utorak, 1. veljače 2022.

January 2022 Twitter

Jan 1
Don't dream it. Be it.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

Jan 1
I actually think being publicly embarrassed on a regular occasion is really good for you, if you can just get through it. It shows you that is doesn't really do that much to you. It frees you to just be who you are.


Jan 1
"Wissenswertes über Erlangen" is a 1982 song by the Berlin-based band Foyer des Arts, considered being part of the Neue Deutsche Welle.

Jan 2
You gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

Mama Cass (1969)


Jan 2
You're a non-player character. A background person. Someone designed to make the game more fun for real people.
Free Guy (2021)


Jan 2
-What if the guy with the gun doesn't come? What if your world doesn't have to be so scary?
-You guys have always done what's expected of you. But that shit ends today.
Free Guy (2021)


Jan 2
NPC derived from non-player character, is an Internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions.

It is also known as NPC Wojak.


Jan 3
There's no place that you can hide
No no, the rhythm is gonna get'cha
Gloria Estefan (1987)


Jan 3
Problem with childhood PTSD is traumatized part of brain kicks in and starts to use old childhood surviving mechanisms, right when what we really need is common sense. That mechanism will trap you.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy


Jan 3
There's road that may lead you
To good or to greed through
The power your wishing commands
Let the darkness unfold or find fortunes untold
Well, your destiny lies in your hands
Only one may enter here
One whose worth lies far within
A diamond in the rough


Jan 3
Simply charming cooking show from France, with Christmas lights and live audience cooking along.
"Tous en cuisine", M6


Jan 4
As a result of Lucifer's intervention in history we are animated, both in the sense that we can move about the surface of the planet and also in the sense that we are moved by desire.
The Secret History of the World, Jonathan Black


Jan 4
A philosophical zombie is a thought experiment in philosophy of mind that imagines a hypothetical being that is physically identical to a normal person but does not have capacity to experience feelings and sensations.


Jan 4
The symptoms are focus of official therapy for social anxiety, as if the correction of natural responses to fear will cure the anxiety. It won't. It will only turn the person into pushover, people pleaser, someone without creativity and ideas of his own.


Jan 4
They see us as timid, shy, weak, or unsociable. Fearing these labels, we try to be like others. But that leads to our becoming overaroused and distressed. Then that gets us labeled neurotic or crazy, first by others then by ourselves.
The Highly Sensitive Person, Elaine N. Aron


Jan 4
Learning to see our trait as a neutral thing-useful in some situations, not in others-but our culture definitely does not see it, or any trait, as neutral.
Be careful about accepting labels for yourself such as "inhibited", "introverted", "shy"
The Highly Sensitive Person,E. Aron


Jan 4
When the brain has retrieved enough information, it can make a decision about what response to make, in the form of either a behavioral or an emotional reaction.
DK How Psychology Works

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Jan 4
Disconnected facts in the mind are like unlinked pages on the Web: they might as well not exist.”
Steven Pinker, Canadian cognitive psychologist

Jan 4
There was never word for it. It was a 'thing'. We struggle with idea we do this because we are not good people. Common for people not treated in human manner.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy


Jan 5
Lawrence of Arabia - Overture by Maurice Jarre


Jan 5
Christmas lights outside.

Jan 5
Cat vs Christmas tree.

Jan 5
Your sensory fragments misinterpret what is normal and what is threat. Normal circumstances are seen as dangerous. Someone being upset, raises voice – you see it as dangerous. That is how your memory stored trauma.
YT  Missy The Life Helper

Jan 5
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.


Jan 6
Borac mora naučiti da djeluje vrhunskom brzinom u svako vrijeme, a ne da se opušta uz ideju da on može stvarno početi kada dođe vrijeme za to. Pravi borac i ratnik je onaj koji u svako vrijeme daje sve od sebe.
"Instinktivni Streetfighting" Gordan Krajačić

Jan 6
Stay firm with their boundary and endure the discomfort of seeing their child act in that way. Toddler learn screaming won't get their way, in fact cause them negative consequence. Child learn to accept disappointment, not get their way.
YT  Michele Nieves

Jan 6
By giving in, to this person that was constantly angry and giving in whenever this person was angry, I was enabling bad behaviour. Deep separation from who I was and my values, so that I avoid their anger.
YT When Narcissists REFUSE to Respect Boundaries

Jan 6
My boundary was if you're going to talk raising your voice or in an insulting way, I'm not going to engage in the conversation.
Watch them instead of absorbing them. That is rude comment, that is unkind, I was looking at their behaviour. It's them,not you

Jan 6
They push with accusation. False accusations. Narcissists love to throw false accusations just to get you engage. They get you spinning in conversations they get narcissistic supply. I refuse to engage in this kind of conversation.
YT Michele Lee Nieves

Jan 6
The other person got worse. What narcissist needs is for you to get angry because they see you acting out of control. In their prism of reality you are problem and they are fine. And they calm down. They're fueling off of that.
YT Michele Lee Nieves


Jan 6
In their prism of reality you are problem and they are fine. And they calm down. They're fueling off of that. Ignore it and refuse to engage. Despite their anger, trying to make you feel guilty – you show them how to respect your boundaries. We teach people how to be with us.


Jan 6
Jareth: Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave!
Sarah: My kingdom as great... my kingdom as great... You have no power over me!

Labyrinth (1986)

Jan 7
You need to uproot the philosophical roots of how you view reality. Because if you are telling yourself a story giving yourself away for others is always the best option – that is not choice, that is compulsion.
YT Richard Grannon Clips


Jan 7
In early 90s when they did their research, CBT did not based their findings and experiments on people with social anxiety. Their lab rats were people with mild shyness. People with real social anxiety would never agree to be studied in the first place:


Jan 7
An individual with grandiose delusions believes they have a great unrecognized talent or knowledge, for example, they may be a special messenger, guru, or God.
Delusional disorder
DK How Psychology Works


Jan 7
Persecutory: A person with these delusions feels that they are being persecuted or mistreated—for example, stalked, drugged, spied on, or the victim of slander.
Delusional disorder
DK How Psychology Works


Jan 7
The study implies not only that all people harbor ugly traits, but also that environment and circumstances can shape behavior and attitudes—effectively altering personality.
DK How Psychology Works


Jan 7
You have no power over me.
Labyrinth (1986)

Jan 7
Jacques Tati is genius. Face with tears of joy
Mon Oncle (1958)


Jan 7
HSPs tend to fill that advisor role. What bring is a tendency to think about all the possible effects of an idea. Often we have to make ourselves unpopular by stopping the majority from rushing ahead. Thus to perform our role well, we have to feel very good about ourselves.


Jan 8
We have to ignore all the messages from the warriors that we are not as good as they are. The warriors have their bold style, which has its value. But we, too, have our style and our own important contribution to make.
The Highly Sensitive Person, Elaine N. Aron


Jan 8
Be example to your family members who are very often hurting, but they are showing it as toughness.

Jan 8
You presented yourself as somebody who was cool about it.
YT Crappy Childhood Fairy


Jan 9
Nobody talks about people that aren't doing anything. Nobody tries to discredit someone that doesn't have any influence. The reason they are talking about you is because you are difference maker.


Jan 9
For some people no matter what you do it will never be enough. If you try to appease them, all that is doing is letting them control you. They just want you for what you can do for them. Carrying debt that you don't owe.

Jan 9
People will try to keep you in their box, what they want you to be. Everybody has the right to have their opinion and you have the right not to take it. No matter what you do, someone is not going to understand. Start running your own race.


Jan 9
It's all just the same thing, over and over. We can't help ourselves. And you and I can't control it or stop it or even slow it. Or even ever so slightly alter it. We just react.
Margin Call (2011)


Jan 9
We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.
The Breakfast Club (1985)

Jan 9
When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies.
The Breakfast Club (1985)


Jan 9
-I hate having to go along with everything my friends say.
-Then why do you do it?
The Breakfast Club (1985)

Jan 10
Building momentum (practice, verbal exercises to know what to say) – taking lot of actions to desensitize yourself, I don't do that. Key is you should already be in the state. There shouldn't be anything blocking you. If there is – let go of it.
YT Julien

Jan 10
If you just let go and say you could access that 'fun' you in an environment, talking with someone you feel very comfortable with. If you could just be that all the time, your results socially would shoot up. Then it is fun, too. It is not battle to overcome. It is just me


Jan 10
For noble and understandable reasons,we've come to associate maturity and kindness with a capacity not to give up on people. We need to learn to blame and get annoyed with someone other than ourselves. Do something very strange:Walk away


Jan 10
It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.
George Washington

Jan 10
Rejection is experienced as painful, and is an important risk factor for physical and mental illnesses.
fMRI findings suggest that physical pain and social rejection activate common brain regions.


Jan 11
Photos of iceberg suspected to sink Titanic.
YT Dark5
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ljZIu9Au0hY Image


Jan 11
Good person would spare your feelings. If they have different ideas or opinions, they would present those opinions in a way that doesn't hurt or attack you.
YT 7 Signs You’re Dealing With an Evil Person

Jan 12
If I ask you to walk through a dark room, pitch dark, if I ask you to walk, suddenly will you become super alert and conscious as to how you walk? But when the lights are on you're just going unconsciously, bumping into everybody.
YT Mystics of India

Jan 12
All the idiots who think they are right, nobody wants to listen to them, to be around them, feeling superior. Once AI becomes all over the place, information will mean nothing. By then, you must be competent to do something beyond information.


Jan 12
We develop bad traits as survival mechanisms, they are part of us. Recovering process is making peace with these, accepting these, these are just pieces of us that never get love. Banishing these is not answer. Recovery is about integration.
YT Kenny Weiss


Jan 12
Narcissism is massive childhood trauma, that created narcissist, they were not born that way. They dropped the person who they are and developed maladaptive false persona to survive trauma.
YT Kenny Weiss
Why You Keep Attracting Toxic Narcissists


Jan 12
As under-empowered, low self-esteem, abandonment, we are so hungry for true love and attention that most often we are willing to do anything to feel better. That's why we were attracted to the narcissist, grand feeling and that is what we are hungry for.


Jan 12
Higher testosterone was not related to more dominance. Dominant behaviour really depends on the level of stress.

Testosterone: What Men Are Made Of


Jan 12
We found that when cortisol levels were low, testosterone was related to more dominance. When cortisol levels were high, the effect wasn't there.
Arte - What Men Are Made Of


Jan 12
How do you know that the evidence your sensory apparatus reveals to you is correct?
John Carpenter's "Dark Star" (1974)


Jan 12
-Sensory data is merely a stream of electrical impulses that stimulates your computing Center.
-That would mean that I really don't know what the outside universe is like at all for certain.
Dark Star (1974)


Jan 12
People have to know you before they start to care about you. That won't happen if you run away.


Jan 13
I'm going to recognize I have opinion and a position, but it's not the sole position. And I'm going to be interested in hearing what other positions are because I'm going to value other voices in the conversation.
YT Being Asse

Jan 13
'If thinking could get you out of this cage, you'd already be free.'
Thinking got us into this mess. Brain may decide you had hard day. You can always think of a reason. Ignore reasons brain throws at you.
Commit to healthy actions.
YT  Mark Freeman

Jan 13
For years I put so much energy to be certain, control future and people, caused me more anxiety, 24/7.
Accept and not get rid of them. Paradoxically we experience them much less.
Feel afraid, do things that will help you where you want to get in your life.

Jan 16
If you don't decide how you'll going to live, circumstances will decide for you.
When you dwell, you don't realize it, but you are choosing to live discouraged.

Jan 16
You have to kick your will into gear. I will enjoy this day. Your will is going to override how you feel. Mark of maturity is when you can be happy even when things aren't going your way. That your joy is not based on your circumstances.

Jan 16
Every day is a new day. And you are entitled to face that day with a big smile. Make yourself a promise. From today, don't let anyone take away your smile.
"Mrs. Brown's Boys" Christmas Special: Mammy Christmas

Jan 17
- I find Ron arrogant. What's his problem?
- His anal glands need milking.
Second Act (2018)

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Jan 19
Dysregulation is big underline symptom of CPTSD. With trauma you get more easily dysregulated with other people, more often, and you stay dysregulated for longer. It's nervous system state, very common for abused people, like injury
YT Trauma Drains Energy

Jan 19
Emotional Dysregulation can make you don't remember, or can cause you to have overly intense emotional reaction when something irritates you or hurts you emotionally. You may take offense, get nervous, discouraged in response to ordinary things.

Jan 19
Dysregulation can change your brain activity and your body systems, your immune system gets dysregulated. That's why traumatized people have higher than normal rates of autoimmune diseases & cancer. When you go through a lot you're more likely to get sick.

Jan 19
I had to make you lose faith in me so you could learn to have faith in yourself.
The Angry Birds Movie (2016)


Jan 20
"Rational ignorance is refraining from acquiring knowledge when the supposed cost of educating oneself on an issue exceeds the expected potential benefit that the knowledge would provide."


Jan 20
IF your fixation is being strong, masculine, alpha male - you can bet that you will attract any unrecognized and undefined mentally ill person out there that will exploit your need and urge to grow up in strong person.

Jan 20
When we are assertive, we tell the truth about what is just. We don't follow others, we think for ourselves.
YT http://BahaiTeachings.org

Jan 20
If someone tries to hurt us, lead us in trouble or make us do something that feels wrong, we protect ourselves. We show strength, we stand up for what is right. We set limits with others by letting them know what we will or will not do.
YT How to-Assertive

Jan 20
Without assertiveness we would be passive, we would let others boss us around, we won't stop to figure out what we want, think or need. Being assertive we don't need to boss others around to feel important. We know we are unique and special in our own way.


Jan 20
When we are assertive we use our talents, our true ideas and opinions to serve the world and make it a better place.
YT http://BahaiTeachings.org

Jan 20
Narcissists suffers from core sense of worthlessness that they can't bare to acknowledge and must relocate into others. Deny what they can't tolerate about themselves and feel temporarily convinced it is scapegoat who is the worthless one.
YT Jay Reid


Jan 20
Instead of kindness and support and joining in on the fun you are met with cruelty and contempt for trying to fully be yourself.
YT How a narcissist targets your FUN

Jan 20
I'll write you a prescription for one night of fun with your cool friends.
The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019)


Jan 20
I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over
I want to know right now, what will it be?
I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be... sorry?
Paula Cole - I Don't Want to Wait

Jan 21
If we call highly sensitive as timid, when actually all we're doing is pausing before we're react – fish that didn't get caught. It's been found in over 100 species this trait of high sensitivity or highly reactive brain, probably it is in every species.


Jan 21
Remember that overarousal is not necessarily fear.
YT Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person - Alane Freund

Jan 21
When sensitive children are in low stress environment, they are much less likely to have injury, illness, behavior problems, mental illness – much less likely in a low stress environment. In high stress environment they are much more likely to have these problems.
YT Alane Freund

Jan 21
There's probably a planet out there, just like this one, where another you is photographing back down towards us. I mean, essentially, you are photographing yourself in a parallel universe.
The Beach (2000)

Jan 22
God has called us to do the things we're doing, the way we're doing them.

Jan 22
Tao symbolizes the tragic attempts by humans to conceptualize things that are beyond their understanding. They use names, categories but fail to grasp what the universe is truly like. So they create a deception, makes life understandable.
YT Einzelgänger

Jan 22
- But cause comes before the effect.
- No, that's just the way we see time. Either way, you made it happen. You're not shooting the bullet, you're catching it. An inverted weapon might be able to affect our past as well.
Tenet (2020)

Jan 22
- He can communicate with the future?
- We all do. E-mails, credit cards, texts. Anything that goes into the record speaks directly to the future. The question is, can the future speak back?
Tenet (2020)


Jan 23
It is easy to focus who hurt you, mistakes you made-  it is waste of time and energy. What happens today is good investment in future. We are not designed to carry baggage, let that stuff go. Release people who offended you. Learn to travel light.
V Osteen

Jan 23
We are all mediators, translators.
Jacques Derrida.


Jan 23
'We think only in signs.'
Charles Sanders Peirce


Jan 23
We're trying to strip away their individuality... Make them uniform, feminize them. Take away all the things that make them them. You see, we're trying to understand how an institution affects an individual.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)


Jan 23
...and I was sitting there, going, "What's wrong with these kids? "Why don't they just quit? "What are they trying to prove? What are they so afraid of?" It's you. They are afraid of you.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)

Jan 23
You know, you give them the uniform and they simply can't be the same person as if they wore street clothes. Meanwhile, I'm just a number in a dress. That's the thing; I wasn't a prisoner in an experiment. I was their prisoner.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)

Jan 23
I wanted to see just what kind of verbal abuse people can take before they start objecting, before they start lashing back. It really surprised me that nobody said anything to stop me.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)


Jan 23
Nobody said, "You can't say those things to me. Those things are sick." Nobody said that. And nobody questioned my authority at all. And it really shocked me. I started to abuse And still, people didn't say anything.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)


Jan 24
Snow day 2022

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Jan 24
Filter in your head is so high that nothing breaks through that as being worthy of being said. Lower that filter what would be acceptable to say to someone. Adverse problem is blabber on and on.
YT Chris Williamson


Jan 24
Do the things that's right
And you'll do nothing wrong
Life will be so nice, you'll be in paradise
I know, because I'm not a juvenile delinquent

Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers - I'm Not A Juvenile Delinquent (1956)

Jan 24
When narcissist idealize you, you feel like there I am. You don't know how you look like until you look in mirror. When someone says I see those qualities in you, it's magical. Narcissists use that to their advantage to exploit other people.
YT Lisa Romano

Jan 24
Common thing is they withhold validation. You do great – they find way to diminish your success, they find a way to feel bad for experiencing success. Any time you get excited, narcissist find way to damper down.
YT Narcissist Chronic Invalidation


Jan 24
Teenagers are almost adults. They're entitled to their own opinions not what somebody dictates for them.
Don't Knock the Rock (1956)


Jan 24
I've come to the conclusion that Rock-n-Roll is a symptom of the young people. Asserting themselves for their right to do things as they think fit. They resent the wrong kind of discipline by parents.
Sometimes people assert themselves in the wrong way
Don't Knock the Rock (1956)


Jan 24
If narcissist pull your power away, which is pulling your anger from you, then they are far more able to control you and secure you as a continued source of narcissistic supply.
YT Lisa Romano

Jan 24
Narcissist is build to invalidate you. Pick on patterns of invalidation. It is pervasive pattern of invalidation, it is not once in a while. Look for pervasive pattern of invalidation.
YT Lisa Romano


Jan 24
It's not only with you, it's with waitress, cleaning staff in hotel, children. They don't get empathy, they are annoyed by idea they should think about somebody else, it annoys them.
There is zero benefit in arguing with someone who is highly narcissistic.


Jan 25
An invalidating environment is one in which a person does not fit. It does not have to be an abusive one.


Jan 25
When a person feels invalidated, it creates the belief that their subjective emotional experiences are unreasonable, unacceptable, or insignificant.
If you have trouble regulating your emotions, then you probably have a hard time accepting them in the first place as well.


Jan 25
As a meteorite fell near Carancas in the remote highlands of Peru on September 15, 2007, the first people to arrive at the scene were the locals. Many locals started to gather around it and later reported feeling sick.
YT 5 Most Mysterious Disease Origins


Jan 25
All mental disorders are due to disbelief in our own mental capabilities to deal with life and people. If we want to "fix" and "correct" our ways of living, our emotions - with flaws and mistakes included - this will lead to psychological invalidation.


Jan 25
That's the motto (Mhm)
Throw it back with no chaser, with no trouble (Mhm)
Poppin' that moet, baby, let's make some bubbles (Mhm)
Puffin' on that gelato, wanna be seeing double
Gotta do what you gotta

Tiësto & Ava Max - The Motto


Jan 25
Validation is not about agreeing with someone. You can have different thoughts or opinions but still be able to empathize with the other person. Avoid giving unsolicited advice. If you feel a need to, always aske them if they want help.
YT Invalidation


Jan 26
Self-validation is a distinctive DBT skill that focuses on accepting the emotions you are experiencing.
If you have trouble regulating your emotions, then you probably have a hard time accepting them in the first place as well.



Jan 26
Croatian president was hot topic on Russian state TV channel 1.

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Jan 26
“You don’t actually hate yourself. Your nervous system is addicted to shame.”


Jan 26
Begin to be payed for what you know that is when you grow. Validate yourself as authority in that industry, validate yourself as credible source of information. Post consistent information about that topic.
YT Validating Your Ideas - Lisa Nichols

Jan 26
"If you live for people's acceptance, you will die from their rejection."

Jan 26
nice vs kind.
Being nice is not the same as being kind. You'll appear inauthentic. There tends to be a bit of a veneer. Niceness actions are performative. Polite, friendly pleasantries - it's a performance.
YT The 3 Big Risks Of Being Too Nice At Work

Jan 26
Position yourself as prey – that is something when someone is too nice. This is not intentional. It happens over time when someone is too nice, too afraid to rock the boat, they actually end up stepped on more often than people who look for problem solving

Jan 26
Nice people won't stand up for someone, they might not speak their mind or prevent bad decisions from being made. They want to preserve their persona of being nice &liked, actually signaling to others they are prey. Reality is we can't be liked by everyone


Jan 26
Focus on kindness. Focus on being kind, be in charge of emotions, communication, present yourself well, this does not mean standing up, voicing your opinions, dissenting ones. In a polite and respectful way, stand their ground. True most authentic self.


Jan 26
People pleasing is not that bad, it is immature ego defense mechanisms, layer and shield that was designed by innate healthy part of our psyche to protect us from severe psychopaths that we were exposed to as kids.

Jan 26
 having a strong, pleasant, and somewhat spicy flavor. : lively and pleasing : full of zest.


Jan 26
You want to match their insult level. When you match their insult level it's more likely they will react well.
Handle Insults With Confidence
YT Charisma on Command Shorts

Jan 26
Realize a lot of shame within you, a lot of that shame really wasn't yours. It was put in you because someone chose not to carry it, they deposited in you.
YT Michele Lee Nieves Coaching

Jan 26
shorter version:
Foyer Des Arts - Komm in den Garten


Jan 26
Valerie Harper debut in Rock Rock Rock! (1956)

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Jan 27
Brain imaging study finds parental criticism disrupts children’s adaptive responses to rewards and losses.
The findings suggest that criticism from parents may impair the way children respond to environmental cues.


Jan 27
Remember they were in prison. Inside of prison is totally different environment - language that we use, rules, morals, values is different on the inside. When they come out outside they're bringing that language with them. You have to make adjustments, too


Jan 27
Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.
Hal Holbrook


Jan 28
Grey rock - Refuse to show them any emotion whatsoever. Keep body language under control. They will realize you will no longer give them the reaction they want from you and they'll go bother someone else.
YT Angie Atkinson

Jan 28
Reacted to narcissist's behavior, and doubting yourself You're not wrong. You didn't overreact. You weren't crazy. You didn't misunderstand anything. You saw and heard what you saw and heard. You gave them more chances than they deserved.
YT Angie Atkinson


Jan 28
I am not going to shrink in order to go back to that person that makes you comfortable at the expense of losing myself.
YT Sarah Jakes Roberts


Jan 28
We let people in past our boundaries because they need it, or we think they need it, or we think it'll make them happy. Or maybe they'll like us more if we do this. But I realize I am not fulfilled and happy.
YT Why Boundaries Are Important


Jan 29
"As Armstrong stepped out onto the lunar surface, he listened to a recording of New World Symphony."

1) There was no music during Moonwalk

2) How distracting would be to have huge 1960s tape recorder in his space suit and communication with Houston


 Jan 31
Whatever you focus attention gets energy. Focus inward mean your dreams and inspiration, trust they are inherently valuable. Then bring that to relationships. Mutually respected and validated for who they are.
YT A Better Love Project


Jan 31
Jokkmokk's Market

Jan 31
"Scarcity mentality refers to people seeing life as a finite pie, so that if one person takes a big piece, that leaves less for everyone else. ...
A scarcity mentality is what keeps many of us from achieving our goals."

Jan 31
Whatever happened in my childhood has programmed me to resonate with this energy. What was produced was toxic relationships.
YT Lisa Romano

Jan 31
We are so afraid to expose our true self to people because we are so afraid person is going to reject us and abandon us. So we take care of people. We hope in taking care of people other people will find worth in us. We don't show up as our true selves.


Jan 31
Vacation are seen as selfish acts. I was programmed to think these to be selfish. To think deny yourself. Be a martyr, do for everyone else then you are a good person.
YT Lisa Romano