Ginseng tetesept experience
Took a pill a day -
after 15 days I developed usual ginseng side effects symptoms - couldn't fall sleep, my heartbeat was intensified, felt awaken and not tired.
I didn't took measure but I think I had higher pressure also - all the symptoms of high pressure were here.
I felt energized like never before.
My mind was clear and I could think about anything without any trouble.
Food disgusted me and I felt full.
It was important to keep positive, because I'm prone to think negative and catastrophize whenever something is different - for example I was convinced I lost ability to fall asleep and that I will die either if I fall asleep because my heart started to race every time I got ready to fall asleep, or that I will start to hallucinate and thus die/end up in hospital with brain damage.
It was crucial to lie in bed with closed eyes - in order to simulate sleeping during the night - something I learned in army.
Stopped taking the pills after 15th day - and it took 4 days for everything to go back to normal - fall asleeep again.