child.
YT Chronic Fear – Peter Levine

Aug 30, 2022
When we allow ourselves to be guided by those sensations or to be able to feel through the sensations. As you notice hear pounding and racing, does it seems to act in increase, stay the same, decrease or change into something else?
YT Fear, Peter Levine