petak, 14. kolovoza 2020.

Ying Yang dynamics independently discovered outside China

 GEORG HEGEL (1770-1831)
Hegel argues that it only seems as though the objects of thought are different from thought itself. For Hegel, the illusion of difference and separation between these two apparent "worlds" is shown as such when both thought and nature are revealed as aspects of Spirit. This illusion is overcome in Absolute Spirit, when we see that there is only one reality - that of Spirit, which knows and reflects on itself, and is both thought and what is thought about.

četvrtak, 13. kolovoza 2020.

Three Stages


1st-allergy. We attack what we perceive as threat.

2nd-autoimmune. We guard our actions and correct what we perceive as threat.

3rd-virus discovery. We see the difference between good and evil, light the dark areas, we change and make amends. We think good. We do better.

1) We over react. We are annoyed, irritated, we make harsh decisions. We don't check, we attack immediately. It is like an allergy reaction - mostly on things that are not dangerous at all.
2) We realize we overreacted, so we feel ashamed for making a fool of ourselves. We think we are bad. We attack ourselves, like a body attack it's own body cells, falsely recognizing them as a threat. Again, we make harsh decisions based on a false information.
3) We realize we had a "bad" text (command, order) inserted into our narrative that made us believe into false reality. We realize we supported bad structure, so we stop doing the wrong things. So now, we can easier decide what is good. We don't rush anymore, there is no panic. We make good decisions, without violence or attack, since the thing that bothered us is recognized, uncovered and neutralized. We realize that wrong thinking pattern helped us in the past in some strange way, but now no longer needed and it made us all this time unstable because it makes us to make bad decisions and prevents us from making good narrative, decisions, good actions and good outcomes. We spend too much time and focus away from important thing because of false text inserted into our daily thinking pattern. We realize two conflict sides are both right and wrong in the same time, they both fight for the same thing but in a different way. It is ying/yang. They need communication, and medium between them to explain both sides so one another can understand each other. They need decoder and encoder. This system is valid for any analogy. For our own thoughts, for discussion between friends or between enemies. One side is pushing the others boundaries without realizing it, so they need to be informed about this border crossing. One side is trying to give another side a message and they don't know how to communicate it.

Three steps in philosophy:

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) claims that ideas come to us in three ways; 1 - they can be derived from experience, 2 - drawn from reason, 3 - or known innately (being created in the mind by God). DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) The body as the medium of my sensations is different from other external and material things: 1) Rationalism. The rationalists believed that the use of reason, rather than experience, leads to knowledge of objects in the world. (picture of eye looking at book, subjective conclusions about what we experience) 2) Empiricism. The empiricists believed that knowledge comes from our experience of objects in the world, rather than our reason. (picture a content of book going in the direction towards eye ie experiments and objective observations of what is happening) 3) Transcendental Idealism. Kant's theory of transcendental idealism stated that both reason and experience were necessary to understand the world. (picture of eye looking at a book, and book is there for an eye to get pick upon, all in the same time)


GEORG HEGEL (1770-1831), DK The Philosophy Book 1) Every notion or "thesis" contains within itself 2) a contradiction, or "antithesis", which is only resolved by the emergence of a newer, richer notion, 3) called a "synthesis", from the original notion itself.

Hegel: "Nature is to be regarded as a system of stages," he writes, "one arising necessarily from the other and being the proximate truth of the stage from which it results". One of the stages of nature is the progression from that which is "only Life" to "existence as Spirit".

Arthur Schopenhauer


The law of three stages is an idea developed by Auguste Comte in his work The Course in Positive Philosophy. It states that society as a whole, and each particular science, develops through three mentally conceived stages: (1) the theological stage, (2) the metaphysical stage, and (3) the positive stage.
1 - 
explosion by personified deities.
2 - 
explanation by impersonal abstract concepts
3 - 
The Positivity stage, also known as the scientific stage, refers to scientific explanation based on observation, experiment, and comparison. Positive explanations rely upon a distinct method, the scientific method, for their justification. 

Kurt Lewin's model describes a three-step process for achieving personal or organizational transformation.
The first stage - which he called "unfreezing" - involves preparing by recognizing that change is necessary, and dismantling old beliefs and practices.
Change occurs in the second stage, and is often accompanied by confusion and distress as the old mindset or system breaks down.
The third and final stage, "freezing", occurs when a new mindset is crystallized and there is an accompanying sense of comfort and stability within the new framework.
The process is difficult because it involves painful unlearning, difficult relearning, and the restructuring of thoughts, feelings, attitudes and perceptions.




If there are aliens out there, they would observe humankind - to learn civilization, language and how we react to stuff. Otherwise, people would not be prepared for the first contact - with the people not trusting each other with current level of awareness.

1) they learn the subject
2) they connect data with themselves
3) they make contact

1) they make contact without knowledge
2) people feel threaten and attacked - blame them for anything wrong today and in the past
3) people learn - after lost time

1) sneeze, can't breathe, suffocate so open the window so even more pollen come inside because we don't know the cause
2) stuff up with medicine and cause self harm, develop lupus mentality (body attacking itself)
3) learn the allergy is coming from psychology of being short-sighted, and being afraid of unknown, overreacting - accepting and facing fears lowers allergy symptoms.

1) Curb your enthusiasm. Don't make harsh decisions. Stop and observe, learn everything available. Socrates: I don't know - please, explain it to me. Where is the solid proof for your fantastic/conspiracy theory? (hint: no one has the ultimate (one-sided) proof, since everything is ying/yang in the universe)
2) Expect crab mentality, Expect 'groupthing' sheeps so you make self defense instead of developing self blame. Plato: Both sides are valid, your point is as valid as mine. Let's examine them both. Realize 2D doesn't think in 3D or more - so you learn how to communicate with 2D first, learn their vocabulary, not how you look, how you talk, how you appear, who is sane, who has more likes - that is not important..
3) Communicate. Encode-Decode. Don't stop if someone is depressing and telling you there is no other way - focus on problem & topic, not on yourself, not on you, you are not important. Your thoughts verbalized are the only important thing - they will try to stop you verbalizing the truth. Law of Jante keeps us sane, without codependency, expecting other people's praise and thanks - which is unimportant. The truth out of your mouth is the only important thing. People learn by collecting puzzles, your words are a part of their puzzle, speak it out, don't hold it in, no matter how much they tell you to shut up. If you are kind and non violent, there is nothing wrong with you. Aristotle: Light it all, light the darkness away, but keep in mind Socrates and Plato - don't keep their advice for you in the dark. Goal is progress & finding solutions, not personal material gain, using people, glory or belittling someone.

if you charge at them with accusations and hostility, the most natural reaction in the world is going to be defensiveness and fighting back. Instead, you can simply point out what you noticed
Gazipura, Aziz
Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty...

It is good to know over-reaction, allergy, being sensitive to stimuli - is also about emotions. Emotions affect our decisions. It is good to have this on mind - that we can separate our thoughts from emotions, something chemical in our brain, stress causing haywire inside but it appears "natural" thought process to us, we do not notice the chemicals & emotions have taken over the control of our actions. Maybe it will help us to calm down, focus on our goals and accumulate knowledge about issue that is bothering us.

Bacon devised new ways of thinking about the contents of experience...gathering as much data as possible, trying not to impose patterns on it, but waiting patiently for deeper, richer patterns to emerge.
book "The Secret History of The World"

Mandela Effect explained by Immanuel Kant (18th century)

The Flammarion woodcut (*!engraving!*) depicts a man looking outside of space and time. For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. (page 170)


Immanuel Kant (1724-1804):
Saying that I exist,requires a determinate point in time. This requires an actually existing outside world in which time takes place. We can only experience time through things in the world that move or change,such as the hands of a clock. Time is experienced by us indirectly.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804):
There are two worlds: the world of experience sensed by our bodies and the world as it is itself.

My personal Note:
The Flammarion woodcut (*!engraving!*) is ME itself;
The wood engraving has often, but erroneously, been referred to as a woodcut. Wikipedia

Kant says that anything outside from us, what is not observed - does not exist in the same space and time as we do. So any person that observe is, by act of observing, creating its reality and universe. This may entail changes of things that are not observed - but once we observe them, they are incorporated into reality and they are not changes any more - especially for people near that change, it will be their reality all along. This is how reality, universe works and it is proven by quantum physics - double slit experiment and Schrödinger's cat. Since the universe is all the same for everyone, this counts out parallel universes per se and/or hologram reality per se, since observable universe is the same for all inhabitants of this planet - once it is observed. ME is Schrödinger's cat box opened, we are aware of both possible states, one by observing (once you open the box), the other in our memory.
This means in everyday life, what you observe is prone to change once you don't observe it anymore. Thus we can't be certain about anything if not double checked. It may "magically" change, down to earth explanation will be false memory - but it may as well be something "supernatural" behind the scenes, as well.

Nietzsche took Kant's wisdom, and he explained his words as if this is proof that God is dead. I don't think Kant wanted to say this. The external world constantly changing, ie "the real world is absolutely unattainable" means actually that we are in interaction with God. This is not to punish us, but to help us along the way. For example, we may get hurt in the past, but after many years looking back, we may find out that probably 1) we were too sensitive at the time 2) if we have witnesses (diaries, people) it may actually turn out that our hurtful past, unbearable incident from the past - is actually now, under new retrospection, new perspective - somewhat different than as we remember it.

More Philosophy:
I also take it as granted that every created thing, and consequently the created monad also, is subject to change, and indeed that this change is continual in each one.
Leibniz claims that every human mind is a monad, and so contains a complete representation of the universe. It is therefore possible in principle for us to learn everything that there is to know about our world and beyond simply by exploring our own minds. GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZ